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aggressively (adv) /əˈgrɛsɪvli/ một cách hung hăng '=in a way that is angry

and threatening ‘What do you want?’ he demanded [aggressively]. “Em muốn gì?” Anh
ta yêu cầu [hung hăng]. "In passage: And when it came to reacting to prey, the
older ants attacked the poor fruit fly just as aggressively as the young ones did,
flaring their mandibles or pulling at the fly’s legs."
comfort (n) /ˈkəmfərt/ "điều kiện thoải mái, tiện nghi" '=a thing that makes
your life easier or more comfortable She desperately missed her home
[comforts] while camping. Cô ấy vô cùng nhớ nhà của mình [những tiện nghi]
trong khi cắm trại. "In passage: Out in the wild, the ants probably don’t live
for a full 140 days thanks to predators, disease and just being in an environment
that’s much harsher than the comforts of the lab."
complex (n) /ˈkɑmplɛks/ tổ hợp '=a group of buildings of a similar type
together in one place They own a [complex] of buildings covering about 300 square
metres. Họ sở hữu một [khu phức hợp] các tòa nhà có diện tích khoảng 300 mét
vuông. In passage: She also wanted to see if aging affects the density of
synaptic complexes within these structures – regions where neurons come together.
complexity (n) /kəmˈplɛksɪti/ sự phức tạp '=the state of being formed of many
parts; the state of being difficult to understand the increasing [complexity]
of modern telecommunication systems sự gia tăng [phức tạp] của các hệ thống viễn
thông hiện đại "In passage: ‘It’s this social complexity that makes P. dentata
useful for studying aging in people,’ says Giraldo, now at the California Institute
of Technology."
counterpart (n) /ˈkaʊntərˌpɑrt/ người tương tự trong một hoàn cảnh khác '=a
person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else
in a different place or situation The Foreign Minister held talks with his
Chinese [counterpart]. Bộ trưởng Ngoại giao đã hội đàm với [người đồng cấp] Trung
Quốc. In passage: But the elderly insects were all good caretakers and trail-
followers – the 95-day-old ants could track the scent even longer than their
younger counterparts.
defy (v) /dɪˈfaɪ/ "bất chấp, thách thức" "'=to refuse to obey or show
respect for somebody in authority, a law, a rule, etc." Hundreds of people today
[defied] the ban on political gatherings. Hàng trăm người ngày nay [bất chấp] lệnh
cấm tụ tập chính trị. In passage: Such age-defying feats are rare in the animal
density (n) /ˈdɛnsɪti/ mật độ '=the quality of being dense; the degree to
which something is dense The population [density] in this city is very high.
Dân số [mật độ] ở thành phố này rất cao. In passage: She also wanted to see
if aging affects the density of synaptic complexes within these structures –
regions where neurons come together.
deteriorate (v) /dɪˈtɪriərˌeɪt/ yếu đi '=to become worse "Her health
[deteriorated] rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards." "Sức khỏe của cô ấy [xấu
đi] nhanh chóng, và cô ấy qua đời ngay sau đó." In passage: But the vast majority
of animals deteriorate with age just like people do.
entomologist (n) /ˌɛntəˈmɑləʤəst/ nhà côn trùng học '=a scientist who studies
insects It takes a competent [entomologist] to distinguish the dangerous
mosquitoes from the harmless ones. Cần một [nhà côn trùng học] có năng lực để phân
biệt những con muỗi nguy hiểm với những con vô hại. "In passage: ‘It will be
important to extend these findings to other species of social insects,’ says Gene
E. Robinson, an entomologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
experiment (v) /ɪkˈspɛrəmənt/ thí nghiệm '=to do a scientific experiment or
experiments They [experimented] successfully on the plants to discover disease-
resistant varieties. Họ [đã thử nghiệm] thành công trên cây để phát hiện ra các
giống kháng bệnh. In passage: And she experimented with how ants react to live
prey: a tethered fruit fly.
extend (v) /ɪkˈstɛnd/ mở rộng '=to make something longer or larger The
Democratic candidate [extended] her early lead in the polls. Ứng cử viên đảng
Dân chủ [đã mở rộng] vị trí dẫn đầu trong các cuộc thăm dò."In passage: ‘It will be
important to extend these findings to other species of social insects,’ says Gene
E. Robinson, an entomologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
flare (v) /flɛr/ "mở rộng, to ra (đặc biệt để thể hiện thái độ hung dữ)" "'=if
an animal flares their body part, this part becomes wider, especially as a sign of
anger" "The horse backed away, its nostrils [flaring] with fear." "Con ngựa
lùi lại, lỗ mũi của nó [bùng lên] vì sợ hãi." "In passage: And when it came to
reacting to prey, the older ants attacked the poor fruit fly just as aggressively
as the young ones did, flaring their mandibles or pulling at the fly’s legs."
immortal (adj) /ˌɪˈmɔrtəl/ bất tử '=that lives or lasts forever She believed
that her [immortal] soul was in danger. Cô tin rằng linh hồn [bất tử] của cô đang
gặp nguy hiểm. "In passage: Pheidole dentata, a native ant of the south-eastern
U.S., isn’t immortal."
isolated (adj) /ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd/ cô lập '=without much contact with others
Elderly people easily become socially [isolated]. Người cao tuổi dễ bị xã
hội [cô lập]. "In passage: By contrast, most animal studies of aging use mice,
worms or fruit flies, which all lead much more isolated lives."
majority (n) /məˈʤɔrəti/ phần lớn '=the largest part of a group of people
or things The [majority] was/were in favour of banning smoking. [Đa số] ủng hộ
việc cấm hút thuốc. In passage: But the vast majority of animals deteriorate
with age just like people do.
neural (adj) /ˈnʊrəl/ liên quan đến hệ thần kinh '=connected with a nerve or
the nervous system (the system of all the nerves in the body that carries messages
between the brain and the rest of the body) This part of the brain is
responsible for [neural] processes. Phần này của não chịu trách nhiệm cho các quá
trình [thần kinh]. "In passage: ‘This is the first time anyone has looked at
both behavioral and neural changes in these ants so thoroughly,’ says Giraldo, who
recently published the findings in the Proceeding of the Royal Society B."
pattern (n) /ˈpætərn/ hiện tượng chung '=the regular way in which something
happens or is done Wages in both sectors have followed a similar [pattern].
Tiền lương trong cả hai lĩnh vực đều tuân theo một [khuôn mẫu] tương tự.
