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2017, VOL. 4, NO. 2, 166–175


Leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin responses to endurance exercise in different

ambient conditions
Terence L. Laursena, Roksana B. Zaka, Robert J. Shutea, Matthew W. S. Heeschb, Nicholas E. Dinana,
Matthew P. Bubaka, D. Taylor La Sallea, and Dustin R. Slivkaa
School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA;
Kinesiology Department, Washburn University, Topeka, KS, USA


Excessive positive energy balance is a major factor leading to obesity. The ability to alter the Received 18 November 2016
appetite-regulating hormones leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin may help decrease excessive energy Revised 7 February 2017
intake. Exercise and exposure to extreme temperatures can independently affect these appetite- Accepted 7 February 2017
regulating hormones. PURPOSE: To determine the effect of exercising in different environmental KEYWORDS
conditions on the circulating concentrations of leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin. METHODS: Eleven adipokines; appetite; cold;
recreationally-trained male participants completed 3 separate 1 h cycling bouts at 60% Wmax in hot, exercise; hormones; hot;
cold, and room temperature conditions (33 C, 7 C, 20 C), followed by a 3 h recovery at room temperature
temperature. Blood was drawn pre-exercise, post-exercise, and 3 h post-exercise. Hematocrit and
hemoglobin were measured to account for change in plasma volume. RESULTS: Leptin
concentrations were lower at post and 3 h post-exercise compared with pre-exercise, with and
without correction for plasma volume shifts, regardless of temperature (p < 0.05). Adiponectin was
higher post-exercise compared with pre-exercise (p D 0.021) but not 3 h post-exercise (p D 0.084)
without correction for plasma volume shifts. However, adiponectin concentrations were not
different at any time point when plasma volume shifts were accounted for (p > 0.05). Total ghrelin
and acylated ghrelin concentrations were not affected at post and 3 h post-exercise compared with
pre-exercise, with and without correcting for plasma volume shifts, regardless of ambient
temperature (p > 0.05). No differences in leptin, adiponectin, or ghrelin were found between trials
(p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Temperature does not affect the circulating concentrations of appetite-
regulating hormones during an acute bout of endurance exercise.

to attenuate appetite.15,16 However, exercise in a cold
Environmental temperature has a large impact on fat environment may stimulate appetite.17
mass and metabolic homeostasis. Indigenous popula- Adipose tissue plays an important role in the effect
tions that live in polar climates have elevated basal that different environmental temperatures have on
metabolic rates and decreased fat mass,1-3 whereas appetite.18 Adipose tissue can act as an endocrine
populations from tropical climates have decreased organ, instead of solely as an energy storage
basal metabolic rates and increased fat mass.4,5 Thus, depot.19-22 Adipokines are secreted by adipose tissue
there appears to be an effect of temperature on energy and are involved in homeostatic and appetite-regulat-
balance. However, the relationship between environ- ing signaling in the body. Specifically, leptin23 and adi-
mental temperature and the circulating concentration ponectin24 are adipokines that play a major role in
of appetite-regulating hormones is less clear. Exercise energy homeostasis and appetite regulation.25 Leptin
has been shown to be an effective method for altering signals the hypothalamus that energy requirements
the appetite-regulating hormones leptin, adiponectin, are being met and that no more food intake is
and ghrelin.6-14 Exercise in a hot environment, com- required.26 Adiponectin also acts at the hypothalamus
pared with a room temperature environment appears but works to stimulate food intake.27 Ghrelin is

