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Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

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Impact of low denudation rates on soil chemical weathering intensity:

A multiproxy approach
Yolanda Ameijeiras-Mariño a, Sophie Opfergelt a,⁎, Jérôme Schoonejans b, Veerle Vanacker b, Philippe Sonnet a,
Jeroen de Jong c, Pierre Delmelle a
Université catholique de Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, ELIe, L7.05.10 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Université catholique de Louvain, Earth and Life Institute, George Lemaître Center for Earth and Climate Research, L4.03.08 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, CP160/02. Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Quantifying the influence of denudation, i.e., physical erosion and chemical weathering, on soil weathering inten-
Received 18 August 2016 sity is an important component for a comprehensive understanding of element biogeochemical cycles. The rela-
Received in revised form 24 February 2017 tion between the weathering intensity and the denudation rate is not clear and requires further investigation in a
Accepted 4 March 2017
variety of climatic and erosional settings. Here, in the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), we assess the soil chem-
Available online 8 March 2017
ical weathering intensity with a multiproxy approach combining different indicators of chemical weathering of
the soil: the Total Reserve in Bases (TRB), the content in Fe-oxides, the quartz and clay content, the soil cation
Chemical weathering exchange capacity (CEC), and the silicon (Si) isotope composition of the clay-sized fraction. Our multiproxy ap-
Soil weathering intensity proach demonstrates that in this semi-arid environment at low denudation rates, an increasing denudation rate
Low denudation rates decreases the soil weathering intensity, whereas Si mobility remains limited. Our results converge with previous
Semi-arid environment conclusions based on chemical mass balance methods in the same geological setting. Mass balance methods, and
Betic cordillera particularly Chemical Depletion Fractions (CDF), are based on the immobility of a refractory element (commonly
Silicon isotopes zirconium, Zr) relative to major cations in soils. Interestingly, our study suggests that a weathering index such as
the TRB may provide a useful complement to assess soil chemical weathering intensity in eroding landscapes
where the application of chemical mass balances may be hampered by potential Zr mobility in the soil or by het-
erogeneity of Zr concentrations in the bedrock.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processes is of great importance, as they control soil physical and chem-
ical properties. Moreover, weathering processes have important impli-
The Critical Zone is the uppermost part of Earth surface where chem- cations for the global carbon cycle and the climate through the
ical, biological, physical and geological processes interact to support life consumption of atmospheric CO2 by silicate weathering (review in
(National Research Council, 2001; Brantley et al., 2007). Soil cover influ- Goudie and Viles, 2012).
ences the interactions occurring within this upper layer and it can be The relationship between denudation and weathering is traditional-
thought of as a feed-through reactor, with a thickness controlled by ly studied through mass-balance calculations using the chemical deple-
the balance between the removal of material by denudation processes, tion fraction (CDF, dimensionless) that represents the enrichment or
i.e., the total loss of material from soils by both physical and chemical depletion of an immobile element within the soil column relative to
processes, and the advance of the weathering front down to the bedrock the parent material (e.g., Riebe et al., 2004). The relation between the
(e.g., Heimsath et al., 1997; Anderson et al., 2007). We can therefore ex- weathering intensity (CDF) and the denudation rate is not clear.
pect denudation and weathering processes to be closely linked. Under- Previous work has tackled this relation (e.g., global compilations in
standing the relationship between denudation and weathering Dixon and von Blanckenburg, 2012 and in Ferrier et al., 2016) but the
conclusions remain diverse and highlight a controversy. While some
studies have shown a negative relation between CDF and denudation
⁎ Corresponding author. rate (e.g., Dixon et al., 2012), others show no specific pattern (e.g.,
E-mail addresses: (Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño), Riebe et al., 2004; Dixon et al., 2009). Thus, more work across all climatic (S. Opfergelt),
(J. Schoonejans), (V. Vanacker),
and erosional settings is needed to resolve the controversy. (P. Sonnet), (J. de Jong), The CDF estimations are commonly based on zirconium, which is (P. Delmelle). considered to be conservative in the soil. There are number of studies
0009-2541/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 73

that have successfully used the CDF based on Zr concentrations to con- Average annual precipitation ranges from 275 mm/yr in CAB to
strain the chemical weathering intensity (e.g., Riebe et al., 2004; Dixon 425 mm/yr in EST, while mean annual temperature ranges from 17 °C
et al., 2009; Dixon et al., 2012; Ferrier et al., 2012; Schoonejans et al., in CAB to 12 °C in EST (García, 2009). Evapotranspiration varies between
2016a). In certain environments, such as shown by Kurtz et al. (2000) 900 mm/yr for CAB and 794 mm/yr for EST (Junta de Andalucía, 2008).
for volcanic soils in Hawaii, Zr mobility can increase with rainfall, lead- Following the UNEP's aridity index (ratio evapotranspiration/rainfall;
ing to potential underestimation of weathering losses (Hill et al., 2000; Barrow, 1992) the study sites are characterized by a semi-arid climate
Hodson, 2002). As such, other conservative elements (e.g. Hf, Ti, Nb) (Table 1). In the three catchments, the dominant vegetation type is
have been used as an alternative (Kurtz et al., 2000; Little and Lee, Mediterranean shrub characterized by a sclerophyllous and thorny veg-
2010). In some areas, the heterogeneity in immobile element concen- etation (locally known as matorral), with some remnants of Quercus
trations in the parent material might add uncertainty to the mass bal- trees at higher altitudes (Bellin et al., 2011; Table 2).
ance estimates (Ferrier et al., 2012). In each catchment (or its close vicinity), two profiles were sampled
Soil weathering indexes may provide complementary methods to on exposed ridgetops to avoid the complexities of soil-forming process-
constrain the relationship between denudation and weathering. Chem- es associated with lateral transport of chemical fluids and soil particles
ical weathering indexes such as the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) along slope. The sampling sites have similar slope gradients, between
or the Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) have been applied in the 14 and 28°. The sampling sites were selected avoiding locations with
past to study the relationship between weathering and soil production clear anthropogenic disturbances such as quarrying or terracing activi-
(Burke et al., 2007; Larsen et al., 2014). ties. These soil profiles present no evidences of strong anthropogenic
Here, we test a multiproxy approach to derive soil weathering in- perturbations (Schoonejans et al., 2016a).
dexes in a semi-arid region where the mass balance approach based
on CDF was successfully applied, the Spanish Betic Cordillera 3. Materials and methods
(Schoonejans et al., 2016a). The existence of a good correlation between
our approach and CDF estimates would generate complementary infor- 3.1. Sampling and pre-treatments
mation to quantify chemical weathering intensity in specific environ-
ments where the use of CDF might be prevented (i.e., mobility of the Soil description and sampling was conducted in September 2013, as
reference elements and/or heterogeneity in the parent material). Our part of a larger sampling campaign described in Schoonejans et al.
approach combines physico-chemical soil properties, mineralogy and (2016a) and Schoonejans et al. (2016b). The soil profiles were sampled
isotope geochemistry to derive soil weathering indexes and estimate in the Sierra de las Estancias, Sierra de los Filabres and Cabrera (Table 1).
the soil weathering intensity. Five weathering indexes classically used The soil thickness was evaluated: EST-A is the deepest soil (47 cm) and
in soil science are considered (the Total Reserve in Bases, TRB; EST-B, CAB and FIL-1 (both A and B) have similar soil depth (20–30 cm).
Herbillon, 1986), the amount of Fe-oxides, the amount of quartz, the The CAB and FIL-1 soil profiles are characterized by only one horizon,
clay content (fraction b2 μm), the cation exchange capacity) and com- while EST soils have two horizons.
bined with the silicon (Si) isotope composition of the clay-sized Soil samples were air-dried and sieved through a 2 mm size mesh.
fraction. The b 2 mm fraction was analysed for the total element content, cation
The Si isotope composition of the clay-sized fraction can be used as a exchange capacity (CEC), and Fe content following selective extractions.
weathering index as Si isotopes respond to soil chemical weathering The soil mineralogy, particle size distribution, pH and Si isotopic compo-
and clay formation (Ziegler et al., 2005a; Ziegler et al., 2005b; Georg et sition of the clay fraction (b 2 μm) were determined on a set of samples
al., 2007; Opfergelt et al., 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012; Bern et al., 2010; selected as representative from the top and bottom horizons (eight
Pogge von Strandmann et al., 2012; Cornélis et al., 2014). The applica- samples in total: EST-A-U1, EST-A-U3, EST-B-U1, EST-B-U3, FIL-1-A-
tion of Si isotopes to assessing the response of chemical weathering to U1, FIL-1-B-U1, CAB-A-U2, CAB-B-U2).
physical denudation has been suggested previously (Georg et al., Bedrock samples were collected below the soil-bedrock boundary,
2007; Opfergelt and Delmelle, 2012) although no publications have ex- right under the soil profile. The weathering rinds of rock samples were
plored this application of Si isotopes so far. removed via sawing in order to measure the most unweathered parent
material. The bedrock samples were analysed for their total element
2. Environmental setting content, mineralogy and Si isotopic composition.

