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Sophocles dramatizes a jurisprudential debate on Natural Law and Positive Law in

Antigone. Elaborate. (15 Marks)
2. What do you know about Teresias? (5 Marks)
3. master enclaimed Ananda weeping bitterly is all the work undone and all by my fault
and folly that which is built on fraud and imposture can by no means endure returned
Buddha. (Puntuate)
4. If you read ten pages of a good book letter by letter that is to say with real accuracy
you are evermore in some measure an educated person. (Punctuate)
5. Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper discussing in detail the present economic
recession in the world.
Write a letter, in reponse to an advertisement in Newspaper for the post of Project
Assistant in UGC sponsored project on ‘Ethnic Cleansing in India.’ (Stating your age,
experience, qualification etc.etc.). (10 Marks)
6. What commonground is shared by Sophiloces' Antigone and
Miller's Crucible?
7. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us by what
we have already done. (Punctuate)
8. What is jargon?
9. What is Register and what do you understand by register of Law?
10. Define Linguitic form.
11. Write a letter to young law graduates telling them in detail about the profession of
12. nothing is so easy and inviting as the report abuse and saricasm but it is a paltry and
an unprofitable contest (Punctuate)
13. The common law of england and the like law exists in America considers marriage in
no other light them as a civil contract (Punctuate)
14. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper giving your views on rising inflation in the
Write a letter applying for the position of Legal Advisor to a firm advertised in daily
paper (Stating your age, education, experience qualification , reason for leaving the
last position, reference, previous salary, salary acceptable etc. etc.)
15. This is … book of elementary chemistry. (Article)
16. Aladdin had….wonderful lamp. (Article)
17. This work is….his capacity. (Preposition)
18. He married….money (Preposition)
19. Mail a letter to the Editor of The Indian Express ( about the
role of judiciary in safeguarding Human Rights.
20. Fill in the blanks with Prepositions: (3 Marks)
 He usually travels …plane.
 Suman often compares Asha's literary talents… Shelley's.
 The change made in this chapter should be consistent …those in the other
 The circular said that the meeting was being deferred….further notice.
 You can be held liable….the damages.
 David should not be entrusted…. financial matters.
21. A Conjunction has been wrongly used in the given sentences.write the sentences with
correct conjunction: (2 Marks)
 Since I have sent him several reminders, he has not replied to my letters.
 They not only gave us money but invited us to stay at their place.
 He asked me that why had refused the invitation.
 The reason why he could not come was because he was ill.
22. Punctuate the following passage: (5 Marks)
the European convention on human rights on the other hand could not be directly
enforced before british courts until the year 2000 when the human rights act 1998
came into effect the reason for this is that the british legal system is strictly dualist in
dualism national law and international law are considered to be two separate systems
operating in difficult fields by contrast in a monist system national and international
law are considered to form one legal structure and international law is supreme
23. Poetry represents human life, society and nature. Does poetryenhance cognitive skills
of learners ? Discuss with reference to the poems Law Like Love', 'Criminal',
Punishment' and The World is too Much With Us'.

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