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access (n) /ˈækˌsɛs/ khả năng tiếp cận '=the opportunity or right to use

something or to see somebody/something High-speed internet [access] has become a

necessity. Internet tốc độ cao [truy cập] đã trở thành một nhu cầu thiết yếu.
In passage: This meant that even the smallest bed and breakfast address or
specialist activity provider could gain a web presence with access to an audience
of long-haul visitors.
accommodation (n) /əˌkɑməˈdeɪʃən/ nơi ở "'=a place to live, work or stay in"
It can be difficult to find suitable [accommodation] for those in need.
Có thể khó tìm được [chỗ ở] thích hợp cho những người có nhu cầu. In
passage: There were also links to accommodation in the area.
accurate (adj) /ˈækjərət/ chính xác '=correct and true in every detail The
film is not historically [accurate]. Bộ phim không mang tính lịch sử [chính
xác]. "In passage: In addition, because participating businesses were able to
update the details they gave on a regular basis, the information provided remained
achievement (n) /əˈʧivmənt/ thành tựu "'=a thing that somebody has done
successfully, especially using their own effort and skill" It was a remarkable
[achievement] for such a young player. Đó là một [thành tích] đáng kể đối với
một cầu thủ trẻ như vậy. In passage: The Tourism New Zealand website won two
Webby awards for online achievement and innovation.
authentic (adj) /əˈθɛnɪk/ chân thực '=true and accurate the [authentic]
voice of young black Americans giọng nói [đích thực] của những người Mỹ da đen
trẻ tuổi "In passage: The campaign focused on New Zealand’s scenic beauty,
exhilarating outdoor activities and authentic Maori culture, and it made New
Zealand one of the strongest national brands in the world."
brand (n) /brænd/ thương hiệu "'=a type of product, service, etc. made or
offered by a particular company under a particular name" You pay less for the
supermarket's own [brand]. Bạn trả ít hơn cho [thương hiệu] riêng của siêu thị.
"In passage: The campaign focused on New Zealand’s scenic beauty,
exhilarating outdoor activities and authentic Maori culture, and it made New
Zealand one of the strongest national brands in the world."
campaign (n) /kæmˈpeɪn/ chiến dịch "'=a series of planned activities that
are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim" Today
police launched a [campaign] to reduce road accidents. Hôm nay cảnh sát đã phát
động một [chiến dịch] để giảm thiểu tai nạn đường bộ. "In passage: In 1999, Tourism
New Zealand launched a campaign to communicate a new brand position to the world."
catalogue (v) /ˈkætəˌlɔg/ lên danh sách '=to arrange a list of things in
order in a catalogue; to record something in a catalogue It took six years to
[catalogue] all the paintings. Phải mất sáu năm để [lập danh mục] tất cả các
bức tranh. "In passage: To make it easier to plan motoring holidays, the site
catalogued the most popular driving routes in the country, highlighting different
routes according to the season and indicating distances and times."
composed of (adj) /kəmˈpoʊzd əv/ bao gồm "'=to be made or formed from
several parts, things or people" The committee was [composed of] specialists.
Ủy ban gồm [bao gồm] các chuyên gia. In passage: New Zealand is a small
country with a visitor economy composed mainly of small businesses.
comprehensive (adj) /ˌkɑmpriˈhɛnsɪv/ toàn diện "'=including all, or almost
all, the items, details, facts, information, etc., that may be involved" a
[comprehensive] list of addresses danh sách địa chỉ [toàn diện] "In passage:
However, the underlying lessons apply anywhere – the effectiveness of a strong
brand, a strategy based on unique experiences and a comprehensive and user-friendly
consider (v) /kənˈsɪdər/ cân nhắc "'=to think about something carefully,
especially in order to make a decision" We are [considering] various
possibilities. Chúng tôi đang [xem xét] nhiều khả năng khác nhau. "In passage:
As part of this, the effect of each business on the environment was considered."
contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪbjut/ đóng góp "'=to give something, especially money or
goods, to help achieve or provide something" We [contributed] £5 000 to the
earthquake fund. Chúng tôi [đã đóng góp] £ 5000 cho quỹ động đất. "In passage:
This is important as research shows that activities are the key driver of visitor
satisfaction, contributing 74% to visitor satisfaction, while transport and
accommodation account for the remaining 26%."
customise (v) tuỳ chỉnh '=to make or change something to suit the needs of
the owner or user You can [customize] the software in several ways. Bạn có thể
[tùy chỉnh] phần mềm theo một số cách. "In passage: As the site developed,
additional features were added to help independent travelers devise their own
customised itineraries."
domestic (n) /dəˈmɛstɪk/ nội địa '=of or inside a particular country; not
foreign or international Output consists of both exports and sales on the
[domestic] market. Đầu ra bao gồm cả xuất khẩu và bán trên thị trường [nội
địa]. "In passage: Tourism currently makes up 9% of the country’s gross domestic
product, and is the country’s largest export sector."
effectiveness (n) /ˈifɛktɪvnəs/ tính hiệu quả '=the fact of producing the
result that is wanted or intended; the fact of producing a successful result to
check the [effectiveness] of the security system để kiểm tra [tính hiệu quả]
của hệ thống bảo mật "In passage: However, the underlying lessons apply anywhere
– the effectiveness of a strong brand, a strategy based on unique experiences and a
comprehensive and user-friendly website."
evaluation (n) /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ đánh giá "'=the act of forming an opinion of
the amount, value or quality of something after thinking about it carefully" The
technique is not widely practised and requires further [evaluation]. Kỹ thuật này
không được thực hành rộng rãi và cần được [đánh giá] thêm. "In passage: And to
maintain and improve standards, Tourism New Zealand organised a scheme whereby
organisations appearing on the website underwent an independent evaluation against
a set of agreed national standards of quality."
exhilarating (adj) /ɪgˈzɪlərˌeɪtɪŋ/ vui vẻ '=very exciting and great fun
Young people often find danger rather [exhilarating].Những người trẻ tuổi
thường thấy nguy hiểm hơn là [phấn khích]. "In passage: The campaign focused
on New Zealand’s scenic beauty, exhilarating outdoor activities and authentic Maori
culture, and it made New Zealand one of the strongest national brands in the
expenditure (n) /ɪkˈspɛndɪʧər/ chi tiêu '=the act of spending or using
money; an amount of money spent Savings have been disposed of in order to meet
the growing gap between income and [expenditure]. Tiết kiệm đã được loại bỏ để
đáp ứng khoảng cách ngày càng tăng giữa thu nhập và [chi tiêu]. In passage:
Overall tourism expenditure increased by an average of 6.9% per year between 1999
and 2004.