"In passage: This ant might be unique, or it might represent a broader
pattern among other social bugs with possible clues to the science of aging in
larger animals."
prey (n) /preɪ/ con mồi "'=an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and
eaten by another" The lion will often stalk its [prey] for hours. Con sư tử thường
sẽ rình rập [con mồi] của nó trong nhiều giờ. In passage: And she experimented
with how ants react to live prey: a tethered fruit fly.
process (n) /ˈprɔˌsɛs/ xử lý thông tin '=to understand the signal My brain
slowly [processed] the fact that I was free to leave. Bộ não của tôi từ từ [xử lý]
sự thật rằng tôi được tự do ra đi. "In passage: Ants and other insects have
structures in their brains called mushroom bodies, which are important for
processing information, learning and memory."
represent (v) /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/ đại diện cho '=to be an example or expression of
something Those comments do not [represent] the views of us all. Những nhận
xét đó không [đại diện] cho quan điểm của tất cả chúng tôi."In passage: This ant
might be unique, or it might represent a broader pattern among other social bugs
with possible clues to the science of aging in larger animals."
reproduce (v) /ˌriprəˈdus/ sinh sản "'=if people, plants, animals, etc.
reproduce or reproduce themselves, they produce young" Most reptiles
[reproduce] by laying eggs on land. Hầu hết các loài bò sát [sinh sản] bằng cách đẻ
trứng trên cạn. "In passage: They can still reproduce even when old, and they
never get cancer."
senescence (n) /səˈnɛsəns/ sự già đi '=the process of becoming old and showing
the effects of being old [Senescence] refers to gradual deterioration with age
and in animals is typically very obvious under zoo conditions. [Senescence] đề
cập đến sự suy giảm dần dần theo tuổi tác và ở động vật thường rất rõ ràng trong
điều kiện sở thú. "In passage: Scientists have looked at some similar aspects in
bees, but the results of recent bee studies were mixed – some studies showed age-
related declines, which biologists call senescence, and others didn’t."
sharp (adj) /ʃɑrp/ "sắc sảo, tỉnh táo" "'=(of people or their minds, eyes,
etc.) quick to notice or understand things or to react" He kept a [sharp]
lookout for any strangers. Anh ấy luôn để ý [sắc bén] đối với bất kỳ người lạ
nào. "In passage: Old workers ants can do everything just as well as the
youngsters, and their brains appear just as sharp."
steep (adj) /stip/ "nhanh, dốc" '=(of a rise or fall in an amount) sudden
and very big Setting up a new business is risky and involves a [steep]
learning curve. Thiết lập một doanh nghiệp mới là rủi ro và liên quan đến một
đường cong học tập [dốc]. "In passage: ‘The lucky ants that do live into old
age may suffer a steep decline just before dying,’ Giraldo says, but she can’t say
for sure because her study wasn’t designed to follow an ant’s final moments."
telltale (adj) /ˈtɛlˌteɪl/ "đặc trưng, làm dấu hiệu" '=showing that something
exists or has happened The [telltale] smell of cigarettes told her that he had
been in the room. Mùi thuốc lá nói với cô rằng anh đã ở trong phòng. In passage:
She compared how well 20-day-old and 95-day-old ants followed the telltale scent
that the insects usually leave to mark a trail to food.
thoroughly (adv) /ˈθəroʊli/ kĩ lưỡng '=very much; completely She reviewed her
essay [thoroughly]. Cô ấy đã xem xét lại bài luận của mình [một cách kỹ lưỡng].
"In passage: ‘This is the first time anyone has looked at both behavioral and
neural changes in these ants so thoroughly,’ says Giraldo, who recently published
the findings in the Proceeding of the Royal Society B."
trail (n) /treɪl/ đường '=a long line or series of marks that is left by
somebody/something The hurricane left a [trail] of destruction behind it.
Cơn bão đã để lại một [dấu vết] tàn phá đằng sau nó. In passage: She compared
how well 20-day-old and 95-day-old ants followed the telltale scent that the
insects usually leave to mark a trail to food.
vast (adj) /væst/ rộng lớn "'=extremely large in area, size, amount, etc."
"In the [vast] majority of cases, this should not be a problem." "Trong [đại
đa số] trường hợp, đây không phải là vấn đề." In passage: But the vast majority
of animals deteriorate with age just like people do.
youngster (n) /ˈjəŋstər/ con non '=a young person or a child The camp is
for [youngsters] aged 8 to 14. Trại dành cho [thanh thiếu niên] từ 8 đến 14
tuổi. "In passage: Old workers ants can do everything just as well as the
youngsters, and their brains appear just as sharp."

absorb (v) /əbˈzɔrb/ tiếp thu '=to take something into the mind and learn or
understand it It's a lot of information to [absorb] all at once. Có rất nhiều
thông tin để [hấp thụ] tất cả cùng một lúc. "In passage: While it is true that
television documentaries are becoming ever more detailed and impressive, and many
natural history specimens are on display in museums, there really is nothing to
compare with seeing a living creature in the flesh, hearing it, smelling it,
watching what it does and having the time to absorb details."
aid (v) /eɪd/ hỗ trợ "'=to help somebody/something to do something,
especially by making it easier" The investigation was greatly [aided] by the
fact that the house was equipped with CCTV cameras. Cuộc điều tra đã được hỗ trợ
rất nhiều bởi thực tế là ngôi nhà được trang bị camera quan sát. "In passage: They
are vital not just in terms of protecting animals, but as a means of learning about
them to aid those still in the wild, as well as educating and informing the general
population about these animals and their world so that they can assist or at least
accept the need to be more environmentally conscious."
anaesthetics (n) /ˌænəsˈθɛtɪks/ thuốc gây mê "'=a drug that makes a person
or an animal unable to feel anything, especially pain, either in the whole body or
in a part of the body" We forget what life must have been like without
[anaesthetics] and painkillers. Chúng ta quên mất cuộc sống hẳn sẽ như thế nào
nếu không có [thuốc gây mê] và thuốc giảm đau. "In passage: Procedures such as
capturing and moving at-risk or dangerous individuals are bolstered by knowledge
gained in zoos about doses for anaesthetics, and by experience in handling and
transporting animals."
appreciation (n) /əˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən/ sự trân trọng '=pleasure that you have when
you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of somebody/something She shows little
[appreciation] of good music. Cô ấy ít thể hiện [đánh giá cao] âm nhạc hay. "In
passage: That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to many, and
hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation efforts and
how they can contribute."
assist (v) /əˈsɪst/ giúp '=to help somebody to do something He [assisted] in
the development of the business strategy. Ông [đã hỗ trợ] trong việc phát triển
chiến lược kinh doanh. "In passage: They are vital not just in terms of protecting
animals, but as a means of learning about them to aid those still in the wild, as
well as educating and informing the general population about these animals and
their world so that they can assist or at least accept the need to be more
environmentally conscious."
