Economics IAS

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Question Paper of Economics IAS (Main)- 2007

Question Paper of Economics IAS (Main)- 2007

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IAS Papers : Question Paper of Economics IAS (Main)- 2007 Question Paper - I

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300 INSTRUCTIONS Candidates should attempt all questions strictly in accordance with the instructions given under each questions. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. SECTION A

1. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.203=60 (a) What is the backward rising input supply curve? Illustrate with the help of suitable example. (b) With the help of suitable diagram, elaborate Cournot Model. What is the significant of reaction curve in the model? (c) What are the different kinds of disequilibrium in balance of payment? Suggest some measures to solve the problem of structural disequilibrium in balance of payments. (d) What are the desired structural changes required for achieving the objective of economic development. 2. Welfare Economic is a branch of economic theory which provides a theoretical framework for optimum use of resources . In the Light of above statement, examine

the main areas of welfare economics.60 3. Outline the Keynesian theory of money and interest. What is the role of expectation in the theory of determination of rate of interest?.60 4. The adjustment to a tax imposition not only affects the distribution of tax burden .

but also bears upon the efficiency of resource use in the private sector allocation efficiency in economy.60 SECTION B

Substantiate the statement highlighting the role of taxation policy in improving

5. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.203=60 (a) The Ministerial Declaration adopted at Hon Kong addresses some of the concerns of developing countries related to agriculture declaration? (b) Discuss the Lewis Model of economic growth. Do you think the model is applicable to the Indian Development progress? (c) Under the flexible foreign exchange rate scenario devaluation has become redundant . Comment upon the statement . (d) Explain Sustainable development. 6. Heckscher-Ohlin theory does not invalidate the classical theory of comparative cost but rather powerfully supplements it . Substantiate the statement.60 . Comment upon the statement. What were the time frames and targets in specific areas decided in the

7. What are the human development indices used for international comparison of status of development? Elaborate the methodology used for developing Human Development Index.60 8. With the change in economic policies, relative role of market and state also change . Do you agree with the statement? Illustrate your answer with the help of

suitable examples.60

Question Paper- II SECTION-A 1. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.203=60 (a) Give a critical account of the development of India during British Rule. (b) Discuss the nature and incidence of the problem of rural poverty in India. What suggestions do you offer to solve it? (c) Examine the role of indirect taxes in Indias Economic Development. (d) Is Economic planning relevant in the context of the Globlised Economy of India? Elucidate. 2. Discuss the impact of World Trade Organization ( WTO) on Indian Agriculture. 60 3. Explain the nature and the cause of inflation of India. Critically appraise the measure adopted the authorities to control it.60 4. Make a critical assessment of National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme in India.60 SECTION-B 5. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.203=60

(a): Examine the Progress of Tax Reform in India. (b). Comment on the recent moves towards liberalization and their effects on Indian industry. (c). critically examine the functioning of Indian Money Market. (d). Is privatization a boon or a bane in India. 6. Write a detailed note on the import-Substitution and export promotion strategy of India.60 7. Discuss the need for and justification of Banking Reforms in India.60 8. Critically evaluate the reasons for fluctuation in agricultural price in India. What would be the components of an optimum agricultural price policy regime for India?.60

Economics Main 2007

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) What is the backward rising input supply curve? Illustrate with the help of suitable example. (b) With the help of suitable diagram, elaborate Cournot Model. What is the significant of reaction curve in the model? (c) What are the different kinds of disequilibrium in balance of payment? Suggest some measures to solve the problem of structural disequilibrium in balance of payments. (d) What are the desired structural changes required for achieving the objective of economic development.

2. Welfare Economic is a branch of economic theory which provides a theoretical framework for optimum use of resources. In the Light of above statement, examine the main areas of welfare economics.

3. Outline the Keynesian theory of money and interest. What is the role of expectation in the theory of determination of rate of interest?

4. The adjustment to a tax imposition not only affects the distribution of tax burden but also bears upon the efficiency of resource use in the private sector. Substantiate the statement highlighting the role of taxation policy in improving allocation efficiency in economy.
60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) The Ministerial Declaration adopted at Hon Kong addresses some of the concerns of developing countries related to agriculture. Comment upon the statement. What were the time frames and targets in specific areas decided in the declaration?

(b) Discuss the Lewis Model of economic growth. Do you think the model is applicable to the Indian Development progress? (c) Under the flexible foreign exchange rate scenario devaluation has become redundant. Comment upon the statement. (d) Explain Sustainable development.

6. Heckscher-Ohlin theory does not invalidate the classical theory of comparative cost but rather powerfully supplements it. Substantiate the statement.

7. What are the human development indices used for international comparison of status of development? Elaborate the methodology used for developing Human Development Index.

8. With the change in economic policies, relative role of market and state also change. Do you agree with the statement? Illustrate your answer with the help of suitable examples.

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) Give a critical account of the development of India during British Rule. (b) Discuss the nature and incidence of the problem of rural poverty in India. What suggestions do you offer to solve it? (c) Examine the role of indirect taxes in Indias Economic Development. (d) Is Economic planning relevant in the context of the Globlised Economy of India? Elucidate.

2. Discuss the impact of World Trade Organization (WTO) on Indian Agriculture.


3. Explain the nature and the cause of inflation of India. Critically appraise the measure adopted by the authorities to control it.

4. Make a critical assessment of National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme in India.

60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) Examine the Progress of Tax Reform in India. (b) Comment on the recent moves towards liberalization and their effects on Indian industry. (c) Critically examine the functioning of Indian Money Market. (d) Is privatization a boon or a bane in India?

6. Write a detailed note on the import-Substitution and export promotion strategy of India.

7. Discuss the need for and justification of Banking Reforms in India.


8. Critically evaluate the reasons for fluctuation in agricultural price in India. What would be the components of an optimum agricultural price policy regime for India?

