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Z. Yildrim1 and .Tokuolu2, *

Ege University,Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops,35100,Bornova,Izmir,TURKEY 2 Celal Bayar University, Akhisar M.Y.O., 5200, Akhisar, Manisa, TURKEY

KEYWORDS Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.),minituber, meristem, analytical quality characters. ABSTRACT Some analytical quality profiles in Nif potato genotype (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers developed via in vitro meristem cultivation in Aegean Area in Turkey were determined. Data include the proximate chemical composition (total dry matter, total ash, crude protein, total carbohydrates, total lipids, dietary fiber), energy value, fatty acid (FA) composition (C14:0 , C14:1, C16:0, C16:1n-7, C18:0, C18:1n-9, C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3, C20:0), some mineral elements (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, S, Cl, Pb, Cd, As), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), total phenolic content (as gallic acid equivalent) and total tannin content of new developed Nif genotype also determined.

INTRODUCTION A high consumption of vegetable and fruits is important for prevention of cancer, heart diseases and several other conditions related to health (World Cancer Research Fund 1997; Law and Morris 1998). Based on Norkost a dietary survey in 1993-1994 among a nationally represantative sample of 3144 Norwegian men and women 16-79 years old, the average intake of fresh fruits and vegetables including potatoes, was 376 g per day (Johansson and Andersen 1998). Potatoes and vegetables each accounted for 35% of the total intake and fruits %30. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is valuable commodity worlwide. In 2000, annual potato production in Turkey was 5.48 million tons whereas world production was 311 million tons. Potato planting area in Turkey was 211.000 hectar and crop yield was 2594.8 kg da-1 (DE 2002). The controlled and certificated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is mainly cultivated in demi-Bozda, Bolu, Afyon in west part of Anatolia, in Nide and Nevehir in Inner Anatolia and at high plateaus of Erzurum and Pasinler in eastern part of Turkey (Yldrm and Yldrm 2002). It is served as puree, chips and canned food. Tubers are one of the temperate staples, eaten boiled, baked, fried, stewed, etc. and its flour can be used for baking. Surplus potatoes are utilized for animal fodder and alcohol, and chemurgic applications. Potato starch is changed into glucose, fermented into alcohol

Corresponding Author. Assist.Prof.Dr.Tokuolu. Tel: +90 236 2412151-213 Fax: +90 2412158. E-mail :

Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. ISSN 1579-4377


Yildrim et al. EJEAFChe, 4(3), 2005. [916-925]

production. Ripe potato juice is excellent for cleaning cottons, silks, and woolens (Tokuolu and Yldrm 2002). Meristem in vitro cultivation that has extensively used in potato breeding offer qualified and adequate healthy potato seed production. In this method, selecting tubers by klon selection are in vitro multiplied then transferred to field (Yldrm and Yldrm 2002; Lommen and Struik, 1995). Yldrm and Yldrm (2002) and Yldrm (1995) reported that high crop yielded and qualified potato minituber production has successfully adapted to Ege Area in Turkey. Minituber multiplication from potato meristem seedling plants not only can be applied during all seasons of year but also the cost of production are lower. The genetic material can be multiplied without exposition to diseases and small seed beds can be sufficient for production (Yldrm 1995). The aim of this study were to determine some potato analytical quality parameters as proximate chemical composition (dry matter, ash, crude protein, total starch, total lipids,dietary fiber), energy value, individual fatty acids and mineral contents, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and also to determine total phenolics and tannin content for new developed Nif genotype.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultivation of plant material The parental stocks used included eleven tetraploid tbr breeding lines belong to Andigena and tuberosa were developed by the Department of Field Crops, Ege University Faculty of Agriculture potato breeding program at Bornova (Yldrm,1995). Klon selection was performed from Cosima R.143 cross-bred according to early maturation type and the high klon yield. These selected potato seed tubers klon 101, 106 and 122 were used as genetic material in 3 replicated plots and grown at Bornova-MenemenBozda location, Izmir, Turkey as agronomic research area during 2000-2002 growing season and then sprouted at tissue-culture laboratory. When young shoot length was 1 cm, one part of shoot was cultured. The nod culture was applied to meristem seedling plant with 5-6 cm of length. Seedling were grown in growth chambers from selected potato seeds (klon 101, 106 and 122); about 100 seeds of each accession were planted in Yldrm 1995 potting mixture with NAA (Naphthaleneacetic acid) in mg/l in a 30307 cm (width height length) deep greenhouse flat and maintained 24 2 C. Seedlings were transplanted to 8-10-cm pots at the first trifoliate leaf stage. One hundred seedlings of each accession were grown to maturity in environmentally controlled growth rooms programmed for 16 hr light/8 hr dark, 60-80% RH (relative humidity), and 24 2 C of temperature. The chambers were illuminated with cool-white fluorescent tubes supplemented with incandescent lamps that provided light of 1200-1300 lux m-2 and 4000-4500 lux m-2 for meristem cultures and multiplication cultures, respectively. 8-10-cm of seedlings were transplanted to seed beds in 40cm 40 cm spacings containing 1:1:1 (v/v/v) soil, sand, and manure mixture. New developed genotype (Nif) were harvested by hand in November 2002 and tuber samples of cv.Nif were used for some potato analytical quality analysis as proximate chemical composition, energy value, ascorbic acid, individual fatty acids, mineral analysis , total phenolics and tannin analysis.

