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Multiple choice
I. Phonology
1. C
‘querulously /ˈkwer.jə.lə complaining, especially using a weak high voice
picturesquely /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈ in an attractive way
antiqueness /ænˈtiːk/
discotheque /ˈdiskəˌtek/: disco
2. D
philately /fəˈladlē/: the collection and study of postage stamps
phlebitis /fləˈbīdəs/: inflammation of the walls of a vein
wily /ˈwīlē/: skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully
poliomyelitis /ˌpōlēōˌmīəˈlīdəs/: an infectious viral disease that affects the central
nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis
3. D
chivalrous /ˈSHivəlrəs/: courteous and gallant
macabre /məˈkɑː.brə/: disturbing and horrifying
chemical /ˈkem.ɪ.kəl/
4. B
papist /ˈpeɪ.pɪst/: a Roman Catholic.
paranoia /ˌperəˈnoiə/:
saffron /ˈsafrən/: an orange-yellow flavoring
travail /treˈveɪl/: painful or laborious effort.
5. A
absinthe /ˈabˌsinTH/: a potent green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit, made with the
shrub wormwood.
soothe /so͞oT͟H/:
loathe /lōT͟H/: feel intense dislike or disgust for
wreathe /rēT͟H/: cover, surround, or encircle (something)
6. C
veracity /vəˈrasədē/ : conformity to facts; accuracy.
euphemism /ˈyo͞ofəˌmizəm/: a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one
considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or
phenotype /ˈfēnəˌtīp/:
cantaloupe /ˈkan(t)əˌlōp/:
7. A
matriarchy /ˈmātrēˌärkē/: a system of society or government ruled by a woman or
epileptic /ˌepəˈleptik/: relating to or having epilepsy.
rutherfordium /ˌrəT͟Hərˈfôrdēəm/: the chemical element of atomic number 104
diplomatic /ˌdipləˈmadik/:
8. A
disinter /ˌdisənˈtər/: dig up
cadaver /kəˈdavər/: a corpse
cathedral /kəˈTHēdrəl/:
attorney: /əˈtərnē/
9. A
acupuncturist /ˈakyo͝opəNGkSHərəst/:
Vociferously /vəˈsif(ə)rəslē/:
An’tithesis: a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
10. B

III. Structures and Grammar

1. B
2. C
3. D
Far be it from me to: I will never...
4. A
5. D
6. B
Don’t know what to make of sb: I don’t know what kind of person they are.
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
What’s all this crying in aid of: What’s the point of all this crying?

IV. Reading comprehension

Passage 1:
Passage 2:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. D
B. Written test
I. Open cloze test
Passage 1:
1. regarded
2. habit
3. mind
4. prove
5. teaching
6. run
7. when
8. latter
9. time
10. opportunity
Passage 2:
1. habit
2. harsh
3. equipped
4. nests
5. into
6. endure
7. with
8. losing
9. navigate
10. natural
II. Word form
Part 2:
1. reassured
2. laboriously
3. affirmative
4. exceptional
5. solidarity
6. checkout
7. alternative
8. insecurity
9. tendency
10. confronted
IV. Sentence transformation
1. My new job is far and away the most satisfying one I’ve ever had.
Far and away: used to emphasize
2. But for Tom’s prompt action in putting the fire out, there might have been more
damage to the house.
3. So young is a child of his age to be deceitful.
4. I’ve got missing the rush hour down to a fine art over the last few weeks.
Get sth down to a fine art: to be able to do sth with great skills because you've done it
many times
5. I don’t think we should write off her ideas as unworkable at this stage.
write off sth: to decide that something is not useful
6. It’s crucial for us to keep a tight rein on the juvenile inmates.
Keep a tight rein on sb/sth: Exercise strict control over sth/sb
7. You’ve done nothing but moon around all day.
Moon around: to spend your time lazily
8. We don’t hold out much hope for the survival of the tourists in that accident.
9. Your story does not tie in with the facts.
Tie in with sth: to be consistent and connected with sth
10. His excuse for such bad behaviour cut no ice with her.
cut no ice: have no influence or effect

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