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Answer Key

Benvolguts pares,
En primer lloc, us volem agrair enormement la confiança que heu dipositat en
nosaltres triant Oxford Holiday English com a quadern de vacances per al vostre fill
o filla.
Aquest material ha estat específicament dissenyat per ajudar el vostre fill o filla
a aconseguir millorar el seu nivell d’anglès durant l’estiu d’una manera efectiva i
motivadora. Componen aquest mètode els elements següents:
Un quadern d’activitats dividit en vuit unitats, una per a cada setmana de vacances.
El contingut de cada unitat es pot utilitzar en sessions d’entre quaranta minuts i una
hora al dia, per així practicar amb regularitat al llarg de l’estiu.
Inclou exercicis pràctics de vocabulari i gramàtica, amb una secció de referència
amb explicacions en català; activitats per a la pràctica de les destreses, el
llenguatge funcional i la pronunciació, i material de lectura per adquirir llenguatge
nou d’una manera amena. A més a més, conté tests d’autoavaluació per a cada
unitat i les respostes a totes les activitats per comprovar els progressos del vostre
fill o filla en qualsevol moment.
Hi ha una pàgina web especÍfica per a Holiday English (
oxfordholidayenglish) on el seu fill/a trobarà totes les pistes d’àudio.
A aquesta pàgina web també s’inclou el solucionari.
També s’hi inclouen unes fitxes, en les quals l’alumne pot registrar el que ha après
en cada unitat, i un test final que avaluarà el nivell d’anglès adquirit al final de
l’estiu, a punt per imprimir i lliurar al professor al setembre per tal que el corregeixi i
li pugui proporcionar una qualificació.
Esperem que el vostre fill o filla gaudeixi d’Oxford Holiday English i aconsegueixi
grans resultats utilitzant-lo.
Oxford University Press
1 Nice to meet you!
Vocabulary Grammar Juan: I’m late for camp! And I
haven’t got my bag! Dad,
1 1 where is it? Has Mum got
1 I 1 Hello! I’m Marco and this is it?
2 A Camp Suisse. (a) Dad: No, she hasn’t. I’ve got it!
3 C 2 I’m not Swiss. (n) Here. It’s got your lunch
4 H 3 I’m Italian! (a) in it.
5 L 4 What’s your name? (i) Juan: Great, thanks!
6 J 5 Where are you from? (i)
7 D 6
8 K 2 1 ’s got / has got
9 B 1 I’m / I am / I’m not / I am not 2 hasn’t got / has not got
10 G from Spain. 3 ’s got / has got
11 E 2 My favourite language is / 4 haven’t got / have not got
12 F isn’t / is not English. 5 ’ve got / have got
3 My favourite hobbies are /
2 aren’t / are not sport and 7
1 Portuguese music. 1 Have … got … Yes … have
2 Moroccan 4 It is / isn’t / is not Tuesday 2 Has … got … No … hasn’t
3 Chinese today. 3 Have … got … No … haven’t
4 American 5 My family and I are / aren’t /
5 Spanish are not on holiday. 8
6 British 1 What’s / What is your
7 Italian 3 favourite hobby?
8 French 1 ’s / is Student’s own answers
2 isn’t / is not 2 How many brothers and
3 is sisters have you got?
Reading 4
aren’t / are not
Student’s own answers
3 Is your favourite language
1 6 Are Chinese?
(at the Camp Suisse summer 7 ’m not / am not Student’s own answers
camp) in Switzerland 8 ’m / am 4 What are your favourite
9 ’m / am languages?
2 Student’s own answers
1 E 4 5 Has your best friend got red
2 B + – ? hair and green eyes?
3 C I ’m / ’m not Am I? Student’s own answers
4 A am / am 6 What colour hair and eyes
5 D not has your best friend got?
he / ’s / is isn’t Is he / Student’s own answers
3 and 4 she / / is she /
Student’s own answers it not it?
you / ’re / aren’t Are
we / are / are you /
they not we /