The study site is located in the Betic Cordillera in Southeast Spain, 3.2. Physico-chemical characterization of soils
Almería province, the southernmost extreme of the European Alpine
belt. The cordillera is subdivided in the External and Internal Zones. The selected samples were characterized for their particle size distri-
This study focuses on the eastern part of the Internal Zone (Fig. 1). bution; we applied the USDA Textural Soil Classification (1987). The
Three catchments with comparable lithology and catchment size have sand fraction (50 μm–2 mm) was recovered after dispersion of the
been selected along a gradient of denudation rates (Bellin et al., fine earth fraction with an ultrasonic disperser (Branson Sonifier 250)
2014): from north-west to south-east, in the Sierra de las Estancias and wet sieving. The separation of silt (2 μm–50 μm) and clay fractions
(EST), Sierra de los Filabres (FIL-1) and Sierra Cabrera (CAB). The FIL-1 (b2 μm) was achieved by dispersion with Na+-resin (Rouiller et al.,
and CAB catchments belong to the Nevado-Filábride geological com- 1972) and followed by 24 h cycles of decantation according to the
plex, whereas the EST catchment is part of the Alpujárride complex. Stokes law. The separated sand-sized and clay-sized fractions were
Both complexes underwent similar metamorphic evolutions at different then characterized for their mineralogy and Si isotopic composition.
geological times (López et al., 2001). According to Junta de Andalucía The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil was measured follow-
(2004) the main lithology of these catchments is mica schist with a ing standard procedures (Page et al., 1982) through soil saturation with
local occurrence of quartzite and phyllite. In-situ produced 10Be denu- ammonium acetate and posterior desorption and quantification of the
dation rates for the eastern Betic Cordillera (Vanacker et al., 2014) ammonia retained on the negative charges of soil, originating from
range from 34 ± 24 mm/kyr for Sierra de las Estancias (n = 5), 54 ± both organic matter and clay minerals.
25 mm/kyr for Sierra de los Filabres (n = 8) to 164 ± 74 mm/kyr for Si- The soil pH in DI-water was measured on the set of selected samples
erra Cabrera (n = 3). The spatial pattern and magnitude of 10Be based (Section 3.1) using a ratio of 25 mL of water for 5 g of soil.
denudation rates are consistent with tectonic uplift constrained by The total carbon content (CT) in soils was measured using a
Braga et al. (2003) and Masana et al. (2005) based on marine deposits Vario Max dry combustion CN analyser instrument (Elementar
and trenching observations (Table 1, Bellin et al., 2014). Analysensysteme GmbH, Germany; uncertainty 0.1%). The inorganic
74 Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

Fig. 1. Geological map of the internal zone of the Betic Cordillera with the three selected catchments and pictures of each catchment. The same colour code is used in all graphs: a) Sierra de
las Estancias (EST), in green, lies on the intermediate units of the Alpujárride complex. b) Sierra de los Filabres (FIL-1), in blue, lies on the Mulhacén unit of the Nevado-Filábride complex. c)
Sierra Cabrera (CAB), in red, lies on the Veleta unit of the Nevado-Filábride complex.

carbon content (Ci) was measured based on the modified-pressure temperature after the addition of a few drops of HCl 10%, i.e., in this
calcimeter method (Sherrod et al., 2002). This method consists in mea- case only in CAB soils.
suring the pressure change produced by the release of CO2 in gaseous The total element content was measured in our soil samples and bed-
phase when a known volume of HCl reacts with the fine earth fraction rocks. The method consists in measuring the element content by ICP-AES
of the soil sample. This method to measure Ci can only be applied to (b 3% uncertainty relative to standard material) after lithium metaborate
samples presenting an observable chemical reaction at room and tetraborate fusion of the sample at 1000 °C and dissolution of the

Table 1
Main characteristics of the studied catchments: code, uplift rates ([1] Masana et al., 2005; [2] Booth-Rea et al., 2004; [3] Braga et al., 2003), catchment denudation rates ([4] Bellin et al.,
2014), surface area, mean altitude of the catchment, annual mean temperature (T, [5] García, 2009), annual mean rainfall (P, [5] García, 2009), annual mean potential evapotranspiration
(PET, [6] Junta de Andalucía, 2008), aridity index calculated as the ratio between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration (Barrow, 1992). More information on the derivation of the cli-
matic variables can be found in Schoonejans et al. (2016a).

Sierra Catchment Uplift rate Catchment Area Catchment mean Annual Annual mean Annual Aridity
code (mm/kyr) denudation (km2) altitude (m) mean[5] P[5] (mm) mean PET[6] Index
rate[4] (mm/kyr) T(°C) (mm) (P/PET)

Sierra de las Estancias EST 10–40[1] 34 ± 24 0.21 1179 12.5 425 ± 25 794 0.54 (Semi-arid)
Sierra de los Filabres FIL-1 70–110[2],[3] 54 ± 25 0.26 811 15.5 375 ± 25 750 0.50 (Semi-arid)
Sierra Cabrera CAB 170[3] 164 ± 74 1.98 541 17 275 ± 25 900 0.31 (Semi-arid)
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 75

Table 2 fractions (65% of the clay-sized fractions). Accuracy and reproducibility

Main characteristics of the studied soil profiles (side A and B of the catchment): altitude, (δ30Si) were checked over a period of 10 months on reference materials
soil depth, vegetation type and distribution of the soil horizons with depth.
for Si isotopes: Diatomite (+1.32 ± 0.20‰, 2SD, n = 25), Quartz Merck
Sierra Sampling site Altitude (m) Soil depth (cm) Horizons depth (−0.02 ± 0.12‰, 2SD, n = 18) and the USGS Hawaiian basalt BHVO-2
Sierra de las EST-A 1187 47 A (0–15 cm), B (−0.30 ± 0.11‰, 2SD, n = 9), which yielded isotope compositions in-
Estancias (15–47 cm) distinguishable from previously published values (Abraham et al.,
EST-B 1187 25 A (0–15 cm), B 2008; Reynolds et al., 2007).
(15–25 cm)
Sierra de los FIL-1-A 776 22 A (0–22 cm)
Filabres FIL-1-B 776 17 A (0–17 cm) 4. Results
Sierra Cabrera CAB-A 525 19 A (0–19 cm)
CAB-B 525 18 A (0–18 cm) 4.1. Soil general properties

