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Albania’s Stamp Story With a new edition of the Stanley Gibbons Balkans Catalogue due for publication in February, Bernard Towler reviews the fascinating and complex philately of one of its less popular sections Tania’s own stamp story begins in 1913, following the end of Turkish rule. Aititicr posal history con however be traced, thanks to Volne 1 of Postel Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire by John Coles and Howard Walker, sub-titled ‘The Lost ‘Territories in Europe’ An exam] shown is @ postmark from Argyrokastron (now Gjirokaster) on a pair of 1871 stamps. pire, Austro-Hungarian post offices existed fh several towns. Their stamps are listed tunder POs in the Turkish’ Empire in Stanley Gibbons Part 2 (Ausina & Hun. iguy). And from 1901 there were Italian post offices in. Durazzo, Scutari and Nalona, for which Malian stamps were issued from 1902—overprinted ‘ALBANIA ‘or individual office names. For devails see Part 8 (aly and Suitland). ‘Albania's independence was declared on 28 November 1912. The country’s stamp Story from then until 1959 was told in an illustrated Albanian book, Pulla Poste Shgipear (Albanian Postage Stamps) pub- lished 1959 in Tirana, Its authors were B ‘Smal, [Erebara and P Xhiku. Fortunately ry copy includes an English translation, "A recent comprehensive contribution to the study of Albanian stamps and postal history is The Stamps and Posts of Albania and Fpiras 1878 to 1945, by John S Phipps. This welillustrated ‘book, published in 1996 by The Stuart Rossiter Trust, solved the mystery as to why two stamps of Montenegro on cover were postmarked in Albania. During the First Bal Montenegrin troops besieged (Shkoder), occupying it after the Turks surrendered, The first stamps. Those Albanian writers described how pontal services were established, referring. {othe first postage stamps" coming out on 5 May 1918. The total sue is given as 2443 envelopes. Each carried a round seal inscribed “Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones’ And ‘it was quite common for people to cut the seals from those enwvel- ‘pes and stick them to other envelopes— and this was permitted by the Ministry ‘Another envelope appeared on 1 fu worded ‘Postal Services of the Provisional ‘Government of Albania’. Some seals came in sheet form. A valle was not printed oF Foret: ‘postmark on pair of ‘1871 Turkish stamps Let: 1902 Nallan Post Offices in them, though they were sold for 1 groseh, equivalent to a Turkish piastre. They ako referred to ‘a considerable quantity of postage stamps of the Turkish administrations, being overstamped, using 8 copper hand-seal, with the Albanian ‘double eagle, plus the word ‘SHQIPENIA’ ‘Often more ink was applied to the stamp- ppd than sas necessary, causing smudging. Bue, red, pale red, violet—as well 2s black inks were used. Sometimes the eagle was stamped upside down, 'No mention was made of forgeries. It is useful (although not decisive) to check perforations. The Put 3 catalogue states the correct ones for each value, plus a note stating that some overprinted values, such fas the 2 on 5 paras, were not sold in post offices —just distributed to officals, The first definitive stamps, imperforate and hand-stamped on laid paper, came ‘out during October and November 1913. Errors exist—such as inverted, sideways ‘or omitted eagles. On 28 November, the anniversary of independence, second set ‘was issued in Vlore. Designed within an ‘oblong frame, they were perforated. More ‘errors are listed than for the previous set. Three days later the Skanderbeg, set appeared pried atthe Tallan Gover ie ng Office. Handsome, com Pollo partons ac aye oak Dverprinted—first to mark the arrival in Albania, on 7 March 1914, of William (or Wilhelm) of Wied, a German nobleman ‘chosen from several contenders 10 rule Albania. That overprint was hand-stamped in two stages, $0 errors exist and surcharges Skanderbeg stamps were also overprinted with a large “T” and "TAKSE’, as postage dues. And in April 1914 they were sur charged in paras and groschen, so that stamps bore values of currency. actually available, Surcharged stamps frst ap: peared with an additional overprint for use sm Shkoder. There was also an overprint "POSTE DYALBANIE:, wed in Viore. AA definitive set showing the Prince was prepared. Plenty are around but § wee = |e: SE PER&C+ ESHME TF SHOIFENIES 9) rea Montenigin stamps on cover, spparenty er Inset top: 1913 Double Eagle’ overpent Turki stamp Inset left: 21 November 1913 ‘handstemped 2 grosch G.S.M. February 1998 om lina posta re Reggimente Arma yundrone. é CGitbons do not ist them, referring ony to their existence, "om looted stocks” ‘Theyre modesty priced in Michels Eat European catalogue wih states that they sere pried in September, the month of the Prince’ departure Is no surprise hat he left bata then (as now) was in Siem a ternal ste merged into the wider confit of World War