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QD No. A.35014/14/2014 CHS V Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (CHS Division) Room No.403, D-Wing ‘Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 34> 2015 To i All Ministries of the Government of India (Including Ministry of Railways & Ministry of Defence) ii, All State Governments! Administration of Union Territories. iii All Statutory bodies/ Autonomous Bodies/ Semi-Government Organizations/Universities/Recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Government/Government of National Capital Territory of India, Delhi Subject: Filling up of posts in the grade of Medical Officer (MO), Senior Medical Officer (SMO), Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) in the General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) sub-cadre of Central Health Service on deputation basis-reg, Sir, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to fill up sixteen (16) posts of, Medical Officer (MO), Senior Medical Officer (SMO), Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) as per the details given in Annexure-I in the General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) sub cadre of Central Health Service on deputation from amongst the officers holding analogous posts under Central Government (including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories, and by Short Term Contract from the suitable officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies, autonomous bodies, semi- government organizations, universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments, 2. Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis, having requisite qualifications and experience as mentioned in the Annexure-I and having completed their period of probation in the parent organization can apply for appointment on deputation to CHS indicating the name of the post and the sub cadre, through proper channel, All the officers who are presently working on deputation (ad-hoc) basis may also apply. The qualification ete. may also be seen in Ministry’s website viz 3. The appointment on deputation basis will be made only on availability of vacancies. ‘The officers selected will have all India Transfer liability and will be posted at a place where vacancies will exist at the time of their selection. 4, The officers selected for appointment on deputation to CHS may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of deputation post or his/her basie pay in the parent cadre plus deputation (duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay. if any. The period of deputation will be governed by CHS Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time. However, the Ministry can end the term of deputation unilaterally if the regular recruitment takes place or if the policy gets changed due to any reason, The terms of deputation will be governed by standard terms of deputation as prescribed by the Government of India from time to time. ae 4 Gon, 5. Applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure 1) should be forwarded to Under Secretary (CHS), Room No.3, *D’ Wing, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, 110011 within forty-five days of the date of publication of the INDICATIVE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS for consideration for appointment on deputation against the posts mentioned in Annexure |, All applications should reach this Ministry through proper channel. Advanee copies of the applications will not be entertained. 6. While forwarding the application, the following documents may also please be sent to this Ministry along with the appli (i) A Certificate to the effect that State Government) Union Territory or the Parent Departmenviorganization has “NO OBJECTION” to the appointment of the officer concerned under CHS on deputation. Gi) Atested copies of the ACR/APARS of the applicant for the last five years, (iii) A Certificate about the integrity of the officer recommended for appointment on deputation under CHS (iv) Vigilance Clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate statu. (v) Certificate of major/minor penalty imposed if any on the officer during the last years/service period whichever is les. incomplete application(s)/ received without above-mentioned documents summarily rejected. In case, application along with the requisite documents ed within the stipulated time, it would be presumed that the parent organization is favour of appointment of the applicant on deputation, ‘The Ministry will not be responsible for collection of above mentioned documents. 7. Eligible officers. whose spouses are working in Central Government or State Government or Union Territories and have been transterred or are working at a place where CHS posts exist. can also apply for deputation. They will be posted at the place of posting of their spouses subject to availability of vacaney and other administrative constraints. Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Telephone: 011-23062550 Encl:-As above Copy to i. The Senior Director (Tech), NIC. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is requested to host the vacancy cireular on the website of this Minis 0M ~ Sn (Lalit Kumar) ry to the Govt of Ini Telephone: 011-23062 Annexure =1 General Duty Medical Sub cadre: Name and scale of posts: i, Medical Officer (MO) - Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39,100) +Rs.5400 Grade Pay ji, Senior Medical Officer (SMO) « Pay Band-3(Rs. 15.600-39,100) +Rs.6600 Grade Pay Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Pay Band-3 (Rs, 15,600-39.100) +Rs.7600 Grade P. iv. Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Pay Band-4(Rs. 37.400-67,000) +Rs.8700 Grade Pay n and ex) nek (a) For deputation ; Officers holding analogous posts under Central Government including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories on regular basis and having completed period of probation satisfactorily (b) For Short Term Contract : officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies. autonomous bodies, semi-government organizations, universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments on regular basis and having completed period of probation satisfactorily (©) Candidate should also possess a recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part Il of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (102 of 1956). Holder of educational qualifications included in Part IL of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) in case of appointment as Medical Officer {Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39,100) +Rs.5400 Grade Pay} (a) Five ye as a medical graduate: or Post-graduate diploma mentioned in Schedule-VI (Appendix-tA*) in the relevant field with two yeurs” experience in the case of Post-graduate degree holder and four years’ experience in the case of Post-graduate diploma holders in case of appointment as Senior Medical Officer {Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39,100) +Rs,6600 Grade Pay} (e) At least ten years” standing in the profession with practical and administrative experience: or Post-graduate degree or diploma mentioned in Schedule-VI in the relevant field with six years’ standing in the profession in the case of Post-graduate degree holder and eight years’ for Post Graduate diploma holders in case of appointment as Chief Medical Officer {Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600- 39,100) *Rs.7600 Grade Pay} _ Details of posts proposed to be filled SeNo.] Name of Post Station No. of | posts 3. Delhi = u Hyderat s_ eae | oO ae ANNEXURE-II PROFORMA 1. Name of the post applied for "Name and Present Designation Date of initial appointment with the pay scale: Present scale of Pay Full Address in Block letters 6. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 7. Date of retirement under Central/ State Government rules 8. Educational Qualifications 9, Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications! Qualifications Experience required Experience possessed by the officer Essential (1) @ @) Desired (1) @ 10. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you ‘meet the requirements of the post Contd...... Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature and verified, by employer ifthe space below is insufficient Office/nstt/Orgn. Postheld From To Scaleof pay Nature of and basic pay duties 15. ‘Nature of present employment, i.c.,ad hoe oF temporary or permanent Whether Probation period completed satisfactorily. : In case the present employment is held ‘on deputation/contract basis, please state — (a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract (©) Name of the parent office/organisation to which you belong Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under := (@) Central Government (b) State Government (©) Autonomous Organizations (@ Government Undertakings (©) Universities 16. Please specify whether on deputation to any State Government or in Central deputation earlier 17. Please specify whether unauthorized absence, EOL, Or Leave Not Due (LND) taken earlier. 18, Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale 19, Total emoluments pet month now drawn (Indicating Pay Band, Band Pay and Grade Pay separately) 20. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, ifthe space is insufficient and got verified by employer. 21, Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC 22. Remarks Signature of the Candidate Date. CCountersigned...