4  Unit 1
Listening Speaking skills Fun and games
1 4 Dictation 1
B at summer camp 1 How are you? 1 France
2 What’s your name? 2 Brazil
2 3 Where are you from? 3 China
1 thirteen / 13 4 How old are you? 4 the USA
2 Japanese 5 What are your hobbies? 5 Italy
3 sport (karate) 6 Nice to meet you. 6 the UK
4 fourteen / 14 7 Australia
5 Moroccan 5 8 Morocco
6 music (guitar) A 6 9 Spain
B 5
3 C 2 2
1 Ahmed D 4 1 (A) Spanish … (B) Spain
2 Ahmed E 1 2 (A) French … (B) France
3 Seiko F 3 3 (A) British … (B) UK
4 Ahmed 5 (A) Chinese … (B) China
02 6 6 (A) American … (B) USA
Audio script 1 Student’s name
Seiko: Hi! I’m Seiko. Are you 2 What 3
new here? 3 Fine Student’s own answers
Ahmed: Hi, Seiko. Yes, I am. My 4 Where
name’s Ahmed. How are
Reading challenge
5 Student’s country / city
you? 6 How
Seiko: Fine, thanks! Where are 7 meet
you from, Ahmed? I’m 1 and 2
from Japan. Student’s own answers
Ahmed: I’m from Taghazout in Writing
Morocco. It isn’t a big
town, but it’s near the 1
beach. A computer games
Seiko: Cool! How old are you? C music
I’m thirteen. D animals
Ahmed: I’m fourteen.
Seiko: Right! Well, camp’s 2
great. It’s got a lot of 1 It’s a really big, exciting city.
activities: sport, art, 2 My best friend is Japanese.
music ... 3 My hobbies are swimming
Ahmed: Music? Great! I’ve got a and reading.
guitar at home. I’m quite 4 My favourite bands are The
good – I think! What do Black Eyed Peas and JLS.
you like? What are your They’re great.
Seiko: Well, I like music, but I 3 and 4
like sport too. We’ve got Student’s own answers
karate tonight. It’s fun –
I love it!
Ahmed: Hmm ... maybe not
tonight – I’m very tired!
Nice to meet you, Seiko.
Seiko: And you. Bye!

  Unit 1  5
2 de
A etoyuot u
3 7
Vocabulary 1 wrong 1 after
2 great 2 before
1 3 little
1 a theme park 4 teenagers 8
2 Eva and Tom 5 parents 1 Summer holidays are never
6 enjoy boring.
2 2 My dad always shuts his eyes
1 eye (Tom) 4 on theme park rides.
2 hair (Eva) Student’s own answers 3 Art galleries are sometimes
3 legs (Tom) interesting.
4 ear (Dad) 4 We often go camping in the
hand (Mum)
teeth (Eva)
Grammar summer.
5 I usually put suncream on my
7 nose (Dad) 1 face in hot weather.
8 foot (Mum) Affirmative: go, gets
9 neck (Eva) Negative: don’t go, doesn’t like 9
10 mouth (Dad) 1 Do you go swimming in your
11 arm (Tom) 2 holidays?
1 visits (✓ or ✗) Student’s own answers
3 2 do (✓ or ✗) 2 Do your parents go to work on
1 brown / blue / green / grey / 3 starts (✓ or ✗) Saturdays?
black 4 go (✓ or ✗) Student’s own answers
2 feet 5 feel (✓ or ✗) 3 Does it rain in August?
3 teeth Student’s own answers
4 four 3 4 Do you visit your
5 brown / blonde / grey / black 1 doesn’t open / does not open grandparents in your
2 don’t do / do not do holidays?
4 3 doesn’t make / does not Student’s own answers
Student’s own answers make
4 don’t like / do not like
5 don’t stay / do not stay Listening
4 1
1 1 ‘Yes, I do.’ A what to do
a science museum 2 ‘No, she doesn’t.’
2 5 1 museums: Mum
1 Six / 6. 1 Do … wear; do 2 the beach: Kate and Josh
2 ‘Me and My Body’. 2 Does … rain; doesn’t 3 shops: Kate, Mum and Josh
3 In the (big) mouth. 3 Does … go; does 4 bookshops: Mum
4 0 to 90. / Nought to ninety. 4 Does … study; doesn’t
5 Yes – it’s fun. / It’s got a lot of 5 Do … think; don’t 3
things to see. (to) the bookshop
1 B 4 E 4
2 A 5 D Student’s own answers
3 C

6  Unit 2
06 1
Audio script Dad: Why don’t we / Shall we
Mum: Oh, good. We’ve got two watch TV? / Let’s watch
more hours before the TV.
bus goes! Let’s go to the Millie: Oh, no!
museum. I love museums. 2
Josh: Oh, no! Ben: Why don’t we / Shall we
Mum: Josh! That isn’t very nice! have a picnic? / Let’s have
Josh: Sorry Mum, but I don’t like a picnic.
museums. They’re boring! Dad: Great! / That’s a good idea.
Why don’t we go to the
Kate: Great! That’s my favourite
Mum: No, thanks! I hate the 1
beach! perfect
Kate: Well, we all like shops …
Shall we go to the shops? 2
Mum: That’s a good idea, 3
Kate! There’s a big, new
bookshop in town. I love it, 3
and it’s got a lot of really A 2
good school books. B 3
Kate: That’s so boring! C 1
Josh: I think I prefer the
museum … 4, 5 and 6
Mum: Come on! Let’s go to the Student’s own answers