Chemical composition The Total Dry Matter and Total Ash Analysis The dry matter content was determined by drying a represantative 100 g sliced sample at 70 C for 48 h by the procedure described by Kaar (1972) (maximum error of data 0.02%). Total ash was determined

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Yildrim et al. EJEAFChe, 4(3), 2005. [916-925]

by incineration of a represantative 100 g sliced sample at 285 C for 24 h (maximum error of data 0.02%).

The Crude Protein Analysis 100 g sliced homogenized samples were dried at 70 C during 24 h and crude protein was determined by Kjeldahl protein units (Gerhardt incineration apparatus and Gerhardt Vapodest 20 distillation apparatus). Protein value was calculated as nitrogen (%) x 6.25 (AOAC 1999).

The Total Starch Analysis The % starch was calculated from the specific gravity as follows (Talburt and Smith 1959), the weight of 10 cleaned tubers from cv.Nif both in air (W1) and completely immersed in a container of water (W2) were recorded. The specific gravity was calculated as W1/(W1-W2). The starch content was calculated as: % starch=17.546 + 199.07 (specific gravity-1.0988).

The Total Lipid Analysis Total lipid was determined by the procedure described by Onyeneho and Hettiarachchy (1993). For total lipid determination, 10 g of finely ground , dry tubers of this genoytpe were refluxed with 400 ml of petroleum ether in weighed flasks using a Soxhlet apparatus according to the AACC method 46-11 (AACC 1987). The oils were recovered by distilling the petroleum ether in a rotary evaporator at 35 C under reduced pressure. The obtained brown, viscous oils were dried to constant weight under N2 atmosphere and weighed.

Crude Fiber Analysis The crude fiber content of cv.Nif were determined by the procedure described by AOAC (1999). 2.0 g of cv.Nif potato flour homogenate were refluxed in 100 mL digestion mixture including 450 mL glacial acetic acid , 20 g trichloroacetic acid ,50 mL nitric acid and 500 mL distilled water. Then extracted mixture was filtered through ashless filter paper , washed with 100 mL boiling water followed by 50 mL ethanol and 50 mL petroleum ether and dried to constant weight. The residue was ashed by incineration at 750 C for 6 h. Crude fiber was calculated as the different in weight between residue and ash.

Energy value The energy content of the Nif potato genotype (as kJ) was determined by multiplying the values obtained for crude protein, total carbohydrate, and total lipid by 4.00, 3.75, and 9.00, respectively ; summing the results and then by multiplying 4.18.

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Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) of potato lipids The fatty acid methyl esters of the potato lipids were prepared by dissolving 0.2 g of oil in 4 ml of hexane in a 10 ml screw-capped vial. 0.4 ml of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI, USA) was transferred to above-mentioned solution and all were mixed prior to allowing to stand at 242 C for 10 min with occasional mixing. The vials were filled with analytical grade bidistilled water (LabScan,Turkey), inverted gently three times and allowed to sit on the rach for 10 min. The hexane layer containing the FAME of extracted lipids was transferred to 2 ml of GC-vials.

