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RESEARCH History of the Problem

Walker (1840) described Tbysanus to

hold Tater Halicby, and placed the ge-
nus in the Chalcidites (now the superfam-
ily Chalcidoidea). He did not further
place Th)'sanus in a higher classification
scheme or otherwise indicate its relation-
ship to other chalcidoids. Foerster (1856)
Signiphoridae or Thysanidae? A Review of a provided two unnecessary replacement
names for TbJ'sanus Walker, Triphasius
Problem in Family-level Nomenclature Foerster and Plastocbaris Foerster. He
(Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) placed Plastocharis in the Tetrastichoidea
in the Chalcidiae. In a subsequent paper
he (Foerster 1878) redescribed Plasto-
cbaris, described a new species in the
James B. Woolley genus, and assigned Plastocharis to the
family Chalcididae. Howard (1895) fur-
ther restricted the placement of Plasto-
cbaristo the subfamily Aphelininae in the
ABSTRACT A historical account of the desirable. Unfortunately, changes in clas- Chalcididae. Dalla Torre (1898) recog-
classification of the family Signiphoridae sification inevitably entail changes in no- nized that Tripbasius and Plastocbaris

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is presented with emphasis on works of menclature and it is here that our nonsys- were objective junior synonyms of Tby-
noml'nclatural significance at the genus tematist colleagues occasionally become sanus since they were based on the same
level and family level. The dispute over impatient. The rules of zoological nomen- type species, Tater. He resurrected the
the seniority of either Xana Kurdjumov clature are designed to provide for stabil- name TbJ'sanus and placed the genus in
or Matritia Mercet cannot be resolved ity and consistency in the usage of names the subfamily Aphelinae (sic) Howard.
until the precise month of Kurdjumov's and also, by the application of the princi- Ashmead (1900) retained Tbysanusin the
public:ltion can be established. The situ- ple of priority, to ensure that each taXOn Aphelinidae, which he then regarded as a
ation that has resulted in the use of two has a unique correct name. No body of distinct family. However, in Ashmead's
family names, Thysanidae and Signiphor- law can foresee all eventualities, however, (1904) classification of the Chalcidoidea
idae, for the Same taxon is discussed. It is and occasionally the actions of competent the Aphelinidae was relegated to subfam-
concluded that the name Thysanidae has systematists, working to improve the clas- ily status in the family Eulophicbe and
not won general acceptance, although a sification of organisms and conscien- Thysallus was likewise transferred.
case could be made for its conservation. tiously applying the rules of nomencla- Schmiedeknecht (1909) treated the genus
It is, therefore, proposed that Signiphori- ture, create the confusion that all seek to Thusanus Walker, a usage of Walker's
dae be adopted as the family-level name avoid. (1872) lapsus for Tb)'sanus, as a member
for the group and that use of Thysanidae An example of this sort of problem is of the subtribe Aphelinina, tribe Apheli-
be avoided. found in the Chalcidoidea, where a situa- nini in the subfamily Eulophinae. Mercet
tion has developed over the years in (1912) and Girault (1913b) followed Ash-

B ecause of the enormous diversity

of insect groups, most entomol-
ogists organize their overall
knowledge of insects by the use of family
which two family-level names have been
applied to the same group of wasps: Sig-
niphoridae and Thysanidae. Unfortu-
nately, the matter does not present a clear
mead's (1904) classification and regarded
Tb)'sanus as a member of the subfamily
Aphelininae in the family Eulophidae.
The other generic name involved in this
names. It is, therefore, disconcerting (and case of priority for one or the other; nomenclatural problem, Signipbora, was
aggravating to some) when there is incon- hence, the dual usage in the literature. I coined by Ashmead (880) but was not
sistency in the usage of family names. have been conducting revisionary work in placed in a family-level taxon at that time.