Fun and games

Speaking skills 1
5 Dictation 1 ears … nose
1 Let’s go to the museum. 2 legs … arms
2 Oh, no! 3 body … head
3 Why don’t we go to the 4 eyes … teeth
beach? 5 hands … feet
4 Great! 6 hair … face … mouth
5 Shall we go to the shops?
6 That’s a good idea. 2
Student’s own answers
Reading challenge
1 Why don’t we go to the
beach? / Shall we go to the
2 Shall we go to the shops? 1 and 2
/ Why don’t we go to the Student’s own answers
3 Great! / That’s a good idea.
4 That’s a good idea. / Great!
5 Oh, no!

  Unit 2  7
3 What’s the weather like?
Vocabulary Grammar Present Present
simple continuous
1 1
1 hot – B 1 I’m staying in. 1 every day 5 right now
2 cold – D 2 I’m not playing football. 2 often 6 at the
3 usually moment
3 warm – C 3 Are you playing football,
4 freezing – E Rosa? 4 in the
2 2 8
Student’s own answers 1 ’s / is watching … isn’t / is 1 Is it snowing now?
not reading Student’s own answers
3 2 ’s / is sleeping … isn’t / is not 2 Do you like very hot weather?
1 windy watching Why?
2 snows 3 ’re / are making … aren’t / Student’s own answers
3 stormy are not sleeping 3 What do you and your
4 icy 4 ’m / am listening … ’m not / family usually do on sunny
5 sunny am not making weekends?
6 cloudy
Student’s own answers
7 wet … rains 3 4 What are you doing today?
1 What colour coat is she
Student’s own answers
Reading 2 Which sport are the boys

3 What are the people doing? Listening
1 B 4 Where is it raining?
2 C 5 Are you having fun? 1
red, green, pink, purple, blue
3 A
2 1 She’s wearing a red coat. 2
2 They’re playing football. 1 red and green
1 Bella, Ray
3 They’re eating. 2 15 / fifteen
2 Ray
4 It’s raining on the beach. 3 pink
3 Mia
5 Yes, you are. 4 blue
4 Bella, Mia
5 8 / eight
5 Ray
6 Bella 5 6 10 / ten
Present simple: I walk, it’s
3 Present continuous: I’m walking, 3
we’re moving Student’s own answers
1 snowing
2 raining … sunny
3 hot … freezing 6
1 eat … ’m / am eating
4 2 ’re walking / are walking ...
Student’s own answers walk
3 isn’t / is not playing ... doesn’t
/ does not play

8  Unit 3
Audio script 6 one pound ten / £1.10 /
Marta: Excuse me. I’m four pounds sixty / £4.60 /
looking for a beach Student’s own answers
bag for my holidays. 7 You’re welcome.
Assistant: We’ve got a lot of
beach bags over here.
Marta: Great. How much is Writing
the red and green
one? 1
Assistant: That’s fifteen pounds. 1 France
Marta: Really? That’s a bit 2 (not very hot, but it’s) sunny
expensive. and dry
Assistant: Well, how about this
pink one? That’s six 2
pounds. Hi Felipe,
Marta: Hmm ... I don’t really Love, Emma
like pink. Have you
got any purple or blue 3
bags? 1 but
Assistant: We’ve got a blue one 2 but
here. It’s got flowers 3 and
on it, but this one 4 and
isn’t six pounds. It’s
eight pounds. 4, 5 and 6
Marta: That’s OK. Here you Student’s own answers

Fun and games

Assistant: That’s ten pounds,
thank you. Here’s two
pounds change.
Marta: Thanks! 1
Assistant: You’re welcome. Have 1 sunny
a nice day! 2 cloudy
3 stormy
4 warm
Speaking skills 5
4 Dictation 2
1 looking
1 very hot
2 How
2 dry
3 are
3 wet
4 That
4 freezing
5 You’re
5 cloudy … sunny
Reading challenge
1 looking for a cap / beach ball
2 blue and white one / red and
yellow one
3 How much is 1 and 2
4 eight pounds ninety / £8.90 / Student’s own answers
five pounds forty / £5.40
5 ten pounds / £10 / Student’s
own answers

