Never Going Home - Once More Unto The Breach

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Once More

Unto the Breach

+One System
Brandon Aten
Matthew Orr
Eric Bloat, Jodie Brandt,
Craig Campbell, Corey Capps,
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Brandon Daughenbaugh,
August Hahn, Justin Isaac, John Kennedy,
Michele Lee, Doug Levandowski, Sen-Foong Lim,
Alicia Lutes, Crystal Mazur, Jonathan Meadows,
Tyler Omichinski, Kodeir Ralford,
Ryan Schoon, Josh Sinsapaugh,
Robert Turk, Ben Woerner
Wm. Knox Gunn
Never Going Home: Once More Unto the Breach
Copyright © 2019 Wet Ink Games, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted
or stored in a retrieval device, in any form or by any means, without the prior
permission of the publisher. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to
actual animals, people, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Never Going Home and the +One System are trademarks of Wet Ink Games, LLC.
First published in 2019.
First printing.
Published by Wet Ink Games, LLC
Louisville, KY
ISBN: 978-1-988943-53-4 (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-1-988943-54-1 (Digital)
Printed in U.S.A. by Jostens.
Table of Contents

Terror in Tannenburg................................................ 6
The Angel of Mons .................................................. 14
Even the Dead Have Not Seen the End of War ...... 19
The Throne of Ice and Bone .................................... 26
The Monsters of Lake Tanganyika ......................... 31
Blood and Rime ...................................................... 40
The Hunt ................................................................. 51
Claiming the Peaks ................................................. 59
In Arms ................................................................... 65
The Sorrow of Dupont ............................................. 70
The Fault in Our Scars ........................................... 76
The Longest Night ................................................... 85
The Corpse Factory ................................................ 92
What Lies, Below .................................................. 102
The Mind Rot ........................................................ 112
Remmy’s Last Mission .......................................... 117
The Fate of the USS Cyclops ................................ 127
Fly Away Home .................................................... 133
The Curse of Belleau Wood .................................. 139
All Quiet on the Occult Front ................................. 147
The War Was in Color ........................................... 157

This project was made possible by the 786

people who pledged their support.
This day is ca�’d the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Wi� stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that sha� live this day, and s� old age,
Wi� yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-mo�ow is Saint Crispian.”
Then wi� he strip his sl�ve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.”
Old men forget; yet a� sha� be forgot,
But he’� remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then sha� our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words—
Ha�y the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester—
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
- Shakespeare, Henry V, Act IV, Scene iii
Terror in Tannenburg
Robert Turk
Mission Note: This Mission happens during a historically significant
battle early in the war, well before the main events of the game’s
timeline. It is a survival and investigation scenario for a squad of
soldiers from either side of the conflict on the Eastern Front (Germans
or Russians), and can be used for flashback scenarios, as a one-shot
adventure, or as an introduction to future strangeness.
Mission Briefing
August 27th, 1914. The Eastern Front, several kilometers outside
the village of Tannenberg, German East Prussia. Currently the area
is occupied by the invading Russian 1st army—and something else.
Something dark, ancient, and vengeful. Something out to settle old
Even though it is less than one month into the war, Germany
has just suffered a bruising defeat outside of Paris. Now the Russian
army has invaded Prussia earlier than the German commanders
had believed was possible. The Eastern Front has already become a
brutal hellscape. Tales of atrocities, gleaned from the cries of fleeing
Prussian refugees, speak of women tied to crosses by Russian soldiers
and forced to watch their children murdered in front of them. Entire
villages, even the priests, have been executed as anti-Slav snipers and
spies. Everything is in ruins. Everything is burning or stained with
But the bloodshed in Tannenburg started well before the Russians
ever arrived.
History of the Area:
In the late 13th century, a crusading order of Teutonic Knights
invaded the region in their effort to wipe out the pagans and convert
the populace of Prussia to Christianity. The conquering Teutons
settled in Prussia to enjoy the spoils of their conquest and to lord over
those they had subjugated.
Two hundred years later, in 1410, the people rose up against
the occupying knights. In the First Battle of Tannenberg the Teuton
forces were slaughtered. The knights were dragged from their horses,
speared with their own lances, and left rotting in the fields like
The Battle of Tannenburg:
The current battle happens in the marshes, fields, and dense
forests outside the deserted city of Tannenburg. Over four days of
heavy fighting and tactical maneuvering, the Germans are able to
trap and decimate the Russian Second Army. Despite their much
smaller numbers, the German forces are simply better trained and the
Russian commanders make several disastrous assumptions over the
course of the encounter.
The German force in Tannenberg consists of the Eighth Army,
newly commanded by Colonel General Paul von Hindenburg and
Major General Erich Ludendorff. The generals have just arrived from
the Western Front after the previous commanders’ units fled in the
face of the Russian assault several days prior.
The Russian forces consist of the First Army, commanded by
General Paul von Rennenkampf, and the Second Army, commanded
by General Alexander Samsonov. The Russians are plagued by both
supply line and communication issues. Due to a difference in gauges
they cannot not use the German railroad in the areas they have
captured, so most units lack ammunition carts and food supplies.
They also do not have enough telegraph cable to reach their rear lines,
and thus cannot coordinate their strategies.
This Mission begins on the morning of the second day of battle,
in a sweltering heat wave. So far the lines are holding but not much
progress has been made on either side.
Mission Objective
August 27th, outside Tannenburg, Prussia—The Eastern Front.
The guns were silent through the night, but it was difficult to catch
much sleep due to the oppressive heat hanging over the trenches
like a wet blanket. Nearby, the village still burns and drifting smoke
cloaks the dense woods all around you.
Before the sun even breaks over the horizon, you are shaken out
of your fitful slumber and summoned to your commander. There
you are given new orders. You are to be sent on a special top secret
assignment. Two men from the same squad were found dead this
morning, killed in their sleep. There were no visible wounds found on
their bodies, and no bullet holes in their clothing. Despite the heat
they were found with a layer of frost covering their skin and their eyes
were wide open, as if terrified. A cursory examination by the medics
indicated that they had indeed been frozen to death.
Your mission is to investigate the bodies, interview those who
might have seen something, and uncover the reason for their peculiar
deaths. If this is some new weapon at work, the Generals need to
know about it immediately.
The Journey
If the player characters are Russian (or other Allied) soldiers: For
eleven days, you have been marching forward in the terrible heat
with almost no rest and little to eat, but you have been pushing
the Germans back all along the way. The roads are terrible, almost
nothing more than primitive wagon trails, and the woods are marshy
and foul. Civilian snipers have been shooting at your unit in the
villages you have captured, and you have most likely witnessed fellow
soldiers meting out terrible punishment to those they have caught.
Everyone is exhausted, but still you advance. It is only when the
heavy artillery runs out of ammunition that you are finally able to rest
a little and wait for the fighting to begin anew.
If the player characters are German soldiers: Nobody thought the
Russians would be ready to attack so early and their advance into
Prussia clearly caught your commanders by surprise. Despite your
training, your unit simply wasn’t ready for that first wave of attacks.
Your commanding officer ordered you back in a hasty retreat. The
chance at redemption came a few days later, as had you had those
Russian bastards on the run. But then you were called back again!
The Corps didn’t have the authorization to pursue attack. It is a bit
confusing now, with new leadership at the top. But your superiors
seem calmer and your orders are clear. You are going to crush the
enemy. Now, if only this damn heat would let up.
Requirement: 3 Spades.
Question: Even though it is still early in the war and the most
horrific things have not yet been encountered (such as mustard gas
attacks, planes being armed and attacking from above, etc) what have
you witnessed that already haunts your dreams?
Failure: The war is still too fresh and new, the heat is unbearable,
and the lack of sleep is dragging you down. You just don’t have the
reserves in you to draw on. No “additional die” manipulations are
allowed for the duration of this Mission.
Investigating the Frozen Soldiers:
The dead soldiers are easily accessible, as they were dragged by
their squad mate to the medical station nearby. There the players can
question the survivor who lingered with the bodies and learn that his
unit was charged with clearing Tannenburg of snipers. The soldier
seems shaken and is clearly holding something back. There are no
visible wounds on the dead bodies, and the frost has since faded from
their flesh.
Interrogating the surviving squad mate (with any appropriate roll)
will reveal the following clues.
1 success: The unit stumbled upon two dead priests the day
before. They were found inside the church of the nearby town. Each
had been killed execution style by a single shot to the back of the
2 successes: Each of the dead soldiers took something off the
corpses of the priests, but their squad mate doesn’t know what it was.
3 successes: The surviving soldier will swear in whispered tones
that he saw a ghost drain the life out of his buddy last night and then
drift off into the woods.
If the players examine the bodies, roll Investigate: TN 1 and they
will uncover a silver crucifix in the pocket of one of the dead soldiers
and a small black bible with a handwritten inscription in the pocket of
the other. The inscription reads, “Brother Paulus, Welcome. May you
lead this flock of our Lord to health and salvation.”
Into the Town: If the players choose to travel to the recently
abandoned town, it will take them most of the day to get there,
as they need to avoid being seen and thus attacked by the enemy
soldiers. Along the road they will pass bodies still burning and
refugees still fleeing. They may also encounter troops falling back to a
more fortified position and in need of help.
To complete their journey, the group must Challenge Stealth: TN
12. Successes are cumulative until the TN is reached, but each time
the group rolls and fails they must draw a card. If they draw a red
card, they are still in the clear and may proceed. If they draw a black
card, they have been spotted by a squad of five enemy Common
Soldiers and must either escape the pursuit or turn and fight.
After succeeding or dealing with the soldiers, they reach the town
it will be late afternoon, but the church is easy to locate. Inside, there
are the bodies of two dead priests, as well as the corpses of several
other civilians. It seems that they had attempted to barricade the
front doors, but were unsuccessful. Behind the church, and easily
spied through a broken window, the players will find a find the corpse
of a woman tied to a makeshift cross. Her throat has been slit and her
clothing is covered in her own dried blood. On the ground a few yards
in front of her are the bodies of four dead children, each of them shot
in the head at close range.
To examine the bodies of the mother and the children, roll
Investigation: TN 1 to reveal the mother has an old brand mark of an
antler-head burned into her forearm. None of them have any other
religious symbols or trappings on their bodies.
If they choose to bury or burn the bodies of the woman and the
children, this will eliminate the Antlered-God adversary. If they bury
or burn the priests, this will eliminate the Ghostly Knights adversary.
Either act will draw the attention of four enemy Common Soldiers
who have been tasked with patrolling the town.
Even if the players defeat the enemy soldiers, they will not have
time to bury both groups of corpses. As dusk falls, one player will spot
an old woman watching them from the woods and then disappearing
into the trees.
Into the Woods:
If the players forgo the town and head straight to the woods,
they must avoid stumbling into the ongoing skirmishes between the
two armies. The group must Challenge Stealth: TN 8 to avoid being
noticed. Successes are cumulative until the TN is reached, but each
time the group rolls and fails they must draw a card. If they draw a
red card, they encounter soldiers of their own army. If they draw a
black card, they encounter a squad of four enemy Common Soldiers
and must engage.
If the players encounter their own troops, they may continue on or
chose to help their fellows against a pursuing enemy cavalry squad.
In this case, the Unit will join forces with three Common Soldiers and
face off against a squad of five Mounted Cavalry. If they defeat the
cavalry soldiers, they may each draw one additional card as a Reward.
If the players have visited the town first and then gone to the
woods, it will already be night and they do not need to worry about
enemy soldier combatants or Stealth rolls.
Either way, once they are in the woods in the moonlight, they will
discover a small shrine and spot the old woman kneeling before it in
prayer. The following events happen before the players have a chance
to fully intervene.
If the players did not deal with the corpses of the priests, they
will see a Ghostly Knight appear behind the old woman and plunge
a spectral sword through her back. She will scream out and then fall
down dead.
The ghost is of a long dead Teutonic Knight from the original Battle
of Tannenburg. It is not a modern looking soldier, nor does it have
any physical form, and cannot be harmed by the player’s actions. If
they draw the knight’s attention, it will turn towards the group and
begin to walk in their direction. If nobody attacks or alerts it to their
presence, it will simply vanish after glaring at the shrine for a few
The Ghostly Knight will attempt to hit the first soldier who draws
its attention with its spectral sword. That player may attempt to dodge
the knight’s touch by rolling Athletics: TN 4. If they succeed, the
knight will move on to the next closest soldier, who must also make
the roll. If a player fails, the knight stabs them with his icy sword,
which deals 3 points of freezing damage (the victim may spread the
damage between attributes) and forces a Corruption check. The
Ghostly knight will vanish after it has stabbed someone, or if all
players succeed on their Athletics roll.
If the players investigate the old woman’s corpse, they will find
that her skin is covered with a thin layer of frost. She also has the
antler-head brand on her forearm and no other religious symbols or
If the players buried or burned the corpses of the priests, the
Ghostly Knight will not appear and the following happens instead.
The old woman is awash with anguish over her murdered daughter
and grandchildren. She wails at the old gods for vengeance and then
slits her own throat with an old, blood-stained knife more commonly
used for slaughtering goats. If the players call out or draw attention
to themselves before she completes her ritual, she will curse them as
well before taking her own life.
A strange bestial bellow echoes through the woods as the old
woman slumps to the ground in front of the shrine. A few moments
later a tall, shaggy figure strides out of the forest. This is the
Antlered-God adversary, an ancient local deity given fleshly form by

the spilled blood of innocent lives and summoned by the old woman’s
sacrifice. It can be affected by the players weapons, but will only
fight back if attacked first. If the players choose to simply watch, the
Antlered-God will approach the shrine, pick up the old woman’s body,
and head off into the woods.
If the players investigate the shrine, they will easily see that it
is very ancient and made of weathered stone with a flat top marred
by old blood stains. There is a faded carving in the front face of the
shrine. This depicts a deer headed figure and matches the brands on
the dead women. Recent photographs of the mother and her children
have been placed atop the shrine, as has a child’s rag doll and an
offering of fresh red berries.
If a player attempts to destroy the shrine or intentionally
disturb the offerings, the player(s) who do so must make an
immediate Corruption check. This may also summon the Antlered-
God back to the shrine and he will attack this time. If the players had
previously buried the mother and her children in the church yard,
then the Antlered-God has been appeased and will not appear, even
if the players disturb his shrine. However, such defacement will still
force the Corruption check.
The Dead General: Whether they face the Antlered-God or not,
the players will need to spend the remainder of night in the woods, as
they are unsure of their location and cannot navigate the confusing
landscape in the darkness. They will most likely choose to post a
watch, but nothing else will bother them during the night.
In the morning, regardless of if the players return to their unit to
report their findings (most likely for German soldiers) or if they decide
to slip through the woods to reconnect with their retreating fellows (a
solid possibility for Russian soldiers), they will encounter the corpse of
a decorated Russian soldier. They mostly likely do not know that this
is the General of the Second Army, Alexander Samsonov.
If the players have encountered the Ghostly Knight, then the
General’s body is coated with a layer of frost, just like the other
victims. If they have encountered the Antlered-God instead, then the
body has had its throat slit open, but not by a knife. The wound is
jagged, as it made by something more natural, like teeth or a claw.
If they do not dispose of this body, feel free to have it return in later
Missions as a powerful corrupted adversary.
All survivors draw 1 card. If they buried/burned either the priests
or the mother and children, and did not disturb the shrine in the
woods, they may each draw two cards instead.

Mounted Cavalry
Elite officers with a long tradition of combat prowess and well
trained horses. In the right circumstances these soldiers are still
a considerable threat to infantry, though the changes in modern
warfare are quickly making them impractical and obsolete.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 6 Armor: 4

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapons: Pistol
Cavalry Sword: 2 damage - +1 damage (2), Assault (3)
- Melee ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Transport (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: Special to all things
- Cavalry Charge (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o: The soldier can
swiftly cover ground atop his horse to strike with his sword,
from a position of significant advantage, at any target within
a reasonable range.
Weakness: Firearms - Due to the large critical target area of
a rider’s horse, all firearm attacks on this mounted adversary
ignore his Armor rating.
Reward: Draw one card.

Standing eight feet tall, this creature has the body of a wiry
muscled man but the antlered head of a forest stag. His flesh is
covered with strange pagan markings and he wears no clothing nor
carries any weaponry. His teeth are long and sharp, more like a
saber-toothed tiger than a deer, his feet are heavy hooves, and his
fingers end in hard, vicious claws. His eyes glow red in the night and
he reeks of animal musk and freshly spilled blood.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 6 Armor: None

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
Weapons: H�ves (blunt): 2 damage
Claws/Antlers (slash/gore): 1 damage - +1 target (1), critical
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ancient Faith (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
-Spread Co�uption: This ability is always active. The
antler-god may forgo a traditional a�ack and instead a�empt
to strike his target and fi� them with Co�uption. To do
this he makes an a�ack with his Ancient Faith ski� versus
the target’s Guts value. Armor does not a�ly. If the a�ack
su��ds, the target is i�ediately subject to a Co�uption
check. If they are wearing a cro�, crucifix, or ca�ying a
bible they may ignore this check.
Weakne�: Repe�ed by cro�es, crucifixes, or chanted
Christian prayers. If confronted with one of these, the
Antlered-God must ro� Ancient Faith: TN 5 to avoid abandoning
the combat and fl�ing into the w�ds.
Reward: Draw 5 cards and k�p 3, split among the group.
However, if a player disturbed the shrine in the w�ds, then
they may not receive any of the cards.

The Angel of Mons

Michele Lee
Mission Briefing
Stories are spreading through the trenches about the Angel of
Mons. This ghostly figure or figures are said to appear on battlefields
through out Europe, and some claim they are the spirits of past
warriors rising up to protect the soldiers in the trenches. The oldest
stories claim the Angel first rose up at Mons and aided the British
forces in escaping during the German take over. Troop moral is
dangerously low, and shell shock is taking its toll. Half the troops in
this company are dead or missing and more vanish every night. Are
they abandoning their posts? Or is something worse happening? The
commander, desperate to keep his troops holding the line, sends out
a small, secret group of soldiers to breach lines and try to bring back
proof that the angels are real.
Mission Objective
Go to Mons and gather any and all information of the mysterious
occult aid that occurred there. Bring back some kind of proof.
Part 1: Behind the Lines
The Journey
Sneaking behind enemy lines but since the commander’s mission
is secret, you must also sneak past your own troops.
Requirement: 3 black cards.
Question: Do you believe the Angels are fake, real, or the complete

delusions of shell-shocked minds?
Failure: Players are caught while sneaking across lines. Firefight
with a large group of German Common Soldiers.
There are 3 ways to get to Mons:
1. Through the trenches.
While calm here, there is intense fighting about 2 miles (3 km)
away. There are fewer people stationed here. The tunnels are well
used. Players find mess areas, sleeping areas with lost or damaged
personal effects, and supply trash. Roll Investigation: TN 2 to earn a
card as players find some small supply or memento which helps their
In the trench players run into a group of 4 battle-weary German
Common Soldiers. Roll Investigation: TN 3 to reveal this is a hospital
party and two of the soldier are already seriously injured (Two
attributes at 1 and only one at 2). Players can fight them outright
or try to talk their way past. Any player who kills an already injured
soldier has to make a Corruption check.
2. Over the ground.
This area is heavily mined. Players are traveling on uneven terrain
over and around mountains of slag. They pass fields of bodies, some
fresh from the war, and some from much older burial sites that have
been torn open by bombings.
Through the journey players will need to Challenge Investigation:
TN 3 two times to spot mines and unexploded bombs on the fields.
Once located, roll Mechanics: TN 2 disarm these. If undiscovered, or
the attempt to disarm fails, the traps explode and each soldier must
roll Athletics: TN 3 to avoid damage. Failure means 1 damage to
Brawn regardless of Armor.
Further Investigation Challenges should be made as players travel
to reveal that the bodies on the field show signs of animal and human
3. Through the Mines.
The mines are much calmer. The sounds of fighting fade and even
the bombing is easier to ignore here. It’s almost peaceful. However
there are no signs of life here, other than the tunnels themselves,
which are clearly human made. Investigation rolls, or creative use of
Mechanics or Knowledge, can be made to determine the safest and
best tunnels to travel through to get to Mons.
The main tunnel splits into three paths, then each path splits into
two more.
• Tunnel 1: Forks about 50 yards (50 m) in.
• Part A: Players find this tunnel collapsed a few hundred feet in
and cannot travel further.
• Part B: This tunnel lets out the closest to Mons. Near the end
players run into a Skin Thief they must defeat or flee from.
• Tunnel 2: This tunnel stretches about half a mile (800 m) before
continuing straight or forking to the right.
• Part A: Continuing Straight. Any soldier with 2 or more in
Investigation can tell this tunnel is unsafe. If no one notices or they
continue anyway the tunnel collapses. Players can roll Athletics: TN
2 to dodge out of falling rubble. Failure causes players to be trapped
beneath rubble and take 1 damage to Guts. To dig their way out
Challenge Athletics: TN 5.
• Part B: Fork to the right. A hundred yards (100 m) in players
find this tunnel already collapsed and must back track.
• Tunnel 3: This tunnel leads the furthest away from Mons. It
travels 3/4th of a mile (1200 m) before splitting into a T.
• Part A: Left arm of the T. At the first 50 feet (15 m) in players
can roll Investigation: TN 3 to discover a hidden pack of supplies
left behind by someone else. (The finder earns a card.) After 400 feet
(120 m), roll Investigation: TN 3 to determine this tunnel is unsafe. If
players fail or continue anyway the tunnel collapses. Players can roll
Athletics: TN 2 to dodge out of the collapse. Failure causes players to
be trapped beneath rubble and take 1 damage to Guts. To dig their
way out Challenge Athletics: TN 5.
• Part B: Right arm of the T. This arm leads even further away
from Mons, which our weary soldiers might find trying. However,
players can find a place to rest, heal, or otherwise gather themselves
as this tunnel is the safest of all the mine areas.
Upon reaching the outskirts of Mons, each survivor may heal one
damage or draw 1 card.
Part 2: The Horror of Mons
The Journey
Arriving in Mons players are startled to find, not a booming mining
town, but silent streets of abandoned buildings. Only the occasional
feral cat or stray dog can be found. There aren’t even bodies. Certainly
nothing in the bitter, muddy, and desolate land seems angelic.
Requirement: 4 even numbers of any suit or color.
Narrative: As players approach the chilling emptiness of what
should be a prize war hold out because of its position and resources,
the disturbing, surreal feel has them projecting their home town, and
coming home to their family home being so silent and empty, on this
scene. They should briefly share what that means to the character.
Failure: The melancholy effects the Unit’s moral. They Unit
automatically endures an attack from the Angel of Mon’s Lure ability
with just two training. Characters hit by the attack take 1 damage to
Guts. (See the Lure ability of the Angel of Mons below.)
Players explore the town and find very little signs of something
wrong other than the complete absence of people. Homes look like
people have just stepped out for a moment. Equipment looks like
it was set aside for a break and someone will be returning to use it
Roll Investigation: TN 3 to reveal the few small signs of violence
in each location they examine: a hand print smear of blood on the
doorway of a small family home, a cloth doll with an arm nearly torn
off left behind in the general shop, and the door of the shop hanging
open because the the hinges are broken.
On the fourth Investigation attempt, regardless of if it is successful
or not, players will either see a figure in white out of the corner of
their eye, or hear a woman’s voice faintly asking “Can you help me,
please?” This is Angel’s Lure attack again. This time use the full three
training. Those characters who successfully defend find a ghostly
woman about 40 yards (40 m) away appearing to wave them to her
and calling again for help. Characters hit by the attack take 1 damage
to Guts and see one of their loved ones beckoning for help instead.
The figure(s) lure the players to the Nimy-Blaton Canal at the north
of the town where the horrific Angel of Mons waits to attack them.
Players can run away instead of fighting, but the Angel will
continue to try to lure them in until they go beyond the quarter mile
(400 m) range. Any player that escapes makes a Corruption check. If
the players kill the Angel they discover its cloak/skin becomes a long
snake-like body that is wedged tightly into the canal.
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 3: The Grim Journey Back
The Journey
As they stare at the corpse of the horrific angel, or run from its
lures, players must return back to their commander with this new
knowledge of the truth behind the beacons of hope in so many battles
where the angels were reported to have been seen.
Requirement: 3 red cards.
Question: What evidence or proof are you going to take back?
Are you going to lie, and if so to protect yourself, or your company’s
Failure: The Unit is attacked by a pack of 3 Corrupted Dogs.
First players must choose if they want to take a piece of the angel’s
“cloak” back as proof. If they do any player that carries it must make
a Corruption check when taking possession of the piece.
Then players must determine the best path back. If they choose a
different way then they came, use that section as given above in Part
1: Behind Enemy Lines. If they choose the same way they came:
1. Through the Trenches:
Players find the remains of the German soldiers they encountered
before being eaten by a Corrupted Dog.
2. Over the Ground:
Players are attacked by a pack of 3 Corrupted Dogs.
3. Through the Mines:
Players encounter another Skin Thief near the end exit of the
Once they return to base, the soldiers of Unit are questioned
by both other soldiers and are asked to give a mission statement
individually to their commander.
All survivors draw 1 card. If all survivors agree on the story they
tell draw one additional card for the Unit to share.
The Angel of Mons
Eight feet tall with bandages around its eyes, tattered wings that
spread ten feet around it when open, and dressed in what appears
to be a cloak, but is actually just its own loose, folded skin, with a
mouth of sharp, hungry teeth, the Angel is a ferocious sight.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: J Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapons: Claws: 2 Damage
Bite: 2 Damage
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Lure (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: Produces auditory and visual
ha�ucinations with emotional a�achments up to a quarter mile
(400 m) away and a�acks Guts. On a su�e�ful defense players
s� vague human shapes in the distance asking for help. On
failure targets take 1 damage to Guts and s� a loved one or a
fa�en (or not present) fe�ow soldier beckoning.
Weakne�: Somehow stuck to or in the canal. Can only move in a
20 f�t (6 m) circumference around this spot in the canal.
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Corrupted Dog
Once a medium sized (40-60 pound, 18-27 kg) dog of mixed
breed, this family pet has now become both something’s snack and a
predator hunting the streets. Parts of its ribs and rear legs have been
torn open, showing bone and rotting organ, but more revolting is its
unnaturally sharp teeth and its hunger for flesh.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 5 Armor: 3
Brawn: 2 Smarts: 1 Guts: 2
Weapon: Bite: 2 damage
- Mel�: ˝ ˝ o o o
- Stealth: ˝ o o o o
- Infection: This ability is always active. When a target
takes damage from a Co�upted Dog’s bite pu� a card. If it is a
face card (J, Q, K) the bite is infected and does 1 Brawn damage
a day until healed by magic or a fu� day of rest.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Even the Dead Have

Not Seen the End to War
Josh Sinsapaugh
Mission Note: This adventure is intended for use on the Western
Front, on the line near Ghent or Antwerp, Belgium. However, it can be
easily adapted for any theater of the Great War.
Mission Briefing
Scattered reports have been coming in from the vicinity of Ghent of
Entente soldiers turning on each other in cannibalistic lust following
a peculiar series of German gas attacks. Concurrent and possibly
unrelated reports from the region speak of humanoid behemoths of
unknown origin moving against German lines. However, the last of
these reports came in Sunday at 0:00 and only silence has followed
since. It has now been over 24 hours without any sort of communique
from Ghent. Furthermore, the German forces have yet to mount
the offensive that such a gas attack would generally precede.
Adjacent sections of the line have reported shambling, acid covered
monstrosities emerging from Ghent since the city fell silent.
Entente intelligence indicates the Kaiser’s forces used some form
of chlorine gas asphyxiant engineered using knowledge obtained
through some diabolical means. Those not killed outright from
choking on the gas develop sudden, uncontrollable rage – becoming
blood drunk and feasting on the flesh of their comrades. As gas tends
to pool on the bottom of the trench amongst the duckboards, it has
also been observed altering the behavior of rats and rat terriers alike,
both animals becoming hyper aggressive, attacking anyone and
anything within range. Like conventional chlorine gas, the gas the
Germans have been deploying is a sickly yellow to yellowish green
with a robust, acrid odor not unlike that of bleach. It is unclear how
well gas masks and other terrestrial anti-chemical measures protect
against this new weapon (if they even help at all).
It’s up for debate if the reports of shambling acid monsters and
unidentified human behemoths are at all related to the enemy gas
attacks. What is known is that both the acid monsters and the
unknown brutes have appeared from the Entente side of No Man’s
Land following the gas attack and weren’t reported in the region
beforehand. While the behemoths have yet to attack allied forces on
either side of Ghent, they have been observed fighting off both the
soldiers with cannibalistic rage and the unknown acid monsters by
the few soldiers that managed to escape the city. A comprehensive
debriefing of the rescued servicemen was not possible, however, as they
soon succumbed to their wounds: primarily human bite marks and the
occasional acid burn. As for the acid monsters themselves, officers on
the outskirts of Ghent and behind the lines in the Belgian countryside
have reported the rotting monstrosities making full frontal assaults
with no regard to self-preservation. Whereas the compulsion of the
gassed cannibal soldiers seems to be to feed, the compulsion of the acid
monsters seems to be destruction itself at all costs.
All soldiers are to be advised that the acid monsters can be
thwarted by removing the head or destroying the brain. Anything less
and the creatures will rise again to attack your comrades anew.
Mission Objective
Investigate the situation in and near the Belgian city of Ghent
and determine if any soldiers are left alive there on the Entente
lines. Link up with friendly forces (if any) and clear the trenches of
any monstrosities. Once clear, affix explosives to greet the inevitable
German advance and withdraw.
The Journey
The journey to Ghent along the Entente lines is a bleak and weary
one punctuated by moments of extreme terror courtesy of German
machine gun nests. Flanders, once a rich and vibrant region, is now
desolate and grey. The salient where the Entente line bulges into
German territory is even greyer still. The friendly soldiers that your
unit passes along the way have tired eyes and would just as soon
ignore your group if it were up to them, but cravings for cigarettes,
chocolate, and whatever other comforts can be spared drive them
to beg. Their hands remain outstretched but their eyes are cast low
upon the ground. In the distance you hear a lone artillery blast, just
as lonely and stark as the soldiers in front of you.
Requirement: 2 Clubs, 2 Hearts.
Narrative: Describe how you interact (or not) with the begging
Entente soldiers. Describe what, if anything, you give them and why.
Success: The begging soldiers in turn share what little they have
with you (each soldiers gains either 1 grenade or draws 1 card).
Failure: German forces test the line near Ghent earlier than
intelligence estimates hoped for. A scouting party arrives during the
Incident “While Entering the Trenches at Ghent”. A fire-fight ensues
(Unit x3 German Common Soldiers)
Mission Note: The following Incidents are to occur in order as a
“run and gun” style adventure.
On the Outskirts of Ghent: While navigating the trench the unit
will come upon the lingering odor of stale chlorine: a gas attack was
recent, but it has since dissipated. Before the unit can collect their
wits, they are set upon by villagers with pitchforks and shovels, all
infected by the cannibal gas (recommended 1 Rage Cannibal Villager
per player character +1). The villagers are consumed by bloodlust but
might back down if two or more of their number are quickly killed.
They will return though, possibly with greater numbers and firearms
(Narrator’s discretion), until they are all killed or the Unit moves on.
While Entering the Trenches at Ghent: Things are eerily quiet.
The chlorine gas either wasn’t spread here recently or else the wind
has carried it away already. The trench walls and duckboards are
stained thick with blood, mud, and viscera to the point that the air
is heavy with a coppery odor. There are no easily identifiable human
bodies, limbs, or even organs amongst the chaotic gore. If the Journey
was a failure the German soldiers will stage their attack here. This
attack should add a further sense of urgency to the Mission.
While Entering a Shelled Section of Trench: The section of
trench in front of the unit has been utterly destroyed by shellfire
sometime before their arrival in Ghent. Oddly enough, fragments of
large, acid-covered humanoid limbs can be found scattered about
the rubble and blood-choked mud, their muscles thick knots of scar
tissue. While the unit is investigating the blasted-out trench, they
will be attacked by 3 former Entente soldiers, now bayonet and rifle
wielding Rage Cannibal Soldiers. While the battle is going on another
rage cannibal will emerge from the rubble, its right arm reduced to
splinters and frayed muscles. This fourth cannibal is much larger
than the rest, smells of stale bleach, and has acid dripping from his
numerous wounds. As the player characters look on in horror the
creature’s arm will rebuild itself with overgrown bones and cancerous
tissue. This is clearly one of the so-called “acid monsters.” As soon as
its arm regrows, the Acid Cannibal attacks.
Investigating a Shelled Frontline Dugout: The dugout is
ostensibly empty aside from debris and dead bodies but will quickly
fill with Gas-Infected Rats and Gas-Infected Rat Terriers that will
rapidly begin to overwhelm the Unit. Just when the soldiers feel they
will be drowned by rats and rat terriers the mob will suddenly flee.
Two rotting, acid excreting Acid Cannibals will emerge from the
rubble and attack. During combat three more will come down the
trench in the direction of the dugout.
Once the Players Have Managed to Fight Off the First Wave:
Twelve more acid cannibals will, come down the trench enclosing the
unit from either side. However, the Unit will be rescued by the three
remaining living Entente soldiers near Ghent and two seemingly
friendly and cooperative Acid Cannibals. The soldiers will explain the
gas turns the living into rage cannibals and the dead into putrefied,
acid-covered monsters hell-bent on the destruction of all life. They will
also explain that a small percentage of those infected as acid monsters
retains sentience and loyalty to fellow soldiers. It’s a small percentage:
perhaps one in 10,000. No one knows for sure. What is known, though,
is that at least five “allied” acid monsters can be found on the line near
Ghent. The other three can be found guarding the civilians evacuating
over the border and into the French countryside. There were originally
seven, but two died in a German shelling earlier the same day (the lone
artillery blast the soldiers heard during the Journey).
Oddly enough, the trio are actually triplets: Aaron, Michael, and
Ryan Hillcrest. The three are all privates in the REF and have no idea
why the gas didn’t affect them like it did their comrades. All three
obsessively wear their gas masks at all times, but so too did other
members of their platoon that were negatively affected. The soldiers
will make it clear that they are the only survivors from the Entente
forces near Ghent and have been fighting off rage cannibals and acid
monsters since the first Whisper-enhanced chlorine gas attacks last
Friday and Saturday.
Affix Explosives and Withdraw: With the knowledge obtained
from the Hillcrest triplets, the unit can confidently withdraw while
setting explosives. If the “allied” acid monsters survived the battle they
will decline to follow their human comrades back to the relative safety
of the line beyond the salient. Aaron will explain that the monsters
do not trust the human command of REF forces to deal fairly with
them now that they are in their altered, monstrous forms. So, with
acid-teared goodbyes, they will stay behind to greet the advance of the
Kaiser’s forces.

Exiting the Shelled Section of Trench: As the unit emerges from
the blasted-out trench they will be attacked by 4 Acid Cannibals, who
should be easily dealt with thanks to the additional help of Aaron,
Michael, and Ryan (use Commando). If this battle goes too quickly, at
the Narrator’s discretion, more cannibals may attack.
After the Battle: Their task completed, the soldiers have only to
return to base on the line, adjacent to Ghent. The German advance
follows immediately upon their withdrawal. There’s nothing left for the
unit to do but flee and detonate the explosives from a distance.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Whisper-Enhanced Chlorine Gas
The chlorine gas the Germans used on Ghent is a normal
chlorine gas asphyxiant that has been modified with ingredients
and knowledge learned of through Whispers. Also, just like more
conventional chlorine gas it disrupts the lungs ability to process
oxygen, resulting in coughing and even an agonizing death drowning
in one’s own bodily fluids. Of course, unlike conventional chlorine gas
the whisper-enhanced chemical turns anyone it doesn’t kill outright
into a rage-filled cannibal who will work in concert with his or her
fellow cannibals to kill and eat their former comrades. For whatever
reason, these cannibals need fresh meat and won’t touch the bodies of
those that haven’t died recently. Eventually, the gas in the cannibals’
lungs begins to spread to the rest of the body, turning them into the
destructive undead acid monsters – their strength multiplied even as
their bodies decay from the inside out. Likewise, those killed outright
by the gas or killed while in the rage cannibal phase of infection all
stand a chance of rising again as undead acid monsters if the bodies
are exposed to a subsequent whisper-enhanced chlorine gas attack.
Rats’ and rat terriers’ bodies are too small to become acid monsters:
the chlorine gas in their lungs eventually rot out the body completely
leaving nothing of consequence to be reanimated as an undead acid
However, by accident or design the gas doesn’t always work as
intended. A few victims, like the Hillcrest triplets, are not negatively
impacted by the gas as long as they’re wearing suitable protection.
This flaw in the gas is typically self-corrected by the rage cannibals
who quickly turn on their un-ensorcelled comrades, killing and
eating them in haste. Similarly, the occasional undead acid cannibal
is resurrected by the gas without the overwhelming compulsion
to destroy all life. These cursed individuals retain their sentience,
personality, and memories from when they were alive but exist in
a horrifically altered body. It’s unclear just how many retain their
intelligence as even a “friendly” undead acid cannibal is likely to be
set upon and attacked by his or her former compatriots on sight.