gateway (n) /ˈgeɪtˌweɪ/ cánh cửa '=a means of getting or achieving
something A good education is the [gateway] to success. Một nền giáo dục tốt là
[cửa ngõ] để thành công. "In passage: A key feature of the campaign was the
website, which provided potential visitors to New Zealand with a
single gateway to everything the destination had to offer."
generally (adv) /ˈʤɛnərəli/ nhìn chung '=by or to most people The initiative was
[generally] considered a success. Sáng kiến này [nói chung] được coi là một thành
công. In passage: It is generally perceived as a safe English-speaking country with
a reliable transport infrastructure.
highlight (v) /ˈhaɪˌlaɪt/ nhấn mạnh "'=to emphasize something, especially so
that people give it more attention" The report [highlighted] the importance of
exercise to maintain a healthy body. Báo cáo [nêu bật] tầm quan trọng của việc
tập thể dục để duy trì một cơ thể khỏe mạnh. "In passage: To make it easier to
plan motoring holidays, the site catalogued the most popular driving routes in the
country, highlighting different routes according to the season and indicating
distances and times."
inclusion (n) /ˌɪnˈkluʒən/ bao gồm '=the fact of including
somebody/something; the fact of being included His [inclusion] in the team is in
doubt. [Sự bao gồm] của anh ấy trong đội đang bị nghi ngờ. In passage: The
website also had a ‘Your Words’ section where anyone could submit a blog of their
New Zealand travels for possible inclusion on the website.
independent (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt/ độc lập '=done or given by somebody who is
not involved in a situation and so is able to judge it fairly She went to a
lawyer for some [independent] advice. Cô đã tìm đến luật sư để xin một số lời
khuyên [độc lập]. "In passage: And to maintain and improve standards, Tourism New
Zealand organised a scheme whereby organisations appearing on the website underwent
an independent evaluation against a set of agreed national standards of quality."
indicate (v) /ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ cho thấy '=to be a sign of something; to show that
something is possible or likely Early results [indicate] that the government
will be returned to power. Kết quả ban đầu [chỉ ra rằng chính phủ sẽ được trở
lại nắm quyền. "In passage: To make it easier to plan motoring holidays, the
site catalogued the most popular driving routes in the country, highlighting
different routes according to the season and indicating distances and times."
infrastructure (n) /ˌɪnfrəˈstrəkʧər/ cơ sở hạ tầng "'=the basic systems and
services that are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly, for
example buildings, transport and water and power supplies" The war has badly
damaged the country's [infrastructure]. Chiến tranh đã gây thiệt hại nặng nề cho
[cơ sở hạ tầng] của đất nước. In passage: It is generally perceived as a safe
English-speaking country with a reliable transport infrastructure.
inhabitant (n) /ˌɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ cư dân '=a person or an animal that lives
in a particular place It is a town of about 10 000 [inhabitants]. Đây là một
thị trấn có khoảng 10 000 [cư dân]. "In passage: New Zealand is a small country of
four million inhabitants, a long-haul flight from all the major tourist-generating
markets of the world."
innovation (n) /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ "sáng kiến, đổi mới" "'=the introduction of new
things, ideas or ways of doing something" The company is very interested in product
design and [innovation]. Công ty rất quan tâm đến thiết kế và [đổi mới] sản
phẩm. In passage: The Tourism New Zealand website won two Webby awards for online
achievement and innovation.
interactive (adj) /ˌɪnərˈæktɪv/ có tính tương tác '=that involves people
working together and having an influence on each other The school believes in
[interactive] teaching methods. Trường tin tưởng vào phương pháp giảng dạy
[tương tác]. In passage: Another feature that attracted a lot of attention was
an interactive journey through a number of the locations chosen for blockbuster
films which had made use of New Zealand’s stunning scenery as a backdrop.
involve (v) /ˌɪnˈvɑlv/ có "'=if a situation, an event or an activity involves
something, that thing is an important or necessary part or result of it" Any
investment [involves] an element of risk. Bất kỳ khoản đầu tư nào [đều có] một yếu
tố rủi ro. "In passage: In addition, it appears that visitors to New Zealand don’t
want to be ‘one of the crowd’ and find activities that involve only a few people
more special and meaningful."
itinerary (n) /aɪˈtɪnərˌɛri/ lịch trình "'=a plan of a journey, including the
route and the places that you visit" Visits to four different countries are
included in your [itinerary]. Các chuyến thăm đến bốn quốc gia khác nhau được bao
gồm trong [hành trình] của bạn. "In passage: As the site developed, additional
features were added to help independent travelers devise their own customised
make up (v) /meɪk əp/ chiếm "'=to form something, constitute" Women [make up] 56
per cent of the student numbers. Phụ nữ [chiếm] 56% số học sinh. "In passage:
Tourism currently makes up 9% of the country’s gross domestic product, and is the
country’s largest export sector."
meaningful (adj) /ˈminɪŋfəl/ ý nghĩa '=serious and important a [meaningful]
relationship/discussion/experience một mối quan hệ / thảo luận / kinh nghiệm [có ý
nghĩa] "In passage: In addition, it appears that visitors to New Zealand don’t
want to be ‘one of the crowd’ and find activities that involve only a few people
more special and meaningful."
once-in-a-lifetime (adj) một lần trong đời '=not likely to happen to you again
a [once-in-a-lifetime] experience trải nghiệm [một lần trong đời] "In
passage: Because of the long-haul flight, most visitors stay for longer (average 20
days) and want to see as much of the country as possible on what is often seen as a
once-in-a-lifetime visit."
particular (adj) /ˌpɑˈtɪkjələr/ "cụ thể, đặc biệt" "'=used to emphasize
that you are referring to one individual person, thing or type of thing and not
others" There is one [particular] patient I'd like you to see. Có một bệnh
nhân [cụ thể] mà tôi muốn bạn gặp. "In passage: On the website, visitors can
search for activities not solely by geographical location, but also by the
particular nature of the activity."
