Notes in Business Communication

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Parts of a Business Letters “Thank you.

” You should only capitalize

the first word of the closing. Remember to
Sender’s address. Optimally, you want to follow the closing with four lines of space
have a printed company letterhead. in order to make room for your signature,
Letterhead, similar to having a company which demonstrates your personal stamp
website, conveys that your business is of approval of the letter’s contents.
legit. But even if the address is simply
typed at the top, including your address Enclosures. If there are additional items
plays a practical purpose, because you to enclose with the letter, it’s best to list
don’t want the recipient to have to look up them, so that the recipient remembers
your address in order to send a response. what was included with the letter. Include
enclosures three lines below your
Date. Whoever receives the letter needs signature or one line below the typist’s
to know when the letter was written. It’s initials. Use this style if, for example, you
best to use a standard U.S. format. want to indicate that there are two
(Here’s an example: September 20, 2018.) enclosures: Enclosures (2). If you want to
list each separate item, use this style:
Recipient’s address. Include the Encl: product brochures (2), product
recipient’s address so that you have the photos (3).
information readily available for printing
out the envelope. A full recipient address Types of Business Letters
also helps ensure the letter doesn’t get
lost in the office shuffle wherever you are Cover letters. Sent with a package,
sending it. The first line should be the report, or other items, the purpose of a
name, including any honorifics such as cover letter is to describe what is enclosed
Mr., Ms., Dr., etc. The second line is the and provide a description of what the
recipient’s job title. Their company’s name receiver should do with it.
goes on the third line. The remaining lines
include street address, city, state, and ZIP Thank you letters. These can be great for
code. networking and relationship building. Don’t
just write a, “Thanks for,” and leave it at
Salutation. A “To whom it may concern” that. Provide more details about what they
or “Dear Sir or Madam” is a good way to did and how it helped you, and then close
ensure that your letter goes nowhere. Find with the second expression of
out the name of the person who should thankfulness.
receive the letter, even if you have to do
some searching on Google or LinkedIn, or Complaint letters. The key to these types
call the company. of letters is to demonstrate that you are
displeased without being over-the-top
Body. Time is money in the business angry. Suggest how the receiver of the
world, so get down to business and letter might correct the situation.
quickly make your case or communicate
your message. Stay professional, be clear Adjustment letters. This is a response to
and concise, and quickly convey the point a complaint letter. The point is to be
of the letter. humble in the response and to offer
potential solutions. You want to avoid
Closing/signature. Stick with a more burning bridges and instead use your
formal closing such as “Sincerely” or response as a relationship-building tool.
Bad newsletters. The key with bad Resignation letters. This is about giving
newsletters is to soften the blow. Being notice that you are leaving a position,
direct is valued in business writing. But providing a last day of employment, and
when writing bad newsletters, it’s best to explaining what is causing you to leave.
remind the receiver about what actually
works in your business relationship before
breaking the bad news to him or her.

Acknowledgment letters. They are

meant to acknowledge that you received
an item from someone, or that you are
aware of a fact or error they pointed out.
Let the receiver know when you received
the package or information, and then
thank them for it.

Memos. Often used to spread important

news and directives inside a company, the
point with memos is to be fast and to the
point with your communications.

Congratulatory letters. The idea with

these types of letters is to stay on point
and avoid sounding over-the-top or
mocking. Describe what motivated you to
send congratulations and the positive
feedback that you have already heard.
Keep the letter concise.