Gas chromatography (GC) Analysis of FAME of potato lipids The potato fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (GC) using a Supelcowax-10 capillary GC column (30m 0.25mm ID 0.25m df ) [Phenomenex, Zebron, Los Angeles,CAL, USA] installed on a Hewlett-Packard 5890 gas-liquid chromatograph with a flame ionization dedector (FID). A mixture of standard FAME mixture were similarly analyzed for identification process. The chromatographic conditions as temperature-programming, injector and detector temperatures were modified from described method by Morrison et al.(1980). Carrier gas was hydrogen at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and split ratio was 50:1. The samples were injected as 2 L. Fatty acid determinations were performed from 3 separate lipid extractions and FAME analysis. Each was injected in triplicate (n=3). Fatty acid (FA) standards had linear calibration curves through the origin (R2=0.9999). GC method used was validated for fatty acid determination of 3 different tuber of Nif potato genotype within the 95% confidence limits. Mean analytical recovery determined from individual FAs in potato samples was 99.86%.

Mineral Determination with ICP-AES analysis For mineral determination of Nif potato genotype, 5 g of ash was dissolved in a mixture of HClO4, HNO3 and HCl (1:1:1 v/v/v) (Merck) and diluted with bidistilled water (AOAC 1999). Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, S, Cl, Pb, Cd, As were determined by an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) (Varian-El97103728). The analytical ICP-AES procedure and the operating conditions of potato samples were determined a published method by Tokuolu and nal (2003). Matrix standard solutions for macro and micro elements (each 1000 mg /L) were prepared and working standard solutions were obtained by serial dilutions of the standards. R2 values of calibration curves of for macro- and microelements were 0.9999 and 0.9999, respectively. The method validation was performed by using cv.Nif sample (R2 = 0.9999).

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Analysis Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) was determined by the previous method concerning ascorbic acid analysis in potato and apple tissue (Sapers et al. 1990). 30 g of potato tubers were blended with a solution containing 30 ml of 2.5% metaphosphoric acid, 60 ml of acetonitrile and 0.05 M KH2PO4 (75:25 v/v). The homogenate was filtered through a Whatman no.1.paper prior to passed Sep-Pak C18 cartridge (Macherey Nagel, Dueren, Germany) and then filtered through a 0.45-m (Acrodisc) filter.

HPLC Analysis of Ascorbic Acid For ascorbic acid analysis, our proposed chromatographic HPLC procedure was shown below. Final extract (part 2.6) of Nif potato genotype was analyzed by RP-HPLC using UV detection. 5-m

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Yildrim et al. EJEAFChe, 4(3), 2005. [916-925]

Hypersil-ODS column (250 x 4.6 mm) [Phenomenex,CAL,USA] was used with HPLC equipment (Hewlett-Packard HP-1100 ChemStation Software). Mobil phase combination was acetonitrile / 0.05 M KH2PO4 (75:25 v/v) with a flow rate of 1.0 ml min-1. Column temperature was 25 C and sensitivity was 0.05 A.U.F.S. Diiodarray dedector (DAD) was set 260 nm and injection amount was 20 L.

Total Phenolic Compounds Total phenolic compounds were determined according to spectrophotometric procedure described by Yldrm and Tokuolu (2002). The adsorbance of extract with Folin-Ciocalteu mixture at 765 nm was measured (Jasco UV-vis 540 spectrophotometer). The total phenolic content was determined from a standard curve using gallic acid and expressed as gallic acid (GA) equivalents (R2= 0,9999).