perceive (v) /pərˈsiv/ "coi, nhìn nhận" '=to understand or think of
somebody/something in a particular way She did not [perceive] herself as
disabled. Cô ấy không [cảm nhận] mình là người tàn tật. In passage: It is
generally perceived as a safe English-speaking country with a reliable transport
potential (adj) /pəˈtɛnʃəl/ tiềm năng '=that can develop into something or be
developed in the future Have you looked into the [potential] side effects of the
treatment? Bạn đã xem xét các tác dụng phụ [tiềm ẩn] của phương pháp điều trị
chưa? "In passage: A key feature of the campaign was the website, which provided potential visitors to New Zealand with a single
gateway to everything the destination had to offer."
print out (phr v) /prɪnt aʊt/ in ra '=to produce a document or information
from a computer in printed form How many copies shall I [print out]? Tôi sẽ
[in ra] bao nhiêu bản? "In passage: By registering with the website, users could
save their Travel Plan and return to it later, or print it out to take on the
provide (v) /prəˈvaɪd/ cung cấp '=to give something to somebody or make it
available for them to use Please [provide] the following information. Vui
lòng cung cấp các thông tin sau. "In passage: In addition, because participating
businesses were able to update the details they gave on a regular basis, the
information provided remained accurate"
register (v) /ˈrɛʤɪstər/ đăng ký '=to record your/somebody’s/something’s
name on an official list We expect about 50 per cent of [registered] voters to
vote in the election. Chúng tôi mong đợi khoảng 50% cử tri [đã đăng ký] bỏ phiếu
trong cuộc bầu cử. "In passage: By registering with the website, users could
save their Travel Plan and return to it later, or print it out to take on the
reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ đáng tin '=that can be trusted to do something
well; that you can rely on We are looking for someone who is [reliable] and
hard-working. Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một người [đáng tin cậy] và làm việc chăm
chỉ. In passage: It is generally perceived as a safe English-speaking country with
a reliable transport infrastructure.
remain (v) /rɪˈmeɪn/ "tiếp tục, vẫn" '=to continue to be something; to be
still in the same state or condition It [remains] unclear whether Russia will
in fact agree to the meeting. Hiện vẫn chưa rõ liệu Nga có đồng ý tham gia cuộc họp
hay không. "In passage: In addition, because participating businesses were able to
update the details they gave on a regular basis, the information provided remained
satisfaction (n) /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ hài lòng '=the good feeling that you have
when you have achieved something or when something that you wanted to happen does
happen; something that gives you this feeling She looked back on her career with
great [satisfaction]. Cô ấy đã nhìn lại sự nghiệp của mình với sự [hài lòng]
tuyệt vời. "In passage: This is important as research shows that activities are
the key driver of visitor satisfaction, contributing 74% to visitor satisfaction,
while transport and accommodation account for the remaining 26%."
scenery (n) /ˈsinəri/ quang cảnh "'=the natural features of an area, such as
mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, when you are thinking about them being
attractive to look at" The [scenery] is magnificent. [Phong cảnh] thật tráng lệ.
In passage: Another feature that attracted a lot of attention was an
interactive journey through a number of the locations chosen for blockbuster films
which had made use of New Zealand’s stunning scenery as a backdrop.
scheme (n) /skim/ kế hoạch '=a plan or system for doing or organizing
something Under the new [scheme] only successful schools will be given extra
funding. "Theo [chương trình] mới, chỉ những trường thành công mới được cấp thêm
kinh phí." "In passage: And to maintain and improve standards, Tourism New Zealand
organised a scheme whereby organisations appearing on the website underwent an
independent evaluation against a set of agreed national standards of quality."
search for (phr v) /sərʧ fər/ tìm '=to look somewhere carefully in order to
find something: The police [searched] the woods [for] the missing boy. Cảnh
sát [đã tìm kiếm] khu rừng [tìm] cậu bé mất tích. "In passage: On the website,
visitors can search for activities not solely by geographical location, but also by
the particular nature of the activity."
set up (phr v) /sɛt əp/ lập '=to create something or start it to [set up]
a business để [thiết lập] một doanh nghiệp In passage: The website was set up
to allow both individuals and travel organisations to create itineraries and travel
packages to suit their own needs and interests.
solely (adv) /ˈsoʊəli/ chỉ '=only; not involving somebody/something else She
was motivated [solely] by self-interest. Cô ấy được thúc đẩy [chỉ] bởi tư lợi.
"In passage: On the website, visitors can search for activities not solely by
geographical location, but also by the particular nature of the activity."
specialist (adj) /ˈspɛʃəlɪst/ chuyên môn ( trong một lĩnh vực nào đó )
"'=having a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject or
business area" a [specialist] in Japanese history một [chuyên gia] trong lịch
sử Nhật Bản In passage: This meant that even the smallest bed and breakfast address
or specialist activity provider could gain a web presence with access to an
audience of long-haul visitors.
strategy (n) /ˈstrætəʤi/ chiến lược '=a plan that is intended to achieve a
particular purpose We need to devise an effective long-term [strategy]. Chúng
ta cần đề ra [chiến lược] dài hạn hiệu quả. "In passage: However, the
underlying lessons apply anywhere – the effectiveness of a strong brand, a strategy
based on unique experiences and a comprehensive and user-friendly website."
stunning (adj) /ˈstənɪŋ/ tuyệt đẹp '=extremely attractive or impressive
You look absolutely [stunning]! Bạn trông hoàn toàn [tuyệt đẹp]! In
passage: Another feature that attracted a lot of attention was an interactive
journey through a number of the locations chosen for blockbuster films which had
made use of New Zealand’s stunning scenery as a backdrop.
typical (adj) /ˈtɪpɪkəl/ thông thường "'=having the usual qualities or
features of a particular type of person, thing or group" The weather at the
moment is not [typical] for July. Thời tiết tại thời điểm này không phải là [điển
hình] cho tháng Bảy. In passage: It could be argued that New Zealand is not a
typical destination.
undergo (v) /ˌəndərˈgoʊ/ trải qua "'=to experience something, especially a
change or something unpleasant" The drug is currently [undergoing] trials in
America. Thuốc hiện đang [đang] thử nghiệm ở Mỹ. "In passage: And to maintain
and improve standards, Tourism New Zealand organised a scheme whereby organisations
appearing on the website underwent an independent evaluation against a set of
agreed national standards of quality."