  Unit 3  9
4 Sport addicts
Vocabulary Grammar 1 Are there sports classes at
your school?
1 Student’s own answers
1 Fauzia 1 2 Is there a sports centre in
2 Fauzia 1 an your town?
3 Jake 2 a Student’s own answers
4 Fauzia
5 Jake 2 9
6 Jake 1 an (✓) 1 Don’t eat burgers and
7 Fauzia 2 a (✗) chocolate!
3 a (✓) 2 Do exercise!
2 4 an (✗) 3 Don’t watch a lot of TV!
do go 5 a (✓) 4 Drink water!
1 karate 3 swimming
2 athletics 4 skiing 3
5 cycling 1

3 ✓
6 basketball
4 ✓
7 tennis A
8 football
4 2
3 1 is … ’s / is
1 paragliding, sandboarding
Student’s own answers 2 Are
2 scuba-diving, surfing
3 aren’t … are
4 Is
5 ’s / is … isn’t / is not Audio script
Harry: I want to do something
1 5 different when we’re on
1 Is there ... Yes, there is.
C holiday in Egypt ... try
2 Are there ... Yes, there are.
something new!
2 3 Is there ... No, there isn’t.
Kathy: Well, look at this advert.
1 ✗ Which activities do you
2 ✗
Lauren, throw the ball to Zara. like?
3 ✗ Harry: Let’s see ... er ...
Run, Millie! Don’t walk!
4 ✗ Kathy: Well, I like scuba-diving.
Don’t look over there, Jan!
5 ✔ I think it’s fun. And the
Pass the ball, Zak.
6 ✗ underwater city’s really
3 7 interesting.
1 Don’t jump Harry: Really? I hate swimming,
Student’s own answers and diving is really
2 Swim
3 Sit down difficult. And I think
4 Don’t stand up history’s boring!
5 Don’t play Kathy: So what do you like?
6 Go Harry: What about paragliding?
It’s fun and it’s great for

10  Unit 4
Kathy: Hmm ... no, sorry, I don’t
like paragliding. I think Writing
it’s scary!
Harry: OK, then. So what 1
about this? I think A
sandboarding’s exciting
– the picture looks 2
amazing! It’s a bit like 1 also
surfing, isn’t it? Only in 2 also
the desert! 3 too
Kathy: Well, I love surfing.
And I’m really good at 3, 4 and 5
it – surfing is easy! Yes, Student’s own answers
OK, why not? Let’s go

Fun and games


Speaking skills 1
1 does athletics
3 Dictation 2 plays football
1 like 3 goes cycling
2 hate 4 hate sport
3 don’t like 5 does karate
4 love 6 goes swimming

4 2
1 The underwater city is really 1 I sometimes go skiing in
interesting. winter. (✓ or ✗)
2 Diving is really difficult. 2 I never do exercise. (✓ or ✗)
3 History’s boring! 3 I play football every week.
4 I think paragliding is (✓ or ✗)
scary. 4 We play basketball at school.
5 I think sandboarding is (✓ or ✗)
exciting. 5 I watch athletics on TV.
6 Surfing is easy. (✓ or ✗)

Student’s own answers Reading challenge
1 and 2
Student’s own answers

  Unit 4  11
5 Hungry?
3 6
Vocabulary 1 Healthy 1 any ... Yes, there is / there’s
2 delicious some
1 3 sweet 2 any ... Yes, there are some
1 K 4 Spicy 3 any ... No, there aren’t any
2 A 4 any ... Yes, there is / there’s
3 D 4 and 5 some
4 B Student’s own answers 5 any ... No, there isn’t any
5 F
6 C 7
7 J Grammar 1 some
8 L 2 a
9 N 1 3 an
10 G cream, milk, bananas, lemon, 4 some
11 I eggs, sugar … sweet 5 any
12 H 6 some
13 M 2 7 some
Countable Uncountable 8 any
2 1 lemon 3 milk 9 some
1 meat 2 egg 4 sugar 10 a
2 salad 11 an
3 yogurt … ice cream 3
4 Juice … coffee … milk 1 I love cheese. (✓ or ✗) 8
2 I usually eat healthy food. 1 strawberries
3 (✓ or ✗) 2 carrots
Student’s own answers 3 I eat an apple every day. 3 people
(✓ or ✗) 4 women
4 I usually go to a café for 5 sandwiches
Reading lunch. (✓ or ✗) 6 men
5 My favourite food is
1 chocolate. (✓ or ✗) 9
1 Israel, Japan, The Dominican 6 I always have a glass of juice Student’s own answers
Republic, Northern India, The with my breakfast. (✓ or ✗)
2 Israel, The Dominican 4
Republic Have the animals got any food?
The dog has got some food.
2 The cat hasn’t got any food.
A Northern India
B Japan 5
C The Philippines 1 some
D The Dominican Republic 2 any
E Israel 3 any

