Wildcat Gifted

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Louisburg High School

and Louisburg Middle

School Gifted Newsletter


this issue

Academic Mindset Workshop P.2

When gifted students return
The QUEST Class P.3
from fall break, the QUEST

classes will begin our first Trends & New Software P.4
semester Problem-Based

Learning Project. The topic will QUEST Independent Research Projects

be revealed early next week
The QUEST students at LMS just semester, they will present their growth
during class.
wrapped up their first quarter IRPs, and as a part of their final exam for the
The first step will be
the LHS students are midway through QUEST class.
introducing students to the
their projects, and I’m excited for what
problem, which will be an The middle school QUEST students
they’ve put together!
authentic problem facing
have also had some great projects. At
people in our world,
At the high school level, this LMS, these students will do a new IRP
community, or school.
semester’s projects include topics each quarter. Their topics included
The second step will be ranging from college and scholarship researching the racehorse industry, the
identifying an authentic applications to ACT prep to personal thorny devil (pictured above), the stock
audience to whom this
topics of enrichment. Students have market, why people are attracted to
problem-solution project will
chosen to research areas that are either certain brand names, and the history of
be directed. Students will
looming in the near future (post high computers. One student engaged in an
collaborate to brainstorm the
school) or topics of personal interest. exploration of herself through various
direction they want to take

their research and action One student is engaging in a job personality assessments, while another
steps by dividing in shadowing opportunity at the USD 416 composed and recorded an original song
conquering over a period of elementary schools, and another is on Google Music Lab. The final products
several classes. working on producing and recording students have created include

Finally, they will present their original music. Other students are animations, slideshows, sculptures, and
solution to an authentic researching their favorite music, creating one student is working to help Mrs.
audience in the format of a artistic masterpieces, exploring their own Hesser and the FBLA club to put on a
“Shark Tank” panel. personalities, and learning about real career fair next semester.
estate investments. At the end of the
During each gifted student’s Academic Mindset
annual Individualized
Education Plan (IEP)
Gifted Workshop
meeting, we will discuss their
A Systematic Program to Win
present levels. Part of this
in Academics, School, & Life!
discussion includes my
analysis based on prior
observations and interactions
with each student. I prepare a
“Winning Mindset” is a also for our academics. control, and not the things
“pre-evaluation” for students
program started by brothers they cannot control. We talk
to help set our baseline for This year’s workshop
Gene and Jeff Zannetti to about finding the positives
the academic year. A explored several modules,
help individuals and teams in our daily situations so
“baseline” is a measurement including mindset “red
reach their full potential in that we can practice a
taken at the starting point to flags,” self-knowledge,
sports, school, and life. grateful mindset.
be used for later relaxing under pressure,
Gene Zannetti earned two
comparisons. focusing on the present Finally, we concluded the
advanced degrees in
moment, motivation, and workshop by analyzing the
I complete a pre-evaluation psychology, and the
confidence. concepts of success and
for each student prior to the Winning Mindset program
failure. Students wrote their
end of the first quarter, and has expanded to include One of my favorite topics of
own personal definitions of
these rubrics are sent home not only sports, but also mindset training is the idea
these two words, and they
as attachments with the first academics. of a “reset button” that
also redefined their views
quarter progress reports. students can use when they
I learned of the Academic on making mistakes or
encounter adversity such as
These rubrics consist of Mindset program several errors.
disturbing comments,
eleven soft skills that will years ago, and I’ve been
difficulty concentrating, The Academic Mindset is
enable future success in including many of their
answering questions based upon four key
whatever areas our students materials over the years
incorrectly, forgetting principles:
choose to participate. Each with my gifted classes. LMS
important materials, and
skill is rated on a scale of 1 students may remember the • I am thankful for the
(Emerging) to 4 (Exemplary), “Monday Motivation” opportunity to learn.
and a simple math formula is discussions and the We also discussed the • I am confident and
used to find the pre- “Toughness Tuesday” importance of relaxing consistent.
evaluation score. At the end challenges. before major tests – both • I have no fear of failing
of the school year, a post- the time leading up to the or making mistakes.
I’ve started each year’s
evaluation will be completed test and during the test. • I never give up.
workshop series with the
to help students and parents
Academic Mindset One of the biggest benefits
analyze the growth over the
workshop for a specific to this mindset training is
course of the school year.
reason. I feel that it is vital the fact that it helps
to address mindset training students learn to focus on
not just for our athletes, but the things within their
LMS gifted students will
have the chance to travel to

Osawatomie High School on

Thursday, November 10, for
the annual Hubbard Math


Prior to becoming the LMS

and LHS gifted teacher, I had
never heard of Hubbard Math.