underlying (adj) /ˌəndərˈlaɪɪŋ/ đằng sau '=important in a situation but not
always easily noticed or stated clearly Unemployment may be an [underlying] cause
of the rising crime rate. Thất nghiệp có thể là một nguyên nhân [cơ bản] của tỷ
lệ tội phạm gia tăng. "In passage: However, the underlying lessons apply anywhere
– the effectiveness of a strong brand, a strategy based on unique experiences and a
comprehensive and user-friendly website."
undertake (v) /ˈəndərˌteɪk/ "làm, thực hiện" '=to make yourself responsible for
something and start doing it University professors both teach and [undertake]
research. Các giáo sư đại học vừa giảng dạy vừa [đảm nhận] nghiên cứu. "In
passage: The more activities that visitors undertake, the more satisfied they will
user-friendly (adj) "thân thiện với người dùng, dễ hiểu và sử dụng" '=easy for
people who are not experts to use or understand What can we do to make the museum
more [user-friendly]? Chúng ta có thể làm gì để bảo tàng [thân thiện với người
dùng] hơn? "In passage: However, the underlying lessons apply anywhere – the
effectiveness of a strong brand, a strategy based on unique experiences and a
comprehensive and user-friendly website."

adaptive (adj) /əˈdæptɪv/ có tính thích nghi '=connected with changing;

able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations
[Adaptive] learning systems offer students customized learning experiences
according to their needs and capabilities. Hệ thống học tập [Thích ứng] cung
cấp cho sinh viên trải nghiệm học tập tùy chỉnh theo nhu cầu và khả năng của họ.
"In passage: That doesn’t necessarily mean that it isn’t adaptive, he adds."
agitated (adj) /ˈæʤəˌteɪtəd/ kích động '=showing in your behaviour that you are
anxious and nervous Calm down! Don't get so [agitated]. Bình tĩnh! Đừng để bị
như vậy [kích động]. "In passage: There isn’t even agreement over whether
boredom is always a low-energy, flat kind of emotion or whether feeling agitated
and restless counts as boredom, too."
alleviate (v) /əˈliviˌeɪt/ giảm nhẹ '=to make something less severe A
number of measures were taken to [alleviate] the problem. Một số biện pháp đã được
thực hiện để [giảm bớt] vấn đề. "In passage: But of course, boredom itself
cannot kill – it’s the things we do to deal with it that may put us in danger. What
can we do to alleviate it before it comes to that?"
apathy (n) /ˈæpəθi/ "thờ ơ, hờ hững" "'=the feeling of not being interested in
or enthusiastic about something, or things in general" There is widespread
[apathy] among voters. Có sự [thờ ơ] rộng rãi giữa các cử tri. "In passage: But
defining boredom so that it can be studied in the lab has proved difficult. For a
start, it can include a lot of other mental states, such as frustration, apathy,
depression and indifference."
arousal (n) /ərˈaʊzəl/ sự hứng thú '=the act of making somebody have a particular
feeling or attitude the [arousal] of public interest [kích thích] quan tâm
của công chúng "In passage: These can be plotted on two axes – one running left
to right, which measures low to high arousal, and the other from top to bottom,
which measures how positive or negative the feeling is."
associate (v) /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt/ gắn với '=to make a connection between people or
things in your mind He is closely [associated] in the public mind with horror
movies. Anh gắn liền với tâm trí công chúng với những bộ phim kinh dị. "In
passage: Other personality traits, such as curiosity, are associated with a high
boredom threshold."
come down to (phr v) /kəm daʊn tɪ/ phụ thuộc vào '=to depend on a single
important point What it [comes down to] is either I get more money or I leave.
Những gì nó [đi xuống] là tôi nhận được nhiều tiền hơn hoặc tôi rời đi.
In passage: It’s early days but they think that at least some of it comes
down to personality.
convinced (adj) /kənˈvɪnst/ "bị thuyết phục, tin tưởng" '=completely sure about
something Sam nodded but he didn't look [convinced]. Sam gật đầu nhưng trông
anh ấy không [bị thuyết phục]. "In passage: Psychologist John Eastwood at York
University in Toronto, Canada, isn’t convinced."
curiosity (n) /ˌkjʊriˈɑsəti/ sự tò mò '=a strong desire to know about something
I felt a certain [curiosity] to see what would happen next.Tôi cảm thấy một
[tò mò] nhất định muốn xem điều gì sẽ xảy ra tiếp theo. "In passage: Other
personality traits, such as curiosity, are associated with a high boredom
damaging (adj) /ˈdæmɪʤɪŋ/ gây hại '=causing damage; having a bad effect on
somebody/something Lead is potentially [damaging] to children's health. Chì có
khả năng [gây hại] cho sức khỏe của trẻ em. "In passage: Of the five types, the
most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with its explosive combination of high arousal
and negative emotion."
deal with (v) /dil wɪθ/ xử lý "'=to take appropriate action in a particular
situation or according to who you are talking to, managing, etc." She is used
to [dealing with] all kinds of people in her job. Cô ấy đã quen [đối phó với]
tất cả các loại người trong công việc của mình. "In passage: But of course, boredom
itself cannot kill – it’s the things we do to deal with it that may put us in
danger. What can we do to alleviate it before it comes to that?"
define (v) /dɪˈfaɪn/ "định nghĩa, cắt nghĩa" '=to say or explain what the
meaning of a word or phrase is The term ‘mental illness’ is difficult to
[define]. Thuật ngữ ‘bệnh tâm thần’ rất khó [định nghĩa]. "In passage: But
defining boredom so that it can be studied in the lab has proved difficult. For a
start, it can include a lot of other mental states, such as frustration, apathy,
depression and indifference."
depression (n) /dɪˈprɛʃən/ "chán nản, trầm cảm" "'=a medical condition in
which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as
being unable to sleep, etc." She suffered from severe [depression] after losing
her job. Cô ấy bị [trầm cảm] nặng sau khi mất việc. "In passage: But
defining boredom so that it can be studied in the lab has proved difficult. For a
start, it can include a lot of other mental states, such as frustration, apathy,
depression and indifference."
detrimental (adj) /ˌdɛtrəˈmɛnəl/ rất có hại '=harmful This move could be
seriously [detrimental] to the economy. Động thái này có thể gây [bất lợi] nghiêm
trọng cho nền kinh tế. In passage: More evidence that boredom has detrimental
effects comes from studies of people who are more or less prone to boredom.
disgust (n) /dɪsˈgəst/ ghê tởm "'=a strong feeling of dislike for
somebody/something that you feel is unacceptable, or for something that looks,
smells, etc. unpleasant" She wrinkled her nose in [disgust] at the smell.