12  Unit 5
like to drink? 4
Listening Man: Juice, please.
Waitress: And for dessert?
1 We have a big meal.
2 The festival is exciting.
1 Man: Can I have a fruit 3 Coffee is my favourite drink. /
Student’s own answers salad? Thank you. My favourite drink is coffee.
4 The musicians are amazing.
Dialogue 1 A
Dialogue 2 C
Speaking skills 5
Student’s own answers
3 4 Dictation
Fun and games
1 have
Dialogue Dialogue 2 Sure
1 2 3 please
Meal 1 chicken 4 soup, 4 drink 1
curry fish 5 dessert 1 meat
and 6 thanks 2 rice
3 eggs
Drink 2 water 5 juice 5 4 milk
Dessert 3 ice 6 (a) fruit 1 have a cheese and tomato 5 bread
cream salad pizza / two cheese and 6 apples
tomato pizzas, please 7 ice cream
Audio script 2 have (a) coffee, please
Dialogue 1 3 orange juice, please 2
Waiter: What would you like? 4 Nothing for me, thanks bananas … juice
Girl: Oh, er, a vegetable curry, 5 Some chocolate ice cream, cheese … yogurt … coffee
please. please
Waiter: Sure. 3
Girl: No, wait ... Is that a spicy Student’s own answers
curry? Writing
Reading challenge
Waiter: No, not very. The
chicken curry is very 1
spicy! 1 What’s your favourite
Girl: OK, then. Er, I’d like that festival? 1 and 2
please. I love hot food! 2 When is the festival? Student’s own answers
Oh, and some water. 3 What do people usually do?
Waiter: Anything else? 4 What do people usually eat?
Girl: Yes, please. I’d like some 5 Why do you like the festival?
ice cream for dessert.
Something cold! 2
Dialogue 2 1 at the weekend
Man: Could I have a table 2 On Friday
for one, please? 3 in early August; in the
Waitress: Certainly. Please evening; in summer
follow me. 3
Man: Thank you. favourite; early; big; great;
Waitress: Are you ready to amazing; boring; delicious
Man: Yes, please. I’m
hungry, so I’d like the
soup and the fish and
rice, please.
Waitress: And what would you

  Unit 5  13
6 Last summer
Vocabulary Grammar 1 bought
2 sold
1 1 3 used
1 bus stop … park … library Hi, Mia. Where were you last 4 started
… swimming pool … week? You weren’t at band 5 bought
stadium … cinema practice. Phil wasn’t very happy! 6 called
2 museum … internet café Oh hi, Jake! Was Phil angry? I 7 gave
… art gallery … shopping was on holiday last week. We
centre … restaurant … were in Istanbul, in Turkey! 8
concert hall Student’s own answers
2 1 were
Student’s own answers 2 weren’t Listening
3 was
3 4 was 1
1 library 5 were 1 (to) the art gallery
2 museum 6 wasn’t 2 three / 3
3 park
3 2
1 weren’t (✓) 1 cinema
Reading 2 was (✓) 2 park
3 were (✓) 3 library
1 4 restaurant
1 Paige 4
2 Andy 1 Were there … there weren’t 3
… There were over 50 1 art gallery
2 (shops) 2 café (in the art gallery)
1 Paige spent a week in 2 Was there … there wasn’t 22
London. … There was a horse racing Audio script
2 She really liked the exhibition competition 1
at the Natural History 3 Were there … there weren’t Ruby: Excuse me. Is the art
Museum. …there was a theatre gallery near here?
3 There was a festival in Person 1: Hmm ... let me think.
Victoria Park for teenagers. 5 It was near here, but
4 Andy went camping in 1 practised it’s in Green Street
Scotland. 2 loved now. It’s next to the
5 He visited a small Scottish 3 met museum. I think you
town. 4 bought go straight on. Then,
5 went er ... I’m not sure,
3 and 4 6 saw sorry.
Student’s own answers
Ruby: OK. Thanks!
1 bought (✓ or ✗)
2 met (✓ or ✗)
3 played (✓ or ✗)
4 ate (✓ or ✗)
5 swam (✓ or ✗)

14  Unit 6
2 6
Ruby: Excuse me. Is there
an art gallery near
Charlie: Excuse me. Is there a
bus stop near here?
Reading challenge
here? Woman: Yes! Turn right. Go 1 and 2
Person 2: Yes! Turn left here, past the park and go Student’s own answers
after the cinema. Then straight on to the end
go straight on. Go past of the road. Then turn
the park, and when left. It’s opposite the
you see the library, museum.
turn right. Charlie: Thanks!
Ruby: Thanks!