Gas-Infected Rats
Rats infected by the whisper-enhanced chlorine gas. The rats are
filled with rage and crave human flesh.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 10 Armor: 3

Brawn: 1 Smarts: 1 Guts: 2
Weapons: Bite: 1 damage - +1 damage (2), +2 damage (3)
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: They wi� not back down.
Reward: Draw 2 cards for the Unit for defeating a group of

Gas-Infected Rat Terriers

Rat terriers (dogs) infected by the whisper-enhanced chlorine gas.
The dogs are filled with rage and crave human flesh. The damned
creatures will not even recognize their former masters.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 1 Guts: 1
Weapons: Bite: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: They wi� not back down.
Reward: None

Rage Cannibal Villagers

Belgian and French citizens that have been infected by the
whisper-enhanced chlorine gas. They will not respond to reason, their
only compulsion to work in concert to kill and eat any unlucky non-
infected human they might find. The preternatural rage has granted
them constant, hysterical strength.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 6 Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 2
Weapons: Fist, Club, Axe, or Sta�
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: None.
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Rage Cannibal Soldiers
REF soldiers that have been infected by the whisper-enhanced
chlorine gas. They will not respond to reason, their only compulsion to
work in concert to kill and eat their former comrades and any unlucky
non-infected human they might find. The preternatural rage has
granted them constant, hysterical strength.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: 2

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
Weapons: Rifle and Bayonet
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Weakne�: None.
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Acid Cannibal
The final fate of those affected by the gas. The monstrosities are
rotting from the inside out while preternatural strength and flexibility
courses through their remaining muscles, joints, and ligaments. Scar
tissue from the acid has formed additional new, undead muscle fibers
that protrude through the skin, sometimes doubling and tripling over
the remaining human muscles and ligaments. Bones sharpened by
acid now extend from their skin like supernatural spines, the acid
itself spraying out through cracks in their decaying bodies. Despite
the corrosive effects of the acid, the black magic will hold the undead
construct together, possibly indefinitely.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 2 Armor: 3

Brawn: 6 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
Weapons: Giant Fists: 2 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ o o o
- Regrow Limbs (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: They can regrow a limb
as long as they is some extra flesh or bone nearby for them
to stu� in the wound. It is TN 4 to regrow an arm and TN 5 to
regrow a leg. This ha�ens in just one turn! The Acid Ca�ibal
also heals 2 Brawn when they regrow a limb.
- Acid Splash: This ability is always active. When an Acid
Ca�ibal is ki�ed, reveal a card from the deck. If the card
shows a 5 or lower, the character who ki�ed the ca�ibal is
splashed with acid and takes 2 Brawn damage.
Weakne�: Responds to Stimulus. They hate a� life, but they
lack the capacity to s�k it out. Without targets they stand
sti� or at best wander slowly though the ruins waiting for
something is inspire their rage.
Reward: Draw 2 cards.

The Throne of Ice and Bone

John Kennedy
Mission Briefing
Soldiers, we have a situation on our hands that’s been
compounded not just by enemy movements but by the vicious storm
going in.
On 11 December, 1915 we received a report from our observation
posts situated in the Alps. As you know, intense engagements
between artillery formations across the mountain chain have been
locked in steady combat with their counterparts across the valley.
The mountains echo with not just the Lord’s own thunder but the
repetitive thundering of guns for almost eight months now, and with
no end in sight. One of the few things that causes the cannons to
fall quiet is when the weather picks up, and on that date a vicious
snow storm came into being. It was brutal, and had lightning as well
as heavy snowfall. Several avalanches occurred during that time
period and wreaked havoc among our people and equipment, but the
weirdest thing to happen was how quickly the storm came to an end.
By day break on the 12th, it was as if there were no clouds in the sky,
and even stranger was the revelation of an old ruin seated against
the Eastern side of one of the mountains. It appears to be an old
monastery, but the only records we have of a monastery being located
that high in the Alps was of a monastery known as the Throne of the
Savior; but it burned down in the 1800s, and the survivors were said
to see a great figure capering along the mountain chain afterwards.
I’ve been advised by our superiors to try to claim the monastery
before the Austrians do. If the structure is sound, it will give us a
foothold into Austrian held territory as well as being a place to mount
more guns along the line. But I’m wary. The pioneer battalions we sent
to scout out potential artillery points never found any signs of this
ruin before, and how do we know if it is stable? That and the weird
omens associated with the place have me on edge. Go secure the site
and see if it’s salvageable. If the Austrians threaten to take it, you have
permission to detonate a landslide and cover the monastery once more.
Oh, and bring back any relics you might find. That sort of PR work
always goes well with drumming up support for the war effort!
Mission Objective
Survey potential artillery site. Reclaim important historical objects.
Demolish site if unable to hold in wake of German advance. Return.
The Journey
The hike up the mountains is cold and brutal, with the wind
freezing your eyes and burning your lungs. The terrain is slippery,
and danger is certain. Climbing up the mountain relies upon old
trails, quickly made hand rails scouts have made, and faith the next
footstep you take will not send you falling into a chasm. The only
sound comes from the stomping of the group’s boots as they make
their way across the snow and the ominous sound of wind blowing
through the mountain peaks.
Requirement: No red cards.
Narrative: Describe the brutal journey as you make your way up
to the monastery, which is a constant presence on the horizon as it
stands out against the clear blue sky.
Failure: The weather is too brutal and wears down the PCs resolve.
Each PC takes on a chance of Corruption though the group manages
to make it to the monastery.
The monastery is still standing, but shows signs of a fire along
where the glass windows used to be. The grey stone, taken from the
mountain range, somehow projects an even colder feeling as the
squad gets closer to it. The monastery is on a thin plateau in the
mountain side, with heavy snow still lingering around the outside of
the structure.
Snowfall: To investigate the outside of the structure roll Knowledge
or Investigation: TN 2. Knowledge reveals there is no way a structure
such as this should still be standing after all this time if it was
covered in snow, as it would have collapsed into rubble. Investigation
reveals all of the snow gathered nearby appears to radiate outwards in
every direction from the monastery as if the snow somehow was flung
off of it all at once, which does not seem possible in a storm.
The Entrance Hall: The inside of the structure appears quiet, and
soft flakes of snow float down from the rafters. A statue of the Virgin
Mother stands in the center of the vestibule, though its hands appear
stained in something black.
Players may roll Investigation or Stealth: TN 2 to discover that
there appear to be fresh boot prints on the ground that they had
not seen before. The boot prints are all standard military issue,
though it is unclear as to what their make is. They also learn that the
substance staining the statue’s hands are fresh ink.
The Holy Sepulcher: The only section of the monastery that is
devoid of any corruption, the Holy Sepulcher still has a bible sitting
on a podium surrounded by the huddled mummified corpses of
several monks who appear to be praying to it for salvation. The first
character to read the bible rolls Communication: TN 2. Success allows
all characters to reduce their Corruption by 1, but an unsuccessful
roll causes the skulls of the monks to turn and glare at the soldiers,

and 3 Inky Terrors erupt from the walls to attack the group.
Cradled in the arms of one of the monks is a half-finished
manuscript. Its beautifully detailed pages are taken from the Book
of James but it cuts off abruptly to detail what happened to the
monastery. It appears that one of the new brothers in the monastery
came up with the idea of binding the Devil into a book so that no one
would be able to sin anymore as the Devil himself would be trapped
by God’s word written by humans. The proud brother convinced
the abbot to attempt the ritual but it backfired horrendously as
the monks accidentally summoned the Devil’s own personal scribe,
Bladderghast. This ancient demon became trapped inside the
monastery where it decided to reveal the hidden stories of all the
trapped monks. Of the two hundred monks trapped in the monastery,
none survived. The monk wrote at least the demon couldn’t rampage
across the countryside.
Rectory: Investigating the pantry of the monastery reveals the
smell of moldy food and blood. Upon opening it, they discover the
personal effects and equipment of a squad of Austrian soldiers
as well as several outfits that seem like they belong to shepherds
living among the Alps. The clothing seems stained with blood, but
it is unclear how they became stained or what happened to their
owners. Roll Investigation: TN 2. Success means one character may
draw a card, as well as letting the Unit find three pieces of common
equipment that would be available to soldiers.
Books of Sin: The library is full of books still, with some seemingly
untouched by the elements and standing out from the decaying
manuscripts depicting medieval life or translations of sections of the
bible. These new books are all biographies and depict a person’s face
on the cover, and when opened they detail the life and times of the
individual down to the smallest detail.
These books contain the trapped souls of the monks who once
lived here as well as new books taken from the souls of the dead
soldiers and shepherds. Tearing a book causes a torrent of bloody
ink to drip from the pages, and destroying several books summons
Inky Terrors to attack the Unit, one for every book destroyed. The
Inky Terrors will attempt to kill the players by draining them of their
blood and molding them into the shape of a small book. Continually
destroying the books will cause Bladderghast to crawl his way up
from the depths of the monastery and attack the Unit.
Abbot’s Office: As they make their way into the abbot’s office, they
discover several book shelves have been hastily moved up against
the wall with their contents spilling onto the ground. Checking the
bookshelves reveals that they can be moved out of the way to reveal
an old wooden door with a bronze ring for a door handle. The shelves
may once have had a mechanism to make them move quickly but that
mechanism has long failed. The bookcase can be moved on its wheels.

Challenge: Athletics: TN 3 will allow group to shift the bookcase out of
the way.
Investigating the desk reveals that the abbot kept a personal
journal detailing his past sins of maintaining several wives as well
as fathering several children out of wedlock then abandoning them.
Seeking to repent for his past sins, he hoped that the monk’s plan
to bind the Devil would have worked. Instead he had enough time to
write down his own failures before Bladderghast returned from the
depths to steal his soul.
When the book case is moved out of the way, 3 Inky Terrors spill
out of the desk and attack the group.
The Catacombs of the Throne: The descent into the monastery
crypt reveals that Bladderghast has been busy gorging on herd
animals as well as villagers to regain his strength after his long
confinement. Several dead villagers, whose lives were deemed too
boring to having been written down, line the stone pathways below
the monastery. The heavy scent of dung and blood pervades the air,
and flies constantly harass the players despite the frigid air.
The center of the catacombs empties into a large area where
manuscripts were once stored away from sunlight and where the cold
air might have helped preserve them, but now the area is the lair
of a demon. A fire burns in the corner as sacred relics and crosses
were broken apart to fuel its flames. Several of the scrolls have
been shredded to form a bed for the demon and a large chair made
from the fused remains of the saints whose bodies were buried in
the monastery now sits in the middle. Bladderghast sits upon the
throne, his quill-like talons scratching a story into a book depicting
an Austrian officer on the cover. A scream rings in the Unit’s ears as
the demon finishes his story. Bladderghast comments that the Major
had such an interesting, heroic life, and came from a long family tree
that made his soul worth recording before it was fed to his master.
Bladderghast appraises the group and comments on their souls before
offering for them to swear fealty to him and pledge their souls in
service to him for eternity. Those who refuse (likely the whole group)
will find Bladderghast looks disappointed before he attacks.
Facing the Devil’s Biographer: Whether the group faces
Bladderghast in the basement of the monastery or summons him to
the library by destroying books, the group must face Bladderghast.
Though retreat is possible, the threat of unleashing the threat of a
demon such as he into the world is too great to ignore. Bladderghast’s
arrival is heralded by a number of Inky Terrors equal to the number of
Upon defeating Bladderghast, his unholy presence is sent
screaming back into Hell to report to his master. As his presence
leaves the library, a gentle light fills the ruins, and the souls of the
monks are freed to go to Heaven. The monastery slowly begins to

crumble to pieces, though the group has enough time to escape back
onto the mountain side. When the last soldier reaches a safe distance
away, the entire cliffside with the monastery collapses into the valley
below, leaving behind a jagged slope. The area can no longer be used
to mount an artillery battalion, and the squad is free to return to their
home base.
Unit draws and shares 4 cards. If 6 or more manuscript pages
were collected (the book of Genesis counts as two pages), add two
more cards.
Inky Terrors
A creature of ink, bone, and strange resilient matter, the Inky
Terrors’ bodies sometimes have the faces of their victims bubble to the
surface as they scream in unending agony.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 6 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 1 Guts: 2
Weapons: Inky Lash: 1 damage - +1 damage (1)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Sp�ky Visage (Guts) ˝ ˝ o o o A screaming face
a�ears in the creature’s skin and disorients their o�onent,
dealing 1 damage
Weakne�: Water thins out the monsters and makes them weaker.
Being hit with a splash of water causes 1 damage.
Reward: Ancient manuscript pages, which are pricele� relics
from another time.

Bladderghast, the Collector for Sins Long Written Down

An ancient demon and personal scribe of the Fallen One,
Bladderghast wears robes stenciled with countless sins and atrocities
committed by humanity over the centuries. His long, bestial snout
holds a small pair of glasses off his nose and his horns can be
removed to scribe down more sins upon the flesh of his victims. As he
walks, thin scorch marks appear in the ground that appear to be the
book of Revelation written in Latin.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: 3

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapons: Qui�-Like Claws: 2 damage - +2 damage (2)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- I Remember Your Sins (Smarts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: Bla�erghast
causes the target of his gaze to remember every ho�ible thing
they have done in their life. This a�ack targets Guts and
deals 2 damage, but a failed ro� means the target must draw a
Weakne�: Bla�erghast ca�ot stand the destruction of b�ks.
Burning or tearing in half a b�k in his presence reduces his
Guts and Armor by 1 until the next combat round.
Reward: A pair of pricele� ivory qui�s and a pristine copy of
the b�k of Genesis with “notes” inscribed in the margins in a
strange tongue detailing a first eye a�ount of what ha�ened.

The Monsters of Lake Tanganyika

Alicia Lutes
Part 1: The Very Edge of Empire
Mission Briefing
You and your Unit are to help plan an Allied attack on the
Germans in the town of Mpulungu, on the southern shores of Lake
Tanganyika, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. A
strategically important boundary in the war, eccentric Commander
Geoffrey Spicer-Simson now controls the northern part of Lake
Tanganyika and seems to hold a god-like status among his soldiers
and the natives. And why not? He’s already done the impossible. Last
year, during “Simson’s Circus” the Commander coordinated with
Belgian forces to bring two gunboats, HMS Mimi and Toutou, up the
Congo River then overland to the lake. Suddenly, German forces in
the middle of Africa were facing the Royal Navy! His shocking win
made him quite the rising military star, despite his quirks. Some think
Spicer-Simson is silly or harmless, but some are skeptical he can be
relied upon in the coming operation. You carry orders for him to move
his small force south. You’ve also been told to make an assessment of
the man.
Mission Objective
Make contact with Commander Spicer-Simson and deliver his
orders. Acquire what help you can from the Commander. Proceed
south to scout an overland route to Mpulungu. Conduct covert
intelligence-gathering about how the lore surrounding Spicer-
Simson’s is affecting him.
The Journey
August 1916. After days of travel overland to the interior, you
embarked this morning on a small transport ship to take you to the
Congolese port of Kalemie. You spent all day sailing south through
the lake with the Belgian Congo to the west and recently-captured

areas of German East Africa to the east. The water has been bizarrely
choppy, and weird fuchsia bugs have been eating you alive.
Requirements: 3 or more Diamonds.
Narrative: It is well-known Spicer-Simson is an “odd duck.”
Describe who you talked to about the Commander on the way and
how you convinced them to talk about him.
Success: From a mix of soldiers and locals you have gleaned
several tricks to charm Spicer-Simson. In short, flattery; befriend his
monkey Josephine, bring him a new khaki skirt, admire his surveyor
skills. For each additional diamond beyond three, you gain the
following information as well: 4) he is well-respected by locals for his
defeat of the Germans 5) he makes frequent trips into the jungle 6)
don’t ask him about his service in Borneo 7) rumor has it he controls
the terrible pink insects.
Begin with Reporting to the Commander and proceed to Dawn in
Kalemie. After that, you may resolve the other Incidents in any order.
Reporting to the Commander: Night is closing in as you arrive in
Kalemie. A porter meets you at a new dock and leads you uphill past
an old dock, beyond the port, through the nearly-empty local market,
to Commander Spicer-Simson’s modest, brick-fashioned home. The
house is brimming with samples of local plants and animals. Native
sculptures stand in every corner. The front room is set up as an office
with several lit oil lamps, crates arranged as a desk and baskets
containing surveying equipment. Large hand-drawn maps cover
the walls. Spicer-Simson is pacing the room when you enter, but
immediately sits behind his desk. Josephine drapes herself across his
shoulders. You exchange stiff formalities and hand him the orders.
If the Journey was successful, after talking for a few minutes he
suddenly seems to warm to you and announces he likes the cut of
your jib. He smiles to himself, seemingly remembering old times, and
fishes a folded document out from a larger pile, and tosses it at you.
It’s one of his curious maps—the most detailed of the area you’ve
ever seen, including plant and wildlife information. He also promises
to send you a local girl to help guide you. He responds to any other
questions you ask with sympathy, as if he really is sorry he cannot do
more to help.
If the Journey was unsuccessful, after talking for a few minutes
he frowns and announces there’s nothing he can do for you. The
Unit may Challenge Melee, Communication, or Transport: TN 10 to
convince him of the mission’s military worthiness. This Challenge may
only be attempted once. If successful, he fishes a folded document out
from a larger pile, and tosses it at you with a huff. It’s a detailed map
of the area, including plant and wildlife information. He responds to
any other questions you ask with barely-restrained anger, as if you
are interrupting him from important work.
His Orders:
He grunts. “Those boats aren’t sailing south. It won’t happen. I
forbid it. With all due respect, the Army needs to handle the situation
in Mpulungu itself.” If pressed, he adds, “The lake would most
certainly refuse it.”
The route south:
“It’s rough terrain even for an experienced surveyor like me.
There’s absolutely no way you tommies are going to find a route,” he
says with a pointed glare. “The bush is thick with vines, predators,
natives, potato-mashers, snakes, venomous bugs and toxic plants,
dead-end riverbeds—you name it!” He waves his arm dramatically.
Did his tattoos shift or was it a trick of the light?
Additional supplies for the mission:
He’s reluctant to give you many provisions, and certainly none of
his soldiers. “They have other duties to attend to.” He won’t elaborate,
instead pausing to feed part of a banana to Josephine.
The locals:
“I wouldn’t try talking to any of the locals. They’re highly
dangerous and fiercely protective,” he spills coolly. “Of whom?” you
ask. He does not answer. Josephine now sits straight up on his
shoulder, watching everyone intently, as if she understands every
After the interview, the porter returns and leads you to the edge of
town and shows you to spartan but clean barracks tents with thick
mosquito netting over each cot.
Dawn in Kalemie: That was the best night of sleep you’ve had in
months. If you have a map, you can immediately proceed to the next
part of your mission. If not, you may want to explore the town for
further information.
Spicer-Simson’s Residence: Outside, the porter reports the
Commander left before dawn on “urgent business.” He knows nothing
more. Roll Athletics: TN 4 to force your way inside. All the maps and
surveying equipment have been removed. There are a few supplies
here in the house so everyone may draw 1 card.
The Town: On either side of the main road are homes filled with
Kalemie locals that mostly run the market stalls. Several also work on
the docks. Everyone is mostly friendly and have deep admiration for
the Commander because of his defeat of the Germans.
Roll Communication to learn people say he has an incredibly deep
connection to the land. Locals who have been on his survey trips say
he always knows where things are going to be, like the land respond
to what he says. Roll Investigation to learn he’s apparently found a
way to keep the nasty, mean fuchsia bugs out of the township area.
It’s true! There are none of the insects about. Roll Athletics to hear
the people explain the lake protects itself—at all costs. They use the
words “ukuru-gishi,” or something like them.
The Flotilla: Most of the soldiers and naval officers of Spicer-
Simson’s command sleep on the boats. They do not appear to be
making any preparations to leave the port. They know nothing of any
orders to do so.
Most are gruff-looking veterans of years in the tropics. They’re
generally a grumpy lot, only really talkative after a few drinks, or if
you can give them a pack or two of smokes (discard 1 card). Engaging
with them will reveal many of his crew are scared of him, for reasons
they can’t quite explain. Since his victory last year, he’s seems more
powerful somehow; impossible to ignore in a way.
The soldiers here can be rowdy and will start trouble when they

are too drunk. If the Unit picks a fight they must Challenge Melee: TN
8. Success means everyone reveals a card from the deck and everyone
who revealed black takes 1 Brawn damage. Losing the Challenge
means everyone takes 1 Brawn damage then everyone reveals a card
from the deck and everyone who revealed black takes 1 more damage
to any attribute.
The Jungle: Beyond the town an unending wilderness. To anyone
with training in Whispers, it calls with an odd, urgent pull. Something
is calling out to them, but what is unknown. Just beyond the edge of
town, the vegetation envelopes everything under a cloak of midnight.
It’s creepy, and you suppress a shudder. Asking the locals about the
jungle turns up only disinterest. It’s not time to go there now, they tell
Meeting Niti: As you are about to leave for the jungle, a small
girl presents herself to whomever in the Unit seems in charge, or
whomever seems most friendly. She says she can guide you south, if
you’ll allow her. If you refuse she urgently says, “Uku-guru-inshi!” and
shakes her head.
If you let Niti be your guide, she says it’s easy; you just have to
keep the lake in sight while you travel. If you ask her about Uku-
guru-inshi, roll Communication: TN 6 to understand her description
of it as a weird monster with many limbs. The words just mean
“many legs”. You will grow more accustomed to her accent and way of
speaking over time.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Part 2: Beyond What You Know
Mission Briefing
You have left behind the last semblance of civilization as you know
it. You are on your own now, against an incredibly harsh world. What
is there now but to keep pushing forward, hoping to make contact
with British forces again on the other side of this green hell?
Mission Objective
Continue south along the shore of Lake Tanganyika. Make note of
any features the Army might want to know about.
The Journey
When you stepped into the jungle that first day, you were rendered
almost immediately bearings-less by the darkness of the bush.
Thankfully, enough light streamed through the canopy to reveal, all
around you, flora and fauna that amazed and delighted. Beautiful
birds, cute little monkeys, occasional chimpanzees, and everywhere
flowers that emit a sort of bioluminescence. It was like nothing
you’d ever seen. Life seems to truly thrive here. You kept journeying
inward, where the vegetation continued to grow in a seemingly knitted
fashion. Animal calls rattle birds and bush alike. The plants begin
to look like they are breathing as if one lung. There was too much to
take in, so much of it incredibly foreign to you.
Now, all the wonder has worn off. This is the tropics! It’s hot and
muggy and though at this point you definitely should have expected
these conditions you still find them surprising. How can any place be
this hot for this long? Screaming animals can still startle you at any
time of day. Despite the lack of rain, the ground seems soaked and
the mud makes it hard to keep moving forward. Perhaps worst of all,
the fuchsia-colored insects are everywhere, biting every exposed place
they can find.
Requirements: One card of each suit.
Narrative: Describe a day of travel through the jungle. How do
you search for a new route? What barriers do you overcome? What
horrible things do you think you see out of the corner of your eye?
Failure: The stress of traversing the forest is getting to you.
Everyone must draw for Corruption.
Resolve these Incidents in the order they are presented.
Clouds of Insects: The biting insects seem to be worse as you
go along. Every soldier must roll Athletics: TN 4 or suffer 1 Brawn
damage. If you want to examine the insects, roll Knowledge: TN 4 to
determine they do not match any known species. Note: This Incident
may be repeated if it seems appropriate.
Glowing Blue Plants: The largest patch yet of the strange flowers
comes into view, spread on both sides of the path ahead. The blue
bioluminescent flowers emit the most beautiful, juicy, robust jasmine
scent, somehow familiar but simultaneously entirely different. It’s
almost overpowering. If Niti is with you, roll Communication: TN 5
and she can explain that the plant is semi-toxic. If burned, the flower
burns brightly like a torch and keeps the bugs away, but more than
60 minutes in contact with the fumes starts to “melt your lungs.” If
you investigate the flowers further, roll Investigation: TN 3 to discover
the flowers are filled with a sticky resin which appears flammable.
Examining the map reveals a drawing of the flowers, a small skull
symbol, and the number 60 hover nearby.
The Jungle Does Not Care for You: Challenge Investigation: TN
6 to spot a leopard stalking the group. If you spot it, you can chase it
off or make some kind of offering. If you don’t spot it, the jungle cat
attacks (use War Dog) and makes one attack before you even reveal
cards for Initiative.
A Strange Stream: You come upon a small stream which certainly
should be running downhill into the lake, but is certainly running
parallel to the lake. It appears to make almost a right turn. You don’t
need to roll anything to know this isn’t right.
The Entrance to a Cave: As you follow the stream, it leads you
to a hill. Odd echoing noises and sloshing sounds abound as you
approach. Slowly you begin to notice there are other streams flowing
toward the hill. You didn’t think it was possible, but the plant life
here is even thicker than the rest of the jungle! A low-hanging cloud
of perspiration hangs in the air around the hill. By the time you reach
the hill, it is getting dark. You find a large-mouthed cave—a perfect
circle, in fact, about 20 feet (6 m) wide. There seems to be a lot of
water running down into it. How and why is it not on Commander
Spicer-Simson’s map? Warm air rises from the entrance and you can
hear buzzing and deep underground what sounds like…waves? The
dark cave entrance beckons you in.
If you hesitate to enter the cave, night falls suddenly, making
further exploration of the area difficult. It actually seems darker in the
jungle than in the cave. If Niti is with you, roll Communication: TN
4 and she suggests it will actually be safer in the cave. “The night is
alive with death.” If you still hesitate, a cold fear presses on you and
every soldier must draw for Corruption. If you remain outside, you
begin to take 1 Guts damage for every 30 minutes outside the cave as
the darkness closes in even tighter. The cave really is the only option.
Descending into the Cave: Inside, the darkness envelopes you,
but at least it is normal darkness. The buzzing sound grows louder
and you begin to pick out the shapes of the walls and formations as
they are lit by bioluminescent mosses and hanging roots. The walls
are wet with moisture, and something else: insect eggs. In a chamber
ahead millions of the fuchsia insects are swarming. You are soon
beset from every corner. Everyone must roll Athletics: TN 5 or take
1 Brawn damage from the biting insects. Lighting some of the blue
flowers will allow you to cross the room safely, but if you don’t have
any, you’ll have to run for it. Take 2 damage to attributes of your
As you are almost through the insect chamber roll Investigation:
TN 4 to spot a giant, sopping wet tentacle reaching up from a lower
room and grabbing a particularly large bug. If Niti is with you, she
points at the tentacle automatically and cries out “Uku-guru-inshi!”
Roll Communication: TN 3 and she will explain the creature lives on
the lowest level, closest to the water.
Meeting With a Monster: Exhausted, beat down, and covered in
bug bites and sweat, everyone’s tired and truly frightened, and no
one knows quite what’s going on. The lower you go in the cave, the
warmer the air is. No one is comfortable and none of this feels right.
The noises from below–sloshing and howling–keep getting louder.
Eventually, you find your way into a large chamber and see the
Uku-guru-inshi stands in a deep pool of water. Some of its many
limbs reach upward through openings in the cave to bring clumps
of insects, plants and the occasional small animal to its maw. Like
elephant trunks, other limbs periodically plunge into the pool and

then spray water on its body, keeping itself wet all the time. The
creature growls and shifts its weight constantly. Do you simply try to
kill it or try and learn more? Challenge Stealth: TN 6 to observe the
creature as long as you want. If Niti is with you, roll Communication:
TN 2 and she whispers, “It’s not angry, it’s scared.” Roll Investigation:
TN 4 to spot a metal contraption attached to one of its legs, the
contraption is attached to the wall with a chain, keeping the animal
enslaved. The monster that protects the lake is actually no monster at
One More Monster: After two rounds of combat with Uku-guru-
inshi, or any attempt to disconnect the chain, Spicer-Simson appears
in the chamber from another cave opening and announces, “I’m
sorry, I cannot allow you to continue.” His tattoos are pulsating with
red light and obviously coiling around his arms. He looks even more
wild-eyed than he did at your last meeting. “You tommies did better
than I ever expected, but this is the end of your road.” Spicer-Simson
Though he has been Corrupted by his use of Whispers, he has not
lost all his humanity yet. After dealing damage to Spicer-Simson, if
you offer him mercy and let him return to England in disgrace he will
accept your offer, ending combat. If you kill him, everyone involved in
the combat must draw for Corruption.
War is the Real Monster: After Spicer-Simson is defeated, Uku-
guru-inshi can be released easily. Despite its dead black eyes, it
makes an obviously pleased burbling sound and splashes in the
water. If Niti is with you, roll Communication: TN 1 and she thanks
you for all you have done. “I hope there are no monsters where you
are going next,” she says with a hopeful smile.
All survivors draw 3 cards.
Commander Geoffrey Spicer-Simson (NPC)
A curious fellow, but everyone adores him—locals and Allied forces
alike. Tall and matter-of-fact, with a stately mustache with a glint of
something unsettling in his eyes. He refers to himself not as a Navy
official, but as a surveyor—and he certainly looks the part. He wears
an odd, khaki skirt, and his eyes dart everywhere; always looking,
always noticing. His pet monkey Josephine reclines across his
shoulders. “Always by my side, old girl,” you’ll often hear him mutter,
handing her a piece of banana or some nuts. His arms are covered in
seemingly amorphous tattoos, bizarre lines coiling around his arms.
“Got them in Borneo at the turn,” he says, dryly. Exactly what he does
in the jungle on his surveying trips is a closely-guarded secret.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: J Armor: 5: His
ta��s create a force field of protection.
Brawn: 4 Smarts: 4 Guts: 6
Weapons: Pistol
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Transport ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Whispers (Guts) ˝ ˝ o o o: A unique blend of magic
learned in various parts of the tropics. No sacrifice is
Snakebite Mist: A swirling gr�n light emanates from Spicer-
Simson’s hand and strikes like a viper. This ranged a�ack
targets Guts and deals 1 damage - +1 damage (2)
Swirling Leaves: He throws what a�ears to be a handful of
leaves and twigs at an o�onent. This a�ack targets Smarts.
Victims of Swirling Leaves have their TN for a� a�acks they
make increased by 2 for their next action. Spray (2)
New Friends: Josephine n�ds a playmate! This a�ack targets
Brawn and deals 2 damage. Anyone reduced to zero Brawn by New
Friends is transformed into a monkey and almost always forgets
their old lives forever.
Weakne�: N�d for control.
Reward: Draw 3 cards for the Unit.

Niti (NPC)
A sweet young girl, totally whipsmart, and resourceful. She wears a
school uniform blouse, a skirt of local printed material, and no shoes.
She sells Spicer-Simson bananas for his monkey, Josephine, to earn
extra money for her family. Wise and full of important knowledge as
her grandparents are both local elders, she’s friendly and at home in
the woods. She knows everything about the plant and animal life you
encounter. She is a force for good. Listen to her and you’ll be sure to
survive, even if it makes no sense.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 5 Guts: 3
- Stealth ˝ o o o o
- Investigation ()
- The Old Ways ˝ o o o o: Is it magic, or just her
familiarity with the jungle?
Weakne�: She is just a child, after a�.
Reward: None
The Uku-guru-inshi
An impressively intimidating beast. Bright red with many
tentacles, its skin looks like a natural sponge. Lichen, mold and ferns
are attached to its bulbous body. Two black, saucer-wide eyes stare
with frantic menace. It lives in a series of interconnected, wet tunnels
underground and is the fierce protector of Lake Tanganyika. When
threatened it will suck up all the water in the region, including in the
lake, to keep it safe. Its limbs look suspiciously like the tattoos on
Spicer-Simson’s arms.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 9 Armor: 4

Brawn: 8 Smarts: 3 Guts: 5
Weapons: Limb Smack: 2 damage – Flu�y (2)
Maw: 1 damage - +1 damage (2), Wreck (2)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ o o o
- Water Ca�on (Guts) ˝ ˝ o o o: Sucking water up into its
spongy flesh, it can sh�t it out at deadly sp�d. This ranged
a�ack deals 2 damage.
Weakne�: T� ancient to understand the threats of the modern
Reward: Draw 2 cards for the Unit.

Blood and Rime

Kodeir Ralford
“In confused march forlorn, the adventurous bands,
With shuddering horror pale and eyes aghast,
Viewed first their lamentable lot, and found
No rest. Through many a dark and dreary vale
They passed, and many a region dolorous,
O’er many a frozen, many a fiery Alp,
Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death;
A universe of death, which God by curse
Created evil”
- Milton, Paradise Lost, Book II

Mission Briefing
“The Alpine Front ignites! A creeping limb of the Great War
stretches over the heart of the Dolomite Mountains, much of which
still smolders with death even into the winter. The Austrians have
fought us like frightened rats, cowering inside their defenses clinging
to lands they’ve never earned. They surround themselves with
trenches of cold stone that echo and ring with the violence of war.
Men, brothers, soldiers… all are reduced to rags of flesh. And from
above those hellish pits, thunderclouds of poison burst and choke
the dying earth. Artillery scours our men from the safety of Austrian
peaks leaving naught but mounds of smoking viscera through the
cold wilds of the Eastern Front. And yet we climb, and yet we crawl,
and we run through the chaos ready to seize what once was ours!
For we are the best of men; Roman blooded. Every steep pass is
our chosen tribulation, every battle our crucible, and as we close-in
on the defenses of the Kaiserschützen and Kaiserjäger it is certain
our foes will suffer the wrath of our fallen! We Alpini are unbreakable,
undaunted, and we will plunge beneath embattled spire, mount
towers of perilous stone, and charge through blooded tunnels to win
the day!
We are upon our enemy. Staring into the mouth of Mount
Marmolada. Let us tear the bastard down!”
- Tenente Balzano, Alpini.
Italian infantry of Bassano Command have captured the ridges
of Forcella Rossa and Forcella Marmolada during a momentous
breakthrough in what has been a bloody contest for the Dolomite
Mountains. The next hurdle is the Marmolada Massif crowned by
Austria’s Gran Poz summit and defended by three to five-hundred
soldiers of the Kaiserschützen mountain division. Under the command
of Cpt. Schmid, they operate out of a barracks known as “Ice City,”
which lays hidden 200 feet (60 m) beneath the impenetrable ice of the
Gran Poz glacier. This division must be eliminated for the campaign to
Bassano boasts several tunnel systems of its own through the rock
and ice of the mountains. The recently-completed Malavita tunnel
was to serve as the launching point for the most ambitious strike
of the Alpini yet, aimed right at the nose of the enemy. However, an
injured prisoner has given information the Austrians have suffered
from the recent influx of bizarre tempestuous weather more than
anyone. Schmid’s supply lines are reported to have been severed by
the storms, and as each day passes the Gran Poz glacier appears
more swollen and precariously vulnerable. The colossal field of ice has
become a Sword of Damocles to the enemy barracks and its forces.
Given the constant snowfall, and the near daily avalanches, the
Alpini possess rare opportunity to conceal a push toward Mount
Marmolada. If there is to be success, the opportunity is now.
Mission Note:
• Recommended for 2-4 players. If there are less than 4
players, they may play multiple characters so there are still 4 player
characters (PC).
• Before play, for each PC, create a basic outline for a non-player
character (NPC) that has served with them throughout the last year

of skirmishes and battles; give them a name, a shared memory, an
aspiration. Players introduce these characters to the group.
• The remaining NPCs are still vital to the success of the Mission.
They have been assigned additional weaponry and will lay down
suppressing fire during all Challenges involving Ranged. There are 2
soldiers with Villar Perosa-Rivelli 9mm Machine Pistols which each
add +1 success. One soldier carries a Fiat–Revelli Modello Machine
Gun which adds +2 successes. These weapons cannot by carried by
the PCs.
Mission Objective
Thirty Alpini have been chosen to undertake a critical and likely
mortal mission. Provoke a devastating avalanche over the “Ice City”
barracks, and in-turn cripple the region of its support.
Travel from Bassano Command through the Malavita tunnel,
traverse the pass to Destinato Spire, ascend and sneak your way
to the Gran Poz. Locate any nearby artillery of the Kaiserschützen
Barracks and attempt to turn it against the swollen Gran Poz glacier
that protects the “Ice City” beneath. Disrupt enemy rescue efforts and
destroy supplies. Return to Bassano Command.
Viva l’Italia.
The Journey
Soldiers are equipped standard with climbing rope, a “torch”
flashlight, rations, cleats, Polivolente gas masks (Protects Chlorine,
Phosgene), skis, ski poles, winter uniforms, combat knife, match-
sticks, and their Cappello Alpino. Standard assigned arms for this
mission are Carcano Bolt-Action Rifles and Brevetta 1915 Pistols.
Winter’s cruelty is unrelenting. Communications and supplies have
been disrupted for weeks with winter-squalls burying Marmolada
and the teeth of the surrounding summits and nerves are nearly at
an end. It is midnight. The day ahead will be Wednesday, December
13th, 1916. You march half-stooping, half-crawling ever upward
through the Malavita tunnel, traversing 740 feet (225 m) of carbonite
stone, occasionally passing exhausted looking miners in one of the
resting areas tall enough to stand in. At one point you must cross a
bridge over a newly-discovered and cavernous pit. After an hour you
exit into the inclement snows and flesh-burning winds. Here, the roar
of the dark skies is deafening, the white path before you blanched
and untouched by a swallowed moon. For two hard hours you march
to the base of Destinato Spire and find its iron rungs by following
a secured line of rope embedded to the pass. Each rung is covered
in frost, needing to be cleared one at a time, and offers assistance
on reaching the impassable ledges of the spire’s face. Destinato is
imposing, a splintered horn of a devil breaching the shadow of night,
and surrounded by nothing but falling snows and plunging abyss.
Requirement: Two black cards, any Heart.