Cô ấy nhăn mũi vì [kinh tởm] trước mùi. "In passage: In his book, Boredom:
A Lively History, Peter Toohey at the University of Calgary, Canada, compares it to
disgust – an emotion that motivates us to stay away from certain situations."
distinct (adj) /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ khác biệt '=clearly different or of a different
kind The results of the survey fell into two [distinct] groups. Kết quả của cuộc
khảo sát được chia thành hai nhóm [riêng biệt]. "In passage: By asking people about
their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the University of
Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types: indifferent,
calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic."
distraction (n) /dɪˈstrækʃən/ mất tập trung '=a thing that takes your
attention away from what you are doing or thinking about I find it hard to work
at home because there are too many [distractions]. Tôi cảm thấy khó làm việc ở
nhà vì có quá nhiều [phiền nhiễu]. "In passage: Working with teenagers, they found
that those who ‘approach’ a boring situation – in other words, see that it’s boring
and get stuck in anyway – report less boredom than those who try to avoid it by
using snacks, TV or social media for distraction."
end up (v) /ɛnd əp/ cuối cùng làm gì '=to find yourself in a place or
situation at the end of a process or period of time I [ended up] doing all the
work myself. Tôi [cuối cùng] tự mình làm tất cả công việc. "In passage:
What’s more, your efforts to improve the situation can end up making you feel
engaged (adj) /ɪnˈgeɪʤd/ "tham gia, bận (làm gì)" '=busy doing something;
involved with somebody/something in an active and interested way They are [engaged]
in talks with the Irish government. Họ đang [tham gia] đàm phán với chính phủ
Ireland. In passage: The most useful is what Goetz calls ‘indifferent’ boredom:
someone isn’t engaged in anything satisfying but still feels relaxed and calm.
explosive (adj) /ɪkˈsploʊsɪv/ bùng nổ '=easily able or likely to explode
an [explosive] mixture of chemicals một hỗn hợp [chất nổ] của các chất hóa
học "In passage: Of the five types, the most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with
its explosive combination of high arousal and negative emotion."
frustration (n) /frəˈstreɪʃən/ bực bội '=the feeling of being frustrated
(annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want) Every job
has its difficulties and [frustrations]. Mọi công việc đều có những khó khăn và
[thất vọng]. "In passage: But defining boredom so that it can be studied in
the lab has proved difficult. For a start, it can include a lot of other mental
states, such as frustration, apathy, depression and indifference."
identify (v) /aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ xác định '=to find or discover somebody/something
Scientists have [identified] the gene responsible for the disease. Các
nhà khoa học đã [xác định] được gen gây ra căn bệnh này. "In passage: By asking
people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the
University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types:
indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic."
indifference (n) /ˌɪnˈdɪfərəns/ "dửng dưng, bàng quan" "'=a lack of interest,
feeling or reaction towards somebody/something" What she said is a matter of
complete [indifference] to me. Những gì cô ấy nói là một vấn đề hoàn toàn [thờ
ơ] đối với tôi. "In passage: But defining boredom so that it can be studied in
the lab has proved difficult. For a start, it can include a lot of other mental
states, such as frustration, apathy, depression and indifference."
infection (n) /ˌɪnˈfɛkʃən/ nhiễm (bệnh) '=the act or process of causing or
getting a disease Vaccination is essential to protect people exposed to hepatitis B
[infection]. Chủng ngừa là điều cần thiết để bảo vệ những người tiếp xúc với
[nhiễm trùng] viêm gan B. "In passage: ‘If disgust protects humans from
infection, boredom may protect them from “infectious” social situations,’ he
intriguingly (adv) /ˌɪnˈtrigɪŋli/ "thú vị, ngạc nhiên" '=in a way that is very
interesting because it is unusual or does not have an obvious answer "The book is
[intriguingly] titled, ‘The Revenge of the Goldfish’." "Cuốn sách có tựa đề
[hấp dẫn], ‘Sự trả thù của cá vàng’." "In passage: Intriguingly, Goetz has
found that while people experience all kinds of boredom, they tend to specialise in
irritability (n) /ˌɪrɪtəˈbɪləti/ "sự khó chịu, dễ nổi nóng" '=the fact of
tending to get annoyed easily Lack of vitamin B in the diet causes [irritability].
Thiếu vitamin B trong chế độ ăn uống gây ra [khó chịu]. "In passage:
‘People try to connect with the world and if they are not successful there’s that
frustration and irritability,’ he says."
mental (adj) /ˈmɛntəl/ tinh thần '=connected with the state of health of the
mind or with the treatment of illnesses of the mind The analysis of dreams can
reveal details of a person's [mental] state. Việc phân tích các giấc mơ có thể
tiết lộ chi tiết về trạng thái [tinh thần] của một người. "In passage: But
defining boredom so that it can be studied in the lab has proved difficult. For a
start, it can include a lot of other mental states, such as frustration, apathy,
depression and indifference."
necessarily (adv) /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrəli/ nhất thiết '=used to say that something is
possibly true but not definitely or always true It isn't [necessarily] true that
sugar is bad for you. Không nhất thiết [nhất thiết] đúng rằng đường có hại cho
bạn. "In passage: That doesn’t necessarily mean that it isn’t adaptive, he adds."
particularly (adv) /ˌpɑrˈtɪkjələrli/ cụ thể '=especially; more than usual
or more than others The story focuses [particularly] on the character of Nelly.