The pH values of the set of selected soil samples (Section 3.1) are al-
fusion beads in HNO3 1 N (Chao and Sanzolone, 1992). The loss on igni- kaline (7.6 to 9.1; Table 3). The Sierra Cabrera (CAB) soils display the
tion (LOI) is assessed at 1000 °C and the total element content is highest values (8.9 and 9.1; Table 3). The total carbon content in the
expressed in reference to the soil dry weight at 105 °C. The accuracy of soils here studied is low, ranging from 0.2 to 1.6% (Table 3) and de-
the measurement is checked by testing the method with the reference creases with depth. CAB soils display higher total C content (1.1–1.6%)
material BHVO-2 (Basalt, Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory, USGS). than Sierra de los Filabres (FIL-1) and Sierra de las Estancias (EST)
A selective extraction of Fe with Dithonite-Citrate-Bicarbonate soils (0.2–1.3%). The presence of inorganic carbon (Ci) was identified
(DCB) was performed to quantify soil Fe-oxides (Mehra and Jackson, in CAB soils: its content ranges from 0.1 to 0.9% and increases with
1960) and the Fe extracted (Fed) was quantified by ICP-AES. depth. The Ci content is slightly higher for CAB-A than for CAB-B.
The higher pH and Ci values in Sierra Cabrera (CAB) soils, together
3.3. Mineralogical characterization by X-ray diffraction with the higher Ca content in CAB soils (2.2 ± 0.8%; Electronic Annex,
Table A.1) than in Sierra de los Filabres (FIL-1) and Sierra de las
The primary and secondary crystalline minerals in bedrock, bulk soil Estancias (EST) soils (0.4 ± 0.1%; Table 3) support the presence of sec-
(fine earth), and sand and clay-sized fractions were identified after X- ondary pedogenic carbonates in CAB soils. The amount of Ca associated
ray diffraction analysis (XRD, Cu Kα, Bruker, D8 Advance). Bulk soils, with secondary pedogenic carbonates is not related to the parent mate-
sand-sized fractions and bedrock were analysed as finely milled powder rial. Therefore, a correction is applied to the total Ca content in Sierra
without pre-treatment. Clay-sized fractions were processed with hy- Cabrera (CAB) soils before assessing the soil weathering degree with
drogen peroxide (H2O2) to remove organic matter, DCB to remove Fe the TRB (Electronic Annex A.1). A correction is also applied to the
oxides and analysed after KCl and MgCl2 saturation. Samples saturated amount of Fe selectively extracted by DCB (Fed) in the CAB-A soil
with K+ were heated to 105, 300 and 550 °C and those saturated with given that secondary carbonates including Fe are dissolved by the ex-
Mg2+ were solvated with ethylene glycol (Robert and Tessier, 1974). traction and affect the calculation of the Fed/Fet ratio for this soil
The changes on the minerals structure (reflected on the XRD patterns) (Electronic Annex A.2).
following heating and saturation allow the identification of the clay
type (non-quantitative). The obtained bedrock and bulk soil diffraction 4.2. Mineralogy of bedrock and soils
patterns were studied with the software Diffrac Plus (by Bruker; com-
posed of EVA 2.5 and TOPAS 2.0) for qualitative identification and The four different bedrock samples (EST-A-UR, EST-C-R, FIL-1-A-R,
semi-quantitative analysis (uncertainty on mineral content b 1%). CAB-R) are characterized by a similar primary mineralogy composed
mainly of quartz, muscovite, biotite, clinochlore and plagioclase
3.4. Silicon isotopes analysis (Table 4). This similarity in mineralogy is consistent with the chemical
composition of the four bedrock samples (Si content: 25.2–27.8%; Fe
The clay-sized and sand-sized fractions and the bedrock samples content: 4.72–5.98%; Table 3), and supports the observation that the
were analysed for their Si isotopic composition. The soil fractions and lithology is similar across the three catchments. In addition to the
bedrock samples were dissolved by alkaline fusion at 750 °C with primary minerals, the presence of secondary minerals, i.e., kaolinite,
NaOH in a silver crucible and recovered in 1% HNO3 suprapur. Silicon vermiculite (total of 5 to 8%, semi-quantitative; Table 4), has been
was then purified using a cation exchange resin (Georg et al., 2006). observed in the bedrock samples.
The Si isotope composition in solutions was measured with a Nu Plas- The primary minerals in bulk soils are dominated by quartz and
ma II Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC- muscovite, with a lower proportion of biotite, clinochlore and minerals
ICP-MS) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Measurements were from the plagioclase series (Table 4). This is consistent with the primary
performed in dry plasma mode using a Cetac Aridus-2 desolvating sample mineral assemblage of the bedrock, supporting our hypothesis that the
introduction device and in medium resolution. The instrumental mass bedrock samples can be considered as the parent material of the soils
bias was corrected for using Mg doping and the sample-standard studied. Quartz content increases from Sierra Cabrera (CAB, higher de-
bracketing technique. Data are expressed in relative deviations of nudation rates) to Sierra de las Estancias (EST, lower denudation
Si/28Si ratios from NBS-28 standard using the common δ-notation (‰, rates) soils (25 to 77%; Table 4). The abundance of muscovite is lower
Eq. (1)): in the EST catchment (from 3 to 14%; Table 4) compared to the FIL-1 (Si-
erra de los Filabres, intermediate denudation rates) and CAB catchments
0 30  1 (from 10 to 22%; Table 4), and the presence of biotite decreases from
B 28 Si sample C CAB (14–15%; Table 4) to EST (from 2 to 6%; Table 4). Clinochlore is
δ Si ¼ @30 
−1A∙1000 ð1Þ
Si more abundant in CAB soils (from 7 to 10%; Table 4), which is associated
28 Si
with a higher content of this mineral in the CAB bedrock (15%; Table 4).
The minerals of the plagioclase series are present in low abundance
Each single δ-value (n) represents one sample run and two (2.9 ± 1.2%, n = 7), except for FIL-1-B (14%; Table 4). The presence of
bracketing standard runs. The total sample preparation, including disso- calcite in Sierra Cabrera (CAB) soils confirms the occurrence of pedo-
lution by alkaline fusion, was replicated at least two times for two sand- genic carbonates in this catchment (Section 4.1); that presence of calcite
sized fractions (20% of the sand-sized fractions) and five clay-sized is not considered to be of external origin. Dust deposition cannot be
Table 3
Main characterization of the soil (b2 mm fraction; U samples) and bedrock samples (R samples): sampling depth; pHH20; major elements content (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, Ti, expressed in element mass %; Zr expressed in mg/kg); loss on ignition
(LOI, %); cation exchange capacity (CEC, cmolc/kg); total carbon content (CT, %); inorganic carbon content (Ci, %); Fe extracted with DCB (Fed, g/kg). For bedrock and the separated sand-sized (50 μm–2 mm) and clay-sized (b2 μm) fractions: average Si
isotopic signature (δ30Si) with standard deviation (2SD) and number of replicates (n). For CAB soils, major element content and Fed values are corrected for the presence of secondary pedogenic carbonates (See Electronic Annex A.1 and A.2). *Bedrock
Si isotopic signature.