Narrative: Describe overcoming the dangers of traversing the
altered mountain landscape. Alternately describe encouraging and
assisting fellow soldier in the tunnel or during the climb.
Failure: Snow sloughs off from the cornices and rock, dropping
in slabs as more debris comes pouring down from the skies. Several
soldiers simultaneously find themselves pelted by ice, snowblind and
struggling for their footing. They are swallowed by white cascades as

ice comes down in heavy waves that sever your Unit and overwhelm
the rest. Bodies are thrown over ledges, others are snapped violently
as they flail for a grasp of anything but darkness. All characters take
one damage to any attribute and a random named NPC is killed along
with five other unnamed Alpini who are all lost in the fall. The player
who introduced the chosen NPC must describe the carnage. Lose one
Villar Perosa 9mm Machine Pistol. Proceed to Natural Disaster.
Conditions on Destinato Spire were far worse than reported, but
with nowhere else to go but up you have managed to cross the peak
into enemy territory. Now the real work must begin. Despite growing
fears, the Unit continues into the white-dark. Proceed to The Dark
From this point on, any disaster may break the morale of the Unit. A
mission at night, especially under these conditions, is near impossible.
Though the stakes may make that risk worth taking - in the presence
of failure the players may, at any point before Cornice and Carapice,
choose to abandon their mission and return to the Malavita tunnel.
Proceed to The Darker Way.
Natural Disaster (Upon Failure to Cross Destinato Spire)
Destinato Spire has become increasingly perilous. While its
dangers were known at the onset, just how prevalent a danger could
not have been realized as another 6 feet (2 m) of snow have fallen
over the already bloated mountainside. While near certain that your
movements have been successfully concealed, there is a growing
concern that your sacrifice will amount to nothing more than suicide.
A sense of doom creeps through your ranks, yet pride and duty
among the Alpini is unparalleled. Getting off the exposed cliff is the
first step. Despite growing fears, the Unit continues into the white-
The Unit must Challenge Athletics or Knowledge to move off
the face of the cliff. They need TN 8 to navigate back to Malavita
(abandoning their mission due to weather). They need TN 10 to
cross the peak and advance on Mount Marmolada. Players roll the
Challenge as many times as they need to pool the required successes.
Once they choose their direction, each time they roll and have not
reached the TN, each player takes one damage from the elements
to an attribute of their choice. They also draw a card. For red cards
describe rescuing a lost or injured soldier, and for black cards
they describe one additional soldier immediately swallowed by the
elements. If the TN is not reached after two rolls, lose the Fiat–
Revelli Machine Gun as another minor avalanche occurs, and with
it comes a greater panic amongst the ranks. If the Challenge TN is
not met after the third roll, choose another random named NPC and
their player describes their death in the ice and empty darkness.
After three failed rolls or whenever a total of 5 black cards have been
drawn, a total of 5 unnamed NPCs have been killed and all players
draw for Corruption. Proceed to The Shattered Road if returning to
Malavita Tunnel or proceed to the The Dark Ascent if advancing the
The Shattered Road (Returning to Malvita)
Continued natural threats come down as fierce winds begin
battering the pass and making it significantly more unstable. The
Unit must again pool total successes to make it through the elements.
Challenge Athletics or Knowledge: TN 8. Each time the Challenge is
rolled and the TN is not yet reached, each player takes one damage
from the elements to an attribute of their choice. The group also
draws one card. A red card means the way is still clear. A black
card triggers a massive ice cornice to crash down, either obstructing
the path to Malavita on a 5 or less, or blocking the way you’ve just
returned from on a 6 or higher. After the Challenge TN is reached, if
the path into Malavita tunnel is clear proceed to The Darker Way. If
the path is obstructed proceed to Then Came the Night.
The Darker Way (Entering Malvita)
The earth trembles. A collapsing cornice chases your soldiers into
the mouth of the tunnels. The miners are no longer here, and from
the depths there can be heard screams echoing from the recesses.
Soon something else rises from those pained outbursts subsuming
the screams, something more guttural, an even and cruel moan that
simmers into a rasping breath canvassing the dark. The Malavita
exit is occluded by tons of ice, and shouts from the cramped tunnels
turn to gunfire. Should the Unit move forward, there is only silence
in the pale-lit path leading back to Bassano. A sound of scraping and
long wet strides chatter from the widened rest area, lanterns lying
sideways as oils burn across the stone.
Roll Whisper: TN 4 to identify the sounds as a supernatural threat
and mentally prepare. Characters who fail must take a chance of
Corruption. Players may choose to soldier forward and meet their fate
head-on. If they do, the resting area ahead is now filled with ripped
flesh and the earth is well pushed apart from a gaping hole torn
through its sides. Pulsing mounds of scabs crawl and twitch upon
the stones. There, hulking and hunched within the dark, the soldiers
find the Flyblown Mother who has yet to heal from the miners’ attack
and is now mending. Most her victims will have had their bodies only
partially de-fleshed, some still alive as her countless children gnaw
and suck away their skin while she holds her victim’s bodies to a
swarming belly.
If they do not hunt her, the Flyblown Mother will hunt the players
and she will find them. By the time she finds you, half of her body will
have thickened with a hide resembling the dozens of scalps of those
miners and soldiers throughout the tunnel. Her Brawn and Armor
are both +1. Before the first round of combat, she bursts from the

darkness killing 5 unnamed NPCs as well as another random named
NPC and their player describes their death at the creature’s hands.
Should you defeat Flyblown Mother, proceed to The Return to
Return to Bassano (End of Mission)
Though the creature seemed to die, it still lives. Whatever wounds
you’ve inflicted have only forced it back into the recesses it rose
from. The symphony of its wrathful, anguished shrieking waning
in its retreat to the heart of the mountain. Upon exiting the caves,
exhausted, ashamed, and filled with morbid horror you hear a sudden
thunder from the other side of the Malavita. Avalanches are reported
throughout the region claiming countless lives, and in the next week
tens of thousands die in what was one of history’s worst natural
tragedies. It is confirmed that the Gran Poz glacier has collapsed
effectively decimating the Kaiserschützen Barracks. Players may
confront the mysteries of the dead miners, the confrontation with the
Flyblown Mother, and the aftermath of the Gran Poz in any number
of ways. The war is long from over, and hundreds of thousands more
would still die before the Italians would see the end of it. And in the
aftermath, the ensuing weeks, whatever woke the monster you faced
has permeated itself across these accursed mountains. Corpses rise
from the dead, rivers turn to pus, and the more the war continues the
harder it seems to keep your mind and soul intact.
God bless you, soldier.
Then Came the Night (If Malavita is Blocked by Ice)
Should the Malavita Tunnel entry collapse under the falling ice
and obstruct the entrance, a series of booming and ear shattering
thunderclaps soon follow as relentless gusts beat against your Unit.
A natural explosion of force violently echoes down the stone corridors
of the surrounding range, and a vertiginous gush of frozen winds
begins to blanket the Unit. Soon the pass beneath will begin to shift,
less like ice and snow, and more as a hungered mouth tasting at
bodies looking to be devoured. The ground inevitably slides, fractures,
buckles, and as it does so a legion of whirling maelstroms come
battering the mountainside. You are swept up, lost, your bodies
inverted into a prism as infinite fields of white envelope you. During
the tumbling, frozen maelstrom, 5 unnamed NPCs are killed. Proceed
to Cornice and Carapace.
The Dark Ascent (Upon Successfully Crossing Destinato Spire)
Crossing the Spire the Unit emerges at a distance from the Gran
Poz summit coming to a narrow couloir. The ivory-white powder slopes
upward between two vast stone faces, the snows are waist deep for
any who’d attempt them, though more stable ground can be carefully
walked over when hiking closest to the broad stone walls. The couloir
rises and exits to a deceptively lumped crevasse field whose many
braided pitfalls are disguised by the fresh snow still drifting over the

expanse. If handled carefully, the Unit should capably maneuver
along the flowing waves of risen earth and avoid slipping into the
many precipitous falls concealed by loosely packed snows.
Roll Investigation: TN 4 to locate a snow tunnel which Command
said would lead right to the “Ice City.” If the snow tunnel is
discovered, and players choose to take it, proceed to The Path Below.
If players fail to find the tunnel or choose to cross the crevasse
fields they will have to march up through the waist-deep snow while
an ice fog drifts over everything. Challenge Athletics or Stealth: TN 8
or 5 unnamed NPCs become ensnared in razor-wire hidden beneath
the snow and a Kaisershützen patrol opens fire, killing them. Lose
one Villar Perosa 9mm Machine Pistol.
The patrol is nestled on the ridge above. Fear their guns may start
yet another avalanche grips you, but you must return fire. Challenge
Ranged or Athletics: TN 12. The Unit may pool successes over
multiple rolls. Each time successes are added toward the total, but
the total is not yet reached, players describe a successful skirmish
against their enemies from within the bone-gnawing fog, but all PCs
must also take one damage to an attribute of their choice. If the TN is
not reached after two rolls, a random named NPC is killed and their
player describes their death on the mountain. When the TN is met,
Proceed to What the Night Brings.
The Path Below (Entering the Snow Tunnel)
The snow tunnels begin where the fresh snows have yet to
envelope their entrance, however, towering embankments swallow
the surrounding area and days of hard snow are now likely pressing
down on the packed ceiling of the tunnel. Flashlights can be used
here without risk of detection, and the tunnel can be seen straining
and sagging in sections as its structure becomes increasingly
As the snow tunnels are navigated, cold and bitter drafts seem
to pass through and the packed ice beneath your cleats begins to
swirl into circular patterns. The exit to the snow tunnel comes into
view, though having collapsed inward over the past days of snowfall.
Digging through the frozen powder the Unit emerges in plain view of
the Gran Poz glacier saddled beneath an impressive and impregnable
cliff. The exit of the snow tunnel is far closer than was reported, with
entry shafts and surface infrastructure just barely visible and only
partly cleared of the snows. The entire glacier is effectively buried and
patrols can be barely distinguished clearing paths.
The artillery nests cannot be seen from your position, and all
paths will certainly lead to nearby enemies discovering you. Paths,
however, are carved out like a hedge through the snow. The glacier
lies somewhere far beneath the profuse ice, and doubts begin to
emerge that artillery fire would even pack enough penetrating power
to compromise the glacier let alone cause the desired avalanche.

The Unit may take a moment to plan as they ascertain the next best
action to take. Allow for the players to discuss a plan of attack and
approach. The deeper they are into constructing a strategy, the more
shocking the next moments may be for them. Despair and uncertainty
should set in. The mission is doomed, and this is becoming near
impossible to deny. Proceed to The Dawn is Red.
What the Night Brings (On the Crevasse Fields)
While still battling upwards to reach the ridge and glimpse the
objective of Gran Poz, a thunderous and ear-shattering crack explodes
throughout the region from just beyond the peak of your ascent.
Gouts of exploding ice spew into the night, and a booming call cracks
through the earth. Enemy gunfire ceases, and in moments you are
overtaken. A wailing white avalanche surges over in an ocean of
upheaval and death. A colossal chain of disasters engulf the terrain
as a supernatural darkness rushes across the mountain. You are
enveloped by the breath of winter, your eyelids searing and skin
splitting from cold breaths of frost enclosing around you. Whatever
you had hoped to accomplish, something else had done your wicked
work. Your fellow soldier yell from the chaos, their distance from
you expanding rapidly. In the tumult 5 unnamed NPCs are killed
and, if still carrying it, lose the Fiat–Revelli Machine Gun. You are
sightless, tumbling, throttled, broken, tossed in a sea of cold, and
as you are claimed by disaster a cruel chorus of bitter secrets and
shameless malice flood your mind. The ground beneath you shifts and
moves, now eddying towards an unseen gulf of black rime. Proceed to
Cornice and Carapace.
The Dawn is Red (On the Glacier)
The next moments are hardly describable, and to have witnessed
them, nightmarish. When it began, it started with a crack! There
is no sound comparable to that of 250 thousand tons of glacial ice
naturally, or unnaturally, rupturing in an instant. You hard have
time to realize that whatever it is you had planned to do, it had
already been done, and in moments the world will sink as if caving
into infinite oblivion. Fissures of blasting ice splinter into colossal
teeth, and a terrible wave of force from the epicenter of the Gran
Poz begins avalanches on all the surrounding peaks. Before you
are overwhelmed, you have one moment to glimpse a crimson light
blooming from the glacial wreckage. A column of gushing blood
and snow and viscera erupts from the center. With the explosion,
hundreds of screams soar into the night airs from the barracks
beneath. Then all is lost in a world of noise and white confusion. In
the tumult 5 unnamed NPCs are killed and, if still carrying it, lose
the Fiat–Revelli Machine Gun. An ebullient cyclone of shadows
rises, and a calamitous darkness claims everyone still alive. Proceed
to Cornice and Carapace.

Cornice and Carapace (After the Avalanche)
You come to emerging from an inexplicable sleep, corrupted in
your isolated journey but an evil force, horribly close. All players must
draw for Corruption. You struggle to your feet and see you now stand
over the glass face of a vast and towering structure of ice. Beneath,
both Austrian and Italian soldiers lie stiff and frozen in layers of
twisted crystal. Each of the numberless soldiers stare wide-eyed with
faces somehow alert and terrified, paralyzed into a ruining fear. Close
by a tumulus of red snow covers the corpse of a random named NPC
and their player must describe the state of their crushed body. The
dead soldier is still holding the Fiat–Revelli Machine Gun, if any
unnamed NPCs remain, they may recover the weapon.
Once players try to move, run, escape, or flee, the ground will
begin to move and churn in unnatural ways. Whirlwinds of razor ice
will buffet against them as the bodies beneath the glacier move in
violent convulsions. Fulminating and erupting into a stream of gore,
a crimson flame devours the otherworldly ice, distorting into agony,
writhing as the malformed structure begins to cave. Everything
slumps and drools downward, pitching with cascades of flash boiled
winter now drowning a horde of shrieking soldiers below the glassy
surface. The pulped flesh and ice converge and hiss with blooded
spindrift, emitting a gasping wind of foul death! The wet winds form to
reddened verglas sputtering across the now sunken glacier, mollifying
the chaos in a surreal beauty as embered bodies swirl to the chest
of a large and titanous core. A fissure cracks, a river of diseased
undeath foaming into a broth of pus and spoiled blood cutting
underneath the glacial shell. Above this opening, bathing in the steam
and forming from rotted snow, a towering monument of hard-ice
pieces itself together. Within it are the bodies of countless soldiers, a
nervous system of guts and heads gasping their mouths like brainless
fish. Confront the Everfrost Hulk.
After defeating the Everfrost Hulk, proceed to No Good Men
Among the Damned.
No Good Men Among the Damned (End of Mission)
The Everfrost Hulk splits asunder, a supernova of light crackling
from its chest before a torrent of harsh winds carry you helplessly
through a blizzard of storms. When you come to you find yourselves
being rescued, but what remains of you is yet to be seen. In the
course of a week, tens of thousands vanish in what is one of the
gravest natural catastrophes in history. Chains of avalanches
devastate both the Italians and Austrians, but with the fall of the
Gran Poz Italy is able to advance its position through the mountain
range pushing back the Austrian forces. Of all the many disasters
reported, none is more perplexing than the disappearance of the
miners and soldiers located at Malavita. Being the last to see them,
no information you could provide has helped in finding them. What
you report pertaining to the Gran Poz itself is up to you, and although
your mission has been coincidentally a success, many hundreds of
thousands more are yet to die in what will be a grueling and painful
war through the Alpine Front.
You are convinced that the Gran Poz came down by natural means,
but what happened in the aftermath of those deaths still haunts you.
For the weeks to come, strange and frightening reports have talked
of corpses waking from the dead. Efforts to rescue lost soldiers have
been met with the strange, the bizarre, and the damned. This war has
changed, and so have you.
All survivors draw 1 card. For every 5 unnamed NPCs who also
survived, draw 1 additional card; 1 extra card for 5+ NPCs, 2 for 10, 3
for 15, and 4 for 20.
Flyblown Mother
A large and feminine monstrosity with sagging, desiccated, and
rotted flesh flyspecked by her own hungered children. Her limbs are
many, mismatched and unevenly distributed, and her body fastened
with sundered corpses fused to her pulsing scabs. Her children
appear to be eyeless and half formed mounds, more tumor than child,
and emerge as mouths formed from fat heads jutting from her sagging
belly. Their many limbs grasp feverishly, frantically seeking, their eyes
welled shut from disuse and their skin translucent from years in the

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 7 Armor: 4 (5 if

players were hunted)
Brawn: 7 (8 if players were hunted) Smarts: 4 Guts: 4
Weapons: Eviscerating Claw: 1 damage, causes bl�ding (+1
damage each round until healed.)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Mechanics ˝ ˝ o o o: Used mostly to bu�ow through the
- The Sound of Flesh (Guts) ˝ ˝ o o o: A cacophony of
hungered and starving screams erupt from the Flyblown Mother
and her clutch. They are half-bl�ded and desi�ated, a
symphony of infected creatures s�mingly tormented by their
condition. Targets Guts and deals 2 damage. Victims also tend
to fl� the fight.
- A Thousand Hands (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: The clutch of
screaming children on the Mother’s be�y a�empt to grasp and
gnaw at any they can reach. Targets Brawn, victims may not
a�ack while held and are dealt 1 damage per round of capture.

Ro� Brawn: TN 2 to escape.
- Mending: This ability is always active. The Flyblown Mother
can rip flesh from the body of those tra�ed by A Thousand
Hands. As an action, the Mother can automatica�y deal 2
damage to anyone tra�ed and heal any one a�ribute rank.
Weakne�: Takes +1 damage from fire.
Reward: Draw 3 cards; k�p 2.

Everfrost Hulk
A gargantuan ice golem whose nervous system is formed from
hundreds of bodies tracing throughout its monstrous frame. At its
center, coiling through its core, an emanating shadow and crimson
light churns beneath the crystalline ice and courses throughout its
horrific mass.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: 8

Brawn: 10 Smarts: 4 Guts: 4
Weapons: Titanous Fists: 3 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Bl�d Breath (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o: After forfeiting
an action on one round, on the next round the amalgam of
tra�ed heads inside the Everfrost Hulk open agape. In every
direction, 160 f�t (50 m) around, jetstreams of searing
sanguine mists spew from their throats venting outward
through openings created in its enormous body. The a�ack
deals 2 Brawn damage and 2 Guts damage to a� victims caught
within the vicinity.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 4 cards, k�p 3.

The Hunt
Eric Bloat
For two miles now, from pasture to pasture, our squad has come
upon dead cow after dead cow. Each one looking ‘deflated’ or ‘sunken-
in’. How many has it been now, 20? 30? Hell, maybe 50? There’s
probably more that we haven’t noticed out there lying in the tall grassy
area obscured by this damn God-forsaken fog! It’s all but blinding the
men and I too only seeing things no further than a few yards away.
Hell, only the Lord knows what’s out there, lying in wait, ready to pick
us off one by one at the most opportune moment. I proudly enlisted to
fight for my country but not to fight these demons? Is that what they
are, all slimy, with their tentacles or bulging fish eyes? That wasn’t in
the damn pamphlet!

There just ahead, maybe only twenty yards, a small figure begins
to emerge, stopping us in our tracks. I raise the signal. My men know
it means to be ready for anything. The figure steps forward, stumbling
it’s way free of the mist. It’s a boy! He’s shirtless and shoeless, in just
his trousers and suspenders.
‘My God, is he drunk?’ Tommy asks.
“No. It’s shock. Cover him up.” I order.
As the men retrieve and begin tending to the boy, I train my eyes on
what’s ahead, squinting to see all I can see. As I step slowly forward
large, dark familiar shapes begin to emerge. Buildings or houses
or barns. Can’t tell in this blasted fog! That’s when we hear it. The
screech, like the sound of a thousand bees stinging a cat. It’s coming
from the town. The damned thing is in the town . . .
Mission Briefing
The Hunt is a contained location crawl across five structures in a
small European farming town. The five locations are: Farmhouse A,
Farmhouse B, the Barn, The Church and the Vineyard.
Conditions and challenges will include: The fog, a dense, thicker
than pea soup type of fog that blankets everything in dew and
obscures the characters vision to no more than 10 feet. Another
challenge will be the cold. As the players enter the town, the
temperature begins falling at 10 degrees per hour. The Narrator can
track this as every 20 minutes of real time play equals 1 hour of in
game play or simply drop the temperature each time the characters
leave one of the five locations. Also, there are the echoes. The
characters are never quite sure from which direction the peoples’ (or
the creature’s) screams are coming; maybe it’s the hillside or maybe
just this damned fog, but the sounds seem to come all around at
once, echoing everywhere, making it impossible to track the creature’s
movements by sound. Next, the town folk. Each location has 2 to
3 town folk. Part of the character’s goal, although it is not entirely
evident at first, will be to rescue the town folk and evacuate the area
before the creature attacks and sucks them dry. For each location the
characters evacuate, the team draws a card.
Lastly, the creature. The creature will be constantly be on the
hunt, moving from location to location in search of more blood. Roll
on the chart below, every 15 minutes of real-world time to determine
the whereabouts of the creature. If the creature moves to one of the
locations where the characters are, the creature will attack! If the
players are able to do enough damage to seemingly kill the creature,
it simply runs away into the night to save itself. It will return twice
and only during the third encounter with the characters, will the
creature fight to the death.
Mission Objective

Locate whatever is making those horrible screams and kill it.
The Journey
The Hunt should begin as the unit is returning from another
mission, when they encounter this eerie, unnatural fog, large animal
carcasses, and hear the distant screams of the creature.
Requirement: To take on this Mission, will require the soldiers to
be brave and remain calm with a cost of any 3 cards from the Heart
Question: Name a loved one would you never want to be trapped
in a situation like this. What is your relationship with that person
Success: The distraught farm boy is able to tell you his name is
Louis and he agrees to come with you back into the town.
Creature Movement Chart
1 To the characters’ current location
2 Farmhouse A
3 Farmhouse B
4 The Barn
5 The Church
6 The Vineyard
Narrator Note: In The Hunt, the creature is never given a
name. This is left vague on purpose. Describe the creature to your
characters, when they ask what this creature is called, you should
respond, “You tell me.” Let the characters name the creature based on
their experience and interpretation of what is happening in game.
Farmhouse A: Large 2 story farmhouse belonging to the Leblanc
family. Due to the war coming so close, the women of the family
have been sent away. However, Francis Leblanc and his two sons,
Marsielle and Louis, stayed behind to look after the farm and the
attached vineyard. However, currently the youngest boy, Louis, age 9,
is missing…
The structure itself has two exterior entrances, the front door
and the back door. All the first-floor windows have been boarded
from within. The first floor contains a formal seating area, dining
room, kitchen, large walk-in pantry and Mr. Leblanc’s office. The
second floor has four large bedrooms and a linen room. There is also
an earthen basement. If the creature is at this location when the
characters arrive, it will burst through the floor and attack.
Condition to Evacuate: Mr. Leblanc will not leave until his son
Louis (the boy from the intro story) is brought to him.
Farmhouse B: This single-story farmhouse belongs to Laurant
and Paris Mercier, a young newlywed couple, who are now hiding in
their cellar, scared by the terrible screams they have been hearing in
the night. The first floor has a living room, a bedroom, kitchen and
a sewing room with large iron spindle sewing machine and weaver
from the turn of the century. The house has two exterior entrances,
the front door and an exterior cellar door that is not locked. If the
creature is at this location when the characters arrive, it will attack
from the bedroom.
Condition to Evacuate: The Merciers will not leave until weapons
are given to Laurant.
The Barn: Smelling of new lumber, the barn is immaculate and
was probably just finished before the beginning of the war. It’s large,
with multi-stalls for the horses and cattle as well as a large area for
the farmhands to stay. But since the beginning of the war, most of the
farm hands ran off to fight. Only Richard Beaulieu, an older man in
his 60s and Gagne Duprius, a 15-year-old runaway, remain. They can
be found hiding in the hay loft. The cows and most of the horses were
still in the field when this all began, and Richard and Gagne could
only get three horses in the stalls before deciding to hide and save
themselves. If the creature is here when the characters arrive, it will
be attacking the horses. The characters can take it by surprise and
get each get a free action before combat begins.
Condition to Evacuate: The ladder to the hay loft broke as Beaulieu
and Duprius climbed in there to hide. This will require a successful
Mechanics skill roll to repair the ladder before the two can be
The Church: The small single room sanctuary is just large enough
to seat 60 people. Attached is a one-room living quarters for the Priest.
Father Thomas Duran is the current Priest, recently reassigned here on
orders from the Vatican. He has a young servant boy, named Robert.
Currently Father Duran and Robert are hiding in the sanctuary. The
Father has barred the door shut and will not let anyone in. To gain
entry the characters will have to force their way in by either breaking
the door down (Athletics: TN 4) or by breaking in through the priest’s
living quarters (no roll required). If the creature is here when the
characters arrive, it will be in the priest’s living quarters.
Condition to Evacuate: Father Duran will absolutely refuse to leave
until the characters can provide him with proof that there are other
survivors. One of the other evacuees must be brought to the church to
evacuate The Father and Robert from the church.
The Vineyard: The Vineyard, owned and managed by the Leblanc
family, is easily the largest and most wide-open of the locations. It’s
nearly endless, row after row of grapes, are the perfect hiding place for
the creature. However, with the temperature dropping so dramatically,
this year’s harvest will be ruined. After finding his children, the next
thing Francis Leblanc (The Father from Farmhouse A) will do is
check on his prize vineyard. If Francis Leblanc is present, he will be
inconsolable. If the creature is here when the characters arrive, it will
be incredibly tough to differentiate between it and the other vines.
The creature will take the characters by surprise and get a free action
before combat begins.
However, the creature is not the only threat present. Five German
soldiers, the last of their squad, lie in wait for the creature to attack.
Their squad had hunted this thing across the fields since it attacked
and wiped out all of their brethren. Each German is wearing their full
tactical gear, including gas mask, gloves and skin shield. They have
rifles with bayonets, and either a knife or pistol, plus each German
has two grenades!
Will these soldiers be friend or foe? That’s up to the Narrator. To
make a more difficult session, the Germans can attack and battle the
characters, or for an easier session they can assist the characters.
Use 4 Common Soldiers and 1 Officer.
Condition to Evacuate: If the characters can convince the Germans
to help them, the team can draw and share 2 cards. If the characters
convince the Germans to leave the area the team gets no cards. If the
characters defeat the Germans in combat, the team can draw 1 card.
This scenario is not complete until the creature has been killed.
In addition to the 1 card received by the soldier who dealt the killing
blow, each player that damaged the creature in any encounter can
draw 1 card for their contribution.
The Creature
The Creature is an unnatural, unholy thing that never should
have found its way to Earth, but it has. There is something so
utterly otherworldly about it, it’s appearance, the way it moves, that
when first encountering it, a person may stare dumbfounded, not
sure if what they are seeing is real or not. But it is real. And it’s

very dangerous. Driven by a hunger, a thirst for blood, greater than
the lusts of the great vampire lords, in the dusty gothic tomes of
yesteryear. It moves, hunting for its next target, by rolling or slither
or bouncing across the ground, not too different than a tumbleweed
blowing across the Western American planes, except its movements
are calculated and precise, and almost desperate as it spins and coils,
contracts and springs forward, wasting no time or effort, as every
movement propels the thing onward to its next meal, it’s next victim.
If the creature moves to one of the locations where the characters are,
the creature will attack!
The easiest way to physically account for this alien, otherworldly
creature is to say it looks like an ever expanding and contracting
wall of brambles and thorn, with “skin” that is the blackest of blacks
and wet and slick in appearance. It’s “thorns” are large, black with
bright red tips and seem to pulsate if driven by an alien heartbeat. It
is impossible to find a beginning or an end to it’s vine like body, but
somehow, anyone gazing upon it is sure there is a beginning and end
and not just a continuous matted up loop of a single vine.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 10 Armor: 3 (+1 per

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
Weapons: Thorn-fi�ed vine: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Te�or: This ability is always active. To hear the creatures
scr�ching-nightmarish scream is enough to make anyone f�l
uncomfortable or uneasy and even enough to flat out scare the
weak-wi�ed. However, to hear this te�ifying sound and to s�
the creature coming at you requires a� characters to ro� on
the te�or chart below. This ability automatica�y su��ds.
The creature may use Te�or once at the begi�ing of each
combat round in a�ition to its normal action.
Te�or Chart (Ro� 2D6)
1 – Your character drops dead from fear.
2-3 - Your character turns and runs in the o�osite direction
for their next action.
4 - Your character urinates on them self, but may act norma�y.
5 - Your character faints or cowers in place for their next
6-8 - Your character is u�erved but su�ers no real negative
9 - Your character stands frozen in fear for 1d4 combat
rounds. You may discard a card to negate this e�ect.
10-12 - Your character lets out a high-pitched scream for

their next action.
- Entangle (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: The creature’s main goal
is to entangle a character so it can consume them. It does
this by pouncing on the character, wra�ing multiple thorny-
vines around the character at once. If Entangle is su�e�ful,
the victim can i�ediately ro� Athletics against the
creature’s cu�ent Brawn to break fr�, su�ering 1 damage.
If the character fails to escape, they can ro� Athletics
on their next turn. If the character then su��ds, they
are fr� having only taken 2 points of damage, however, if
they fail again, the creature wi� tighten its grip, pushing
multiple thorns in and inject a poison that causes i�ediate
paralysis. Once this ha�ens the creature wi� drain 1/3 of
the character’s bl�d each round (damage to Brawn) and the
character be wi� dead at the end of the third round!
- Flailing: This ability is always active. The l�ping ends of
the creature’s coils s�m to be everywhere. The creature may
make one regular Mel� a�ack at the end of each combat round
in a�ition to its normal action.
- Cold: The Creature has a natural defense that as it f�ds
on a victim, it causes the weather in a 10,000-yard radius to
plu�et in temperature, taking the temperature to we� below
fr�zing or sometimes even deadly sub-arctic-like lows. Once
the Creature is ki�ed or has moved on the temperature wi�
raise 10 degr�s an hour until it returns to normal levels.
- Fog: The Creature has a natural defense where it manifests
an incredibly dense fog to cover its movements. The fog
radiates out from the creature’s location in a 10,000-yard
radius but as the creature moves, the fog simply di�ipates
i�ediately. While in the fog, it becomes extremely di�icult
to pinpoint the sources of sounds and a� loud sounds simply
bounce and echo o� the thick fog.
- Resilient: If any of the creature’s a�ributes are reduced
to zero, then the creature is not ki�ed. It wi� run away into
the night to save itself and rest until it can regain it’s
strength. The next time the characters m�t the creature it
has recovered a� health and its Armor is +1. It can only use
this ability twice. The third encounter with the characters,
the creature wi� fight to the death. Even if a� the town folk
are evacuated, the characters wi� sti� n�d 3 encounters with
the creature to ki� it.
Weakne�: The creature is hungry but not clever. It can’t come
up with any be�er plan than “cr�p up and grab them.”
Reward: The player receives who deals the ki�ing blow can
draw 1 card for defeating (ki�ing) the creature.

Claiming the Peaks
Tyler Omichinski
Mission Briefing
Throughout 1915 and 1916, the Italians and Austrians fought
over the Isonzo river. The Austro-Hungarians occupied the fortress
towns of Gonzia and Gradisca. To make progress, the Italians would
have to fight down the mountains to the river, cross the river, then
battle upwards again. Nearly a dozen battles have been fought over
this river, with tunnels and trenches dug into the very mountains
themselves. Sheer rock faces caused the artillery to throw razor sharp
shards of stone through the air.
In 1917, something changed. Both sides were dug in when the
word came down from the Western Front that the nature of the war
had changed. For the day to day grunts, German reinforcements
marched in to join the Austro-Hungarians, but the weapons of Gonzia
and Gradisca went silent, and it has been days since the last sighting
of anyone on the enemy line.
Part 1
Mission Objective
Orders have come down to push across the river, investigate, and,
if possible, seize the fortresses.
The Journey
Even without the enemy on the walls, there is still plenty to be
concerned about. You need to take our tunnels, cross the river, and
climb the opposing side before even reaching the edges of the city. All
while ensuring you don’t set off an avalanche in the process.
Requirement: No red cards.
Question: How did you manage to survive the rains of stone and
explosives over the past years?
Failure: The group draws enemy fire as they’re crossing, forcing
them to deal with 5 Austro-Hungarian Common Soldiers. As thin
and starved as you are, dressed in clothing that isn’t nearly warm
enough for the weather. They are wild-eyed and barely responsive,
reacting more like wild creatures than enemy soldiers.
Crossing the River: Roll Athletics: TN 3 to cross the River without
incident. Upon a failure, the individual takes 1 damage to Brawn,
regardless of Armor. The river itself is a rocky torrent, and the
entire area has been made unsafe between construction debris and
unexploded ordinance.
Seeing the Bristling Weapons: Roll Investigation, success sees
large artillery emplacements on the emplacements in the mountains
seeming to sway in the winds. They’re not the rigid emplacements
they’re supposed to be, something is definitely strange going on here.
Finding Their Tunnels: Roll Investigation: TN 3 to find the enemy
tunnels which they have dug into the mountains. Using the tunnels
lets the Unit circumvent some of the more treacherous pathways and
along they way they find some of the equipment that was left behind.
Each soldier may draw 1 card.
Searching Their Trenches: You need to pass through enemy
trenches in order to reach the fortresses. You can just try to push
through or take a look around. If the Unit looks around, they find that
there aren’t nearly as many casualties here as there should be from
estimates of the enemies. They are also all fairly old, with no evidence
of recent deaths to any of them.
Getting to the Gates: As they reach the gates to the city, there’s
a great shuddering noise from the other side. The gates are holding,
but there’s clearly trouble in the city. To force the gates open from the
outside roll Mechanics: TN 4. Or roll Athletics: TN 2 for one soldier to
climb the wall. Once over the wall, roll Investigation: TN 2 to find the
mechanism to open the gate from the inside. The creature behind the
gate is an Isonzo Monstrosity.
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 2
Mission Objective
Find out what happened to the Austro-Hungarians, and what to do
The Journey
You’ve entered the city and it is a ghost town. There are plenty
of signs that people used to live here, of the civilian lives that were
replaced by military precision and operations. There are signs of dead
bodies, pierced through with shards of stone. Frozen blood lines the
streets, and you’ve got to find a cause behind all of this.
Requirements No black cards.
Question: What do you do to try to lighten the mood while
searching through a dead city?
Failure: Each soldier takes a Corruption check.
Check the Residential Area: Roll Investigation: TN 2 to look
through the residential area, find a stash of weapons and equipment
that they had stored there, amongst the bodies that are all frozen to
death in the midst of everyday activities.
Check the Industrial Area: Even a small town in the mountains
needs to be able to produce. This one has been repurposed to create
weapons of war. This provokes a fight with 3 Isonzo Young, younger
versions of Isonzo Monstrosities. Several smokestacks seem to come
from the side of the mountain itself, but short of climbing down the
smokestacks themselves, there’s no apparent entrance to whatever
lies beneath them. There are strange, fleshy growth sacks that weigh
heavily upon the machinery, and they slowly move and shudder. The
entire area reverberates with a faint but undeniable heartbeat. Fight
or Flee.
Check the Military Headquarters: The Military Headquarters
has a pile of records about what had happened. Roll Communication:
TN 3 roll to get all the details. No matter whether they succeed or
fail, they find a great deal of explosives that can be repurposed. If
they succeed, they’ll get further information on the beginning of
the growths within the Industrial area, the attempts to keep them
at bay only for those tasked with dealing with them being attacked
by strange amalgams of biology and technology. The creations kept
growing and began to kidnap people at night. It didn’t take long before
the troops were overrun in their own city after brutal street fighting.
While there, roll Mechanics: TN 2 to recover some explosives and jury
rig them into a charge. On a successful roll, they get 1 Explosive. For
4 total successes they get 2, and for 6 they get 3 Explosive charges.
Check the Church: The church has been repurposed into a
food warehouse for the creatures, with the windows broken so the
internals are freezing cold. There are dozens of bodies hanging from
the ceiling, reminiscent of animal carcasses hanging for butchery and
preparation. There is an Isonzo Monstrosity asleep in the room; roll
Stealth: TN 3 to avoid waking it. If they do wake it, this one will only
fight in close combat, and will only protect the food in the Church,
avoiding destroying the building. If the building is destroyed, such as
with the explosives from the Military HQ, the creature will then leave
the building to attack them. Fight of flee.
Check the Mayor’s House: The Mayor’s house was the last
redoubt of the soldiery of the city before the creatures took over. There
are still some soldiers here, nearly starved to death and freezing from
exposure. Their faces are wan, and they have been waiting for death.
They’ll share what little they have if the Soldiers are kind to them,
allowing each player to draw 1 card.
What Comes Next: Taking the city isn’t going to be easy, especially
with all these things around. There’s got to be a source of them,
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 3
Mission Objective
There are dozens of the creatures, and they need to be stopped.
That’s going to need some heavy ordinance. Thankfully, you’ve got
You’ve got to make the call about the Isonzo Monstrosities: lure
them into the city and destroy it all, or try to get cause an avalanche
onto them outside of the city.

Once you’ve got to get everything into position. Set up the trap,
and deal with them once and for all.
The Journey
The Soldiers need to pick their position for the trap, and set it
up. Make the more difficult attempt to save the city and deal with
the creatures, or use the city as a sacrificial pawn to take out the
Requirement: Four cards of 8 or higher.
Narrative: Where are you setting up the trap, and how are you
drawing their attention?
Failure: The Unit draws more attention than intended, they will
face 2 additional Isonzo Monstrosities during the Setting the Trap
Special Rules: If they choose in the city, the group fights only one
Monstrosity as the rest are lured into the city. If they choose outside
of the city, they need to clear out the Church, the Industrial area, and
fight a Monstrosity before the trap can go off, if they haven’t done so
Deal with the Church: If not dealt with above, it needs to be
Deal with the Industrial Hatchery: If not dealt with above, it
needs to be cleared.
Setting the Trap: Roll Stealth: TN 3 (TN 2 if in the city) to get
out of the area with the trap without being noticed. Being noticed
means either a running battle, more Monstrosities being drawn out of
position that they will have to fight, reposition, or otherwise deal with.
Bring down the Sky: Someone must roll Mechanics: TN 3 test to
detonate the trap and take care of all the Monstrosities with the right
timing. Failure means the soldier who missed the right moment must
draw for Corruption. Then the Unit must fight 1 remaining Isonzo
Monstrosity (or 1D4 Isonzo Young, if fitting).
The Isonzo Queen: After the majority of them are dealt with,
there’s one last thing they need to address. The Queen of the Isonzo
Monstrosities. An entire factory in the Industrial area starts to
shudder as the creature shakes off the ice. Smoke billows from
pipes on its back, and it lets loose a great bellow that threatens an
avalanche. Flee.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Part 4
Mission Objective
Operation: Remove the Crown. You’ve got to deal with the queen.
It’s time to lure it downhill to the river and drop as much as possible
on it.
The Journey
Head out of the city and down the mountain, pursued by the
Queen. Try not to listen to all the noise behind you.
Requirement: One card of each suit. To represent an increased
familiarity with the area, the unit gains one “wild card” which may
serve as any suit if they completed the Incident Finding Their Tunnels
during Part 1, and a second “wild card” for completing Searching Their
Narration: How do you stay ahead of the Queen as you’re
scrambling down the mountain?
Failure: Each soldier takes an attack from the Isonzo Queen as
they run.
Get her into the Water! Roll Athletics: TN 4 to be the bait and
lure the queen into the water behind you. Failure means a free attack
by the Queen. While in the water she is weakened.
Find the weak points! While fighting, anyone can roll
Investigation: TN 3 to find weak points in the Armor, bringing the
creature’s effective Armor down to 5.
Bring her Down: If you manage to cause enough damage, the
Queen will go down for a brief period, see Recuperation Ability below.
While down, the soldiers can begin to run, either roll Mechanics: TN 3
or use an appropriate Whisper to trigger the avalanche, beginning The
World Split Asunder.
The World Split Asunder: Taking the Queen down means bringing
the mountain down on her. Turns out bringing a mountain down
tends to have some collateral damage. Once the avalanche is triggered
everyone must roll Athletics: TN 3 to make it out alive.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
If the fortress isn’t completely destroyed, they’ve finally broken
the stalemate at the Isonzo. The Austrian and German lines are
functionally non-existent behind this. You’ll be able to keep pushing
forward, if the war is even on anymore.
If the city was destroyed, there’s still not much in the form of the
enemy behind it, but you don’t have a safe place to build from. The
Italian side was never as built up as the Austrian, and the continued
efforts to push forward precluded any interest in fortifying.
Ultimately, there is a victory, but at what cost? The Whispers and
other strangeness reported in the other theaters of war were perhaps
slowed by the mountains, but they could not be held off forever.