W HAT HAPPENS DURING QUEST CLASS ? What I’ve learned about this
30-year tradition is that it
We are fortunate at LMS and LHS (somewhat) witty and (barely) get the chance to being an involves participants from
to be able to offer an elective class humorous dad joke, followed by a environment where they feel Louisburg, Central Heights,
for our gifted students. The primary “Cognitive Cardio” game. Students comfortable, can make choices for Anderson County, Paola, and
goal of this course is to serve then break out on their own to set, themselves about how to manage Osawatomie. It’s a blend of
gifted students as they work pursue, and reflect on their short- their time, and, on occasion, academics and competition.
toward individual educational goals term goals. engage in a fun game with each
The general idea is that
in an independent study manner. other and the teacher.
From time-to-time, however, we
teams of 3-4 students are
We also get to collaborate and If you have any questions about
have the chance to engage in
given a math solution and
engage in both formal and informal discussions over current events or the QUEST class, please be sure
must develop an appropriate
discussions about topics of all topics that are pressing on the to reach out to me, and I’d be more
formula for it. With each
kinds. than happy to talk!
students’ minds. It’s a relaxing
successful answer, some
Most days, the class begins with a environment where gifted students
restrictions are enacted to
make it more challenging. The
final team to successfully
Lateral Thinking Riddles
develop a formula wins the
1) The Landlubber: A man around the world
in a ship. Yet he was always in sight of Teams are placed into one
land. How come? of two round-robin brackets
As a boy, I grew to love lateral thinking 2) Disconnected: A horse walked all day. based on age. Last year, the
riddles and logic puzzles. Now that I’m in Two of its legs traveled 21 miles and two LMS team “We Are Groot”
the teaching position I’m in, I love to legs traveled 20 miles. How come? were the Pool 1 Champions
share these riddles with my students. 3) Luigi’s: Luigi’s is an excellent restaurant and the LMS team “We Are
Often, they are a part of the daily with a fine reputation. However, one day, Inevitable” were the Pool 2
“Cognitive Cardio.” Here are a couple all the people who had lunch there were Champions. A third LMS team,
riddles for your enjoyment! sick. There was nothing wrong with the “Friends From Work,” finished
(ask your students for help solving!) food. What happened? in 4th place in Pool 2.
Fall 2022 Gifted Workshop Series

Each year it gets more and more difficult to brainstorm effective, enjoyable,
and relevant workshops for my gifted students, and I really appreciate the
suggestions and feedback that I get from students and parents alike.
The link to the Fall 2022 Gifted Workshop teaser video will be included with
the progress reports. Here are the workshops being offered this semester:
September: The Academic Mindset, a hands-on and interactive workshop to
help students strengthen their mindsets for the school year.
Anyone involved in
October: Maya Exhibition at Union Station, a field trip to explore the Mayan
education at any level has
culture and its wonderful history.
been introduced to the model
of Bloom’s Taxonomy (or November: Handling Finances with special guest speaker Craig Holtzen, a
one of its derivatives). workshop addressing investing, eliminating debt, and entrepreneurship.
December: Local Civics with special guest speaker Pat Apple, a workshop in
Each year with the LMS
QUEST class, we begin the which students will explore local government and leadership, as well as
class by exploring Bloom’s how our local systems work.
Taxonomy (see
taxonomy/ for more
information) through the
medium of Legos. It’s as
though the creators of Legos
had this taxonomy of
educational objectives in
mind as they invented these
timeless building blocks (I
still assert that one is never
too old to build with Legos…
notice I didn’t use the word

Pictured above are three

LMS QUEST students and
their Lego creation as we
explored the Synthesis level
of Bloom’s.

Wildcat Gifted Quarterly Issue 2 October 2022

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