Câu chuyện tập trung [đặc biệt] vào nhân vật Nelly. In passage: People who
are motivated by pleasure seem to suffer particularly badly.
prone (adj) /proʊn/ dễ bị '=likely to suffer from something or to do something
bad Working without a break makes you more [prone] to error. Làm việc không
nghỉ khiến bạn [dễ bị] mắc lỗi hơn. In passage: More evidence that boredom has
detrimental effects comes from studies of people who are more or less prone to
prospects (n) /ˈprɑspɛkts/ "viễn cảnh, khả năng" '=the possibility that
something will happen There is no immediate [prospect] of peace. Không có
[triển vọng] hòa bình ngay lập tức. "In passage: It seems those who bore easily
face poorer prospects in education, their career and even life in general."
restless (adj) /ˈrɛstləs/ bồn chồn "'=unable to stay still or be happy where
you are, because you are bored or need a change" The audience was becoming
[restless]. Khán giả trở nên [bồn chồn]. "In passage: There isn’t even agreement
over whether boredom is always a low-energy, flat kind of emotion or whether
feeling agitated and restless counts as boredom, too."
seek out (v) /sik aʊt/ tìm kiếm "'=to look for and find somebody/something,
especially when this involves using a lot of effort" He admired her ability to
[seek out] bargains. Anh ngưỡng mộ khả năng [tìm kiếm] món hời của cô. "In
passage: In fact, she goes so far as to suggest that we should seek out more
boredom in our lives."
specialise (v) "tập trung, chuyên hoá" "'=to become an expert in a particular
area of work, study or business; to spend more time on one area of work, etc. than
on others" Many students prefer not to [specialize] too soon. Nhiều sinh viên
không muốn [chuyên môn hóa] quá sớm. "In passage: Intriguingly, Goetz has
found that while people experience all kinds of boredom, they tend to specialise in
speculate (v) /ˈspɛkjəˌleɪt/ đoán '=to form an opinion about something without
knowing all the details or facts We all [speculated] about the reasons for her
resignation. Tất cả chúng tôi đều [suy đoán] về lý do cô ấy từ chức. In
passage: Psychologist Francoise Wemelsfelder speculates that our over-connected
lifestyles might even be a new source of boredom.
stay away from (phr v) /steɪ əˈweɪ frəm/ tránh xa '=to not go near a particular
person or place I just couldn't [stay away]. Tôi chỉ không thể [tránh xa]. "In
passage: In his book, Boredom: A Lively History, Peter Toohey at the University of
Calgary, Canada, compares it to disgust – an emotion that motivates us to stay away
from certain situations."
stimulation (n) /ˌstɪmjəˈleɪʃən/ "kích thích, khuyến khích" '=the act of
making somebody interested and excited about something by engaging their mind or
their physical senses Kids' interest is often caught by visual [stimulation].
Sự quan tâm của trẻ em thường bị thu hút bởi [kích thích] thị giác. "In
passage: ‘In modern human society there is a lot of overstimulation but still a lot
of problems finding meaning,’ she says."
stuck (adj) /stək/ kẹt '=in an unpleasant situation or place that you cannot
escape from I hate being [stuck] at home all day. Tôi ghét bị [mắc kẹt] ở nhà
cả ngày. "In passage: Working with teenagers, they found that those who
‘approach’ a boring situation – in other words, see that it’s boring and get stuck
in anyway – report less boredom than those who try to avoid it by using snacks, TV
or social media for distraction."
threshold (n) /θˈrɛˌʃoʊld/ ngưỡng '=the level at which something starts to
happen or have an effect He has a low boredom [threshold] Anh ấy có một chút
buồn chán [ngưỡng] "In passage: Other personality traits, such as curiosity,
are associated with a high boredom threshold."
variety (n) /vərˈaɪəti/ đa dạng '=several different sorts of the same
thing There is a wide [variety] of patterns to choose from.Có rất nhiều [nhiều] mẫu
để lựa chọn. In passage: Boredom proneness has been linked with a variety of
wander (v) /ˈwɑndər/ "nghĩ lan man, lơ đễnh" "'=to walk slowly around or to a
place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction" The child
was found [wandering] the streets alone. Đứa trẻ được tìm thấy [lang thang] trên
đường phố một mình. "In passage: Mann concluded that a passive, boring activity
is best for creativity because it allows the mind to wander."

artificial (adj) /ˌɑrtəˈfɪʃəl/ nhân tạo '=made or produced to copy

something natural; not real [artificial] lighting/light [nhân tạo] ánh sáng /
ánh sáng "In passage: Classical music by an artificial composer has had
audiences enraptured, and even tricked them into believing a human was behind the
assess (v) /əˈsɛs/ đánh giá '=to make a judgement about the nature or
quality of somebody/something It's difficult to [assess] the effects of these
changes. Rất khó để [đánh giá] tác động của những thay đổi này. In passage:
He asked both expert musicians and non-experts to assess six compositions.
break down (phr v) /breɪk daʊn/ chia ra để phân tích '=to divide into parts
to be analysed "Expenditure on the project [breaks down] as follows: wages $10m,
plant $4m, raw materials $5m." "Chi tiêu cho dự án [chia nhỏ] như sau: tiền
công 10 triệu USD, nhà máy 4 triệu USD, nguyên vật liệu 5 triệu USD." "In passage:
If we can break this process down into computer code, where does that leave human
condemn (v) /kənˈdɛm/ "kết án, chỉ trích" "'=to say very strongly that you
think something is bad, usually for moral reasons" The government issued a
statement [condemning] the killings. Chính phủ đã đưa ra một tuyên bố [lên án]
các vụ giết người. "In passage: Some, such as Wiggins, have blasted Cope’s
work as pseudoscience, and condemned him for his deliberately vague explanation of
how the software worked."
controversy (n) /ˈkɑntrəˌvərsi/ tranh cãi "'=public discussion and argument
about something that many people strongly disagree about, think is bad, or are
shocked by" a bitter [controversy] over/about the site of the new airport một
[tranh cãi] gay gắt về / về địa điểm của sân bay mới "In passage: Amid such
controversy, Cope destroyed EMI’s vital databases."
criticism (n) /ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm/ "phê bình, chỉ trích" '=the act of expressing
disapproval of somebody/something and opinions about their faults or bad qualities;
a statement showing this disapproval Ben is very sensitive—he just can't take
[criticism]. Ben rất nhạy cảm - anh ấy không thể chấp nhận [chỉ trích]. "In
passage: Simon Colton, the designer of the Painting Fool, is keen to make sure his
creation doesn’t attract the same criticism."