Isonzo Monstrosity
It looks like a fur covered creature that has grown around an
artillery placement. Six large limbs grow from the base of the former
weapon, each with a large grasping claws that scrabble and grab at
the rocky surfaces. The artillery barrel sways and bobs as it moves,
only for the full creature to brace itself right before a shot. The
projectiles that it hurls are a combination of left behind artillery shells
that it appears to carry somewhere within itself, and boney growths.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 5 Armor: 3

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
Weapons: Claw (Mel�): 1 damage - +1 damage (1)
Arti�ery (Ranged): 2 damage – +1 damage (1), Fragmentation
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ o o o: Gently grunts to fe�ow
Monstrosities and be�ows to a� threat.
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Bl�d Rites ˝ ˝ o o o
- Elemental Rituals ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: A Monstrosity genera�y wi� not pursue soldiers
into buildings, instead firing on the wa�s a few times and
be�owing before eventua�y wandering o� again.
Reward: Draw 2 cards for the Unit to share.

Isonzo Young
Small creatures of flesh and metal, they detach themselves from
the gargantuan weapons they are growing on to skitter across the
ground, reaching for those who would disturb their nest.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 7 Armor: 3

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 2 Guts: 2
Weapons: Claw: 1 damage
Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o: They s�k industrial machines to
f�d upon.
Elemental Rituals ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card.
Isonzo Queen
The size of a building, the creature has dozens of limbs that drag
the bulk along the mountain peaks. With her hive nearly demolished,
she needed to remove the threat to her young, establishing another
nest soon after if necessary. She can’t be killed without bringing down
the mountain on her. She’ll just “go down” and begin to recuperate.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 2 Armor: 7

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 5 Guts: 7
Weapons: Claw: 2 damage – A�ault (2), Critical (3)
Smash: 2 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ o o o: Gently grunts to fe�ow
Monstrosities and be�ows to a� threat.
- Bl�d Rites ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Bl�d Blade
- Elemental Rituals ˝ ˝ o o o
-Healing Words ˝ ˝ o o o
Body Heal, Mind Rest, Spirit Charge
- Recuperation: This ability is always active. If any
a�ribute is reduced to zero, the Isanzo Qu�n is not ki�ed,
but co�apses and begins thr� combat rounds of regeneration
during which it is i�une to a� further damage. The Qu�n
heals 1D3 ranks of a�ribute points per round of regeneration.
Weakne�: Takes 1 damage to cu�ent lowest a�ribute per turn
if in water.
Reward: Draw 4 cards for the Unit to share.

In Arms
Justin Isaac
Mission Briefing
Before reality was ripped and monstrous horrors invaded the field,
there were rumors of a singular hero turning the tide of the war. No
one could say who this super soldier truly was, but her exploits (real
and imaginary) were a regular part of daily discussion in the trenches.
While camping in the Flanders Fields, the Unit has heard reports of
a mighty warrior woman who commands a village and offers it as a
safe haven. Could this be the same hero? Can your Unit finally find
a place to call home? You must find out. You’ve discussed it among
yourselves and you believe, given the current conflict, you have
roughly three days that you can gather reconnaissance, before anyone
really notices you are gone.

Mission Objective
Investigate the rumors and discover the village’s location. Interact
with the warrior. Escape the village.
The Journey
Keeping their heads down the characters slowly make their
way through the trenches at Flanders Fields. The fields that were
once beautiful and filled with flowers are now a hellish landscaped
pockmarked with holes. Bullets fly overhead and the trenches shake
as artillery fire lands on the field. As they slowly make your way east,
the smell of rotting comrades and enemies mingles with the smoke of
gunpowder. They’re not sure if Hell is real, but if it is, they know that
it smells like this. Only the bonds of friendship they have made and
the chance, no matter how small, of a reprieve from the fighting allows
them to cling to hope and work their ways through the dark maze of
death that surrounds them.
Requirement: 3 Hearts.
Narrative: The Unit have been through much together. They have
witnessed the Corruption of the Others first hand and been branded
as traitors. Still they’ve come together and formed a true bond in
arms. While you don’t know that you will see your original home
again, the chance of a new start excites you. Describe the bonds you
have made with your Unit and what you’ll do if you’ve final found a
place to call home.
Failure: Camping their first night after leaving No Man’s Land, a
group of Little Sisters enter the camp. They seek claim that they are
lost and need an escort to the village. They agree to guide the Unit
to the village, but will seek to sabotage their gear and lead them into
peril along the way.
A wounded soldier is found on the side of the trail leading into
town. He is a young man of a nationality of one of the Unit. He is
gaunt and his body is covered with small round wounds that have
scabbed over. He is utterly terrified and writhing in pain. Though most
of what he says seems to be inane babbling, every so often he mutters
something about “the burrowing.”
Challenge Communication: TN 3 to calm the man. If unsuccessful,
the man begins to wail loudly, drawing the attention of a potentially
hostile Big Sister. Alternately the characters can put the man out of
his misery. However, the method used still may draw the attention of
a hostile Big Sister and causes the player committing the killing to
draw for Corruption. They players should narrate their attempts to
silence the man.
The Unit is greeted by the residents of the town. Other than the
Queen, every resident of the town is either a little or big sister. While
this wouldn’t be too unusual (most able bodied men have gone to
the front lines to fight), these women seem to have been corrupted
by some force of otherness. The Unit has a few hours to investigate
the area. They witness the sisters doing their daily routine, gathering
food, patrolling the area, and training for combat. The town seems
to be in overall good shape. Most of the buildings are intact. The
residents seem to be armored and armed. However despite their battle
ready appearance, the place seems to be at peace. The residents have
a serene, almost numb sense about them. They don’t seem to have
much individualism and almost seem to have some sort of hive mind.
It is not uncommon for one sister to finish another’s sentence.
Challenge Communication, Investigation, or Stealth: TN 10 to
survey, recon, and gain proper intel about the current mission. If
successful, they surmise that the residents seem to be connected by
the worms that writhe beneath their flesh. This allows them to be
better prepared for the battles ahead. However, on a failure they are
caught off guard and have no chance to prepare themselves for the
trial they will soon face.
A test of worth is required of the characters. The Queen has taken
notice and presents herself to the Unit. She says that they must prove
their value. The Unit must face a number of Big Sisters equal to their
number. Much of their gear is taken away, though if they succeeded
at the previous Challenge, they may roll Stealth or Knowledge: TN 3
to hide small arms and possibly grenades on their person. They are
permitted to use their own melee weapons and if they have none,
weapons will be provided. They are led a makeshift arena that has
been erected in the town’s center. The residents of the town gather to
watch. The Queen moves to a balcony and a hush falls on the crowd.
“The worthy shall survive,” she decrees as the fight commences. The
Unit realizes they must work together or die while AWOL.
A feast is held in the honor of the victors. Tables are erected
outside of the arena. Alcohol and delicious smelling food is brought
before the party. The characters are expected to take part in the feast.
The Queen wishes to hear more of their heroic deeds. The must tell
tales of battle ferocity and heroism to impress here. They may also
show off their physical prowess.
Challenge Athletics, Communication, or Knowledge: TN 8 to
properly impress the Queen. If successful, move to the next Incident.
If unsuccessful, the Queen asks them how they enjoyed their last
meal. She then begins to belittle them and discuss the inferiority of
men. She says they are unworthy hosts and of no greater significance
than earthworms. This demoralizes the Unit and means that they
cannot heal during the final confrontation with the Queen.
Not wanting to become subservient to the Queen the Unit has
two options: fight or flee. Seeing herself as superior to all others, The
Queen will face the party alone. She is a mighty warrior, but with
proper tactics and teamwork she can be defeated. If she is killed she
lets out a piercing cry and falls dead. The remaining residents will cry
out and fall. Strange worms burst out of their skin, killing some, and
just scarring others.
Depending on the Unit’s actions, the survivors thank the Unit
and inform them that they are welcome in the village. However, while
they were not in control of their actions while bound to the worms, they
were aware of the actions and if the Unit treated the townsfolk poorly or
killed any of the Little Sisters, they will be cold and insist they leave.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Little Sister
These young children are dressed in rags. They are unusually
pale and something about them seems not quite human. Was that
something crawling beneath their skin?

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 8 Armor: None

Brawn: 1 Smarts: 3 Guts: 1
Weapon: Knife
- Mel� ˝ o o o o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ o o o o
- Who Could Ki� A Child?: This ability is always active.
A�ackers ro� 1 le� die when a�acking a Li�le Sister.
Weakne�: None
Reward: None

Big Sister
These women wear piecemeal armor made of scrap and bone that
resembles something worn by an ancient warrior. They don’t seem to
be truly human. Glowing worms can be seen beneath their skin.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 5 Armor: 2 (3 against

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapon: Ancient Blade: 2 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- Deflecting: This ability is always active. Big Sister’s
Armor rating increases by one against Ranged a�acks.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card.

The Queen
Clad in form fitting armor, she is a stunning warrior of obvious
Mediterranean descent. You would be taken back by her beauty if
it wasn’t for the glowing crimson worms that can be seen writhing
beneath her flesh.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: Q Armor: 3

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 4 Guts: 3
Weapon: Ancient Blade: 2 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ o o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- The Worms Feast! (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: He�ish red worms
burst from the Qu�n’s skin and fly towards the target.
Targets Brawn and deals 2 damage.
Weakne�: None
Reward: The qu�n parasite bonds with the soldier that dealt
the ki�ing blow and gives them a le�er version of “The Worms
Feast!” that deals 1 damage.

Using the Worm in Future Missions: While the larval worm

queen isn’t strong enough to control the soldier that hosts it, it will
still seek to influence the character. Consider giving the characters
bonuses and Corruption if they take the worm up on its offer.

The Sorrow of Dupont

Elizabeth Chaipraditkul
Mission Briefing
You are sent to a vineyard south of Verdun where enemy forces
have taken up residence for its strategic value. It’s a simple mission
- stop the enemy and report back. Yet things have soured in the
vineyard and your mission may not be as simple as you once thought.
Find your way out through before you truly understand the darkness
which lies between the notes of the local song, “The Sorrow of
Mission Objective
The town of Dupont has a significant strategic value in the war
and it’s occupied by enemy soldiers. Head to Dupont, engage enemy
combatants hiding in the Brun family vineyards, clear the vineyard,
and report back.
The Journey
The Battle of Verdun was long, bloody and in order to get to
Dupont you must wind your way through the solemn corpse of the
battlefield. Trudging through the mire of mud, ghosts of the past cling
to your boots, tug at your pant legs, pull at your memories. At every
turn through the trenches and barricades you feel spirits of the past
coming to visit their misery upon you.
Requirement: 2 Hearts.
Question: Who do you recently lose in battle and how do you
remember them? Who loves you and is waiting for you at home?
Success: The memory of each soldier’s loved ones bolster them
during this Mission. This memory allows each player to add a single
success to one roll of their choice during this Mission.
Failure: The ghost of a lost compatriot quite literally clings to
each solider. Once during this Mission the Narrator may require each
player to re-roll any roll, if the new roll is a success, nothing happens.
If the re-roll results in a failure the ghost steps into this world and
haunts the character for the rest of the Mission.
The Brun vineyards are located to the far west of the sleepy town
of DuPont. The soldiers arrive at the east of the town and pass the
Tavern as they make their way to the vineyard. The Brun estate itself
has three vineyards – East, North, and South. Assuming the soldiers
take a straight path to the estate they’ll encounter the East Vineyards
first. The entrance to the Farmhouse faces the North Vineyards and
the Aging House is located just on the border of the South Vineyards.
The door to the Pressing Room can be reached through the Farmhouse
or by an entrance to the west of the property.
Tavern: A lone tavern stands on the edge of the sleepy town of
Dupont. Faint light flickers from within and a howling wind whips
past the graying stucco walls of this establishment. Inside the taverns
a few locals gather for quite words over watered down wine and old
bread. This tavern’s long since seen any type of profit and how it still
stays open is a mystery.
Challenge Communication or Investigation: TN 3 will reveal an
enemy solider hiding behind the bar who spotted the Unit’s approach
and hid. If the enemy solider the soldiers notice his frail frame and
haunted eyes are devoid of any emotion. He mutters half truths and
confused utterances of the grapes’ beauty and delicious inspiration.
If the enemy solider is not found – the locals have very little to share:
the enemy soldiers are indeed at the vineyards, but most of them
haven’t been seen for some time.
When the PCs leave, a man sitting in the corner of the tavern picks
up his violin and plays a sorrowful melodic tune. If asked, a local will
tell the soldiers the tune is called “The Sorrow of Dupont,” the violinist
started playing it just after the war started – as if he somehow knew
what would befall the town.
East Vineyard: Perfectly plump grapes hang from healthy vines
wrapped upon wooden scaffolding running along the lines of this
vineyard. Smoke rising from the South Vineyard heralds trouble which
feels like a distant treat never to come.
Walking through this vineyard is more dangerous than to the north
or south as it is seemingly perfectly pleasant. Soldiers are reminded
of better times in this field of home, family, and comfort. Ask each
player to share a happy memory their solider has and then ask for an
appropriate card that represents that memory. If the player is unable
(or unwilling) to give you a card their character plucks a plump grape
from the vine and eats it. The player must draw for Corruption now or
choose to have a complication later on in the pressing room.
If the player chooses to have a complication in the pressing room
share the following information with them:
Biting through the skin of the grape a sweet juice slithers into your
mouth, down your throat. You feel something planting itself deep in
your gut – an inkling, a feeling, a song. You hear sweet music calling
you to the farm house. Come when you’re ready it will be waiting for
North Vineyard: Rotting grapes fall from wilted vines in the
northern fields of the vineyard. A wealth of grapes left to wither and
die upon the vine – a crime to oenophiles everywhere.
Traveling through this vineyard is dangerous. Whatever seeped
into the soil has taken hold of the vines and breathed unearthly life
into them. Just before the Sentient Vines attack, the soldiers see
the body of an enemy solider half buried in the ground – sickly black
vines sprouting from his nose, mouth, and ears.
There are innumerable vine plants in this vineyard and it is
impossible for the soldiers to fight them all, just as one withers
and dies, another sprouts up to take its place. The Unit should use
a combination of running and fighting to escape this nightmare.
Escaping the north vineyard grants every PC a card.
South Vineyard: A heavy blanket of smoke wafts over the
southern vineyard. The scent of burnt fruit hangs heavy in the air and
small fires still dot the landscape. Whatever vines were once here are
now burnt to a crisp and only the husks of charred wooden supports
still stand in the fields. Shadowy outlines patrol in the distance
weaving through the smoke.
Use Common Soldiers in this encounter. Rather than traveling
in pairs the enemies in the south vineyard wander alone aimlessly
– lost in their own thoughts and memories. If approached directly
they’ll attack, but this is more out of habit than real motivation. Once
subdued the enemy soldiers have the following information to share:
Our troop came here a while back, such a good assignment in this
sleepy town we commandeered the vineyard… we drank the wine, we
slept, we sang… such sweet dreams. But things soured so very quickly
and we knew it must be the vines, the vines how they sing. So we

burned them, a beautiful blaze… tell me, are we being punished?
The enemy solider is only willing to share this by whispering
in a PCs ear. Each soldier who hears this information draws for
Corruption. Once speaking to the enemy soldiers the PCs also hear
a soft song echoing across the field coming from the farmhouse. The
closer they get to the pressing room the louder this gets.
Aging House: Barrels of wine stacked three high on heavy wooden
stands flank the walls of this large insulated barn. A musty scent
invades every inch of this room, soured with stench of wine gone bad.
From floor to ceiling each barrel seems to be slowly crying its contents
onto the ground of the aging house, puddles of ruddy red wine pooling
at the base of each stand.
The wine pooling in this room comes up to a person’s ankles. Any
character who touches the wine with bare skin feels a shudder of
doubt through their bones. Whispers assault them from all sides and
they have a +1 TN penalty on their next check no matter what it is
– only then do the whispers subside. If the character has a negative
ghost attached to them from the Journey we suggest having the
whispers come from their departed compatriot.
The Farmhouse – A large farmhouse lies on the vineyard estate.
No light nor sound comes from within the home only a low rustle of
leaves through a few lonely trees.
The farmhouse connects to the pressing room. In order to get to
the pressing room (if not entered from the outside) the soldiers must
make their way through the various rooms of the home. A few dried
out bodies of enemy soldiers are found in each room and there is a
soft creaking upstairs. Mindless drones of the wine beast wander the
upstairs slowly being drained of all their memories and personality.
These sad humans are essentially zombies and will attack anything
they notice (use The Unfallen). Rather than killing what they attack,
the drones attempt to incapacitate their victims and drag them to the
pressing room where the Wine Beast can feast on their memories.
Pressing Room: Candlelight flickers against the moist of walls of
this claustrophobic room. Soldiers, now nothing more than mindless
drones drag their feet through a thick sludge on the floor of mud,
grapes, and blood. In the centre of the room is a large vat and within
it a bulbous writing beast. Soldiers take ladles of grape juice and
pour it over the wheezing creature as it greedily sputters a corrupted
The beast in the centre of the room is the cause of all the sorrow
in Dupont. It is a hungry, voracious beast which seeks to consume
all emotions and memories from the creatures around it. The beast
does this by getting victims ‘drunk’ on its music and then leeching
memories from them. It uses the mindless solider drones around it to
fight as it is basically immobile and uses its psychic powers to feed off
witless victims.

When the soldiers enter this room the Wine Beast and its Unfallen
If a player decided to take a consequence instead of Corruption
while in the east vineyard – they must roll 1D6 at the start of their
turn and the following applies:
1.A vine bursts from their stomach and deals them 2 Brawn
2.They take their turn to walk up to the beast and slather it in
3.The player describes a memory then promptly forgets it – unless
they sacrifices a card matching the memory shared.
4.The solider is violently ill, they take their turn to regurgitate a
Sentient Vine.
5.The soldier’s vision is clouded as they cry tears of stinging wine
– they have +1 TN to their next attack.
6.They must attack the nearest ally.
This happens once and then the character is free to act as normal.
Conclusion: Upon defeating the Wine Beast the threat in Dupont
is neutralized. Any wine and vineyard creatures left die and lose any
unearthly powers they had. Upon exiting the farmhouse the soldiers
see a hazy sunrise through the smoke of smoldering bonfires in the
vineyard. A soft melody echoes in the back of their minds as they
leave Dupont – the beast is vanquished, but its song will always live
The dog tags of the dead enemy soldiers are enough proof to
convince command the player characters have done their job. If they
wish to bring further proof of the eldritch infestation at the vineyard
the soldiers may opt to bring the deflated corpse of the Wine Beast
with them. When the beast is defeated it oozes out a puss-like wine
substance and the only thing left of its vile presence is a boil-covered
deflated skin.
All survivors draw 2 cards. If the survivors visited all three
vineyards they may draw an additional card.
Sentient Vine
A decrepit tangled mess of black vines and rotting grapes found in
the North Vineyard of Brun Vineyards.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 10 Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 1 Guts: 4
Weapons: Choking Vines: 2 damage
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o

- R�ting Embrace: This ability is always active. On a
su�e�ful a�ack the vine grabs their target and pu�s them
into the ground – unle� the target pu�s fr� (ro� Athletics:
TN 2). If the target fails they are gra�ed and pu�ed into the
earth. At the start of each of their turns they take 1 damage
and may use their action to try to escape (ro� Athletics: TN
2). A�ies may also use their turn to try and pu� the person
out of the ground. After five rounds the person is tota�y
buried in the earth. If a vine has a solider this way it does
not a�ack during its turn.
Weakne�: Burns Easily – Takes +1 damage from fire.
Reward: None (s� North Vineyard encounter)

Wine Beast
This giant bulbous creature appears like a rotting grape with
hundreds of snakes just underneath its skin. Its soft exterior writhes
with life and open sores on its moldy body leak a sludgy black puss
smelling of sweet vinegar and earth.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: 2

Brawn: 7 Smarts: 5 Guts: 3
Weapons: None
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ o o o
- Unha�y Truth (Smarts) ˝ ˝ o o o: The Wine Beast’s
song reveals a truth to a target which makes them doubt
themselves. Targets Guts and deals 1 damage.
- Wi�ing Thra� (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: The Wine Beast’s song
seduces a target into thinking it is heir friend. Targets
Smarts and deals 1 damage. If the victim of Wi�ing Thra� only
has one rank in Smarts left they do not take damage, instead
they become the Wine Beast’s thra� and begin a�acking their
a�ies. The target may ch�se to discard one heart card per
turn in order to ignore the urge to a�ack their a�ies and act
of their own a�ord. This e�ect of Wi�ing Thra� ends when
the Wine Beast is dead or the victim is out of Dupont. However,
thra�s wi� hear the beast’s song in their nightmares for the
rest of their lives.
- Birth: This ability is always active. The Wine Beast spews
forth a Sentient Vine in lieu of taking another action.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 2 cards; k�p 1 and discard the other.

The Fault in Our Scars
August Hahn
“It was late, the kind of night where only lanterns and stars offer
any light at all. The moon was dark. Gone. Looking back, I don’t think it
could bear to look down on what was about to happen to us. What was
coming for us, even the Heavens did not want any part of…”
Mission Briefing
This ‘mission’ takes place in the trenches near Arras, a French city
famous for the Battle of Arras in the Spring of 1917. The date for this
scenario is May 9th, near the very end of the battle when belligerents
on both sides are still struggling to eradicate the enemy’s forces or
drive them from the area to claim the city once more. Stories have
spread about a “huge explosion” which occurred last summer at the
Somme, but they are still little more than rumors and idle chatter. No
one has any personal experience with the supernatural, but that is
about to change.
This has been your life – bullets, fog, and the dull, sheltering mire
that is your entrenched position. You are hunched down, rifles at the
ready in the darkest hours of the night. You are ready for the enemy
to rush you, but you cannot possibly be prepared for what is about to
happen instead.
Mission Objective
Win through the initial assault and then struggle to survive the
horrors that emerge after.
The Journey
You are about to face a horror like nothing you have ever seen
before. Even if you defeat it, long hours of suffering and death may be
your only reward. Some wounds run deep, and you soldiers are about
to learn just how terribly true that expression can be.
Narrator Note: This card procedure is unique to this Mission.
Make a note of what card suit each player (and non-player character
you may have to add to bring the unit total to six) contributes to the
Journey. These suits determine what form of Stygmatia will inhabit
them after they are infected by the Primal Sin. See the Stygmatia
description below.
Requirement: One card from each player. If there are fewer than
six players, add cards from the deck to bring the total to six. These
extra cards will represent contributions from additional soldiers
(victims) from the player’s unit.
Question: What sins or mistakes do you most regret from your
Failure: This Question and Requirement cannot be failed. The
scenario itself is punishment enough.
Each Incident below should be run one at a time, as they build
a narrative in this order. Allow for role-playing and discussion
between each Incident, as there will definitely be downtime for
medical attention, frantic conversation, and abject panic.
Primal Sin: This Incident begins the Mission, setting the players
up for the nightmare to come. Give the players a short time to settle
into their roles and speak with each other. If there are fewer than
six players, flesh out their unit with enough soldiers to reach that
number. Mention their names and give them some personality,
conversing with the player soldiers and noting their roles within the
unit. You can even increase the unit size to provide people killed at
the end of this Incident.
(Six sample soldiers have been provided below. Feel free to use
them, change them, or come up with your own.)
The unit is suddenly alerted to strange violet lights, like wildfire
burning purple and bright. There are screams from the nearest enemy
trenches, followed by gunshots and the sounds of combat. No order to
attack was called in, so whatever the Germans are fighting, it is not
Allied forces.
The unit may want to run in and join the battle. They may want to
sit tight instead and let whatever is happening to the enemy play out.
Either way, what happens next occurs either while they are sprinting
for the German trenches or while they are crouched in their own.
The cacophony of murder finally dims, a few final gunshots
punctuating an eerie silence. A few seconds later, something lurches
up out of the nearest enemy trench and bellows with rage. It is a
Primal Sin, a thing of pure evil unleashed after the Incident at the
Somme. Drawn here by the raw carnage and depravities inflicted
upon Arras by the Germans, it possessed a Colonel in the trench and
transformed him into the thing the unit is now facing.
If they are in the open, they are immediately rushed by the Primal
Sin. If they are in their trench, they get to witness it ripple and
change, absorbing pieces of its recent kills as it devours their regrets
and transgressions. Breathing in the dark, foggy air, it smells the
player soldiers and rushes them afterward. Either way, they must
When the Primal Sin is defeated, it erupts like a British Cooper
bomb, showering the unit with carnage-debris. Everyone is wounded
by the bloody shrapnel, but none of the player soldiers are killed. If
you added extra soldiers to the unit beyond the cap of six mentioned
above, they are either slain outright or die shortly after the explosion.
Sirens in the distance mean the Germans are moving this way to
investigate the area and reinforce their trenches. The unit has to get
back to safety fast!
Immortal Wounds: This Incident happens as many times during
the night as there are survivors in the unit. Run this scene once for
each soldier, with player soldiers going only after all NPC soldiers
have (if any). Leave time for role-playing and first aid between each
Incident, as these are taking place only after each ‘wound’ gestates
and the Stygmatia within hatches.
If soldiers try to interfere with their wounds in any way, they
will hatch early. This does cause one point of damage (to whatever
attribute the Stygmatia inside has a bonus to, or Brawn if none). This
can kill if the attribute affected is too low, but otherwise it is just a
vicious wound that will scar and always ache no matter how well it
The moment a Stygmatia bursts, the creature is ready to attack,
having learned about the other soldiers and its surrounding as it

grows. Left to their own, the Stygmatia will hatch in this order – one
hour after infection, then an hour later, thirty minutes after that, and
then every fifteen minutes until all six have burst.
The first three Stygmatia are mostly physical fights, but as the
night goes on, they become more powerful and can affect the unit
with minor psychic illusions and painful phenomena. The fourth
and fifth Stygmatia have mental powers that can make fighting them
disturbing and difficult, escalating the battles as this long, hard night
of the soul drags on. Wounds accumulate and exhaustion starts to
drag everyone down. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come.
Each time this Incident is played out, the Reward for defeating a
Stygmatia (everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card) applies.
Darkest before the Dawn: The last Stygmatia’s eruption, which
provides the climax of the Mission, will draw the unit into the
phantasmal setting drawn of its host’s hallucination, preferably
something deeply traumatic or disturbing. The conditions in this
phantasmagorical dreamscape are real enough to kill the unwary,
resulting in a final battle that should be both hellish and memorable.
The setting created by the final Stygmatia feels and acts
absolutely real to those affected by it. This also applies to the
Stygmatia itself, which is something clever player soldiers might be
able to take advantage of. Feel free to reward smart play by forcing the
sixth Stygmatia to suffer +1 damage from effects caused by its own
Shadow Play ability.
Only when the final Stygmatia is defeated do the solders find
themselves in their trench with pale dawn light filling the sky.
All survivors get the card they donated to the Journey back in
addition to another of the same suit.
Example Soldiers
Allied Soldier – Private Andrew Kelsey

Irish Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Transport ˝ ˝ ˝ o o

Worst Regret: Andrew left his sweetheart, Anne, to come fight with
his brothers. He has a terrible fear that she was pregnant when he left
and even if he lives through the war, he is coming home to nothing
but hatred and disgrace.
Andrew is a staunch Catholic and a solid soldier, good to have in
a fight and trustworthy enough to have at your back. He is friendly
enough when out of action, but gets quiet and cold when bullets start
flying. Andrew has a secret love for bawdy humor and hates that he
takes the Lord’s name in vain almost daily.
Stygmatia: If Andrew’s sin manifests, it takes the form of a woman
with indistinct facial features, burning red eyes, and long, sharp
nails. Its ranged attack is a scream that echoes with the cries of an
abandoned infant.

Allied Soldier – Private Thomas-Tiegan Rye

Australian Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 2 Guts: 3
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o

Worst Regret: Thomas – a massive bear of a man – killed a friend

in a bar brawl. It was a complete accident and no one else blames him
for the death, but he does. He is often tortured at night, dreaming of
the night, of his last punch, and of the broken bar stool that ended a
man’s life.
His nightmares affect him during the day, leaving him sluggish and
weary. Even so, he has more energy than any two other soldiers in
his unit. With a never-say-die attitude and an eagerness to somehow
redeem himself for his past, Thomas would do anything for his unit
and they know it.
Stygmatia: If Thomas’ sin manifests, it takes the form of a crazed
man with long, dirty blonde hair and a gaping hole through its chest.
Its ranged attack is to throw a blood-soaked shard of wood shaped
like a broken chair leg.

Allied Soldier – Private Donald ‘Donnie’ Lakewood

British Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 4 Guts: 3
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o o

Worst Regret: Donald used to be quite a womanizer back in

Liverpool. One time he pushed it too far, dating a girl, her sister, and
sleeping around with their mother. They found out after he left them
all for someone else. The youngest sister hung herself in shame.

Donald is a handsome, quiet man who sticks to himself and finds
more company with his radio than he does his fellow soldiers. He
is not shy, per se, but his social self died with the girl who killed
herself over him. In rare moments, he might come out of his shell, but
otherwise he sits alone with his duties , his journal, and his guilt.
Stygmatia: If Donald’s sin manifests, it takes the form of a
hovering wraith with no eyes and writhing shadows. Its ranged attack
is a whip made from a noose clenched tight around a shattered piece
of ceiling beam.

Allied Soldier – Private William Carnegie

American Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o

Worst Regret: William has been serving since the beginning of the
war and come to respect black soldiers in several different units. This
has clashed with his Southern upbringing, forcing him to confront his
own past of racism and violence. Though he has never killed anyone
black, people he knows and love back home have.
Alabama born and raised, William is a proud Son of the South.
Here to bring American pride to the war effort, he is a dependable
soldier with a loud mouth but a keen eye and good combat instincts.
He is skittish around Delron Tulley, but not for the reasons most
people in his unit might think.
Stygmatia: If William’s sin manifests, it takes the shape of a tall
black man with burned skin and broken bones. Its ranged attack is
a ghostly shotgun with ten notches on the barrel, a weapon William
recognizes as his father’s.

Allied Soldier – Private Delron Tulley

American (African American) Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o

Worst Regret: Faced with the prospect of working himself to death

in the mines like his father, his grandfather, and how his brothers
were well on their way to doing, Delron enlisted one day and never
came home. He left a note for his family, but he knows that will never
be enough to make up for how deeply he must have hurt them all.
Delron has no fear of the war because here, death is fast. He has
seen slow death and it drove him to the front lines. He does not
want to die, but he would much rather have a bullet end him. The
alternative, spitting out his lungs one black chunk at a time, utterly
terrifies him.
Stygmatia: If Delron’s sin manifests, it takes the form of an old
woman, warped and hag-like, with black spit and weeping eyes. Its
ranged weapon is to scream Delron’s name so loudly it can tear flesh
and shatter stone.

Allied Soldier – Corporal Ryan ‘Shooter’ Riley

British Infantry soldier Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mechanics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ o o

Worst Regret: Always better with a gun than anything else in his
life, Ryan joined the Armed Forces to escape some mistakes he made
while running with a hooligan gang in Surrey. These mistakes involve
bullets, bodies, and blame enough to see him in jail for life. He has
devoted his life to doing better, to being better, but is that enough?
Death follows Ryan. Even here in the trenches, he can practically
feel it catching up to him. He has come to terms with his own sins,
or so he thinks, but he fears for the lives of his unit. He always tries
to stay available for jokes, drinking, cards, or just a quick talk. These
are his people, and he is not about to let them pay for his sins.
Stygmatia: If Ryan’s sin manifests, it takes the form of a
constantly changing human being, alternately male or female, young
or old, with fatal bullet wounds. Its ranged attack is to ‘fire’ bullets
from these wounds.

Primal Sin
Misshapen and monstrous, these primordial creatures are ancient
evil born of corrupted, corrupting flesh.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: J Armor: 3 (cu�ently 1)

Brawn: 6 (cu�ently 4) Smarts: 4 (cu�ently 3) Guts: 6
(cu�ently 3)
Weapon: Claws: 2 damage
Bite: 1 damage
- Athletics: ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel�: ˝ ˝ ˝ o o

- Touch of Transgressions: This ability is always active. If the

Primal Sin damages a target with its claws, the target loses one point
of Smarts for one round as they are overwhelmed with feelings of
defilement and anguish. If the one point loss does not kill the target, it
is regained at the start of the Primal Sin’s next round.
Weakness: +1 damage from Fire. The Primal Sin burns purple,
regardless of the source of the flame. Each time the Primal Sin loses a
point of Brawn, it also loses a point of Armor.
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Stygmatia (All Forms)

Stygmatia are born from the sins and regrets of their hosts,
which are humans wounded but not killed by a Primal Sin. They
emerge from a wound left by some part of the Primal Sin in its dying
eruption. Stygmatia take many forms, each one unique to their host,
and they are stuck in that single form until they kill and devour that
unfortunate being. If they do, they become a Primal Sin themselves
after retreating to a secluded place and entering a cocooned coma for
several weeks.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 7 Armor: 2

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
Weapons: Slam (mel�): 2 damage
Regrets (ranged): 1 damage - +1 damage (2)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o: A Stygmatia’s ranged a�ack takes
the form a�ropriate to its host’s sins.
- Growing Co�uption: Stygmatia grow more powerful the
longer they gestate inside their host. For the first thr�
eruptions in this Mi�ion, they have only their co�on ski�s,
Hasten to the Grave and Host Blindne�.
- Hasten to the Grave: If they only a�ack with Regrets,
Stygmatia may a�ack twice each round.
- Host Blindne�: Stygmatia yearn to savor their host’s death
and consumption. They wi� not a�ack their host for any reason
until a� other po�ible enemies are dead or incapacitated.
- Echoes of Madne�: The fourth host’s Stygmatia whispers
into the minds of a� those around them. On its turn, it can
force a� enemies but its host to take a card from the deck. If
it is a face card, it is discarded without e�ect. If not, that

target su�ers +1 TN to any action taken on its next turn.
- Grim Visage: The Stygmatia from the fifth host sometimes
makes itself l�k like people from the past of anyone l�king
at it. This resemblance is always �rie and macabre, like
a�earing dead or covered in flies. Randomly ch�se one
o�onent each time the Stygmatia acts. That target must ro�
one die per rank of Guts. If none of these score a 5 or 6, the
victim ca�ot a�ack the Stygmatia that round.
- Shadow Play: The final Stygmatia projects an i�usion into
every nearby mind as s�n as combat starts. This forces a�
targets to s� the world as it was during the moment of regret
which gave it form. During this combat, the host is constantly
a�ected by Grim Visage in a�ition to that power’s normal
Weakne�: None
Reward: Everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card.
There are five known forms of Stygmatia. Which kind emerges
from a soldier is determined by the suit of the card each
player contributed to the Journey (s� the Na�ator Note in the
Journey for more information).

• Spades: Erudite Stygmatia – Cerebral, tactical, and cold.

Highly intelligent.
• Erudite Stygmatia gain +1 Smarts.
• Clubs: Enduring Stygmatia – Resilient, strong, and enduring.
• Enduring Stygmatia gain +1 Brawn.
• Hearts: Empathic Stygmatia – Shrewd and manipulative,
fearless and stubborn.
• Empathic Stymatia gain +1 Guts.
• Diamonds: Errant Stygmatia – Mirror opposite of their parent,
a twisted spiritual reflection.
• Errant Stygmatia gain +1 Armor but take +1 damage from its
host’s attacks.
• Jokers: Eonian Stygmatia – Rare Stygmatia, the sign of an old
soul and hidden power.
• Eonian Stymatia gain +1 to a random attribute and 1 die to every
action taken.

