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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Saransh Bhardwaj*1, Sankalpa Basu*2, Mridul Pal*3
*1,2,3Student, Department Of Computer Science, School Of Computer Science Engineering (Scse),
Galgotias University, Gautam Buddha Nagar 203001, India.
Cryptocurrencies have emerged as an important financial system. They work on the technology of Distributed
Ledger which is called Blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are volatile in nature as their prices change rapidly. That's
why we thought of creating a platform to track the performance of cryptocurrencies. The platform will track the
performance of cryptocurrencies and provide information on changes in the value of cryptocurrencies. We have
used some of the most popular programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS to build the platform,
and along with that, we have also used an API to get the cryptocurrency data.The platform we have built gives
us insight into the performance of cryptocurrencies with an attractive UL. The cryptocurrency data we receive is
updated every day, and includes price changes over a period of 24 hours and 1 week. This also includes the
valuation of cryptocurrencies. The main objective of creating this platform is to provide easy access to crypto
insights to the user. We have built our UI in such a way that it makes it easy for the user to explore every page
without any problem.
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Encrypted, Currency, Bitpay, Exchange Rates, Principal Components
Analysis, Blockchain.
The word "cryptocurrency" is used to refer to a specific type of digital currency that is intended to operate as a
medium of exchange through the utilization of computer networks, as opposed to depending on centralized
authority such as governments or financial organizations.
The individual's possession of a certain currency A digital ledger is a specific kind of computerized database
that makes use of robust encryption to protect transaction records, regulate money manufacturing, and
authenticate the transfer of coin ownership. The fact that they are referred to as cryptocurrencies does not
change the reality that they are not taken into consideration. Cryptocurrencies are regarded as a category of
asset despite the fact that they are also categorized as commodities, securities, and currencies
Distinct from one another in every other way. Validators are essential to the operation and safety of
cryptographic systems. In a Proof of Stake transaction, it is standard practice to use tokens as collateral in order
to secure the transaction. They receive the number of tokens that are proportional to the amount that they
wagered on the game. Token owners may progressively increase their interest in the firm they are supported by
increasing the amount of money they spend on network fees, purchasing newly issued tokens, or taking
advantage of other incentives.
Cryptocurrencies are not issued by any centralized authority, nor do they exist in any form that can be touched
(like paper currency). In most cases, cryptocurrencies make use of decentralized checks rather than the digital
money issued by central banks (CBDCs).
In general, a cryptocurrency is considered to be centralized if it was produced or established prior to the point
at which it was released, or if it was issued by a single issuer. Using technology known as distributed ledgers,
each coin functions independently and without centralized oversight (usually blockchain ). In its capacity as a
depository for all public financial transactions, it is extremely important. Traditional asset classes like
currencies, commodities, and stocks, in addition to macroeconomic variables, help to reduce the return risk
associated with cryptocurrency investments.
In 2009, bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency to be made available to the public in the form of
open-source software. As of March 2022, there are roughly 9,000 new cryptocurrencies on the market.
There are about 70 market segments with market capitalizations greater than $1 billion. Decentralized coins @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
are created collectively by the whole cryptocurrency network at fixed rates that are made public at the moment
the network is formed. In centralized economic and financial organizations, such as the Federal Reserve in the
United States, the board or the government is responsible for regulating the amount of money that is available.
to a group, a financial institution, or any type of legal body that possesses an asset measurement.
Applications of the Crypto currencyRegulatory changes
Use cases are what give cryptocurrencies their value. A miner of a rare metal may see a rapid boost in value for
their product if Apple decides to use it in the iPhone 8; otherwise, the metal is pointless. The same may be said
for cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is valuable because it can be used as a medium of exchange; other
cryptocurrencies, such as Ether, can expand on the Bitcoin model or have another valued application. The
increasing use of cryptocurrencies drives up both the demand for them and their value.The value of
cryptocurrencies, which are not controlled in any way, is significantly influenced by various forecasts regarding
their future. The United States government may outlaw the holding of cryptocurrencies under extreme
circumstances, similar to how it did with gold in the 1930s. In such a scenario, ownership of cryptocurrencies
would very probably be transferred outside of the country, which would be detrimental to their value.