CONTACT Dustin R. Slivka School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, University of Nebraska-Omah, 6001 Dodge
Street, HPER #207R, Omaha, NE 68182, USA.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis

produced and released from the fundus of the stom- is unknown. If there is an effect, however, it may lead
ach.28 Unlike leptin, ghrelin is an orexigenic or an to the development of temperature-optimized exercise
appetite-stimulating hormone.29 Acylation of ghrelin protocols to control appetite. These temperature-opti-
is essential for appetite regulation.30 The ability to mized protocols could be implemented in the preven-
alter these hormones could lead to a better control of tion and treatment of chronic conditions associated
appetite and potentially used in treating conditions with excessive positive energy balance. Thus, the pur-
commonly associated with increased levels of fat mass pose of the current study is to determine the effects of
such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 dia- exercise in hot, cold, and room temperature environ-
betes. Increasing leptin concentrations and decreasing mental conditions on circulating levels of leptin, adi-
adiponectin and ghrelin may lead to a decreased appe- ponectin, and ghrelin in humans.
tite. This change in hormone concentration could lead
to a reduction in caloric intake and thus a more nega- Materials and methods
tive energy balance resulting in a subsequent reduc-
tion in fat mass. Subjects
Exercise is a well-known therapy to combat the This study recruited 11 recreationally-trained male
conditions of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabe- subjects (age 25 § 4, height 178 § 5 cm, weight 79.4
tes.31 Circulating concentrations of leptin generally § 13.5 kg, body fat 14.7 § 3.6%, VO2peak 54.6 §
decrease,6-8,13,14 whereas adiponectin generally 12.0 ml¢ kg¡1¢ min¡1, power at VO2peak 277 § 41 W).
increases in response to an exercise bout.9-12 It has Recreationally-trained was defined as engaging in
been demonstrated that an acute exercise bout sup- physical activity at least 1-2 times per week. Due to
presses plasma levels of acylated ghrelin,30 but has no hormonal differences in men and women, exclusively
effect on total ghrelin.32 Thus, exercise induces an male subjects were recruited for the study. Participants
increased appetite in an attempt to replace energy were between the ages of 19 and 45 and capable of
reserves. However, there is contradicting evidence that cycling consistently for one hour. Participants were
claims exercise has no effect on these hormones.6,7,33- considered “low risk” according to ACSM risk stratifi-
The exact response of these hormones appears to be cation. All participants were to understand and sign
influenced by intensity, mode, and duration of exer- an Institutional Review Board approved informed
cise and may help explain the variability of response consent form before participating in this study.
in these previous studies.
The ambient temperature may further alter adipo-
Preliminary testing
kine response related to appetite. Research investigat-
ing the relationship between environmental The initial testing session included an exercise proto-
temperature and the cytokines responsible for appetite col to determine maximal aerobic capacity and collec-
regulation is limited to few human trials. These tion of participant descriptive data. Specifically, height
research studies show no change in circulating hor- (Seca North America, Chino, CA), weight (Befour,
mone levels. Current study investigates the influence Saukville, WI), body composition and VO2peak were
of temperature in conjunction with endurance exer- assessed. Body composition was assessed using a
cise on circulating hormone levels. To our knowledge, hydrostatic weighing technique that uses a custom
this is the first study attempting to investigate this load cell based system (Exertech, Dresbach, MN).
relationship in a human model. Previously, results in Body density was converted to percent body fat using
human trials demonstrated conflicting results.15,16,36 the Siri equation.41 To determine VO2peak participants
However, in a mouse model, heat exposure generally performed a graded exercise test using an electroni-
increased leptin and adiponectin concentration while cally braked cycle ergometer (Velotron, RacerMate
cold exposure decreased leptin and adiponectin con- Inc., Seattle WA). The test began at 95 W and work-
centration.37-40 load was increased by 35 W every 3 min. Participants
Temperature and exercise both appear to indepen- cycled until volitional fatigue and the highest VO2
dently affect leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin. The obtained was recorded as the VO2peak. The maximum
potential impact of exercising in different environ- workload was measured by adding the highest com-
mental temperatures on appetite-regulating hormones pleted stage (in watts) to the proportion of the last