The Longest Night
Craig Campbell
Mission Briefing
Three days ago, an entire Company, D Company from the 2nd
Battalion, was lost near Soissons during a charge by the enemy.
Late yesterday, we received a distress call from Private First Class
Gerald Hendricks, a radio operator in D Company, requesting aid.
When asked for more details, Private Hendricks repeated his location
over and over. Pressed for more information, Private Hendricks
became agitated. This morning, another radio call came in. At first, we
thought it was from Private Hendricks, but after a short discussion, it
was clear we were not talking to Private Hendricks again.
D Company was thought to be wiped out and taken by the enemy.
If there are still soldiers alive, there’s a good chance we can retrieve
the intel pouch kept by Captain Edward Smythe, commander of the
2nd Battalion. It’ll contain coded notes and maps of enemy troop
It’s our concern that Private Hendricks, and potentially other
members of the 2nd Battalion, have been captured or compromised.
This call for aid may be a trap. We need a small, light, mobile group
to investigate the last known location of D Company, assess the
situation, and report back.
Mission Objective
Investigate D Company’s last known location. Assess enemy
presence and strength. Rescue members of D Company if possible.
Retrieve Captain Smythe’s intel pouch if possible. Call for aid if
The Journey
Setting out immediately, the walk to D Company’s location is a
long one, taking the unit through that night to the following day. The
terrain is uneven and movement is slow. If the unit stops to sleep, rest
is difficult due to insects, howling winds, and the cold. If they sleep, it
takes until evening of the next day to arrive at D Company’s location.
If they march through the night, they arrive around noon instead. The
journey is lonely. The unit is isolated.
Requirement: 2 Hearts, 2 Diamonds.
Question: What will you do when you finally escape this God-
forsaken war?
Success: The unit arrives at the objective with clear heads and
resolve to make it back. Each member holds onto a specific, individual
memory of their life before the war as a reminder of what waits for
them when their tour of duty is finished.
The unit needs 6 Goals to escape the longest night.
Failure: Unit members are overcome with feelings of isolation and
loss. All soldiers take a chance on Corruption. Unit members have
difficulty remembering details about what their lives were like before
The unit needs 8 Goals to escape the longest night.
D Company’s Location
The unit arrives at a stretch of land containing two trenches
running parallel to each other, one belonging to the Allies and one
belonging to the Central Powers. The No Man’s Land between the
trenches is roughly 100 yards (100 m). Each length of trench contains
a single, dug-out bunker with sandbag walls and wood roof. Both
trenches, both bunkers, and the land between and around them for
500 yards (500 m) is in a pocket dimension that recurs onto itself.
Anyone who enters this area is trapped. The entire area is continually
shrouded in a light fog. Burnt corpses of soldiers from both sides litter
the trenches and No Man’s Land between them. Very little salvageable
equipment can be found. No canteens or rations are anywhere to be
If a character walks the length of a trench, they come to the
bunker in that trench. If they continue past the bunker in the trench,
in about 1000 yards (1 km), they come to that same bunker again.
If they leave the trench and walk across No Man’s Land, they come
to the other trench. This trench functions the same way as the other
– walking along it will bring you to that trench’s bunker over and over
again. If they walk away from a trench and leave the area entirely, in
about 500 yards (500 m), they come upon the same trench they just
left, in the roughly the same spot they left. When the unit reaches the
limit of the area where it bends back on itself, the fog gets thicker for
a short distance, obscuring the spatial warping.
The unit is trapped in these two trenches and the areas between
and around them. When the sun goes down, it never comes back up
for them. Time still passes, but it’s always night – the longest night.
A gibbous moon hangs in the sky, casing a bit of light upon the foggy
battlefield. Their watches stop functioning. Continue to track time
that has passed even though the sun never rises. Members of the unit
still need to sleep, eat, and drink.
If they are trapped in the longest night for long enough, they risk
falling to insanity or dying of thirst. If a soldier attempts to radio
out of the area, they are greeted with what appears to be a military
radio operator. As the conversation goes along, the operator on the
other end begins chuckling. They eventually start peppering the
dialogue with curses and descriptions of how the calling soldier will
die. If the radio call continues long enough, the dark operator begins
threatening the loved ones of the calling soldier by name and the
character may have to draw for Corruption.

In order to escape the longest night, the unit must achieve a
specific number of Goals, as determined by The Journey earlier. Each
Incident below describes a Goal. The warped land has a semblance
of intelligence of its own and tries to keep them trapped. Overcoming
a variety of the Incidents below weaken the land to the point that the
Unit can escape.
Spread these Incidents out and stretch time. Describe how time
slogs by and the unit gets hungry and thirsty. Make it clear how dire
their circumstances are. You can even warp time a bit if you feel it
necessary. Point out that the members of the unit are hungry again
and it feels like it’s only been a couple hours.

Goals needed to escape: o o o o o o | o o

A Guilty Conscience: When the unit comes upon the bunker in

the Allies trench, they discover Private First Class Gerald Hendricks.
He was a radio operator in D Company. He’s starving, afraid,
frazzled. He’s been alone among the monsters and dead things here
for two days. Occasionally, he tries to radio out for help. Most of the
responses come in the form of vile whispers of beings he can’t see.
They’ve driven him mostly mad. He managed to get one radio call thru
a day or so ago. This is the call referred to in the Mission Briefing.
The forces in the surrounding trenches, both Allied and Central,
engaged in a stalemate that lasted several weeks. During that time,
a handful of soldiers on each side were killed. With food and water in
short supply, Hendricks was finally able to arrange an artillery strike
at the behest of Captain Edward Smythe. Days without adequate food
and much sleep left Private Hendricks ill prepared to make the call.
He botched the coordinates. That, coupled with the fog in the area,
caused the artillery strike to hit both sets of trenches. Soldiers on all
sides were decimated and Hendricks witnessed it all from the bunker.
Captain Smythe and a few other grunts in the bunker ran out into the
night to try to order those in the trenches to abandon posts to avoid
incoming artillery, but they were never seen again…at least not by
Private Hendricks.
The mistake he made weighs heavily on Private Hendricks. He feels
incredibly guilty at being responsible for the deaths of many dozens of
fellow soldiers. The dark voices in the area have only made this worse,
whispering reminders of his deed over and over.
Convincing Private Hicks that he is not to blame…that it was an
accident earns 2 Goals. Once freed from his guilt, Hendricks can help
the unit escape the longest night. He has spent time examining the
beasts in the area and the fog and can help find a break in the fog
where everyone might slip out.
Bloat Worms: Once per 12-hour period, a pack of Bloat Worms
attacks. They might creep up from the fog. They might emerge from
corpses and grow to full size. They might appear as a knot of tangled,
slimy, cords. During the first attack, there’s one for every two Unit
members. On each subsequent attack, there’s one more in the pack.
The Bloat Worms are trapped just like the unit. Luckily, the warped
land keeps trapping other animals – and the occasional soldier –
within it for them to feed on.
After the attack, have the Unit Challenge Investigation: TN equal
to 3 x the number of soldiers in the unit. If the Challenge fails, the
total number of successes rolled is still banked, but the Unit will be
attacked again. They can Challenge Investigation after subsequent

attacks until the required TN is reached. Then the Unit gains 1 Goal
and future Bloat Worm attacks are avoided.
Blood-Sand: As the unit explores the area, they come upon spots
of earth that are fouled with dark burgundy blood. Here the air stings
of the smell of pennies and leaves a thin film on the tongue. One
member of the unit begins to sink into the blood-sand, the thick,
bloody earth itself reaching up to pull them beneath the soil. If half
(rounded up) or more of the unit members have sustained a bleeding
wound, two members of the unit are grabbed and pulled downward.
Escaping the blood-sand requires two successful Athletics rolls.
The first is TN 4, but upon succeeding, the living earth redoubles
its efforts and grasps even higher up on its prey’s body. The second
Athletics roll is TN 6. Nearby soldiers can help, but they risk being
grabbed by the blood sand in doing so.
After the encounter, have the Unit Challenge Investigation: TN
equal to 2 x the number of soldiers in the unit to gain 1 Goal for
having learned how to spot blood-sand from afar.
The Intel Pouch: The unit can only find Captain Edward Smythe’s
corpse if they explore the No Man’s Land between the two opposing
trenches. His mostly intact corpse lies under the charred, badly
damaged corpses of two other soldiers. Captain Smythe’s intel pouch
is tucked inside his jacket, over his heart.
If anyone studies the intel scrawled into the packet during the last
few days before the artillery strike, they find information which will be
useful in finding a break in the fog to escape. The good captain made
several observations regarding how the fog in the area moved and
roiled in an unnatural manner. This information is worth 1 Goal.
Warped Land: While the unit explores the trenches and land
around them, they find themselves becoming confused and turned
around, even more so than how the edges of the area wrap back
onto themselves. Their marching order suddenly changes. They find
themselves walking in a relatively small circle. The ground under
them shifts causing them to twist ankles and change directions.
Mounds of earth move and obscure their sight. Trees waver and walk,
propelled by the earth itself.
Figuring out how the land warps and finding a way to deal with it
takes time. The members of the Unit may have to split up and try to
make it to the same objective to test how the land reacts. They may
have to try moving around by running, walking, even crawling.
While all of this is happening, time warps as well. They grow
hungry and thirsty and must consume some of their rations and
water or become weakened.
For every two hours spent testing the warped land, each soldier
can roll Investigation. The Unit needs to bank a total of 40 successes
to fully understand the land they’re trapped in. The first member to
fail to get at least one success on their Investigation roll must draw for

This Incident is worth 2 Goals. Once overcome, the unit has a
better understanding of the nature of the place and how to eventually
escape it.
Warped Soldiers: Once per 24-hour period, a group of Warped
Soldiers attacks. During the first attack, there are as many warped
soldiers as there are members of the Unit. On each subsequent
attack, there are two more in the group. These soldiers hail from both
the Allies and the Central Powers, working together in a deathly calm.
Their wounds ooze an ephemeral mist that floats up to the sky.
After the attack, have the Unit Challenge Communication: TN
equal to 4 x the number of soldiers in the unit. If the Challenge fails,
the total number of successes rolled is still banked, but the Unit
will be attacked again. They can Challenge Communication after
subsequent attacks until the required TN is reached. Then the Unit
gains 2 Goals. Additionally, the unit can now seek out one of these
warped soldiers and convince them to help the unit escape the long
night. This “guide” soldier bemoans its too-early death and speaks of
depressing things, but is willing to help them find a thin spot in the
fog where they can escape.
The Second Air Strike: This Incident takes place when the unit is
within 1 of having enough Goals to escape the longest night.
The night sky begins to show dots of light in the distance, or so it
seems. The sound of artillery shells screaming through the air grows
louder and louder, or so it seems. The dark land here re-creates the
air strike that created it in the first place in an attempt to prevent the
unit from leaving. In truth, as devastation rained from the sky several
days ago and scores of soldiers died, the ground here “caught” some
of the artillery shells and kept them, safely unexploded, underground.
The second air strike begins when at least two members of the unit
are on open ground, not in the trenches or bunkers. The lights and
sounds of an air strike come first. As the unit mobilizes, the ground
begins spitting forth its stores of artillery shells. The shells detonate
around the soldiers as they scramble for or try to escape. The unit will
have to dodge and weave their way to safety.
If Private Hendricks is with the unit when this happens, he
becomes a significant impediment until the Unit gets clear of the
artillery fire. He screams, “Incoming! Incoming! All my fault!” He cries
in anguish over what he has done and has to be dragged physically to
This Incident is worth 1 Goal.
Finally the Dawn: Once the required number of Goals is
gained, the Unit has learned enough about the cursed landscape to
successfully find a route through the fog, back to their base.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Bloat Worm
A six to ten feet (2-3 m) long, bulbous, segmented worm, roughly
four to six inches (15 cm) in diameter. Constantly craves animal flesh.
When well fed, can balloon up to eighteen inches (.45 m) in diameter.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 9 Armor: 2

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 4
Weapons: Bite: 2 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Bl�d Drain: This ability is always active. After hi�ing
with a bite, the worm wraps around the victim, lacerations
on its segmented body open up and drain bl�d. Automatica�y
deals 1 damage per round on its turn. Can continue to a�ack
while doing this but loses 1 Mel� training die when doing so.
Weakne�: Can be lured away with meaty corpses or large p�ls
of bl�d. Not a picky eater.
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Warped Soldier
A soldier whose body has been warped by the time spent in a
warped land. Limbs twist at impossible angles. Heads swivel all the
way around. Eyes move independently of one another.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 4 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 2 Guts: 2
Weapon: Pistol (only thr� rounds remaining)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Warp Step: This ability is always active. The first time
in a combat the Warped Soldier is hit with any a�ack, space
around them shifts and warps and they move five f�t (1.2 m) in
a random direction. The a�ack mi�es. Anyone next to them is
knocked prone when this ha�ens.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 2 cards for the Unit per group of Warped Soldiers.

The Corpse Factory
Sen-Foong Lim
Part 1: Extract The Defector
Mission Briefing

Incoming Encrypted Message:

From Brigadier General J. Charteris, Chief of Intelligence
British Expeditionary Force, GHQ
9 August 1917
Rendezvous with defector, Stefan Braun, a German scientist
in Evergnicourt. Exfiltration is of utmost importance. Possesses
information critical to ending war.

Description: male, medium build, dark hair, pale complexion,

requires glasses.
Will be using assumed name: Étienne LeBrun.
Will respond to code word “Nightingale” with the response “Florence,
it that you?”

God save the King.

End Encrypted Message.

“Alright, lads, we’ve got our orders,” says Lt. Smythe, burning the
message in the fireplace. “The Generals wants us to find this Alleyman
scientist and use his intel to crush the Huns once and for all, yeah?
So, get your heads straight and polish up your French. Herr Braun
will be waiting for us, but if the information he has is as important as
GHQ thinks it is, we’re going to have to get to him before anybody else
does. I’ll rendezvous with you in Evergnicourt when the mission is
complete with additional orders.”
Mission Objective
Find and exfiltrate Stefan Braun from the French commune of
Evergnicourt. Protect him at all costs.
The Journey
The Unit must find Stefan Braun, a scientist who is defecting to
the Allies with information on a munitions plant where the German
forces are creating a superweapon. Evergnicourt is a small French
commune in northern France near the Belgian border. The Unit
will cross the English channel, travel across land to Evergnicourt
where they will have to locate and extract Herr Braun. The people
of Evergnicourt are fiercely loyal to the Allied cause, but wary of
Requirement: One card of each suit.
Question: How do you feel, witnessing the ravages of war as you
journey across northern France?
Failure: The Unit has taken too long to travel to their destination
and the mission is at risk. It is now evening. Mark 1 Time below.
Time Spent in Evergnicourt: o o o o o o
Evergnicourt has a central in and is surrounded by several dozen
farmsteads dotting the countryside. People are going about their daily
business along the dirt roads. While most of them have their heads
down, working, some that notice your presence look at you with more
suspicion than curiosity.
Talk with the people: The people of Evergnicourt are wary of all
strangers; if the players try to communicate with them, Challenge
Communication or Investigation and check the table below for
the result. You may roll the Challenge up to 3 times and add any
successes from the Unit’s roll to the previous tally. If the Unit has not
tallied more than 4 successes after 3 rolls, read them the Results for
5-9 successes.

Successes Results
0-4 You fail to gather any information - the people are not
willing to help you. You must try to talk with the people
again to find Herr Braun! Mark 1 Time.
5-9 You learn that Pascal was seen talking to a stranger the
other day; Pascal can often be found drinking at the
commune’s only inn. Mark 1 Time.
10+ You learn that Pascal, who owns the farm on the
outskirts of town, has been talking about a stranger
staying at his place. Pascal can be found at the inn,
drinking, most afternoons and evenings. Mark 1 Time.

La Magdelaine (inn): Five or six grizzled Frenchmen in their cups,

sitting at long tables with equally long benches; the innkeeper and his
wife serve them food and drink - it is passable.
The people at La Magdelaine are drinking heavily, despite the
relatively early hour. Empty bottles of wine line the long tables that fill
the common room. They eye you suspiciously, eyes flickering towards
their hunting rifles propped up against the edge of the bench nearby.
Mark 1 Time above if any number of players eat or drink at the
inn. The food is passable, the wine is very good.
Mark 1 Time above if a player questions the farmers - Challenge
Communication or Investigation: TN 4 to make contact with
Pascal, who will reveal that he might know where a person is; +1
automatic success if the Unit already knows about Pascal from prior
communication with other people. Pascal will guide the Unit to his
farm house for a small price - some money, alcohol, or food would
suffice… he’s not that picky!
Pascal’s Farm House: A musty, unkempt cottage filled with empty
wine bottles, moldy cheese and stale bread on table, wood stove with
kettle, a bed with a straw-filled mattress, utensils, picture of Pascal
and a woman, lantern, and hunting rifle. If the unit attempts to roll
Investigation in Pascal’s farm house, they will find nothing of note
there aside from what’s mentioned above. Mark 1 Time.
Pascal’s Barn: A typical barn; hay, loft, ladder, pitchfork, shovel,
lanterns, chickens, cows, wet, and manure. When the Unit enters the
barn, immediately check the Time Track above.
Time 4 or less:
Challenge Investigation: TN 1: The Unit locates Herr Braun.
He is intact. Braun is understandably on edge and armed with a
Mauser C96 pistol. The Unit must Challenge Communication: TN 3.
If they succeed, Braun is overjoyed to see the Unit and greets them
as rescuers. If they fail, Braun, in a moment of paranoia, fires on a
member of the Unit at random. Roll 1D6 - he hits on a 6 and deals 2
Brawn damage. In either case, Pascal (actually a Doppelganger (see
blow), rushes to the barn to “help”... Pascal attempts to get close to
Braun before the defector can give any information to the Unit. Just
before it can attack, Braun shouts “Das ist nicht Pascal” - Combat
with the Doppelganger ensues, it will target Braun first and foremost
unless someone injures it with fire.

Time exactly 5:
The first person entering the barn interrupts the Doppelganger
consuming the brain of a gore-covered man. They must check for
Corruption. As the unit rushes in, they see a piece of paper – a map,
perhaps – gripped in Braun’s hand as his corpse slumps to the dirt
floor. Combat with the Doppelganger ensues - it will try to escape
into town and hide amongst the people until it can escape back across
enemy lines.
Time 6 or greater:
The Doppelganger has consumed Braun’s brain and has hidden
the body before the Unit arrives at the barn. The Doppelganger knows
everything that Braun knows. The Doppelganger attempts to pass as
Braun but insists on speaking only to General Charteris himself. The
Doppelganger will attempt to escape once the Unit is on their way out
of the commune. Challenge Investigation 1; if successful, the Unit
notices that Braun has no glasses...
The Map
After defeating the Doppelganger, the Unit will receive the map
with the cryptic word “Kadaververwertungsanstalt” and an X written
on it in what appears to be blood. Whether Braun is alive to give that
to them or they pry it from his rapidly cooling hand depends on how
quickly they get to him…
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 2: The Kadaververwertungsanstalt
Mission Briefing
“This map, lads, is what we risked life and limb for,” states Lt.
Smythe, unfolding it on the largest oak table La Magdelaine has
to offer. “GHQ says the they need visual confirmation that the
information our favourite defector provided is legitimate. If it is, we
could end the war right here and now. But first, we’re going to have
to get there,” he says, tapping the gruesome red X on the map with
his Mark 1 trench knife, a present from a gracious Yank he rescued
last month. “The Jerries have been stripping their dead and bundling
them together, fastening them with bloody iron wire and dispatching
them to the rear via this rail line. Our mission is to jump on that train
and take it to its final destination - the Kadaververwertungsanstalt…
The Corpse Factory. “
Smythe pulls out aerial photos of a factory in clearing set deep
within a heavily wooded area. “The factory is far behind enemy lines
in the Konigsforst, due east of Cologne,” he begins, “in a clearing
surrounded by an electric fence. There are towers here, here, here and
here,” he says, pointing at each corner of the open space on the map
with his knife. “The courtyard is patrolled on foot by soldiers and
dogs, so you best be as quiet as church mice, right?”
“GHQ has long known for long that the Germans strip their dead,
fasten them into bundles of four with iron wire, and then dispatch
them to the rear, but we never knew what the Huns did with them,”
muses Lt. Smythe as he chews on an unlit cigar. “It’s your mission to
find out what they’re up to. Braun told us they are using the bodies
of their fallen soldiers to make something utterly horrific,” he says,
Smythe hands you a ruggedized camera and a waterproof film
canister. “We need you to obtain photographic evidence of what is
happening at the Corpse Factory. The film must get back to GHQ by
any means necessary.” Smythe continues. “You have the Brigadier
General’s authorization to blow the place sky high if the opportunity
arises, but only after you secure photo of whatever the Germans are
up to. We need more allies if we are to win this war and GHQ thinks
we can bring the Chinese onto our side if you can get the intel we
need out of that factory. We’ll be waiting for you at the extraction
point on the east side of the Rhine back near Cologne.”
Mission Objective
Reconnoiter the munitions plant and bring the photographic
evidence of German wrongdoing to GHQ. We need hard evidence of
what happens to the bodies once they’re brought to the factory, so
take photos of every inch of that facility as well as anything unnatural
that you encounter on this mission. Lastly, you have been authorized
to destroy the munitions plant if the opportunity arises.
The Journey
The Unit must stow away aboard an armed train with refrigerated
cars that is carrying corpses from the western front to the Corpse
Factory deep in the heavily wooded Konigsforst under cover of night.
Requirement: One card of each suit.
Narrative: Describe how you snuck aboard the train, which car
you end up in and how you remained undetected even with patrols
searching for stowaways.
Success: For each different suit the Unit gains during the Journey,
read one of the following clues to them:
• You overhear the guards talking about how glad they are that
are no “Devil Dogs” on this train.
• The infantry wagon at the front of the train has a field gun
chained in place.
7.7cm FK 96 n.A.: 6 damage - + 2 damage (1), Wreck (2), Spray (2)
Note: Shoots every round with crew of 6. With any less, can fire
once every 2 turns.
• The caboose has a tripod mounted MG 08 mounted to its roof
for rear guard and a field dressing kit.
MG 08: 3 damage - +1 damage (1), Critical (2), Spray (2)
Field Dressing Kit: Roll Knowledge: TN 2 to heal 1 damage on 1
character (3 uses total)
• You find a cache of 24 flares with a flare gun.
Flare Gun: 2 damage - +1 damage (1), ignite flammable or
combustible item (1)
Read to Unit once Journey complete:
You jump off the train before it arrives at its final destination,
landing the long grass outside a fenced in courtyard. There is a dull
smell in the air as you watch the train pull into the factory’s receiving
dock — it’s as if lime were being burnt. On the surface, this factory
supposedly renders animal fat into lubricants and grinds everything
else down to animal feed and manure. That’s one thing, but the intel
you received from Herr Braun tells an even ghastlier tale.
During this Mission, use the following special rules:
Avoiding Patrols
• In any of the areas below, the players can sneak about by
rolling Stealth - the visually confounding machinery and pipes, harsh
chemical smells, and obnoxious sounds mask the players well.
• As the Unit (or part thereof) moves from area to area, roll 1D6.
On a 6, there is a patrol in the area (2 German Common Soldiers + 1
• To remain hidden from the “Devil Dog,” the Unit must compare
their highest Stealth roll vs. the Teufelshund’s Investigation roll - the
Unit wins ties.
Taking Photographs
• Taking a photograph is relatively simple; the player who’s
holding the camera must roll 1D6 with a success being a 5-6; they get
a +1 to their die roll if their Smarts + Guts combines to 5 or more.
The Alarm
• If the Unit uses loud weaponry, an alarm will be sounded! Mark
2 Explode on the Elendbombe!
• The alarm can only be sounded once. Once sounded, Stealth
rolls are made with +2 TN and the roll needed to get a clear shot of
photographic evidence becomes a 6.
Receiving Bay: Roughly 500 feet (150 m) long and 20 feet (6 m)
wide, the train is docked with a landing to the right; there is a large
coal hopper at the end of the bay; the room is filled with repair tool
and trolleys to move cargo. The train’s crew might be repairing the
train, the soldiers might be assisting with unloading the transport
cars. There are 10 other workers moving the bodies to the loading
Loading Dock: The dock has 2 ceiling tracks with wicked metal
hooks descending from the ceiling like a slaughterhouse. The bundles
of corpses are hung on these hook by the iron wire and hauled
automatically up a 10 degree incline that runs 100 feet (30 m). There
are 20 workers unloading the trolleys of their grisly cargo and hoisting
the bodies onto the hooks for easy transportation.
Disinfection and Drying Chamber: The bodies are moved through
a room where they are sprayed with a chemical disinfectant to ensure
that contaminants aren’t transferred. There are four technicians
(normal humans in environmentally sealed suits) running the controls
for this chamber. There are pressurized canisters of disinfectant lining
the walls.
Disinfecting Spray: Players who allow the spray in this room to
contact them will heal any 1 damage; this can only be done once per
Digestion Vats: Four digestion vats sit like giant witches
cauldrons on the factory floor, mounted on giant swivels. The mouth
of each is surrounded by an interconnected series catwalks 30 feet (9
m) above to the floor level. The bodies are unceremoniously dropped
from the suspended track into these giant vats where the dead flesh is
exposed to super thermal pressurized steam vents and churned into
a slurry with the addition of caustic chemicals. Any bones and teeth
that settle on the bottom of the vats are later sent to the Grinding
Room via a ceiling mounted crane. There are controls for this crane
at the top of the catwalk alongside controls to purge the vats. These
controls tip a vats on its side, emptying its steaming contents onto the
factory floor. These fluids are highly corrosive to flesh – Roll Brawn:
TN 2 each turn a living organism exposed to the fluids; failure does 1
damage. Control of the vats or crane is similar to controlling a vehicle.
If there are any mystically sensitive characters in the Unit, they
feel a strong protective aura radiating from each of the vats.
Mould Room (South of the Vats): A pipe leads out of each of the
four vats to a humanoid shaped mould. This is where the German
use Zauber-Wissenschaft and implant a control crystal into the
featureless head of the Doppelganger. There are 2 Scientists (see
below) at the moulds, implanting crystals into the inert humanoid
forms. There are 10 moulds in the room, but only 2 Doppelgangers
that have “cured” long enough to be of any danger, though the others
may reach out and try to grab at players. The active Doppelgangers
will attack, but they cannot fully take on other people’s forms,
memories or skills yet - they look like melted wax museum statues.
They are controlled by the Scientists in this room, so if the Scientists
are dead, the Doppelgangers will revert to their static state.
Grinding Room (North of the Vats): This room is dominated by a
monstrous top-loading grinding machine and a ceiling-mounted track
crane. Four Scientists in stark white lab coats are loading human
bones into the grinder as if it were a woodchipper. The hellish noise
seems to never end as bone after bone is pulverised into dust. But
rather than feed livestock, as one might expect, the bone powder is
being used to feed the Young Elendbombe! This hate-filled blob is
connected to the ends of the pipes, sucking in the juices from the
most damaged and destroyed corpses. Stacks of broken bodies are
kept in piles near the ungodly thing. If it is attacked or if the alarm

has sounded, the Elendbombe will go into self-destruct mode and try
to consume bodies whole - the more fear and hatred it feeds on, the
faster it will reach critical mass!
The crane can be controlled from this room as if it was a
vehicle. Its cable and hook reaches from floor to ceiling and is capable
of moving significant weight. It is used to drop a scoop into the vats to
retrieve undissolvable materials (like bones and teeth) from the corpse
Depending on its level of alert, the Young Elendbomb is a different
colour ranging from white (inert) to quickly pulsating red (explosion
imminent). If the Elendbombe goes off, the factory and everything in it
will be destroyed with the exception of the contents of the mystically
sealed vats.
The Scientists in this room will try to save the Young Elendbombe
as the Kaiser has big plans for using it to bomb Britain. The Scientists
will using Whisper of Water on it. If the Elendbombe ever reaches 9 or
greater on its Explode track, the Scientists will flee to the Vat Room
attempt to purge a vat and then hide in one to protect themselves
from the explosion.
When the Unit leaves the factory, they will gain the following cards
from the top of the deck:
• Each survivor draws 1 card.
• If the factory was destroyed, the Unit draws 2 cards from the
deck and distributes them amongst the survivors.
• Add 1 card to the number of cards the Unit draws for every 3
photos the Unit obtained from the following list:
o The Receiving Bay
o The Loading Dock
o The Disinfection & Drying Chamber
o The Vats
o The Mould Room
o The Grinding Room
o A Teufelshund
o A Doppelganger
o The Young Elendbombe

Stefan Braun (NPC)
Defecting scientist, Herr Braun is an unassuming and mousy
German citizen with a passing knowledge of French and English. His
real expertise is in bioengineering and genetics.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 3 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 4 Guts: 2
Weapons: Pistol (Mauser C96)
Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
Mechanics ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
Co�unications ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
Weakne�: None
Reward: None

A miracle of German Zauber-Wissenschaft, this cunning
monstrosity moves like liquid and is able to copy the features of any
person it sees and the voice, memories, and skills of any person
whose brain it ingests. When in its natural form, the Doppelganger
appears as a yellow-brown, waxy skinned humanoid form with
elongated limbs. It has no discernible facial features except a fang-
filled maw.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 9 Armor: 3

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 2
Weapons: None
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Preternatural Grace (Brawn) ˝ ˝ o o o: The
Do�elganger moves with unca�y sp�d, as if it had no joints;
if hit by an a�ack, the Do�elganger can dodge it (2) or launch
a mel� counter a�ack against whoever a�acked it (3).
- Duplicate:This ability is always active the Do�elganger
can copy the face and bodily features of any person it s�s; it
can also copy the voice and memories, including ski�s, of a
person if it ingests their brain.
Weakne�: Fears Fire - Takes +1 damage from fire a�acks;
i�ediately loses any features/ski�s it gained from
Duplicate. If this ha�ens, the player who caused the
fire damage must check for Co�uption as they witne� the
Do�elganger’s features melt away. The Do�elganger wi�
target whoever injures it with fire.
Reward: Everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card.

Teufelshund (Devil Dog)
This twisted, overly-muscled Dobermann Pinscher drips a
necrotizing poison from its serrated fangs, enhanced fur bristling to
protect it from blade and bullet. Uncannily fast and quiet, a low growl
is all you may hear before it attacks if its keen nose has sensed you.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: 2

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 3
Weapons: Necrotic Poison: Anyone bi�en by the Teufelshund
must ro� Athletics: TN 4 every combat round or su�er 1 damage
to Brawn for the next 3 rounds as flesh rots and fa�s away from
the victim’s body
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 3 cards for the Unit.

They have studied so deeply, what they can do almost seems like

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: None

Brawn: 1 Smarts: 3 Guts: 2
Weapons: None
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Mechanics ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- Elemental Rituals ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Young Elendbombe
This amorphous mass of gelatinous sludge pulses with an evil
yellow-brown glow, as if pus had a heartbeat it seems to be connected
by a series of transparent tubes to the vats where the most battle-
ravaged corpses are piled. As the super-heated steam strips the
meat off the bones, this unholy thing sucks the juices, growing of the
rendered fluids and fat.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 3 Armor: 2
Brawn: 6 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
Weapons: Tentacles: The Elendbomb wi� reach out with
tentacles and grab whole corpses (or live humans) to ingest.
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Explode o o o o o o o o o o: The Elendbomb
wants to explode.
• Mark 1 for each corpse the Elendbombe consumes.
• Mark 2 for each live human the Elendbombe consumes.
• If the track is finished, the Elendbombe explodes, taking
the whole factory with it.
• If the Elendbombe is ki�ed it wi� be defused and not
Weakne�: Reduce the Explode track by 1 for each point of
damage caused by Air and Water a�acks (instead of doing
Reward: Draw 1 card for the Unit for every unmarked box on the
Explode track when the Elendbombe is defeated.

What Lies, Below

Corey Capps
Mission Briefing
It was meant to be a moment that turned the tides, another
explosion that would shatter the enemy front lines, but when dawn
broke the horizon, No Man’s Land remained silent. Word in the trenches
was that after trying every detonation switch they could find that the
engineers were sent back in to check the lines hadn’t been cut. It’s been
almost a day since they sent the engineers in… you’re not afraid of
small cramped dark spaces, are you?
Mission Objective
It appears the extensive tunnel project may have been
compromised. You’ve been selected because we believe your
background will be helpful on this mission. You are to go find the
engineers, help them reconnect the explosives, and deal with any
enemy incursion into the tunnels.
The Journey
Your squadron is marched away from the trenches back to a large
tent where dry goods are stored. As the flap is peeled back dim light
reveals the inside of a tent with a wooden floor, crates stacked along
the edges give the illusion of walls. To one side sits a table covered with
various tools (tools list below). A long-bearded man, wearing an apron
over dirty gray clothes, inspects you as you enter. “Yes, these are the
ones. The earth tells who may enter. Now each of you, tell me why the
mines called you here?”
Requirement: One card of each suit.
Question: Why have the mines called you, what part of your
background applies to a secret rescue mission in the dark? Each player
should describe an ability that is relevant to the Mission.
Success: The characters are given tools by the Mine Keeper
relevant to their described ability. They may keep the card they were
Example Tools: Shovels, Geophone (listening device), Small
Animal (canary, mouse, etc.), Focusable lantern, Rubber boots, Small
Charges, Electricians Tools
Down the Hatch
The Mine Keeper opens the front of a large crate marked “boot
laces” like a door. Inside a winch system with a cage just large enough
to hold the party “This is how the engineers go down. There’s a small
room at the bottom that opens into the main tunnel. Once you reach the
last light in the main line, you’ll need to stay as quiet as possible, they
may be able to hear you from the other side beyond that point. Use the
candles and listen to the observers you take with you. If those critters
go quiet, turn back. It may be gas, it could just be their gut, but they’re
rarely wrong.”
After the party enters the cage and is ready to depart:
The Mine Keeper looks you over for a moment and whispers, “May
the earth watch over you all…” as he closes the door. The cage rattles
into motion down through a steel tunnel into darkness. The only light
a red glow from the winch control and a dim glow from below coming
through the grate floor of the cage. As your eyes begin to adjust the
winch grinds to a halt and the light flickers out.
A Tunnel Gremlin tempted by all the tools in the tent has hitched
a ride and couldn’t resist the winch or its control panel.
• He can be detected behind the control box pulling wires with
Investigation: TN 3 (1 if the characters have light).
• The gremlin can be identified with Knowledge: TN 3 (-1 for each
Whisper the character has). Success provides Antagonist description
and weakness.
• The control box can be repaired with Mechanics or Transport vs
the gremlin’s Mechanics roll. On success, the lift starts to lower again.
Either way - The gremlin says, “Hey, I was breaking that!” and pulls
another wire, stopping the winch again. Attempting to repair the box
again frustrates the gremlin who will no longer damage the control
box if the party succeeds. If the gremlin isn’t present, roll Mechanics
or Transport: TN 1 to fix the control box.
The party can bargain with the gremlin with Communication: TN 4.
The group may offer items the gremlin asks for (cards) to reduce the
difficulty of the check by 1 (2 for weapons) for each item offered. Note:
The party is inside the cage and the gremlin is outside the cage so
promises made may not be kept once the two can reach each other.
• If the party attempts to attack the gremlin (it’s nearly impossible
due to the tight space without a creative solution) he disappears down
the tunnel.
• If the party makes an agreement with the gremlin he fixes the
damage he did and waits at the bottom of the tunnel.
Engineering Room
At the bottom of the lift cage a small room containing a generator,
a wall rack of tools, and an electric panel. There is a door opposite
of the lift cage. Unless it was dealt with earlier a Tunnel Gremlin is
waiting at the bottom of the tunnel. If the party made promises, the
gremlin expects them to keep them. If the party breaks their promise
the gremlin attacks.
Main Tunnel
The tunnel is approximately 10 feet (3 m) tall and 10 feet (3 m)
wide. A set of track runs in both directions. Heavy wires run along the
walls just above the doors. Every 20 feet (6 m) along the wires a light
keeps the hallway bright. To the left of the door marked “Engineering”
there is an arrow labeled “Dump” and to the right of the door are two
arrows labeled “Explosives” and “Officer’s Club”
Towards the Dump
If the group goes left they soon find themselves walking up a steep
incline. Roll Investigation: TN 2 to reveal old footprints heading this
Towards the Explosives
If the group goes right the tunnel stays well lit and level. Roll
Investigation: TN 1 to reveal fresh footprints heading this direction.
Either Direction (Dump or Explosives)
Piles of rock and clay become more frequent until traveling is
slowed by the rock-strewn gravel floor. Roll Investigation: TN 3 or just
kicking one of the rock piles reveals that a group (2x the number of
players) of Tunnel Gremlins has taken up residence here as they all
pop out of rock piles. If the characters fail to investigate, take a card
from the character with the most cards (randomize for ties). If the
character asks why the card was taken ask him what went missing
and instigate the skill roll but when the gremlins appear, one is
holding the item.
One of them says, “I know a secret, give me something and I’ll tell
you.” A player may offer an item (a card) or roll Communication: TN 3
to sweet talk a gremlin into giving up their secret.
Success (towards Dump): The secret is that the group is
heading the wrong way. The explosives are the other direction.
Success (towards Explosives): The secret is that the group of
engineers cut the detonator wires right outside the Officers Club on
their last trip out because they’ve found something special they didn’t
want to blow up.
Failure: The gremlins will torment the group, turning out bulbs,
making enough noise to make stealth impossible and asking for items
(cards). The only way to be rid of them is to give them something or
kill at least half of them.
Attacking the gremlins causes them to scatter using their Just A
Rock ability and shattering 1D3 of the nearest light bulbs to throw the
area into darkness. After 1 round of combat, half the gremlins fight
the party while the other half begin attacking the support beams in an
attempt to collapse the tunnel.
Collapsing Tunnel Hazard
Roll 1D6 on the gremlins’ turn:
1-2: Nothing happens
3-4: A loud creak in the beams overhead - add another die to the
next check
5-6: Rocks fall as the beam has a visible crack - add 2 dice to the
next check
7+: The ceiling collapses sealing off the mine Challenge Athletics:
TN (1 per character + 1 for every 3 gremlins still alive).
Success: You dodge the collapse but that way forward is blocked.
Failure: 1 Brawn damage for every number short of the total
required for the Challenge. Everyone shows a card at random from
their hand. Damage is applied 1 at a time from lowest to highest. A
player may pass on taking damage by taking a Corruption chance.
Either way: At the Narrator’s discretion the tunnel is still open
enough to pass with Challenge Athletics: TN 7 or the party must find
another way: resolve one Roots in the Ground Tunnel Encounter before
proceeding to End of the Main Line.
Note: If the characters notice (roll Investigation: TN 2) and actively
move back away from the beams before the gremlins roll for a
collapse, no Athletics Challenge is needed.
End of the Main Line
As you reach the last light bulb of the mainline a sign hangs on the
support below “Quiet Beyond This Point” Moving forward characters
will need to provide their own light and be stealthy.
Roots in the Ground
Narrator Note: Beyond this point, you may pace your
adventure by having players explore multiple branching tunnels with
the last tunnel being the What Lies, Below encounter. Use the tables
below to generate a random tunnel system for players to follow. You
may keep a map or dictate that earth seems to be moving around
them if they go back in one direction and find it different from whence
they came.
First, roll What lies ahead, then roll for Tunnel Encounters.
What lies ahead (roll 1D6)
1-2: The tunnel continues with no branches.
3-4: The tunnel splits into 2 branches.

