4th Periodical Exam-Diss

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4th Periodical Exam

Name:_______________________________________Grade & Section: _______________________

School: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ Score: __________

Test I.
Directions: Read each item carefully, Encircle the letter that corresponds of your answer. ERASURE MEANS

1. The sociological theory which focuses on the use of symbols and face-to-face interactions.
a. Feminism c. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Linguistics
2. The ______________ owns and controls the means of production, which leads to exploitation due to the
profit motive.
a. Bourgeoisie c. Noblemen
b. Government d. Proletariat
3. Which major Social Science theory focuses on the competition of scarce resources and how the elite control
the poor and weak?
a. Feminism c. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Interactionism
4. It is a Conflict theorists understand the social structure as inherently unequal resulting from the differences in
power based on age, class, education, gender, income, race, sexuality, and other social factors
a. Economic c. Socio- Cultural
b. Politic d. Symbolic Interactionism
5. Symbolic interactionism relates to government emphases on images, symbols, or individuals that signify
authority and power.
6. a. Economic c. Socio- Cultural
b. Political d. Symbolic Interactionism
7. Which among the major Social Science theories is applied across the sociocultural, economic, and political
a. Feminism c. Structural Functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Interactionism
8. A justification of an unacceptable behavior
a. Projection c. Reaction Formation
b. Rationalization d. Dissociation
9. It is a changing unwanted emotions or feeling
a. Repression c. Reaction Formation
b. Suppression d. Dissociation
10. An unconscious forgetting of unwanted thought or trauma
a. Repression c. Reaction Formation
b. Suppression d. Dissociation
11. A conscious type of forgetting to escape from the problem
a. Repression c. Reaction Formation
b. Suppression d. Dissociation
12. Directing on funny aspects of a painful situation
a. Repression c. Splitting
b. Suppression d. Using Humor
13. It is a Postcolonial Feminism that Emphasizes on the transformation of the legal system in order to eliminate
the inequality
a. Cyber Feminism c. Individualist Feminism
b. Lesbian Feminism d. Marxist Feminism
14. A sets of practices that deal with feminist interactions and acts in cyberspace
a. Cyber Feminism c. Individualist Feminism
b. Lesbian Feminism d. Marxist Feminism
15. All of the following values will lessen the issues and problems with regards to gender discriminations. Which
is NOT included?
a. Kindness c. Respect
b. Prejudice d. Tolerance
16. Melodyl Ycoy goes to the school canteen to buy student meal. She counts right away the change that the
cashier gave to her and notices that there is excess amount in her change. So, she tells the cashier about it and
gives back the excess amount of money. Kayla shows what personality structure?
a. Defense mechanism c. Id
b. Ego d. Superego
17. social media was flooded with different issues about gender discrimination. What is the effect of these issues
in our society?
a. harmony in our society c. class struggle in our society
b. equilibrium in our society d. peace and order in our society
18. The second wave of feminism began in _____.
a. 1970’s c.1980’s
b. 1960’s d. 1990’s
19. An approach aligned to methods and approaches in political science that has significance in society.
a. Formal Institutions c. Informal Institution
b. Institutionalism d. The best in institution
20. Which of the following situations show rational choice?
a. Buy iPhone rather than Android phone with the same value.
b. Patronize Pinoy rice with much more quality over commercial rice
c. Watch pirated movie at home rather than watching it on theater.
d. Choose branded products over local products with the same quality

Test II. (20 points)

What is your stand about gender discrimination?

--------------- GOD BLESS -----------------

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