Questions HB Sales

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Questions answered incorrectly: right answers updated

1 - True or false? Changing the properties listed on one contact record will change the
way properties are listed on every contact property you view. True
2- You can do all the following with the meetings tool EXCEPT: Access your
prospect calendar to check their availability
3- Which Sales Hub tool would you use to add your terms of service to a quote?
4– Which of the following is a best practice when sending emails as part of your task
queue? Use the email scheduling tool to make sure your emails will be delivered
at a time that’s convenient for your contacts.
5 - A playbook can include all the following EXCEPT: Live chat
6- Which Sales Hub tool would you use to send a quote to a prospect? Go to the
Quotes section and create a quote. Then you can copy this URL, which will lead
to a unique web page where the quote is hosted and send it in an email directly
from the deal record.
7- If you need a report that isn't included by default on the sales dashboard, what
should you do first? Look in the reports library foe a report that provides the info
you need
8- Which of the following is true about an email template's name? The name is only
visible internally, so it should be whatever makes the most sense to you and your
9- What is a task queue? A playlist of activities you can work through, one at a
10 - You work for a company that has a form where people can request a free
consultation. You want to create a list of people in your territory who have submitted this
form. Which tool will you need to use to do this? Saved filters
11- What's the BEST way to add people from your saved filters into a task queue?
Check the boxes next to each person and bulk-create a task for all of them. As
you create a task be sure to select the appropriate queue
12- When creating an email template, how would you include the contact's name in the
greeting? Personalization tokens
13- When creating an email template, how would you include the contact's phone
number? Personalization tokens
14- When creating an email template, how would you add the next steps? For example,
"If you'd still like to talk about this, please let me know the best time to reach you."
Static text
15- Fill in the blank: A ___________ is a record used to track the progress of an
individual sale. Deal record
16- What are deal stages? The important milestones a person must pass in order
to become your customer

Questions answered correctly:

1- Which of the following is NOT an option with the Slack integration? Making recorded
phone calls
2- What's an ideal customer profile? A checklist of the most basic attributes
someone needs to have in order to be successful as your customer
3- True or false? In general, you should use the default options provided in the "Lead
status" property. False
4- Which of the following is the best description of how to filter records in HubSpot
CRM? You can filter the records you have access to in real time based on values
contained in their contact profiles
5- If you send a tracked email to a contact and you get a notification saying they read it,
when should you call them? As soon as you see the first notification
6- How do chatbots qualify leads? By asking website visitors a series of questions
and taking different actions based on their answers
7 - Which of the following can you do with HubSpot's mobile app? All above
8- If you enroll a person in a Sequence, what happens when they respond? The
sequence automatically terminates
9- When making a call from HubSpot CRM, what's the best way to take notes during a
call? Use the notes area that appears during the call to type notes
10- Which of the following is NOT a required part of an email template? The recipients
email address
11- Email templates use personalization tokens to pull information from CRM properties
into your emails, but you should also leave room to personalize every email you send.
Why? All above
12 - What can you use the documents tool for? You can use it to share a document
with your contacts ands get insights into how they interact with it
13- When you send a tracked email, you receive a notification every time the email is
opened. You can receive these notifications in all the following ways EXCEPT: A
phone call if you’re using HS virtual secretary
14- True or false? When you add a note to a contact record, the content of the note
automatically gets emailed to that contact. False
15- What is a sequence? An automated series of emails and tasks
16 - If you're enrolling a contact into a sequence and you see a warning that you've
reached your emailing limit, what do you need to do? Set another date
17 - Where do your team's interactions (phone calls, emails, etc.) with contacts appear
inside HubSpot CRM? On contacts timeline
18 - Which Sales Hub tool would you use to add products to a deal? Products
19- What information shows on the timeline of a company record? All the interactions
you’ve had with any contact at the company.
20 - True or false? HubSpot Video is part of the quotes tool. False
21 - All of the following are default reports in HubSpot CRM EXCEPT:
22- There are several ways to create contacts. One way is to create contacts manually.
All the following are also ways to create contacts EXCEPT: The slack integration
23- Where can you send a tracked email from? All the above
24 - True or false? You should customize an email template every time you send it out.
25 - When you create a task, you can have HubSpot send a reminder email to the
person the task is assigned to. When will the reminder email be sent? when the due
date arrives
26 - When creating an email template to confirm a meeting with someone, how would
you include the time the meeting was scheduled for? Fill in the blank areas
27- When creating an email template to schedule a meeting with someone, how would
you add a description of the topics the meeting was supposed to cover? For example,
"I'd love to find a time to dive deeper into [insert topic here].") Fill in the blank areas
28 - When creating an email template, how would you add a personalized closing line?
Fill in the blank areas
29- Which of the following is NOT a default contact property in HubSpot
CRM? Favorite flavor of cake (a free-fill sample property)

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