Economics Main 2005

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) What is meant by oligopoly? In what respects is it different from other forms of market? Show that an oligopolist may face a kinked demand curve. (b) What is inflation? Is cost-push an adequate explanation of inflationary process? (c) Explain Keynes' Absolute Income hypothesis. Give a critical evaluation of this theory. (d) Elucidate the concept of Social Welfare Function. Critically examine this approach.

2. Describe the fiscal and monetary policies of economic stabilization. Make a comparative analysis of their effectiveness in developed and developing economy.

3. "In the Keynesian system, aggregate demand determines the conditions of labour market, whereas in the classical system, the labour market takes care of itself." Explain this statement.

4. "Marginal Productivity Theory of Income Distribution is analytically sound but in real life equally inapplicable." Discuss this statement.
60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) Explain how Neo-Classical growth theory removes the rigidity in Harrod-Domar growth model in explaining the growth process. (b) Discuss critically the role of International Monetary Fund in imparting stability in international monetary system. (c) Examine the efficacy of HDI as indicator of human welfare. (d) Give salient features of WTO Agreement in relation to agriculture. In this context explain the concept of TRIPS.


6. Examine the effects of quota and tariffs on terms of trade. Discuss the advantages of quota over tariffs in the present day context.

7. Do you agree with the 'Limits to Growth' thesis? Is it relevant in the context of developing economies? In this context discuss the concept of sustainable development.

8. Discuss the factors responsible for increasing government expenditure. In this context evaluate the Wagnar's law and Peacock-Wisemen hypothesis as explanations of growing public expenditure.

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) What was the impact of the Great Depression in 18731896 on India? (b) Write a detailed note on the structure & determinants of rural poverty in India. (c) Critically appraise the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme that has recently been proposed by the Government of India. (d) What is the role played by basics (wage goods) and non-basics (luxury goods) in a model of development for a mixed economy?

2. Write an essay on the 'drain of wealth' controversy in India in the nineteenth century.

3. What are the determinants of the distribution of income in India?


4. What would be the constituents of an optimal agricultural exports strategy for India?
60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) Write a detailed note on endogenous money and India (b) Comment on the proposition that inflation in India is a monetary phenomenon. (c) What has been the impact of import liberalisation on Indian Manufacturing Industries since July 1991? (d) What are the major characteristics of Value Added Tax (VAT) in India?

6. Justify the relevance of Banking liberalisation in India.


7. Weigh the pros and cons of inflation targeting as the objective of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

8. Critically evaluate the process of 'trickle down' as a policy stance for Indian economy.

Economics Main 2004

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) Show that the exponents of the Cobb-Douglas production function are a measure of the factor share in output as well as the elasticity of output with respect to the factor. (b) Do you agree with the view that in competitive banking environment, the Bank Rate has lost its effectiveness to control credit? Give reasons for your answer. (c) Lately, too much concern has been shown regarding the size of the fiscal deficit; what matters more is the reason for the deficit rather than the size. Comment. (d) Trace out the relationship between increasing foreign exchange reserves and money supply.

2. Critically examine Mundells approach for the effective use of monetary and fiscal policy to attain macro balances.

3. Explain Patinkin's approach to integrate the Value theory and Monetary theory.

4. Distinguish between the effect and incidence of direct taxation. How do direct taxes affect the production and savings in the economy?
60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words: (a) What is Kuznet's hypothesis? What are its implications for a developing economy? (b) Explain Leontief paradox. (c) Is Wagner hypothesis an adequate explanation of increase in public expenditure in recent times? Explain. (d) What do you understand by tax buoyancy and elasticity of tax revenue?


6. What is a Customs' Union? Discuss the effects of a Customs' Union formation under partial equilibrium conditions.

7. Major theories of growth namely, Classical, Marxian, Keynesian and Schumpeterian, all predict crisis in the later stages of capitalist development. Comment and give reasons for your answer.

8. What are the main features of Neoclassical growth theory? Explain them with the help of Solow's growth model.

Time Maximum Marks: 300 Allowed: 3 hours

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section.
Section A

1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) Discuss the 'Drain of Wealth Controversy' of the late 19th century. (b) Make a critical appraisal of the Common Minimum Programme. (c) Discuss the rationale of government subsidies to various categories of goods in India. Is granting subsidies to non-merit goods justified? (d) What is the role of the State in economic development in India in the context of globalisation and privatisation?

2. Suggest appropriate strategies for self-sustained employment generation in the rural economy of India. Do you think that the proposed National Employment Guarantee Act is a model safety net for those without work?

3. What is the role of the small-scale industries in the Indian economy? Discuss briefly the main recommendations of the Study Group on Development of Small Enterprises.

4. Enumerate the recommendations of the Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (1998) in India. What follow-up actions have been undertaken by the Government for implementing these recommendations?
60 Section B

5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :(a) Has WTO helped the developing countries as was professed at the time of its establishment? Give reasons for your answer with reference to the Indian economy. (b) Discuss the Kelkar Task Force recommendations on indirect taxes. Has the Government implemented them? (c) In what ways have banks in India diversified their functions and adopted new technologies since their nationalisation? (d) Examine the need for foreign capital in the Indian economy and discuss critically the Government policy on foreign direct investment.

6. Make an appraisal of economic reforms in India. What has been their impact on GDP growth, employment and poverty?

7. Account for the transition from central planning, to indicative planning in India. Do you think that adoption of PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) attempts a reconciliation between employment and GDP growth objectives?

8. What are the recommendations of the Eleventh Finance Commission to reduce budget deficits? Enumerate the actions taken by the Government of India on them.

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