- Address. (Employer) rf ae THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINAR’ IA TRAOR SCREDULE-Vi (See rue 5) exe (009) [Seaton [SNe Sea ‘Requisite Fat Grade Degree Qualltoalons [ Roisie Fo Gradiae | Diplo Quatifen Pari(ay) Row Clistest Aatoesy Physiology Bio-Chemistry Bio-Physies Pharmacology Pathology Microbiology or Bacteriology Master of Surgery (Anatomy); of Doctor of Meine (Anstom): or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Maser of Science (Anatomy); or ‘Masier of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Anatom); or ‘MSe(Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Selence (Medical Anatomy) Doctor of Medicine (Physiology); or MBBS. with MSc. (Physiology) or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Physiology): or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Science (Medical Physiology) Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisty Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) or Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor ofPifosophy (Medical Bio-Chemisiy) or Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) Doctor of Medicine (Bio- Physics or MSc. (Biow Physics or Medical Biochemisty) with Doctor of Philosophy (Bic- Physics; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology): or Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisry) with one year talning in bio-Physics, Doctor of Meuieine (Pharmacology) ot Bachelor of Medicine and Bacholor of Surgery with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Pharmacology}: ot ‘Master of Science (Medical Pharmacology) with Doctce ‘of Philosophy (Mesical Pharmacology); or Master of Science (Medical Phammscology) with Doster of Science Pharmacology) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) ot Doctor af Philosophy (Pathology); or Doctor of Science (Pathology) ocior of Medicine Bacteriology} or Docior of Medicine ( Microbiology; or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Mirobiolog); or Doctor of Philosophy D: (Med. Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Bacteriology) with Doctor ‘of Science (Medical Bacteriology); or Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor Diploma in Clinical Pathology Diploma in Pathology and Bacteriology Bactelology Bocterology Diplome in Pethology and | 3 L-ws 341) SW: SFT B.CLINICAL, 1. | General Medicine 2 | Forensic Medicine 3. | Rackation Medicine 4. | Paediaties 5. | ctinier Haematology 6 | Tuberouloss and Respiratory Medicine Pulmonery Medicine 7. | Paychiauy 8. | Venereology 10, | Dermatology, Venereology” and ‘oF PTosophy (oedical Misabiologyy ‘Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor (of Sclence (Masdieal Microbiology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Docior of Medicine (General Mecicine) Doctor of Medicine (Forensic Medicine) Doctor of Modine (Radlation Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Riio-Therapy) Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) Doctor of Medicine in Medicine ot Paholony, with ‘thre yeas’ experience in Haematology Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis) Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in ‘Tuberculosis Diseases or Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Disease; or Docior of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases) Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or ‘Doctor of Medicine (Psychological Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine, with Diploma in Psychological Medicine : or Diploma in Psychiatry Edin of two years cour, Diploma in Psychiatry (Me.Gill) Universiy, Montel, (Canada of two yeas” course. Doctor of Medicine (Venereology) or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology ;or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with Diploma Venereology Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology); oF Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology): Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with dlploma in Dermatology Docior of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology); Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy; or Doctor of Meine (Dermatology) Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology "Including Venereology); or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology including ‘Venereology ot Leprosy); Doctor of Medicine (Medicine), with Diploma in ‘Veneral and Dermatology or Diploma in Dermatology. in Paedintrass, Diploma in Child Heath Diploma” in Tuberculosis Diseases Diploma in Tobersosis and ‘Chest Diseases Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Ore year course) Diploma in Venereology Diploma in Dermatology Diploma in Venereology end Dermatology, Diploma in Dermatology’ and ‘Venereology. $46 ofa 15 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. (age 1l—sec. 30) 14 18, 18 19, Surgery Oropacdies Obstrettics and | Gyanecology Physical Medicine and Rehatilitaton Opthalmology Ot-Rhino- Laryngology (Eas, [Nose and Threat) Maternity and Child Heath Radio-dagrosis Radio Therapy For 18and 19 Master of Surgery (Surgery) Master of Surgery (General Surgery) Maser of Surgery (Orthopaedics) Doctor of Medicine (Obsteties and Gynaecology); or Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Docior of Medicine (Physical Medicine end Rehabilation); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in Physical Medicine and Rehabilation; or Master of Surgery (General Surgery) or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics) with owo years special taining in “the Specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Medicine) or t00 years of equivalent training approved in the subjet in any pproved institution in India Master of Surgery (Opthalmology); or Doctor of Medicine (Opshalmology) Maser of Surgery (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology! Diploma in Chilé Heath or Diploma in. Mstemity and Child Welfare with Doctor of Medicine (Obsttries and Gynaecology) ‘Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Mid and Gynaecology; or ‘Master of Surgery ( Mid and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetis) or Docior of Medicine or Member of Royal College of Obseicians and Gynaecologists, London, United Kingdo Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Membership of the National “Academy of Medical Selences (Integrated Maternity and CWI Healt) Speciality Board of Obsteics and Gynaecology (United States of America) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-dagnoss) Doctor of Medicine (Radiology); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Rasilogy); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Note The persons who have done their Doctor of | Diploma in Onbopaecics | Diploma in Gyzaccology and Obstetrics Diploma in Opishalmology Diploma in. Opkisimic ‘Medline and Surgery Diploma in Ophiatmoiogy Diploma in Oto-Rhino- Lanngology Diploma in Muterity and (Child Wettre Diploma in Medicine ang Radio Diagnosis or equivalent Aiploma of one yea duration, Diploma in Medicine and Radio Therapy oF equivalent iploma of one year uration LE a ST SS 34] eS: ea 24 2s. Anesthesiology Nuclear Medicine Nutriion Human ‘Metabolism Immuno- Haematology and Blood Transfusion Medical Genetics Family Medicine | Mesicine te Radiology or Diploma in Radiology before | 1925 shal alo be cligibe to apply tothe post of Rado= ingnosis and Radio-Therapy Doctor of Medicine (Anesthesiology); oF Mester of Surgery (Anesthesiology) Doctor of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine}; or Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy) with two years! ‘experience in Nuclear Medicine ina recognized centre: Doctr of Medicine (Medicine) with Diplome in Radiation Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine, Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Diagnosis) with two years! experience in Nuclear Medicine in a recognized centse; Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Physics) or lis equivalent ‘qualification in Bio-Physics with Diploma in Radiation ‘Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine; or Diplomate National Board in Nuclear Medicine with two year experience in Nuclear Mecicine ina recognized centre Doctor of Medicine in Biochemistry; of Docior of Medicine in Physiology; oF Docior of Medicine in Pathology of Doctor of Medicine in Medicine; or Doctor of Medline In Social and preventive Medicine; Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Paediatrics with Master of Science in applied Nutrtion of specal waning for & period of one year Doctor of Medicine (Endotinology; of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Pediatrics) with two years special traning in Endocrinology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); or Doctor of Medicine (Immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion oF Doctor of Medicine in Pathology; o in Haematology with two years teaching experience or special. taining in’ the department of immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion, Doctorate of Medicine (Medical Genetics) or Doctor of Medicine (Medical Genetics); oF Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Pediatics); Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); ‘with two years special training in Medical Genetics. Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine ( General Medicine) Diploma in Anesthesiology 108 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. [Pant See. 36) 7. 2. 28, 31 2, 3. 6. 38. 