Success Goal Setting

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how to accomplish massive goals (even as a lazy mother-f*cker):


I'm a lazy mother-f*cker

but I can still set goals and get great results

I ain't like Sam Parr where if I want to lose weight I track my calories and stick to a chicken and broc diet.

I use 4 broader principles to make sure I get sh*t done:


1. Set picture and movie scene goals

most people set written goals

when you get asked "what's your target net worth by 40"

you spend time trying to do the math (profit, net spend etc.)

I just go on Zillow, find my dream house by 40 and figure out how I would afford it.


written goals suck because you can't comprehend it immediately.

$10m doesn't get me hyped up

but my zillow image of a house with a pool + hot tub, big garden and nice *ss back porch will get me to work


2. Set floor and ceiling goals

I used to hate setting goals.

I would always feel like a goal was too achievable and push for more.

that means I would fail to them 90% of the time.


you felt sh*tty both ways, either you weren't pushing hard enough or you failed.

now, I set a range of goals instead of wasting time trying to perfect one goal

floor goals: minimum it would take to feel like a win

ceiling goals: F*ck yeah, that really worked out


I did this when I first started My First Million

Floor goal: Invite cool guests once a week. That would be 52 cool people and if I became friends with even 12 a
year that's a massive win.

Ceiling goal: What if 100k actually listened to this and liked it

3. Set goals and anti-goals

I stole this from @awilkinson who probably stole it from somebody else

It's not a new concept

but even in my 30s I would find it easy to set a goal and not know the common traps you fall into while hitting
that goal


one example, a buddy of mine form college dated a girl whose dad was partner of a big shot consulting firm.

he was pulling in $10m+ a year but every single week he had the same schedule:

see the fam Thurs-Sun, fly out for work Mon-Thurs


he hit his goal of climbing his professional ladder and reaching his dream role

but along the way the trap of limited time with his family caught him.

he didn't set an anti-goal of spending quality time with the people he loved.


for My First Million a big anti-goal was not wanting to drown in editorial work.

if the post-recording stuff took more than 5-10 hours - I was out!!

I just wanted to interview cool people, research sick biz ideas and build a podcast people actually liked.

4. get in your face daily

everyone sets goals after watching a David Goggins video or James Clear book

you write it down in your little notebook / Notion doc, but as soon as you close that page

you go on autopilot for 17 days and nothing happens


you need to see your goals every day

I use the remind me feature in Slack:

• I need to get Milk Road to add X subscribers

• I need to chase down X founders to invest in

shits simple, use what works for you

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