3 Writing
Ruby: Excuse me, I’m lost!
Do you know where 1
the art gallery is? a bad experience
Person 3: Yes, it’s just there!
It’s opposite the big 2
restaurant. 1 First (paragraph 2)
Ruby: Oh yes, I see. Great, 2 Then (paragraph 3)
thanks! 3 After that (paragraph 4)
Person 3: No problem! I went 4 Finally (paragraph 5)
there last week – it’s
really good! But 3
don’t go to the café 1 First,
there. It’s expensive! 2 After
3 Then
4 Finally
Speaking skills 4 and 5
4 Student’s own answers
1 opposite

Fun and games

2 go straight on
3 go past
4 turn right
5 turn left 1
1 restaurant
5 Dictation 2 concert hall
1 bookshop 3 library
2 right 4 bus stop
3 park 5 swimming pool
4 right 6 stadium
5 internet café
1 centre
2 library
3 internet
4 restaurant
5 museum
6 gallery
The blue place is a cinema.

  Unit 6  15
7 Holiday style
Vocabulary Grammar 1 What’s / What is Max doing
1 1 2 He isn’t / is not buying a new
1 Lola Hi Beth, it’s Sara here. Are you game. He’s / He is watching
going to go to Leo’s party next a football match at the
2 Saturday? ... Great! ... I’m not stadium.
1 Lola going to wear jeans – I’m going 3 What are Max and Sara doing
2 Lola to wear a dress. See you there! next weekend?
3 Lola Question: What are you going to 4 They aren’t / are not playing
4 Lola wear (to the party)? tennis. They’re / They are
5 Rafa going cycling.
6 Lola 2
7 Lola 1 ’s / is going to be … aren’t / 7
8 Lola are not going to be tonight, this evening, tomorrow,
9 Rafa 2 ’s / is not going to play … ’s / next weekend
10 Rafa is going to play
11 Rafa 2 ’s / is going to be … aren’t / 8
12 Rafa are not going to be 1 Where are you going to have
13 Rafa it?
3 Student’s own answers
3 1 When is it going to finish? 2 How many people are
Student’s own answers It’s / It is going to finish at coming?
eleven o’clock / 11.00. Student’s own answers
2 Where are Jorge and his 3 What time are your friends
Reading brother going to be? arriving?
They’re / They are going to be Student’s own answers
1 (on holiday) in France. 4 What kind of food are your
B a history festival 3 What am I going to do at the friends going to bring?
party? I’m / You’re going to Student’s own answers
2 dance (at the party). 5 What kind of music are you
1 ✗ going to play?
2 ✗ 4 Student’s own answers
3 ✓ Student’s own answers
4 ✗
5 ✓ 5
6 NS They’re talking about something
in the future.
3 1 ’s / is having
Student’s own answers 2 ’re / are going
3 aren’t / are not playing
4 ’re / are coming

16  Unit 7
Listening Speaking skills 1 I’m going to have a birthday
27 party.
1 4 Dictation 2 Please don’t be late!
this evening 1 morning 3 It’s famous for its amazing
2 swimming food.
2 3 afternoon
1 B 4 basketball 4 and 5
2 A 5 want Student’s own answers
3 B 6 meet
1 9.30 p.m. / 21.30
Student’s own answers
Fun and games
2 9.15 p.m. / 21.15
3 9.45 p.m. / 21.45 6 1
1 B
1 ’m / am playing football
Audio script
2 C
2 are you doing this evening
3 E
Ollie: Hello? 3 ’m / am going to a / the new
4 A
Lily: Hi, Ollie. It’s Lily. What pizza restaurant with Ela
5 F
are you doing this 4 you want to come
afternoon? 5 ’d / would love to 2
Ollie: I’m playing basketball. 6 meet (blue) jeans / trousers / shorts
Lily: Oh, OK. Well, what 7 (a) quarter to eight / 7.45 … (red) T-shirt
are you doing this
evening? 3
Ollie: Nothing. Why? Writing 1 scarf
Lily: Ana and I are going to 2 shoes … socks … boots
see that new Robert 1 3 jeans
Pattinson film at the It’s her birthday.