Technology Changes
Unlike conventional commodities, technological changes have an influence on bitcoin pricing. A debate about
upgrading Bitcoin's underlying technology to speed up transactions affected its price in July and August 2017.
Bitcoin's price rose from $2700 to $4000 in two weeks as a result of the move. In general, hacking news
decreases prices. Because of the fragility of this event, a crash is conceivable. According to analysts, retail
investors would suffer the most if the bitcoin market crashed. According to Mohamed Damak, sector head at
S&P Global Ratings, cryptocurrency market value reductions would have only a minimal influence on the
financial services business. This would have no effect on the stability or creditworthiness of the institutions
under consideration.
Rule and regulations in different countriesUnited States
US authorities aren't fond of virtual currencies. In a recent annual report, the Financial Stability Oversight
Council highlighted worry that operational risks associated with distributed ledger systems may not become
evident until they are adopted at scale. US officials are cracking down on cryptocurrencies. Consider ICOs.
Despite its popularity, many ICOs are for speculative crypto currencies and have been called frauds.
The SEC said ICO coins must be registered if marketed to US residents. Since ICOs may be traded across borders,
it's unclear if issuers would comply or transfer transactions outside the US. Because ICO transactions are
pseudonymous, national governments may struggle to regulate crypto sales or trading. Regulating beyond ICOs.
The SEC requires crypto currency trading sites to be registered as legal "exchanges" since March 2018.
This decision stems from concerns that crypto currency investors assume they are protected by a recognized
exchange when they are not. Crypto currency exchanges have no capital rules and are mostly unregulated other
than anti-money laundering. This may change. SEC-registered exchanges must be inspected, monitor their
markets, and observe fair trading standards. SEC disclosure coincided with "large-scale" crypto exchange heist
ICOs have been banned, cryptocurrency exchanges have been forced to cease trade, and mining has been
restricted in China. Over-the-counter (OTC) trading of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is still possible, but it
entails a higher level of credit risk. Cryptocurrencies are no longer available for purchase outside of China. For
years, China has taken a firm position against cryptocurrencies, seeing them as a shadow banking industry and
a means to move money out of the country. However, it is not in opposition to the phenomenon. Digital money in
China will be initially issued by the People's Bank of China (PBOC).
Reduce transaction costs, improve rural access to financial services and increase monetary policy efficiency are
some of the benefits the Chinese government sees in this plan. It aims to control every transaction. Seoul In
South Korea, housewives and students exchange digital currency. Until late 2017, South Korea's won was the
most popular currency for Ethereum transactions and accounted for 10% of Bitcoin trade in the second half of
2017. Since the country's September 2017 prohibition on initial coin offerings (ICOs), officials in South Korea
have discussed shutting down local crypto exchanges, limiting transfers to anonymous virtual bank accounts, @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
and even taxing crypto-trade. It's not clear how regulations will evolve.
South Korea
Housewives and college students alike have turned South Korea into a center for cryptocurrency trading. Until
the end of the year, the won of South Korea accounted for almost 10% of all Bitcoin exchanges and was the most
often used cryptocurrency for Ethereum transactions. Although South Korea outlawed ICOs in September 2017,
officials have been considering closing down local crypto exchanges, prohibiting transfers into anonymous
virtual accounts at banks, and potentially putting a capital gains tax on crypto-trading since that time.
Regulators are still working out the details, so nothing is certain at this time.
In our nation As evidenced by the planned tax system and the administration of the same, the Indian
government's attitude on cryptocurrencies is cautious, as seen by the proposed tax regime and administration.
According to the Finance Bill, 2022 (the "2022 Bill"), consequential proposed adjustments to the Income Tax Act
1961 (the "IT Act") have been made, including the imposition of a 30 percent tax on income derived from the
transfer of virtual digital assets (cryptocurrencies and NFTs). (Read ELP's Union Budget 2022 Analysis for a
comprehensive explanation of the tax consequences of digital assets in India.) In the 2022 Budget, via the 2022.
Bill, the definition of "virtual digital asset" was adopted in order to set in action the regulatory apparatus for all
cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The government retains the authority to classify or declassify any cryptocurrency
or non-fiat money that falls within the scope of this description. This clause may prevent India's Digital Rupee
or Central Bank Digital Currency ("CBDC"), i.e. the projected digital currency to be launched by the Reserve
Bank of India ("RBI"), from being taxed or regulated under the 2022 Bill.
1. Blockchain : A blockchain provides information about each cryptocurrency's coins' authenticity. An ever-
expanding collection of documents, known as blocks, that are connected and safeguarded via cryptography is
referred to as a blockchain.