Sierra Sample Sampling depth pHH2O Al Ca Fe K Mg Mn Na P Si Ti Zr LOI CEC CT Ci Fed Sand-sized fraction Clay-sized fraction
cm % mg/kg % cmolc/kg % % g/kg δ Si (‰) 2SD n δ30Si (‰) 2SD n

Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

Sierra de las Estancias EST-A-U1 6–8 7.59 4.73 0.25 2.19 0.99 0.39 0.03 0.33 0.01 37.4 0.37 305 4.35 6.91 1.29 8.13 −0.18 0.23 5 −0.53 0.18 5
EST-A-U2 12–14 5.53 0.28 2.64 1.04 0.48 0.02 0.26 0.01 36.6 0.44 284 3.71 6.25 0.48 9.15
EST-A-U3 20–22 7.83 7.87 0.49 4.01 1.57 0.74 0.02 0.29 0.01 32.5 0.46 264 4.65 10.5 0.41 12.5 0.04 0.11 2 −0.41 0.09 4
EST-A-U4 28–30 8.71 0.50 4.7 1.83 0.89 0.03 0.28 0.01 30.6 0.43 222 5.48 14.0 0.30 14.7
EST-A-U5 32–34 9.92 0.63 5.26 2.37 1.01 0.03 0.67 0.01 28.1 0.49 238 6.17 15.0 0.29 14.6
EST-B-U1 3–5 7.73 6.19 0.30 2.92 1.37 0.79 0.03 0.40 0.01 34.8 0.39 309 4.75 8.35 0.79 8.68 −0.01 0.11 2 −0.37 0.07 3
EST-B-U2 9–11 5.92 0.41 2.65 1.00 0.72 0.02 0.26 0.08 35.3 0.37 287 5.17 11.6 0.81 7.22
EST-B-U3 18–21 7.98 5.63 0.45 2.78 0.75 0.77 0.02 0.16 0.01 35.9 0.35 205 4.72 11.0 0.31 6.46 −0.14 0.12 5 −0.42 0.07 2
EST-B-U4 25–27 5.62 0.56 2.90 0.75 0.84 0.03 0.19 0.01 35.8 0.36 227 4.27 10.3 0.22 6.58
EST-A-UR 92.5 12.7 0.64 4.72 3.86 0.20 0.01 0.80 0.06 26.8 0.58 210 3.15 −0.32* 0.16 5
EST-C-R 82.5 13.2 0.67 5.19 3.90 0.22 0.01 1.05 0.07 25.8 0.65 232 3.50 −0.28* 0.04 2
Sierra de los Filabres FIL-1-A-U1 2–4 7.73 8.85 0.32 4.51 2.44 0.58 0.04 1.28 0.03 29.8 0.55 220 5.65 8.41 1.14 10.2 −0.14 0.15 10 −0.54 0.16 6
FIL-1-A-U2 6–8 9.51 0.31 4.83 2.56 0.62 0.04 1.28 0.03 29.1 0.56 208 5.30 6.57 0.96 10.8
FIL-1-A-U3 9–11 9.31 0.32 4.78 2.65 0.64 0.05 1.26 0.03 29.3 0.57 235 5.11 7.03 0.93 10.7
FIL-1-A-U4 11–13 9.55 0.30 4.76 2.62 0.61 0.04 1.28 0.03 29.1 0.58 218 5.17 6.95 0.93 11.6
FIL-1-B-U1 3–5 7.66 8.25 0.33 4.15 1.70 0.56 0.03 1.70 0.02 31.0 0.58 319 5.03 9.84 0.97 7.79 −0.08 0.08 2 −0.67 0.11 2
FIL-1-B-U2 6–8 8.30 0.31 3.96 1.73 0.56 0.03 1.67 0.02 31.3 0.55 332 4.76 9.19 0.88 7.62
FIL-1-B-U3 10–12 8.70 0.32 4.08 2.02 0.67 0.02 1.54 0.03 30.6 0.53 289 4.98 9.68 0.73 6.31
FIL-1-B-U4 15–16 9.20 0.28 4.14 2.25 0.84 0.02 1.13 0.03 30.4 0.52 277 4.50 8.30 0.46 7.13
FIL-1-A-R 43 12.3 0.60 5.97 3.31 0.88 0.03 1.79 0.12 25.2 0.57 204 3.89 −0.37* 0.08 6
Sierra Cabrera CAB-A-U1 1–2 12.6 0.87 6.54 2.61 1.06 0.07 0.55 0.06 23.9 0.84 213 8.43 4.98 1.18 0.455 12.9
CAB-A-U2 6 8.86 13 0.96 6.46 2.82 1 0.07 0.56 0.06 23.3 0.83 220 8.83 4.93 1.30 0.547 12.0 −0.25 0.14 3 −0.50 0.09 5
CAB-A-U3 11 12.9 0.66 6.82 2.83 0.95 0.09 0.54 0.06 23.2 0.79 220 10.42 4.62 1.57 0.868 7.11
CAB-A-U4 17–19 13 0.63 6.44 2.78 0.74 0.10 0.55 0.04 23.8 0.73 220 9.13 5.02 1.12 0.563
CAB-B-U1 4–6 12.3 0.33 6.05 2.75 1.03 0.05 0.67 0.08 24.9 0.78 266 7.09 1.94 1.23 0.132 10.6
CAB-B-U2 7–9 9.12 11.6 0.29 5.61 2.6 1.04 0.04 0.60 0.08 26.2 0.72 213 7.29 1.79 1.42 0.336 8.10 −0.22 0.14 3 −0.48 0.14 5
CAB-B-U3 10–11 11.6 0.37 5.85 2.56 1.08 0.04 0.59 0.08 25.9 0.68 208 8.19 1.70 1.62 0.530 10.2
CAB-B-U4 15–19 11.4 0.53 5.27 2.48 1.05 0.04 0.64 0.08 26.1 0.60 233 8.87 1.57 1.63 0.530 7.19
CAB-R 40 11.6 0.26 5.98 2.71 1.15 0.04 1.09 0.10 26.0 0.63 222 5.24 −0.39* 0.07 4
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 77

Table 4
Additional characterization of eight selected soil samples (one horizon per profile for CAB and FIL-1, two horizons per profile for EST) and bedrock samples: sampling depth; particle size
distribution of the fine earth fraction (b2 mm); mineralogy of primary minerals ([1] Q = Quartz, M = Muscovite, B = biotite, Cl = clinochlore, P = plagioclase group), and mineralogy of
secondary minerals ([2] K = kaolinite, Z = zeolite, V = vermiculite, Ca = calcite, I = illite).