Students of entomology, in particular, the group for several years and in the Howard (1894) then described the
often display considerable agitation when context of this research have analyzed the subfamily Signiphorinae to contain Sig-
informed that two or more different fam- problem in some detail. The following is nipbora, designating the latter as the type
ily names have been used (or are used) an historical account of the problem that genus for the subfamily. Howard at that
to refer to the same taxon by different focuses on papers of nomenclatural or time regarded many of the taxa currently
authorities. However, the science of sys- taxonomic significance at the genus or treated at the family level in the Chalci-
tematics is progressive, and with new in- family level. This paper is the first in a doidea as subfamilies in the Chalcididae;
formation or the application of improved series treating the systematics of the Sig- it was intended that Signiphorinae stand
methodology changes in the classifica- niphoridae. A detailed review of the per- at the same level as, for example, the
tions of organisms are both necessary and tinent literature was required to ade- Aphelininae. Dalla Torre (1898) also
quately address the complex nomencla- placed Signipbora in the Signiphorinae
tural problem that has evolved. Because and considered the latter to be equal in
of the resulting length of the discussion, status to other subfamilies in the Chalci-
james H. Woolley is all assistant profes- and because the subject is of potential didae.
sor in tbe Dep. of Entomology at Texas interest to a wider audience of biologists, To further confuse the issue, Ashmead
A6JI {hzil'., College Station I have decided to publish it separately. 0900,1904) assigned the Signiphorinae,

SllMMER 19H6 91
containing only Signiphora, to the Encyr- sanus and accepted the inclusion of Gi- subgenus Matritia to include the type
tidae. Schmiedeknecht (1909) believed rault's S. nigra species group in Th)'sanus, species Siglliphora (Matritia) conjugalis
that the Chalcidoidea consisted of one although he stated that several of these Mercet. Giwult 0929, 1932) described
family, Chalcicliclae, and treated Sign i- species might not actually belong in Thy- three additional species of Matritia, thus
phora as a member of the tribe Signiphor- SO/IUS. The usage of Signiphoriclae was implicitly elevating the taxon to the genus
ini in Encyrtinae. Girault (1913c) re- continued by several authors (Mercet rank. Nikol'skaya (1950) brought the ge-
garded Signiphora as a member of the 1927, Smith & Compere 1928, Dozier nus Xana into the Signiphoridae, synon-
Signiphorinae but did not explicitly men- 1933, Blanchard 1936, Gomes 1942 ymized the subgenus Signiphora (Matri-
tion the pbcement of the subfamily. How- (1941), Ghesquiere 1942), although Gi- tia) under Xana, and described the genus
ever, in Girault's (1913a) monograph of rault (1929) maintained his placement of Signiphorilla Nikol'skaya. She thus rec-
the Signiphorinae (in which only the ge- Signiphorinae in Encyrtidae. Dozier ognized four valid genera in the family
nus Signiphora was treated), he followed (1933) apparently considered Signiphora and considered 77J)'Sa/lUSand Signipbora
Ashmead in regarding the subfamily as a as synonymous with Th)'sanus, as he used as distinct. Although most authors have
member of Encyrtidae. Girault (1913b) only the latter generic name in several recognized Xana and Matritia as synon-
mentioned for the first time the resem- species descriptions. He may have been yms, the priority of one name or the other
blance between Th)'sanusand Sigmphora influenced by Gahan, an apparent advo- is not clear. Nikol'skaya (19'52) main-
but did not modify the higher classifica- cate of synonymy of the two genera, al- tained Xalla as the senior synonym, as did
tion of either genus. Brethes (1913) de- though Gahan did not publish the synon- Erdos (1958, 196<i), Rozanov (965), De
scribed two species of Siglllphora, which ymy. Gahan did, however, consistently Santis 0968, 1973, 1979), and Hayat
he placed in Chalcidiclae. In a subsequent provicle workers with identifications of all (1970). However, many other authors
paper (Brethes 1914), he followed the signiphorids under the genus Thysanus, have treated Matritia as the senior syn·
classification of Girault (1913a) for Sig- which resulted in the extensive use ofrhis onym (Ferriere 1953, 1957, Agarwal 1963,
nipbora. Rust (1913) described the genus generic name in the economic literature. Kerrich 1953, Novitsky 195<i, Peck et al.