5-6: The tunnel forms a crossroad.
Tunnel Encounters (roll 2D6)
1: A giant sphere with a single eye and gaping mouth surrounded
by ten tentacles, each with their own eye, floats down the tunnel
towards you.
2: 1D3 Enemy Miners (Common Soldiers) are tunneling towards
the party. Roll Stealth to hide or Investigation to detect (TN = Number
of Miners. Geophone grants one success) Success: Hide or have one
full round of Initiative before enemies notice you. Failure: Enemies
have full round of Initiative before party.
3: Scentless toxic gas has built up behind vent curtain. Having a
Small Animal will alert the group, otherwise establish marching order
and have the front character roll Athletics: TN 1 to resist the effects of
the gas. Success: You feel a bit woozy. Failure: 1 Brawn damage and
the next character in marching order makes the check.
4: 1D6 Tunnel Gremlins offer to trade items for information.
5: Shelling above shakes the tunnel - use the Collapsing Tunnel
6: Did something just move in the dark?
7: Everything seems fine.
8: You feel like you may be lost.
9: The tunnel has collapsed but you could probably pass if you
could dig your way through. Roll 1D6 to determine how much debris
needs to be removed. Roll Athletics: TN 2 to reduce the amount of
debris by (the number of successes - 1). This may be repeated by
other members of the unit and must reduce debris to zero before the
party can move forward. Having a shovel grants success per check.
10: The floor is muddy and the water is rising the farther you go.
Roll Athletics: TN 1 to cross but you are wet. Failure: You lose a boot
(card). Having rubber boots grants 1 success.
11: 1D3 No-Men are coming down the tunnel. Roll Stealth to hide
or Investigation to detect (TN = Number of No-Men. Small animal or
focusable lantern grants one success). Success: Hide or have one
round of Initiative before enemies notice you. Failure: Enemies have
full round of Initiative before party.
12: You find a hidden cache, draw 1D3 cards for the Unit.
What Lies, Below
As you enter this tunnel the ground begins to firm up. The tunnel
grows in size to be comfortable. A light bulb (actually an illusion) glows
in the distance, and you’d swear that’s dancing music (also an illusion)
you can hear coming from up ahead. A sign hangs on the support
under the bulb that reads, “Officer’s Club”. As the group draws closer
the music grows louder and a bright light pours out of the end of the
The tunnel opens up into a large room. From where you stand you
see a bar and tables, a live band plays your favorite song, the smell

of fine cigars and your favorite meal, and the women, there seems
to be plenty of them. The club is crowded with soldiers. A man in a
tuxedo stands by a podium labeled “Officer’s Club” with a book near
the entrance. He notices you and says, “A large party, but I’m sure
I can find a table for you.” (Narrator Note: If appropriate, the host
will assure anyone not attracted to women, “There’s something for
everyone here.”)
The Officer’s Club is actually just a large natural cavern that the
miners accidentally entered and houses a Coven of Comfort Sirens
(1 per player + 1D3). Use Comfort Siren, but as long as there are at
least three, they gain a new ability:
Alter Surroundings (Smarts) X (X = total number of Comfort
Sirens): The Comfort Sirens create an illusionary environment that
appeals to multiple targets. This illusion affects all the senses of the
characters. This effect ends if there are ever fewer than three Comfort
Sirens. A character taking damage from any source may immediately
roll Investigation: TN (X minus the amount of damage the character
took) to see through the illusion.
Narrator Note: The X is used for multiple rolls in the rest of this
encounter and always equals the total number of Comfort Sirens
The staff (host, band, bartender, etc.) are all (2D6) Tunnel
Gremlins under the coven’s illusion. They’ve made a pact with the
sirens that they get to keep the stuff and the sirens get the soldiers.
The soldiers are a mix of Enemy Miners (1D3 Common Soldiers),
the missing engineers (1 per player, use Common Soldiers with
Mechanics 3 as their Specialty), and 2D3 No-Men, but all appear as
well-dressed soldiers of the same army as the characters.
• If any character has the Whisper skill, as the party enters the
club: This place reeks of Whispers, we should find the engineers and
get out of here. Roll Investigation: TN (X minus the number of training
the character has in Whispers) to make a Seeing through the
illusion roll.
Seeing through the illusion (roll 1D6)
The illusion wavers for a moment; roll 1D6 to see what is revealed:
1 - The engineers
2 - The Tunnel Gremlins
3 - The Enemy Miners
4 - The club is actually a cave lit with candles
6 - The No-Men
6 - The Comfort Sirens
• If the party asks about the engineers:
o A staff (gremlin) will say he saw them earlier and excuse
himself to tell a siren who immediately removes their illusion so the
characters see the engineers.
o A comfort siren will point at the table with the engineers as she
removes the illusion.
o In either case, roll Investigation: TN 2. Then roll Investigation:
TN (X minus number of Investigation successes in the skill check) to
make a Seeing through the illusion roll.
• If two members of the party investigate or ask about the same
thing (ex: What song are they playing? Do I recognize any of the
soldiers?) Ask them to write down what they saw, heard, smelled, etc.
and compare. If they don’t match roll Investigation: TN (X minus the
number of participating characters) to make a Seeing through the
illusion roll. This can become cumulative, example Soldier A and B
notice a difference and ask soldier C to settle the debate. Redo the roll

but this time soldier C gets to subtract 3 from the TN.
How it goes down
If the soldiers spot the engineers, they can attempt to talk them
out of the club. Roll Communication: TN 4. They agree to leave, if only
to tell the unit that the Officer’s Club exists so they’ll stop trying to
blow it up.
If the players attack anyone in the club:
• The Tunnel Gremlins immediately retreat.
• The Comfort Sirens will attack the party but maintain the
illusion for the other members of the club until one of them is killed.
There is a 50% chance the illusion is broken for the No-Men at the
end of every combat round. The sirens fight until 3 or less remain
then attempt to flee through the tunnels.
• If a Comfort Siren is killed they break the illusion for the
No-Men who begin attacking everyone. (Roll 1D6. 1 - Engineers, 2
- Enemy Miners, 3 - Sirens, 4-6 - Players. If the roll does not give a
relevant target, go to the next relevant target on the list.) The No-Men
fight until brought down.
• The engineers will retreat if they see through the illusion and
leave to repair the cut wires. They will repair them in 1D3 rounds.
• The Enemy Miners will retreat if they see through the illusion
but will attempt to collapse the tunnel as they leave. Once they leave
the cave, their only action is to throw grenades into the tunnel. If the
party, engineers, or combat spills out of the club make one grenade
attack (Initiative Value: 6) every round.
Killing (or losing) all Comfort Sirens, the No-Men, and Enemy
Miners, should be considered a success as it allows for others to
come down, find and reset the explosives.
Other paths to victory by sneaking out or refusing to enter the
Officers Club can also result in a win if the soldiers know about
(learned from a gremlin) and safely repair the cut wires. Challenge
Mechanics: TN (Number of Players - Number of Engineers present +
3). Getting at least 1 success is enough to tell the characters that this
could be dangerous to reset. Getting zero successes results in the
explosives being triggered and all characters dying.
If the explosives are successfully rewired each survivor draws a
If at least one engineer is returned each survivor draws a card.
If the enemy miners do not escape each survivor draws a card.

Tunnel Gremlin
Close cousins of Trench Gremlins, these tiny, humanoid creatures
live underground. They revel in taking and breaking whatever humans
bring below the surface. They are agile and clever in hiding.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: K Armor: none

Brawn: 1 Smarts: 4 Guts: 2
Weapons: Claws: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ o o o o
- Co�unication ˝ o o o o
- Mechanics ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ o o o o
- Transport ˝ ˝ o o o
- Just a Rock (Smarts) ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o: The Tu�el Gremlin
fla�ens itself against a wa� or curls into a ba� on the
fl�r. Su�e� on a Just a Rock ro� against a TN equal to
the number of enemies they face means Tu�el Gremlin leaves
combat. The number of su�e�es ro�ed becomes the TN of any
Investigation ro� to overcome the near-perfect camouflage.
Weakne�: Hold it With Both Hands - A gremlin ca�ot a�ack and
su�ers a +2 TN penalty on Just a Rock ro�s while holding an
Reward: Draw 1 card for the Unit for every thr� Gremlins
ki�ed or chased away.

The No-Men
Undead soldiers who wander in bands, looking to do violence
against any living beings they find. They willingly submit to orders
from Corrupted leaders.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 9 (4 for a group of 4 or le�)

Armor: None
Brawn: 4 Smarts: 1 Guts: 4
Weapons: Rifle and Bayonet
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Co�aboration (Smarts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: No-Men l�k to
each other for clues to danger and can find targets through
supernatural awarene� of how the other No-Men around them
are acting. This helps them r�t out snipers, focus fire on
specific targets, break through fortifications, and track for
long distances. No-Men in groups of 4 or le� ca�ot use this
- Hail of Bu�ets (Guts) ˝ ˝ o o o: A c�rdinated ranged
a�ack by a group of No-Men which can be devastating to a single
target. No-Men in groups of 4 or le� ca�ot use this ability. 4
damage – Critical (2)
- Restle� Dead (Guts) ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o: No-Men have a chance to
return from the dead if their Brawn is depleted. Ro� Restle�
Dead: TN 4. Su�e� means the No-Man returns fu�y healed.
Failure means the Nothing lays sti� for five minutes until
it can try again to rise. This ability may be used i�ediately
and up to an hour after the No-Man died. Also, they are never
harmed by a�acks which target Smarts or Guts!
- Co�upt Plague: This ability is always active. Anyone who
is ki�ed by No-Men and has more than 2 Co�uption becomes a
No-Man. As s�n as they are able, they use their Restle� Dead
ability to get back to their f�t.
Weakne�: If the No-Man is buried in a marked grave at least 4
f�t (1.2 m) d�p, they ca�ot use their Restle� Dead ability
and die completely.
Reward: Everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card.

Coven of Comfort Sirens

They often appear as beautiful maidens, but can appear as
anything their victim finds appealing. Once they have a mortal
enthralled, they drink their victim’s blood.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 7 Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 5 Guts: 4
Weapons: Bite: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ o o o o
- Stealth ˝ o o o o
- Co�unication ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Knowledge ˝ o o o o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Bl�d Drain (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: If a Comfort Siren hits
with their Bite, they can automatica�y deal an a�itional 1
point of Brawn damage to the same target every turn for the
next 3 turns. The target can try to break fr� (ro� Mel�) but
only after taking a chance on Co�uption.
- Alter A�earance (Smarts) ˝ ˝ o o o: The Comfort Siren
can try to make themselves a�ear more a�ractive to a single
target. This a�ack targets Smarts. If su�e�ful, the target
ca�ot a�ack the Comfort Siren unle� it a�acks them first.
- Alter Su�oundings (Smarts) X (X = total number of Comfort
Sirens): The Coven of Comfort Sirens create an i�usionary
environment that a�eals to multiple targets. This i�usion
a�ects a� the senses of the characters. This e�ect
ends if there are ever fewer than thr� Comfort Sirens. A
character taking damage from any source may i�ediately ro�
Investigation: TN (X minus the amount of damage the character
t�k) to s� through the i�usion.
- A�uring Nature: This ability is always active. A� who gaze
upon the Comfort Siren, even those who recognize the alien
and evil nature of the creature, f�l safe and serene in their
presence. Never do they f�l as if they are standing with an
inhuman monster.
Weakne�: The sight of a mi�or reveals the Comfort Sirens own
lies back to them and causes them to take 1 damage to Guts and
Reward: Draw 1 card. If the card is red, draw one more card.

The Mind Rot

Jodie Brandt
“War is ninety-nine percent sheer boredom and one percent sheer
- Unknown American Civil War Soldier
Jarend sat in the cold hard mud. His head resting against the rough
gray boards of the troop barracks. The sun, while high in the sky, did
little to warm he bones. In fact, it barely softened the endless brackish
mud which fill the land in every direction. Here in the northernmost
corner of the war little changed the day to day boredom. Whereas in
other parts of the theater, battles ravaged the lands and peoples, here
humdrum monotony ruled.
He watched as the sun lazily arced across the pale sky, heading
for the horizon. Thoughts drifted to his home, far away to the south.
Days would be warmer there, he hoped. Safer and more comfortable.
Beside him lay a basket of hard cheese, gone to mold and weevil filled
hardtack bread. Jarend rolled a chunk of sharp cheddar between his
teeth trying to keep the tang away from his taste buds. To his left the
hum of a dragonfly caught his attention. He watched it flit from place
to place, never landing for long before darting off to another destination
searching for some bit of sustenance in this bleak, blank landscape.
Jarend dreamt of his wife tending their garden of flowers, of her soft
skin and warm smile. Her open arms and quiet voice. Her rich wet
blood and her slowly decaying body…
His head snapped up shaking quickly to drive away the last
horrid thoughts from his brain. What in God’s good name was that?
He watched as the dragonfly drew closer to his prone position. The

way the sunlight glistens off its iridescent wings, its bulbous eyes
reflecting the landscape around it. Instantly Jarend wanted to know
what the small creature tasted like. What viscous innards looked like
smeared across the inside of his hand. Dark thoughts of even darker
deeds began to swell inside his mind, unbidden and unwelcome, but
overwhelming. His hand shot forward like lightning, snatching the
insect from the air and crushed it in his callous covered fingers. Slowly
Jarend unclenched his fist and studied the dead creature, its body
now broken and twitching. He sniffed its gory form and then shoved
the mess into his mouth reveling in the texture before swallowing it.
Standing up stiffly from the cold mud, he straightened his uniform and
methodically marched off in an attempt to find other creatures he could
Mission Briefing
The Mind Rot is intended to deal with themes other than battles
and stalemate grudges. This Mission focuses on a place outside of the
war with a battlefield all its own. It will require and bit of work from
the Narrator and players to bring it to life and make the most of its
unconventional approach.
So, what’s going on here? Well, the enemy in this adventure is, and
can be, anyone. A small psychically-enabled grub, born out of the
darkness beyond the Veil, has taken root in this cold forsaken corner
of the war. It infests food and drink, and when consumed burrows
its way into the victim’s brain stem, feeding them dark thoughts and
blood-filled desires. It works quickly and in only a matter of hours can
turn anyone into a violently obsessed murderer.
The Mind Grubs which cause this Mind Rot are of a single
consciousness and each brood is connected via the Whispers. Those
infected will either be killed in an act of violence or will succumb
completely to the control of the grub and seek to become another
addition to the Amalgamation. There is no real cure for the Mind
Rot. Since the grubs infect their victims via food and water, the only
real effective means of ending the infestation is to abandon the area
infected. Players will have to find out what the danger is, then escape
while they can.
Mission Objective
The Allied Powers made several shipments of war supplies to the
beleaguered Russians as the Eastern Front collapsed. These supplies
are still on the northern Russian coast awaiting shipment south. Now
that the Russians have dropped out of the war, those supplies cannot
be allowed to fall into German, or worse, communist hands. Guard
the supply dump. Await further instructions.
The Journey
United States 131st Regiment Headquarters, Russian Border 1917:
A frozen barren landscape is broken only by the makeshift olive

green barracks of the US 131st Regiment. The war here has been
brought to a standstill as commanders wait for their orders to march
upon the Russian interior. It has been months now that the troops
have been waiting in the cold and frozen lands of northern Europe.
The war seems very far away. Boredom is the killer here. Every day
is an endless repetition of the one before with the same monotonous
drills, broken only by the endless downtime. The troops begin to fall
lack in their duties. They have received no orders to do anything.
Requirement: 2 Clubs (unending boredom and burnout) and 2
Hearts (representing their relationships with the rest of the players
helping to keep their moral up).
Narrative: Describe one of the mindless tasks which fill the days
here: marching drills, cleaning the barracks, inventory of supplies,
perimeter duty, etc.
Failure: Skip the first Incident Prelude.
Prelude: Let each of the characters narrate what their downtime is
like as well. Give the players time to goof off and role-play any antics
they may want to explore. The key here is to let players think the
horrors of war are very far away.
Initiation: During another typical evening mess call, the soldiers
have gathered around plates of warm gruel and weevil-infested bread.
Soon after, a squabble erupts between couple of soldiers on the far
side of the dining room. With one swift motion one of the men draws a
trench knife and drives it through the eye of his fellow soldier. Chaos
ensues as the rest of the mess hall begins to make sense of this
random act of violence.
Ask the players what it is that their characters are doing during
this time. Give them each a few minutes to discuss how they react
to this sudden act of aggression. Help reinforce how random and
unnatural this act is amongst the regiment. It may even be possible
for one or more of the characters to have had a friendship, or close
working relationship with either of the soldiers involved.
This is the early stages of the Mind Rot setting in, but the players
have no knowledge of this yet. Will the players help subdue the
assailant (use Rot-Infected Soldier), or will they stand idly by as
others attempt to arrest the offending party? Either way this should
be the first conflict action of the session.
The Unit may not immediately realize what is happening. Soon
other soldiers will begin to exhibit signs of growing annoyance and
hatred. Violent incidents will begin to escalate. It is up to the Narrator
to decide how many are needed to put pressure on the PCs. If they go
to the Camp Commander they listen in annoyed silence then dismiss
the Unit as spreading rumors and causing trouble. The Unit is on
their own.
Mission Note: The following Incidents do not need to be played out

in any given order. They should be inserted into the adventure as the
narrative allows, or when the Narrator sees they fit.
Investigation: What is causing such sudden shifts in alignment?
There will have to be an investigation, but who can be trusted?
Tensions arise between characters and NPCs alike as chaos sweeps
the camp.
In this part of the adventure the players should become aware of
the nature of the growing violence. Each character can approach the
investigation any way they wish, with results based on the skill used.
Any skill could be used to find a clue if the player has a sufficient
Upon Failure they will take 1 point of damage to whichever
attribute is linked to the skill they rolled.
Upon Success they learn the piece of information below matching
whichever attribute is linked to the skill they rolled.
Successful Brawn-linked roll - The solders become aware that the
food and water of the area has become infected and is the source
behind the growing violence.
Successful Smarts-linked roll - The soldiers discover there is no
cure for the infection, the parasites seem to be immune to all known
treatment. The food and water supply cannot be cleansed either.
Successful Guts-linked roll - The solders realize the infestation is
caused by an Whisper-Corrupted insect known as a Mind Grub.
When the characters have collectively completed the investigation
with successful skill rolls for each attribute, proceed to the next
Incident. It should by the completion of these tests become apparent
that the area is not safe and may need to be abandoned, or destroyed.
Infection: As if the characters needed any more complications
in their lives, it can become necessary that one or more of them
may need to test for the infection themselves. This can be scaled in
difficulty depending on how brutal the Narrator wants the scenario to
If a PC becomes infected, they begin to exhibit violent tendencies
and will periodically lash out at their fellow soldiers. They must
roll Knowledge every hour to attempt to overcome the Mind Grub’s
influence. Instead of rolling they may discard a card to automatically
succeed at the roll. If they succeed on three consecutive rolls, the
danger is passed and they cannot be infected again. If they should
happen to fail three consecutive rolls, they fall victim to the Mind
Grub and become a Rot-Infected Solider under the Narrator’s
The Convergence: One night as the soldiers of the camp are
finishing their evening meal, a number of Rot-Infected Soldiers will
bond in an unholy binding of flesh into an Amalgamation in an act
known as a Convergence. The beast will burst forth from the main
barracks and begin slaughtering any who are in the area. It will

continue to wreak havoc throughout the camp, seeking to murder
every soldier in the camp. These creatures are immensely powerful
and can be the downfall of the entire party if not dealt with carefully.
Abandon All Hope: When it becomes clear it is time to leave the
infected area, the Unit has several options and should decide amongst
themselves the best course of action.
The players may attempt to evacuate the camp, salvaging as many
survivors as possible, by making a Challenge Communications or
Transport: TN 8.
They may also deem it too dangerous to trust anyone and attempt
to sneak away from the camp under the dark of night by making a
Challenge Stealth or Knowledge: TN 8. Taking this route will also
induce a Corruption chance card draw for each character, as they will
be considered AWOL (Away With Out Leave) and considered traitors.
And finally, they may decide that the only logical course of action
is to escape and set the camp ablaze. It’s the only way to make sure
that the infection does not spread to other parts of the war. To do this
Players should make a Challenge Melee or Mechanics: TN 10.
Each soldier that survives, or escapes, the area draws 2 cards.
They also leave with a working perception of the Mind Grub and what
symptoms to look out for when encountering other colonies of the
Rot-Infected Soldier
A soldier infected by a Mind Grub which has slowly turned the
victim’s mind to thoughts of violence. The parasite has taken root
in the brain, making the host stronger and more agile but virtually
immune to reason or human emotion. They rarely speak, and then
only with painful struggle which usually turns into shouting. Once
the Mind Rot fully takes hold, a host can be identified by labored
breathing, flushed skin and copious saliva.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 8 Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 2
Weapons: Fists, Knife or Pistol.
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Contagion: This ability is always active. The bl�d, saliva
and other fluids of a Rot-Infected Solider is contaminated
with Mind Grubs. Contact presents a risk of infection.
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card.

When they feel that they have exploited all the available hosts,
the Mind Grubs, being of a collective intelligence, seek to meld their
growing horde of mind slaves into a grotesque golem comprised of
each victim’s body. At least four Rot-Infected Soldiers are required to
form an Amalgamation. The creation allows the Mind Grub colony to
move to a new location, but its primary mission is destruction.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: 3

Brawn: 6 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
Weapons: Fist of Flesh: 2 damage - +1 damage (2)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Transport ˝ ˝ o o o
- The Convergence: This ability is always active. The first
time a character s�s an Amalgamation, they must draw for
- Multiple Limbs: This ability is always active. The
Amalgamation may make up to 3 a�acks on each of its turns.
Weakne�: A sum of a� its parts, its one weakne� is its sp�d.
It is slow and cumbersome.
Reward: Draw 2 cards.

Remmy’s Last Mission

Brandon Daughenbaugh
Part 1: That poor bastard Remmy.
Mission Briefing:
The horrors that corrode a human mind have become impossible
to ignore if you’re a front-line troop. Some soldiers do not know what
to make of it, and simply become a shell of their former self, falling
deep into their own mind, becoming more like machines. Leaders
emerge intent on fighting and finding these forces and even stronger
still are those who sacrifice themselves to help even though they doom
themselves. A deal with the devil where no is not an option. It is said
that once touched things can never be undone. Some officers are not
giving up on their brethren so easily just yet. It is a cool midafternoon.
The sun hangs high overhead, bringing light and warmth to this
hellish landscape. A soft wind blows and the grasses dance with it. If
this had been any other time, one might call this the perfect spring
day, but something steals the beauty, warmth and light. Shadows
exist where none should, and across the field soldiers stare into
local abyssal dreams. Major Remington “Remmy” Winchester is the
Lieutenant Colonel’s right hand man, a hero to many, a caster, and all
too evident to everyone around… falling into Corruption. A scream is
heard from his tent!
Mission Objective:
Reach Remmy before he has a chance to unleash a powerful
Whisper and help Lieutenant Colonel Blair subdue him and search
his quarters.
The Journey
The wind at your back, you run towards Remmy’s tent, the breeze
seeming to carry you faster.
Requirement: 2 odd red and 2 odd black cards.
Question: Will you spare a brother who could possibly be saved, or
do you not risk it any longer?
Success: Reach the tent before Remmy can finish his ritual. No
spawn are created.
Failure: Remmy finishes the ritual and severely hurts Blair. He
summons 2 Spawn.
Remmy’s Ritual: Remmy stands in front of the players, body
covered in tattoos that move and twist, a swirling void of living art. He
has his pants on and his gas mask which appears to be attached to
his face, not by leather, but carapace fingers. The tent seems as dark
as night inside. Remmy seems tormented. He and his Spawn attack
the Unit.
Investigation of the tent: After combat ends, Challenge
Investigation. For each success the Unit finds the next item on the list
1) Nothing makes sense in the chaotic ruins of the tent.
2) A map with the town Cherrueix circled.
3) A clear plastic mat with many lines in different colors drawn.
Challenge Investigation or Communication: TN 3 to determine it is a
cartographer’s sketch, and when placed on the map correctly shows
the movements of German and American troops around the area. The
map perfectly outlines the main roads and who is most likely to be on
guard there.
4) An intercepted letter that is written in a strange language.
The address on it is from the Cherrueix, but the rest is just strange
symbols. Roll Knowledge: TN 1 to will get the gist or 3 to decipher the
letter. The gist of letter is mostly gibberish but a few words seem to
jump out together in repetition “Save the children of Cherrueix”. If the
letter is correctly deciphered, an image is formed on the paper, the ink
melting together. It burns the mind of any caster who reads it (make
a draw for Corruption) and creates a clear mental vision of a ship at
sea with 10 children waving can be seen coming into a harbor labeled
5) Remmy’s diary reads as any other typical soldier’s diary,

apart from the last few weeks when Remmy speaks of a couple who
came out of Cherrueix, and believes the woman was Corrupted, but
something undid the Corruption.
If Blair is Unhurt: He will warn the characters about the image on
the original note which they can avoid deciphering completely, if they
choose to do so.
If Blair was Hurt: He will be bloody and dazed, and will not be
able to warn them about the image on the note.
Blair Recovers: When he is awake and alert, he will reveal what
happened at the tent. He was summoned by Remmy when he got a
letter that was in code. Blair was able to decode it (it wasn’t hard) but
it was mostly gibberish. Remmy then looked at the original note and
suddenly… that thing happened.
Blair will comment how Remmy is still Remmy. Remmy, even when
he had changed, seemed to hesitate repeatedly before the PCs arrived.
Blair believes Remmy is still in there.
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 2: You take the high road, I’ll take the low road.
Mission Briefing:
Commander Blair feels personally responsible for what happened
to Remmy. Had he not decoded the message, Remmy would still be
here. Blair has decided that enough is enough and is sending you
to investigate Cherrueix. He is issuing these orders under his own
discretion and any forces the Unit meets on the road to Cherrueix
should be considered hostile. The troop will be considered AWOL if
they run into their own army or enemies if they run into the opposing
side. Finally, if the Unit is a made of a mix of forces. both sides will
consider them hostile. It will be a 2 day trip, and you should expect to
find shelter for the night.
Mission Objective
Get to Cherrueix while avoiding all military patrols.
The Journey
This day begins to mirror the battlefield, with an ill wind blowing,
dark clouds blotting out a healing sun. The soldiers on the lines seem
defeated already and not a bullet today has been fired.
Requirement: 3 cards of the same suit. (If map and mat have been
deciphered, only 2 cards of same suit)
Narrative: Describe the road conditions in this war-torn area.
Families seem to walk the road in between cities, broken and shaken.
Most will turn and look at the them when they pass, but none smile
or wave.
Failure: The road is harsh and the characters are weary from
travel. Unable to play any Heart cards during the rest of this chapter.
Churches along the road: They seem to stand out from the rest
of the surrounding area, a beacon of light in this grey world. Its warm
halls seem to call to the characters. Roll Knowledge: TN 2 will show
this place is a good place to bunker down for the night, it’s a holy
spot and people are still hesitant to spill blood on holy ground. Roll
Stealth: TN 2 to point out there are plenty of places to hide in here
should enemies show up. Roll Ranged: TN 2 to mention how the top of
the church has excellent vantage point to fire down upon enemies (+1
automatic success on Ranged when firing from the top of the church).
Roll Transport : TN 2 to point out the church is right on the main
road and in view of everyone who happens past.

Caught up in a crossfire: Wherever the Unit chooses to settle in,
just before nightfall the sound of German voices can be heard on the
road. The voices become more alarmed and agitated, when a shot
is fired. Then American voices are yelling for them to surrender. A
firefight begins, but the characters, if they do not reveal themselves,
will not be a target. If any soldier tries to see what is going on, roll
Stealth: TN 3 or the Unit will is spotted.
Once they are spotted, the Unit is caught up in the crossfire. Each
player reveals a card from the top of the deck. The Narrator also
reveals a card. Any player with a card higher than the Narrator’s will
be shot, by the Americans if their card is red and by the Germans is
their card is black. Those hit take 2 Brawn damage. For every two
players with a card equal to or lower than Narrator’s, one Spawn
rises from soldiers slain in the fighting (red for American, black for
German). At least one Spawn always appears, at which point all
troops will focus fire on the Spawn.
German Names: Friedrich, Hans, Heinrich, Wilhelm, Otto, Karl.
American Names: Bill, Robert, Tod, Mark, Ed, Shawn.
Characters can choose to help the soldiers of either side (or both)
or stay hidden and allow the Spawn to kill everyone. If they do not
engage, they will have to face the Spawn as they will come for the
players after the soldiers have died. The sun is setting and the sky is
overcast, thus their weakness to sunlight is negated.
If players enter the fight and attack only the spawn, the soldiers
(use Common Soldiers with one Officer for each side) will stop
fighting amongst each other and join in attacking the Spawn. After
the Spawn are defeated, talks and a truce are possible. All the soldiers
are frightened but grateful to be alive. They will have to go back to
their own armies tomorrow, but tonight, they just want to stay at the
church. There is plenty of room for everyone.
Safe, no sound (if the Unit is staying in the church): The
characters will feel a sense of calm and find it easy to sleep. If a
watch is kept, a little past midnight, a thick fog rolls in. Outside, the
night becomes quiet. Supernaturally quiet. Whereas the inside of the
church seems brighter, even with no candles lit, the outside seems
darker, a stark contrast to the small world that seems to keep out
the cold. Shadows move in the fog, in and out, yet nothing stands
completely out (going out after this into the fog means a chance of
Corruption). Suddenly, at 03:00 (3 AM), three pounding knocks,
sound at the front of the church doors. The knocking rattles the
building. If the players do not answer the door, nothing happens.
Opening the door will let the Tall Man in. When the door is opened
he pushes the doors firmly open with his hands and tries to put his
head with stringy white hair, and a skeletal smile with blackened eyes
through the doorway, but cannot fit. He will slash at the characters,
his reach extending well to the end of the church. Hiding behind

pews and alters and such grant the players (and possible soldiers) +2
Armor. All American and German soldiers will fight on the players’
After the Tall Man leaves, Remmy is standing in the doorway and
he closes the door. He will not be there if anyone re-opens the door.
A night visitor (if they Unit is staying outside the church):
The characters will feel uneasy, but sleep is possible. If a watch is
kept, a thick fog will roll in on them at midnight. Everyone must draw
for Corruption. The church will stand out in the fog, like a tower of
light, inviting them in. The players are lost in a sea of darkness. If
they remain outside, at 03:00 they will be awakened by loud thunder.
Upon investigation, they will see the Tall Man attempting to enter the
nearby church. The doors of the church will open when he knocks
on it, and he appears to reach into the church. Screams can be
heard. Then the Tall Man walks away. He pays no attention to the
In the morning, if the Unit investigates the church, they will find it
empty of all soldiers with every furnishing aged and dull looking. They
much each discard a heart, or take 2 Guts damage.
All survivors draw 1 card
Part 3: Home Sweet Home?
Mission Briefing:
The players make it to Cherrueix, the sky still dark heavy with
cloud cover. On a small hill overlooking the commune, they see they
grey and dull town. The cloud cover hangs over the city, wilted plants
create a natural boundary where the living plants exist and the
starved ones. The people seem to move about in orderly fashion but
lack any enthusiasm. Off in the distance, is a small vessel looms on
the water.
Mission Objective:
Search the town, inquire about Remmy and make your way to the
derelict vessel.
The Journey
Time just sort of melts together here. The sky is either black or
gray. It’s difficult to tell if it’s early morning or late in the day. It’s
almost maddening. The people of the town don’t seem too well off in
this either, doing things more because they must than because they
want to.
Requirement: Only black cards.
Question: What does the Corruption mean, and now that you’re
here, what does Remmy hope you’ll find?
Success: The characters have a solid grasp of reality and do not
fall under the spell of the looming cloud.
Failure: The characters begin to fall under the spell of the looming
cloud and atmosphere. The world becomes dreamlike to them…and
many get lost in happier times when they are not engaged in activity.
Unable to play any Spade cards during the rest of this chapter.
Rotted Church: You come upon the church in the commune,
much like the last ones you’ve seen. This one is different, in that it is
barred shut from the inside, the windows are boarded shut. There is
no obvious entrance. Roll Athletics: TN 3 to smash a window down.
Inside the church everything is rotted, though it looks to be
hundreds of years of decay. Near the alter is a skeletal man in a black
robe, holding a prayer called “The Rite of Passage”. In the skeleton’s
other, a piece of paper with a note on it, that is difficult to read. Roll
Communication: TN 3 to decipher the note. It reads, “That horrid ship
returns to mock us. At night, I can hear the thunder. During the day,
that is where evil holds the children who were foolishly sacrificed to
the sea to appease that which is insatiable.”
Harbor: There is an old boat, large enough to carry the Unit out
to the vessel in the harbor. It needs a little elbow grease to be made
safe. The harbor master says he can make it sea worthy by tomorrow,
but the Unit may Challenge Mechanics: TN 3 to assist him or TN 5
to repair the boat expertly. (See the Part 4 Journey for the impact of
these repairs.) With the boat repair taking most of the day, the harbor
master suggests it’s too late to go out to the sea now. He says there is
no room available in town, but the forest outside the area is “kind”.
Or, under his breath, suggests if they can get into the church, they
could stay there as well. He is indifferent to any feelings they may
have about staying outside.
Spend the night my friends: If the players spend the night in the
forest, it will pass the same as in Part 2: A night visitor. If the players
spend the night in the Church, during the early hours of the evening,
they will hear a soft thumping on the door. Should they investigate
this before 03:00, they will find a white candle on the ground, odd
runes are carved in on it and the candle itself feels warm to the touch.
A few yards (meters) away, is Remmy. He points towards the boat
and will fade away like smoke moments after. If the candle is lit, the
church will become bright and warm. When it is snuffed, the room
will feel cold and dark again. If the candle is lit before 03:00 the night
will pass the same as in Part 2: Safe, no sound including the knocking
of the Tall Man. If the candle is not lit by this time, the fog will roll
into the church and everyone inside must draw for Corruption, but
the Tall Man will not bother with the players.
If the Unit completed all three Incidents without facing the Tall
Man, each survivor draws 1 card.

Part 4: The Sleeping Giant.
Mission Briefing
It’s morning, you think. The dark ship looms not far off the beach.
As if the sky cleared just enough, a small group of robed individuals
are visible on the vessel and you feel as if they are looking right back
at you. They descend into the ship. You’ve collected information
on the town, but you still haven’t found Remmy, or why he was
interested in this city.
Mission Objective:
Find and take down the Tall Man. Sink the ship if possible.
The Journey
Using the boat, make it to the Ship. It looks like a small passenger
cruise ship; A large smoke stack protrudes from the center of the
ship. You find a rope ladder waiting for you.
Requirement: 3 Hearts and 1 Diamond.
If the boat was fixed by the harbor master alone, add 2 cards from
the deck. If the Unit helped repair the boat there are no changes. If
the boat was expertly fixed, ignore Requirement for a Diamond card.
Narrative: Describe the ocean and waves. The sea fights against
the players, almost trying to push them away for their own safety.
Success: Reach the vessel and climb aboard. Remmy is there
waiting for you but does not attack, and tells the group to sink the
boat before a giant hand grabs Remmy and pulls him into the ship’s
Failure: Reach the vessel and climb aboard. Remmy is there
waiting for you. He attacks. There will be no Final Egress ability here.
Killing Remmy will end him, but just as he dies he begs them to sink
the boat before nightfall!
Quarter Rooms: The ship was once finely decorated, but is now
ravaged by the damp and salt of the sea. The ship looks like it has
been as sea for decades. A series of staterooms fill this deck. For every
room the Unit checks, draw a from the deck. If a red card, they find
2 small skeletons laying in their bunks. If black, the room is empty.
If the card is an Ace, the room also contains a Spawn. Do not draw
after all 10 children have been found. Reciting “The Rite of Passage”
will cause both skeletons to disintegrate. Releasing the children will
weaken the Tall Man; first three pairs: drop Brawn down by 1, fourth
pair: loses “Breath of the Fog” ability, fifth pair: Spawn will no longer
show up.
The characters can stop searching and move to the engine room at
any time (reshuffle deck).
Steam Engine Room: At the stern of the lower deck is the engine
room. The fire has died down in the boilers. To get the engine started,
they have to rebuild the fire. This room has 2 Spawn (unless all 10
children have been released). Kill the Spawn and start the engine! To
start the engine either roll Mechanics: TN 3, figure a creative use of a
Whisper, or simply discard a Club.
Cargo Hold: In the bow of the ship is the hold for storage of
passenger luggage. From outside, characters can hear heavy
breathing. This is where the giant’s body lays. If anyone enters the
hold, the Tall Man will attack. Even if he has been weakened by
“The Rite of Passage,” he cannot be truly defeated until the ship
is destroyed. If defeated his body dissipates into fog, disembodied
laughter rings throughout the ship, the fog condenses into a sleeping
form and the Tall Man wakes again. This is the appearance of the Tall
Man’s “Just an Image” ability in this room.
Race to the Bridge: A race to the bridge is on to turn the ship
before it reaches land, allowing the Tall Man to truly leave the cursed
ship. To get to the bridge, the soldiers must navigate the suddenly
very confusing and shifting passageways of the ship. Players may
discard a card in their hand or take 1 damage to any attribute to
draw a card from the deck. The goal is to get a total of 21 pips on the
board. After every player has discarded or drawn a card, the Narrator
draws a card. The number of pips of the Narrator’s card are removed
from the players’ total. If the total is still 21 or greater, the players
have reached the bridge. If it is less, they must start over and try
again. If they fail to beat the Narrator in 3 rounds, they have failed
the Mission. If they succeed in reaching the bridge, they can attempt
to steer the ship to sea where the Tall Man can do no harm (roll
Transport: TN 2), or into the jagged rocks of the shore (roll Transport:
TN 4).
If the Mission failed: The ship lands on shore…awakening the
Tall Man. He steps out onto the land and begins his harvesting of the
city, his imprisonment on the ship broken.
If ship is sunk: As the ship sinks, the Tall Man can be seen from
the hole in the hull as struggling to “wake up” he moves and thrashes
but unable to escape. A lone howl reaches the air, moments before he
is dragged down. When the ship is submerged, the clouds part and
the sky become clear in a matter of minutes. The grey landscape is a
washed in light.
Remmy’s Goodbye: As the Unit nears the shore in their small
boat…they will see Remmy on the dock. He removes his gas mask and
smiles at them. He waves and then vanishes like rising steam.
All survivors draw 1 card. If all the children have been given the
Right of Passage heal 1 Corruption.