Type of sample Sierra Sample Sampling depth Particle size distribution Primary minerals [1] Secondary
minerals [2]

Sand (50 μm–2 mm) Silt (50 μm–2 μm) Clay (b2 μm) Q M B Cl P K Z V Ca I
cm % % %

Bulk soil Sierra de las Estancias EST-A-U1 6–8 52.1 39.5 8.4 77 8 4 2 4 5 – – –
EST-A-U3 20–22 32.3 47.5 20.3 65 14 6 4 2 4 2 3 –
EST-B-U1 3–5 40.1 46.1 13.8 66 10 4 6 3 6 3 2 –
EST-B-U3 18–21 25.4 59.7 14.9 69 3 2 8 2 9 3 4 –
Sierra de los Filabres FIL-1-A-U1 2–4 45.3 44.5 10.2 45 22 10 5 5 5 4 4 –
FIL-1-B-U1 3–5 53.6 32.5 13.9 60 10 4 3 14 4 2 3 –
Sierra Cabrera CAB-A-U2 6 21.5 67.9 10.6 25 17 14 10 2 16 3 4 4
CAB-B-U2 7–9 26.7 64.1 9.2 36 20 15 7 2 8 3 1 2
Bedrock Sierra de las Estancias EST-A-UR 92.5 – – – 37 25 12 2 5 4 3 2 – 5
EST-C-R 82.5 – – – 32 22 10 6 6 5 5 3 – 5
Sierra de los Filabres FIL-1-A-R 43 – – – 27 30 8 8 6 2 2 3 – 8
Sierra Cabrera CAB-R 40 – – – 32 23 10 15 3 5 3 2 – 3

completely ruled out in these soils, since the Betic Cordillera is exposed - Quartz is a mineral highly resistant to weathering. As a consequence,
to aeolian dust input from the Sahara and Sahel (Castillo et al., 2008; it can be expected that the quartz content in soil increase with in-
Scheuvens et al., 2013). However, the influence of dust deposition is creasing weathering intensity.
considered as limited (Schoonejans et al., 2016b) since the soils have - The clay content is expected to increase with increasing weathering
been sampled in ridge tops typically exposed to wind and less intensity.
favourable for dust deposition, and since there is no evidence for Si- or - In this study case, given the low organic carbon content in these soils
Al- enrichment at the top of the profiles as would be expected when (see Sections 4.1 and 4.3.5), the CEC is expected to increase with
levels of mineral dust input are important (dust from northern Africa weathering degree with increasing clay content.
and the Western Sahara: ~ 50–60% SiO2; Avila et al., 1998; Castillo et - The δ30Siclay-sized fraction is expected to be more negative as
al., 2008). weathering and desilication increase.
The sand-sized fractions mineral assemblage has been qualitatively
described. The X-ray patterns are dominated by quartz, with a relative 4.3.1. Total Reserve in Bases (TRB)
increase of the quartz presence from soils characterized by higher denu- Fig. 2a shows the evolution of TRB with depth for the study sites.
dation rates (CAB) to those characterized by lower denudation rates EST-A shows a clear evolution with depth, with increasing values of
(EST). Other primary minerals are also detected on the X-ray diffraction TRB at higher depths. There is no clear trend with depth for the other
pattern (muscovite, clinochlore, biotite and plagioclase). studied soil profiles. CAB (higher denudation rates) is the site present-
The qualitative identification of the mineral assemblage (Section 3.3; ing the higher TRB values although FIL-1 (intermediate denudation
Table 4) from the clay-sized fractions indicates that they are dominated rates) values are very close to them. EST (lower denudation rates) site
by secondary minerals (chlorite, kaolinite, illite and vermiculite). Some has the lower TRB values of all soil profiles studied, and present different
quartz is also observed. The semi-quantification in the bulk soil indi- trends with depth between the A and B side. FIL-1 and CAB soils show
cates that the amount of kaolinite decreases from the soils with high de- no significant differences between A and B sides.
nudation rates (CAB) to soils with low denudation rates (EST) (16 to 4%;
except for EST-B-U3, 9%; Table 4). A qualitatively higher content of chlo- 4.3.2. Iron oxides content
rite in the clay fraction is noticed for CAB compared to the other sites. The evolution of the Fed/Fet ratio in the soils is presented in Fig. 2b.
This is directly associated with the occurrence of clinochlore (a mineral EST (lower denudation rates) site presents the highest Fed/Fet values
of the chlorite group) in CAB rock (Table 4). and the two EST profiles follow parallel evolutions of the Fed/Fet ratio,
decreasing with depth, although EST-A presents higher Fed/Fet ratio
4.3. Indexes of chemical weathering than EST-B. In CAB and FIL-1 soils (higher and intermediate denudation
rates respectively), there is no observable pattern in the Fed/Fet ratio
Six weathering indexes are used to characterize the weathering de- with depth. FIL-1-A presents a higher Fed/Fet ratio than CAB-A, CAB-B,
gree of these soils: the Total Reserve in Bases (TRB), the ratio Fe-oxides and FIL-1-A.
to total Fe (Fed/Fet), the quartz content, the clay content, the cation ex-
change capacity (CEC) and the silicon isotopic signature of the clay- 4.3.3. Quartz content
sized fraction (δ30Siclay-sized fraction). These indexes are expected to The quartz content in EST (lower denudation rates) is up to three
evolve with weathering as follows: times higher than in CAB (high denudation rates, 77% for EST-A-U1 ver-
sus 25% for CAB-A-U2; Table 4). The quartz content in EST (from 65% to
- The TRB is the sum of the alkaline and alkaline-earth cations (Ca2+,
77%) is also higher than in FIL-1 soils (intermediate denudation rates,
Mg2+, K+ and Na+, cmolc/kg) following Eq. (2) (Herbillon, 1986)
FIL-1-A, 45%; FIL-1-B, 60%; Table 4). In FIL-1 and CAB catchments, the
and is expected to decrease as cations are leached with increasing
side B presents higher quartz content than the side A. CAB is the catch-
ment presenting the lowest content on quartz (CAB-A, 25%; CAB-B, 36%;
h i     h i Table 4).
TRBsoil ¼ Ca2þ þ Naþ þ K þ þ Mg 2þ ðcmolc =kgÞ ð2Þ
4.3.4. Clay content
- The amount of iron oxides (Fed,) in reference to the total iron The clay content is comparatively higher (Table 4) in EST-B (13.8 ±
content (Fet) is expected to increase with weathering, the ratio 0.4% and 14.9 ± 0.6%) and FIL-1-B (13.9 ± 0.3%) than in CAB (10.6 ±
Fed/Fet is, then, expected to increase as weathering increases. 0.7% and 9.2 ± 0.3%) and FIL-1-A (10.2 ± 0.3%). The clay content in
78 Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

secondary clay minerals and organic matter. Since these soils are charac-
terized by low organic matter content (averages for soils of each catch-
ment: EST, 0.5% ± 0.4; FIL-1, 0.9% ± 0.2; CAB, 0.9% ± 0.2; for CAB, this is
the difference between the CT and the Ci; Table 3) the CEC is considered
to be mainly controlled by the clay presence, and is therefore compared
with other weathering indexes. The CEC values range from 1.6 cmolc/kg
in CAB-B soil up to 15 cmolc/kg in EST-A (Fig. 2c, Table 3). The CEC values
in CAB (higher denudation rates) soils are lower (1.6–5 cmolc/kg) than
in the other two catchments and they are homogenous with depth, al-
though the values for CAB-A (4.6–5 cmolc/kg) are significantly higher
than for CAB-B (1.6–1.9 cmolc/kg). FIL-1-A presents CEC values lower
(6.6–8.4 cmolc/kg) than FIL-1-B (8.3–9.8 cmolc/kg) and EST (lower
denudation rates) soils (except EST-A shallower horizon: samples EST-
A-U1 and U2). FIL-1-B and EST soils present similar CEC values, a com-
mon pattern which was also observed for the clay content (Table 4).
The horizons in EST-A soils are characterized by distinct CEC values,
with lower values in the shallowest horizon (EST-A-U1, 6.9 cmolc/kg,
EST-B-U2, 6.2 cmolc/kg) than in the deepest horizon (EST-A-U3,
10.5 cmolc/kg; EST-A-U4, 14.0 cmolc/kg; EST-A-U5, 15.0 cmolc/kg).