Total Tannin Analysis Total tannin analysis of potato was determined by the UV-vis spectrophotometric procedure described by Tokuolu and nal (2002). The method based on reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) by tannins (gives blueblack color) and then reacting Fe (II) with 1,10-phenanthroline to form a orange-red colored complex exhibiting UV-vis absorbsion at 540 nm. Tannic acid standard solutions had linear calibration curves (R2 =0,9999)

Statistical analysis Data were analyzed with Statistica for Windows (Ver .6.0) (Statistica 1998) by one-way analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA) with dry matter, ash, protein, lipid, carbohydrate, individual fatty acids, mineral composition , total phenolic and total tannins of potato genotype as the source of variance.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Nif potato (Solanum tuberusum L.) genotype developed via in vitro meristem cultivation in Aegean Area in Turkey. Meristem seedling of new potato genotype was grown in seed beds in order to develop minitubers. It was found that the average tuber yield was 126.2 15.6 g and the number of tuber was 8.9 0.8 and average single tuber weight of minitubers was 13.8 0.9 g.

Table 1. Proximate composition of NIF potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotype (as a dry weight)
SAMPLE Nif tubers Dry matter (%) 23.060.08 Ash (%) 1.420.05 Protein (%) 2.78 0.03 Lipid (%) 0.18 0.02 Carbohyd (%) 18.3 0.10 Fiber (%) 0.38 0.05 Energy (kJ) 340.11 2.82

Values are means of three determinations (n=6)

Other agronomic properties of Nif variety were as follow: Oval tuber shape; light yellow peel color, yellow tuber flesh color, late maturation mode. Tuber eye depth degree was 5 (1=Shallow), virus resistance degree was 9 (9=High),consumer quality score was 9 (9=Excellent) [dry matter score was 2, crisp colour score was 3, discolour score after cooking was 6] and consumable as a food.

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Some analytical quality characteristics of cv.Nif potato (Solanum tuberusum L.) minitubers developed via in vitro cultivation were determined. The proximate analysis results of cv.Nif potato were provided in Table 1. The results of the biomass analysis are expressed on 100 g dry wt basis (Table 1). The dry mass data were determined using the homogenity test and variance was determined to be homogeneous (p>0.01). Mean dry mass content of sample was 23.06 0.08 g 100 g-1 (Table 1). This mean value is accordance with the general recommendadtions for potato quality. The total ash content of potato genotype was 1.42 0.05 g of dry weight as mean value. The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that there were no significant differences between ash content of the replicate analysis (p>0.01). The crude protein was found as 2.78 0.03 g of dry weight (Table 1). There were no significance differences between replicate protein analysis (p>0.01). Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) reported that potato tubers contain 20.2-22.3 g of dry matter, 0.91.6 g of ash and 1.72.8 g of protein. Our findings are in accordance with indicated by Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984). The total starch content of potato sample was high and 18.3 0.10 g of dry weight. Vasanthan reported that the total mean starch content of potato tubers from six varieties (cv. Russet Burbank, cv.Shepody, cv.Chipeta, cv.Atlantic, cv.Yukon Gold, cv.Norkota) were 16.0 g of dry weight. Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) reported that 17.118.9 g of starch in potato tubers as a dry weight. Our results are similar with findings belong to Vasanthan et al.(1999), Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984). Total lipid content of this genotype was 0.18 0.02 g of dry weight. There were no significant differences in oil content of replicate analysis (p>0.01). Onyeneho and Hettiarachchy (1993) indicated that the lipid content in six potato varieties ranged from 0.17-0.21%. Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) reported that 0.10.2 g of total lipid in potato tubers. Our result is accordance with these results. Dietary fiber content of cv.Nif was 0.38 0.05 g of dry weight. Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) indicated that 0.40.6 g of fiber per 100 g dry potato. Potato tubers and peels have found alternative usage as a source of dietary fibre in foods such as bread (Toma 1979; Orr,1982) Energy value of cv.Nif was 340.11 2.82 kJ as 100 g of potato. 100 g consuming of cv.Nif can meet about 15% of the daily energy requirement (1400 cal) of an adult. Individual fatty acids values are recorded as g per 100 g oil from dried potato tubers in Table 2. The predominant fatty acids were linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) for in potato fat as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Fatty acid composition of Nif potato oil (g per 100 g oil) from dried potato tubers.

