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Part B – Content of Technical Submission

ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

Wintershall Dea Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.



ITT Ref.: 104120

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Part B – Content of Technical Submission
ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

B-T0. Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 3
1. Tenderer identification...................................................................................................3
2. Tenderer locations......................................................................................................... 3
3. Service Availability & Experience..................................................................................4
4. Equipment and Services.................................................................................................4
5. Personnel..................................................................................................................... 6
6. Skills, Competence and Training.....................................................................................6
7. HSE............................................................................................................................. 7
8. Quality......................................................................................................................... 8
9. Subcontracting.............................................................................................................. 8
B-T1. Technical Exceptions................................................................................................................. 9
B-T2. Alternative Technical Proposal.................................................................................................. 9
B-T3. Other Technical Information..................................................................................................... 9
ENCLOSURE.......................................................................................................................................... 9

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Part B – Content of Technical Submission
ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

B-T0. Introduction

Technical and HSE information provided in response to this document, shall be submitted as part of the Technical
Submission. Technical Submission should not include any information requested to be provided as part of
Commercial Submission.

The basis for preparation of Technical Submission should be the Scope of Work (see App A Scope of Work –
Provision of Marine Gas Oil), the Project Description (see “App A Scope of Work – MGO”) and potential
Technical Specification Sheet (included in Add name of the final document). Tenderer shall examine the entire
ITT and is responsible for familiarizing itself with the Scope of Work, Project Description, technical
Specifications and the terms and conditions of Contract, which may affect its Technical Submission.

Tenderer is strongly encouraged to pay attention to additional matters or peripheral services, which have not been
included in the Scope of Work, nor addressed within this Content of Technical Submission, which Tenderer
deems necessary for the proper and legitimate performance of the Services.

Tenderer shall indicate and explain any assumptions it has made. Tenderer must provide copies of supporting
documents and / or materials, if specified in each Chapter.

Tenderer shall prepare its Technical Submission in a level of detail sufficient to enable Company to evaluate
Tenderer’s knowledge, experience, competence and ability to execute the Services. Explanations indicated
hereunder shall be understood as guidance and Company’s minimum expectations of the Technical Submission.

The content of the Technical Submission shall be presented using the same structure and numbering system as
used in this Content of Technical Submission.

Information requested that has previously been provided to Company shall again be provided in the respective
Chapter according to the instructions, without cross-references to any previous communication or previously
supplied information.

Alternative technical proposals should be listed in a dedicated Chapter of the Tender.

Technical Submission must be submitted under the text of the Tender Letter, template of which can found at
“Instructions for Tenderers”. Partially completed Submissions are not accepted.

Un-priced Tenders should not include any parts of the information requested to be submitted as part of
Priced Tender according to the requirements set forth in Instructions to Tenderers. Any deviation from
this rule may result in disqualification of the Tender.

1. Tenderer identification

1.1 Provide

a) Full company name and operating address;

2. Tenderer locations

2.1 Provide details incl. maps and pictures on:

a) corporate and home office

b) fabrications/production locations and support facilities, including location, capacity, coordinator,
responsibilities for operational areas and details on services lines operated from these locations.
2.2 Provide details on:

a) the location of your “Bases of Operations” that will be used to service the Company Project as regards
the Provision of Marine Gas Oil requirements (equipment maintenance, logistics, personnel & support)

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Part B – Content of Technical Submission
ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

b) the storage facility that will be used for all the equipment relevant for the performance of the
WORK/SUPPLY. Will the tools be stored inside or outside, include pictures.
i. .
c) Provide details if various locations are used.
d) Detail interactions, alliances and links with relevant third-party parties e.g. manufacturers and
suppliers of tools/service, materials or equipment, and logistics and equipment movements.

2.3 Provide details on

a) Any limitations of the Base of Operations with regards to tools, maintenance, storage, bulking units
and/or special products;
b) Number of workshop engineers operational in the Base of Operations.
c) Ability of assembling tools and accessories include pictures.
d) Ability of function testing, torque testing and torque calibration of MGO equipment and associated
tools, include pictures.
e) Workload of the Base of Operations (office, station and bulking) as a percentage of its capability.

2.4 In addition to compliance to the requirements for the capabilities of the “Bases of Operations” stipulated in
the Scope of Work, provide details of:

a) Maintenance level of servicing facility, also provide description of service level activities.

2.5 Has your “Bases of Operations”, or any other base within Mexico been audited by another operator in the
past two (2) years? If so, what was the purpose/scope of the audit, the outcome of the audit, what action
items came out of the audit, and what actions have you been taking to remedy identified shortcomings?

