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Lab Exercise 3 Part 1: Exporting File Systems: Assigning root to another Host

In this exercise, you export a file system and assign root privileges to your SUN host. If you are working with a lab partner, one person sets the configuration while the other observes. Alternate roles from time to time. Step 1 Preparation: Before you begin this exercise, record the following information: The IP address of your SUN workstation: 10.127. ______. ______ The IP address of another SUN workstation (See table below): 10.127. ______. ______ Using Appendix F section E to get the IP address. Use the following table to learn what other SUN workstation to use in this exercise. If you are at: SUN1 SUN2 SUN3 SUN4 SUN5 SUN6 Use: SUN2 SUN1 SUN4 SUN3 SUN6 SUN5 Action

Step 2

Action Create a 10Gig file system called fs2 using AVM with the appropriate storage pool-based on the backend storage.

Note: The Unisphere creates the mountpoint, as well as mounts your file system on that mountpoint. By default, the mountpoint derives its name from that of the file system. 3 By selecting File Systems, you see that fs2 has been mounted R/W to server_2. You can verify this by clicking Storage > File Systems>Mounts tab.

Step 4

Action Export the file system, assigning root permission to your SUN workstation: 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Top Navigation Bar, select Sharing >NFS > Create Choose data Mover: Select server_2 Select File System: /fs2 Path : /fs2 Root Hosts: Using Appendix F section E, enter the IP address of your SUN workstation in 5. Click Ok.

As necessary exchange places with your lab partner. 5 On your Sun workstation, NFS mount fs2, which was just exported from the data mover. Telnet to your SUN workstation which is listed in section E of the appendix F and on the step 1 of this lab. Log in as root.

Step 6

Action Confirm that you are at the root of the workstations file system. # cd /

Verify that the /studentx directory you created earlier is still present (ls command). If it is missing, make a directory for your NFS mount. # mkdir /fs2

NFS mount this directory to the exported file system on your Data Mover. # mount <IP_of_data_mover>:/fs2 /fs2 # df (Confirm that your export is visible)

Change to the /fs2 directory and create a new directory called studentX where x is from your team number. # cd /fs2 # mkdir studentX # chmod 777 studentX # cd studentX # echo THIS IS A TEST >filex (Where x is your team number.) Were you able to create a new directory and file? (You should have rights to create a new file inside this directory)

Step 10

Action Go back to your Unisphere session and export the fs2 at the sub directory level as shown below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the Top Navigation Bar, select Sharing >NFS > Create Choose data Mover: Select server_2 Select File System: /fs2 Path : /fs2/studentX where X is your team number. Read-only Hosts: other SUN work station. See step 1. Read/Write Hosts: your SUN workstation. See step 1. Click Ok.


Go to your SUN work station as root and create a new mountpoint and mount the new exported file system to the new mountpoint . # cd / # mkdir studentX (where X is your team number new mount point) # mount <IP_of_data_mover>:/fs2/studentX /studentX

Step 12

Action Telnet to your other SUN workstation which is listed in the step 1 of this lab. Log in as root. Validate the IP address of your other SUN host using the table on the step 1 of this lab and the appendix F. # telnet 10.127.*.x (Where x is the address of the other SUN workstation that you recorded in step 1.)


On the other Sun workstation, logged in as root, cd to / and create a new directory. Name it /remotestudentX. (Where x is your team number.) # cd / # mkdir /remotestudentx


NFS mount the above directory to the file system that you exported in step 4. # mount <IP_Addr_of_data_mover>:/fs2/studentX /remotestudentx # df (Confirm that your export is visible)

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# cd /remotestudentx # touch file Do you have write permissions? _____________. You should not be able to create a new file because the file system has been export as read only to this particular host.


Umount /remotestudentX and exit your telnet session from the other SUN workstation. # cd / # umount /remotestudentX # exit


Verify that you are logged on to your SUN workstation as root typing the two commands below. # who am i # hostname


Navigate to the NFS mounted directory. # cd /studentX


# touch newfileX (Where X is your team number) Do you have write permissions? _____________. You should be able to create a new file because the file system has been export as read write to this particular host.

Step 21 Change user to Selma Witt. #su switt 22 Navigate (change directory) to /studentX # cd /studentX 23 # mkdir swittx (Where x is your Team number)


Were you able to create the swittX subdirectory? _____________. You should have been able to create the subdirectory. This is because the file system has been exported as read write to this particular host. Any user on this host will be able to read, write, and execute on this particular file system. 24 Change user to Earl Pallis. The password is the same as the username. SUNy% su epallis cd /studentX (Where x is your team number) 25 SUNy% cd swittx SUNy% mkdir epallisx (Where x is the number of your Team) Can you get into swittX, and create another subdirectory? ______. You should not have been able to create a new subdirectory underneath swittX as epallis because the owner of this directory is swittX and its group is saleswes while epalliss group is engprop.


SUNy% cd .. SUNy% mkdir epallisx (Where x is the number of your Team) Can Earl Pallis create a subdirectory inside studentX? _______. You should have been able to create a new file because the file system has been exported as read write to this particular host. Any user on this host will be able to read, write, and execute on this particular file system.

Step 27 Remove the current configuration: Exit from user epallis SUNy% exit SUNy% Exit from user switt. SUNy% exit # 28 As root, umount /studentX. # cd / # umount /studentx (Where x is your team number ) 29


Exit from telnet session to your other SUN workstation. # exit


Go back to your Unisphere session.

Step 31

Action From Unisphere unexport your file system (fs2) From the Top Navigation Bar Click-Sharing > Select-NFS from the drop down menu Click-/fs2/studentX (were X is your team number) Click Delete Click OK

Step 32

Action Export the file system fs2, and assign read and write permission to your SUN workstation and the other SUN work station. Do not use the IP addresses displayed on this page. Use the IPs you used on the previous exercise. You can get the IPs addresses on Appendix F section E, or from the step 1. 1. From the Top Navigation Bar, select Sharing >NFS > Create 2. Choose data Mover: Select server_2 3. Select File System: /fs2 4. Path : /fs2/studentX where X is your team number. Read/Write Hosts: Enter your SUN workstation and your other Sun workstation. See Step 1.There are 2 IP addresses on this field separated by a :. The first IP address is your SUN workstation and the second is the other SUN workstation. 5. Click Ok.


Telnet to your other SUN workstation which is listed in the step 1 of this lab. Log in as root. Validate the IP address of your other SUN host using the table on the step 1 of this lab and the appendix F. # telnet 10.127.*.x (Where x is the address of the other SUN workstation that you recorded in step 1.)

Step 34

Action On the Sun workstation mount the NFS export that you just created. # mount <IP_Addr_of_data_mover>:/fs2/studentX /remotestudentx

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# cd /remotestudentx # touch fileother Do you have write permissions? _____________. You should have been able to create a new file because the file system has been export as read write to this particular host.

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Telnet to your SUN workstation. See step 1. Verify that you are logged on to your SUN workstation as root typing the two commands below. # who am i # hostname


# mount <IP_Addr_of_data_mover>:/fs2/studentX /studentx # cd /student # touch lastfileX Do you have write permissions? _____________. You should have been able to create a new file because the file system has been exported as read write to this particular host.


Umount /remotestudentX and exit your telnet session from the other SUN workstation. # cd / # umount /remotestudentX # exit

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