stage multiplied by the 35 W per stage increment. the recovery. At the end of the 3 h recovery period
During the experimental trials participants cycled at another blood draw was taken (Fig. 1).
60% of this maximum calculated workload.
Experimental protocol
Core temperature, skin temperature, and heart rate
Each participant completed 3 separate trials that were
Immediately upon arrival for the experimental trials
no less than 4 and no more than 7 d apart. Average
(»45 min before exercise), subjects ingested a Jonah
monthly temperature for the testing period (April–
Core Body Temperature Capsule (JCBC, Hidalgo Lim-
May) was 56.8 F. Participants tested were natives of
ited, Cambridge, UK). After capsule ingestion, subjects
the area, therefore not recently exposed to prolonged
drank 125 mL of water and ate a fiber bar (Fiber One
periods of hot or cold climates.
bar, 140 kcal, 4 g fat, 29 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein)
For each trial, the subject cycled in one of the
to facilitate movement of the capsule out of the stom-
experimental environmental conditions chosen by a
ach and into the small intestine. The capsule transmit-
randomized, counterbalanced, repeated measures
ted core temperature data and heart rate to an EQ02
design. The 3 trials consisted of a hot (33 C, 60%
LifeMonitor Sensor Electronics Module vest (SEM,
humidity), cold (7 C, 60% humidity), or room tem-
Hidalgo Limited, Cambridge, UK) that was worn
perature (20 C, 60% humidity) environment. Partici-
throughout the exercise and recovery.
pants came into the laboratory following a 12 h
overnight fast and having not engaged in exercise
within the previous 24 h. A 24 h food consumption Blood draws and plasma levels
log was maintained by the participant and replicated Blood draws were taken before exercise, immediately
as closely as possible between trials. As subjects ini- post-exercise, and 3 h post-exercise from the antecubi-
tially entered the laboratory, urine specific gravity was tal vein of the arm. Approximately 6 mL of blood was
tested to ensure consistent hydration between trials drawn into an Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(Pocket Refractometer, ATAGO Tokyo, Japan). Prior (EDTA) coated vacutainer, (Greiner Bio-One, Mon-
to exercise, a resting blood draw (»6 mL) was taken roe, NC) and whole blood was immediately tested for
from the antecubital vein of the arm. During the hematocrit (ZIPOcrit, LW Scientific, Lawrenceville,
experimental portion of the trial, participants cycled GA) and hemoglobin (HemoCue Cypress, CA) for the
at 60% of the peak aerobic power that was previously calculation of plasma volume shifts that occurred
determined. The cycling bout was one hour in a tem- throughout each trial.42 The whole blood was then
perature and humidity controlled environmental centrifuged at 10,000 X g for 15 min to separate
chamber (Darwin Chamber Company, St. Louis, plasma for later analysis. The plasma was aliquoted
MO). During the exercise bout, subjects were also and stored at ¡80 C.
required to ingest 500 mL of water. Immediately post-
exercise, subjects were removed from the chamber,
had blood drawn, and began a 3 h recovery period Circulating leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin
lying in a supine position quietly at room temperature Circulating plasma levels of the hormones of interest
(»22 C). Participants were not allowed to eat during were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
(ELISA). Protocols for each specific hormone were com-
pleted according to manufacturer’s instructions. Prepack-
aged ELISA kits from Invitrogen (Life Technologies
Corporation, Frederick, MD) were used to measure leptin
and adiponectin. Prepackaged ELISA kits from Sigma-
Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) were used to measure total ghre-
lin and kits from LifeSpan BioSciences Inc. (Seattle, WA)
were used for acylated ghrelin. Plasma samples were
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the protocol. RPE: rating of
perceived exertion, EV: environmental conditions, CT: core tem- diluted 1:100 for leptin, 1:2000 for adiponectin. No dilu-
perature, ST: skin temperature. tions were used for ghrelin.

