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REG NO ; R216072B
Discuss how participation in sport, health, and wellness has impacted you
socially, morally, intellectually and physically.
Sport or sports is all forms of usually competitive physical activity which ,through casual or
organised participation ,aim to use ,maintain or improve physical ability and skills while
providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases ,spectators, (Scientist,
2022).Hundreds of sports exist ,from those requiring only two participants to those with
hundreds of simultaneous players, either in teams or competing as individuls.Sport is
generally recognised as activities which are based on physical athletic or physical dexterity,
with the largest competitions such as Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this
definition, and other organisations such as the Council of Europe using definitions precluding
activities without a physical element from classification as sport. This shows that there are
problems regarding the definition of sport, these existing differences are reflected in the
regulatory legal documents regulating the activities of people in the field of sports and
scientific works of specialists from different countries, (Sutula, 2018).
Participation in sports has a positive influence in many areas, these include supporting a
positive mental state and improving social skills along with promoting physical health .It also
helps in developing healthy living habits that provide physical benefits such as developing
coordination, physical fitness and strength.
People who are involved in sport are less likely to suffer from social isolation, depression and
symptoms of depression, stress, low se4lf-esteem, hopelessness and suicidality and bad life
satisfaction. (Rochelle Eime, 2013).
Morally sport contributes to a community of respect and trust between competitors and in
society. The goal in sportsmanship is not simply to win, but to pursue victory with honor by
giving one's best effort. Ethics in sport requires four key virtues: fairness, integrity,
responsibility, and respect. One plays with a mind of winning a fair game in which he is
responsible for whatever outcome.
Sports has a special space in the human society as it teaches us to make a difference in life on
a daily basis. Integrity & morality are the lessons which one learn by incorporating sports in
life. Sports teaches many important values which can reshape the foundation of human
Sport can teach values such as fairness, teambuilding, equality, discipline, inclusion,
perseverance and respect. Sport has the power to provide a universal framework for learning
values, thus contributing to the development of soft skills needed for responsible citizenship.
It involves the elimination of all types of negative behaviour on and off the field. More
importantly, it promotes equity and sporting excellence. Ethics is much more than playing
within the rules, as it covers notions such as friendship, respect for others and the sporting
spirit. . Historically, sport has been viewed as a
way for individuals to gain moral lessons and to exercise discipline which would translate
Into positive life experiences.
It is further argued that sport is a valued human practice concerned with the virtues and that
as a part of the curriculum is an integral part of moral education. An initiation into sport, like
other aspects of moral education, involves such processes as judging, caring and acting. Sport
improves your concentration
Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age. This includes
sharp thinking, learning, and using good judgment. Research has shown that doing a mix of
aerobic and muscle strengthening activities is especially helpful. Improves one's
temper ,,improved concentration, reduces pressure and despair, improves sleep behaviour,
maintaining active enables, you preserve a healthy frame weight, sport can assist improve
one's self-assurance and sports can beautify management abilities.
Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional
wellbeing, and lower rates of mental illness. Taking up exercise seems to reduce the risk of
developing mental illness. It also seems to help in treating some mental health conditions,
like depression and anxiety. Physical benefits of sports and physical activities include, reduce
your risk of a heart attack ,manage your weight better ,have a lower blood cholesterol level,
lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers ,have lower blood pressure ,have stronger
bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis ,lower your risk of
falls ,recover better from periods of hospitalisation or bed rest ,feel better – with more energy,
a better mood, feel more relaxed and sleep better.

Identify areas of weakness which you feel could and should have been by
your involvement in sport. What steps do you intend to take in order to
improve your rating.
Improved health and less risk of infection by diseases such as diabetes, a range of social
benefits such as community spirit, reduced crime and less anti-social behaviour ,increased
success in the International sports arena, improved standard of living for my family and
community ,competition with the ever-increasing and learning of valuable lifelong
skills.Steps that can be taken to improve my rating in sport, vary my workouts, then track and
measure my performance during training, make proper hydration a priority, dedicate
enough ,time for recovery, train my brain fuel ,my body the right way and consider adding
some supplements to my diet (Dehghansai N, 2021).
Dehghansai N, P. R., 2021. Challenges and stresses experienced by athletes and coaches leading up
to the Paralympic Games, s.l.: s.n.

Rochelle Eime, J. Y. H. C. ,. P., 2013. A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of
participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of
health through sport. Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(98).

Scientist, N., 2022. Science daily, s.l.: s.n.

Sutula, V., 2018. General Definition of the Concept Sports. Journal of Physical Fitness,Medicine and
Treatment in Sports, 4(4).

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