automatically (adv) /ˌɔtəˈmætɪkli/ một cách tự động '=in a way that always
happens as a result of a particular action or situation You will [automatically]
get free dental treatment if you are under 18. Bạn sẽ [tự động] được điều trị nha
khoa miễn phí nếu bạn dưới 18 tuổi. "In passage: A lot of very nasty things happen
to truly ‘wild’ animals that simply don’t happen in good zoos, and to view a life
that is ‘free’ as one that is automatically ‘good’ is, I think, an error."
bolster (v) /ˈboʊlstər/ củng cố '=to improve something or make it
stronger Falling interest rates may help to [bolster] up the economy. Lãi
suất giảm có thể giúp [củng cố] nền kinh tế. "In passage: Procedures such as
capturing and moving at-risk or dangerous individuals are bolstered by knowledge
gained in zoos about doses for anaesthetics, and by experience in handling and
transporting animals."
boost (v) /bust/ nhân giống "'=to make something increase, or become better or
more successful" The movie helped [boost] her screen career. Bộ phim đã giúp
[thúc đẩy] sự nghiệp màn ảnh của cô. "In passage: Still more only exist in the
wild because they have been reintroduced from zoos, or have wild populations that
have been boosted by captive bred animals."
captive (adj) /ˈkæptɪv/ nuôi nhốt '=kept as a prisoner or in a space that
you cannot get out of; unable to escape She was held [captive] in a castle. Cô bị
giam giữ trong một lâu đài. "In passage: The average captive animal will have a
greater life expectancy compared with its wild counterpart, and will not die of
drought, of starvation or in the jaws of a predator."
captivity (n) /kæpˈtɪvəti/ trạng thái nuôi nhốt '=the state of being kept as
a prisoner or in a space that you cannot escape from Wild animals do not always
breed well in [captivity]. Động vật hoang dã không phải lúc nào cũng sinh sản
tốt trong [điều kiện nuôi nhốt]. In passage: A species protected in captivity
can be bred up to provide a reservoir population against a population crash or
extinction in the wild.
capture (v) /ˈkæpʧər/ bắt '=to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a
prisoner or shut them in a space that they cannot escape from The animals are
[captured] in nets and sold to local zoos. Các con vật bị [bắt] trong lưới và
bán cho các vườn thú địa phương. "In passage: Procedures such as capturing and
moving at-risk or dangerous individuals are bolstered by knowledge gained in zoos
about doses for anaesthetics, and by experience in handling and transporting
collapse (n) /kəˈlæps/ sự sụp đổ "'=a sudden failure of something, such as an
institution, a business or a course of action" The present system is on the brink
of [collapse]. Hệ thống hiện tại đang trên bờ vực [sụp đổ]. "In passage:
Moreover, some of these collapses have been sudden, dramatic and unexpected, or
were simply discovered very late in the day."
colossal (n) /kəˈlɑsəl/ vô cùng lớn '=extremely large They have spent a
[colossal] amount of money on construction. Họ đã chi một số tiền [khổng lồ] để
xây dựng. "In passage: Colossal numbers of species are becoming extinct across
the world, and many more are increasingly threatened and therefore risk
communicate (v) /kəmˈjunəˌkeɪt/ truyền tải "'=to share or exchange
information, news, ideas, feelings, etc." Direct marketing allows a firm to
[communicate] directly with its customers. Tiếp thị trực tiếp cho phép một
công ty [giao tiếp] trực tiếp với khách hàng của mình. "In passage: In addition
to this, there is also the education that can take place in zoos through signs,
talks and presentations which directly communicate information to visitors about
the animals they are seeing and their place in the world."
conscious (adj) /ˈkɑnʃəs/ có ý thức '=aware of something; noticing something
She's very [conscious] of the problems involved. Cô ấy rất [ý thức] về
các vấn đề liên quan. "In passage: They are vital not just in terms of protecting
animals, but as a means of learning about them to aid those still in the wild, as
well as educating and informing the general population about these animals and
their world so that they can assist or at least accept the need to be more
environmentally conscious."
conservation (adj) /ˌkɑnsərˈveɪʃən/ bảo tồn '=the protection of the
natural environment Road development in the area has been severely affected by
the [conservation] programmes of the council. Việc phát triển đường trong khu vực
đã bị ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng bởi các chương trình [bảo tồn] của hội đồng. "In
passage: Firstly, zoos aid conservation."
contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪbjut/ đóng góp "'=to give something, especially money or
goods, to help achieve or provide something" We [contributed] £5 000 to the
earthquake fund. Chúng tôi [đã đóng góp] £ 5000 cho quỹ động đất. "In passage:
That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to many, and
hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation efforts and
how they can contribute."
destruction (n) /dɪˈstrəkʃən/ sự phá huỷ '=the act of destroying something;
the process of being destroyed The central argument is that capitalism sows
the seeds of its own [destruction] ('= creates the forces that destroy it). Lập
luận trung tâm là chủ nghĩa tư bản gieo mầm [sự hủy diệt] của chính nó ('= tạo ra
lực lượng tiêu diệt nó). "In passage: This can make a real difference to
conservation efforts and to the reduction of human-animal conflicts, and can
provide a knowledge base for helping with the increasing threats of habitat
destruction and other problems."
detailed (adj) /dɪˈteɪld/ chi tiết '=giving many details and a lot of
information; paying great attention to details He gave me [detailed] instructions
on how to get there. Anh ấy đã cho tôi hướng dẫn [chi tiết] về cách đến đó.
"In passage: While it is true that television documentaries are becoming ever
more detailed and impressive, and many natural history specimens are on display in
museums, there really is nothing to compare with seeing a living creature in the
flesh, hearing it, smelling it, watching what it does and having the time to absorb
dramatic (adj) /drəˈmætɪk/ "đáng kể, tác động mạnh" "'=sudden, very great
and often surprising" There has been a [dramatic] rise in reported crime. Đã có
một sự gia tăng [đáng kể] về tội phạm được báo cáo. "In passage: Moreover, some
of these collapses have been sudden, dramatic and unexpected, or were simply
discovered very late in the day."
effect (v) /ˈifɛkt/ "tạo hiệu ứng, tác động" '=to make something happen
The negotiators hoped to [effect] a smooth transition to an interim
administration. Các nhà đàm phán hy vọng sẽ [có hiệu lực] chuyển đổi suôn sẻ sang
chính quyền lâm thời. In passage: Being able to undertake research on animals in
zoos where there is less risk and fewer variables means real changes can be
effected on wild populations.
essential (adj) /ɛˈsɛnʃəl/ quan trọng '=completely necessary; extremely
important in a particular situation or for a particular activity "The local
government is not able to provide [essential] services such as gas, water and
electricity." "Chính quyền địa phương không thể cung cấp các dịch vụ [thiết
yếu] như khí đốt, nước và điện." "In passage: In conclusion, considering the
many ongoing global threats to the environment, it is hard for me to see zoos as
anything other than essential to the long-term survival of numerous species."
extinct (adj) /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ tuyệt chủng '=no longer in existence The numbers
of these animals have been falling steadily and they are now almost [extinct].