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Neosigniphora to contain N nigra Rust, In contrast, Richards (1935) stated that 1964, Subba Rao 197--1,Hayat 1976, Gordh
and assigned this genus to Signiphorinae. Signiphora was definitely not a synonym 1979, Hayat & Verma 1980). Some authors
Viereck (1916) used the name Signiphor- of Th)'sanus and followed Girault's usage (cf. Kerrich 1953, Subba Rao 1974, Gordh
idae for the first time in a brief discussion of the Signiphorinae. Ceballos (941) 1979) have indicated that Kurdjumov's
of Siglllpbora fla1!opalliata Ashmead; also maintained Signipbora and Th)'sanus description was actually published in
however, he did not provide a justification as valid genera. He treated the signiphor- 1917, Mercet's publication bears the date
for elevating the group to the family level. ids as the Signiphorinae, Chalcicliclae, December 1916 and Kurdjumov's only the
Girault 0915, 1916) followed his earlier along with Encyrtinae, Aphelininae, and year ]916. Thus, under Article 21 of the
placement of Signiphora in Signiphori- other taxa generally classified as families International Code of Zoological Nomen-
nae, Encyrtidae, and Mercet (1916), in today. clature Ord edition), both have the as-
describing two subgenera of Sigmphora, The convoluted story of the placement sumed date of 31 December 1916. As
placed this genus in the "Signiphorinos," of Thysanus involves yet more family- pointed out by Novitsky (954), it is nec-
an apparent reference to the Signiphori- level names. Schmiedeknecht (930) ap- essary to determine 'the precise month of
nae. In a revision of the Signiphorinae of peared to place Tbysanus in the tribe Kurdjumov's publication to resolve this
Spain, Mercet (1917) transferred Th)'- Gonatocerini in the family Mymaridae by problem,
Sa/illS into the subfamily [or the first time, including the genus in a key to the my- In a move that would have a lasting
Malenotti (1916) described one species marids of north and central Europe. In an effect on the nomenclalllre of the family,
of Signiphora without discussing the earlier work (Schmiedeknecht 1909), he Peck (1951) synonymized Signipboraand
higher c13ssification of the genus and later included Thysanus (as Thusanus Walker Matritia with Tbysanus and instituted the
(Malenotti 1918) redescribed this spe- [sic]) in a key to the Gonatocerini but here use of the family name Thysanidae Peck.
cies, pbcing Signiphora in Signiphorini, the genus was clearly indicated as being Changing the family name to reflect a new
Encyrtinae, thus reverting to the classifi- a member of the tribe Aphelinini in the synonymy o[ its type genus \Vas correct
cation of Schmiedeknecht (1909). Eulophinae. It is, therefore, likely that in under the International Rules o/Zoologi-
Silvestri (918) placed in Th)'sanussev- the later work (Schmiedeknecht 1930) he cal Nomenclature in use at that time,
eral of the species treated as Signiphora simply neglected to mention his view of Under Article 40 o[ the present hzterna-
by previous authors (Ashmead 1900, Gi- the correct placement of Tb)'sanus. No tional Code 0/ Zoological Nomenclature
rault 1913a), specifically species con- ambiguity was associated with the action (3rd edition), a family name would not
tained in the nigra species group of Sig- of Ghesquiere (1942), who combined the be changed in similar circumstances,
niphora by Girault (1913a). This species families Signiphoridae and Mymaridae (in Following the publication of Peck
group did not contain the type species of part) to form the new superfamily Myma- (951), the higher classification of the
Sigmpbora (S. flal!Opalliata Ashmead), roidea, to stand apart from the Chalcidoi- group was somewhat more stable than
thus Silvestri's action did not place Sig- dea and Proctotrupoidea. Although De- during the previous century of taxonomic
niphora into synonymy with Thysanus as bauche (948) did not explicitly treat the work. Several authors accepted the syn-