Statistical analysis
Environmental temperature, core and skin temperature,
heart rate, VO2, and plasma content of each of the hor-
mones of interest were analyzed with a repeated measures
2-way ANOVA (time x trial). If F-ratio values were found
to be significant, a Fisher’s protected LSD (least signifi-
cant difference) post hoc was performed to evaluate
where significance occurred. A probability of type I error
of less than 5% was considered significant (p < 0.05). All
statistical data were analyzed using the Statistical Package
for Social Sciences software (SPSS 23.0; Chicago, IL). Figure 3. Skin temperature during exercise. p <0.05 between all
conditions. Data are mean § SE. RT: room temperature.
Data are reported as mean § SE (standard error).
0.5 L¢ min¡1, 38.5 § 6.6 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢ min¡1) and lower
Results in the cold condition (2.7 § 0.4 L¢ min¡1, 34.5 §
5.4 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢ min¡1), compared with room tempera-
Core and skin temperature
ture (2.8 § 0.4 L¢ min¡1, 35.7 § 5.3 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢
Core temperature was higher in the hot condition than min¡1; p < 0.05). During recovery there were no dif-
the cold and room temperature conditions at 50, 55, and ferences in absolute (hot: 0.35 § 0.05 L¢ min¡1, cold:
60 min (p < 0.05; Fig. 2). During recovery, core tempera- 0.33 § 0.05 L¢ min¡1, room temperature: 0.34 §
ture was higher in the hot condition (37.4 § 0.3 C) com- 0.05 L¢ min¡1; p D 0.237), or relative oxygen con-
pared with the cold (37.1 § 0.3 C, p D 0.001), and room sumption (hot: 4.5 § 0.4 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢ min¡1, cold: 4.3
temperature conditions (37.1 § 0.2 C, p D 0.038), § 0.4 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢ min¡1, room temperature: 4.3 §
regardless of time. Skin temperature was highest in the 0.5 mL ¢ kg¡1 ¢ min¡1; p D 0.236).
hot condition and lower in the cold condition, compared
with the room temperature condition by minute 5 of Heart rate
exercise and persisted to be different throughout the exer-
During exercise, heart rate in the hot condition (165 §
cise bout (p < 0.001; Fig. 3). During the recovery period,
10 bpm) was higher than in the cold (152 § 8 bpm)
there were no differences in skin temperature between
and room temperature condition (154 § 11 bpm; p <
the 3 conditions (hot: 34.2 § 1.0 C, cold: 33.6 § 1.1 C,
0.001), but no difference was observed between cold
room temperature: 34.4 § 0.8 C; p D 0.101).
and room temperature (p D 0.318) conditions. During
recovery, there were no differences in heart rate, but
Oxygen consumption there was a trend toward higher heart rate in the hot
During exercise, both absolute and relative oxygen condition (82 § 11 bpm) compared with cold (75 §
consumption were higher in the hot condition (3.0 § 12 bpm) and room temperature (76 § 10 bpm; p D
0.067) conditions.

Plasma leptin concentrations

Hematocrit and hemoglobin levels were significantly
lower in the hot condition, compared with cold and
room temperature conditions (p < 0.05).
There were no differences in leptin concentrations
between any of the temperature conditions when concen-
trations were not corrected for plasma volume shifts (p D
0.458; Fig. 4A), or when concentrations were corrected
for plasma volume shifts (p D 0.465; Fig. 4B). However,
Figure 2. Core temperature during exercise. p < 0.05 from
room temperature and cold conditions. Data are mean § SE. RT: leptin concentrations were lower at post-exercise and 3 h
room temperature. post-exercise when compared with pre-exercise

for plasma shifts (p D 0.691; Fig. 5B). Adiponectin

plasma concentrations were higher post- exercise when
compared with pre-exercise when concentrations were
not corrected for plasma volume shifts (p D 0.021;
Fig. 5A). There were no differences between the pre-exer-
cise and 3 h post-exercise adiponectin concentrations
when uncorrected for plasma volume shifts (p D 0.395;
Fig. 5B). When adiponectin concentration was corrected
for plasma volume shifts, no differences between any of
the time points were observed (p D 0.790; Fig. 5B).