Số lượng của những loài động vật này đã giảm đều đặn và hiện nay chúng gần
như [tuyệt chủng]. "In passage: Colossal numbers of species are becoming
extinct across the world, and many more are increasingly threatened and therefore
risk extinction."
find out (phr v) /faɪnd aʊt/ "phát hiện, tìm ra" "'=to get some information
about something/somebody by asking, reading, etc." "She'd been seeing the boy
for a while, but didn't want her parents to [find out]." "Cô đã gặp cậu bé một
thời gian, nhưng không muốn bố mẹ cô [phát hiện ra]." "In passage: Finding out
about, for example, the oestrus cycle of an animal of its breeding rate helps us
manage wild populations."
habitat (n) /ˈhæbəˌtæt/ "sinh cảnh, môi trường sống" '=the place where a
particular type of animal or plant is normally found The panda's natural [habitat]
is the bamboo forest. [Môi trường sống] tự nhiên của gấu trúc là rừng tre. "In
passage: This can make a real difference to conservation efforts and to the
reduction of human-animal conflicts, and can provide a knowledge base for helping
with the increasing threats of habitat destruction and other problems."
handle (v) /ˈhændəl/ xử lý "'=to control a vehicle, an animal, a tool, etc."
She's a difficult horse to [handle]. Cô ấy là một con ngựa khó [xử lý].
"In passage: Procedures such as capturing and moving at-risk or dangerous
individuals are bolstered by knowledge gained in zoos about doses for anaesthetics,
and by experience in handling and transporting animals."
increasingly (adv) /ˌɪnˈkrisɪŋgli/ ngày một tăng '=more and more all the time
Tourism is playing an [increasingly] important role in the region's economy.
Du lịch ngày càng đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong nền kinh tế của khu vực.
"In passage: This was an area where zoos used to be lacking, but they are now
increasingly sophisticated in their communication and outreach work."
initiative (n) /ˌɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ sáng kiến '=a new plan for dealing with a
particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose The money was intended
to support [initiatives] in bilingual education. Số tiền này nhằm hỗ trợ [các
sáng kiến] trong giáo dục song ngữ. "In passage: Although reintroduction successes
are few and far between, the numbers are increasing, and the very fact that species
have been saved or reintroduced as a result of captive breeding proves the value of
such initiatives."
irritation (n) /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃən/ sự khó chịu "'=the state of being annoyed, especially
by something that somebody continuously does or by something that continuously
happens" "He noted, with some [irritation], that the letter had not been sent."
"Ông lưu ý, với một số [khó chịu], rằng bức thư đã không được gửi đi." "In
passage: They do not suffer from the threat or stress of predators, or the
irritation and pain of parasites or injuries."
lacking (adj) /ˈlækɪŋ/ thiếu '=having none or not enough of something She's not
usually [lacking] in confidence. Cô ấy không thường [thiếu] tự tin. "In passage:
This was an area where zoos used to be lacking, but they are now increasingly
sophisticated in their communication and outreach work."
life expectancy (n) /laɪf ɪkˈspɛktənsi/ tuổi thọ '=the number of years that a
person is likely to live; the length of time that something is likely to exist or
continue for [Life expectancy] for both men and women has improved greatly in
the past 20 years. [Tuổi thọ] cho cả nam và nữ đã được cải thiện rất nhiều
trong 20 năm qua. "In passage: The average captive animal will have a greater life
expectancy compared with its wild counterpart, and will not die of drought, of
starvation or in the jaws of a predator."
numerous (adj) /ˈnumərəs/ "rất nhiều, số lượng lớn" '=existing in large
numbers The advantages of this system are too [numerous] to mention. Những
lợi thế của hệ thống này là quá [nhiều] để đề cập đến. "In passage: In
conclusion, considering the many ongoing global threats to the environment, it is
hard for me to see zoos as anything other than essential to the long-term survival
of numerous species."
ongoing (adj) /ˈɔnˌgoʊɪŋ/ đang tiếp diễn '=continuing to exist or develop
Training is part of our [ongoing] career development program. Đào tạo là
một phần của chương trình phát triển nghề nghiệp [liên tục] của chúng tôi. "In
passage: In conclusion, considering the many ongoing global threats to the
environment, it is hard for me to see zoos as anything other than essential to the
long-term survival of numerous species."
ostracism (n) /ˈɔstrəˌsɪzəm/ "tẩy chay, khai trừ" '=the act of deliberately not
including somebody in a group or activity; the state of not being included AIDS
patients often experience social [ostracism] and discrimination. Bệnh nhân AIDS
thường bị xã hội [tẩy chay] và phân biệt đối xử. "In passage: Their movement
might be somewhat restricted, but they have a safe environment in which to live,
and they are spared bullying and social ostracism by others of their kind."
outreach (n) /ˈaʊˌtriʧ/ tuyên truyền "'=the activity of an organization
that provides a service or advice to people in the community, especially those who
cannot or are unlikely to come to an office, a hospital, etc. for help" The
organisation is keen to start an [outreach] and education programme in this area.
Tổ chức mong muốn bắt đầu một [tiếp cận cộng đồng] và chương trình giáo dục
trong lĩnh vực này. "In passage: This was an area where zoos used to be
lacking, but they are now increasingly sophisticated in their communication and
outreach work."
parasite (n) /ˈpɛrəˌsaɪt/ kí sinh trùng '=a small animal or plant that
lives on or inside another animal or plant and gets its food from it Fleas and
lice are [parasites]. Bọ chét và rận là [ký sinh trùng]. "In passage: They do not
suffer from the threat or stress of predators, or the irritation and pain of
parasites or injuries."
perfectly (adv) /ˈpərfəktli/ hoàn toàn '=perfectly "I thought he'd be upset, but
he seems [perfectly] fine." "Tôi nghĩ anh ấy sẽ khó chịu, nhưng anh ấy có vẻ
[hoàn toàn] ổn." "In passage: In my view, it is perfectly possible for many
species of animals living in zoos or wildlife parks to have a quality of life as
high as, or higher than, in the wild."
