Guião Oral de Inglês

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Throughout the work will be addressed topics related to meetings. As its
definition, the different types of meetings, the views of the meetings, the agreement
and disagreement in a meeting, and also the techniques of discussion in a meeting.


In general a meeting is an assembly between two or more people for the

purpose of reaching a decision, through a discussion. This being one of the main means
of oral communication. According to the Cambridge dictionary a meeting is
“a planned occasion when people come together, either in person or online (= using
the internet), to discuss something “. 1

Types of meeting

Meetings are a very important proposition for businesses, and for many people
they are part of their day. And as such it is important that they are productive for the
proper individual and organizational functioning of them.
The meetings are not all the same, there are meetings of all kinds, are then listed
 Chat: informal discussion with colleagues.
 Brainstorming: conversation between colleagues, with the aim of discussing the
largest number of ideas, in order to later evaluate.
 Project meeting: employees involved in a particular activity.
 Department/ departemental meeting
 Meeting with suppliers: is, for example, negotiating prices for an order.
 Meeting with a costumer: is, for example, the discussion of a contract.
 Board meeting: formal meeting between the company's directors.

Ana Gonçalves and Bárbara Sousa
 Annual general meeting/ AGM: shareholders discuss the company's annual
 EGM: Extraordinary General Meeting, is a general meeting where important
issues are discussed. 2
As there are several types of meetings, there are also several expressions that are used
in these and that match the expression “meeting”. Some examples of these are:
 Arrange set up fix a meeting organize a meeting.
 Bring forward a meeting make a meeting earlier than originally decided.
 Put back postpone a meeting make a meeting late than originally planned.
 Cancel a meeting not have a meeting after all.
 Run chair a meeting be in charge of a meeting.
 Attend a meeting go to a meeting.
 Miss a meeting not go a meeting.3

Points of view in a meeting

In a meeting from the point of view is a meeting with a potential client, where
the goal is not to talk about their services, but to share valuable information with this.
In the background the company shares with the potential client something useful for
this. These meetings are important for two reasons, first of all, they are a great way to
share your point of view with the potential customer. And secondly, it's easier to get a
meeting with a potential customer where they share useful information than to show
you their services.
For example, to start a meeting, terms such as:
 It`s about time we got started!
 Let`s begin, shall we?
 Shall we make a start?
During the meeting the meeting administrator may ask some employee to talk about
something, and in this case the expressions used are others, such as:


Ana Gonçalves and Bárbara Sousa
 Would you like to open the discussion, Louis?
 Perharps you`d like to get the ball rolling, Louis.
 Louis, would you like to kick off?

Agreement and Disagreement

In the continue of the meeting, the administrator of the same as the employees
can be in accordance with the theme, or the situation addressed at the moment and
express their opinion saying: “You`re perfectly right”. Or they can show the contrary, in
this case they are in discolor and refer to expressions such as: “I`m sorry, but that`s out
of the question”.

Discussion Techniques

Starting from the general discussions, these are important because they help to
discuss certain topics and make all stakeholders in the discussion active.
Starting from the example of a class, discussions are important and help to function
properly because it causes all students to intervene and are not only listening to the
teacher. The role of the discussion and facilitate the approach of the themes, because
instead of just transmitting the information, everyone participates in this transmission.
This applies both in the school case, specifically in the classes, as well as in the
companies and in their meetings.
More specifically referring to the case of companies and their meeting, there
are several technical terms, which can and should be used in discussions, such as “I
take your point, but…” or even, " I understand what you`re saying, but…”. In addition
to these expressions, there are also some to interrupt someone when speaking, but
politely, examples of these are: “Can I come in here” or “sorry to interrupt you, but...".
In the case of a reference to some previous subject, expressions such as: “As we were
saying aerlier…” or “To go back to what X was saying aerlier…”. Finally, if there are any
doubts left to any of the participants in the discussion, this may use the following
questions for its approach: “Are you saying that…?” or “Are you suggesting that…?”.

Ana Gonçalves and Bárbara Sousa

To complete the work, it can be noted that there are several topics that fall
under the theme "meetings", and that all of them are important for the proper
functioning of the same. It also concluded that in the event that the meetings are
quality and done with professionalism, indispensable technical terms, such as those
mentioned throughout the work, must be used.


Ana Gonçalves and Bárbara Sousa

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