Types of Lectures

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Using a phlebotomy as a course unit topic, formulate the following:

 5 unit objectives that represent cognitive domain and identify the level of learning
using Anderson’s taxonomy.
a. Understanding: To know the basic and other puncture sites to be performed in
b. Analysing: To be able to distinguish the different phlebotomy techniques
c. Understanding: To understand the principles of practicing phlebotomy
d. Applying: To be able to demonstrate the step-by-step process of venipuncture
e. Evaluating: To properly justify the do’s and don’ts in performing phlebotomy
 3 unit objectives that represent psychomotor domain of learning.
a. Perception: To be able to locate the right puncture site in phlebotomy guided
by the professor
b. Perception: Differentiates the order of draw
c. Guided response: To be able to demonstrate venipuncture

 2 unit objectives that represent affective domain of learning.

a. Receiving: Students attend to classes synchronously
b. Responding: Students are able to comply the Formative Assessments

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A. Make a table on how can you differentiate the types of lectures in traditional teaching
method. Cite their advantages and disadvantages (15 points).

Types of Lectures Description Advantages Disadvantages

Traditional Oral  Teacher-centered o Organized flow of o Students gain

Essay approach discussion knowledge
 Teachers as the o Efficient passively
only speaker o Limits the
opportunity for
further exploration

Participatory  Student-centered o Encourages o Susceptible to

Lecture approach autonomy misapprehensions
 Brainstorming as o Adaptive and o Inefficient for
initial step active type of uneven levels of
learning aptitudes
o Enhances critical
thinking skills

Lecture with  Alike with o Tangible means o Students might tend

uncompleted traditional oral and material of to be highly reliant
handouts essay blended learning on these materials
with hand-out o Can be used as a
material tool for

Feedback  Mini lectures with o Stimulates o Highly subjective

Lecture subsequent small interaction or o Susceptible to
group discussions interactive misconception
learning o Less emphasis on
o Enhances objective
interpersonal knowledge

Mediated Lecture  Traditional lecture o Prompts creative o Illustrations may

blended with the learning convey varied
use of forms of o Involves multiple interpretations
media and illustrative o Media and
technology learning materials technology are
susceptible to

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B. Choose one among of the types of traditional audio visuals and explain how can it
help you in your presentation. State the advantages and disadvantages of using it (15
Among the stated types of traditional audio visuals, I prefer to make use of handouts.
Utilization and dissemination of printed materials will always be a classic means of teaching.
Providing handouts could help me in catching the attention of students by making them focus
more on the discussion as they no longer have to take notes, also this could serve as a guide
on being on the same page on what the instructor is talking about. Moreover, handouts could be
modified; therefore I am capable of highlighting important notes and convey main points of the
presentation in which I intend to give emphasis to.

Question: What are those advantages and disadvantages? How it may affect the
presentation or discussion of the instructor?
Handouts are beneficial both for teachers and students; teachers have the chance to
emphasize specific main points, may include a more detailed presentation, have the authority to
indicate certain scope and limitations of topics, may instruct students to locate the specific topic
being discussed; students have a tangible learning material, may focus more without being
distracted in taking notes, may use as a reference, and can look back for forgotten or missed
topics. However, despite various advantages, the drawbacks of utilizing handouts are that
students may tend to be highly reliant on the material and lose interest in listening to
discussions that could be susceptible for subjective apprehensions which may lead to
misconception, and students may perceive it as spoon-feeding and passive medium of teaching.
Moreover, the efficacy of using audio visuals is still anchored on the way the instructor
would utilize it during a presentation. Handouts could be informational or instructional materials
for students that could initiate an interactive discussion as they see and read the given
concepts. It could make the flow of discussion be guided and systematic.


Bhaisare, R., & Kamble, B. (2016, July). Impact of utilisation of uncompleted handouts on
power point presentations (PPT) in rural Indian Medical Institute. Journal of advances in
medical education & professionalism. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from

Mary, We’ve, Edward, Yvette, & Chance. (2018). Teaching strategies and methodologies for
Teaching & Learning. SlidePlayer. Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

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Peters, D. (2019, April 16). Handouts preparation. SSWM. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from

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