4.3.6. Silicon isotope composition of bedrock, and sand-sized and clay-sized

fractions of soils
The Si isotope compositions of the bedrock, the sand-sized and the
clay-sized fractions were determined (Table 3 and Fig. 3). The Si isotope
composition of the bedrock (from −0.39 to −0.28‰; Table 3; Fig. 3) is
consistent with values reported for schist and shale (e.g., between −1.1
and − 0.1‰, Ding et al., 1996; between − 0.5 and 0.0‰, André et al.,
2006; between −0.82 and 0.0‰, Savage et al., 2013). The four bedrock
samples present no significant differences in their δ30Si values: this is
consistent with the geochemical similarity of parent material across
sites (Section 4.2).
The Si isotope compositions of the sand-sized fractions
range from − 0.25 to 0.04‰ (Table 3; Fig. 3) and are not significantly
different between catchments. The sand fraction is dominated by
quartz but also contains other minerals such as micas, plagioclases
and chlorite (Table 4), which may explain the variability in δ 30 Si.
The presence of quartz is known to have a strong influence on δ30Si
in shales (Savage et al., 2013) due to the high variability of the quartz
isotopic signature across different geological settings (e.g., δ30Si in ‰
of − 0.09 in sandstone, Georg et al., 2009; − 0.33 in sandstone and
− 0.36 in paragneiss, Steinhoefel et al., 2011; − 0.2 in granites,
Savage et al., 2012).
The Si isotope composition of the clay-sized fractions (from −0.67
to − 0.37‰; Table 3; Fig. 3) is generally lighter than the δ30Si of the
sand-sized fractions of the corresponding soil profile, except the clay-
sized fraction of EST-A-U1 which cannot be distinguished from the cor-
responding sand fraction (given the large variability among the repli-
cates; Table 3). The average Si isotope composition of the clay-sized
Fig. 2. Evolution of three weathering indexes with depth in the soil profiles of CAB, FIL-1
fraction is not significantly different between the catchments (CAB:
and EST catchments: a) the Total Reserve in Bases (TRB) or the sum of the total content
in Ca, Mg, Na, K; b) the Fe-oxides content expressed as the ratio between the iron − 0.49 ± 0.01‰, n = 2; FIL-1: − 0.61 ± 0.09‰, n = 2; EST: -0.43 ±
extracted by dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (Fed) in reference to total Fe content (Fet); c) 0.07‰, n = 4; where n is the number of samples considered for the
the cation exchange capacity (CEC). Colours correspond to the intensity of the catchment). The only exception is FIL-1-B sample (− 0.67 ± 0.11‰,
denudation rates: red sites for higher (CAB), blue sites for medium (FIL-1) and green
2SD; Table 3; Fig. 3), which presents a significantly lighter δ30Si value
sites for lower (EST) denudation rates. Open symbols stand for the profile on the A side
of each catchment and closed symbols for the profile on the B side. The error bars
than samples from EST-B (− 0.37 ± 0.07‰, − 0.42 ± 0.07‰, 2SD;
represent the uncertainty on the measurement. Catchment code (CAB, FIL-1, EST) as in Table 3; Fig. 3) and the deepest sample from EST-A (− 0.41 ± 0.09‰,
Fig. 1. 2SD; Table 3; Fig. 3).

5. Discussion
EST-A is more variable, ranging from 8.4 ± 0.3% in the surface horizon to
20.3 ± 0.7% in the deepest horizon. This variation in EST-A is accompa- 5.1. Multiproxy analysis of the soil weathering intensity
nied by a decreasing content of the sand-sized fraction from the surface
to the deeper horizon (Table 4). The six weathering indexes determined in the soils (TRB, Fed/Fet,
quartz content, clay content, CEC, δ30Siclay-sized fraction) are combined
4.3.5. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and compared to assess the variation of the weathering intensity be-
The CEC is not directly a weathering index. This parameter reflects tween catchments (Table 5). For the eight fully characterized samples
the presence of negative charges in soil, due to the presence of (EST-A-U1, EST-A-U3, EST-B-U1, EST-B-U3, FIL-1-A-U1, FIL-1-B-U1,
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 79

denudation rates) is, according to one weathering index (CEC), similar

to the weathering degree of EST, and according to one weathering
index (TRB) similar to or close to the weathering degree of CAB. Accord-
ing to the three other weathering indexes (Fed/Fet, quartz content, clay
content), A and B sides of FIL-1 catchment present distinct weathering
degrees (Table 5). The weathering degree of the A side (FIL-1-A) is
close to EST according to Fed/Fet and close to CAB according to the
quartz and the clay content (Table 5). The weathering degree of the B
side (FIL-1-B) is close to CAB according to Fed/Fet and close to EST
soils according to the quartz and the clay content (Table 5). This sug-
gests that the FIL-1 catchment is an intermediate situation, a transition
between CAB and EST catchments. Overall, five weathering indexes
(TRB, Fed/Fet, quartz content, clay content and CEC) support that the
catchment characterized by the lowest denudation rate (EST; 34 ±
24 mm/yr; Bellin et al., 2014; Vanacker et al., 2014) is more intensely
weathered than the catchment with the highest denudation rate
(CAB; 164 ± 74 mm/yr; Bellin et al., 2014; Vanacker et al., 2014).
The EST-A profile is the most weathered profile (Table 5). This pro-
file presents two horizons well differentiated, with contrasted mineral-
ogical (Fed/Fet, quartz content), and physico-chemical (clay content,
TRB, CEC) characteristics (Table 5). Based on the differences observed
with depth in clay content (Section 4.3.4) and CEC (Section 4.3.5) it is
concluded that this profile is characterized by clay illuviation from the
upper A horizon and clay accumulation in the B horizon due to soil
According to the web graph (Fig. 4), the δ30Siclay-sized fraction is not a
weathering index that allow differentiating weathering intensity be-
tween catchments. The lighter Si isotope composition of the clay-sized
fraction relative to the sand-sized fractions in all sites agrees with the
commonly accepted view that light Si isotopes are preferentially incor-
porated in secondary weathering phases (Ziegler et al., 2005a; Ziegler et
al., 2005b; Georg et al., 2007; Opfergelt et al., 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012;
Bern et al., 2010; Cornélis et al., 2014). The δ30Si of the clay-sized frac-
tion indicates no significant variation between catchments (Table 5).
As a consequence, there are no significant correlations between the δ-
Siclay-sized fraction values and the other weathering indexes (Fig. 5). Con-
Fig. 3. Silicon isotopic compositions (δ30Si) of the: a) bedrock; b) sand-sized fraction; c)
sidering that Si isotopes are preferentially incorporated in secondary
clay-sized fraction. For bedrock (a), red symbols represent CAB sample, blue symbols
represent FIL-1 sample and green symbols (both open and closed) represent EST
phases with increasing weathering (Ziegler et al., 2005a; Ziegler et al.,
samples. For sand-sized (b) and clay-sized fractions (c), colour code as in Fig. 2. In EST 2005b; Georg et al., 2007; Opfergelt et al., 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012;
profile (green), the diamonds represent the shallowest horizon (EST-A-U1, EST-B-U1) Bern et al., 2010; Cornélis et al., 2014), a difference of the δ30Siclay-sized
and the triangles represent the deepest horizon (EST-A-U3, EST-B-U3). The error bars
fraction between catchments of distinct weathering intensity could have
represent the 2SD on the mean values of the different replicates. Catchment code (CAB,
been expected. The clay-sized fraction (b2 μm) was physically separat-
FIL-1, EST) as in Fig. 1.
ed and is not exclusively composed of secondary minerals. Micro-grains
of quartz (characterized by a δ30Si heavier than clay minerals; e.g.,
Savage et al., 2013) may partially contribute to reduce the differences
CAB-A-U2, CAB-B-U2), the multiproxy approach of the present study is in Si isotope composition between catchments. An additional factor re-
represented as a web graph (Fig. 4). Five weathering indexes (TRB, Fed/ ducing Si isotope fractionation with increasing weathering may be re-
Fet, quartz content, clay content and CEC) agree that the soils from the lated to Si mobility in soils (Steinhoefel et al., 2011; Opfergelt et al.,
catchment with the lowest denudation rates (EST) are more weathered 2012). Chemical weathering is characterized by element mobility and
than the soils from the catchment with the highest denudation rates element loss with mineral weathering, with the cations Ca, Mg, Na,
(CAB). The weathering degree in FIL-1 catchment (intermediate and K being the more mobile elements. The decrease in the soil TRB