deliberately (adv) /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ cố ý "'=done in a way that was planned, not by
chance" She's been [deliberately] ignoring him all day. Cô ấy [cố tình] phớt lờ
anh cả ngày. "In passage: Some, such as Wiggins, have blasted Cope’s work as
pseudoscience, and condemned him for his deliberately vague explanation of how the
software worked."
direction (n) /dɪˈrɛkʃɪn/ hướng dẫn "'=instructions about how to do
something, where to go, etc." "With all pesticides, follow the [directions] for use
carefully." "Với tất cả các loại thuốc trừ sâu, hãy làm theo [hướng dẫn] sử dụng
một cách cẩn thận." "In passage: Unlike earlier ‘artists’ such as Aaron, the
Painting Fool only needs minimal direction and can come up with its own concepts by
going online for material."
double standards (n) /ˈdəbəl ˈstændərdz/ tiêu chuẩn kép "'=a rule or moral
principle that is unfair because it is used in one situation, but not in another,
or because it treats one group of people in a way that is different from the
treatment of another" the [double standard] frequently encountered in 19th-
century attitudes to sex [tiêu chuẩn kép] thường gặp trong thái độ của thế kỷ
19 đối với tình dục "In passage: While some might say they have a mechanical
look, Colton argues that such reactions arise from people’s double standards
towards software-produced and human-produced art."
eerie (adj) /ˈɪri/ kỳ quái "'=strange, mysterious and frightening" I
found the silence underwater really [eerie]. Tôi thấy sự im lặng dưới nước thực
sự [kỳ lạ]. "In passage: This gives the work an eerie, ghostlike quality."
enraptured (adj) /ɛnˈræpʧərd/ "rất vui mừng, say mê" '=filled with great
pleasure or joy The audience was [enraptured] by the young soloist's performance.
Khán giả đã [mê mẩn] màn trình diễn của nghệ sĩ độc tấu trẻ tuổi. "In
passage: Classical music by an artificial composer has had audiences enraptured,
and even tricked them into believing a human was behind the score."
essence (n) /ˈɛsəns/ bản chất "'=the most important quality or feature of
something, that makes it what it is" His paintings capture the [essence] of
France. Những bức tranh của ông nắm bắt được [bản chất] của nước Pháp. "In
passage: This can give it an ‘irresistible essence’, says Bloom."
fascinated (adj) /ˈfæsəˌneɪtɪd/ "ấn tượng, mê hoặc" '=very interested "The
children watched, [fascinated], as the picture began to appear." "Những đứa trẻ
xem, [bị mê hoặc], khi bức tranh bắt đầu xuất hiện." "In passage: Others, though,
are fascinated by the prospect that a computer might create something as original
and subtle as our best artists."
from scratch (adv) /frəm skræʧ/ từ đầu '=without any previous preparation
or knowledge I learned German [from scratch] in six months. Tôi đã học tiếng
Đức [từ đầu] trong sáu tháng. "In passage: It is now beginning to display a kind of
imagination too, creating pictures from scratch."
glitch (n) /glɪʧ/ lỗi '=a small problem or fault that stops something
working successfully A few technical [glitches] forced us to postpone the
demonstration. Một vài [trục trặc] kỹ thuật buộc chúng tôi phải hoãn buổi biểu
diễn. "In passage: Some of the Painting Fool’s paintings of a chair came out in
black and white, thanks to a technical glitch."
impulse (n) /ˌɪmˈpəls/ "sự thúc đẩy, thôi thúc" "'=a sudden strong wish or
need to do something, without stopping to think about the results" He had a
sudden [impulse] to stand up and sing. Anh ấy có một [xung động] đột ngột để
đứng lên và hát. "In passage: Meanwhile, Douglas Hofstadter of Indiana University
said EMI created replicas which still rely completely on the original artist’s
creative impulses."
irresistible (adj) /ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbəl/ không cưỡng lại được '=so strong that it
cannot be stopped or resisted His arguments were [irresistible]. Những lập luận của
ông [không thể cưỡng lại được]. "In passage: This can give it an ‘irresistible
essence’, says Bloom."
keen (adj) /kin/ kiên quyết muốn làm gì/ cái gì xảy ra '=wanting to do
something or wanting something to happen very much John was very [keen] to help.
John rất [muốn] giúp đỡ. "In passage: Simon Colton, the designer of the
Painting Fool, is keen to make sure his creation doesn’t attract the same
laud (v) /lɔd/ ca ngợi '=to praise somebody/something He was [lauded]
for his courage. Anh ấy được [ca ngợi] vì lòng dũng cảm của mình. In passage:
Human artists like the renowned Ellsworth Kelly are lauded for limiting their
colour palette – so why should computers be any different?
mechanical (adj) /məˈkænɪkəl/ máy móc '=relating to machines and engines
The breakdown was due to a [mechanical] failure. Sự cố là do lỗi [máy
móc]. "In passage: While some might say they have a mechanical look, Colton argues
that such reactions arise from people’s double standards towards software-produced
and human-produced art."
millennium (n) /məˈlɛniəm/ "nghìn năm, (số nhiều) thời gian rất dài" "'=a period
of 1 000 years, especially as calculated before or after the birth of Christ"
"For [millennia], it was accepted that the earth was at the centre of the
universe." "Trong [hàng thiên niên kỷ], người ta đã chấp nhận rằng trái đất là
trung tâm của vũ trụ." In passage: Researchers like Colton don’t believe it is
right to measure machine creativity directly to that of humans who ‘have had
millennia to develop our skills’.
outrage (v) /ˈaʊˌtreɪʤ/ "xúc phạm, tức giận" '=to make somebody very
shocked and angry I am morally [outraged] by their actions. Tôi bị [phẫn nộ] về mặt
đạo đức bởi hành động của họ. "In passage: When audiences found out the truth they
were often outraged with Cope, and one music lover even tried to punch him."
possess (v) /pəˈzɛs/ sở hữu '=to have or own something He was charged
with [possessing] a shotgun without a licence. Anh ta bị buộc tội [sở hữu] một
khẩu súng ngắn mà không có giấy phép. "In passage: The Painting Fool is one of
a growing number of computer programs which, so their makers claim, possess
creative talents."
prejudice (n) /ˈprɛʤədɪs/ định kiến "'=an unreasonable dislike of or
preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their
race, religion, sex, etc." Their decision was based on ignorance and
[prejudice]. Quyết định của họ dựa trên sự thiếu hiểu biết và [thành kiến].