Reading challenge
cinema. It’s on at half
past nine. Do you want 2
to come? Hi!
Ollie: I’d love to! Are you doing anything on 1 and 2
Lily: Great! Let’s meet there Friday? Student’s own answers
at nine fifteen! It’s my birthday and I’m going
Narrator: Later … out with my friends! We’re
meeting at the Adventure Centre
Lily: Where are you, Ollie? at 7.30.
The film’s starting in First, we’re going to eat at the
two minutes! American diner. It’s famous
Ollie: I’m so sorry ... The game for its milkshakes. They’re
finished late and ... amazing!
Lily: Are you running? Then we’re going to visit the
Ollie: Yes! There wasn’t a Snow Zone. It’s got an indoor ski
bus! I’m going to arrive slope, so we can go skiing!
at, er, about quarter to Can you come? I hope you can!
ten. Love, Cati
Lily: That’s no good! OK, PS Wear a jumper and a scarf.
let’s meet at the café It’s usually very cold in the Snow
opposite. We can see Zone!
the film another time.
Ollie: Really? Thanks, Lily!
I’m definitely going to
want a drink ...
  Unit 7  17
8 No
H eeto
icm t ayyou
d eaew
Vocabulary Grammar Adjective Adverb
bad 1 badly
1 1
sea / ocean / water an entertainer (on a cruise ship) terrible 2 terribly
fast 3 fast
2 2 8
1 C Five / 5
2 B (three affirmative, one negative, 1 happily
3 A one interrogative: Can you dance 2 slowly
4 F or sing? He can play …; he can 3 beautifully
5 D sing; He can’t dance; he can tell) 4 well
6 E 9
3 Student’s own answers
3 1 I can / can’t speak French.
1 in the sitting room (✓ or ✗)
in the bathroom
in the bedroom
2 I can / can’t sing. (✓ or ✗)
3 I can / can’t play a musical Listening
4 in the dining room instrument. (✓ or ✗)
5 in the sitting room 4 I can / can’t tell funny jokes. 1
6 in the bedroom (✓ or ✗) Sandy: B
5 I can / can’t cook. (✓ or ✗) Mike: D, E
4 6 I can / can’t write 40 words a
Student’s own answers minute on a computer.
1 A
(✓ or ✗)
2 C
Reading 4
Affirmative: You must leave your
1 room by 10 a.m. 5 B
(in) a caravan Negative: You mustn’t play loud 6 C
music after 11 p.m. 30

2 Audio script
1 fourteen / 14 5 Sandy: Hi, Charlotte. Have
2 four / 4 1 You must clean up your you got a mirror in
3 shoes rubbish. your bag?
4 watch TV … play music (with 2 You mustn’t make a lot of Charlotte: Oh hi, Sandy. I think
other families) noise. so ... there’s my
5 sing 3 You must pay at reception. phone, a pen ... here it
4 You mustn’t leave food is.
3 outside your tent. Sandy: Can I borrow your
B (violin), E (guitar) mirror, please? Just
6 for tonight?
4 No, she isn’t. Charlotte: Yes, of course.
Student’s own answers 1 D Sandy: Thanks.
2 A Charlotte: You’re welcome!
3 C Why do you want it,
4 B anyway?

18  Unit 8
Sandy: I’m starting a new
dance class tonight Writing
and I’m nervous. I want
to look good! 1
Charlotte: You look great and A
anyway, that isn’t
important! You can 2
dance and sing really 1 must: You must be home for
well, Sandy! dinner. You mustn’t take any
food upstairs!
Mike: Can I borrow your book 2 an adjective: sporty, big,
please, Simon? It looks small
exciting. 3 an adverb: well, fast
Simon: No, sorry, Mike. I’m 4 present simple: There’s …
reading it! Where’s yours, / Mum hates cooking! / My
anyway? sister Kate is very sporty.
Mike: I think it’s in my bedroom / We’ve also got a small
at home. garden. / We often eat there
Simon: Oh, Mike! in summer! / There are …
Mike: I’m really bored. I haven’t 5 an imperative: Enjoy your
got anything to do. Can I stay with us!
borrow your MP3 player?
Simon: Sure. Here it is. Can you 3 and 4
give it back tonight? Student’s own answers
Mike: Of course! ... Ugh! This
isn’t rock. I didn’t know
you liked jazz, Simon! Fun and games
Speaking skills 1 is in the bathroom.
31 2 is in the kitchen.
3 Dictation 3 is in the garden.
1 Can I borrow your MP3 player? 4 is in the dining room.
2 Can I borrow your mirror, 5 is in the bedroom.
3 Can I borrow your book, 2
please? 1 ✗
2 ✗
Mike: 1, 3 3 ✓
Sandy: 2 4 ✓
4 5 ✗
Affirmative: Sure. / Yes, of course. 3
Negative: No, sorry! brown … chair … black … chair
Reading challenge
1 Sure / Yes, of course
2 Can I borrow 10 / ten euros
3 No, sorry
4 Can I borrow your bus card 1 and 2
5 Sure / Yes, of course Student’s own answers
6 Can you give it back tomorrow