36, 3 38. ‘Aviation Medicine | Doctor of Medicine (Avieion Medicine) oF or Aerospace Medicine ‘Tropical Medicine Rheumatology Health Education Marine Medicine Occupational Health Radiological Physics Virology Doctor of Medicine (Aerospace Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine; or Doctor of Meicine Gener Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Geriatrics) Doctor of Medicine (Health Adminstration; or Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration; or Doctor of Medicine (Community Health Administration) Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration}; or Doctor of Medicine Community Heath ‘Administeation); oF Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) Doctor of Medicine (Sports Medicine}; or “Master of Surgery (Orthopedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) with two yours ‘experience in spots maine Doctor of Medicine (Tropical Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology) plus two years! ‘experience in linial medicine Doctor of Medicine (Rheumatology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two years? ‘experienee in Rheumatology oF immunology Doctor of Medicine (Socal ard Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine); o. Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) ‘Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two yeas special ‘waning in Marine Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Master of Surgery (Onbopaedics) Master of Science (Physics: or ‘Master of Science (Chemisty); or Master of ‘Science (Biophysics) with Dovior of Philosophy (Physies or Chemistry or Biophysics) Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology); or Doctor of Medicine (Pathology); or Doctor of Medicine with two years special training in Virology of Master of Science (Medical Virology with ector of Philosophy in Virology. we Hl-wrg 3¢))) SW TE 109 OPER SPECIALITIES Mest! Gastroenterology Newology Endocrinology Cardiology Nephrology Plastic and Reconstructive Cardio _Vaseul and Thoracic Surgery [Neuro Surgery Paediatric Surgery Urology Gastrointestinal Surgery Neonatology Clinical Haematology Clinical Pharmacology Immunology Doctorate of Maticine (Medical Gastroenterology); or Doctorate of Medizin (Gaswoenterology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Doctor of Medicine (Peinties) wit two yeas special lining in Gastroenterology Doctorate of Medicine ( Neurology) ees ero nre Se a as Doctorate of Medicine (Cardiology) Doctorate of Medicine ( Nephrology) Magister Chirurguie (Plastic Surgery); ot Magister Chirurguie (laste and Constructive Surgery) Magister Chirurgie ( Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) or ‘Magister Chirurgue (Thoracic Surgery); oF ‘Magister Chirurgie (Cardio Surgery); ot ‘Magister Chirurguie (Vascular Surgery) “Magister Chirurguie (euro Surgery) “Magiser Chirurgie (Paediatric Surgery) Magister Chirurguie (Urology) Magister Chiruguie (Gastro-Intestinal Surgery) ‘Master of Surgery (General Surgery) with vo years special tlning in a department of Casto Intestino Surgery Doctorate of Medicine (Ns Dostor of Medicine (Paediatries) with (vo years special ‘raining In Neonatology Doctorate of Medicine (Clnieal Haematology); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine Paediatr) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) with two years special teaning in Clinical Haematology Doctorate of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology; cr Doctorate of Medicine (Pharmacology) with two years special training in Clinical Pharmacology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); of Doctor of Medicine (Pathology): or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology): ot 9 THEQAZETTE OFINDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pan Se 5) Doctor “of Medicine (Peediatics) with te years | 1 special aining in Imminology | 16 | Medical Genetics | Doctorate of Maicine(Modical Genetis) cr Doctor of Medicine (Peediaics); or Dest of ode Medinet ‘Master of Surgery (Anatomy) with two yeers special | Usining in Modal Genetics 1. | Medical Doctorate of Medicine (Medics! Onebiogy): | Oncelogy Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) o Doctor of Medicine (Radiotherapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) with two years special traning in Medical Oncology 18, | Surpioal Magister Chirurguie(Surgicel Gastroenterology); or Gastroenterology | Master of Surgery (Surgery) with two yours spciel traning in Surgical Gastroenterlogy 19, | Surgical Magister Chirurgule (Surgical Oncology) or Oncelogy Master of Surgery or Master of Surgery (Ear, Nose, ‘Throat or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gyntecolagy) with to years special tuning in Surgical Oncology 20, | Paodiaie ‘Doctorate of Melcne (Paediatre Cardiology); or Cardiology Doctorate of Meine (Cardiology) or Doctor of Meticine Paediatrics) with wo yests special traning in Cardiology. DPuBLIC HEALTE 1 | Socist and . Preventive Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Medicine or | or Community Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine) Medicine 2 | Publi Health Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine}; | Diploma in. Public Health, or Diploma in Industri Health, Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Master of Public Heath Doctor of Medicine Health Administation Diploma in Tropical Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Community Health | Dipiora in Topical Medicine ie Administ) sand Hygiene. [ote 1.—Any Post Graduate Degree o Diplo awarded by any Indian Universit, included in or excluded from, the Gare to Indian Medical Couneil Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), consequent to recngition grated or within be Government of Unless Pe provisions ofthe sid Act shall be demed to have been iclded or ensuded aceon fom the Schedule VI. ‘Note 2.—The Post-Graduate Medical Qualifications awarded by Indian Universities, must have been ‘Schedules tothe Indian Medical Council Act, 196 (102 of 1956) forthe purpone of Schedule Vi ued in the "Rote 3-=The Controlling Authority may, in consutation with the Commission, include any medial qualifcation in Part ‘A Part, Part C or Pat D of Schedule Vi. No, A.35014/14/2014 CHS V Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (CHS Division) Room No.403, D-Wing Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated ey Tuy, 2015 To a. All Ministries of the Government of India (Including Ministry of Railways & Ministry of Defence) b. All State Governments! Administration of Union Territories. ¢. All Statutory bodies/ Autonomous Bodies! Semi-Government Organizations/Universities/Recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Government/Government of National Capital Territory of India, Delhi Subject: Filling up of posts in the grade of Specialist Gr.II1, Specialist Gr.lI and Specialist Gr.1 in the Non-teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Service on deputation basis-reg. Sir, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to fill up twenty-five (25) posts of Specialist Grade.III, Specialist Grade.ll and Specialist Grade.l as per the details given in Annexure-I in Non-teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Service on deputation from amongst the officers holding analogous posts under Central Government (including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories, and by Short Term Contract from the suitable officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies, autonomous bodies, semi-government organizations, universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments. 2, Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis, having requisite qualifications and experience as mentioned in the Annexure-I and having completed their period of probation in the parent organization can apply for appointment on deputation to CHS indicating the name of the post and the sub cadre, through proper channel. All the officers who are presently working on deputation (ad-hoc) basis may also apply. The qualification ete. may also be seen in Ministry’s website viz 3. The appointment on deputation basis will be made only on availability of vacancies. ‘The officers selected will have all India Transfer liability and will be posted at a place where vacancies will exist at the time of their selection. 4, The officers selected for appointment on deputation to CHS may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of deputation post or his/her basic pay in the parent cadre plus deputation (duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay. if any. The period of deputation will be governed by CHS Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time. However, the Ministry can end the term of eputation unilaterally if the regular recruitment takes place or if the policy gets changed due to ‘any reason. The terms of deputation will be governed by standard terms of deputation as prescribed by the Government of India from time to time. 5. Applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure TI) should be forwarded to Under Seeretary (CHS), Room No.403, ‘D’ Wing, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, 110011 within forty-five days of the date of publication of the INDICATIVE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS for consideration for appointment on deputation against the posts mentioned in Annexure I. All applications should reach this Ministry through proper channel, Advance copies of the applications will not be entertained. 6. While forwarding the application. the following documents may also please be sent to this Ministry along with the application. () A Certificate to the effect that State Government’ Union Territory or the Parent Departmenvorganization has “NO OBJECTION” to the appointment of the officer concerned under CHS on deputation. (i) Attested copies of the ACRS/APARS of the applicant for the last five years. A Certificate about the integrity of the officer recommended for appointment on deputation under CHS. (iv) Vigilance Clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate status, () Certificate of major/minor penalty imposed if any on the officer during the last ten yyears/service period whichever is less. Incomplete application(s)/ received without above-mentioned documents will be summarily rejected. In eave, application along with the requisite documents ix not received within the stipulated time, it would be presumed that the parent organization is not in favour of appointment of the applicant on deputation. The Ministry will not be responsible for collection of above mentioned documents. 