perspective (n) /pərˈspɛktɪv/ góc nhìn '=a particular attitude towards
something; a way of thinking about something A historical [perspective] may help
us understand the issue. [Quan điểm] lịch sử có thể giúp chúng tôi hiểu vấn
đề. "In passage: That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to
many, and hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation
efforts and how they can contribute."
population (n) /ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən/ quần thể '=a particular group of people or
animals living in a particular area The disease is relatively uncommon in the
general [population]. Căn bệnh này tương đối không phổ biến trong [dân số] nói
chung. In passage: A species protected in captivity can be bred up to provide
a reservoir population against a population crash or extinction in the wild.
predator (n) /ˈprɛdətər/ động vật săn mồi '=an animal that kills and eats
other animals Some animals have no natural [predators]. Một số loài động vật
không có [động vật ăn thịt] tự nhiên. "In passage: They do not suffer from the
threat or stress of predators, or the irritation and pain of parasites or
procedure (n) /prəˈsiʤər/ quy trình "'=a way of doing something, especially
the usual or correct way" The school in this case did not follow the correct
[procedure]. Trường học trong trường hợp này đã không thực hiện đúng [quy
trình]. "In passage: Procedures such as capturing and moving at-risk or
dangerous individuals are bolstered by knowledge gained in zoos about doses for
anaesthetics, and by experience in handling and transporting animals."
reduction (n) /rɪˈdəkʃən/ giảm thiểu '=an act of making something less or
smaller; the state of being made less or smaller This year has seen a 33%
[reduction] in the number of hospital beds available. "Năm nay, số giường bệnh hiện
có giảm 33% [giảm]." "In passage: This can make a real difference to
conservation efforts and to the reduction of human-animal conflicts, and can
provide a knowledge base for helping with the increasing threats of habitat
destruction and other problems."
reserve (n) /rɪˈzərv/ "khu dự trữ, khu bảo tồn" "'=a piece of land that is a
protected area for animals, plants, etc." We visited a forest [reserve] and saw
lots of wildlife. Chúng tôi đã đến thăm một khu rừng [khu bảo tồn] và thấy rất
nhiều động vật hoang dã. "In passage: Many zoos also work directly to educate
conservation workers in other countries, or send their animal keepers abroad to
contribute their knowledge and skills to those working in zoos and reserves,
thereby helping to improve conditions and reintroductions all over the world."
reservoir (n) /ˈrɛzəvˌwɑr/ nguồn dự trữ '=a large amount of something that
is available to be used We can tap into the vast [reservoir] of information
available on the internet Chúng ta có thể khai thác [kho chứa] thông tin rộng
lớn có sẵn trên internet In passage: A species protected in captivity can be
bred up to provide a reservoir population against a population crash or extinction
in the wild.
restricted (adj) /riˈstrɪktɪd/ bị giới hạn '=limited in what one is able to do
In those days women led fairly [restricted] lives. "Trong những ngày đó,
phụ nữ có cuộc sống khá [bị hạn chế]." "In passage: Their movement might be
somewhat restricted, but they have a safe environment in which to live, and they
are spared bullying and social ostracism by others of their kind."
somewhat (adv) /ˈsəmˈwət/ một chút '=to some degree I was [somewhat]
surprised to see him. Tôi [hơi] ngạc nhiên khi gặp anh ấy. "In passage: Their
movement might be somewhat restricted, but they have a safe environment in which to
live, and they are spared bullying and social ostracism by others of their kind."
sophisticated (adj) /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtəd/ "tinh tế, khéo léo" "'=having a lot of
experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that
people think are socially important" They are eager to experience the
[sophisticated] pleasures of city life. Họ háo hức trải nghiệm những thú vui
[tinh vi] của cuộc sống thành phố. "In passage: This was an area where zoos used
to be lacking, but they are now increasingly sophisticated in their communication
and outreach work."
spare (v) /spɛr/ "tha, không bắt nạt" '=to not hurt or destroy something or
someone They asked him to [spare] the women and children. Họ yêu cầu anh ta
[rảnh rỗi] phụ nữ và trẻ em. "In passage: Their movement might be somewhat
restricted, but they have a safe environment in which to live, and they are spared
bullying and social ostracism by others of their kind."
starvation (n) /stɑrˈveɪʃən/ chết đói '=the state in which somebody suffers or
dies because they have no food Millions will face [starvation] next year as a
result of the drought. Hàng triệu người sẽ phải đối mặt với [chết đói] vào năm tới
do hậu quả của hạn hán. "In passage: The average captive animal will have a greater
life expectancy compared with its wild counterpart, and will not die of drought, of
starvation or in the jaws of a predator."
sudden (adj) /ˈsədən/ bất chợt '=happening or done quickly and unexpectedly
News of his [sudden] and unexpected death came as a great shock. Tin tức về
cái chết [đột ngột] và bất ngờ của anh ấy đến như một cú sốc lớn. "In passage:
Moreover, some of these collapses have been sudden, dramatic and unexpected, or
were simply discovered very late in the day."
supplement (n) /ˌsəpləˈmɛnt/ (thực phẩm) bổ sung '=a thing that is added to
something else to improve or complete it Industrial sponsorship is a [supplement]
to government funding. Tài trợ công nghiệp là một phần [bổ sung] cho tài trợ của
chính phủ. "In passage: Animals in good zoos get a varied and high-quality diet
with all the supplements required, and any illnesses they might have will be
threatened (adj) /θˈrɛtənd/ bị đe doạ '=(animal or plant) in danger of
extinction [Threatened] species are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Các loài [bị đe dọa] đặc biệt dễ bị tổn thương do biến đổi khí hậu. "In
passage: Colossal numbers of species are becoming extinct across the world, and
many more are increasingly threatened and therefore risk extinction."
transport (v) /ˈtrænspɔrt/ vận chuyển '=to take something/somebody from one
place to another in a vehicle Cattle could be [transported] by rail to any part of
the country. Gia súc có thể được [vận chuyển] bằng đường sắt đến bất kỳ vùng
nào của đất nước. "In passage: Procedures such as capturing and moving at-risk or
dangerous individuals are bolstered by knowledge gained in zoos about doses for
anaesthetics, and by experience in handling and transporting animals."
undertake (v) /ˈəndərˌteɪk/ thực hiện '=to make yourself responsible for
something and start doing it The company has announced that it will [undertake] a
full investigation into the accident. Công ty đã thông báo rằng họ sẽ [thực
hiện] một cuộc điều tra đầy đủ về vụ tai nạn. In passage: Being able to undertake
research on animals in zoos where there is less risk and fewer variables means real
changes can be effected on wild populations.