has sometimes been stated (Subba Rao placement of the signiphorids, he did re- onymy of Signipbora, Neosigmpbora, Ma-
1957). Silvestri (1918) considered Thy- ject this classification and no subsequent tritia, and Xalla under Tbysallusand used
sanus to be assignable to Chalcididae but authors have followed this scheme. the family name Thysanidae (Domeni-
he made no mention of a tribal or subfam- Another nomenclatural problem in the chini ] 952, 1954, 1955, Kerrich 1953, Nov-
ily placement. Signiphoridae began with the description itsky 1954, De Santis 1957, Subba Rao
Timberlake (1924) was the next author of the genus Xana by Kurdjumov (1916) 1957, Burks 1958). Kerrich (1953) pro-
to use Signiphoridae at the family level. to hold the type species X. nigra Kurdju- vided an outline of the generic classifica-
lie synonymized Neosigmphorawith Thy- mov. Mercet (1916) described the tion and a taxonomic analysis of the gen-


era that had been proposed 10 date. He nations of valid genera under one of two containing the genera Tbysallus, Cbar/o-
concluded that he could not define the family-level names. eerus, Neosignipbora, and Clylina, and
various ~enera satisfaClorily and used Tb)'- Rozanov (1965) made several impor- the Signiphorinae Howard containing Sig-
smllls for all species treated. Thompson tam comributions to the higher classifi- nipbora and Kerricbiella. This scheme
((9"i·j) provided Iiteralllre citations for cation of the family. He used the name was followed in his paper on the signi-
Neosigl/ipbora I/igra and Sigl/ipbora dlp- Signiphoridae and although he did not phorids of Argentina (De Santis 1973),
/eropbaga G irault, but listed other species discuss the problem of the two family- but otherwise has not been widely ac·
untlL'r the ~l>nus Tb.1'sallIIs. All species level names then in use he did provide a cepted (but cf. Gordh 1979). Hayat
ml'ntioned hy Thompson were listed as history of various generic classifications. (1970) followed the generic and subge-
Encyrtidae without subfamily or tribal The genus Cbartoeerus Motschulsky neric classification of Rozanov (965) as
designation. Peck (963) included the (Motschulsky 1859) was brought into the did Subba Rao (974) with two minor
monotypic genus M.1'ioC1U'lIlaAshmead in family for the first time and was divided exceptions. Subba Rao argued for the
tilt' Signiphoridae (with no explanation) into three subgenera: Cbar/oeerus, Xana, priority of Matrilia Mercet over Xana
but treated S(f!,l/ipbora, Neosiglllpbora, and Signipborina. The genus Kerriebiella Kurdjumov and, thus, used Ma/ritia for
and ,t!a/rilia as synonyms of Tb)'sa11us. Rozanov was described and Tbysan us, one subgenus of Chartocerus. This argu-
No subsequent authors have retained Signipbora, and Clytina were redes- ment was subsequently accepted by Hayat
M.1'ioCl/('lI1aAshmead in the signiphorids cribed, with considerable attention given (976). Subba Rao (974) also erected
and this genus is usually placed in the to the diagnostic characteristics for each the genus Rozanoviel/a Subba Rao to in-
Aphl'linidae or Aphelininae (d. Gordh genus. Thus, Rozanov recognized five clude several of the Neotropical species
1979, lIayat (983) although its relation- valid genera and, in particular, argued discussed by Kerrich (953) as a species
ship 10 other aphelinids is problematical against the synonymy of Tbysanus and group of Tbysanus (sensu lata) . Trjapitzin
(Yasnosh 1983). Signipbora. (978) retained the classification of Roz-
Nikol'skaya 09'>2) continued to use In the two decades following the work anov (1965) and simply listed Xana and

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Signiphorid:le following the classification of Rozanov (965), the higher classifica- Sigmpborina as synonyms of Cbar/oce-
of her earl ier paper (Nikol'skaya 1950) tion of the family has remained relatively rus.