7. Eligible officers, whose spouses are working in Central Government or State Government or Union Territories and have been transferred or are working at a place where CHS posts exist, can also apply for deputation. ‘They will be posted at the place of posting of their spouses subject to availability of vacancy and other administrative constraints Yours faithfully, i (Lalit Kimar) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Telephone: 011-23062550 Encl:-As abov Copy to: 1, The Senior Director (Tech.), NIC, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is requested to host the vacaney circular on the website of this Ministry 6 8 ae (Lalit Kumar) Linder Secretary to the Govt. of India Telephone: 011-23062550 Annexure ‘Non-Teaching Sub cadre: Name and scale of posts: i) Specialist Gr. Il- Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39,100) +Rs.6600 Grate Pay (ii) Specialist Gr. Il - Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39.100) +Rs.7600 Grade Pay (iii) Specialist Gr. [- Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37.400-67,000) +Rs.8700 Grade Pay Qualification and experienc (a) For deputation ; Officers holding analogous posts under Central Government {including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories on regular basis and having completed period of probation satisfactorily (b) For Short Term Contract ; officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies, autonomous bodies. semi-government organizations, universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments on regular basis and having ‘completed period of probation satisfactorily (©) Candidate should also possess a recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (102 of 1956), Holder of educational ‘qualifications included in Part 11 of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). (@) Recognized Post Graduate dk speciality mentioned Section-A or S from time to time (Appendix-*A’), zree or diploma in the concemed speciality or super~ jion-B in Schedule-VI to CHS Rules, 2014 as amended (e) __ Three years" experience in the concerned speciality or super speciality afier obtaining the first Post Graduate degree or five years’ experience after the Post-graduate diploma in case of appointment as Specialist Gr.lIl {Pay Band-3(Rs. 15.600-39,100) +Rs.6600 Grade Pay} (1) __ Five years” experience in the concerned speciality or super speciality afier obtaining the first Post-graduate degree or seven years’ experience afler obtaining the first Post- graduate diploma in the case of appointment as Specialist G.ll {Pay Band-3(Rs, 15.600- 39.100) +Rs.7600 Grade Pay} (g) Twelve years” standing in the profession, out of which 08 years" experience in the concerned speciality with practical and administrative experience in case of appointment as Specialist Gr.1{Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37.400-67.000) +Rs.8700 Grade Pay}. Note: In the case of holder of Doctorate of Medicine(D-M.) or Magister Chirurgiae(M.Ch.) qualification of five years” duration, the period of senior Post-graduate resideney rendered in the last part of the Said of Doctorate of Medicine or Magister Chirurgiae (M.Ch.) shall be counted towards requirement of experience. m Go Bee No.| Name 0 Details of posts proposed to be filled Pos Specialist Gr. Anaesthesia at A&N and | 05 Lakshadweep Islands Specialist GeV Obst. & Gynae. at ARN and [05 Lakshadweep Islands Specialist GrllDIUT Specialist GEV Medicine at A&N Island! CGHS, Hyderabad & Chennai and CLTRI, || Chengalpattu Paediatrics at ARN and | 04 Lakshadweep Islands and at CGHS, Chennai & Hyderabad | Specialist GeIUIT Surgery at A& N and Lakshadweep | 04 Islands Specialist Gri Microbiology at CLTRI, | 02 Chengalpattu Total 2 ANNEXURE-IT PROFORMA, 1, Name of the post applied for Name and Present Designation Date of initial appointment with the pay scale: Present scale of Pay Full Address in Block letters 6. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 7. Date of retirement under Central’ State Government rules 8. Educational Qualifications 9. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any ‘qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications! Qualifications’ Experience required Experience possessed by the officer Essential (1) @ @) Desired (1) Q 10. Please state clearly whether in the light. of entries made by you above, you ‘meet the requirements of the post Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature and verified, by employer ifthe space below is insufficient Office/nstt/Orgn. Postheld From To Scaleof pay Nature of and basic pay duties 15. ‘Nature of present employment, i.c.,ad hoe oF temporary or permanent Whether Probation period completed satisfactorily. : In case the present employment is held ‘on deputation/contract basis, please state — (a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract (©) Name of the parent office/organisation to which you belong Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under := (@) Central Government (b) State Government (©) Autonomous Organizations (@ Government Undertakings (©) Universities 16. Please specify whether on deputation to any State Government or in Central deputation earlier 17. Please specify whether unauthorized absence, EOL, Or Leave Not Due (LND) taken earlier 18, Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale 19, Total emoluments per month now drawn (Indicating Pay Band, Band Pay and Grade Pay separately) 20. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient and got verified by employer. 21. Whether belongs to SC/STIOBC 22. Remarks of the Date. ee Countersigned...... (Employer) ae THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINAR’ IA TRAOR SCREDULE-Vi (See rue 5) exe (009) [Seaton [SNe Sea ‘Requisite Fat Grade Degree Qualltoalons [ Roisie Fo Gradiae | Diplo Quatifen Pari(ay) Row Clistest Aatoesy Physiology Bio-Chemistry Bio-Physies Pharmacology Pathology Microbiology or Bacteriology Master of Surgery (Anatomy); of Doctor of Meine (Anstom): or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Maser of Science (Anatomy); or ‘Masier of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Anatom); or ‘MSe(Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Selence (Medical Anatomy) Doctor of Medicine (Physiology); or MBBS. with MSc. (Physiology) or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Physiology): or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Science (Medical Physiology) Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisty Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) or Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor ofPifosophy (Medical Bio-Chemisiy) or Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) Doctor of Medicine (Bio- Physics or MSc. (Biow Physics or Medical Biochemisty) with Doctor of Philosophy (Bic- Physics; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology): or Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisry) with one year talning in bio-Physics, Doctor of Meuieine (Pharmacology) ot Bachelor of Medicine and Bacholor of Surgery with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Pharmacology}: ot ‘Master of Science (Medical Pharmacology) with Doctce ‘of Philosophy (Mesical Pharmacology); or Master of Science (Medical Phammscology) with Doster of Science Pharmacology) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) ot Doctor af Philosophy (Pathology); or Doctor of Science (Pathology) ocior of Medicine Bacteriology} or Docior of Medicine ( Microbiology; or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Mirobiolog); or Doctor of Philosophy D: (Med. Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Bacteriology) with Doctor ‘of Science (Medical Bacteriology); or Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor Diploma in Clinical Pathology Diploma in Pathology and Bacteriology Bactelology Bocterology Diplome in Pethology and | 3 L-ws 341) SW: SFT B.CLINICAL, 1. | General Medicine 2 | Forensic Medicine 3. | Rackation Medicine 4. | Paediaties 5. | ctinier Haematology 6 | Tuberouloss and Respiratory Medicine Pulmonery Medicine 7. | Paychiauy 8. | Venereology 10, | Dermatology, Venereology” and ‘oF PTosophy (oedical Misabiologyy ‘Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor (of Sclence (Masdieal Microbiology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Docior of Medicine (General Mecicine) Doctor of Medicine (Forensic Medicine) Doctor of Modine (Radlation Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Riio-Therapy) Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) Doctor of Medicine in Medicine ot Paholony, with ‘thre yeas’ experience in Haematology Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis) Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in ‘Tuberculosis Diseases or Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Disease; or Docior of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases) Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or ‘Doctor of Medicine (Psychological Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine, with Diploma in Psychological Medicine : or Diploma in Psychiatry Edin of two years cour, Diploma in Psychiatry (Me.Gill) Universiy, Montel, (Canada of two yeas” course. Doctor of Medicine (Venereology) or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology ;or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with Diploma Venereology Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology); oF Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology): Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with dlploma in Dermatology Docior of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology); Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy; or Doctor of Meine (Dermatology) Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology "Including Venereology); or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology including ‘Venereology ot Leprosy); Doctor of Medicine (Medicine), with Diploma in ‘Veneral and Dermatology or Diploma in Dermatology. in Paedintrass, Diploma in Child Heath Diploma” in Tuberculosis Diseases Diploma in Tobersosis and ‘Chest Diseases Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Ore year course) Diploma in Venereology Diploma in Dermatology Diploma in Venereology end Dermatology, Diploma in Dermatology’ and ‘Venereology. $46 ofa 15 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. (age 1l—sec. 30) 14 18, 18 19, Surgery Oropacdies Obstrettics and | Gyanecology Physical Medicine and Rehatilitaton Opthalmology Ot-Rhino- Laryngology (Eas, [Nose and Threat) Maternity and Child Heath Radio-dagrosis Radio Therapy For 18and 19 Master of Surgery (Surgery) Master of Surgery (General Surgery) Maser of Surgery (Orthopaedics) Doctor of Medicine (Obsteties and Gynaecology); or Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Docior of Medicine (Physical Medicine end Rehabilation); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in Physical Medicine and Rehabilation; or Master of Surgery (General Surgery) or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics) with owo years special taining in “the Specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Medicine) or t00 years of equivalent training approved in the subjet in any pproved institution in India Master of Surgery (Opthalmology); or Doctor of Medicine (Opshalmology) Maser of Surgery (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology! Diploma in Chilé Heath or Diploma in. Mstemity and Child Welfare with Doctor of Medicine (Obsttries and Gynaecology) ‘Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Mid and Gynaecology; or ‘Master of Surgery ( Mid and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetis) or Docior of Medicine or Member of Royal College of Obseicians and Gynaecologists, London, United Kingdo Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Membership of the National “Academy of Medical Selences (Integrated Maternity and CWI Healt) Speciality Board of Obsteics and Gynaecology (United States of America) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-dagnoss) Doctor of Medicine (Radiology); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Rasilogy); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Note The persons who have done their Doctor of | Diploma in Onbopaecics | Diploma in Gyzaccology and Obstetrics Diploma in Opishalmology Diploma in. Opkisimic ‘Medline and Surgery Diploma in Ophiatmoiogy Diploma in Oto-Rhino- Lanngology Diploma in Muterity and (Child Wettre Diploma in Medicine ang Radio Diagnosis or equivalent Aiploma of one yea duration, Diploma in Medicine and Radio Therapy oF equivalent iploma of one year uration LE a ST SS 34] eS: ea 24 2s. Anesthesiology Nuclear Medicine Nutriion Human ‘Metabolism Immuno- Haematology and Blood Transfusion Medical Genetics Family Medicine | Mesicine te Radiology or Diploma in Radiology before | 1925 shal alo be cligibe to apply tothe post of Rado= ingnosis and Radio-Therapy Doctor of Medicine (Anesthesiology); oF Mester of Surgery (Anesthesiology) Doctor of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine}; or Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy) with two years! ‘experience in Nuclear Medicine ina recognized centre: Doctr of Medicine (Medicine) with Diplome in Radiation Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine, Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Diagnosis) with two years! experience in Nuclear Medicine in a recognized centse; Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Physics) or lis equivalent ‘qualification in Bio-Physics with Diploma in Radiation ‘Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine; or Diplomate National Board in Nuclear Medicine with two year experience in Nuclear Mecicine ina recognized centre Doctor of Medicine in Biochemistry; of Docior of Medicine in Physiology; oF Docior of Medicine in Pathology of Doctor of Medicine in Medicine; or Doctor of Medline In Social and preventive Medicine; Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Paediatrics with Master of Science in applied Nutrtion of specal waning for & period of one year Doctor of Medicine (Endotinology; of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Pediatrics) with two years special traning in Endocrinology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); or Doctor of Medicine (Immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion oF Doctor of Medicine in Pathology; o in Haematology with two years teaching experience or special. taining in’ the department of immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion, Doctorate of Medicine (Medical Genetics) or Doctor of Medicine (Medical Genetics); oF Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Pediatics); Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); ‘with two years special training in Medical Genetics. Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine ( General Medicine) Diploma in Anesthesiology 108 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. [Pant See. 36) 7. 2. 28, 31 2, 3. 6. 38. 36, 3 38. ‘Aviation Medicine | Doctor of Medicine (Avieion Medicine) oF or Aerospace Medicine ‘Tropical Medicine Rheumatology Health Education Marine Medicine Occupational Health Radiological Physics Virology Doctor of Medicine (Aerospace Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine; or Doctor of Meicine Gener Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Geriatrics) Doctor of Medicine (Health Adminstration; or Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration; or Doctor of Medicine (Community Health Administration) Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration}; or Doctor of Medicine Community Heath ‘Administeation); oF Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) Doctor of Medicine (Sports Medicine}; or “Master of Surgery (Orthopedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) with two yours ‘experience in spots maine Doctor of Medicine (Tropical Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology) plus two years! ‘experience in linial medicine Doctor of Medicine (Rheumatology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two years? ‘experienee in Rheumatology oF immunology Doctor of Medicine (Socal ard Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine); o. Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) ‘Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two yeas special ‘waning in Marine Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Master of Surgery (Onbopaedics) Master of Science (Physics: or ‘Master of Science (Chemisty); or Master of ‘Science (Biophysics) with Dovior of Philosophy (Physies or Chemistry or Biophysics) Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology); or Doctor of Medicine (Pathology); or Doctor of Medicine with two years special training in Virology of Master of Science (Medical Virology with ector of Philosophy in Virology. we Hl-wrg 3¢))) SW TE 109 OPER SPECIALITIES Mest! Gastroenterology Newology Endocrinology Cardiology Nephrology Plastic and Reconstructive Cardio _Vaseul and Thoracic Surgery [Neuro Surgery Paediatric Surgery Urology Gastrointestinal Surgery Neonatology Clinical Haematology Clinical Pharmacology Immunology Doctorate of Maticine (Medical Gastroenterology); or Doctorate of Medizin (Gaswoenterology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Doctor of Medicine (Peinties) wit two yeas special lining in Gastroenterology Doctorate of Medicine ( Neurology) ees ero nre Se a as Doctorate of Medicine (Cardiology) Doctorate of Medicine ( Nephrology) Magister Chirurguie (Plastic Surgery); ot Magister Chirurguie (laste and Constructive Surgery) Magister Chirurgie ( Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) or ‘Magister Chirurgue (Thoracic Surgery); oF ‘Magister Chirurgie (Cardio Surgery); ot ‘Magister Chirurguie (Vascular Surgery) “Magister Chirurguie (euro Surgery) “Magiser Chirurgie (Paediatric Surgery) Magister Chirurguie (Urology) Magister Chiruguie (Gastro-Intestinal Surgery) ‘Master of Surgery (General Surgery) with vo years special tlning in a department of Casto Intestino Surgery Doctorate of Medicine (Ns Dostor of Medicine (Paediatries) with (vo years special ‘raining In Neonatology Doctorate of Medicine (Clnieal Haematology); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine Paediatr) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) with two years special teaning in Clinical Haematology Doctorate of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology; cr Doctorate of Medicine (Pharmacology) with two years special training in Clinical Pharmacology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); of Doctor of Medicine (Pathology): or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology): ot 9 THEQAZETTE OFINDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pan Se 5) Doctor “of Medicine (Peediatics) with te years | 1 special aining in Imminology | 16 | Medical Genetics | Doctorate of Maicine(Modical Genetis) cr Doctor of Medicine (Peediaics); or Dest of ode Medinet ‘Master of Surgery (Anatomy) with two yeers special | Usining in Modal Genetics 1. | Medical Doctorate of Medicine (Medics! Onebiogy): | Oncelogy Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) o Doctor of Medicine (Radiotherapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) with two years special traning in Medical Oncology 18, | Surpioal Magister Chirurguie(Surgicel Gastroenterology); or Gastroenterology | Master of Surgery (Surgery) with two yours spciel traning in Surgical Gastroenterlogy 19, | Surgical Magister Chirurgule (Surgical Oncology) or Oncelogy Master of Surgery or Master of Surgery (Ear, Nose, ‘Throat or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gyntecolagy) with to years special tuning in Surgical Oncology 20, | Paodiaie ‘Doctorate of Melcne (Paediatre Cardiology); or Cardiology Doctorate of Meine (Cardiology) or Doctor of Meticine Paediatrics) with wo yests special traning in Cardiology. DPuBLIC HEALTE 1 | Socist and . Preventive Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Medicine or | or Community Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine) Medicine 2 | Publi Health Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine}; | Diploma in. Public Health, or Diploma in Industri Health, Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Master of Public Heath Doctor of Medicine Health Administation Diploma in Tropical Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Community Health | Dipiora in Topical Medicine ie Administ) sand Hygiene. [ote 1.—Any Post Graduate Degree o Diplo awarded by any Indian Universit, included in or excluded from, the Gare to Indian Medical Couneil Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), consequent to recngition grated or within be Government of Unless Pe provisions ofthe sid Act shall be demed to have been iclded or ensuded aceon fom the Schedule VI. ‘Note 2.—The Post-Graduate Medical Qualifications awarded by Indian Universities, must have been ‘Schedules tothe Indian Medical Council Act, 196 (102 of 1956) forthe purpone of Schedule Vi ued in the "Rote 3-=The Controlling Authority may, in consutation with the Commission, include any medial qualifcation in Part ‘A Part, Part C or Pat D of Schedule Vi. No, A.35014/14/2014 CHS V Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (CHS Division) Room No.403, D-Wing Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: iJy, 2015 To i, All. Ministries of the Government of India (Including Ministry of Railways & Ministry of Defence) ii, All State Governments! Administration of Union Territories. iii, All Statutory bodies/ Autonomous Bodies! Semi-Government Organizations/Universities/Recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Government/Government of National Capital Territory of India, Delhi Subject: Filling up of posts in the grade of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Service on deputation basis-reg. Sir, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to fill up twenty-five (25) posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor as per the details given in Annexure-T in Teaching sub cadre of Central Health Service on deputation from amongst the officers holding analogous posts under Central Government (including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories, and by Short Term Contract from the suitable officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies, autonomous bodies, semi- government organizations, universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments, 2, _ Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis, having requisite qualifications and experience as mentioned in the Annexure-I and having completed their period of probation in the parent organization can apply for appointment on deputation to CHS indicating the name of the post and the sub cadre, through proper channel. All the officers who are presently working on deputation (ad-hoc) basis may also apply. The qualification etc. may also be seen in Ministry’s website viz, 3. The appointment on deputation basis will be made only on availability of vacancies. The officers selected will have all India Transfer liability and will be posted at a place where vacancies will exist af the time of their selection, 4. _ The officers selected for appointment on deputation to CHS may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of deputation post or his/her basic pay in the parent cadre plus deputation (duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay, if any. The period of deputation will be governed by CHS Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time. However, the Ministry can end the term of deputation unilaterally if the regular recruitment takes place or if the policy gets changed due to any reason. The terms of deputation will be governed by standard terms of deputation as prescribed by the Government of India from time to time. 5. Applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure I) should be forwarded to Under Secretary (CHS), Room No.403, ‘D’ Wing, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, aw MO] One Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, 110011 within forty-five days of the date of publication of the INDICATIVE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS for consideration for appointment on deputation against the posts mentioned in Annexure I. All applications should reach this Ministry through proper channel. Advance copies of the applications will not be entertained. 6 While forwarding the application, the following documents may also please be sent to this Ministry along with the application. () A Centificate to the effect that State Government! Union Territory of the Parent Departmentiorganization has “NO OBJECTION” to the appointment of the officer concerned under CHS on deputation. (ii) Attested copies of the ACRs/APARS of the applicant for the last five years. (ili) A Certificate about the integrity of the officer recommended for appointment on deputation under CHS. (iv) Vigilance Clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate status. (v) Certificate of major/minor penalty imposed if any on the officer during the last ten years/service period whichever is less. Incomplete application(s)/ received without above-mentioned documents will be summarily rejected. In case, application along with the requisite documents is not received within the stipulated time, it would be presumed that the parent organization is not in favour of appointment of the applicant on deputation. The Ministry will not be responsible for collection of above mentioned documents, 7. Eligible officers, whose spouses are working in Central Government or State Government or Union Territories and have been transferred or are working at a place where CHS posts exist, can also apply for deputation, They will be posted at the place of posting of their spouses subject to availability of vacancy and other administrative constraints ‘Yours faithfully, Mf Sm (Lalit Kumar) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Telephone: 011-23062550 Encl:-As above Copy to i. The Senior Director (Tech.), NIC. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is requested to host the vacaney circular on the Website of this Ministry MO Gan (Lalit Kumar) tary to the Govt, of India Telephone: 011-23062550 Under Sei Annexure 1 ‘Teaching sub-cadre: Name and scale of posts: i, Assistant Professor- Pay Band-3(Rs. 15,600-39,100) +Rs.6600 Grade Pay ii, Associate Professor- Pay Band-3(Rs, 15,600-39,100) +Rs.7600 Grade P: iii, Professor Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37,400-67,000) +Rs.8700 Grade Pay Qualification and experience: (a) For deputation : Officers holding analogous posts under Central Government (including Ministries of Railways and Defence) or State Governments or Union Territories on regular basis and having completed period of probation satisfactorily (b) For Short Term Contraet : officers holding analogous posts under the statutory bodies, autonomous bodies, semi-government organizations. universities or recognized Research Institutions under Central/State Governments on regular basis and having completed period of probation satisfactorily (©) Candidate should also possess a recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule ot Part I! of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (102 of 1956). Holder of educational qualifications included in Part Il of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Couneil Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), (@)__ Recognized Post-graduate degree in the concerned Speciality or Super- speciality mentioned in Seetion-A of Schedule-VI to CHS Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time (Appendix-A’). (©) Atleast three years’ teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Speciality or Super- speciality in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the first post-graduate degree in case of appointment as Assistant Professor {Pay Band- 3{RS. 15,600-39,100) +Rs.6600 Grade Pay} (® At least five years’ teaching experience in the concemed Speciality or Super- speciality as Tutor or Demonstrator or Senior Resident or Registrar or Lecturer in a recognized teaching institution, afier the requisite Post-graduate degree out of which at least two years should be as an Assistant Professor in that speciality or super-speciality in the case of appointment as Associate Professor {Pay Band-3(RS. 15,600-39.100) +Rs.7600 Grade Pay} (e) Twelve years standing in the profession with extensive practical and administrative experience, out of which at least four years’ experience should be in the concerned speciality. or Super-speciality. as Associate Professor in a Medical College or in a recognized Teaching Institution of medical education afier the requisite Post-graduate degree qualification in case of appointment as Professor Pay Band-4 (Rs, 37.400-67,000) +Rs.8700 Grade Pay} Note: In the case of holder of Doctorate of Medicine(D.M.) or Magister Chirurgiae(M.Ch.) qualification of five years" duration, the period of senior Post-graduate residency rendered in the last (ann part of the said of Doctorate of Medi requirement of teaching experience ne or Magister Chirurgiae (M.Ch.) shall be counted towards 2. Teaching experience in any other post like the post of General Duty Medical Officer or Medical Officer shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to teaching posts. tails of be filled Name of Post | Speciality & S ‘Assistant Prof | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Associate Prof’ | AIIPMR, Mumbai | Professor i | Ti Assistant Prof.’ | Endocrinology at Delhi 0s Associate Prof, | Cee Assistant Prof’ | Psychiatry at CIP, Ranchi 10 iv ‘Assistant Prof.’ | Gastroenterology at Delhi 03 Associate Prof./ | |__| Professor ee v Assistant Prof/ | Paediatrie Surgery at Delhi 3 | Associate Prof/ Professor___| | | I mle ann ANNEXURE-II PROFORMA 1. Name of the post applied for "Name and Present Designation Date of initial appointment with the pay scale: Present scale of Pay Full Address in Block letters 6. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 7. Date of retirement under Central/ State Government rules 8. Educational Qualifications 9, Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications! Qualifications Experience required Experience possessed by the officer Essential (1) @ @) Desired (1) @ 10. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you ‘meet the requirements of the post Contd...... Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature and verified, by employer ifthe space below is insufficient Office/nstt/Orgn. Postheld From To Scaleof pay Nature of and basic pay duties 15. ‘Nature of present employment, i.c.,ad hoe oF temporary or permanent Whether Probation period completed satisfactorily. : In case the present employment is held ‘on deputation/contract basis, please state — (a) The date of initial appointment (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract (©) Name of the parent office/organisation to which you belong Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under := (@) Central Government (b) State Government (©) Autonomous Organizations (@ Government Undertakings (©) Universities 16. Please specify whether on deputation to any State Government or in Central deputation earlier 17. Please specify whether unauthorized absence, EOL, Or Leave Not Due (LND) taken earlier. 18, Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale 19, Total emoluments pet month now drawn (Indicating Pay Band, Band Pay and Grade Pay separately) 20. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, ifthe space is insufficient and got verified by employer. 21, Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC 22. Remarks Signature of the Candidate Date. CCountersigned...- Address. (Employer) rf ae THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINAR’ IA TRAOR SCREDULE-Vi (See rue 5) exe (009) [Seaton [SNe Sea ‘Requisite Fat Grade Degree Qualltoalons [ Roisie Fo Gradiae | Diplo Quatifen Pari(ay) Row Clistest Aatoesy Physiology Bio-Chemistry Bio-Physies Pharmacology Pathology Microbiology or Bacteriology Master of Surgery (Anatomy); of Doctor of Meine (Anstom): or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Maser of Science (Anatomy); or ‘Masier of Science (Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Anatom); or ‘MSe(Medical Anatomy) with Doctor of Selence (Medical Anatomy) Doctor of Medicine (Physiology); or MBBS. with MSc. (Physiology) or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Physiology): or Master of Science (Medical Physiology) with Doctor of Science (Medical Physiology) Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisty Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) or Master of Seience (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor ofPifosophy (Medical Bio-Chemisiy) or Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) with Doctor of Science (Medical Bio-Chemisty) Doctor of Medicine (Bio- Physics or MSc. (Biow Physics or Medical Biochemisty) with Doctor of Philosophy (Bic- Physics; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology): or Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemisry) with one year talning in bio-Physics, Doctor of Meuieine (Pharmacology) ot Bachelor of Medicine and Bacholor of Surgery with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Pharmacology}: ot ‘Master of Science (Medical Pharmacology) with Doctce ‘of Philosophy (Mesical Pharmacology); or Master of Science (Medical Phammscology) with Doster of Science Pharmacology) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) ot Doctor af Philosophy (Pathology); or Doctor of Science (Pathology) ocior of Medicine Bacteriology} or Docior of Medicine ( Microbiology; or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Seience (Medical Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Mirobiolog); or Doctor of Philosophy D: (Med. Bacteriology) or Master of Science (Medical Bacteriology) with Doctor ‘of Science (Medical Bacteriology); or Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor Diploma in Clinical Pathology Diploma in Pathology and Bacteriology Bactelology Bocterology Diplome in Pethology and | 3 L-ws 341) SW: SFT B.CLINICAL, 1. | General Medicine 2 | Forensic Medicine 3. | Rackation Medicine 4. | Paediaties 5. | ctinier Haematology 6 | Tuberouloss and Respiratory Medicine Pulmonery Medicine 7. | Paychiauy 8. | Venereology 10, | Dermatology, Venereology” and ‘oF PTosophy (oedical Misabiologyy ‘Master of Science (Medical Microbiology) with Doctor (of Sclence (Masdieal Microbiology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Docior of Medicine (General Mecicine) Doctor of Medicine (Forensic Medicine) Doctor of Modine (Radlation Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Riio-Therapy) Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) Doctor of Medicine in Medicine ot Paholony, with ‘thre yeas’ experience in Haematology Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis) Doctor of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in ‘Tuberculosis Diseases or Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Disease; or Docior of Medicine (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases) Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or ‘Doctor of Medicine (Psychological Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine, with Diploma in Psychological Medicine : or Diploma in Psychiatry Edin of two years cour, Diploma in Psychiatry (Me.Gill) Universiy, Montel, (Canada of two yeas” course. Doctor of Medicine (Venereology) or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology ;or Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with Diploma Venereology Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology); oF Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology): Doctor of Medicine in Medicine with dlploma in Dermatology Docior of Medicine (Dermatology and Venereology); Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy; or Doctor of Meine (Dermatology) Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology "Including Venereology); or Doctor of Medicine (Dermatology including ‘Venereology ot Leprosy); Doctor of Medicine (Medicine), with Diploma in ‘Veneral and Dermatology or Diploma in Dermatology. in Paedintrass, Diploma in Child Heath Diploma” in Tuberculosis Diseases Diploma in Tobersosis and ‘Chest Diseases Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Ore year course) Diploma in Venereology Diploma in Dermatology Diploma in Venereology end Dermatology, Diploma in Dermatology’ and ‘Venereology. $46 ofa 15 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. (age 1l—sec. 30) 14 18, 18 19, Surgery Oropacdies Obstrettics and | Gyanecology Physical Medicine and Rehatilitaton Opthalmology Ot-Rhino- Laryngology (Eas, [Nose and Threat) Maternity and Child Heath Radio-dagrosis Radio Therapy For 18and 19 Master of Surgery (Surgery) Master of Surgery (General Surgery) Maser of Surgery (Orthopaedics) Doctor of Medicine (Obsteties and Gynaecology); or Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Docior of Medicine (Physical Medicine end Rehabilation); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with Diploma in Physical Medicine and Rehabilation; or Master of Surgery (General Surgery) or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics) with owo years special taining in “the Specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Medicine) or t00 years of equivalent training approved in the subjet in any pproved institution in India Master of Surgery (Opthalmology); or Doctor of Medicine (Opshalmology) Maser of Surgery (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology! Diploma in Chilé Heath or Diploma in. Mstemity and Child Welfare with Doctor of Medicine (Obsttries and Gynaecology) ‘Master of Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Mid and Gynaecology; or ‘Master of Surgery ( Mid and Gynaecology) or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetis) or Docior of Medicine or Member of Royal College of Obseicians and Gynaecologists, London, United Kingdo Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Membership