variable (n) /ˈvɛriəbəl/ khác nhau "'=a situation, number or quantity that
can vary or be varied" The temperature remained constant while pressure was a
[variable] in the experiment. Nhiệt độ không đổi trong khi áp suất là một [biến số]
trong thí nghiệm. In passage: Being able to undertake research on animals in zoos
where there is less risk and fewer variables means real changes can be effected on
wild populations.
varied (adj) /ˈvɛrid/ "khác nhau, đa dạng" '=of many different types They
stock a wide and [varied] selection of cheeses. Họ có rất nhiều loại pho mát được
lựa chọn đa dạng và phong phú. "In passage: Animals in good zoos get a varied
and high-quality diet with all the supplements required, and any illnesses they
might have will be treated."
vital (adj) /ˈvaɪtəl/ cực kỳ quan trọng '=necessary or essential in order for
something to succeed or exist The police play a [vital] role in our society. Cảnh
sát đóng một vai trò [quan trọng] trong xã hội của chúng ta. "In passage: They
are vital not just in terms of protecting animals, but as a means of learning about
them to aid those still in the wild, as well as educating and informing the general
population about these animals and their world so that they can assist or at least
accept the need to be more environmentally conscious."

absorb (v) /əbˈzɔrb/ hấp thu "'=to take in a liquid, gas or other substance
from the surface or space around" Plants [absorb] carbon dioxide from the air.
Thực vật [hấp thụ] carbon dioxide từ không khí. "In passage: Interrogating
the existing scientific literature can help ecologists figure out which problems
really need addressing, and which ones they’d be better off – like the mussels –
absorbing and ignoring."
accidentally (adv) /ˌæksəˈdɛnəli/ một cách vô tình '=by chance; in a way that
was not planned "As I turned around, I [accidentally] hit him in the face.""Khi
tôi quay lại, tôi [vô tình] đánh vào mặt anh ta." "In passage: Usually,
scientists don’t know exactly how disasters such as a tanker accidentally spilling
its whole cargo of oil and polluting huge areas of the ocean will affect the
environment until after they’ve happened."
affect /əˈfɛkt/ tác động '=change or influence Don't worry about the
rule changes—you're not [affected]. Đừng lo lắng về các thay đổi quy tắc — bạn
không [bị ảnh hưởng]. "In passage: In the remaining cases, the working group
found the studies had weaknesses in design and content which affected the validity
of their conclusions – they lacked a control group, for example, or used faulty
analysis (n) /æˈnælɪsɪs/ phân tích '=the detailed study or examination of
something in order to understand more about it; the result of the study
Further [analysis] revealed significant regional variations in the results.
[Phân tích] sâu hơn cho thấy những khác biệt đáng kể theo khu vực trong kết
quả. "In passage: While mussels may be fine eating trash, though, the analysis
also gave a clearer picture of the many ways that ocean debris is bothersome."
at risk of (idiom) /æt rɪsk əv/ có nguy cơ '=in danger of something unpleasant
or harmful happening Journalists in the zone are [at risk of] being kidnapped.
Các nhà báo trong khu vực [có nguy cơ] bị bắt cóc. "In passage: For
example, a study could show that certain seabirds eat plastic bags, and go on to
warn that whole bird populations are at risk of dying out."
be better off (idiom) /bi ˈbɛtər ɔf/ tốt hơn '=used to say that somebody
is/would be happier or more satisfied because they are/if they were in a particular
position or doing a particular thing The weather seems so bad we may [be
better off] staying at home. Thời tiết có vẻ xấu nên chúng tôi có thể [tốt hơn]
nên ở nhà. "In passage: Interrogating the existing scientific literature can help
ecologists figure out which problems really need addressing, and which ones they’d
be better off – like the mussels – absorbing and ignoring."
bothersome (adj) /ˈbɑðərsəm/ gây phiền phức '=causing trouble or difficulty
[Bothersome] family obligations keep interfering with my plans. [Bothersome]
các nghĩa vụ gia đình tiếp tục cản trở kế hoạch của tôi. "In passage: While
mussels may be fine eating trash, though, the analysis also gave a clearer picture
of the many ways that ocean debris is bothersome."
clear up (phr v) /klɪr əp/ giải quyết '=to solve or explain something I hope
this explanation [clears up] any confusion. Tôi hy vọng lời giải thích này [làm
sáng tỏ] bất kỳ sự nhầm lẫn nào. "In passage: ‘I think clearing up some of these
misperceptions is really important,’ Rochman says."
concentration (n) /ˌkɑnsənˈtreɪʃən/ "mật độ, nồng độ" '=the amount of a
substance in a liquid or in another substance High glucose [concentrations] in
the blood is a symptom of diabetes. Nồng độ [glucose] cao trong máu là một triệu
chứng của bệnh tiểu đường. "In passage: And in the lab, scientists often use
higher concentrations of plastic than what’s really in the ocean."
conclusion (n) /kənˈkluʒən/ kết luận '=something that you decide when you have
thought about all the information connected with the situation We can safely draw
some [conclusions] from our discussion. Chúng ta có thể rút ra một số [kết luận]
từ cuộc thảo luận của mình một cách an toàn. "In passage: In the remaining
cases, the working group found the studies had weaknesses in design and content
which affected the validity of their conclusions – they lacked a control group, for
example, or used faulty statistics."
conjure up (phr v) /ˈkɑnʤər əp/ gợi lên '=to make something appear as a
picture in your mind That smell always [conjures up] memories of holidays in
France. Mùi đó luôn [gợi lên] ký ức về những kỳ nghỉ ở Pháp. "In passage: For
example, the name of the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ – a collection of marine
debris in the northern Pacific Ocean – might conjure up a vast, floating trash
creature (n) /ˈkriʧər/ sinh vật "'=a living thing, real or imaginary, that can
move around, such as an animal" "The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal [creature]."
"Ký túc xá là một [sinh vật] sống về đêm, nhút nhát.""In passage: There are
also, she adds, a lot of open questions about the ways that ocean debris can lead
to sea-creature death."
cutoff point (n) /ˈkəˌtɔf pɔɪnt/ điểm giới hạn '=a point or limit when you
stop something Is there a [cutoff point] between childhood and adulthood? Có một
[điểm giới hạn] giữa thời thơ ấu và tuổi trưởng thành không? "In passage:
Rochman says, though she notes that more papers on the subject have been published
since 2013, the cutoff point for the group’s analysis."
damage (v) /ˈdæmɪʤ/ "tổn hại, gây hại" '=to have a bad or harmful effect
on something/somebody The church was badly [damaged] by the 1997 earthquake.