Figure 1: P2P Network

Each block generally includes a hash reference, timestamp, transaction information, and a link to the preceding
block. Blockchains are intended to be resistant to data tampering by design. An efficient and permanent record
of transactions between two parties is kept on an "open and distributed ledger." A blockchain is often run by a
peer-to-peer network that adheres to the same protocol for verifying new blocks in order to function as a
distributed ledger. Once stored, it is impossible to edit the data for a specific block without also changing all the
blocks after it, necessitating network-wide cooperation.
2. Nodes : A "node" is a computer that is part of the Bitcoin network and may send and receive transactions.
Among the many ways, the node helps the Bitcoin network run smoothly is by confirming transactions, relaying
them, and storing a copy of the blockchain on its hard drive. Nodes, which are computers in the network, keep
their own copy of the blockchain linked with the cryptocurrency they support when they are relaying
transactions. When a transaction is successfully completed, the node broadcasts the information to other nodes @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
in the node network so that other nodes are aware of it. This data is protected by encryption. There are two
sorts of node operators: those who do so voluntarily and those who are mandated to do so by the institution or
organization that is responsible for building the blockchain network technology utilized by cryptocurrencies.
3. Mining : Mining confirms bitcoin transactions. Successful miners will get a new coin. By boosting network
processing, the incentive lowers transaction fees. Specialized equipment like FPGAs and ASICs that run SHA-256
and scrypt improve the rate at which hashes are created to validate transactions. Since Bitcoin's 2009 debut,
there's been a race for cheaper, more efficient equipment.
Generation of hash algorithms for validation grows more sophisticated as more individuals enter the virtual
currency sector, necessitating miners to invest more money to increase performance. computer. The return for
discovering a hash function is lowered and typically doesn't justify the expenditure in equipment, cooling
facilities (to minimize device heat), or power. Popular mining sites include inexpensive power, frigid weather,
and clear rules. Bitcoin's power use in July 2019 was 7 gigawatts, or 0.2% of the global total, or the same as
Pooling resources and spreading processing power over a network allows miners to share the reward equally.
Those in the mining pool who submit legitimate proof of work receive a "share" for their efforts. Virtual
currency trading, ICOs, and mining were all banned in China in February 2018. Thousands of Chinese miners
have migrated to Canada and Texas as a result of this. For one company, the low cost of gas allows them to run
mining data centers in Canadian oil and gas fields. Cryptocurrency mining might use up to 500 MW of Hydro
Quebec's power in June 2018. According to a February 2018 Fortune article, Iceland's low-cost electricity has
drawn bitcoin miners. Bitcoin mining was prohibited for 18 months in Plattsburgh, New York in March 2018 to
protect the city's "character and direction." In February of 2022, Kazakhstan overtook Chile as the country with
the second-largest cryptocurrency mining operation thanks to a hash rate of 18.1%.
Investors spend a significant amount of time attempting to hunt down the newest coins in order to find the
cryptocurrencies that are either the most interesting or the least priced. There is a diverse selection of
cryptocurrency exchanges, apps, and other services available to accommodate the requirements of investors
who wish to maximize the return on their investments.
It's possible that using a digital currency price tracker will make or break your experience trading
cryptocurrencies, yet just a small percentage of people who trade cryptocurrencies are aware of how important
it is. The websites and services for price monitoring that are utilized the majority of frequently are listed below.
A tracker of the price of bitcoins evaluates their value. Consumers are able to compare prices because to the
historical data provided by many of these websites. Some of these platforms provide a function that allows
users to compare the value of various cryptocurrencies.