and included four valid genera. Erdos stable. Most authors have continued to use Gordh (1979) reduced the status of the
((9"i7) descrihed the genus Clytilla in the Signiphoridae as the family name (Sugon- signiphorids to the subfamily Signiphori-
Signiphoridae and apparemly considered yaev 1968, De Santis ] 968, 1972, 1973, nae in Encyrtidae but otherwise followed
Thysanidae a synonym. In subsequent pa- 1979, Rozanov 1969, Haym 1970, 1976, the classification of Rozanov, at least for
pers, however, Erdi>s (1958, 196-1)used Quezada et al. 1973, Subba Rao 1974, the three genera (Tbysanus, Signipbora,
Thysanidae (= Signiphoridae) and Thy- Trjapitzin 1978, Hayat & Verma 1980). and Cbar/oeerus) known from North
sanidaejSigniphoridae. He cominued to However, Yoshimoto (1965) treated sev- America. Gordh (979) retained the
folio\\' the generic classification of Ni- eral species under the Thysaninae of En- subfamilies of De Santis (968) as tribes
kol'skap (I 9'>0, 19'>2)with the addition cyrtidae, De Santis & Esquivel (966) and presented Cbar/oeerus without a
of his genus ely/i1la. Ferriere (953) listed the Argentine species of Signiphora subgeneric classification, listing Xa1la,
treated the group as the subfamily Signi- under the Thysanidae, De Santis (967) Ma/ri/ia, and Signipborina as synonyms.
phorinae in Encyrtidae. He accepted the listed the Argentine species of Tb)'sallus Neosignipbora was listed as a synonym of
synonymy of Neosigllipbora with Thy- and Siglllpbora under Thysanidae, and Tbysanus. The placement of the group as
smlllS but maintained Jla/ritia and Sigl/i- Burks (967) maintained the use of the a subfamily of the Encyrtidae has not been
pbora as valid genera and raised Siglllpho- single genus Tb)'sanus in Thysanidae. followed by subsequent authors (De San-
rella Mercet to generic status (Siglllpho- Riek (970) treated the group as the Thy- tis 1980, Hayat & Verma 1980) who have
rella was originally described as a sub- saninae, a subfamily of the Encyrtidae continued to use the name Signiphoridae.
genus of Sigl/ipbora hy Mercet [1916]). along with the Aphelininae, Tanaostig- In two general treatments of regional
Agarwal (1965) used Thysanidae but oth- modinae, Eupelminae, and Encyrtinae. Of faunas of Chalcidoidea, Prinsloo (1980)
erwise followed the generic classification particular interest during this period are and Yoshimoto (1984) have both used
of rerriere (1953). Novitsky (195..•) also the detailed arguments presented by De Signiphoridae.
used Thysanidae but regarded five genera Santis (1968) and Quezada et al. (973) De Santis (1979) did not include Roz-
as valid: Tb.1'smllls,Sigl/ipbora, Neosiglli- for the conservation of Signiphoridae anol'iella in his catalog of the Neotropical
pbora, Ma/ritia, and Sigllipboril/a. Fer- based on their perceptions that Thysani- species and otherwise his previous clas-
rit're 09'>7) used Thysanidae but re- dae had not won general acceptance. sification is unchanged, with Neosigni-
garded at least four genera as valid: Tby- Kloet & Hincks (1978) avoided the issue pbora treated as a valid genus and Xana
SlIIlIIS, ,l1a/ri/ia, Sigllipborilla, and Siglli- and listed the British species under both and Signipborina treated as valid subge-
pbora (including Sigllipborella). Peck family names. In the textbook used by nera of Cbar/oeerus. Hayat & Verma
(] 963) treated all genera as synonyms of many beginning entomology students in (1980) followed a similar plan except that
TlI)'smllls, but used the family name Sig- the United States, Borror et al. (981) Rozanouiella was included, raising the
niphoridae, an apparenr conrradiction that used Thysanidae as they have in all pre- number of valid gencra to seven, and Ma-
was nm discussed. Peck et al. (196-1)used vious editions. Another basic text by Rich- /rilia was given priority ovcr Xana and
Thysanidae and provided a key to three ards & Davies (1977) also used Thysani- treated as a subgenus of Cbartocerus.
