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Study Guide Assignment 21

Vocabulary Review: 
Group A: #1-10,
5.Patient portal
7. History of present illness
8.Chief complaint
9. Familial
Abbreviations: #1-23,
1. Magnetic Resonance angiography
2. Electronic Health Record
3. Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act
4. Chief Complaint
5. Vital Sign
6. History of Present Illness
7. Pulmonary Hypertension
8. Past Medical History
9. Unusual Childhood Disease
10. Unusual Childhood Disease
11. Over the Counter Drugs
12. Family History
13. Social History
14. System Review
15. Review of Systems
16. Electrocardiogram
17. Electrocardiogram
18. Range of Motion/ Ready Only Memory
19. Cerebrovascular accident
20. Extraocular Movement
21. Breast Self Examination
22. Testicular Self Exam/Thyroid Simulating Hormone
23. Gastrointestinal/ Glycemic Index
Skills and Concepts: 
A. Medical History: # 4,
Chief complaint,
Past History,
Family History,
Social History
History of Present Illness.
B: Understanding and Communicating with the Patient: #2-3,
a. Open
b. Closed
c. Closed
d. Open
e. Closed
f. Closed
g. Open
h. Open
i. Closed
j. Closed

3. They help identify each of us and unique individual. They

assist us in developing healthy relationships in our lives. This also
allows us to develop professional boundaries to allow the patient
personal satisfaction while protecting the privacy of patients.
D. Assessing the Patient: #2,
a. Subjective
b. Subjective
c. Subjective
d. Objective
e. Subjective
f. Subjective
g. Objective
h. Subjective
i. Objective
j. Subjective
F. Physical Examination: #2-4,
a. Check the area at the beginning of each day and
between patients.
b. Regularly check expiration dates on all packages and
supplies and discard expired materials.
c. Make sure the room is private, well lit, and as a
comfortable temperature for the patient.
a. Hand Him or Her instruments and equipment as
b. Alter the position of the light source to better illuminate
the area being examined.
c. conduct follows up diagnostic procedures as ordered,
including an electrocardiogram.
a. During the inspection the examiner uses observation to
detect significant physical features or objective data
b. In palpation, the examiner uses the sense of touch. A
part of the body is felt with the hand to determine its
condition or the condition of an underlying organ.
c. Percussion involves tapping or striking the body, usually
with the fingers of a small hammer. This will cause sounds,
vibratory sensations, or involuntary reactions.
d. For auscultation, the provider uses a stethoscope to
listen to sounds from the body.
e. Mensuration is the process of measuring. Some
measurements that are recorded include the following-
Height and weight, Size and depth of a wound and
Pressure of a grip.
f. Manipulation is the passive movement of a joint to
determine the range of extension of flexion of a part of the
G. Principles of Body Mechanics: #2,
2. You should always get help if the load is too heavy and
maintain correct body alignment, with the legs spread apart for a
broad base of support. Do not reach for items; clear barriers out of
the way first and get as close as possible to what needs to be lifted.
Bend your knees with feet at shoulder width apart and keep the
back straight.
H. Transferring a Patient: #2
2. Gait belt
I. Assisting with the Physical Examination: #1-2,
a. tongue depressor
b. percussion hammer
c. Tuning fork
d. Stethoscope
e. Tape measure
f. Ophthalmoscope

a. Fowler Position – examinations and treatments of the
head, neck, and chest.
b. Supine Position- examination of the front of the body.
c. Dorsal Recumbent Position- digital examination of the
vagina and rectum,
d. Lithotomy Position-Vaginal exams
e. Sims Position-Rectal examinations or pelvic exams.
f. Prone Position- examination of the back and for certain
surgical procedures.
g. Knee-Chest Position – Rectal and Proctologic exams,
Certification Preparation: #1-10, 

Workplace Application: #1, 6. 

1. In this interview, the medical assistant is providing unwarranted
assurance, giving advice, using medical terminology, asking
leading questions, talking too much, and using defense
mechanisms which are all examples of communication barriers.
Diagnosing the condition without any confirmation and also putting
the fault on the patient for not using the sunscreen. It is dangerous
because first of all the patient would get anxious by hearing
malignancy , secondly she was not told by anyone to use
sunscreen as an advice for which she can take legal actions too.
6. Barriers would consist of a lack of comfort and confidence in
addressing sexuality. Show respect to patients with different sexual
preferences and allow the partner to enter the exam room if

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