Northern Epirus In 1914 the teitory given to free Abania incaded Northern Epis, diplasing is tuainly Greckeepeaking populations A Provislonal government emerged. dhe and, in February, crude hand-stamped amps appeared Tater, Turkish stamps were again cvezprinted-this time wath Tree Epirus ia Grech and. surcharged in Crock currency Thi Snape eee linge Sear ae revemblecarber lel promoting a Geek Shooting competion: shown in John Phipps's book “The bes-known Epis set shows the doubleteaded eagle on a cron Eight ‘ales appeared on 28 August 1928 and tro Imore, imscribed “KORIIZA’ (in Greck Capitals) were sued in that town, a0 inown as Kore. The final se lied in Prt 3 for Epins shows King Constantine 1 of Greece: Other stamps not Hed, but well described by John Phipps, include the dubious issue, allegedly from Voskopoje, forth east of ore. This et as eps aloes ina daubleeagle design and two-out Afachmna values wih acer coin design in. December 014 Greek. troops ccrupied Norther Epirus. Greek sampe wrere verprinted for tae there, unl June 1916, when alan (lied to Brian and France) took over AMter the war Northern Epirus became part of Albania Rit anocher plentifal set of “Epiras’ stamps, probably bogus, exit postnaried ao lan 1917, Cruday primeh, perforate or imperts they show 2 Vctory gure. ‘Top: Epirus 251. issued at Kortza REPUBLIKA laliana in Franchigin 1iza del RE sey Malian Miltary postcard from World War | Korce had several issues. A large military post stamp issued in March 1914 is listed fn Part 3, besides 1916-18 stamps for "The ‘Autonomous Province of Korce’ —set up by General Sarrail, during French ‘occupation. As with the 1913 “Double Eagle’ overprints, there's a tendency 10 assume that Korce stamps are forgeries, though John Phipps's book provides much information to ald such decision-making. Ocou The Fist Great War aided more compli Cations for aleady turbulent Albania Despite hopes of neutral, Kas 00 eareea ty crpoig porch Bas Greek and’ French todpe, there were Monenegring, Taian, Austo-Hungar fans and Buigarians, Miliary ‘mails idenufable—sometimes obvious, or from Tnowteige of the whereabouts of mame bee ed pow ie on gen te During the war, sampe alo appeared for a Prvidceal Goverument of Abbania Ie by Esad Pasha-dhen prom Ioent in Albania’ poe, “They” were fal, band stamped for powal we The Great War over anaer provisional government vas set upin December 1918. san fal wamps ftom their cape snare eprint Abbanion currency. Then, in 118, tere overprinned wh comets which hare vay taped tl in 1920 Socks of Willan of Wied stamps emerged, but nat to mark his return Indeed” his head was almost covered by a. double-cagle overprint found in taryiag colours again olen forged Dubious ‘A dubious set emerged in 1921 from the Mirdite Republic—Mirdites being the ‘mainly Roman Catholic Albanians in the mountainous north. These stamps probably appeared after the attempt at Mirdite independence had failed. G.S.M. February 1998 nO IK! MONK. Skanderbeg reurned to Albanian stamps, in a small. portrait against a double‘eagle background. 1930 also brought the first definitive set of postage due stamps, followed by another two years later, Those Skanderbeg stamps were originally overprinted fon them, marking a ‘General Best'~or ath of peace 1928 brought a scenic pictorial set. This was overprinted for” the Assembly's opening, the government's return to Tirana, and the Republic's declaration (with misspellings). ‘That set teas followed by airmail, later overprinted and (in 1928) for the Zogu made his debut on a set of stamps, often badly wed. They exist imperf (proofs—the catalogue says) and (as shown here) also turn tp ‘impert between’. Postage dues ne too in 1925, King Zog Zogu's first set was overprinted for the second anniversary of his presidency. New etinitives. with another portrait first appeared it” 1928, overprinted for 1 National Assembly—and ‘then commen crating his proclamation as King. Later foverprints, including one for his 35th birthelay, came on the previous definitves. From” 1930 to 1942 Albanian. stamps were printed in Rome, stating with a set showing King Zog on four stamps, He's on every stamp of that year’s airmail set. The 1930 definntve set was overprinted in 1934 for the 10th anniversary of the revolution which established the Republic over which Zog had presided. Three years later a set in wo designs came for the 25th anniversary of independence. In 1988 stamps commemorated the King’s wedding to Hungarian Countess, Geraldine Apponyi. kn 1989 she gave birth to their son Leka, recognised by some as Albania's King in exile. Before that event, Zog and Geraldine appeared in one more Set, marking the 10th anniversary of his accession. Seven months later Italy ‘occupied Albania and Zog followed his wile and baby son to Greece Invasion ‘On 12 April 1939 the 1930 definitives were ‘overprinted. Haly also invaded Greece, but Greek oops counter-attacked into Albania in October 