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The Truth Of Self Expression & How To Invite More In

The way we express ourselves matters.

It is how we choose to show up and allow the world to witness our truest essence. It is how we connect
with the divine outside and inside of us.

Above all, when we tap into our expressive side, we are communicating the depths of ourselves that
hold on to emotions, memories, feelings, thoughts, and sensations. We give ourselves the freedom to
explore the mysteries of our being and tap into that water element. The water element is associated
with the sacral chakra, our place of emotion, creativity, and pleasure. When we allow that fluidity into
our lives, we open spaces to share parts ourselves and birth new ideas from within, into the outer world.

There are so many ways to express yourself authentically and creatively. Whether it is through spoken
words or art we have the power to communicate a message with ourselves or the people around us.

1. Expressing Through Words

The power that words hold is unmeasurable. It is unable to be handled at times. It is the only form of
expression that quite literally speaks for itself. The ability to transcend illusions and allow your energy to
be openly heard. So straightforward yet so paradoxical. We speak so we can be heard, but when we are
not heard we don’t want to speak. It is so normal in this society to stay quit when we can’t get ourselves
to be heard or understood. We are taught to not be “so loud” or “too much”. So often, this form of
expression is the most difficult. Using words to express your truth will create a clearer form of
communication between yourself, those in your field, and most importantly those that you deeply love.
It is so important to practice open communication and expression through speech because then you will
realize that your words do mean everything. You say what you mean, you say it loud and proud without
hesitation. Those who hear you will stay and listen, those who are not quite sure will consciously
communicate their expression right back, and those who completely misunderstand you will leave. Let

2. Expressing Through Art

For some of us it is not as easy to express through spoken words. Sometimes it seems way more
comforting, releasing, connecting, and multidimensional when we allow our expression to pour out into
art crafts. Or even when the emotions, and inspiration goes so deep that it leaves no room for speech.
Instead, it manifests in other forms such as writing, painting, singing, playing an instrument, and any
other art form that allows us to sit in our fullest expression. A writer will take those words or thoughts
from our head and put them on to paper. Free flow writing, journaling, and poetry are all ways those
depths can be reached. An artist uses colors, form, pencils, pictures, and visualization to flow through
their emotions. A musician will explore through sound, vibrations, song, and melody. These are all ways
to connect with that water element and feel that natural fluidity of expression through art. No matter
what art form you resonate with most, you do not have to “good” at it to do it. No one can tell you that
the way you express yourself is right or wrong. It is just you.

3. Expression Through Movement

One of my personal favorite ways to flow through energy is to express through the body. Sometimes all
we really need to do is come back to our vessel, our being, and feel everything that is going on within us.
The word emotion means energy in motion. When we let go of all the external distractions and allow
ourselves to connect with the body, we can move any stale, stagnant, our rigid energy to release from us
through the way we move. Weather it is through a heavy workout where you get a sweat in, a gentle
stretch, or a full our dance session. Free flow movement is one of the most potent ways to express
everything that you are feeling within, but you are doing it through the body. No thought, no control, no
form, or shape. You just feel and move.

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