In passage: Where does this prejudice come from?
prestigious (adj) /pərˈstiʤəs/ danh giá '=respected and admired as very
important or of very high quality My parents wanted me to go to a more
[prestigious] university. Cha mẹ tôi muốn tôi vào một trường đại học [danh
tiếng] hơn. In passage: Artworks painted by a robot have sold for thousands of
dollars and been hung in prestigious galleries.
prospect (n) /ˈprɑspɛkt/ "viễn cảnh, khả năng" '=the possibility that
something will happen There is no immediate [prospect] of peace. Không có
[triển vọng] hòa bình ngay lập tức. "In passage: Others, though, are fascinated by
the prospect that a computer might create something as original and subtle as our
best artists."
pseudoscience (n) /ˌsudoʊˈsaɪəns/ giả khoa học "'=a set of theories, beliefs
or methods that some people claim are based on scientific fact even though in
reality they are not" Eugenics was a [pseudoscience] based on racism. Thuyết ưu
sinh là một [khoa học giả] dựa trên sự phân biệt chủng tộc."In passage: Some, such
as Wiggins, have blasted Cope’s work as pseudoscience, and condemned him for his
deliberately vague explanation of how the software worked."
reckon (v) /ˈrɛkən/ "nghĩ, cho rằng" '=to think something or have an opinion
about something He'll be famous one day. What do you [reckon] ('= do you agree)?
Một ngày nào đó anh ấy sẽ nổi tiếng. What do you [inheriton] ('= bạn đồng ý)?
In passage: Paul Bloom of Yale University has a suggestion: he reckons part
of the pleasure we get from art stems from the creative process behind the work.
recoil (v) /riˈkɔɪl/ giật mình '=to react to an idea or a situation with
strong dislike or fear She [recoiled] from the idea of betraying her own brother.
Cô [rút lui] khỏi ý định phản bội anh trai của chính mình. "In passage: But
why did so many people love the music, yet recoil when the discovered how it was
rely on (phr v) /rɪˈlaɪ ɔn/ dựa vào '=to need or depend on somebody/something
They had to [rely] entirely [on] volunteer workers. Họ phải [dựa] hoàn toàn
vào [] các nhân viên tình nguyện. "In passage: Meanwhile, Douglas Hofstadter of
Indiana University said EMI created replicas which still rely completely on the
original artist’s creative impulses."
renowned (adj) /rɪˈnaʊnd/ nổi tiếng '=famous and respected "We asked for
advice from the [renowned] legal expert, Sam Pincher." "Chúng tôi đã yêu cầu
lời khuyên từ chuyên gia pháp lý [nổi tiếng], Sam Pincher."In passage: Human
artists like the renowned Ellsworth Kelly are lauded for limiting their colour
palette – so why should computers be any different?
replica (n) /ˈrɛplɪkə/ bản sao '=a very good or exact copy of something There
is even a scaled-down [replica] of the Eiffel Tower there. Thậm chí còn có một [bản
sao] thu nhỏ của Tháp Eiffel ở đó. "In passage: Meanwhile, Douglas Hofstadter of
Indiana University said EMI created replicas which still rely completely on the
original artist’s creative impulses."
revered (adj) /rɪˈvɪrd/ được ngưỡng mộ '=highly admired and respected
He name is [revered] researcher of _x0008_etymology. Anh ấy tên là nhà nghiên
cứu [được tôn kính] của _x0008_etymology. "In passage: Not only did EMI create
compositions in Cope’s style, but also that of the most revered classical
composers, including Bach, Chopin and Mozart."
speculation (n) /ˌspɛkjəˈleɪʃən/ đồn đoán '=the act of forming opinions about
what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts His private
life is the subject of much [speculation]. Cuộc sống riêng tư của anh ấy là
chủ đề của nhiều [suy đoán]. "In passage: It seems obvious, therefore, that with
computers producing art, this speculation is cut short – there’s nothing to
subtle (adj) /ˈsətəl/ tinh vi '=not very obvious or easy to notice There
are [subtle] differences between the two versions. Có sự khác biệt [tinh tế]
giữa hai phiên bản. "In passage: Others, though, are fascinated by the prospect
that a computer might create something as original and subtle as our best artists."
tend (v) /tɛnd/ có xu hướng '=to be likely to do something or to happen in a
particular way because this is what often or usually happens People [tend] to
be happier if they are in a long-term relationship. Mọi người [có xu hướng] hạnh
phúc hơn nếu họ ở trong một mối quan hệ lâu dài. In passage: People who
thought the composer was a computer tended to dislike the piece more than those who
believed it was human.
to some extent (phrase) /tɪ səm ɪkˈstɛnt/ theo khía cạnh nào đó '=partly
"[To some extent], she was responsible for the accident." "[Ở một mức độ nào
đó], cô ấy phải chịu trách nhiệm về vụ tai nạn." "In passage: To some extent,
we are all familiar with computerised art."
unexpected (adj) /ˌənɪkˈspɛktɪd/ không ngờ "'=if something is unexpected, it
surprises you because you were not expecting it" The news was disappointing
but not [unexpected]. Tin tức đáng thất vọng nhưng không [bất ngờ]. In passage:
Software bugs can also lead to unexpected results.
vague (adj) /veɪg/ "không rõ ràng, mập mờ" '=not having or giving enough
information or details about something The politicians made [vague] promises
about tax cuts. Các chính trị gia đã đưa ra những lời hứa [mơ hồ] về việc cắt
giảm thuế. "In passage: Some, such as Wiggins, have blasted Cope’s work as
pseudoscience, and condemned him for his deliberately vague explanation of how the
software worked."
work of art (n) /wərk əv ɑrt/ tác phẩm nghệ thuật "'=a painting, statue,
etc." A number of priceless [works of art] were stolen from the gallery. Một số
[tác phẩm nghệ thuật] vô giá đã bị đánh cắp khỏi phòng trưng bày. In passage:
Can computers really create works of art?
sophisticated (adj) /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtəd/ "phức tạp, tinh tế" '=clever and
complicated in the way that it works or is presented Medical techniques are
becoming more [sophisticated] all the time. Các kỹ thuật y tế ngày càng trở nên
[tinh vi] hơn mọi lúc. In passage: Human beings are the only species to perform
sophisticated creative acts regularly.

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