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The help – essay

Intro :
Firstly, let us remind that in America in the 60’s, books about segregation
stories weren’t very popular as they were talking against white rich people.
Thus so reading publicly this kind of novel was dangerous.
Parag 1
To start with, Skeeter is brave for wanting to write about black maids’s lives. No
one ever did that before her so she’s a little worried about the critics and
possible consequences. She feels like she has to do it, like she was born to
protect the black community : “being white, I feel it’s my duty to help them”
(page 254). Despite the fact that Minny and Aibileen are unwilling to help
Skeeter with her book, they later feel useful for the black society by
testimonying their stories. After the publication of the book, everyone wants to
buy it, blacks and whites, even though it’s not for the same reason. I think
people are led by curiosity as it’s unusual to see a book talking about the major
conflict of society. Skeeter thinks the book won’t have a big impact so she’s
very surprised : “there is a good chance it will never be published (…) and if it is,
there will be very little money from it.” (page 254).
Parag 2
It is also important to see how much Minny and Aibileen are in danger during
the composition of the book. They’re risking everything ; their freedom and
family : “they are scared, looking at the back door every ten minutes, afraid
they’ll get caught talking to me”, “the risk they’re taking is proof they want this
to get printed and they want it bad” (page 277). Minny is very into the book
project even though she doesn’t really show it : “I don’t want anybody to know
how much I need those Skeeter stories” (page 218). By my point of view, Minny
is the person that most needs a change. She was fired for no reason and she’s
not accepted in society for just being who she is, a black woman. Thus so, when
the book is first published, she feels like she’s useful, “I like telling my stories. It
feels like I’m doing something about it” (page 218). From the side of Aibileen,
she is the first maid to accept the meetings with Skeeter. At first she’s nervous
but then those meetings empowers her to continue (QUOTES). By my point of
view, Aibileen decides to participate to the publication for her deceased son.
He was killed by white people, so she’s very into the project too for wanting to
make things change. When the book comes out and becomes famous she’s
really proud of herself : “for two seconds I’m more proud than I is scared. I
want to yell – that’s my book ! that’s my book on the tee-vee !” (page 399) In
conclusion, despite the fact that Minny and Aibileen don’t participate for the
same reasons, they feel satisfied, proud and useful.
Parag 3
To pursue, the writers of the book aren’t safe, even though they change all the
names and the setting. The book becomes famous and white people feeling
concerned, as Hilly, begin to beware of the critics and be suspicious. Skeeter
and the maids, feeling threatened because Hilly, if she reads the book,
recognize herself, will make them all go to jail for sure, Minny makes the choice
to ensure that no one ever learns it. As a revenge, she had cooked a chocolate
pie and put her excrement in it, then had offered it to Miss Hilly. She proposes
Aibileen and Skeeter to put the pie story in the book to get “some insurance” :
“I’m telling you, Miss Hilly is the best protection we got” (page 367). Knowing
what the cake was really made from, the white woman tries to persuade all her
friends that the book never was written in nor about Jackson, so nobody knows
what she did. Nonetheless, this action puts Minny in danger because she
attacked a powerful white woman. Hilly is not of the type to let herself being
pushed around, and in addition by her ancient black maid. Minny risks
subconsciously a lot by doing that, she could go to jail or being killed
Parag 4
At first, when Minny proposes to put the pie story, Aibileen is reticent. She
doesn’t get the idea of Minny and thinks her friend makes this decision to
protect herself because she is the one who’s most in danger but truth is, Minny
had a bigger plan. She wanted to sacrifice herself in a certain way to protect
everyone : “I don’t know why I’m just now getting this. Minny made us put the
pie story in to protect us. Not to protect herself, but to protect me and the
other maids.” (page 429). Aibileen understands at the end, after the publication
that Minny had done everything so her best friend could be safe and she feels
very grateful : “oh Minny, I think. You done something so good. You taking care
a everbody except yourself.” (page 437).
Parag 5
Besides, the book’s sales are in first place very slow. The population of Jackson
don’t seem interested in Help, because they maybe think that book only talks
about colored people’s work. What changes people’s minds is when a famous
television presenter reviews the new publication, says that it is a true story and
that he thinks the it happens in their town. By this time, opinions are changing
and people previously thinking the book is inoffensive begin to think it might be
dangerous for them. White employers start to buy this book in order to verify if
they are in it or not. Illustrated by Miss Leefolt when she watches the television
show and buys the book right after it. This is the moment when the sales
explode. In spite of the maids feeling delivered, Skeeter is wary of what could
fall on them in consequences : “what if the book was a horrible mistake?”
(page 414).
Parag 6
Moving on Hilly’s opinion on the book, she first hasn’t any interest over this
publication, but when she begins to read it, every friend of hers, as Miss
Leefolt, follows : “but I already know the message in Elizabeth’s sour smile : she
worships Hilly.” (page 253). She immediately turn out doubtful about where
the book is truly written. Once she reaches the seventh chapiter of the novel,
she becomes sure of herself and, launches the rumor that the stories are about
Jackson and start pointing out who she thinks might be fired because they
participated in the book.
Parag 7
Later on, Hilly finishes the reading and meets herself in the book. She is the
object of the last chapiter. When she finds out Minny dared putting the
Terrible, Awful thing in it she realizes she needs to stop spreading the rumor
that the setting of the book is Jackson so people won’t know she is the white
woman in the last chapiter. This awful event she sees in the publication is the
one that changes her mind. Her honor is more important than the fact of
turning the maids in to the police. She changes her mind to protect her
reputation. Not only she will continue to point out the maids but also she will
hunt the writer while making herself little and distant.
Parag 8
Following the previous paragraph, Hilly accuses Skeeter of being the writer of
Help. She had engaged a lawyer to sue her : “(…) to tell you I’ve contacted my
lawyer, Hibbie Goodman, who happens to be the number one expert on the
libel laws in Mississippi, and you are in big trouble missy.” (page 420). Skeeter’s
denials are useless and Hilly shows up to her house trying to tell Skeeter’s dying
mother what her beloved daughter really worked on. This scene witnesses the
fact that Hilly begins to lose her mind, searching by every means that she
hasn’t ate Minny’s pie. To sum up, Hilly threatens to sue Skeeter because she
knows everything.
Conclusion :

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