  Unit 8  19
Unit tests
Unit 1 Test Unit 2 Test
Countries and nationalities Parts of the body
1 1
1 Morocco 1 legs
2 American 2 mouth
3 France 3 ears
4 Brazilian 4 eyes
5 Portuguese 5 hands / hand
be Present simple affirmative and
2 negative
A 2
1 ’m / am 1 watch
2 is 2 don’t like / do not like
B 3 doesn’t go / does not go
3 Are 4 plays
4 ’m not / am not 5 don’t eat / do not eat
5 are
C Present simple interrogative
6 Is and short answers
7 isn’t / is not 3
8 ’s / is 1 Do they play football? Yes, they do.
2 Does Rosa get up early? No, she doesn’t.
have got 3 Does he sing in the band? No, he doesn’t.
3 4 Does it rain every day? Yes, it does.
1 have got
2 ’s got / has got Adverbs of frequency
3 hasn’t got / has not got 4
4 haven’t got / have not got 1 Ollie usually watches TV in the evening.
4 2 We’re sometimes bored at the weekend.
1 haven’t 3 You never get up late.
2 Has … got 4 They often play computer games.
3 has 5 My sister is always happy in the summer.
6 I sometimes go to the beach.
Meeting people
Making suggestions
5 5
1 How
2 Where 1
3 old B That’s a good idea.
4 What 2
5 to A Why don’t we go home?
B Oh, no!
A Shall we go to the shops?
B Great!

20  Unit tests

Unit 3 Test Unit 4 Test
The weather Sport
1 1
1 windy 1 play tennis
2 cold 2 does athletics
3 hot 3 goes skiing
4 icy 4 goes swimming
5 sunny 5 go cycling
Present continuous a / an
2 2
1 ’m / am eating 1 a (✓)
2 ’s / is swimming 2 an (✓)
3 are walking 3 an (✗)
4 isn’t / is not raining 4 a (✓)
5 ’m not / am not doing 5 a (✗)
6 aren’t / are not working
7 ’re / are having there is / there are
Present continuous and 1 there are
present simple 2 there aren’t / there are not
3 3 Is there
1 Is it raining 4 There isn’t / There is not
2 ’s 5 there’s / there is
3 Are you cycling
4 cycle Imperatives
5 Is … running 4
6 is walking 1 Run fast.
7 Do people go 2 Don’t sit down.
8 visit 3 Don’t talk in my lesson.
4 Drink a lot of water.
Shopping 5 Don’t use your phone here.
1 looking Opinions
2 Here 5
3 How 1 interesting
4 Thank 2 difficult
5 welcome 3 fun
4 easy
5 scary

  Unit tests  21
Unit 5 Test Unit 6 Test
Food and drink Places in town
1 1
1 banana 1 park
2 juice 2 stadium
3 rice 3 restaurant
4 coffee / chocolate 4 swimming pool
5 ice cream 5 station
Countable and uncountable was / were
nouns 2
2 1 were
1 meat 2 weren’t / were not
2 an egg 3 was
3 milk 4 wasn’t / was not
4 a boy 5 Were
5 an apple
6 cheese there was / there were
7 bread 3
1 Were there
some and any 2 there were
3 3 Was there
1 4 there wasn’t
A Are there any chairs?
B Yes, there are some chairs. Past simple affirmative
2 4
A Is there any food? 1 had
B No, there isn’t any food. 2 ate
3 3 went
A Are there any children? 4 bought
B No, there aren’t any children. 5 watched
4 6 slept
A Is there any water?
B Yes, there’s / there is some water. Directions
Ordering food
1 straight
4 2 right
1 have 3 next
2 drink 4 past
3 Can 5 left
4 what
5 please

22  Unit tests

Unit 7 Test Unit 8 Test
Clothes Rooms and furniture
1 1
1 socks 1 light
2 coat 2 sitting room
3 shorts 3 bathroom
4 T-shirts 4 chair
5 hat 5 mirror
be going to can / can’t
2 2
1 ’m / am going to learn 1 can dance
2 ’m / am going to visit 2 can sing
3 are going to come 3 can’t cook
4 Are … going to stay 4 can’t play the guitar
5 ’re / are going to go 5 can sleep
6 ’m / am not going to sit
7 ’m / am going to do must / mustn’t
Present continuous for future 1 must be
arrangments 2 mustn’t move
3 3 mustn’t eat
1 ’m / am meeting 4 mustn’t play
2 ’m / am not staying 5 must go
3 are … going
4 ’re / are playing Adverbs of manner
5 isn’t / is not coming 4
4 1 badly
next week … tomorrow … this evening 2 fast
3 slowly
Making arrangements 4 well
5 5 easily
1 going
2 this Asking to borrow things
3 Nothing 5
4 want 1 can
5 See 2 course
3 back
4 borrow
5 sorry

  Unit tests  23

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