The accuracy of the price tracker that an investor employs will have an impact on their judgements, the timing
of their investments, and the level of success they experience with those transactions. It is crucial to have
trackers that are reliable in their data and are often updated. When selecting a cryptocurrency price tracker, it is
important to take into consideration how easy it is to use, the variety of digital currencies and tokens that are
supported, as well as the additional tools and information that are provided.
CoinMarketCap has been referred to be the "go-to price monitor" for cryptocurrencies by This
website is the undisputed leader among services that track prices for a number of different reasons. This
webpage from 2013 compiles a list of the top 100 cryptocurrencies based on their combined market
capitalization. The market capitalization, price, 24-hour trading volume, circulating supply, 24-hour value
change, and seven-day price graph for each digital currency are shown. As of September 4, 2021, the market
value of Binance Coin was around $83.3 billion.
At that time, it had a market value of $497 billion. There are now 168,137,036 coins in circulation. Each
cryptocurrency's historical performance data, total supply, and other relevant statistics are readily available.
Trading pairs, the volume traded in a 24-hour period, and the current price across exchanges are all valuable
pieces of information. For the purpose of making the most profitable purchase or sale decision, investors can
research currency prices on a number of exchanges. CoinMarketCap contains digital currencies that aren't as @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
well-known (those beyond the top 100 digital currencies).
There are several price monitors in addition to CoinMarketCap for cryptocurrencies.
Coinlib is a less well-known price tracking service, but it does have some useful capabilities to offer its users.
Given that Bitcoin is now the digital currency with the highest market capitalization and the most users, Coinlib
has included a "Bitcoin Dominance" indicator at the very top of its website. This statistic, as well as market
capitalization and cryptocurrency data, are refreshed every minute in the same manner. A tool that can compare
up to four different tokens or currencies is included in Coinlib. It includes a price explorer that assists investors
in locating exchanges that provide the best buy and sell prices as well as arbitrage possibilities.
Binance is the most renowned cryptocurrency exchange right now due to the sheer volume of deals that are
being executed there. 2017 marked the beginning of operations for this Cayman Islands-based company.
Changpeng Zhao was the first person to establish a cryptocurrency exchange, and he called it Binance.
When the government of China started to regulate cryptocurrencies, the cryptocurrency exchange Binance
made the decision to shift its operations outside of China and to Hong Kong instead. In 2021, the Department of
Justice and the Internal Revenue Service initiated an investigation into alleged violations of tax laws and money
laundering at the cryptocurrency exchange known as Binance.
In June of 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom issued a directive to the cryptocurrency
exchange Binance ordering it to suspend all regulated commercial activity.
When selecting a cryptocurrency price tracker, accuracy and dependability may be the most important
elements to consider; but, as the list above demonstrates, there are many other considerations as well. Due to
the frequent movement of digital currency rates, it is probable that it will not be feasible to examine the costs of
many sites when making a transaction.
To collect as much information as possible before purchasing or selling, a great technique is to pick and choose
from the criteria listed above.
This section explains the planning that went into developing this Crypto Currencies Performance Tracking and
Data visualization programme as well as the methodology that it uses.
The technologies that were chosen to develop this project are the most recent ones available in the industry,
which results in increased functionality and productivity for the app.
This project includes a variety of files, each of which fulfills a certain function inside the application. Since react
is the primary technology being utilized in this project, the project makes use of the folder structure that react
provides, which includes a variety of files.