Fatty acids C14:0 (Myristate) C14:1 (Myristoleate) C16:0 (Palmitate) C16:1n-7 (Palmitoleate) C18:0 (Stearate) C18:1n-9 (Oleate) C18:2n-6 (Linoleate) C18:3n-3 (Linolenate) C20:0 (Arachidate) SFA (Saturated) MUFA (Monounsaturated) PUFA (Polyunsaturated) Omega-3

g 100 g-1 oil 0.58 0.02 3.96 0.05 20.47 0.08 9.53 0.02 5.42 0.03 14.26 0.12 28.95 0.09 9.48 0.03 7.23 0.05 33.70 0.18 27.75 0.19 38.43 0.12 9.48 0.03

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Saturated fatty acids (SFAs); Myristate (C14:0) content of Nif potato genotype was 0.58 0.02 g 100 goil; palmitat (C16:0) content was 20.47 0.08; stearate (C18:0) content was 5.42 0.03 and arachidate (C20:0) content was 7.23 0.05 (Table 2). Total saturated fatty acid ( SFA) concentration was 33.70 0.18 g per 100 g-1 oil (Table 2). Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs); myristoleate (C14:1) content was 3.96 0.05; palmitoleate (C16:1n-7) was 9.53 0.02; oleate (C18:1n-9) content was 14.26 0.12 g 100 g-1 oil. Total monounsaturated fatty acids ( MUFA) concentration was 27.75 0.19 g per 100 g-1 oil as shown in Table 2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids; linoleate (C18:2n-6) content was 28.95 0.09 g 100 g-1 oil whereas linolenate (Omega-3) content (C18:3n-3) was 9.48 0.03 g 100 g-1 oil (Table 2). Total polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA) concentration was 38.43 0.12 g x 100 g-1 oil (Table 2).

Our study indicated that cv.Nif contained high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (Table 2). Onyeneho and Hettiarachchy (1993) reported that individuals fatty acids in six potato varieties (cv. Kennebec, cv. Norchip, cv. Russet Burbank, cv. Red Norland, cv. Red Pontiac, cv.Viking) as myristoleate, palmitate, palmitoleate, stearate, oleate, linoleate, linolenate and arachidate. In their study, myristoleate (C14:1) level varied from trace to 4.2 whereas palmitate (C16:0) concentration was between 20.4-27.2 g per 100 g potato oil. Palmitoleate (C16:1n-7) amount ranged from 7.0 to 12.2 and stearate (C18:0) level varied from 5.2 to 6.2 g per 100 g oil. Oleate (C18:1n-9) concentration was between 14.418.1 g per 100 g oil. This co-workers reported that there was high amount of linoleate (C18:2n-6) in potato oil and its concentration varied from 27.2 to 39.6 g per 100 g oil. Onyeneho and Hettiarachchy (1993) also found that also linolenate (Omega-3) (C18:3n-3) content was between 3.6-9.4 g per 100 g oil whereas arachidate (C20:0) concentration ranged from trace to 7.6 g per 100 g oil. Our findings concerning individual fatty acids (FAs) are in accordance with results reported by Onyeneho and Hettiarachchy (1993). Our data also included myristate (C14:0) value of cv.Nif g 100 g-1 oil. The total polyphenol content of Nif minitubers was 382.36 0.05 g/g in dried samples (Table 3). AlSaikhan et al.(1995) indicated that 237.7 - 527.2 g/g in dry weight of different potato genotypes (cv.Yukon Gold, cv.Granola, cv.Russet Norkotah, cv.Viking). Our results are in accordance with described by Saikhan et al. (1995). Phenolics are important in protection and resistance of potato to soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora bacteria and Phytophthora and Phoma exigua fungi. Natural resistance from phenolic compounds inhibits growth of pathogens in the field and storage, and has probably saved millions of dollars in crop loss (Kumar et al.1991; Apomah and Friend 1988). Potato tubers are found as strong antioxidant sources and may help reduce risk of such diseases (Al-Saikhan et al., 1995). The importance of the antioxidant constituents of plant materials in the maintenance of health and protection from coronary heart disease and cancer is also raising interest among scientists, food manufacturers, and consumers as the trend of the future is moving toward functional food with specific health influences (Lliger 1991). Our cv. Nif minitubers are a good source of total phenolics (Table 3).