Major Remington Winchester (NPC)
“Remmy” to all who know him. A promising, young officer who has
become obsessed with the Whispers. He has become powerful but
is obviously tormented by dark secrets he will not, or cannot, speak
about. It’s too bad, he always seemed like such a nice guy.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 9 Armor: None

Brawn: 4 Smarts: 3 Guts: 2
Weapons: Rifle and Bayonet
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ o o o
- Whisper (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Black Wind: A cold wind s�ms to come from nowhere. Create one
Spawn (3). +1 Automatic su�e� when someone has died within
the last few seconds (round).
- Final Egre�: This ability is always active. Moments before
a ki�ing blow Re�y wi� fade away, like dark smoke in the
Weakne�: None
Reward: None

Humanoids who have the head of a featureless mannequin and
a body that seems to absorb light. They are summoned from the
emptiness beyond the Veil.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 3 (slow and methodical) Armor: 3

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapons: Marking Grasp: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Void (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: After damaging an o�onent, on
its next turn the Spawn can instantly a�ear next to the victim
and a�empt to pu� them into their void body. The f�ling is
of u�er cold, completely devoid of heat. This a�ack targets
Brawn but deals 1 Smarts damage and 1 Guts damage.
Weakne�: The sun and holy (church) grounds reduces Armor to
0. Investigation or Knowledge: TN 2 wi� o�er clues to the
weakne� (they avoid direct rays).
Reward: Draw 1 card.

Tall Man
A large, lanky giant. Something of a cross between a spider and
the skeleton of a man. Desiccated features, dirty hair, and black eyes
distinguish its face while two smooth, black, clawed limbs lash out
from below the giant’s main arms. The body of the giant rests in the
hull of a mysterious ship off the coast of the town of Cherrueix, but he
can project an image of himself ashore which wanders the countryside
at night spreading Corruption.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: None

Brawn: 8 Smarts: 3 Guts: 5
Weapons: Slash: 3 damage – Though a mel� a�ack, it can be made
at any range by the Ta� Man’s spider-like limbs.
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Breath of the Fog: This ability is always active. At the
start of each combat round after the first, draw a card. On
a black face card the Ta� Man uses Breath of the Fog on his
turn this round. He exhales a thick the fog which envelops a�
o�onents, who must draw for Co�uption. A� objects covered
in the fog become decayed and co�oded, as if aged by 100
years. After this a�ack, he wi� leave, ending combat.
- Just an Image: This ability is always active. Defeating
the Ta� Man wi� not ki� him. Instead he wi� retreat with a
monstrous howl.
Weakne�: Ca�ot open d�rs and is t� large to enter most
Reward: Everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card. If he was
pushed back before he could unleash his breath, everyone draws
another card.

The Fate of the USS Cyclops

Ryan Schoon
Towards the end of World War I, the United States Navy’s largest
ship, the USS Cyclops vanished while delivering supplies across the
Atlantic Ocean. The ship was en route between Brazil and Baltimore,
passing into the Bermuda Triangle where it disappeared forever,
leaving no trace. The ship transmitted no SOS, and the wreckage of the
vessel was never found. This is the true story of the USS Cyclops.
Part 1: An Island in the Stream
Mission Briefing
The year is 1918. The World War is in full swing. Rumors of the
Whispers, and of the dark powers being generated across the front
lines, has become to spread. The allied forces believe the Germans
have uncovered another source of this power: an area within the
Bermuda Triangle where the wall between this world and the next is
at its thinnest. They seek to be the first to claim the island and draw
from the power hidden within. Reports intercepted from the Germans
and Ottoman Empire refer to the island as “Location 820” and list
plans to build a great weapon on the island that will swing the war in
favor of the Central Powers.
The US Intelligence Service wishes to move against Location 820,
but they must do so clandestinely. The Central Powers have not
realized knowledge of this island is in the open and if they detect an
enemy force approaching, they will have time to prepare for it.
The US Navy has a cargo vessel, the USS Cyclops, that passes near
Location 820 on its normal route. The Army has co-opted this vessel
for this mission, pulling special forces from South America to board
the vessel in Brazil under the cover of the night.
Mission Objective
• Pilot the USS Cyclops on a collision course with Location 820
• Survey the island and discover the location of the research lab.
• Infiltrate the lab and ascertain their research progress.
The Journey
The Journey through the seas is rough and choppy. This area of
sea lives up to its reputation and tosses and turns the USS Cyclops,
throwing it against the sharp rocks that surround Location 820. The
Cyclops is destroyed in the process, split into pieces and chewed
apart by the surprisingly icy waves. The majority of the ship’s 300
passengers and crew are lost, but a few are lucky enough to survive.
Requirement: 2 Hearts and 2 Clubs.
Narrative: How do you make it safely to shore?
Failure: You barely survive the shipwreck and nearly drown in
the process. Each character takes 1 Brawn damage, and starts on
separate locations on the island, each a few hours trek apart from the
others, with no way of knowing which direction to travel.
Success: You manage to make your way to shore as a group, using
whatever salvage from the ship you can to stay alive. You find your
way to a beach, and all manage to make landfall together.
The island is large and unmapped. The team will have to scout
carefully and rely on their tracking and survival abilities to find the
research center.
Lost Their Way (Mandatory Incident): The island is big and
uncharted. With no clue where the research base is, the characters
must roam randomly or coordinate a search grid. They may get
lucky and stumble upon a trail. Each character can encounter this
Challenge any way they wish, with results based on the skill used.
Upon Failure they take 1 damage to whatever attribute is linked to

the skill they tried to use to find their way. Upon Success: The first
success rolled for each attribute allows the successful characters to
draw a card. Example skill rolls: Brawn to chop through the jungle,
climb the ragged cliffs, and survive the elements, Smarts to watch
for clues in nature, triangulate with the sun and stars and map the
jungle, and Guts to know which paths to follow and which to avoid.
These rolls can be made in between other Incidents. The characters
have collectively completed the Challenge and discovered the path
to the research lab when they have two successes for each attribute.
At any time, the players may turn in 6 black cards to automatically
succeed this Incident.
Enemy Patrols: German and Ottoman soldiers patrol the forests
around the research center in unpredictable patterns. Encounter
Common Soldiers x4. Complete a Stealth Challenge to hide from the
patrol or roll Investigation to follow their trail, perhaps back to the
research lab. Failure means entering combat with the patrol. If any
member escapes, then the Facility is automatically on high alert when
they arrive.
The Thinning Veil: The veil is incredibly thin on this island,
thinner than some areas of the front. Characters see dead relatives
begging them to cross over, or horrific visions of their worst fears
being acted out upon them. Characters who give in to these visions
and draw power from them gain +1 training in Whisper but must also
draw for Corruption. Those who don’t suffer 1 Smarts damage.
The Local Wildlife: Proximity to the veil has had an effect on these
tropical animals, turning them mad and granting them supernatural
abilities. These include giant lizards, poisonous butterflies, and
overgrown sea turtles that roam on land. Most creatures appear as an
amalgamation of these different animals, borrowing parts from each of
them. These creatures are difficult to avoid, as they have a heightened
sense of awareness, but they are not domesticated. They will just as
soon devour an enemy soldier if put in their path.
Start with the Slugmule Antagonist. Roll 1D6 twice and add the
appropriate modifiers from the chart below. All Local Wildlife has the
Reward: Draw 1 card.

First D6 Result Second D6 Result

1- The body of a crab 1- but made out of plants
+3 Armor Air Whisper with 3 training
2- The form of a toucan 2- but four sizes too large
Can only be hit by ranged. Kick: 3 damage - +1 damage (1)
3- The body of a snake 3- with a scorpion’s stinger
Initiative Value: J Stinger (ranged): 2 damage

4- The form of a dog 4- with the claws of a lobster
+2 Guts Claw: 2 damage – Critical (2)
5- The body of a lizard 5- covered by the shell of a turtle
+2 Brawn +3 Armor
6- The form of a monkey 6- with the wings of a butterfly
+3 Smarts Stare Them Down Whisper with 3

The Island Itself: The island is perilous. Footing can be unstable,

sands can shift, cliff faces can crumble, and fissures can pop hot
steam and split the ground. At any time, the Narrator can call for an
Athletics roll to avoid the perils of the island. Instead, a character
may discard any card to bypass the danger safely. Upon Failure a
character may become lost, get separated from the group, or suffer
attribute damage, as per the Narrator’s discretion.
Each survivor draws 1 card.
Part 2: A Most Dangerous Game
Mission Briefing
The USS Cyclops is lost, and hope for extraction seems dim, but
the mission must still be completed. After fighting their way through
the island’s jungle, the soldiers have finally reached the research lab.
This white, nondescript building looks more like a military compound
than a research laboratory. The secret to stopping the Central Powers
lies inside, but getting into the building will not be easy. Taking it over
will be even harder — it might be better to destroy the facility instead.
Mission Objective
• Find a way into the lab.
• Assassinate or capture the lab’s Overseer.
• Capture or destroy the facility.
• There are no current plans for extraction.
The Journey
The facility is patrolled by guards with their attack dogs. Jeeps
circle the perimeter and follow a road that leads down to a dock.
There are guard towers with spotlights and sniper rifles. These are all
obstacles that need to be passed before entrance can be granted.
Requirement: Only black cards.
Narrative: In order, describe how you get past the guards, avoid
the spotlights, slip past the canines, get past the checkpoint, cover
your tracks, and enter the building. Each player should narrate the
next part of the operation. If there are more than six players, add a
few more elements to the entry process.
Failure: The research lab is on high alert. There is no more
sneaking around; encounters will be more frequent and must be
resolved as combats. In addition, the characters will be hunted. If
captured, they will be imprisoned in the basement of the facility and
used as fodder for the Overseer’s experiments.
Success: The characters gain entry to the research lab undetected.
This status may change if the lab becomes alerted to their presence
during the Incidents.
The Patrols: The facility is constantly patrolled by guards, with
canine units in tow (use Officers with War Dogs). These guards will
be very difficult to sneak past, but if they can be dispatched quietly,
it will not set off the alarm. The characters can Challenge Stealth to
bypass these units. The Challenge is more difficult if dogs are present.
Override the Security Systems: The more sensitive areas of
the facility are locked behind secure systems, with heavy doors and
advanced pneumatic locks. The only way through to these areas is to
bypass the security systems through force or finesse. Roll Mechanics
or Athletics to proceed through the facility, but force will surely set off
the alarms.
The Prisoners: The Overseer has been experimenting on human
subjects. Perhaps these were prisoners brought over from their home
countries, or perhaps they were soldiers that disobeyed the Overseer’s
orders, they could also be other members of the Cyclops crew, washed
ashore in other places. Now they resemble beasts more than anything.
These Prisoners can be released at any time to hunt down the
characters — the best way to handle these lost souls is to fight your
way through them (use The Disfigured, but they appear more animal
than human).
The Control Center: This is the hub of the facility, and taking
control of this room means controlling the lab itself. The only way to
capture the facility is to make it to the control center without setting
off any alarms. If the guards are alerted, or if the facility goes into
lockdown, the control center will be cordoned off and the scientists
will begin evacuating with all of their research. But if the characters
manage to infiltrate the control center unnoticed, they can secure the
room and begin falsifying orders and securing the research notes for
themselves. It seems the point of this facility is to fill a “Portal through
the Veil” with energy, open a connection to someplace they want
destroyed, and allow the tragedy of the Somme to repeat itself. If the
Unit takes control, the Overseer and 2 Prisoners will soon come to
Destroying the Facility: If the PCs fail to take over and control
the facility, destroying the facility becomes the only option. To do
so, the characters have a few options. They can find explosives, wire
the facility up, and blow it to smithereens. Or they can attempt to
destabilize the Portal the Overseer has been trying to open.
The Portal: This is where the Overseer is most likely to be found,
in the large, open courtyard in the center of the facility. This area is
open to the natural terrain of the island, and open to the sky above.
The Overseer is working on channeling dark energy into a portal that
is slowly connecting the two sides by splitting open the Veil. He does
so by feeding the Veil human sacrifices at a slow but constant rate.
What he is doing must be stopped. To interact with the Portal at all,
the Overseer must first be dealt with. He has 2 Prisoners with him at
the beginning of any fight.
The Escape Plan: There is no plan for extraction. No way to
get off the island. Most likely, the characters will not return home
from this mission. There is only one series of events through which
the characters can possibly escape the island: if, and only if, the
characters decide to try to use the Portal themselves. A Whisper skill
roll or simply listening to the whispers coming from the Portal will
reveal the one who controls the Portal can connect it to any location
on the planet, serving as a tunnel for the other characters to pass
through. Someone must sacrifice themselves to accept the burden of
this power and survive three draws for Corruption. The character who
gains control of the Portal receives visions from their past, and their
ancestors and lost family members will reach out to them, beckoning
them into the Portal.
Once they enter the Portal, they become like one of the Others,
trapped beyond the Veil forever, but with power to speak through the
portal as long as it is open. They can shut the portal down, create a
one-way passage to another place for their former comrades, or even
destroy the whole island. The choice is theirs make.
All survivors draw 4 cards.
The Overseer
The Overseer has spent too much time in direct contact with
the other side of the veil, and it has begun to change him. Darkness
clings to his body like clothing, and it seems to twist his features into
macabre positions with his every move. Reality seems to change and
bend around him in a way that can’t quite be explained, but upon
looking at him you feel the tug of madness on your mind. He can
usually be found near the Portal in the center of the facility, but he
will often roam the halls as well.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 10 Armor: 4

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 5 Guts: 3
Weapons: Clawed Fist: 2 damage – Critical (3)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Chaos Songs ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Hold Them Fast, Stare Them Down, Steal Their Dreams
- Gather Research (Smarts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: With careful
study of his o�onents the Overs�r gains an edge. This a�ack
targets Guts, but deals no damage. Instead the Overs�r heals
one Guts. He may use this ability once per round in a�ition to
his normal action.
- Master of the Island: This ability is always active. If he is
the only Antagonist in combat, as his action the Overs�r may
whistle to su�on 1 Local Wildlife or 2 Prisoners, which enter
the combat at the begi�ing of the next round.
Weakne�: He wi� not a�ack anyone with 4 or more Co�uption.
Reward: Draw 4 cards for the Unit.

Fly Away Home

Ben Woerner
Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home
Your house is on fire and your children all roam,
All except the little one,
Sweet Lisbet
Mission Briefing
It is early April, 1918. The German Somme Offensive has hit the
Unit hard. They’ve been pushed back again and again. But relief is
here. The Unit is being rotated out to Northern France and then a
ship to England for some much needed Rest and Relaxation. They
are to mount up on a lorry and ride that North to Hazebrouck, an
important rail junction north of the Leie River. From Hazebrouck they
are to take the rail to Calais and across the Channel for some R&R.
En route they discuss what they are going to do during R&R.
Unfortunately, at a river crossing a bridge has collapsed due to
shelling. Their truck is commandeered, and to get to their train they
must march through a village to a river crossing, get across, survive a
German Stormtrooper attack at an airfield.
Mission Objective
“Well, you sure have earned yourselves a little Rest and Relaxation,
but remember, it doesn’t start until you get back across the Channel.
You have to ride the lorry to Hazebrouck, and the rail to Calais, and the
ship to England like proper soldiers. After two weeks of R&R you are to
present yourselves to Command at Allied HQ near London to return to
The Journey
During their lorry truck ride they should share what they each are
going to do on R&R in Britain. Drink? Sex? Gamble? Visit Museums?
Visit Family and Friends? Is what they tell their comrades the truth?
Requirement: One Diamond for each player, you’re going to R&R
after all.
Question: What are you going to do when you are on R&R?
Failure: Do not reveal this consequence to the players until the
Incident “The ‘Dead’ Sturmtrupp Attacks!”. The Sturmtrupp scout
finds and kills Jacque (missing one card) or Jacque and Lisbet
(missing more than one card) before they get back to help them in
the forest. If the Journey succeeds Lisbet and Jacque miraculously
survive the entire Mission.
Swollen River: They run into problems at the crossing of the Leie
in the town of Saint Venant. German forces shelled the entire town
and nothing is left, including the double arched bridge over this
section of the river. Worse, the river is swollen with spring flooding
and trying to cross here is a certain death sentence. If players
consider it, have an NPC soldier try to cross and get swept away,
just gone on the brown torrent of water, mud, trees, and occasional
bodies. Worst of all, there is a British Quartermaster Major Brightfield
who is commandeering every vehicle to move the remaining vital
supplies from their buried caches near the town to the Front Line.
Quartermaster Major Brightfield: A stern, harried, but not
uncaring Quartermaster officer. He commandeers the PC’s lorry, but
will tell them how to get north across the river. No rolls necessary,
he has enough MPs with him to prevent the PCs from doing anything
rash. Plus, he out ranks them.
He is not a soulless bastard. He does commandeer their lorry, but
he tells them that if they march along the main road it’ll be several
days for them to reach their destination, and their train is leaving
the next morning. However, he heard that there is a small ferry near
a ford in the river bend about two miles (3.2 km) north of where
they are. They should be able to cross and march or catch a ride to
Hazebrouck in time to catch their train.
They take his advice and walk north into the ghosts of the ruins
of the town. Describe the following sights, customized in your own
words. Even 100 yards (100 m) north the scene is night and day
different from the bustling crossroads. Most buildings are leveled.
Small fires burn in corners shielded by the wind and the smoke mixes
with the fog that fills the air. This area is meant to spook the PCs,
build a sense of dread here. Talk about something massive and dark
looming out of the fog with one bright eye. Then have them realize it’s
a surviving wall to a two story house with a single broken-out window
frame. Describe things shuffling at the edge of their vision: rats, or
stray dogs lurking around them. Talk about body parts found in the
craters of the exploding shells. Maybe a civilian, half-buried from the
explosion, staring up at them, unblinking as the dead. Creep the PCs
They will find the boathouse at the bend in the river. It is about 15
feet (5 m) a side and juts out into the water. It is in perfect condition,
no shells fell here. There is a large heavy rope line in a thin horizontal
loop that runs through a heavy metal ring bracketed to one of the
main internal posts of the boat house. A large flat bottom skiff sits
inside the boathouse and has a rope tied at the stem and stern that
each lead up to and are spliced into the main tow cable. The ferry is
worked by pulling on the opposite half of the cable to drag the skiff
across the river. A simple and effective system that works even during
a flood.
The PCs will need to work together to pull the ferry across through
the churning river and fog that hides the other side. Balance and
endurance are the keys to this. Some will need to use some long poles
or oars that lie in the bottom of the skiff to fend off trees and whatnot
in the flooding river. Describe during their crossing how they feel
unanchored from reality. It’s just them alone on the water surrounded
by fog and two cables running parallel with each other into and out of
the fog.
Lisbet and Jacque: Under tarps and netting in the skiff, a small
girl of six and her scruffy terrier. She is barefoot, as she was playing
in the river edge as the shelling began. They hid in the boat. They will
not abandon the PCs until they reach Hazebrouck.
As they pull out into the river, they hear something under some
tarps near the current fore of the ferry. Investigating they find a small
filthy girl of six years covered in dirt from the old tarps and an equally
small scruffy terrier dog. They are both terrified and hid here when
the attack began. Her name is Lisbet, and she only speaks a Flanders
dialect of French, so communication is hard. However, she recognizes
their uniforms and clings to the friendliest member of the party.
She has no shoes or socks, she left them by the river where she was
playing before the shelling.
Pulling Across the River: The Unit needs to work together to
pull across the river. Challenge Athletics or Transport: TN (2 x PCs,
ex: 4 players = 8 successes needed) to get across. If they do not meet
the Challenge in one roll, the boat will begin to come apart and soak
everyone in the ice cold water, everyone take 1 damage to either
Brawn or Smarts, their choice.
Once the excitement of discovering Lisbet and her dog, Jacque,
calms down bring the players back into the moment of the silent fog,
being alone on the churning river. Describe a bloated body of a dead
Allied soldier floating by, Lisbet is fascinated by it, and Jacque barks
at it, the only sound besides the grunting of those pulling on the
cable. After several more minutes of them working across the river,
describe the small matching stone boathouse on the other side of the
river. It is the twin of the one they first entered. It is a welcome respite

from the hard work and now spitting rain that has begun.
They can rest for a few minutes in the cramped boathouse. Allow
them to spend a card here to heal, if they want. Those who worked on
the ropes are steaming in the wet cool air. They still have at least a
five mile hike before they reach the outskirts of Hazebrouck. So they
cannot rest long, and they march on.
When they exit the boathouse they find the small town of
Haverskerque as destroyed as Saint Venant. Lisbet does not wish to
stay here. She informs them that she has an Aunt Nora (Tante Nora)
in Hazebrouck, and will go there with them.
Finding the “Dead” Sturmtrupp Scout: They follow the remains
of the road that runs Northwest through the ruins of Haverskerque
into a small wood of trees. Near the edge of the forest is a crossroads
that heads Southeast (towards the Front) and a sign post pointing
Hazebrouck as north through the forest and a distance of 8 km listed
as the distance. Propped up against the signpost is a rotting dead
German soldier. If the players wish to figure out more about the dead
soldier at the crossroads they can. The body wears a flat cap instead
of a helmet, and there is a skull and crossbones badge on the front
of the cap, but instead of bones they are crossed stick grenades. In
tiny letters it says, “Sturmtrupp,” arcing over the top of the skull.
The body looks almost desiccated despite the rain, and why no one
has moved the body, or stolen the uniform is a mystery. There are
no obvious weapons or equipment, and the body gives everyone the
creeps. It won’t react to a bayonet thrust as it feels no pain. Only if
they try to burn the corpse will it attack (1 Sturmtrupp Totenkopf).
Lisbet calls it a lich (German/Dutch for dead) and is afraid of it.
Jacque won’t go near it. Once they have moved on, the scout will try
to sneak away to tell the others at the airfield about the PCs.
Francis Magoun: The forest is foggy and silent, only the sounds
of rain on leaves and the crunch of your boots on the dirt cart wide
road can be heard. No animals, no birds here, just oppressive woods.
At the last bend in the woods, a figure slowly emerges from a copse of
trees. He’s wearing a new British RAF uniform and he’s waving at you
to come to him.
He is Francis Peabody Magoun. He says he’s a Canadian RAF
pilot, but if anyone is from the New England area of the US, his
Harvard Yard accent is clear. He doesn’t deny it, but asks that you
don’t mention it to any officers. His plane is back in Haverskerque, he
landed it on the road South of where the PCs entered the town. Just
on the other side of the trees is his airfield.
As he was about to land he saw that it was being overrun by
German Sturmtrupp (Storm Troopers). He did a touch and go and
flew south to land on the road. He needs to get word to Command
that there has been a breakthrough in the line and that the airbase
is overrun, but he is out of fuel. The road North to Hazebrouck runs

right by the main airfield buildings, so the PCs are blocked from
traveling north until they solve this problem.
He’s been trying to figure out how to sneak to the fuel depot at
the end of the runway away from the main buildings without the
Germans spotting him. To make things harder, the fog has burned
off from this open airfield. He needs 4 “flimsies” - gas cans to fuel his
plane, and some hoses and a pump. A flimsy is a can that is 1’x1’x2’
(30x30x60 cm), essentially a tall cube, with weak sides that wobble
and a single thin handle that is welded on at a perpendicular angle,
making them hard to carry.
The Unit, with Magoun, sneak through the trees to the tree line
and spy on the airfield. They can see smoke rising from the bunk
house and airbase HQ and two soldiers wearing British steel helmets
stand guard at the doors in the freezing rain. On closer inspection,
with field glasses the soldiers are wearing German uniforms under the
British cloaks and helmets. Just then they hear Lisbet cry out back in
the forest.
The “Dead” Sturmtrupp Attacks! Rushing back, they find Lisbet
across a small clearing from the dead German soldier (1 Sturmtrupp
Totenkopf) they saw at the crossroads! It has an entrenching tool and
is advancing on her and Jacque (or one or both are dead depending
on the Journey outcome). If they destroyed the Sturmtrupp scout
earlier, this is simply another one.
Magoun whisper shouts, “No guns!” as the party rushes in to
attack. The fight should be easy and simple, but the soldier is already
dead and any stabs or injuries are just ignored. Only beheading the
soldier or tearing it apart will kill it. The head will stay alive. Crush
the skull to end it. Use standard combat rules here. Any gunfire will
alert the sentries at the airfield and the group will automatically fail
the Stealth Challenge at the Fuel Depot. But, the party will still be
able to get the flimsies as they watch a Patrol rush the wrong way (but
once they are spotted by guards at the depot, the Patrol returns).
Fuel Depot: They can sneak along the tree line until they reach
the closest point to the Fuel Depot shack. Challenge Stealth: TN (3
x PCs) to sneak out, liberate the 4 flimsy cans, pump, and hoses (all
stacked inside), and make it back to the trees. If they succeed they
can make it back to the tree line before they hear the Germans raise
the alarm.
They must rush back to Haverskerque and help Magoun refuel
his Nieuport 27. If they succeeded at the Stealth Challenge then the
Germans do not notice them until after they’ve liberated all of the
flimsies and have a chance to use cards to heal themselves back in
Haverskerque and set up for the German attack. If they fail then the
guards start to raise the alarm early. The Unit must rush back to
town just ahead of the Germans and do not have a chance to spend
cards on healing themselves.

The German Storm troopers pour from the airfield and attempt
to overrun the PCs and destroy Magoun’s plane. There are enough
low walls and craters from the shelling for the PCs to take cover well
ahead of Magoun’s airplane.
Haverskerque Final Battle: Face off against the Sturmtrupp from
the airfield as Magoun refuels and takes off with Lisbet and Jacque.
There number of Storm Troopers in the Totenkopf unit is either 2 x
PCs, or if you are not feeling nice, 3 x PCs.
They fight while Magoun refuels. One PC must help Magoun start
his plane by pulling down on the propeller. He will load Lisbet and
Jacque into the plane with him and fly off promising to take the
Commanding Officer of the PC’s scribbled notes about the condition to
Special combat rules for this battle:
Players may take shelter behind walls or in craters which provide 3
or 2 Armor respectively. Armor does not stack, use the highest rating
available and ignore the rest.
After four rounds of combat, one soldier must volunteer to roll
Athletics: TN 1 to start Magoun’s plane by pulling down on the
propeller. This soldier interrupts normal Initiative order and acts first
in the fifth round, but will become a prime target for the Sturmtrupp
after leaving cover. The character who acted last in round 4 will
choose who acts after the volunteer. Once a success is rolled, the
plane is started and it leaves the combat area immediately.
The Unit needs only hold off the Germans until Magoun is in the
air. After that, they are free to retreat themselves or press the attack
until all the Sturmtrupp are defeated.
Fly Away Home: If they survive, they should have just enough
time to bury their dead, burn the German corpses, and walk through
the night to make it to their train right before it leaves. They receive
medical attention on the train.
All survivors draw 2 cards.
Sturmtrupp Totenkopf
German Storm Trooper, except they are an undead desiccated
corpse. They can only be blown apart, or disabled by being beheaded
or a destroyed brain. They are not slow or dumb zombies. They
are more akin to liches. They are just as fast and smart as normal
humans, but they are now mostly immune to stabs, gunshots, and
basic damage.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 7 Armor: 3

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 3
Weapons: Bergma� MP18 submachine gun: 2 damage – Critical

(3), Wreck (2)
Ski�s/Abilities: Make one of these be�er randomly per
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ o o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ o o o
- Undead: This ability is always active. A Sturmtru� may
only be destroyed by separating the head from the body or
destroying the creature’s brain. A� other normal damage
dealt to Brawn is ignored.
Weakne�: Damage from fire and grenades is not ignored by
their Undead ability.
Reward: Draw 2 cards; k�p 1 and discard the other. Each
Sturmtru� also ca�ies 2 grenades and its submachine gun.
This items ca�ot be recovered if the creature was ki�ed with
a grenade.

The Curse of Belleau Wood

Jonathan Meadows
Part 1: Behind Enemy Lines
Mission Briefing
The date is June 4th, 1918. You are an American Marine moving
into enemy territory near Belleau, France. The German forces recently
broke through the French line and pushed their way into Belleau
Wood, forcing the French army to scatter and fall back. Only 59 miles
(95 km) and your rag-tag band of 200 marines now separate Belleau
Wood from the great city of Paris and if the German forces manage
to gain a foothold in the region and break through the American line,
there would be little to prevent them from marching on the French
Your mission is to venture into the pits of hell. You must slip
through the German lines, into Belleau Wood, and gather as much
information as you can about the German army’s activities. Because
of the high stakes, and the inherent risks associated with moving
into enemy territory, only a few of you were chosen to undertake this
mission. Before you left camp, you were given a stern warning to only
discharge your weapon in the direst of circumstances, lest you attract
unwanted attention from the German army.
Mission Objective
A small team of Marines have been ordered by Major Benjamin
S. Berry to break through the German lines, into Belleau Wood. The
team is tasked with gathering information about the German Army’s
activities and capabilities while paying close attention to the locations
of any machine guns or artillery in the area.
The Journey
The moon hangs high in the sky, and the sounds made by a
million crickets converge into a low roar that fills the air. Even in
the darkness, Belleau Wood is a veritable sea of green. A countless
number of lofty trees surround you, and every gust of wind inspires
their branches to dance in the moonlight like the witches from old
childhood stories.
Requirement: Every Marine must contribute 1 card.
Question: You are alone in a foreign nation and surrounded by
enemies. Somehow this all feels familiar, though. The woods remind
you of a significant moment from your past. Describe that moment
and explain its significance.
Success: The Marines begin the Incident “The German Patrol” with
The Upper Hand.
Failure: The Marines are Spotted in “The German Patrol” Incident.
The German Patrol: Read or paraphrase the following:
“You move swiftly, cutting small gaps in the barbwire fencing barely
wide enough for you and the rest of the crew to snake through. You
inch up hills and slide down slopes, staying as low as possible to avoid
detection. After half an hour of travel, you happen upon the face of a
small cliff and as you tilt your heads up, you freeze. Five Germans are
above you, setting up two MG 08 machine guns. You need to think and
act fast before they discover your presence.”
If the Marines have The Upper Hand, they can attempt to
Challenge Stealth: TN 6 to slip by the threat undetected, or if they
would rather take a more direct approach, they can Challenge Stealth
or Melee: TN 7 to sneak up and kill the Germans quietly. Either way,
a failure leads to the Marines being Spotted.
If the Marines are Spotted, German soldiers catching a glimpse
of them and launch an attack, first attempting to capture and
interrogate the Marines, but then resorting to deadly force if that
seems impossible.
Any loud noise (like gunfire) could put the Marines in a precarious
position and attract attention. Three other German patrols are in
the area and will move to investigate any disturbance. Each German
patrol is made up of 4 Common Soldiers and 1 Officer. Marines
attracting attention may have enough time to clear the area before
other patrols arrive but this requires successful Athletics: TN 3 and
Stealth: TN 3 rolls. Individual successes may be pooled together to
reach the target numbers but each Marine can only contribute to one
of the two rolls.
Traversing Belleau Wood: After evading or otherwise dealing with
the German patrol, the Marines are free to move through the woods.
They must occasionally roll Stealth: TN 3 to conceal their tracks and
remain hidden. Eventually the roar of an engine cuts through the
silence of the forest; roll Transport: TN 4 to identify the sounds could
belong to German Howitzers. If the Marines decide to investigate, they
will spot a full company of soldiers escorting 5 Howitzers through
the forest. Following this discovery, Marines can make a series
of Investigation, Stealth, and Knowledge rolls (TN 2) to learn the
following about German activity in Belleau Wood:
• German forces are spread throughout the woods in greater
numbers than anticipated.
• Machine guns are being strategically placed throughout the
• A French hunting lodge is occupied by German snipers.
• German chatter reveals a plan to launch an attack on the
American line within the next few days. The belief is that the
Americans will be caught by surprise and forced to flee.
A Strange Encounter: The Marines stumble into a clearing
containing the mangled and bloodied bodies of five German soldiers.
A set of massive and bloody bear-like footprints lead away from the
carnage towards a small creek, and at first glance it looks like the
Germans were mauled by a bear. Anyone that inspects the bodies
can roll Investigation: TN 2, revealing that while the wounds could
have been inflicted by a bear, it is unlikely that a bear could kill five
soldiers. Additionally, they notice that the tracks leading away from
the bodies have seven clawed digits on each foot, instead of the five
that a bear would have. If the Marines attempt to follow the tracks,
they notice that the creature eventually stands up-right on two legs
and the tracks transform into boot prints that disappear at the edge
of the creek.
After a few minutes, five German soldiers stumble into the clearing.
The Marines can roll Investigation: TN 4 to detect their approach and
have enough time to hide or take other action if successful. Failure
results in the Marines being spotted and the Germans opening fire
upon them.
Depending on how the scene plays out, the Marines may need
to make a daring escape from Belleau Wood, or they may be free to
quietly slink back to their camp. One thing should be clear by the
end of the mission, however: the Germans are moving artillery and
reinforcements into Belleau wood and plan to launch an attack on
the line held by the Americans. If the Marines are to have any hope of
pushing the Germans back, they need to launch a preemptive attack
before German preparations are complete.
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 2: Do You Want to Live Forever?
Mission Briefing
After returning to Major Berry and relaying to him what you

learned in the woods, it was decided that before reinforcements could
arrive, the Marines would launch a preemptive attack on the German
forces. On the morning of the 6th of June, you and the rest of the
Marines moved forward and established a position facing Belleau
Wood across from a tall wheat field.
Mission Objective
The Marines are preparing to assault Belleau Wood. The goal is
to push the German army out and force them to retreat. To increase
the odds of success, the Marines that recently pushed behind enemy
lines have been tasked with assaulting a French hunting lodge nestled
within the forest and clearing out the occupying Germans. They are to
hold the lodge until receiving other orders.
The Journey
You stand at attention in front of Sergeant Major Daniel Daly as
he lays out the plan of attack. Only a waist high wheat field stands
between you and Belleau Wood, and you can see the Germans on the
other preparing for your attack. After a few moments, Sergeant Major
Daly pauses, takes a deep breath, then begins to speak candidly.
“This is it, Marines. We are out of options. We push the Germans
out of Belleau Wood, or we give up and run home with our tails
between our legs. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t come all this
way to lose. You all know what you need to do. Are you ready to die
for your country? Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live
With a loud yell, you and the other Marines rush into the waist
high wheat field and you are met with a barrage of German bullets.
The sound of a thousand rifles firing a thousand bullets is deafening,
and Marines you have lived and fought with since leaving the United
States fall and die around you. Numerous voices cry out in anger and
pain, but nobody dares stop.
Requirement: 1 Heart and 1 Club.
Question: As your rush through the wheat field, what measures
you take to stay alive? Describe what you see around you.
Failure: The Marines take 3 points of Brawn damage divided
between them.
Moving into the Woods: Belleau Wood is a dense forest filled with
rocky ravines and outcrops. A tangled mess of vines extend out in all
directions. A bloody battle rages all around, and avoiding conflict is
Challenge: The Marines need a total of 10 successes divided
between Athletics, Stealth, Communication, and Knowledge to
traverse Belleau Wood to the hunting lodge without further conflict.
Failure results in the Marines being ambushed by 3 Common
Soldiers and 2 Officers.
A Great Wind: While moving through the woods, dark clouds fill
the sky and a strong western wind begins to blow. A roll of Knowledge:
TN 2 confirms that the sudden change of weather is unnatural. The
Marines begin to find it hard to breathe, and their eyes and throats
burn. Everyone must roll Athletics: TN 2 or fall prone. Roll Knowledge:
TN 1 to reveal the wind brought a cloud of deadly mustard gas with
it, and without the protection of a gas mask, they will die within a few
minutes. From this point on, visibility within the forest is reduced,
and ranged weapons are difficult to use effectively.
The French Hunting Lodge: A three-story Hunting Lodge stands
in a small clearing deep in Belleau Wood. It is shaped like a cylinder
and constructed of thick stone. A cloud of gas obscures the structure
but roll Investigation: TN 4 to reveal 3 German Officers standing
outside the entrance with weapons in hand. Because of the mustard
gas, lining up a clear shot is difficult and the Target Number to hit is
Ground Floor: Most of the lodge has been gutted and little more
than open space remains. A set of stone stairs to the left lead up to
the second floor. Inside, 3 German Officers wait to unload on any
intruders who enter the lodge.
Second Floor: The second floor of the lodge is mostly intact.
An oversized wooden desk is in the center of the room and several
mounted deer heads look down upon the room from the walls.
Hiding underneath the desk, attempting to ambush the Marines with
bayonets, are 2 Common Soldiers. A spiral staircase to the right
leads up to the third floor.
Third Floor: Two extended half round windows look out into the
forest from the north and south walls. There are several beds lined
up along the western wall. A dead soldier wearing a German officer
uniform is laying in the center of the room on a bearskin rug. The
officer has several gunshot wounds and his head has been separated
from the rest of his body. Blood covers everything in the room
– including two German snipers that are cowering in fear along the
southern wall. The snipers throw their hands in the air and plead
with the Marines not to shoot as soon as they reach the top of the
staircase. The snipers are terrified, and anyone suspicious of their
motives can roll Knowledge: TN 1 to reveal their fear is sincere. If the
Marines engage the Germans in conversation, they state the following:
• The gas was not dispersed by the German army
– at least to their knowledge.
• The officer on the rug died from gas inhalation
while outside the lodge.
• A patrol found him and carried him to the lodge.
They hoped to give him a proper burial later.
• The officer returned to life and attacked them with
reckless abandon.
• They were forced to defend themselves, and decided

it would be best to sever his head, rationalizing that it would prevent
the man from reanimating and attacking again.
Marines looking out either of the open windows spot dark figures
moving throughout the woods. The figures are removing gas masks
from dead soldiers, lurching over, and expelling a stream of gas into
their mouths. Moments later, the dead soldiers climb to their feet and
join the others in search of lost souls. Anyone witnessing this scene
must draw for Corruption.
The survivors draw and split 4 cards.
Part 3: They’re Coming to Get You, Marine...
Mission Briefing
After the startling discovery at the lodge, you fortify the structure
and await further orders. Just before nightfall, Sergeant Major Daniel
Daly and two wounded Marines arrive at the hunting lodge. Daly
explains that a strange man was spotted, “directing the mustard gas”
near a cave on the edge of the forest and he marks the location on
your map.
Mission Objective
Sergeant Major Daniel Daly has ordered the Marines to find the
strange man directing the gas and kill him.
The Journey
You leave the relative safety of the hunting lodge and move out
towards the cave. Along the way, you encounter a group of Germans
surrounded by dead soldiers – it’s obvious the troops were wounded
in a battle with reanimated corpses. They cry out to you for help, and
their desperation is palpable – for the time being, it doesn’t matter to
them which side you are on – it only matters that you are all amongst
the living.
Requirement: Any 6 cards.
Narrative: Describe your interactions with these soldiers.
Success: The marines draw and split 2 cards.
Searching the Woods: Belleau Wood is getting dark and it is
obvious that the dead outnumber the living.
Challenge: The Marines need a total of 14 successes divided
between Athletics, Investigation, Communication, Stealth, and
Knowledge to avoid the living dead. Failure results in a close quarters
fight with 4 Reanimated Corpses.
The Cave: An old cave is nestled into the side of a hill at the end of
a winding stream. A French man (Gabriel Gagne) in civilian clothing
stands in front of the cave swirling his arms about while thick clouds
of gas seep out of a dark swirling void. Standing motionless beside
him are 4 Reanimated Corpses.
Marines nearing the cave can must roll Stealth: TN 4 to remain
hidden and, if successful, may be able to launch a preemptive attack.
Gagne has cast Blood Double on himself prior to the Marines arrival.
On his first turn in combat, Gagne casts Whisper of the Bear and
transforms into a massive bear-like beast with seven clawed digits.
Reasoning with Gabriel is not an option, he is too far gone and attacks
any soldier encountered on sight. The Reanimated Corpses attack as
If the Marines manage to kill the Gagne, the dark void closes and
all reanimated corpses in the forest collapse. Inside the cave, the
Marines can find a journal identifying him as Gabriel Gagne, a farmer
who lived his entire life in the nearby town of Château-Thierry. Gagne
was evicted from his home by French soldiers, and later watched as it
was torched by Germans. He retreated into Belleau Wood, rather than
travel to Paris like most other Château-Thierry refugees, and hatred
and rage consumed him. Late one night, Gagne formed a pact with
a being from beyond the veil, gaining the ability to shape-shift and
summon “eldritch” mustard gas from the void. He wants the war to
end and reasons that killing all soldiers regardless of their nationality
will speed that along.
The survivors draw and split 6 cards.
Reanimated Corpse
The corpse of a German or American soldier reanimated by
unusual poison gas.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 6 Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 1 Guts: 2
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 1 card for the Unit per group of corpses

Gabriel Gagne
A local farmer who made a pact with those beyond the Veil.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: J Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 3 Guts: 4
Weapons: Slash: 3 damage - +2 damage (3) (Bear form)
Pistol: 2 damage - Critical (3) (Human form)
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Bl�d Rites ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Bl�d Double
- Elemental Rituals ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Whisper of the Bear (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o: Target shifts
into a large bear with seven clawed digits on each paw. A�s 4
points of Armor.
Weakne�: Large – A� a�acks against Gabriel while in bear
form gain one bonus die.
Reward: Draw 2 cards, k�p 1.