3. Service Availability & Experience

3.1 Describe the capabilities of the Tenderer’s proposed Bases of Operations in respect to the provision of
MGO by providing:

a) List of present contracts in Mexico including clients

b) Number of Workshop Personnel;
c) Details of back up and engineering support.

3.2 Summarize

MGO supply capabilities, limitations and exceptions for the services listed in the Scope of Work.

3.3 Provide an organogram showing clearly the structure and location of management, field staff and technical
staff which will support the Company’s operations separated for.

3.4 State the main organizational challenges you will face (i.e. personnel, equipment) when your Tender will be
successful. Include an action plan on how to successfully deal with these challenges.

3.5 Describe in detail your experience of providing MGO in the planned ports like those requested by the
Company, during the last three (3) years including number of performed jobs and all NPT events.


4. Personnel

Tenderer is requested to provide the following information:

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Part B – Content of Technical Submission
ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

4.1 Project specific organogram including location of service coordinator, engineering lead, ect. and a
description of how Tenderer proposes to organize its personnel for the Services at the Worksite, Workshop
and for the provision of engineering support including the location of the engineering support (e.g. Mexico,
USA, ect.). Company specifically requests that, as far as reasonably possible, Tenderer shall provide a pre-
defined, stable crew for the duration of the TRS, including the duration of the job preparation phase.
Tenderer should indicate how, and to what degree, this request can be accommodated. (RH)

4.2 Provide the CV’s for the roles defined in the Scope of Work directly involved with the performance of the
Services for Company. List their experience relevant to the proposed services highlighting experience in the
particular environment set out below. (RH)

4.3 Short description of competency management system and competency matrix of the various positions
performed in the Service. (RH)

4.4 Summary of training program prepared to train rig crew to perform requested work (RH)

4.5 Outline of procedure to ensure medical fitness (physically and mentally) of personnel for respective job
roles. (Qhse)

5. Skills, Competence and Training

5.1 Management Systems:

a) Have you adopted the principles of Investors in People (IIP) or a similar? (RH)
b) If yes:
i. Are you fully certified to this scheme?
ii. Provide name of Certifying Authority, Certificate Number and date of certification award
c) If no:
i. Is your company working towards it, provide a brief status of your position and expected
completion date?
ii. Do you have external approval / accreditation for Competency Management of Employees?

5.2 Training:

a) What average percentage of employee’s time is invested in training or updating skills: (RH)
i. Through formal external or internal “classroom” training
ii. Through “on-the-job” training

6. HSE

Tenderer is requested to provide the following information:

6.1 Details of general Worksite and Workshop HSE and operations procedures Operations & QHSE

6.2 Overview of available Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) relevant for the tendered services; incl. copies of at least
three (3) JSAs specific for the tendered services QHSE

6.3 Description of how Tenderer ensures personnel’s HSE competencies / training status (RH)

6.4 Description of processes how Tenderer ensures equipment integrity, i.e. manages preventive maintenance

6.5 Details of Tenderer's system to report, investigate, analyse and document HSE incidents QHSE

6.6 Statistical information for the past three calendar years (2019, 2020 and 2021) of: QHSE
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a) Exposure man-hours (are the total man-hours that Tenderer realized during the calendar year)
b) Fatalities
c) Lost Time Incidents (incidents with one or more days of incident related absence)
d) Restricted Work Cases (incidents which result in a person being unfit for full performance of
the regular job on any day after the injury)
e) Medical Treatment Cases (incidents that are not severe enough to be reported as Fatalities or
Lost Time Incidents or Restricted Work Cases but are more severe than requiring simple first
aid treatment)

6.7 Provide Tenderer’s HSE program and targets for continuous HSE performance improvement and
compliance with external/internal requirements QHSE HSE Plan

6.8 Number and types of audits that have been performed within the last twelve (12) months to be included;
QHSE Programa de Auditorías

6.9 Information about third party certification of HSE management system. QHSE Información de ATR

6.10Do you have specific HSE certification to ISO14001 and ISO45001? Please provide evidence. QHSE
Certificados ISO

6.11Please complete the enclosed below SASISOPA Questionnaire and provide evidence of each answer (in