Response letters. This is about

explaining or listing how a request was

Letter of request. The key with these

types of letters is to ask for help without 1. Clich'e - stereotype saying
groveling or being overly emotional. Take 2. tete-a-tete - private conversation
a hard look at the adjectives you’re using 3. vis-a-vis - face to face
in the letter. 4. per se - by or itself
5. modus operandi - system or style
Sales letters. These letters require a 6. bona fide - official
strong call to action or hook at the 7. status quo - position
beginning so that the receiver continues to 8. finesse - refined
read and discovers the benefits of 9. vendetta - vengeance
whatever you are selling. Make sure to 10. en toto - entirely
provide information so that they can easily 11. a la carte - to the menu
respond. 12. coup-de-etat - military take over
13. ad hoc - committee
14. avant-garde - new or unusual
15. bourgeoise - Middle Class 12. The coup-de-etat seemed to have
16. debris failed.
17. Bona petit - Enjoy your meal 13. The Mayor appointed an Adhoc
18. petit monde - small world Committee to study the project.
19. en masse 14. William's work is very unusual, even
20. entrée avant-garde!
21. fiasco - complete failure 15. The Princess was ostracized for
22. genre - class marrying a rich bourgeois.
23. magna carta 16. She was hit on the head of the flying
24. rendezvous - meeting place debris.
25. potpourri - fragrant mixture of dried 17. It is polite to say something like, " Bon
petals Appetit" or "enjoy!" before sharing a meal.
26. cocoa 18. What a small world! Le monde est
27. non de plume - pen name petit!
28. milieu - person's social environment 19. It was during the time that pilots
29. tsunami - long high sea wave thought that US Air Corps adopted their
30. mea culpa - my fault planes en masse.
31. mardi-gras 20. Her wealth and reputation gave her
32. Merci Beaucoup - Thank you very entrée into upper—class circles.
much 21. Anne might have a fiasco on her
33. Bon voyage - Happy Journey hands if she doesn't act quickly.
34. literati - educated class 22. She’ll read a book in any genre
35. Carpe diem - seize the day imaginable.
23. The Board of Directors will have 6
1. It is a common clich’e,' With months to write a new magna carta.
experience comes wisdom, and with 24. There was a time when the Ton Hall
wisdom comes experience." was considered as a club and social
2. He was having a private conversation. It rendezvous.
was a real tete-a-tete between him and 25. It was a potpourri of ingredients that
his manager. yields a fragrant scent.
3. My friend and I stood vis-a-vis the 26. He sipped his cocoa from a sticky cup
crowded train. filled with marshmallows.
4. The song perse wasn't a bad choice. 27. He writes under the non - de plume of
5. The modus operandi of the burglar Alison Cooper.
was similar in ransacking houses. 28. Because my father grew up in the
6. She has established her position as a military milieu, he knew he wanted to join
bonafide celebrity. the armed forces when he graduated from
7. The CEO has no desire to change his High School.
current status quo. 29. The island was devastated by the
8. The lady wore it with the finesse of a tsunami.
duchess. 30. Many of the banks involved in the
9. Smith had been tempting fate by scandal has pleaded mea culpa.
conducting a personal vendetta against 31. We’re going to Brazil for a mardi-gras.
Byron. 32. No merci - John took his luggage and
10. The Judge accepted the testimony leave.
entoto. 33. This extra special “Bon Voyage”
11. It was more expensive to eat a la comes to enjoy your trip in any kind of
carte. way.
34. He belonged to a family, not a literati. for many years. She took OTC Ibuprofen.
35. His attitude towards life is Carpe She says, ‘I took lots of it”.
Comparison and Contrast
Writing the Paragraph When you compare persons, things, or
situations that are similar in certain
Methods of Paragraph Development respects, you focus on those features
which they are alike or the same. When
Enumeration you contrast persons, things, or situations,
Enumeration is presumably the -easiest you focus on their differences.
method of paragraph development. You
just mention the items you intend to Example: What differences are there
include in your paragraph one after the between a cold and flu? Both are caused
other. These items of information should by a virus. A cold is an infection of the
all be related to one basic point you want upper and sometimes lower respiratory
to bring out. system. Flu is likewise in infection of the
upper and lower respiratory tract but it can
Example: Behind the doors, scientists are lead to bacterial pneumonia. Common
working to end aging disease and pain. symptoms of a cold are stuffy or runny
Here are some of the startling advice. Pigs nose congestion, coughing, sneezing, and
are cloned to transplant organs to save sore throat. Common symptoms of the flu
the dying. Computer chips are implanted are sudden high fever (over 38 degrees),
in the brain to conquer. joint and muscle pain dry cough,
headache, sore throat, and extreme
Another method of developing a Cause and Effect
paragraph is by illustration. The use of Another method of paragraph
verbal pictures to clarify your point. You development is the cause-effect
may give examples or specific instances framework. This may present the causes
selected to make the point of the topic first and move toward the effects, or begin
sentence vivid or relate anecdotes which with the effects and move toward the
are brief stories to present your point causes. You may or may not have an
graphically. Illustrations are usually expressed topic sentence when you use
introduced by expressions like for this method of development.
example, for instance, such as, and take
the case of. Example: If bird flu mutates and gains the
ability to transmit as easily as normal flu-
Example: Drug interaction can cause and scientists say that is a real possibility-
serious problems. For example, Posicor, it could trigger a worldwide pandemic
an anti-hypertensive drug, was taken off similar to that in 1218. Such a pandemic
the market because it could cause blood could infect 25-30% of the world's
pressure to drop when heart medications population and kill up to 100 million
(introduced by for example). people.