All Quiet on the Occult Front

Doug Levandowski
Mission Briefing
This is a Mission that’s all about misdirection. The players will
think that they’re about to enter combat with the enemy, but they’ll
get trapped in No Man’s Land, one of the thinnest spots in the war.
Ideally, it should be played with the Narrator and one player rather
than in a group, but it can be adapted to suit a group. It involves
putting the player(s) in a situation that ends either when they are
defeated by their double and their humanity is restored or when
they defeat it but lose their humanity completely. This is intended
as a final Mission after you, as a Narrator, have experience with the
soldiers and what shreds of their humanity remain.
The intent is that this Mission comes as a final Mission for a
soldier or the entire unit at the end of their time playing Never Going
Home. It is ideal if a player wants to drop out of the game but give a
climactic end to their soldier’s journey before they do. If needed, the
location can be changed to any part of No Man’s Land and the time to
any time during the war.
As Narrator, be sure that you have answers to all of these following
• What part of their humanity has the soldier held on to the
tightest throughout the game?
• What anchors the soldier? (This could be a specific memory, a
comrade, a hope for the future…)
• What scares the soldier? What scares the player?
If you need to find answers to any of these questions as part of
the immediate preparation, explain the Mission Objective and then
provide them with some time to get ready. Ask them whatever of the
following will provide you with the information you need:
• Do you want to say goodbye to anyone from your unit before
you go? What do you want to say to them?

• Do you want to write your goodbyes to anyone at home? What
do you want to say to them?
• What do you do with the last hours you have before leaving for
your final mission?
You sleep fitfully just before your final mission, plagued by
nightmares. One of them is about something you had hoped for that,
when you die on this mission, you’ll never get to do. Describe that
nightmare. Another nightmare you have brings your greatest fear in
front of you. Describe that nightmare, too.
During the Journey, the soldier will be given a ring. The truth
about it is that the ring is there to draw out the last of the soldier’s
humanity. If the soldier willingly removes the ring at any point during
the Mission, read the section near the end entitled “Removing the
Ring”. If the soldier keeps the ring on and chooses, instead, to let one
of their “otherworldly” foes destroy them instead of continuing to fight,
then read the section near the end entitled “Dying while Wearing the
During the fights in this game, it needs to be made clear to the
soldier that they cannot run away, either because of environmental
factors or because of the nature of the combat. Ultimately, one of the
combats will need to kill the soldier, giving them the final chance to
lose the ring or not. Be sure that the final fight is the hardest - if the
soldier makes it that far.
Mission Note: For the final battle against the Mountain Monster,
you need to make sure that you have a copy of the soldier’s character
sheet and that you keep track of the damage that the player takes.
Mission Objective
It is September 10th in Havrincourt, France. You have been called
forward to help break the Hindenberg Line ahead of the coming battle.
Tomorrow night, you will sneak through No Man’s Land and take out
what defenses on the other side that you can. You are not expected
to survive. But you have long ago lost what made you anything but
a tool, soldier. We know that there’s a little of you still in there, but if
you do well, you can help many of our soldiers who can still return
to life after the war. You’ve served well, and you’ve sacrificed much.
Tomorrow, you’ll go over there and do as much damage as you can do
before the Germans send you to your final rest.
When you’re crossing No Man’s Land, be careful. Our occultists
think there’s something strange going on out there, and as a result,
we’ve kept all of our soldiers out of there for the past few days. Here’s
what’s important: nothing you’ll find there is on your side, so if you
see it out there, destroy it, whether it’s got a spike on its helmet or
spikes on its back.
The Journey
Before the soldier leaves for their scouting mission, have their

commanding officer (or other person responsible for their connection
to the occult) explain to them that this mission is a no-win situation
and that the only goal is to do as much damage to the German forces
as possible so that the others can mount a full assault. To that
end, the commanding officer gives a small ring to the soldier, which
feels cold to the touch. The commanding officer then explains that,
when the soldier takes the ring off, they and every living creature
within a 100 yard (100 m) radius will be utterly and instantaneously
destroyed, including you — so take it off right before you drop and
take as many of them with you as you can.
As the player puts the ring on, the sense of coldness shifts,
causing their whole body to feel, for a moment, as though they’re
being pulled into deep, cold water. But the feeling passes quickly,
as all feelings pass for them. Read the player the following from the
commanding officer:
Soldier, you’ve served well and you’re going to do your country
proud by doing as much damage as you can do before they put you
down. And remember, No Man’s Land has been especially thin lately.
You’re liable to see some really strange things out there, likely some
creatures crossing over. There shouldn’t be anything alive out there, so
kill anything you come across, even if it looks friendly.
Narration: When you are almost exactly halfway through No Man’s
Land, what causes you to dive into a shell hole for safety?
Requirement: 1 Heart and 1 Diamond.
Success or Failure: As you dive into the shell hole, you realize
that you do not hit the bottom as quickly as you would have expected.
In fact, you do not hit it at all. You are falling, though not quickly,
as though sinking into deep, cold water. You fall for nearly a minute,
your senses reeling, then you land, roughly, on solid ground. The
terrain around you is distorted, like what you’ve seen above but...
changed somehow. A thick fog encloses the edges of your vision,
obscuring what lies more than 100 feet (30 m) away. As you look
around, you hear the sound of gnawing and snapping of bones. As
you turn your attention, you see two children and their parent, their
backs to you, huddled over something on the ground, their hands
tearing at whatever it was. The parent tenses, their back becoming
upright, and then all three snap their heads in unsettling synchrony
to look at you. All three hiss in unison, their mouths revealing jagged,
broken teeth. They rush toward you on all fours, their teeth shining
in whatever strange light illuminates this place. (Feel free to make the
parent a mother or father if you think that will have a stronger impact
on the player. The goal here is to force them to kill without being
totally comfortable with the killing.)
Parent and Children: As soon as the soldier enters this other

realm and the Narrative portion of the Journey finishes, the Parent
and 2 Children attack with intent to kill the soldier.
Going Deeper: After the combat, the soldier now be able to focus
on a light that cuts through the fog in the distance and get the sense
that they should move toward it. The travel should be arduous
with them moving through thick sludge on the ground and making
slow progress. An Athletics, Knowledge, or Investigation roll: TN 2
is needed to not travel in circles. Reward: none. Failure on the roll
causes the soldier to be lost for what seems like two hours. They take
1 damage to the attribute matching the skill attempted. Then, they
proceed to “The Stagnant River” by stumbling upon it rather than
finding it.
The Stagnant River: As the soldier moves toward the light,
they will come upon a large pool of filthy, muddy water that seems
to stretch to the left and the right, preventing them from going
around it. As they start to ford the stagnant river, some sort of River
Monster emerges from its depths and attacks. The creature should
be a representation of the soldier’s greatest failure in the campaign.
Ideally, a monster that escaped them, one that wreaked havoc on a
town before they could stop it, or the like. Use the descriptions to
play up this connection, and make the monster more fearsome than
before. Reward: the body of the creature rapidly absorbs the water
from the stagnant river, making passage possible. As this is the only
way to drain the river, running away is not possible. Failure: death;
read “Dying While Wearing the Ring”.
A Chance to Make It Wrong: The soldier continues and the
absorption of the river seems to have dried the muck and cleared
the way. The soldier progresses into a forest, where a narrow path
leads to a clearing. As they walk into the clearing, they realize there
is no path out, including the way they came in. From the opposite
side of how they entered, there is a great rumbling followed by a
Forest Monster bursting into the clearing. This monster should be a
representation of a great victory the soldier had. Specifically, defeating
this monster should be, symbolically, like causing the damage they
prevented before. If, for example, they saved an important NPC earlier,
it could be a monstrous version of that NPC. If they prevented the
destruction of a building, it could be a monstrous representation
of something associated with that building (an angel if they saved
a church, a monstrous amalgam of a family if they saved a family).
Reward: none. Failure: death; read “Dying While Wearing the Ring”.
The End: The soldier can proceed through the path that the
monster made, and the forest quickly gives way to a rocky path
leading upwards toward the light. As the soldier climbs, the fog grows
thicker until they reach a plateau. The light is out of reach, and
as they explore the plateau, the final Mountain Monster leaps out
of the fog and attacks. Be sure that combat lasts for a few chaotic

rounds before the soldier realizes that they’re fighting a stronger
version of themselves. As the enemy becomes clearer, it should be
themselves from immediately before the war. Work up the element of
surprise here, perhaps having the opponent’s mask break from an
attack revealing the soldier’s own face from just before the war. Most
importantly, juxtapose the savagery of their attacks against the enemy
and the purity and innocence that they remember from before the
If the soldier seems to be poised to defeat the Mountain Monster,
it should plead with them, telling them that they don’t want to
die, that if they kill them, they will be gone forever. The Mountain
Monster might remind the soldier of what it loved before the war, what
anchored it to the human world. But it won’t stop savagely attacking
the soldier.
There are three options here. If the soldier kills the Mountain
Monster, read “Defeating Yourself”. If the soldier would have been
killed by the Mountain Monster and chooses to take off the ring,
read “Removing the Ring”. If the soldier chooses to let the Mountain
Monster kill them, read “Dying While Wearing the Ring”.
Defeating Yourself
Read the following to the player:
As you strike the killing blow, you watch the face of your enemy,
a face that was once yours, shatters beneath [describe the kind of
attack - but make it to the face]. All of the bones seem to have been
destroyed beneath the skin, and you look, curiously, at it. It seems
so familiar. This face. What’s left of this face. This face. Someone you
knew? A person? You suddenly are not even sure what a face is, what
it matters. As these thoughts slip away from you faster than you can
think them, your sight goes dark.
As dawn sends its first tendrils through the sky, a flap on [name of
commanding officer’s] tent opens and a soldier [describe the player’s
soldier] walks in mechanically. “It’s done, then?” [name] says, tilting
their head slightly. The soldier does not respond. “Good. So you’re
all gone then, eh, [name of soldier]?” The soldier does not respond.
“Soldier, I asked you a question. You’re all gone?” The soldier nods.
“Very well then. The ring did what it was supposed to, and you were
willing to give everything for the mission. Your transformation is
complete, soldier. What did you feel as you destroyed yourself?”
“Nothing,” the soldier says in a hollow voice. [name of commanding
officer] walks to a tall metal cabinet in the tent and opens it. Inside,
in a space impossible for the metal cabinet, stand dozens of soldiers
staring blankly ahead. There is still room for a few more.
“Good,” says [name of commanding officer]. “It’s better that way.”
They point to the cabinet, and, understanding, the soldier walks in,
finding a space among the other soldiers standing at attention. “Our
force is nearly complete,” [name of commanding officer] says, mostly

to himself. “Welcome home, soldier.” The soldier stands at perfect
attention, just like all the other soldiers in the cabinet, staring at
nothing, just like all the other soldiers in the cabinet, as the door
closes and absolute darkness envelops them all.
Removing the Ring
Read the following to the player, adjusting for elements in the
specific combat:
With grim determination, you grip the ring on your hand, feeling
its cold metal almost freeze your fingers. Without another thought,
since time is short, you remove the ring in one swift, calm motion. As
you do, a wave of darkness so total that it blinds you explodes from
your whole body. You feel every memory to ever had, even the ones
you’ve lost, radiate outward from you in a flash, then they’re gone.
You see [insert description of what was in the battle] contort, buckle
inwards to a single point, and become part of the blackness. You feel
As dawn sends its first tendrils through the sky, a flap on [name of
commanding officer’s] tent opens and a soldier [describe the player’s
soldier] walks in mechanically. “It’s done, then?” [name] says, tilting
their head slightly. The soldier does not respond. “Good. So you’re
all gone then, eh, [name of soldier]?” The soldier does not respond.
“Soldier, I asked you a question. You’re all gone?” The soldier nods.
“Very well then. The ring did what it was supposed to, and you were
willing to give everything for the mission. Your transformation is
complete, soldier. What did you feel as you pulled the ring off?”
“Nothing,” the soldier says in a hollow voice. [name of commanding
officer] walks to a tall metal cabinet in the tent and opens it. Inside,
in a space impossible for the metal cabinet, stand dozens of soldiers
staring blankly ahead. There is still room for a few more.
“Good,” says [name of commanding officer]. “It’s better that way.”
They point to the cabinet, and, understanding, the soldier walks in,
finding a space among the other soldiers standing at attention. “Our
force is nearly complete,” [name of commanding officer] says, mostly
to himself. “Welcome home, soldier.” The soldier stands at perfect
attention, just like all the other soldiers in the cabinet, staring at
nothing, just like all the other soldiers in the cabinet. It’s difficult to
see exactly how many are there. A thick fog obscures most of them. As
the door closes with a click, absolute darkness envelops them all.
Dying while Wearing the Ring
If the soldier is going to die while still wearing the ring, remind
them that they have the ring to take their enemies with them. If
they’re fighting to the death, they’re likely to want to take their
enemies with them when they go. But, if a soldier decides that they
cannot fight the creatures they’ve been asked to fight and chooses
instead to die, they’ve preserved their humanity. Be sure to try to walk
the fine line of pushing your player and giving them agency. With

many players, if they’re fighting to the death, it might be enough to
remind them that the ring exists.
Read the following to the player, adjusting as needed:
As the dying breath rattles out of you, you hear it echo, and you
find yourself staring into the darkness in a hospital room. You try to
move your limbs, but they won’t respond. Feebly, your voice croaks
out, “Who’s there?” It feels as if you have not spoken for years. It
A nurse rushes in, appearing incredulous that you’re awake.
“Private [soldier’s last name]!? You’re awake!” She turns on her heel
and shouts into the hallway. “Doctors! Get in here! Quickly!!! [last
name of soldier] is awake!”
Over the next few hours, as doctor after doctor, nurse after nurse,
orderly after orderly wanders in to see you and gawk, things become
clear. They seem to think that you enlisted, were trained, and on
your first mission, vanished for a few hours, then wandered back into
camp and collapsed. For the past [appropriate number of years for
the soldier’s story], you’ve been comatose in this very bed, nothing
apparently the matter with you. This all sounds...wrong — but you
can’t quite say how. You remember training. You remember enlisting.
You remember...everything from before the war. Remembering all of
this seems strange to you, but, of course, it’s your life, your memories.
It’s who you are. You remember [insert details about the soldier’s
backstory, especially familial connections]. You remember your first
mission at war, but you feel like you should remember more. You
feel like you should. Your hand hurts. You think you did things, but
whatever they were are all somewhere just out of the reach of your
mind. You look at your hand. There is a burn all the way around one
of your fingers, and it hurts. You know what this burn came from, but
it’s just past the edge of your understanding, as though it’s behind an
impenetrable fog.
Over the next two days, you patiently endure test after test, and
you pass all of them. There is nothing wrong with you. Doctors shake
their heads, but, ultimately, decide that you’re fine. The strangest
case of shell shock they’ve ever seen.
On the third day, your family comes to see you. They thought you
were never coming back to them, though they’d seen your body in the
bed. They cry and tell you that they stopped visiting because it was just
too painful to see you without your really being there. You cry and tell
them that you’re here. The doctors have determined that you’re not fit
for combat. You feel fine, but you listen. Your family is glad.
Nearly a week later, your parents open the door to your house and
let you step in first. Everything is as you remember it, save for a tile
chipped here, a pot dented there. But you are home.

Appears to be a human parent distorted in a few monstrous ways.
Play off of what creeps your player out, and be sure to leave enough
humanity in the creature that it still shows affection for its children.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: None

Brawn: 3 Smarts: 1 Guts: 4
Weapons: Claws: 2 damage
- Athletics ˝ ˝ o o o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: None

Appears to be a human child distorted in a few monstrous ways.
Play off of what creeps your player out, and be sure to leave enough
humanity in the creature that it still shows affection for its children.

Type: Mob Initiative Value: 9 Armor: None

Brawn: 2 Smarts: 1 Guts: 2
Weapons: Claws: 1 damage
- Mel� ˝ o o o o
- Demoralize: This ability is always active. Once per combat,
a su�e�ful a�ack against the player inflicts 1 Guts damage
as we� as any normal damage.
Weakne�: If their Parent is ki�ed, they wi� fl�.
Reward: None

River Monster
Appears as some great failure that the soldier suffered during
the earlier campaign, perhaps a throwback to a monster who got the
better of them or destroyed something important to them.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 6 Armor: 2

Brawn: 8 Smarts: 3 Guts: 6
Weapons: Pounding Wave: 2 damage
A form a�ropriate to the failure: 2 damage - +1 damage (3)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ o o o
- Chaos Songs ˝ ˝ o o o
Steal Their Dreams
- Drag Under (Brawn) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: Instead of a�acking, the

River Monster may ro� Drag Under. This a�ack targets Smarts,
if su�e�ful, the victim takes 1 Smarts damage as they are
reminded of their failure against the earlier threat that the
River Monster resembles.
- Wreck: This ability is always active. Once per combat, a
su�e�ful a�ack against the player reduces Armor by 1 as we�
as inflicting any normal damage.
Weakne�: When the River Monster first a�ears, the player may
make any Smarts-linked ro� to s� if they are ambushed by the
River Monster or not. If the player su��ds, they get a fr�
a�ack before combat o�icia�y begins.
Reward: None

Forest Monster
Appears as some success that the soldier had earlier in the
campaign, now monstrously distorted to encourage the soldier to kill
it, symbolically undoing the good that they had done.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 4 Armor: 3

Brawn: 9 Smarts: 6 Guts: 5
Weapons: As a�ropriate for the form the monster takes: 3
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Shifting Branches (Smarts) ˝ ˝ ˝ o o: The Forest
Monster shows them a di�erent po�ible course their journey
could have taken. The player s�s what would have ha�ened if
they had failed against the thing the monster represents. This
a�ack targets Smarts. Victims su�er the Stun e�ect.
- Shifted Reality: This ability is always active. If the
player defeats the forest monster, their memory of the
su�e� they had earlier (the thing that the forest monster
represents) vanishes and they are convinced that they failed
back then.
Weakne�: The creature represents the soldier’s greatest
achievement and it wi� be hard to convince the soldier they
were actua�y a failure. By repeating the truth they remember,
they weaken the creature. Instead of a�acking, the player may
ro� Co�unication against the Forest Monster’s Guts Defense.
If su�e�ful, the monster su�ers 2 Brawn damage.
Reward: None

Mountain Monster
Appears first as a blurry shadow; second as a soldier in a mask;
and, finally after the soldier breaks the Mountain Monster’s mask, as
a younger version of the soldier.
All attributes and skills for the Mountain Monster should be the
same as the soldier’s are at this point in the Mission. Be sure to start
the Mission with a copy of the soldier’s character sheet and mark
changes as the game continues.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8

A�itional Ski�s/Abilities:
- Impervious Mask: The first two su�e�ful a�acks against
the Mountain Monster do it no damage. The first one cracks its
mask, and the second one breaks the mask completely, causing
it to fa� away.
Weakne�: None
Reward: No

The War Was in Color
Crystal Mazur
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
- John McCrae, In Flanders Fields
Mission Briefing
November 11, 1918 marks Armistice Day, the end of World War
1, a notable day in history worldwide. In remembrance of this day,
soldiers who served recount their experiences with the war to all who
come to listen to them. Even after the war ends, soldiers continue
to fight with their memories, reliving the various battles and losing
themselves in the sounds, smells, and feelings in those moments. The
characters have been asked to speak about their service during the
war at an anniversary event and recount the tales of what happened
to them and the other soldiers they served with.
It should remain unclear as to which character is actually
speaking during the event and this is not revealed until the end of the
Mission. It is possible to have multiple survivors in the scenario, but
there will always be at least one survivor. Those that die do not make
other characters as normal, but rather, add support in other ways,
according to the special rules below.
The War Was in Color happens during two different time periods;
the first being a soldier on Armistice Day remembering their service,
and the second being flashbacks where the soldier recalls what
happened in the war and tries to make peace with the memories they
are reliving. There are more narrative aspects of this Mission, but
each flashback will be played out by all of the players. This Mission
can be very difficult for players, so please make sure all players are
aware of the premise of this scenario and let players opt out of scenes
that may be troubling for them. Use the X-Card or other safety device.
Never force any player at the table to be in an uncomfortable scene
without their consent.

Special Rules for this Mission:
The War Was in Color uses some altered game rules to emphasize
the group storytelling aspect of Never Going Home. All of the individual
Missions present more Incidents than needed, it is the Narrator’s
job to pick the Incidents which fit the Unit best and the order which
results in the best story. Ideally, use a mix of Incidents involving
combat and the narrative resolution described below.
Before play, the players will each create a non-player character
(NPC) companion for their character. They have some personal
connection with this companion, and they are serving together. These
companions do not need any attributes and will not make skill rolls,
but give them a name and decide on a few words describing their
personality. Players introduce their companions to the group. They
will be a pivotal part of this scenario.
Throughout the Mission, the players will resolve most Incidents
narratively. To “resolve narratively”, one player will volunteer to
discard a card and then declare the attribute + skill they use to
resolve the situation. Make sure players know these pairings can be
any combination, not just the skills usually linked to the attributes.
Based on the combination declared, the Narrator will determine if they
are successful (correct attribute + skill declared), partially successful
(either attribute or skill correctly declared), or unsuccessful (neither
attribute nor skill declared is correct). The player then resolves the
Incident by narrating what they tried and the outcome.
1. A successful resolution allows the player to determined how the
situation is resolved in their favor.
2. On a partial success, the situation is resolved, but there is some
sort of problem that occurs or someone in the Unit sustains an injury.
No actual damage is dealt by this resolution.
3. On a failure, the player must discard another card.
a. If the player has no more cards to discard, the group as a whole
can decide if someone will discard a card in their place. This signifies
that someone in the group helped the player out, but it came at a
cost. The player who discards describes how their character assisted.
b. If the group decides not to discard a card, the player must then
kill their companion. They describe how their companion helped out
with the task, and the great cost they paid.
c. If their companion is already dead, then the character is killed
instead. They describe their character’s death.
Upon the death of a character, two things happen. First the player
gets 1 card from the deck. They can use that card in future Incidents
to turn the tide of a battle and inspire the remaining living characters
in some way, as described above. The player discards and describes
how the living character remembers something about the departed
character which helps them survive. Or they may take a more active
role, assisting the living as a ghost. Once that card is used, the
player does not get any more. Secondly, each dead character adds
+1 automatic success on all further rolls by all other members of the
During this Mission, battles with Antagonists take place as normal.
These battles will be helped by the automatic successes.
If the Unit is reduced to only one living soldier, proceed to the
Conclusion Incident in Part 4.
Read this to the Players:
The war has come to an end, and several years after the first
Armistice Day, you are speaking at an event on some of the battles
and experiences you faced while in service. When you walk on stage,
everyone in attendance listens to you, absorbed in your storytelling. As
you speak about your experiences, you start to see, hear, and feel as if
you are back in those battles, and it weighs heavy on you.
Part 1
Mission Objective
As you recount your first battle in service, you begin to relive the
event and soon become pulled into your memories. The audience
around you melts away and you suddenly find yourself back in
Cambrai. You must survive the battle again.
The Journey
The Battle of Cambrai is the first time you have seen active
combat. You spent the night before your Unit’s offensive listening
to the wolves in the area, keeping you awake. The morning your
offensive starts, you are exhausted and anxious.
Requirement: 2 Clubs.

Narrative: Describe the first time you saw a friend die in battle.
Outcomes: On success, pick 2 Incidents. On a failure, 3 Incidents
need to be presented.
The opening charge has begun and you are exhausted. As you
begin to move forward with your detail, you come into a heavy combat
area. You must fight your way through the area to help clear a
pathway for the heavy tanks that are behind you. (Common Soldier x
The tanks come rolling in and cause massive confusion in the
area. You have a chance to lose track of the rest of your detail. Resolve
narratively and describe how you move through the area. A success is
Smarts + Investigation.
The monsters are real but you never believed the stories until
now. As you are moving through the area and fighting the other
soldiers, you come across several Corpse Feeders and must defeat
them. You act on instinct alone, later realizing what you saw. (Corpse
Feeder x 3)
No Man’s Land is a place nobody wants to be stuck in during
battle. At some point, after you left your foxhole, you came under
heavy fire and are stuck in No Man’s Land. You must get back to your
foxhole. The Unit may choose to resolve narratively and describe how
they maneuver around No Man’s Land (success is Brawn + Stealth),
or they may choose to fight through it (face 2 Common Soldiers, 2
Officers and 1 Commando).
The air grows thick and you pull your gas masks on as you see
the smoke pouring over the battlefield. You watch as those who did
not put their masks on quick enough drop in coughing fits, unable to
continue. You need to decide if you want to help others out of the gas
or leave them. Resolve narratively if you decide to help. A success is
Guts + Stealth. If you do nothing, draw for Corruption.
All survivors draw 1 card.
Part 2
Mission Objective
Reliving your first mission was difficult, but as you look around
the room, you find the strength to continue forward. You fight to
keep your focus on the audience but you continue to find it difficult
and quickly slip back into the past. You remember the moment when
you realized you were fighting more than humans. You must face the
horror again.
The Journey
After the Battle of Cambrai, the Germans held an aggressive
counter-offensive against the Allied forces. During that counter-
offensive, both sides are overrun by Unfallen and Disfigured. You end
up focusing your efforts on the monsters that flood the battlefield.
Requirement: 2 Spades if Part 1 resulted in a character or
companion death. 3 Spades if Part 1 resulted in no deaths.
Narrative: Describe the first time you saw one of the Corrupted
Outcomes: On success, pick 3 Incidents. On a failure, 4 Incidents
need to be presented.
The enemy of my enemy is still your enemy, but right now they
are not your biggest concern. While fighting the German soldiers, a
mass of undead overrun the battlefield and you must now turn your
fighting against them. The screams of the soldiers who are dying keep
pulling you back, and you have difficulty trying to move on. (The
Unfallen x 6 or The Disfigured x 3)
They are not your friends, which is hard to remember until they
are shooting at you. You come across an injured German soldier who
is begging for your help. He looks very young and is crying. If you
wish to help the German Soldier, you must resolve narratively in order
to do so. Since there are many ways to help this soldier, there is no
success condition, anything you do helps.
The ground shakes as you hear grenades exploding around you.
The ringing in your ears makes it hard to hear anything around you,
and you find it hard to concentrate on what is going on. The debris
in the air makes it hard to see and you become disoriented. Resolve
narratively to orientate yourself and make your way in the right
direction. A success is Smarts + Knowledge.
Soldiers on both sides fall all around you, and you watch as
several from your own infantry lay on the ground. You fight off the
enemy around you and try to clear a way to bring the dead back
home, but it is almost impossible. Resolve narratively to move on
from the dead and keep fighting in the battle. A success is Guts +
Three of your detail’s guns jam, leaving you vulnerable to attack.
It could have been moisture getting into the gunpowder, rust forming
on the gun, or simple misuse. Someone needs to fix each of the guns
while on the battlefield and everyone in the detail needs to help
protect each other. Resolve narratively to describe how you are going
to fix the weapons. A success is Smarts + Mechanics.
All survivors may discard 1 card and draw another.

Part 3
Mission Objective
The names of the ones who served with you come quickly to your
mind, and you remember some of the non-combat times you spent
with them. It was during those times where you bonded with each
other and learned about everyone. It was also the time where you
noticed when others were losing themselves to the Corruption that
was happening. You must hold the line against the Corruption again.
The Journey
What little downtime you had was spent with those in your Unit,
learning about who they are and what they left to join the war. It was
these moments of normalcy which kept you human.
Requirements: 4 Hearts if Part 2 resulted in a character or
companion death. 3 Hearts if Part 2 resulted in no deaths.
Narrative: Describe one of the moments of shared downtime you
enjoyed with your fellow soldiers.
Outcomes: On success, pick 4 Incidents. On a failure, 5 Incidents
need to be presented.
You recount what you left behind and share information about
your family, lovers, and jobs you put on hold to join the war effort.
While hard to do, it helps to build up trust within your detail. Each
character needs to share two pieces of information about themselves
to resolve this Incident.
Dirty liars, all of them. You start to distrust those within your
group and are convinced there are several Corrupt individuals within
the group. All players must discard a card at this point or come under
suspicion of being Corrupted.
Losing touch with one’s self is a slow process, and oftentimes
overlooked when there is a lot of chaos around you. It was during
these downtimes where you began to notice the Corruption within.
Resolve narratively to correctly identify if any one soldier is Corrupt.
A success is a Guts + Investigation. Follow the rules for the Sense
Corruption Whisper from the Healing Words Path as if the soldier
rolled 5 successes.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. The Unit decides
to have some fun and do something dangerous, wander outside
during the night. It might be harder to see, but that is what makes it
so much more fun, isn’t it? Resolve narratively and describe how what
you do. A success would be Brawn + Athletics.
In the darkness is where evil lives, and you run smack into a
bunch of Devil Dogs while on your journey. You must either outrun
them or fight them in order to survive. (Teufelshund x 3)
It is hard to see in the darkness, even if you think you know
where you are going. With all of the trenches, pitfalls, supplies, and

hiding places, it is easy to get hurt. Resolve narratively to avoid any
danger that may present itself while on your nighttime adventure. A
success is Brawn + Stealth.
Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, the thrill of a
chance at being attacked or Corrupted. That is exactly what this
adventure is about, and tempting fate is always a rush. Resolve
narratively to avoid running back to base camp and to stay out in the
wilderness, looking for a fight. A success is Guts + Athletics.
The Unit draws 3 cards and splits them between all survivors.
Part 4
Mission Objective
The Battle of Amiens was the last battle fought in the war before
the armistice signing between the Allies and Germany. This battle
had heavy casualties and impressions left upon the soldiers from
both sides and was the turning point in the war. The opening battle
takes place on a foggy morning near Somme, where the Corruption
started happening. You understand your mission objective, to take the
Germans by surprise again.
The Journey
You stand with the rest of the troops in the fog, waiting for the
orders to move forward and begin the assault. Somehow, you feel
victory is certain, yet you dread the order to march.
Requirements: 4 Diamonds
Narrative: When did you first notice your own Corruption?
Outcomes: If any of the characters are Corrupted, pick 5
Incidents. If no characters are Corrupted, 6 Incidents need to be
The fog is thick and you have difficulty seeing ahead of you. You
move forward toward what you believe to be the direction you need
to move. You can see shapes moving in the fog, but you are unsure
if you are seeing your allies, or something else. Resolve narratively in
order to stay in the right area. A success is Smarts + Investigation.
Zombies, up ahead. As you move through the fog, you are right
about the shapes you were seeing. They lumber through the fog, their
moans endangering the mission. You must take care of the zombies
quietly before they give away your position. (The Unfallen x 4)
Silence is necessary to complete your mission. The fog gives you
plenty of cover, but your Unit still needs to move quietly. As you push
toward the German line, resolve narratively to pass silently. A success
is Smarts + Stealth.
The innocent always get hurt in war, and this is no exception.
You come across several local farmers fending off a Trenchstalker and
having a very hard time with it. You are able to determine that if the
farmers do not get help soon, the monster will overtake them. You must
decide if you will help the farmers or press on. (Trenchstalker x 1)
You see German soldiers on patrol as you push on, all of them
very young. They do not notice any of your Unit in the fog and you
have the upper hand on them. You can either avoid them or sneak up
and attack them while you have the advantage. If you choose to sneak
around, resolve narratively. If you fight the patrol (Common Soldiers
x 4), everyone in the Unit may make one action before determining
Initiative, but must draw for Corruption if they do.
Nightfall comes after a full day of tactical advancement, but you
have no time to make it back to base camp. You must spend the night
hidden in the countryside, risking attack from monsters, wolves, or
soldiers. Resolve narratively in order to avoid these threats. A success
is Guts + Investigation.
The final push is chaotic and your Unit is unsure of when it
actually began. There is so much happening around you and you lose
track of what is going on. You begin shooting at whatever is in front
of you. The last battle of the war is filled with all sorts of enemies.
The players could face a major threat such as Cackling Horror, Rot
Breeder, or Vathek, but feel free to use whatever Antagonists fit the
narrative. It could also be appropriate for the players not to face any
particular threat directly.
If the there is only one remaining survivor, that character is the
speaker. If there are more survivors, each is a speaker. Each speaker
describes the group they have been speaking to. Those characters
who lost their lives in the Mission may offer brief summaries on how
they feel their deaths impacted the speakers and what they would be
doing if they were alive. Then each speaker gives a summary of how
the war affected them, and what they want their audience to know.
Read this to the Players:
You don’t even notice the tears as you finish speaking. The room is
silent and everyone is anxiously watching you for your next story. After
reliving the stories of your battles, you find it too difficult to continue
and decide is it best to end. As you leave the stage, you can see the
ghosts of all your fellow soldiers who died. Theirs are the only applause
you care about.
Teufelshund (Devil Dog)
This twisted, overly muscled Doberman Pinscher drips a
necrotizing poison from its serrated fangs, enhanced fur bristling to
protect it from blade and bullet. Uncannily fast and quiet, a low growl
is all you may hear before it attacks if its keen nose has sensed you.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: 8 Armor: 2
Brawn: 4 Smarts: 2 Guts: 3
Weapons: Necrotic Poison: Anyone bi�en by the Teufelshund
must ro� Athletics: TN 4 every combat round or su�er 1 damage
to Brawn for the next 3 rounds as flesh rots and fa�s away from
the victim’s body
- Athletics ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Weakne�: None
Reward: Draw 3 cards for the Unit.

Beware being too successful on the battlefields of the Great War,
lest you attract the attention of Vathek. These fiends appear to revel
in war and live for one-on-one battles. They slaughter as many as
it takes to draw out a true champion worthy of their skill. When it
believes it has the upper hand in a fight, it attacks with a lamprey-
like tongue-tentacle, seeking to drain opponents of blood and what it
seems to believe to be their fighting spirit.

Type: Solo Initiative Value: Q Armor: 3

Brawn: 5 Smarts: 4 Guts: 5
Weapons: Can use any weapon a human can use. Wi� likely be
equi�ed with at least one ranged weapon and one mel� weapon.
Any weapon it uses has Critical (3) in a�ition to normal
Tongue-Tentacle: 1 Guts damage - +1 damage (2)
- Mel� ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Stealth ˝ ˝ o o o
- Knowledge ˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ o
- Investigation ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
- Ranged ˝ ˝ ˝ o o
Weakne�: Wi� never back down from a cha�enge of one-on-
one combat, even if confronting an obviously superior foe or
walking into a potential ambush.
Reward: Draw 3 cards if defeated in single combat. Otherwise
everyone involved in the combat draws 1 card.

The War has many
Mountains, forests,
What’s the matter,
Did you expect to
live forever?

21 Adventures

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