Type of Cells Histo

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The cell :The cell is the basic unit of life

It is the Structural and function unit in the body.

Type of cells:
prokaryotic cell - Eukaryotic cell.
Group of cells Tissue Organ System
 The Tissues: are Groups of cells closely associated that
have a similar structure and function


Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscular tissue Nervous tissue

( covering) ( support ) ( movement) ( control)
Plane of Section of a tube
Plane of Section of a Round object (a) longitudinal section
(b) A tangential section
(a)longitudinal sections The midline
(c) An oblique section
(b) longitudinal peripheral
(d and e) Transverse section
(c and f) tangential planes
(f) A transverse section
(d) transverse planes
Preparation of Tissues for Microscopic Examination

Obtaining the tissue from the body

Fixation ( ‫)التثبيت‬ Physiological( heat, freezing

) - Chemical

)Dehydration (‫)(نزع الماء‬ 70 % alcohol to 1 hour

80 % alcohol to 1 hour
90 % alcohol to 1 hour
95 % alcohol to 1 hour
100 % alcohol to 30-45 m

Clearing ( ‫)الترويق‬ By Zillion about 5 m

Embedding (‫ )الطمر‬impregnation (‫التسريب‬ Trimming ( ‫) التشذيب‬
Cutting (‫التقطيع‬
Staining ( ‫الصبغ‬ Mounting ( ‫)التحميل‬

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