Nhà thờ bị [hư hại] nặng do trận động đất năm 1997. "In passage: But if
ecologists can understand how the slow-moving effect of ocean trash is damaging
ecosystems, they might be able to prevent things from getting worse."
debris (n) /dəˈbri/ "mảnh vụn, rác" "'=pieces of wood, metal, building
materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed" Emergency
teams are still clearing the [debris] from the plane crash.Các đội khẩn cấp vẫn
đang thu dọn [mảnh vỡ] từ vụ tai nạn máy bay. "In passage: Rochman is a member of
the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis’s marine-debris working
group, a collection of scientists who study, among other things, the growing
problem of marine debris, also known as ocean trash."
determine (v) /dɪˈtərmən/ xác định '=to discover the facts about something;
to calculate something exactly An inquiry was set up to [determine] the cause
of the accident. Một cuộc điều tra đã được thiết lập để [xác định] nguyên nhân của
vụ tai nạn. "In passage: Plenty of studies have sounded alarm bells about the state
of marine debris; in a recent paper published in the journal Ecology, Rochman and
her colleagues set out to determine how many of those perceived risks are real."
dismal (adj) /ˈdɪzməl/ tiêu cực '=causing or showing the feeling of being sad
Christmas will be [dismal] without the children. Giáng sinh sẽ [ảm đạm]
nếu không có trẻ em. "In passage: Chelsea Rochman, an ecologist at the
University of California, Davis, has been trying to answer a dismal question: Is
everything terrible, or are things just very, very bad?"
dramatic (adj) /drəˈmætɪk/ "kịch tính, bi thảm" "'=sudden, very great and
often surprising" There has been a [dramatic] rise in reported crime. Đã có một sự
gia tăng [đáng kể] về tội phạm được báo cáo. In passage: The problems that look
or sound most dramatic may not be the best places to start.
ecologically (adv) /ɛkəˈlɑʤɪkli/ về sinh học '=in a way that is connected with
the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment
The system is both practical and [ecologically] sound. "Hệ thống này vừa
mang tính thực tế, vừa mang lại âm thanh [sinh thái]." "In passage: ‘We need to
be asking more ecologically relevant questions,’ Rochman says."
ecosystem (n) /ˈikoʊˌsɪstəm/ hệ sinh thái '=all the plants and living
creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment
Islands often support delicate [ecosystems] that evolved without any need for
defence. Các đảo thường hỗ trợ [hệ sinh thái] mỏng manh phát triển mà không cần
bất kỳ biện pháp phòng vệ nào. "In passage: None of that tells us how many
birds or fish or sea turtles could die from plastic pollution – or how deaths in
one species could affect that animal’s predators, or the rest of the ecosystem."
entangled (adj) /ɛnˈtæŋgəld/ bị vướng vào '=to make somebody/something become
caught or twisted in something The bird had become [entangled] in the wire
netting. Con chim đã bị [vướng] vào lưới dây. "In passage: Most of the
dangers also involved large pieces of debris – animals getting entangled in trash,
for example, or eating it and severely injuring themselves."
erode (v) /ˈiroʊd/ làm mòn "'=to gradually destroy the surface of
something through the action of wind, rain, etc.; to be gradually destroyed in this
way" The rocks have [eroded] away over time. Những tảng đá đã bị [ăn mòn] theo
thời gian. "In passage: These may be ingredients used in cosmetics and toiletries,
fibers shed by synthetic clothing in the wash, or eroded remnants of larger
examine (v) /ɪgˈzæmɪn/ "nghiên cứu, xem xét" "'=to consider or study an idea, a
subject, etc. very carefully" This study sets out to [examine] in detail the
possible effects of climate change. Nghiên cứu này nhằm [xem xét] chi tiết các tác
động có thể có của biến đổi khí hậu. In passage: Rochman and her colleagues
examined more than a hundred papers on the impacts of marine debris that were
published through 2013.
existing (adj) /ɪgˈzɪstɪŋ/ đang có '=found or used now New laws will soon
replace [existing] legislation. Các luật mới sẽ sớm thay thế luật [hiện hành].
"In passage: Interrogating the existing scientific literature can help
ecologists figure out which problems really need addressing, and which ones they’d
be better off – like the mussels – absorbing and ignoring."
faulty (adj) /ˈfɔlti/ "sai, có lỗi" '=not perfect; not working or made
correctly Ask for a refund if the goods are [faulty]. Yêu cầu hoàn lại tiền
nếu hàng hóa [bị lỗi]. "In passage: In the remaining cases, the working group
found the studies had weaknesses in design and content which affected the validity
of their conclusions – they lacked a control group, for example, or used faulty
ingredient (n) /ˌɪnˈgridiənt/ thành phần "'=one of the things from which
something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a
particular dish" The only active [ingredient] in this medicine is aspirin. [Thành
phần] hoạt động duy nhất trong thuốc này là aspirin. "In passage: These may be
ingredients used in cosmetics and toiletries, fibers shed by synthetic clothing in
the wash, or eroded remnants of larger debris."
injure (v) /ˈɪnʤər/ gây hại "'=to harm yourself or somebody else
physically, especially in an accident" Three people were killed and five
[injured] in the crash. Ba người thiệt mạng và năm người [bị thương] trong vụ va
chạm. "In passage: Most of the dangers also involved large pieces of debris –
animals getting entangled in trash, for example, or eating it and severely injuring
interrogate (v) /ˌɪnˈtɛrəˌgeɪt/ xem xét '=to obtain information from The
computer language was originally developed to make it faster to [interrogate] a
database. Ngôn ngữ máy tính ban đầu được phát triển để [thẩm vấn] cơ sở dữ liệu
nhanh hơn. "In passage: Interrogating the existing scientific literature can help
ecologists figure out which problems really need addressing, and which ones they’d
be better off – like the mussels – absorbing and ignoring."
investigation (n) /ˌɪnˌvɛstəˈgeɪʃən/ "điều tra, nghiên cứu" "'=an official
examination of the facts about a situation, crime, etc." He is under
[investigation] for assaulting a teenager. Anh ta đang bị [điều tra] vì hành
hung một thiếu niên. "In passage: Strikingly, Rochman says, only one well-
designed study failed to find the effect it was looking for, an investigation of
mussels ingesting microscopic bits."
literature (n) /ˈlɪtərəʧər/ tài liệu '=pieces of writing or printed
information on a particular subject I've read all the available [literature] on
keeping rabbits. Tôi đã đọc tất cả [tài liệu] hiện có về nuôi thỏ. "In passage:
Interrogating the existing scientific literature can help ecologists figure out
which problems really need addressing, and which ones they’d be better off – like
the mussels – absorbing and ignoring."