1940, staying there ‘until surrendering the following April In those -months, 45 Greck stamps. were From Augie 159 onwards, defines appeared, tmany showing Haly's Vicor Einmamicl, proclaimed King of Albania Fotage di, airmail and express stamps To40, then in TOW? ase Commemorating the thin anniversary of alan occupation and, in Apel 1943, an Tuberctonis Biel cary se Following Hialys, surrender, German scopnctupied Abana) and Tan ‘ccupaion stamps nee overpriced with the date this took place: The only other ‘Geeman occupation nue wa a charity et for war refugees. Issued only a. month before the Germans left, there's doubt as towhether any were postally used, In October 1944 Albania regained independence. On 4 January 1945 Italian ‘occupation definiives were overprinted, ‘event, Some vals were also inersary of the Peoples Army, whi {ander General Enver Hoxha) helped ou the Germans fom Albania. After Red Cross charity st cme 3 ypograped set Of views of which ldhographed forgeries ound. The one shown appear 10 be tearing in mind the exalopie ote that forgeries are per 1, rather then the correct Th i (genuine and forged) was later for thre dierent reasons he proclamation ofthe eople’s Republic in 1046. The ft eve of the Republic however marked the Inte. ‘abonal Womens Congress Awide range of themes From 1946 onwards sport swell featured Om Abanian stamps and that fis se, for the Baltan Gantes in Trnta, i bo txpemsive.” Although poliicans and Soldiers (inching Eamer Hoxha) were then shown on saanpe, a wide mange of tthe themes predommat. Many cary People's Republic sets show heroes of the mroggle for independenes whic cchers kane ongoing dewoprmert, incloting ralney bulling: Enver Hoch, Prime ‘iver fom 16%, soon berars prem commander ofthe forces and ter Setretary of The Party of Labour He fist appeared ona amp wit anther partian in Toto and then on' definitive sen 1989 G.S.M. February 1998 a The follwing year an airmail set was issued and its 1952 surcharges have been forged. Tin 1952 stamps came on the market showing Roosevelt, Skanderbeg and ‘Churchill. Issued outside Albania, their ‘pictorial set, showing aspects of Albanian life. The next decade provided a mix of, propaganda and thematic sets. In 1963 two stamps marked Oth anniversary of Albania's stamps, ne showing that May 1913 handstamp. Small printings Quen of any, Communit. period Rie oe aero mae oe Mines low 10,000 ang to Michel igs tigen tpasend oe ar thembicord wen af he bigher ext bore Ser ih 1000 soe $1961 mime hyp setae 60,000 for tha Fears feats Tn 1003 four higher valu. defines showed indulge They ere Scharged tn 1003 fr Ue cuety “i 1s dens honed ge pac bulldogs on a samp, es wes a The at of stamps grahally i proved—writh fine set, such as the 1987 Wiica sc and Mao ‘Necung’s 73h Dita spe of 1968 lok gos tA TT ex thong diferent ries ot see atone ceponaly sec sd iy "107 and 1978 saw ewo mor define se cach sewing Alaa acl wor The screed was ulin ane chen ower Hest ded in 1088 is TORS Toth birt ay wots duign dea repped folded. pits misanre hee Hs 80 tenner was commemersid 1688 Berthceaher iis mamery ded ae Below left: 1985 Enver Hoxha miniature sheet Below right: 1996 Europa miniature sheet showing ‘Mother Teresa; Right: 1992 Mother Teresa definitive LAVDI VEPRES SE NDRITUR ETE PAVDEKSHME ‘Te SHOKUT. ENVER HOXHA Nene Tereza 0064959 LEKE SHQIPERIA 1986 brought another definitive set, showing the martyrs’ monument. The ex: ample shown here, one of several values surchanged in 1995, is edged with part of a non-oxerprinted stamp, Mother Teresa In 1092 the "Part of Labour lost power. That year Mother Teresa waschoten asthe subject for a new definitive st. Though not born in Albania, she belonged tothe large Albanian community sn Wigosavia's oworo province, Shes beater pttured on the 1906 Eowopa stamps and minatore Sheet, Not only did she ws Albania but 0 {id the Pope, also shown om 21998 samp. ‘Abas mans unable, However St naive stamps emerged during 1997 Europa set showing folktales, a NICEP and a seenant pair of FRlicare, Ive 00 eveenor of local prov Soual ea: The only cent usd exranle gece la a roughly postmarked plce fom ‘Tirana, wih a Mother Teresa definitive and 2 1997 UNICEF commemorate Staightforeard not the ight word to descr collec Abanian swamps, Fine Sing aed comple, yen However the tsk th aide by thefts of oder collectors research Tam certainly gratefl for having Gacovered the Coles & Waller series and that book by fhm Phipps. My copy of the third edition of Stanley Gibbons Baans catalogue shows igs of equent handling sO the fourth edition i now eager awaited “The new Ath edition ofthe Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, Part 3, Balkans, s published on 20 February 1998, price £26.96. Iti avalabo from Stanley Gibbons and all ood stamp shops. I ordering by ost please add £3 (inland) or £6 (overseas) to cover postage and packing. G.8.M. February 1998

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