1672 The Power of Saying No

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The Power Of

Saying No
There is power in the simple act of saying no, but
for many of us it’s the hardest word to say.
The Power Of Saying No
There is power in the simple act of saying no,
but for many of us it’s the hardest word to say.
• The biggest challenge when it comes to saying no we
worry that we’ll be thought to be negative or unhelpful.
• While saying yes is thought to be courageous and
The Power Of Saying No

But the has power and and most likely

can often be an many of us
simple act act of great should probably
of saying no courage, do more often.
The Power Of Saying No

remember there is great

The next time you’re
power in saying no and
tempted to
sometimes it’s the best
automatically say yes,
answer for everyone.
The Power Of Saying No
Here are some
• Not everything is your responsibility. If you are a people-pleaser you might feel it’s
reasons when saying your responsibility to say yes to everyone and everything.

no has power:

• Making other people happy isn’t your job, and not everything is your responsibility.
• You will never please everyone, and over committing can keep you from doing
But the truth is this: anything well.
• Decide what you choose to be responsible for and focus on always keeping your
The Power Of Saying No
What other people think of you is none of your business.

• If you’re saying yes because you want to be seen as nice or kind —forget it.
• People will think of you the way they think of you—regardless, of what you
• Most of the time their judgments are more grounded in their own
projections than anything you do.
• The only thing you have to concern yourself with is who you are and
whether you are being true to yourself.
The Power Of Saying No
You are the expert on your own priorities.
No one else has full knowledge of what’s important to you, and no one should be telling you
what your priorities are.

If you’re trying to do something meaningful with your life, saying yes all the time is just a
long exercise in frustration.

You know what’s most important to you, and those priorities can guide you in knowing when
to say yes and when to say no.
The Power Of Saying No
You must commit to

We usually think of commitments as

promises we make to other people

but it’s important for your commitments

to include yourself.

Because all that we do, must begin with

being committed to ourselves.
The Power Of Saying No
You have the right to live your life the way you want it.
There’s probably no shortage of people trying to tell you how to live your life, how to run your business and how to make your company

Remember, though:
Sometimes saying no means living the life
How you live is your choice. How you spend your time is your choice. we want, while saying yes is allowing others
to tell us what to do.
The Power Of Saying No
Of course there are But there are also
many times you can, times when saying no
and should, say yes. is powerful.

It is saying that you If you value your life

are being true to and success, you need
yourself and what you to get good at saying
want. no.
The Power Of Saying No
There is power in the simple act of saying no, but for many of us it’s
LEAD the hardest word to say.
FROM When you are saying no; do not lie.
do not make excuses, do not over explain. Just decline.

It is that simple and that powerful.

The Power Of Saying No

Thank You All Mallik

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