of the National “Academy of Medical Selences (Integrated Maternity and CWI Healt) Speciality Board of Obsteics and Gynaecology (United States of America) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-dagnoss) Doctor of Medicine (Radiology); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Rasilogy); or Master of Surgery (Radiology) Note The persons who have done their Doctor of | Diploma in Onbopaecics | Diploma in Gyzaccology and Obstetrics Diploma in Opishalmology Diploma in. Opkisimic ‘Medline and Surgery Diploma in Ophiatmoiogy Diploma in Oto-Rhino- Lanngology Diploma in Muterity and (Child Wettre Diploma in Medicine ang Radio Diagnosis or equivalent Aiploma of one yea duration, Diploma in Medicine and Radio Therapy oF equivalent iploma of one year uration LE a ST SS 34] eS: ea 24 2s. Anesthesiology Nuclear Medicine Nutriion Human ‘Metabolism Immuno- Haematology and Blood Transfusion Medical Genetics Family Medicine | Mesicine te Radiology or Diploma in Radiology before | 1925 shal alo be cligibe to apply tothe post of Rado= ingnosis and Radio-Therapy Doctor of Medicine (Anesthesiology); oF Mester of Surgery (Anesthesiology) Doctor of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine}; or Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Therapy) with two years! ‘experience in Nuclear Medicine ina recognized centre: Doctr of Medicine (Medicine) with Diplome in Radiation Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine, Doctor of Medicine (Radio-Diagnosis) with two years! experience in Nuclear Medicine in a recognized centse; Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Physics) or lis equivalent ‘qualification in Bio-Physics with Diploma in Radiation ‘Medicine or Diploma in Nuclear Medicine; or Diplomate National Board in Nuclear Medicine with two year experience in Nuclear Mecicine ina recognized centre Doctor of Medicine in Biochemistry; of Docior of Medicine in Physiology; oF Docior of Medicine in Pathology of Doctor of Medicine in Medicine; or Doctor of Medline In Social and preventive Medicine; Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine; or Doctor of Medicine in Paediatrics with Master of Science in applied Nutrtion of specal waning for & period of one year Doctor of Medicine (Endotinology; of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Pediatrics) with two years special traning in Endocrinology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); or Doctor of Medicine (Immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion oF Doctor of Medicine in Pathology; o in Haematology with two years teaching experience or special. taining in’ the department of immuno-Haematology and Blood ‘Transfusion, Doctorate of Medicine (Medical Genetics) or Doctor of Medicine (Medical Genetics); oF Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Pediatics); Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology); ‘with two years special training in Medical Genetics. Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine ( General Medicine) Diploma in Anesthesiology 108 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY. [Pant See. 36) 7. 2. 28, 31 2, 3. 6. 38. 36, 3 38. ‘Aviation Medicine | Doctor of Medicine (Avieion Medicine) oF or Aerospace Medicine ‘Tropical Medicine Rheumatology Health Education Marine Medicine Occupational Health Radiological Physics Virology Doctor of Medicine (Aerospace Medicine) Doctor of Medicine (Family Medicine; or Doctor of Meicine Gener Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Geriatrics) Doctor of Medicine (Health Adminstration; or Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration; or Doctor of Medicine (Community Health Administration) Doctor of Medisine (Hospital Administration}; or Doctor of Medicine Community Heath ‘Administeation); oF Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) Doctor of Medicine (Sports Medicine}; or “Master of Surgery (Orthopedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; or Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) with two yours ‘experience in spots maine Doctor of Medicine (Tropical Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine); or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology) plus two years! ‘experience in linial medicine Doctor of Medicine (Rheumatology) Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two years? ‘experienee in Rheumatology oF immunology Doctor of Medicine (Socal ard Preventive Medicine); Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine); o. Doctor of Medicine (Health Administration) ‘Doctor of Medicine (Physiology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) with two yeas special ‘waning in Marine Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry); or Doctor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Master of Surgery (Onbopaedics) Master of Science (Physics: or ‘Master of Science (Chemisty); or Master of ‘Science (Biophysics) with Dovior of Philosophy (Physies or Chemistry or Biophysics) Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology); or Doctor of Medicine (Pathology); or Doctor of Medicine with two years special training in Virology of Master of Science (Medical Virology with ector of Philosophy in Virology. we Hl-wrg 3¢))) SW TE 109 OPER SPECIALITIES Mest! Gastroenterology Newology Endocrinology Cardiology Nephrology Plastic and Reconstructive Cardio _Vaseul and Thoracic Surgery [Neuro Surgery Paediatric Surgery Urology Gastrointestinal Surgery Neonatology Clinical Haematology Clinical Pharmacology Immunology Doctorate of Maticine (Medical Gastroenterology); or Doctorate of Medizin (Gaswoenterology) or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) or Doctor of Medicine (Peinties) wit two yeas special lining in Gastroenterology Doctorate of Medicine ( Neurology) ees ero nre Se a as Doctorate of Medicine (Cardiology) Doctorate of Medicine ( Nephrology) Magister Chirurguie (Plastic Surgery); ot Magister Chirurguie (laste and Constructive Surgery) Magister Chirurgie ( Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) or ‘Magister Chirurgue (Thoracic Surgery); oF ‘Magister Chirurgie (Cardio Surgery); ot ‘Magister Chirurguie (Vascular Surgery) “Magister Chirurguie (euro Surgery) “Magiser Chirurgie (Paediatric Surgery) Magister Chirurguie (Urology) Magister Chiruguie (Gastro-Intestinal Surgery) ‘Master of Surgery (General Surgery) with vo years special tlning in a department of Casto Intestino Surgery Doctorate of Medicine (Ns Dostor of Medicine (Paediatries) with (vo years special ‘raining In Neonatology Doctorate of Medicine (Clnieal Haematology); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); oF Doctor of Medicine Paediatr) Doctor of Medicine (Pathology) with two years special teaning in Clinical Haematology Doctorate of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology; cr Doctorate of Medicine (Pharmacology) with two years special training in Clinical Pharmacology Doctorate of Medicine (Immunology); of Doctor of Medicine (Medicine); of Doctor of Medicine (Pathology): or Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology): ot 9 THEQAZETTE OFINDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pan Se 5) Doctor “of Medicine (Peediatics) with te years | 1 special aining in Imminology | 16 | Medical Genetics | Doctorate of Maicine(Modical Genetis) cr Doctor of Medicine (Peediaics); or Dest of ode Medinet ‘Master of Surgery (Anatomy) with two yeers special | Usining in Modal Genetics 1. | Medical Doctorate of Medicine (Medics! Onebiogy): | Oncelogy Doctor of Medicine (Medicine) o Doctor of Medicine (Radiotherapy); or Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) with two years special traning in Medical Oncology 18, | Surpioal Magister Chirurguie(Surgicel Gastroenterology); or Gastroenterology | Master of Surgery (Surgery) with two yours spciel traning in Surgical Gastroenterlogy 19, | Surgical Magister Chirurgule (Surgical Oncology) or Oncelogy Master of Surgery or Master of Surgery (Ear, Nose, ‘Throat or Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics); or Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gyntecolagy) with to years special tuning in Surgical Oncology 20, | Paodiaie ‘Doctorate of Melcne (Paediatre Cardiology); or Cardiology Doctorate of Meine (Cardiology) or Doctor of Meticine Paediatrics) with wo yests special traning in Cardiology. DPuBLIC HEALTE 1 | Socist and . Preventive Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine); Medicine or | or Community Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine) Medicine 2 | Publi Health Doctor of Medicine (Social and Preventive Medicine}; | Diploma in. Public Health, or Diploma in Industri Health, Doctor of Medicine (Community Medicine; or Master of Public Heath Doctor of Medicine Health Administation Diploma in Tropical Medicine Doctor of Medicine (Community Health | Dipiora in Topical Medicine ie Administ) sand Hygiene. [ote 1.—Any Post Graduate Degree o Diplo awarded by any Indian Universit, included in or excluded from, the Gare to Indian Medical Couneil Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), consequent to recngition grated or within be Government of Unless Pe provisions ofthe sid Act shall be demed to have been iclded or ensuded aceon fom the Schedule VI. ‘Note 2.—The Post-Graduate Medical Qualifications awarded by Indian Universities, must have been ‘Schedules tothe Indian Medical Council Act, 196 (102 of 1956) forthe purpone of Schedule Vi ued in the "Rote 3-=The Controlling Authority may, in consutation with the Commission, include any medial qualifcation in Part ‘A Part, Part C or Pat D of Schedule Vi.

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