7. Quality

7.1 Quality management:

a) Provide evidence demonstrating a documented quality policy authorised by a senior officer? QHSE
Política de SACSISOPA
b) Provide evidence demonstrating a documented quality management system? QHSE Manual de QHSE
c) State applicable standard(s) or guideline(s) used. QHSE Normas Mexicanas NOMs
d) Is the system certified? QHSE
i. If yes:
• Name of Certifying Authority
• Scope of certification
• Certificate Number
• Expiry Date
ii. If no: Provide a brief status of your intentions and, if applicable, your progress regarding
e) Provide evidence demonstrating a formal business plan(s) for managing your business? Mauricio Barrera
(Plan Estratégico de Negocios)
f) If yes, is the business plan(s) communicated to all relevant staff? Correo, Lista de Asistencia,
g) Are all parts of the organization subject to internal audit? QHSE Auditorías Internas
h) Provide evidence demonstrating a structured system for experience transfer? RH Transferencia de
Experiencia. Karla Güémez Formato de Relevo de Experiencia, Conocimientos Obtenidos
i) State the latest statistics and the trend with regard to Customer Satisfaction? QHSE
j) Do have an independent department for monitoring quality at various levels of production? NO
k) Do you have defined procedure for monitoring the correctness and completeness prior to delivery? SÍ
l) Does the company operate a formal system for managing Product/ Service non- conformances? QHSE
& Jokzan
m) Do you have documented procedures for design review? QHSE Revisión por la Dirección
n) Do you have a system for information to and approval from customer, concerning deviations,
modification/ design changes of the product? Manejo del Cambio
o) Do you have documented procedures to secure that final control and testing have been done according
to customer specification? QHSE & Jokzan
p) Do you have documented procedures for packing that is in conformity with local and industry’s
requirements? Packing does not apply
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ITT Ref. 104120 – Provision of Marine Gas Oil for Block 30

q) Do you have specific Quality certification to ISO9001 including provision of MGO? QHSE
r) Provide your quality objectives as measured under your ISO9001 certified system and provide yearly
management review and their results. QHSE Revisión por la Gerencia

7.2 Service Quality

a) What self-monitoring is done to ensure performance levels are kept as high as possible? How and when
would service quality issues be communicated to Company? QHSE Formato de Quejas
b) Provide details of Tenderers procedures for investigations into “service failures” (incl. equipment,
software, process and personnel failures). If possible, please illustrate with a local example that has
taken place within the last year. ATC QHSE

8. Subcontracting

8.1 Specify any (parts of) the Services that would be sub-contracted, or performed by an Affiliate, for
performance of the services. Give details of particular parts of the Services which could be sub-contracted
and details of the respective proposed sub-contractor or Affiliates. Pipas de Agua y Combustible - Operations

8.2 Provide a summary outlining the area of experience of the proposed sub-contractors / Affiliates and a brief
description of contracts or projects carried out in cooperation with Tenderer over the last three years.
Operations. Resumen de expericencia de subcontratistas. Descargar experiencia de sus páginas.

8.3 Provide details of your QA procedure with respect to the selection of sub-contractors and the management of
sub-contracted services. QHSE Procedimiento de Calidad tipo checklist para proveedores.

8.4 How do you assure that sub-contractors and/or Affiliates will conform and perform to the Company HSE
Policies and standards of performance, and how does Tenderer monitor subcontractors and/or Affiliates of
Tenderer during the provision of the services to assure that this is so? Checklist de Seguridad

B-T1. Technical Exceptions

This Chapter should be completed if Tenderer has any exceptions or qualifications with respect to the Services
content and / or availability of the required resources. Any exception or qualification should clearly cross-
reference the respective attachment, section, clause or paragraph of the Scope of Work / Project Description and
provide a detailed description of the proposed revision and the reasons therefor.
All exceptions must be submitted in an editable format (in electronic copy of the Submission) in the format as
provided in Instruction To Tender document.

Exceptions and qualifications that are not presented within this Chapter will not be considered by Company. If
Tenderer does not wish to submit any exceptions or qualifications this should be clearly specified in this Chapter
that “Tenderer does not have any technical exceptions or qualifications”.

Company will assess the qualifications and exceptions and categorize each one of them with respect to the
importance / criticality and acceptance by Company.

Only exceptions and qualifications should be presented by Tenderer as part of this Chapter. If technical errors are
discovered or Tenderer wishes to propose improved revisions, which are not a technical deviation from or an
exception to the Scope of Work or Project Description, it should be addressed during the Tender preparation stage
by way of a Clarification Request.

B-T2. Alternative Technical Proposal

This Chapter should be completed if Tenderer wishes to submit an alternative technical proposal (in addition to
the proposal in response to this ITT) or any additional superior services, methodologies, techniques, options and
best practice recommendations, not covered in the Scope of Work, if Tenderer believes that such services may
improve the efficiency and quality of the Project for the overall benefit for Company. Technical risks, advantages
and benefits of using such additional services should be clearly outlined.
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Company shall unilaterally decide whether or not to accept the alternative technical proposal.
If Tenderer does not wish to make any alternative technical proposals it should be clearly specified in this
Chapter that “Tenderer does not have any alternative technical proposals”.

B-T3. Other Technical Information

In this Chapter Tenderer should place any other technical information that it wishes to present and that may be
relevant for performance of the Services under this ITT, which does not fit under the previous Chapters.





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