Anecdote: Zena McAdams has lived with Informal

a heart condition that caused chronic pain - If users know how search engines work
they can deal better with them.
Estrada decided to escape to safety.
Formal Complain
- An understanding of the fundamental 2. A laudable project of the American Idol
operations of the search engine will reality show is when it dedicates an
provide an improved user interface. episode to give back that episode’s
earnings to charity. Donate
Academic Writing, Technical Writing 3. Almost every week, leaders of transport
Business Communication groups start on the fluctuating price of
oil products with angry demonstrations
1. The week-long power shortage used up and press releases. Negotiate
the store’s entire stock of batteries. 4. Studies have shown that those who
(consumed) suddenly come by large sums of
2. The candidate’s loyal supporters money, as in winning the lotto,
gathered around in the central plaza. eventually lose it all. Acquire
A___________ 5. Black propaganda should not influence
3. The committee was formed to look into the voters negatively when they weigh
the reports of plagiarism. I___________ up candidates. Evaluate
4. The newly installed system has enabled 6. If you are a fast reader, you can
offices to throw away outdated files. browse through a whole newspaper
D_____________ within ten minutes. Scan
5. Smoking marijuana is said to help 7. Showbiz personalities should not allow
cancer patients put up with the adverse reporters to delve into their personal
side effects of chemotherapy. lives. Follow
T_____________ 8. If you are holding a particularly
strategic position, you should stand up
and exploit it to your advantage. Rise
9. If good people do nothing, the bad will
prevail over the good. Overcome
10. When a camera’s lens can no longer
take in all the faces in a large-group
portrait, the photographer asks
everyone to squeeze in. Compress
11. Always aim for the highest level of
artistry during rehearsals, and the
Acquire Rise Admit performance will take care of itself.
Evaluate Overcome Reject Seek
Donate Compress Charge 12. Even when he was already charged in
Negotiate Complain Defer court, Micheal Jackson’s personal
Scan Remain Abandon doctor still would not own up to any
Follow Explore Seek wrongdoing. Admit
13. Never put off for tomorrow what you
can do today. Defer
Two-Word Verb 14. Despite reservations, new hires should
conform to the culture of the office.
1. It was when the protesters at EDSA Admit
began their move to march on 15. Whenever a crisis strikes, we ask the
Malacanang that former President Lord to abide with us and help us
through. Remain
24. Our family are going on a long
Check for Understanding vacation in the summer.