genera: q)'thw, 77J)'s(wUS,and Siglli- dae. Those authors did not address the subfam-
pbora in which Sigl/ipbora, Sigl/ipborilla, De Santis (1968) resurrected the genus ily classification of De Santis (1968). In
and Ma/ritia were included as subgenera. Neosignipbora Rust but otherwise fol- the first supplement to his catalog, De
Thus, by 196-1a plethora of classifications lowed the classification of Rozanov Santis (1981) included Rozanoviella in
had bcen proposed for the family, with (965). He also divided the group into the Signiphorinae.
various authors proposing various combi- two subfamilies: the Thysaninae Peck The history of family-level nomencla-

SIiMMEH 19H6 93
ture for the group can be divided into in use at that time. Although the name Ashmead, W. H. 1880. Orange insects. A trea·
three periods. Following the description Thysanidae was used by most authors (in tise on the injurious :lIld beneficial insects
of the Signiphorinae by Howard (1894) 15 taxonomic publications) following found on the orange trees of Florida. Ash-
mead. Jacksonville, Fla.
and before the catalog of Peck (1951), Peck (1951) ancl before Rozanov (1965),
1900. Gener:1 of the Encyrtinae. Subfamily
most authors used the family name Sig- acceptance of Thysanidae was not general
lIJ-Signiphorinae. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 22:
niphoridae or the equivalent subfamily even during that period. Since Rozanov
name Signiphorinae, which was placed in (1965), the majority of authors (in 17 1904. Classification of the chalcid flies or the
the Encyrtidae. taxonomic publications) have used Sig- superfamily Chalcidoidea with descriptions
During the second period, following niphoriclae, and of the six authors who of new species in the Carnegie Museum,
Peck (1951) and before the publication used Thysanidae, the most recent was collected in South America hy Herbert J.
of Rozanov's (1965) analysis, most au- Borror et al. (1981) in a general textbook. Smith. Mem. Cifilegie Mus. 1(,1): xi + 221
thors used Thysanidae, although Ni- A case could be made that following Peck 511.
kol'skaya (1952), Erdos (1957), and Peck (1951) Thysanidae became established in Blanchard, E. E. 1936. Apuntes sobre Calcidoi-
(1963) used Signiphoridae, and Ferriere the literature and, therefore, entomolo- deos Argentinos, Nuevos y Conocidos. Rl'V.
Soc. EnlOmol. Argenl. H: 1·-32.
(1953) and Ceballos (1956) used Signi- gists should have continued to use Thy-
Borror, D.]., D. M. Delong & C. A. Triplehorn.
phorinae. However, the latter author sanidae even after most were persuaded
1981. An introductionlO the study of insect.s,
treated Siglliphora as the junior synonym by Rozanov (1965) that Thysanusand Sig- 5th ed. S:lunders. Philadelphi:1.
of Tb)'sanlls. nipbora were distinct genera. However, Brethes, J. 1913. lIimeniJpteros de la America
During the third period, from Rozanov this did not occur and little purpose Meridional. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos
(1965) to the present, seven publications would now be served by reinstituting the Aires 2-t: 35-165.
(Yoshimoto 1965, De Santis & Esquivel usage of a name that most have dropped. 1914. Les ennemies de Ia "Diaspis penta·
1966, Burks 1967, De Santis 1967, Riek The best solution is to consider that Thy- gona" dans b Republique Argentine, pp. 1
1970, Richards & Davies 1977, Borror et sanidae has never won general acceptance ] 6. Nunquam Otiosus.

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al. 1981) used either Thysanidae or Thy- in the sense of the Code, as De Santis Burks, B. D. 1958. Family Thysanidae, p. 69. III
K. V. Krombein led. j, Ilymenoptera of Amer-
saninae, while 17 publications have used (968) and Quezada et al. (1973) have
ica north of Mexico. Synoptic Catalog. First
either Signiphoridae or Signiphorinae also argued. Following this reasoning, the
Supplement. U.S. Dep. Agric. Agric. Monogr.