Table 5
Qualitative comparison of the soil weathering intensity assessed using the different weathering indexes: Total Reserve in Bases (TRB); iron oxide content (ratio Fed/Fet); quartz content;
clay content; cation exchange capacity (CEC), and Si isotope composition of the clay fraction (δ30Siclay-sized fraction). The weathering intensity is evaluated for the eight selected soil horizons
(Section 3.1; two for EST-A and B profiles). For each weathering index, the relative intensity of weathering in one horizon is qualitatively assessed relative to the other horizons following a
scale of increasing weathering intensity: = very low; − low; + high; ++ very high; +++ the highest.

Sierra Code TRB Fed/Fet Quartz content Clay content CEC δ30Siclay-sized fraction

Sierra de las Estancias EST-A Horizon A +++ +++ +++ = + =

Horizon B + ++ ++ +++ +++ =
EST-B Horizon A ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ =
Horizon B ++ + ++ ++ ++ =
Sierra de los Filabres FIL-1-A − + − − + =
FIL-1-B − − + ++ ++ −
Sierra Cabrera CAB-A = − = − − =
CAB-B − − − = = =
80 Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

(positive values) or loss (negative values) of an element with

weathering relative to an element considered chemically immobile, in
this case Zr (Brimhall and Dietrich, 1987). It appears that the studied
soils are characterized by a limited Si loss (generally b10%, except for
sample FIL-1-B-U1 up to 30%; Fig. 6), which suggests a low Si mobility
in soils likely due to the semi-arid climatic conditions in the area. Silicon
mobility is an important factor controlling Si isotope fractionation, with
lighter Si isotopes accumulating in soils with increasing Si mobility and
increasing Si loss (τSi increasingly negative) with increasing weathering
(Steinhoefel et al., 2011; Opfergelt et al., 2012). The only clay-sized frac-
tion presenting a significantly lighter δ30Si value than the other samples
(FIL-1-B-U1) is also characterized by a higher Si loss (more negative τSi
value; Fig. 6). This is consistent with observations on shales investigated
as part of the variability of Si isotopes in the upper continental crust
(Savage et al., 2013), and in which no correlation was observed between
δ30Si and weathering indexes such as CIA despite the presence of sec-
ondary minerals in the shales supporting the effect of weathering. The
lack of Si isotope fractionation in shales was explained by the authors
Fig. 4. Web graph representing the multiproxy approach of this study, using six by the low desilication and the accumulation of detrital quartz that ob-
weathering indexes (TRB, Fed/Fet, quartz content, clay content, CEC, δ30Siclay-sized fraction)
scured the influence of isotopically lighter secondary minerals. The low
to assess the weathering intensity of eight fully characterized soil samples (EST-A-U1,
EST-A-U3, EST-B-U1, EST-B-U3, FIL-1-A-U1, FIL-1-B-U1, CAB-A-U2, CAB-B-U2). Each arm Si mobility and limited Si loss in the soils from the Betic Cordillera are
of the web graph represents a weathering index, with increasing weathering intensity suggested to be key factors to explain the limited difference in the
from the center to the external part of the graph. For each weathering index, the sample δ30Si clay-sized fraction between catchments despite the range in
with the value corresponding to the highest weathering intensity is considered as 100%
weathering intensity (as indicated by the weathering indexes) observed
of the weathering intensity, and the other samples are expressed as a percentage of
variation from 100%. Colour code: green for EST, blue for FIL-1, red for CAB. Catchment
among the catchments.
code as in Fig. 1.
5.2. Controls on soil weathering intensity

values from the catchment presenting higher denudation rates (CAB) to Soil weathering intensity in eroding landscapes is often assessed
the lowest denudated catchment (EST) supports cation loss (Ca, Mg, Na, using mass balance approaches based on chemical depletion fractions
K) with increasing weathering (Fig. 2a). Silicon mobility in soils can be (CDF). In the Betic Cordillera, Schoonejans et al. (2016a) investigated
assessed using the Tau Si index (τSi; Fig. 6, data published in the relationship between denudation rates and chemical weathering
Schoonejans et al., 2016a). The Tau index expresses the relative gain intensity using the CDF (assuming Zr immobility). A significant

Fig. 5. Silicon isotope compositions (δ30Siclay-sized fractions) of the clay-sized fraction as a function of four of the studied weathering indexes: a) Total Reserve in Bases (TRB); b) proportion of
iron oxides relative to total iron (Fed/Fet); c) quartz content; d) cation exchange capacity (CEC) for the selected samples. Vertical error bars represent the 2SD on the mean δ30Si values.
Weathering indexes are single values for the corresponding depth with the horizontal error bars representing the uncertainty on the measurement. Colour code as in Fig. 2. Catchment
code (CAB, FIL-1, EST) as in Fig. 1.
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 81

Fig. 6. The Si isotopic signature of the clay-sized fraction (δ30Siclay-sized fraction) as a function
of the Si gain and loss expressed as a Tau index (τSi; data published in Schoonejans et al.
(2016a). Vertical error bars represent the 2SD on the mean δ30Si values and horizontal
bars represent the error associated to Tau calculation. Colour code as in Fig. 2.
Catchment code (CAB, FIL-1, EST) as in Fig. 1.