Figure 2: Folder Structure

For the purpose of data retrieval, the public API provided by Coingecko is utilized. This allows us to retrieve the @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
raw data, which is followed by the application of the javascript functions required for the information extraction
and visualization process
1. CoinGecko API : CoinGecko's API enables us to acquire cryptocurrency data, such as price, volume, market
capitalization, and exchange data, from

Figure 3: CoinGecko API’s

CoinGecko. CoinGecko is a website that monitors the performance of various cryptocurrencies and also serves
as a data source. This site contains a variety of different things, including live pricings, tickers, historical data,
exchanges, events, trading volumes, international markets, coin information, and more.
The project contains files like ‘coin.css’ which is basically for interface styles and the other file ‘app.js’ contains
all the logic of the application.
All the operations performed on the raw data getting have their implementation stored in this file. In addition to
this file we have ‘package.json’ which contains the information of all the dependencies installed to support the
This project will need a node environment installed in your hosting service for deployment. Node is basically a
runtime environment which runs the javascript outside of the browser.
After deployment this app will go through a testing period where we will check bugs and other errors which can
affect the flow of the application.

Figure 4: Workflow @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
After deploying our application to the hosting, we obtained a number of results and outcomes, which will be
discussed in this part. After undergoing extensive testing and having any bugs found, our application is
functioning as expected.

Figure 5: Crypto Tracker

At this time, the retrieval of the data is proceeding precisely in accordance with the plans that were made.
Through the use of the Coingecko API, we are successfully obtaining the data. Because our JavaScript
techniques are applying the filters to the raw data, we are able to obtain valuable information as well as
statistics that are current at all times on the currencies.
Additionally, html is used to structure the page, and CSS is utilized to apply styling to the structure that has been
created. Both of these technologies deliver an experience that is centered on the user. Tables are utilized to
provide all of the relevant information as well as real statistics on the various currencies.
In the not too distant future, we want to incorporate various AI and ML algorithms in order to provide more
precise statistics on the currencies.
In addition to that, we may carry out tests with many other technologies and evaluate the outcomes of those
tests in light of the outcomes of the currently available technologies. The other situation that may have an effect
on the future of our program is the development of cryptography in the future because, ultimately, our project is
dependent on it.
Some of the limitations of cryptocurrencies, such as a computer malfunction erasing digital riches or a hacker
plundering a virtual vault, may be alleviated in the future as a result of technological advancements.
The widespread use of cryptocurrencies is expected to result in increased regulation and scrutiny from
governments, which will eventually undermine the fundamental concept behind these currencies. Although an
increasing number of merchants now accept cryptocurrencies, those who do so remain a minority.
Obtaining customer acceptability is essential for the further growth of the cryptocurrency market. Their
complexity in comparison to that of traditional currencies is likely to discourage most consumers, with the
exception of techies.
If a cryptocurrency wishes to enter the mainstream market, it could be required to fulfill a number of
conditions. It must be mathematically complicated (to minimize fraud and hacker assaults), yet easy for
consumers to comprehend; decentralized, but with sufficient consumer protections and protection; and it must
retain user anonymity without facilitating tax evasion, money laundering, or any other illegal actions.
Given the difficulty of fulfilling these requirements, might it be that in a few years the most popular
cryptocurrency will be one that sits between highly controlled fiat currencies and the cryptocurrencies that are @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
used today? Even if it is very unlikely, Bitcoin's success (or failure) in overcoming its problems might have
repercussions for the future of other cryptocurrencies.
Unlike this, The advantages offered by cryptocurrencies have in recent times caught the attention of institutions,
and the conventional banking industry is scrambling to keep up with the demand. For instance, U.S. Bank has
just just introduced a bitcoin custody service, which makes it possible for hedge funds to invest in digital
We are finally in a position to draw the conclusion that during the course of this project, we were able to
successfully develop a crypto tracker app by making use of React in addition to other cutting-edge technologies.
This is something that we are able to say with certainty now.
This project distinguishes out from others in its field due to the intuitive nature of its graphical user interface as
well as its capacity to precisely monitor the operation of bitcoin exchanges in a matter of milliseconds. In
addition to that, we are contemplating the inclusion of a few extra intricate functionalities to the project in
order to provide more in-depth facts pertaining to the various cryptocurrencies.
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