Plasma ghrelin concentrations

There were no differences in acylated and nonacylated
ghrelin concentrations between any of the temperature
conditions without correcting concentration for plasma
volume shifts (p D 0.917 and p D 0.963; Figs. 6A and
Figure 4. (A) Leptin concentration not correcting for plasma vol- 7A), or when concentrations were corrected for plasma
ume shifts. (B) Leptin concentration corrected for plasma volume
shifts (p D 0.939 and 0.792; Figs. 6B and 7B).
shifts. p < 0.05 from pre-exercise (main effect of time). Data are
mean § SE.
regardless of temperature and with and without correct-
ing for plasma volume shifts (p < 0.05, Fig. 4). This study proposed that exercising in different envi-
ronmental temperatures would alter circulating con-
centrations of appetite-regulating hormones. Based on
Plasma adiponectin concentrations
previous research, it was hypothesized that in a hot
There were no differences in adiponectin concentrations environment both leptin and adiponectin would
between any of the temperature conditions without cor- increase compared with a room temperature condi-
recting concentration for plasma volume shifts (p D tion. It was also hypothesized that in a cold
0.752; Fig. 5A), or when concentrations were corrected

Figure 5. (A) Adiponectin concentration not corrected for plasma

volume shifts. (B) Adiponectin concentration corrected for plasma Figure 6. (A) Total ghrelin concentration not corrected for plasma
volume shifts. p < 0.05 from pre-exercise (main effect of time). volume shifts. (B) Total ghrelin concentration corrected for
Data are mean § SE. plasma volume shifts. Data are mean § SE.

appetite15,16 relative to a room temperature exercise

condition. Based on this previous data showing an
effect of temperature on hormones and appetite, we
were surprised not to see any effect of temperature on
leptin and adiponectin using our human exercise
model. Furthermore, current findings may be attrib-
uted to less influence of temperature on thermoregula-
tory responses in humans, compared with rodents.
Specifically, high body surface area-to-mass ratio and
differences in metabolism and thermal tolerance of
rats may explain changes in hormone responses com-
pared with those observed in humans.44,45
Lack of differences in hormone concentrations
between temperatures in the current study may be
due to the relatively short exposure times incorpo-
rated into the current design. In non-human mod-
els exposures were 8 to 24 times longer37,38 and
more intense,37-39,43 than in the current study. Pro-
Figure 7. (A) Acylated ghrelin concentration not corrected for
plasma volume shifts. (B) Acylated ghrelin concentration cor- longed extreme temperature exposure may cause a
rected for plasma volume shifts. Data are mean § SE. greater difference in core body temperature com-
pared with the moderate, short-lived effects
environment both leptin and adiponectin would observed here. A greater change in core body tem-
decrease compared with a room temperature environ- perature may be required to induce the changes in
ment. However, contrary to the hypothesis, the results hormone concentration that have been observed in
of this study did not demonstrate temperature related non-human models. Ethical limitations using a
effects on these hormones. Exercise independent of human model may preclude this effect to be
temperature did stimulate a decrease in leptin and a observed and thus may not have practical
potential increase in adiponectin, but had no effect on implications.
circulating levels of total and acylated ghrelin. This The current study did not directly measure appe-
hormonal profile would suggest an increase in appetite tite, and thus we cannot be certain that the lack of hor-
after exercise. monal differences between exercise in different
Research that has linked changes in leptin and adi- temperatures does not affect appetite. Indeed, previous
ponectin concentration to different temperature expo- research studies have shown a change in subjective
sures has used mice and cell line models. Mice appetite without a corresponding change in appetite-
subjected to 8 C for 12 h had decreases in leptin con- regulating hormones.15,16,36 Further mechanistic work
centrations.39 Additionally, mouse preadipocytes is needed to determine the sensitivity of hormonal
exposed to 39 C and 41 C produced incremental concentration to predict appetite, as factors such as
increases in leptin when compared with cells exposed receptor number and receptor sensitivity may also be
to 37 C.43 Similar to leptin in a mouse model, mice important.
that were exposed to chronic heat stress showed ele- Leptin and adiponectin are secreted from adipose
vated adiponectin concentrations,38 whereas, during a tissue, and therefore leptin and adiponectin concen-
24 h exposure to 4 C adiponectin levels were trations are elevated in obese individuals due to the
decreased.37 It is difficult to interpret the effect on increased adipose tissue mass. Much of the previous
appetite when an appetite-reducing hormone (leptin) research examining appetite-regulating hormones has
and an appetite-stimulating hormone (adiponectin) focused on overweight or obese populations.7,8,46 The
are increased or decreased together. However, in the present study used recreationally active, relatively fit,
case of temperature, leptin appears to play a more and healthy male participants. These individuals were
dominant role since exercise in the heat suppresses not having the hormonal imbalances, and/or receptor
appetite,15,16,36 while exercise in the cold increases sensitivity issues associated with excess adipose

