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Red for Danger.

Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

accused – claimed to have committed a crime

adrenalin – chemical that your body makes when you are stressed or excited
affable – happy and friendly
affairs – business
ain’t – isn’t (informal)
announcer – person who is explaining what is happening at an event
appalled – horrified
appealing – asking for help
arrogance – feeling superior to everyone else
avoid – get away from; escape
baffled – confused
bailed – helped someone with their money problems
barely – hardly
basic – starting; fundamental
bet – putting money against a race
bit – metal bar that goes inside a pony’s mouth
boomed – made a loud noise
bred – developed
bubbling – getting more and more intense
bulk up – make bigger or heavier
buzzing – very excited and eager to go
call to mount – announcement to tell everyone to get on their pony
canter – gentle run
caught her attention – an expression that means it was interesting to her
charged – officially claimed by the police for a crime
closed the reins – putting your hands together to gently rein a pony in
clouded – covered with
confession – statement of doing something wrong
confirmed – shown to be true
consternation – worry
continued – went on
convinced – sure; certain
cornered – in a situation that he couldn’t get out of
countered – said as an opposite argument
course – route of a race
coward – someone who is not brave
criminal – someone who has committed a crime
crowned – said to be the winner
culprit – person who has carried out a crime
damning – looks bad

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Red for Danger. Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

dark deeds – crimes

dazzling – shining brightly
debt – owing money to people
depravity – wicked behaviour
desperate – feeling very stressed
despite – even though; in spite of
devastated – hopelessly upset
disable – stop something working
disgust – feeling that something is revolting
disregard – ignore
distraught – completely upset
distressed – upset
drew alongside – came up next to
drumming – hitting
eager – excited
eejit – idiot (Irish dialect)
engaged – concentrating
entire – whole
evidently – obviously
exclaimed – said in a surprised way
expression – look
exultation – extreme happiness
feckless – no good; lazy
fellahs – fellows (Irish dialect)
flanks – sides
focused – having concentration
framed – (for a crime) made to look as if he had carried out a crime when he had not
full rein – keeping the reins loose
full stride – running as fast as he can
furlong – length (about the length of a field) used in horse racing
gaining – getting closer
galloped – ran fast
gambling – betting money on things in order to win more money if they happen
gaze – look
genuinely – really
gesture – hand signal
girths – straps that hold a saddle on a horse or pony
gravely – seriously
grimaced – frowned; looked in pain
grimly – in a serious way

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Red for Danger. Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

gritted teeth – teeth closed when stressed

groomed – brushed and washed
horsebox – box used to move horses and ponies
illegal – against the law
immaculate – perfect
impatient – wanting to get started
in her sights – an expression that means close enough to overtake
in unison – at the same time
increasingly – more and more
injured – hurt
instructed – told someone what to do
intense – (here) of greater force
interfering – getting in the way; meddling
ironic – funny because it is not what was expected
issues – problems
keep it in check – an expression that means to keep something under control
lad – boy
latter – last
lead weights – pieces of heavy metal
led by a length – an expression that means was in front by the length of a pony
leer – horrible smile
liveried – looked after at a stable
local – lives nearby
managed – been able
mirrored – looked the same as
momentary distraction – act of not concentrating for a moment
motives – reasons for doing things
neck and neck – side by side
nobbling – (here) poisoning the ponies so that they cannot race
nonchalant – relaxed
obsessed – thinking of only one thing
operation – plan
pace – speed
paraded – walked around so everyone can see
plaited – (for hair) neatly twisted
ponytail – hairstyle where the hair is held back by a band
presented – turned out; looking
previous – one before
prohibited – against the rules
prompted – encouraged

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Red for Danger. Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

prompting – encouragement
proof – evidence to show something is true
protested – argued against something
race official – person in charge of a race
rails – inside fences of a racecourse
red-handed – an expression that means in the middle of committing a crime
revelations – (here) things he has told them
rhythm – repeated pattern or sound
rivals – people you want to beat in a competition
rostrum – high platform
ruefully – in a way that shows sadness or regret
ruse – trick
sceptical – unsure and not believing
scintillating – excitingly skilful
sheened – made shiny
silks – clothes that a rider wears when competing
snare – catch in a trap
snarled – said in an angry way
sombrely – in a serious way
spurring – encouraging
stride – wide step
subsequently – after that
surged – had a powerful rush
suspicions – (here) feelings that he had done something
swiftly – quickly
syndicate – group of people working together to make money
tacking up – putting a saddle, bridle and other equipment on a pony
tension – stressed feelings
theobromine – a chemical in cacao seeds
thrill – excitement
thrilling – exciting
tone – way of speaking
track – path on a racecourse
trailed – followed slowly
trials and tribulations – difficult problems
triumph – winning
turf – grass
untucked – loose
uttered – said in a definite way
vital – extremely important

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Red for Danger. Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

warped – wrong; bent out of shape

weeny – tiny
weighing in – checking the weight of a jockey before a race
whirl – (here) very busy time
why on earth – an expression that mean why, when the reasons are really not obvious
word – (here) what he has said

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