misperception (n) /ˌmɪspərˈsɛpʃən/ ngộ nhận '=a belief or opinion about
something that is wrong or not accurate We are trying to get away from this
[misperception] that tennis is an elitist sport. Chúng tôi đang cố gắng tránh
xa [ngộ nhận] này rằng quần vợt là một môn thể thao tinh hoa. "In passage: ‘I
think clearing up some of these misperceptions is really important,’ Rochman says."
open question (n) /ˈoʊpən kˈwɛʃən/ "câu hỏi mở, chưa có lời giải" "'=A
question that can be answered in many different ways, and not with just" Ask an
[open question] along the lines of What do you think/feel about this? Đặt một [câu
hỏi mở] dọc theo nội dung Bạn nghĩ / cảm thấy gì về điều này? "In passage: There
are also, she adds, a lot of open questions about the ways that ocean debris can
lead to sea-creature death."
perceive (v) /pərˈsiv/ nhận thấy '=to understand or think of somebody/something
in a particular way This discovery was [perceived] as a major breakthrough.
Khám phá này [được coi] là một bước đột phá lớn. "In passage: Plenty of
studies have sounded alarm bells about the state of marine debris; in a recent
paper published in the journal Ecology, Rochman and her colleagues set out to
determine how many of those perceived risks are real."
population (n) /ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən/ quần thể "'=all the people who live in a
particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live there" One
third of the world’s [population] consumes/consume two thirds of the world’s
resources. Một phần ba [dân số] thế giới tiêu thụ / tiêu thụ hai phần ba tài
nguyên của thế giới. "In passage: Many studies have looked at how plastic
affects an individual animal, or that animal’s tissues or cells, rather than whole
predator (n) /ˈprɛdətər/ loài săn mồi '=an animal that kills and eats
other animals Some animals have no natural [predators]. Một số loài động vật
không có [động vật ăn thịt] tự nhiên. "In passage: None of that tells us how
many birds or fish or sea turtles could die from plastic pollution – or how deaths
in one species could affect that animal’s predators, or the rest of the ecosystem."
proven (adj) /ˈpruvən/ đã được chứng minh '=tested and shown to be true It is
a [proven] fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth. Một thực tế [đã được
chứng minh] rằng florua làm chắc răng đang phát triển. "In passage: Within the
studies they looked at, most of the proven threats came from plastic debris, rather
than other materials like metal or wood."
relevant (adj) /ˈrɛləvənt/ có liên quan '=closely connected with the
subject you are discussing or the situation you are in The incident is still
under investigation by the [relevant] authorities. Sự việc vẫn đang được các cơ
quan chức năng [có liên quan] điều tra. "In passage: ‘We need to be asking more
ecologically relevant questions,’ Rochman says."
remaining (adj) /rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ còn lại '=still needing to be done or dealt with
Any [remaining] tickets for the concert will be sold on the door. Mọi vé
[còn lại] cho buổi hòa nhạc sẽ được bán tại cửa. "In passage: In the remaining
cases, the working group found the studies had weaknesses in design and content
which affected the validity of their conclusions – they lacked a control group, for
example, or used faulty statistics."
remnant (n) /ˈrɛmnənt/ phần còn lại "'=a part of something that is left after
the other parts have been used, removed, destroyed, etc." The woods are [remnants]
of a huge forest which once covered the whole area. Rừng là [tàn tích] của một
khu rừng lớn từng bao phủ toàn bộ khu vực. "In passage: These may be
ingredients used in cosmetics and toiletries, fibers shed by synthetic clothing in
the wash, or eroded remnants of larger debris."
severely (adv) /səˈvɪrli/ cực kỳ nghiêm trọng '=very badly or seriously
The crops were [severely] damaged. Mùa màng bị [thiệt hại] nghiêm trọng.
"In passage: Most of the dangers also involved large pieces of debris –
animals getting entangled in trash, for example, or eating it and severely injuring
speculate (v) /ˈspɛkjəˌleɪt/ phỏng đoán '=to form an opinion about something
without knowing all the details or facts We all [speculated] about the reasons for
her resignation. Tất cả chúng tôi đều [suy đoán] về lý do cô ấy từ chức. "In
passage: Often, Rochman says, scientists will end a paper by speculating about the
broader impacts of what they’ve found."
statistic (n) /stəˈtɪstɪk/ số liệu thống kê '=a collection of information shown
in numbers Analysis of crime [statistics] showed high levels of violent crime
within the area. Phân tích tội phạm [thống kê] cho thấy mức độ cao của tội phạm
bạo lực trong khu vực. "In passage: In the remaining cases, the working group
found the studies had weaknesses in design and content which affected the validity
of their conclusions – they lacked a control group, for example, or used faulty
strand (v) /strænd/ mắc cạn "'=to make a boat, fish, whale, etc. be left on
land and unable to return to the water" The ship was [stranded] on a sandbank.
Con tàu [mắc cạn] trên một bãi cát. "In passage: Among scientists as well as
in the media, she says, ‘A lot of the images about strandings and entanglement and
all of that cause the perception that plastic debris is killing everything in the
stress out (phr v) /strɛs aʊt/ tạo áp lực lên "'=stress, affect negatively"
I am really [stressed out] by big crowds. Tôi thực sự [căng thẳng] trước đám
đông lớn. "In passage: The plastic moved from the mussels’ stomachs to their
bloodstreams, scientists found, and stayed there for weeks – but didn’t seem to
stress out the shellfish."
synthetic (adj) /sɪnˈθɛtɪk/ tổng hợp '=artificial; made by combining chemical
substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals Even the
hair is [synthetic]. Ngay cả tóc cũng là [tổng hợp]. "In passage: These may
be ingredients used in cosmetics and toiletries, fibers shed by synthetic clothing
in the wash, or eroded remnants of larger debris."
threat (n) /θrɛt/ mối đe doạ "'=the possibility of trouble, danger or
disaster" "With little access to clean drinking water and sanitation, the
inhabitants face a constant [threat] of disease." "Với ít khả năng tiếp cận với
nước uống sạch và vệ sinh, người dân phải đối mặt với [mối đe dọa] bệnh tật thường
xuyên." "In passage: Within the studies they looked at, most of the proven
threats came from plastic debris, rather than other materials like metal or wood."
validity (n) /vəˈlɪdɪti/ "giá trị, tính hợp lệ" '=the state of being legally
or officially acceptable The period of [validity] of the agreement has
expired. Thời hạn [hiệu lực] của thỏa thuận đã hết. "In passage: In the
remaining cases, the working group found the studies had weaknesses in design and
content which affected the validity of their conclusions – they lacked a control
group, for example, or used faulty statistics."

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