Table 3. The ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) content, total phenolic compounds and total tannins of Nif potato genotype (as a dry weight) SAMPLE Ascorbic acid (AA) (Vitamin C) (mg/100g) Total Phenolics (g/g) Total Tannin (mg/100g)

Nif tubers

20.26 0.12

382.36 0.05

1.08 0.03

Total tannin content of cv.Nif was found as 1.08 0.03 mg/100g (Table 3). We could not found any data regarding tannin concentrations of potato tubers. It was found that tannins are localized in the suberized tissue of potato and are also present in leaves (c. 3.2%) (Duke and Atchley 1984; Duke 1983) The total ascorbic acid (vitamin C) concentration was 20.26 0.12 mg in 100 g of dried potato tubers (Table 3). Rodriguez-Saona and Wrolstad (1997) reported that the mean ascorbic acid content in the potato varieties (cv.Snowden, cv.AC Ptarmigan, cv. FL 1625, cv. FL 1825 and cv. ND2471-8) varied from 11.98 to 23.38 mg 100 g-1. Duke and Atchley (1984) reported that 1821 mg ascorbic acid in potato tubers. Our results concerning ascorbic acid were higher than these values. Ascorbic acid content in potato varieties may be variable and depends on factors such as variety, temperature, pre-conditioning,
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handling of tubers, storage temperature and storage duration (Linnemann etal1985; McCay etal. 1987) According to our results regarding vitamin C content of cv.Nif, it is estimated that 100 g of freshly harvested sample can meet about 41% of the daily requirement (50 mg) of vitamin C of a human being. During cooking, considerable losses of vitamin C may be occur and our new study is in progress regarding process effects on vitamin C concentration in some genotypes including cv.Nif cultivated in same area.

Table 4. Mineral contents of Nif potato genotype Major minerals

Nif tubers

Ca (mg) 12.830.02

P (mg) 52.260.06

Na (mg) 6.920.05

K (mg) 398.470.13

Mg (mg) 18.860.08

Values are means of three determinations (n=6)

Minor minerals

Nif tubers

Fe (mg) 0.820.02

Cu (mg) 0.180.01

S (mg) 34.220.05

Cl (mg) 15.030.02

I g kg-1 10.860.02

Mn tr

Zn tr

Pb tr

Cd tr

As tr

Values are means of three determinations (n=6)

The mineral element contents of cv.Nif were sufficient for the recommended daily intakes for an adult according to Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA 2002) (Table 4). Major mineral was potassium and its content was 398.470.13 mg 100g-1.(Figure 1). 52.260.06 mg of phosphorous (P), 34.220.05 mg of sulfur (S), 18.860.08 mg magnesium (Mg), 15.030.02 mg of chlorine (Cl), 12.830.02 mg of calcium (Ca), 6.920.05 mg of sodium (Na) , 0.820.02 mg of iron (Fe), 0.180.01 mg of cupper (Cu) were determined by using ICP-AES analysis. Iodine (I) content was low and 10.860.02 g kg-1 whereas manganase, zinc, lead, cadmium and arsenic concentrations were trace (Table 4.). Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) reported that potato tubers contain mineral elements as 713 mg of Ca, 5053 mg of P, 0.61.1 mg of Fe, 37 mg of Na, 396407 mg of K, 20 mg of Mg, 11.0 mg of Na, 247 mg of K, 0.21mg of Cu, 37.0 mg of S, 16.0 mg of Cl in 100 g dry weight. Our findings regarding mineral contents of tubers are in accordance with reported by Duke (1983) and Duke and Atchley (1984) and we also detected any other minerals by using ICP-AES procedure. There were no significant differences between replicate analysis of major and minor minerals of cv.Nif minitubers (p>0.01). Nutrient profiles of this new genotype developed via in vitro meristem cultivation were found in good scales. Nif potato genotype may be consumed healthy and effectively utilized in food industry.

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Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. ISSN 1579-4377


Yildrim et al. EJEAFChe, 4(3), 2005. [916-925]

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Electron. J. Environ. Agric. Food Chem. ISSN 1579-4377


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