tissue.47,48 This population may be able to better regu- to a reduction in plasma volume is sufficient to cause a
late homeostasis when adding the additional stress of physiologic change or if an increase in total adiponec-
extreme temperatures and exercise.48,49 During the tin is needed. No clear standard has been established
hot trial heart rate and oxygen consumption were on the need to correct for plasma volume shifts as there
higher than the other trials. This physiologically more are many cases in which these shifts are ignored, calcu-
challenging trial likely placed additional stress on the lated but not corrected for, or calculated and corrected
participants. It appears that the current participants for.56 Thus, the current study reports both corrected
were able to adapt to this slight elevation in stress and and uncorrected concentrations so that future research
relative intensity, whereas a less trained population may consider the impact of correcting leptin and adi-
may not be able to withstand these stresses without ponectin concentrations for shifts in plasma volume.
augmenting appetite-regulating hormones. Thus, it is In conclusion, these results indicate that in healthy,
possible that less trained individuals may show a dif- recreationally-trained human participants, environ-
ferent hormonal response to exercise in hot or mental temperature has no effect on the circulating
cold environmental conditions than the current concentrations of leptin, adiponectin or ghrelin imme-
participants. diately post-exercise or 3 h post-exercise. Furthermore,
Results from the current study are in agreement the current protocol seems to be of adequate duration,
with previous research that demonstrates decreases in intensity, and mode to cause a decrease in leptin and
leptin concentrations,7,8,13,14,50 and increases in adipo- increase of adiponectin concentrations. Further
nectin concentrations with exercise.9-12 Previous liter- research is needed to determine the impact that tem-
ature has reported that exercise bouts shorter than perature and exercise have on energy intake in the face
60 min may not alter leptin concentration.6 However, of a change in leptin and adiponectin concentrations.
the current study using a 60 min cycling bout did Future studies investigating the effects of combined
result in decreased leptin levels. Not only are changes effects of exercise and temperature in clinical popula-
in leptin concentrations dependent on duration, tions are warranted. Additionally, chronic exposure to
but also depends upon intensity and exercise temperature and exercise is needed to determine the
mode.13,35,51-54 Thus, it appears that a 60 min bout of therapeutic use of such interventions to treat and pre-
cycling at 60% of maximal workload associated with vent conditions associated with high-energy intake.
VO2max is sufficient to alter leptin and adiponectin
concentrations in a recreationally trained healthy pop- Abbreviations
ulation. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that ANOVA analysis of variance
swimming stimulates appetite and acylated ghrelin VO2peak peak oxygen consumption
concentrations and lowers energy balance when com- Wmax Wattage max
pared with no exercise control.55
Blood plasma volume lost during exercise by way of Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest
sweating and respiration should be accounted for when
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
analyzing concentrations of circulating hormones. The
loss of plasma will increase hormone concentration
without a change in absolute hormone level. The cur- Funding
rent study analyzed the concentrations of leptin and This publication was made possible by grants from the Univer-
adiponectin with and without considering changes due sity Committee on Research and Creative Activity (UCRCA)
to plasma volume shifts.42 Leptin was decreased post and the National Institute for General Medical Science
(NIGMS) (5P20GM103427), a component of the National
exercise when changes in plasma volume were not con-
Institutes of Health (NIH). The contents of this paper are the
sidered and when changes in plasma volume were con- sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily repre-
sidered. When adiponectin concentrations were sent the official views of NIGMS or NIH.
uncorrected for plasma volume shifts, adiponectin
increased post-exercise. Whereas, correcting for the
plasma volume shifts resulted in no changes in adipo- References
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