1. Roch, not her trainees, are(is) going to Abbreviations

the manager’s office.
2. Everyone are(is) invited to attend to the 1. ASAP - As soon as possible
meeting. 2. Re - Subject
3. Marie, along with a few members of her 3. SOP - Standard Operating
team, suggests that the party be held in Procedure
the office. 4. VIZ. - namely
4. One third of her class are(is) taking the 5. i. e. - that is
test right now. 6. Ex. - example
5. Nobody is allowed to leave the 7. e.g. - for example
classroom until the bell rings. none 8. et. Al. - and others
6. Ninety percent of the applicants 9. AKA - also known as
has(have) no call center experience. 10. CEO - Chief Executive Officer
7. Neither Jean nor her bosses knows 11. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty
about what happened. Organization
8. Abbey, along with her pet Fitti, is going 12. DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid
to the vet today. None 13. CPU - Central Processing Unit
9. Fifty percent of the profit are(is) what 14. LTD - limited
James needs to give to charity. 15. BKKPG. - Bookkeeping
10. None of the fruits is ripe. 16. cc. - carbon copy
11. Physics is what Mr. Nguyen teaches. 17. CPA - Certified Public Accountant
12. A hundred miles is all she needs to 18. Atty. - Attorney
travel to get there. 19. Hon. - Honorable
13. Autumn leaves are the title of her new 20. BPO - Business Process
book. Outsourcing
14. My teacher and friend is coming over 21. TRO - Temporary Restraining
to visit me today. Order/ Transcript of Records
15. The number of complaints has 22. pp. - pages
doubled in the recent month. 23. COLA - Cost of Living
16. A large number of applicants do not Adjustment/Allowance
have call center experience. 24. Acct. - Account/Accountant
17. The herd of sheep are grazing on the 25. SMART - Specific, Measurable,
field. Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound
18. Would you believe that oxygen are 26. KISS - Keep it short and simple
now sold in bottles? 27. OT - Overtime
19. After the ceremonies is Shakesperian
20. Her staff are not so sure whether to
hire a new trainer or not. He descended down the steps to the
21. A lot of sugar are needed for this
22. Her pants doesn’t fit her that well.
23. Right in front of our house is three
A. Descended
small stores.
B. Down
C. the steps that

I hope you will return again soon. overflowed

A. Return
B. Again
the town
C. soon

He fell down from the top of the house.

To find my keys, I retracted my steps

A. Fell
B. Down back to my front door. *
C. the top

The things he took away he restored
A. Away
B. Restored my steps
C. again
After sitting in silence for most of the
school year, James finally spoke out
loud to the whole class.

spoke out
It is equally the same to me whether I
have it today or tomorrow.

to me


The river caused a flood that

overflowed the town. *

We like the incumbent candidate who tallest

is now in office. *



He was a negligent driver due to

because he was careless. *
is now

Correct answer

is now

due to

because he was careless

He was the first of all at the meeting. *


first Whenever I pass the house, he is

always at the door. *
of all




He was the tallest of all the brothers. *

1/1 at the door

On their way home, the girls stamped 1/1

noisily by our room. *



noisily these

by our room
Katie both woke me at 4:00 AM in the
morning as well as kept me up all
night. *
Bianca is a talented 15-year old
teenager, but I feel a biography of her 1/1

life is premature *
in the morning

a biography of

her life up all night

is premature
I landed the fish; I removed the hook

Correct answer
from the fish; the fish bit me, I finally
lost the fish overboard. *

a biography of

I landed the fish

If we cooperate together, we can avoid
these inadvertent errors. * the fish bit me
overboard The order was to cancel the strikers
immediately by James.

The manager, Att. Alvin Patorito, in this

study direct of their staff and making
I asked for a banana, and a waitress
We discussed our college fair plan in
brought me the crescent-shaped
connection with our foundation day
yellow fruit. * celebration

It is now thought that Saturn, as well as

0/1 mars, has some form of life.

A number of women were selected for this

crescent-shaped mission.

yellow The money was deposited in the bank

Misunderstanding between students and

players is the cause of flight.

About 90% of our reaction determines our
Correct answer
Her beauty, nor her talents, attract us

crescent-shaped Mrs. Libranda, together with her husband

wants to see the site for the project

Our adviser and teacher in Philosophy is

Prof. Pajarin
The general consensus of opinion was
that Alyssa Edwards was the winner. Ten percent of the respondents are female

Three drivers sold the weighing scales

Lalamove sent the baggage

The accountant scolded the laborer.

The plan supervisor visited a laboratory

of opinion The engineer kept the worker busy

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