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Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________ Score: _______________
Directions: Read each item carefully, Encircle the letter that corresponds of your answer. ERASURE MEANS WRONG.

1. The study of the nature and God and religious belief

a. Religion c. Theology
b. Belief System d. Tradition
2. Is also viewed as “organized collection of beliefs, cultural system, and worldviews that relate humanity to an order of existence.
a. Religion c. Culture
b. Belief System d. Tradition
3. In Judaism, they were monotheistic. What does “monotheism” mean?
a. Belief in no god c. Belief in one god
b. Belief in many gods d. Belief in the worship of animals
4. Taoism today currently has about 20 million followers and is centered in
a. Tibet c. Korean
b. Philippines d. China
5-8. Identify the worldview of the following people

5. Kyle usually spends most of his time praying into different gods and goddesses
a. Atheistic c. Monotheistic
b. Agnostic d. Polytheistic
6. Axcel doesn’t believe that God exist.
a. Atheistic c. Monotheistic
b. Agnostic d. Polytheistic
7. Marco claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
a. Atheistic c. Monotheistic
b. Agnostic d. Polytheistic
8. John Paul believes that there is only one God and that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
a. Atheistic c. Monotheistic
b. Agnostic d. Polytheistic
9. Civilizations typically develop in and around _____________ where easy access to water, and irrigation system become
possible, which allows them to grow crops and move from the hunter gatherer lifestyle to farmers.
a. River system c. Mountains
b. Plains d, Plateaus
10. A main difference between Buddhism and many of the other major religions is its belief in
a. Salvation through one’s own efforts c. Life after death
b. Renunciation of the material world d. One supreme God
11. Buddhists believed that people were reincarnated until they reached _________, an inner peace or enlightenment.
a. Nirvana c. States of light
b. State of wealth d. Heaven
12. Judaism originated in which region?
a. The Far East c. Western Europe
b. The Middle East d. The Far West
13. What do Christianity, Judaism, and Island have in common?
a. They are all monotheistic. c. They all believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
b. They are based on the same holy book. d. They are separated intro three main branches.
14. What do Buddhism and Hinduism have in common?
a. They both focus on many different gods. c. They are both based on four noble truths.
b. They believe in the concept of Nirvana d, They believe in reincarnation.
15. Who was the founder of the Buddhist religion?
a. Allah c. Siddhartha Gautama
b. Jesus d. Vishnu
16. Which of these choices best described Christianity?
a. A religious congregation whose center of beliefs is Jesus Christ our Lord.
b. A religious organization whose center of beliefs is the congregation of people
c. A kind of congregation who focuses on the teachings of philosophers.
d. A kind of association who focuses on the dwellings of the society.
17. What are the five duties that that Muslims must carry out called?
a. Eight-fold path c. 10 commandments
b. Nirvana d. Five Pillars of Islam
18. Japanese people believed that their emperors literarily descended from the sun goddess called
a. Kami c. Sakura
b. Amaterasu d. Shen
19. It is one of the most sacred cities in the world revered by the Jews, Christians and Muslims.
a. Mount Ararat c. Mount Sinai
b. Temple Mount d. Mount Temple
20. From the book of Exodus, it narrates Yam Suph being crossed by the Israelites as they escaped from the Egyptian lands. Yam
suph is believed to be the present called.
a. Yellow Sea c. Red sea
b. Pacific Ocean d. Indian Sea
21. Many people today deny the possibility for a man to acquire knowledge of the existence of God.
a. Agnosticism c. Atheism
b. Theism d. Polytheism
22. In Hinduism, the term “ Karma” implies
a. Duty c. Predestination
b. Action and Reaction d. Good action
23. Rules about how to behave; these rules are often thought to have come from a deity or supernatural place, but they might also
be seen as guideless created by the group over time.
a. Policy c. Ethics
b. Rituals d. Belief system
24. Religions use things to perform rituals or to express or represent beliefs, such as; statues, paintings, incense and clothes.
a. Rituals c. Material Expression
b. Characteristic Emotional Experiences d. Rituals
25. It is described as the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters.
a. Religion c. Spirituality
b. Belief d. Spirit
26. It is a way of life of a group of people; the behaviors, beliefs, values and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking
about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
a. Religion c. Society
b. Belief d. Culture
27. An organized group of whose members interact frequently and have a common territory or culture.
a. Religion c. Society
b. Belief d. Culture
28. One of the negative effects of religion that issues on religious tolerance that is derived from fanaticism results to racism and
a. Obstruct the use of reason c. Economic tool for exploiting the masses.
b. Religion Causes Discrimination d. Affirms social hierarchy
29. Who said that religion is the opium of the masses.
a. Karl max c. James George Frazer
b. Wilhelm Schmidt d. Ludwig Andres Von
30. It is a form of political protest wherein a monk in Vietnam killed himself as a form of sacrifice.
a. Sati c. Self- immolation
b. Inquisition d. Seppuku
31. The practice of burning of widows in India when their husband died in order to not to be taken by the conquerors.
a. Sati c. Self- immolation
b. Inquisition d. Seppuku
32. Refers to the Roman Catholic Church groups charged with subduing heresy.
a. Sati c. Self- immolation
b. Inquisition d. Seppuku
33. It is the Jewish temples of worship, instruction, and community fellowship.
a. Holy land c. Synagogues
b. Rome d. Mecca
34. The most important day in the Jewish calendar is the _____ because it commemorates God’s completion of the creation of the
universe and his rest after the six-day toil.
a. The days of Awe c. Sabbath
b. Pilgrimage Festivals d. Fiesta
35. An important similarity between Jainism and Sikhism is the
a. Promotion of ahimsa c. View of the human being as a composite
b. Monotheistic deity worship d. Practice of vegetarianism
36. The following are the three Abrahamic religions; EXCEPT
a. Islam c. Judaism
b. Buddhism d. Christianity
37. Beliefs are explained, taught, and made real through ceremonies
a. Central Stories c. Rituals
b. Ethics d. Material Expression
38. Is somebody who practices a religion or belongs to a spiritual group and is devoted to its teachings, goes to church every
Sunday and say his/her prayers every day, practice yoga and meditate every day; yet may still be judgmental toward
himself/herself and others in his/her daily life.
a. Spiritual Person c. Religious Person
c. Atheist Person d. Racist Person
39. A belief in two gods or forces, and are of two kinds: competing and balancing
a. Atheism c. Monism
b. Dualism d. Agnosticism
40. Is somebody whose highest priority is to be loving to himself/herself; cares about people, animals and the planet; knows that
we are all One, and consciously attempts to honor this Oneness; kind in thoughts rather than judgmental to themselves and
others, and think about how they can help.
a. Spiritual Person c. Religious Person
c. Atheist Person d. Racist Person

-------- GOD BLESS EVERYONE --------

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