A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Language

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At the end of the discussion, pupils will be ableto:
a. Identify singular nouns and plural nouns.
b. K
c. Follow the rules on forming the plural of nouns.
A. Topic: Singular and Plural Nouns
B. References: Language Textbook for Grade 2, p.63-71, PELC # 5 p.2
C. Materials: Visual aids, pen crayon,pen, paper and pictures.
D. Skills: Following rules on formimg the plural of nouns.
E. Values Integration: Appreciation and understanding

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Greetings
Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon Ma’am
Now and Forever Praise be Jesus and Mary

How’s your day? Were Fine

Really? Yes

Since all of you are fine & energetic (students will stand and prayer)
let’s first stand for the prayer.
(after the prayer)

Checking of Attendance:
Everyone, please take your seat, as I would check (everybody sit down)
your attendance.

2. Drill:
Today, we will play a game called “ Job Hello.” To
play this game, listen as I am going to read to
you what you are going to do.

 Group yourselves into three. Group theirselves

 I will whisper 2 types of jobs to every first member of
the group. The classmates in turn will pass on the
same information to the next member of the group.
The last member will then write in the box on the Fall in line
board the information.
Understood?Let’s start the game. YES! ma’am

Did you enjoy?

Great class! YES! ma’am

The game tells us to listen very well. So now may I

borrow your ears for our discussion? YES! ma’am

3. Review:
Before we will proceed to our new lesson, let us (raising their hands to answer)
have a short review first. It’s all about noun.
Who can recall about the lesson yesterday?
Very good! What about noun? Noun- is a word that names a
Fantastic! person, place, or thing.

Since you already mastered noun. let us have our new

lesson for today.

1. Motivation:
Class, I have here a ballpen (left hand) and
ballpens (right hand) in my hands.
(crayon/crayons and paper/papers).

What have you observe in my left hand? Their’s only one ballpen,crayon
What have you observe in my right hand? and paper in your left hand
Very good observation class! There are more than one
ballpen, crayos and paper on the
2. Presentation: right hand.
d. Okay class! Today you will learn about
singular and plural nouns and you will follow
rules on forming the plural of nouns.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties/
Vocabulary Building

Terms to be understand:
 Noun- is a word that names a person, place, or thing. (Pupils will read the following)
 Singular noun- refer to only one noun.
 Plural noun – refer to two or more nouns.

4. Presentation and Processing of Springboard

Since you already know what is singular and
plural nouns. Let us read the story of Joseph. I’ll All read the story
read the story first, and then I want you all to read
it after me.

5. Comprehension Questions for Discussion

 What are those things that Joseph have -He sees different kinds f
seen on his way to school? vehicles like tricycles, buses,
cars and jeepneys.
-He also sees animals like birds,
dogs, cows, horses,
goats,carabaos, and chicken.
-He sees different kinds of
buldings, churches, house and
 Are those things beautiful or not? Yes! Ma’am Beautiful.

6. Enrichment Activity
Class, based from the short story that you have
read. Look for 5 plural nouns.Write them and their Plural Form Singular Form
singular forms on the lines on the board. Tricycles- tricycle
Buses- bus
Cars - car
Jeepneys jeepney
7. Generalization:
What is a noun? Noun- is a word that names a
person, place, or thing.
What is Singular noun? Singular noun- refer to only one
What is Plural noun? Plural noun – refer to two or
more nouns.
8. Application:
Give the plural form of the nouns on the Answers:
caterpillar. Write your answer on your daisy- daisies
notebook. key- keys
glass- glasses
knife- knives
piano- pianos

knife ox
glass piano

IV. Evaluation:

Underline the correct form of the word. Answers:

1. The ( monkey, monkeys) are talking. 1. monkeys
2. The (bunny,bunnies) are smiling. 2. bunnies
3. The (car,cars) is good 3. car
4. The (monkey, monkeys) has a big head. 4. monkey
5. (Fox, Foxes)are watching. 5. Foxes

V. Assignment.

In your notebook, look for another noun. Write the singular

form and its plural form.

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