correlation exists between the CDF (calculated by Schoonejans et al.,

2016a) and three weathering indexes from this study: the TRB (Fig.
7a; R = − 0.81), the Fed/Fet (Fig. 7b; R = 0.81) and the quartz content
(Fig. 7c; R = 0.98). The relationship is less clear with the CEC (R = 0.42;
Fig. 7d), especially in EST due to clay illuviation (Section 5.1). The rela-
tion between the CDF and the clay content is not presented given the
bias induced by the identified pedogenic processes of clay illuviation af-
fecting the clay content (Section 5.1). The present study based on the
weathering indexes and the study based on the CDF (Schoonejans et
al., 2016a) converge to conclude that the soil weathering intensity in
the Betic Cordillera increases (from CAB to EST) with decreasing catch-
ment denudation rate (CAB = 164 ± 74 mm/kyr; EST = 34 ±
24 mm/kyr; Bellin et al., 2014; Vanacker et al., 2014).
The agreement between the conclusions from three weathering in-
dexes based on different soil constituents (TRB, Fed/Fet and quartz con-
tent) and the conclusions from the CDF in the Betic Cordillera has
important implications. First, it supports the validity of the mass balance
technique (CDF) in this environment to investigate weathering process-
es. Moreover, our study critically highlights that a multiproxy approach
can be a powerful complement to CDF to assess weathering intensity;
this might be useful in settings with mobilization of Ti and Zr within
weathered profiles (Du et al., 2012) or with heterogeneity in the bed-
rock of the concentration of the element used as reference. Finally, as
part of the controversy on the link between denudation rate and chem-
ical weathering intensities, the present study agrees with the observed
negative relation between CDF and denudation rate (e.g., Dixon et al.,
2012), and not with the hypothesis that there is no specific pattern to
relate CDF and denudation rate (e.g., Riebe et al., 2004; Dixon et al.,
Fig. 7. Comparison between the Chemical Depletion Fraction (CDF) as calculated in
2009). Further investigations considering more climatic and erosional
Schoonejans et al. (2016a) and four of the studied weathering indexes: a) Total Reserve
settings would be needed to resolve the controversy. in Bases (TRB); b) proportion of iron oxides relative to total iron (Fed/Fet); c) quartz
content; d) cation exchange capacity (CEC). The relation between the CDF and the clay
5.3. Implications for other eroding landscapes content is not presented given the bias induced by the identified pedogenic processes of
clay illuviation (Section 5.1). Error bars represent the uncertainty on the measurement.
Colour code as in Fig. 2. Catchment code (CAB, FIL-1, EST) as in Fig. 1.
Weathering indexes such as the TRB, independent from the Zr con-
tent, may provide a potential complement to quantify the relationship
between chemical weathering and denudation processes in landscapes from Swiss Alps (Norton and von Blanckenburg, 2010), and shale from
where the use of the CDF is questioned because of Zr mobility or hetero- Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Jin et al., 2010).
geneity of immobile elements in the parent material. The last study site has a lithology that is comparable to the mica schist
In order to evaluate the potential of the TRB to constrain weathering in our study sites in the Betic Cordillera.
intensity in eroding landscapes, we plotted the TRB (calculated from Eq. It appears that the slope of the correlation between the TRB and the
(2)) as a function of the CDF for a compilation of soil data from different CDF measured in soils depends on the lithology of the parent material
lithological settings: granite from San Gabriel Mountains (Dixon et al., (Fig. 8). In soils derived from mica schist (Betic Cordillera) and shale
2012) and Swiss Alps (Norton and von Blanckenburg, 2010), gneiss (Jin et al., 2010), the TRB decreases when the CDF increases, whereas
82 Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84

in soils derived from granite (Dixon et al., 2012; Norton and von An important caveat to consider is that the TRB should not be used as
Blanckenburg, 2010) or gneiss (Norton and von Blanckenburg, 2010), a single weathering index but always as a complement to CDF. The TRB
the TRB increases when the CDF increases. The Betic Cordillera and the is a sum of the moles of charge per gram of soil of Ca, Na, K and Mg (Eq.
San Gabriel Mountains are both characterized by a semi-arid climate, (2)) and does not account for mass loss or gain occurring in the soil pro-
but display opposite trends in the relationship between CDF and TRB, file relative to the parent material. This is mathematically different from
which suggests that climate likely has a limited control on the relation- CDF which is an index normalized to an immobile element expressing
ship between CDF and TRB. the mass loss or gain of an element relative to the parent material. The
We hypothesize that the mineralogy of the parent material, and in TRB presents the advantage to complement the information from the
particular the amount of feldspar, exerts a strong control on the evolu- CDF in certain environments where the immobility of the element
tion of the TRB as a function of the CDF. In the data presented in Fig. 8, used for the normalization in the CDF is questioned or when the concen-
the feldspar content ranges from ~0% in the shale (Jin et al., 2010), 3– tration in this element is considered as heterogeneous in the parent ma-
6% in the mica schist from the Betic Cordillera (Table 4), 59% in the gran- terial. This study highlights that in eroding landscapes, a weathering
ite from San Gabriel Mountains (Dixon et al., 2012), 62% in the granite index such as the TRB can provide a useful complementary approach
from the Swiss Alps (Norton and von Blanckenburg, 2010), and up to to the classically used CDF to investigate the relationship between denu-
70% in the gneiss (Norton and von Blanckenburg, 2010). Feldspars are dation rate and chemical weathering intensity.
a group of primary weatherable minerals rich in cations. When the
amount of feldspar in the bedrock is low, chemical weathering removes 6. Conclusions
mobile elements (decreasing TRB) as they are released from the parent
material, leading to an enrichment in Zr (CDF increase). This behaviour This study investigated the impact of denudation rates on soil chem-
can be observed in soils that are derived from parent material with a ical weathering intensity in a semi-arid environment characterized by
low content in feldspar minerals (having b 6% of feldspar minerals low denudation rates using physico-chemical soil properties, mineralo-
such as shale and mica schist; negative slopes of the CDF-TRB relation; gy and Si isotopes as weathering indexes. More specifically, this
Fig. 8). When the feldspar content in the parent material is higher, re- multiproxy approach uses the Total Reserve in Bases (TRB), the amount
lease of cations such as Ca or Na from feldspar weathering may be faster of Fe-oxides (Fed/Fet), the quartz content, the clay content, the cation
than Ca or Na removal by leaching, leading to a relative enrichment in exchange capacity (CEC), and the Si isotope composition of the clay-
these cations in the soil. Based on Eq. (2) (not corrected for mass losses), sized fraction (δ30Siclay-sized fraction) as weathering indexes.
an increase in cations such as Ca, Na, K, or Mg would lead to an increase Five of the six weathering indexes (TRB, Fed/Fet, quartz content, clay
of the TRB in the soil, while the removal of other mobile elements would content, CEC) converge to demonstrate that differences in denudation
lead to a Zr enrichment, and hence a CDF increase. This behaviour is ob- rates produce significant differences in the soil chemical weathering in-
served in soils that are derived from bedrock with high feldspar content tensity in this semi-arid environment with low denudation rates: the
(59–70% feldspar; granite and gneiss; positive slopes of the CDF-TRB re- higher the denudation rates, the lower the soil weathering intensity.
lation; Fig. 8). Our data compilation suggests that the importance of Using the sixth weathering index (δ30Siclay-sized fraction), there is no con-
feldspar weathering for soil development, may explain differences in trast in the soil weathering intensity between catchments. A limited Si
the relationship between TRB and CDF. Exploring the potential of the loss in these soils (generally b 10%) suggest a low Si mobility with
TRB as a complementary weathering index to the CDF in eroding land- weathering in this semi-arid environment, and probably explains that
scapes requires further analyses. no difference in δ30Siclay-sized fraction between catchments is observed.

Fig. 8. The Total Reserve in Bases (TRB, the sum of the total content in Ca, Mg, Na, K) as a function of the Chemical Depletion Fraction (CDF) in different locations: Red diamonds for granitic
soils from Dixon et al. (2012); blue triangles for gneissic soils from Norton and von Blanckenburg (2010); green crosses for granitic soils from Norton and von Blanckenburg (2010); orange
stars for shale derived soils from Jin et al. (2010) (CDF values recalculated using the Zr content in the shale parent material); purple dashes for data from the present study for mica schist
derived soils from the Betic Cordillera (CDF data from Schoonejans et al., 2016a). The TRB values have been calculated according to Eq. (2) with the total element content. Samples from
Norton and von Blanckenburg (2010) have been separated in two groups according to the parent material. Different correlations are observed: Dixon et al. (2012; R = 0.75), Norton and
von Blanckenburg (2010; gneiss, R = 0.77), Norton and von Blanckenburg (2010; granite, R = 0.92), Jin et al. (2010; R = −0.90), this study (R = −0.81).
Y. Ameijeiras-Mariño et al. / Chemical Geology 456 (2017) 72–84 83

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