(De Santis 1968, 1972, 1973, 1979, 1980, use of Signiphoridae should be main- 2
1981, Sugonyaev 1968, Rozanov 1969, tained. This course would be the least 1967. Family Thysanidae, pp. 2.11··2.16. III K.
Hayat 1970, Quezada et al. 1973, Subba disruptive to current usage and, if fol· V. Krombein &: B. D. Burks [eds.], ] rymenop-
Rao 1974, Hayat 1976, Trjapitzin 1978, lowed, will lead to minimal confusion in tera of America north of Mexico. Synoptic
Gordh 1979, Hayat & Verma 1980, Prins- the future. Catalog. Second Supplemenl. U.S. Dep.
100 1980, Yoshimoto 1984). Kloet & At present, this course is being followed Agric. Agric. Monogr. 2.
Hincks (1978) used both family names by specialists in the systematics of Chal· Ceballos, G. ]941. Las Tribus de los Himen·
with no distinction between them, while cidoidea. De Santis (968) and Quezada iJpteros de Espana. Instit. Espanol de Ento·
mol., Madrid.
Trjapitzin (1978) used Signiphoridae et al. (973) discussed this problem and
1956. Cat£t!ogo de los Ilimen(Jpteros de Es·
(Thysanidae) . reached conclusions similar to my own.
p:lna. C.S.I.c.. Instil. Espanol de Entomol.,
However, their arguments do not address Madrid.
certain issues, such as whether it was ap- Dalla Torre, C. G. de. 1898. Cltalogus Hymen·
propriate for Rozanov (1965) to resume opterorum hucusque descriplOrum systemi-
Article 40 of the International Code of the use of Signiphoridae once Thysanidae cus et synonymicus. Vol. V: Chalcididae et
Zoological Nomenclature (3rd edition) is had been in general use. Their recom- ProclOtrupidae. Sumptibus Guilelmi Engel-
pertinent to this problem (only the rele- mendations have not been universally mann, Lipsiae.
vant sections are given): adopted, as evidenced by the continued Debauche, H. R. 1948. Etude sur les Mymarom·
Article 40(a). After 1960.-When, midae et les Mymaridae de la Belgique (Hy-
use of Thysanidae by some authors. Per-
menoptera: Chalcidoidea). Mem. Mus. Hist.
after 1960, the generic name on which haps with a wider appreciation of the
Nat. Beige. lOB: ]-2-tB.
a valid family-group name is based is background of the problem, the confusion
De Samis, L. 1957. Anotaciones sobre Calci-
rejected as a junior synonym, that fam- over the two family names can be laid to doideos Argentinos (Hymenoptera). Notas
ily-group name is not to be replaced rest. Mus. Pbta Zool. 19: 107-119.
unless the conditions of Subsection (i) ] 967. Cat£t!ogo de los Himen()pteros Argen-
apply. tinos de la Serie Parasitica, incluyendo Be-
Article40(b). Before 1961.-Ifafam- t1wloidea. Comisi(JIl de Investigaci()J1 Cicn-
ily-group name has been replaced be- I thank Horace Burke and Robert Wharton tifica, Provo Buenos Aires Gober., La Pbta.
fore 1961 because of such synonymy, for reviewing the manuscript. Kenneth Cooper, ] 968. Nomenclatura y clasificaci()J1 de la fam-
and the replacement name has won Gordon Gorclh, .John LaSalle, and .John Pinto iii;! Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoi-
read earlier drafts and made many useful com· dea). Rev. Fac. Agron. -t-t: 7-16.
general acceptance, it is to be main-
ments regarding nomenclatural problems. This ] 972. Complejo enlOmof{lgico de Acfertla
paper is Technical Article No. 20-t15 of the Tex. campillellsis (Hom.) en el estado de Alagoas
Article 40(b)(ii). In the event of di·
Agric. Exp. Stn. (Brasil). An. Soc. EnlOmol. Bras. 1(1): ]7-
vergent interpretations of the expres- 2-t.
sion "general acceptance", the case is ] 973. Nota sobre signiforidos de la Repllblica
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SliMMER I9H6 95
att!2 Kjs2 Elwfw2+TtwynjH 23; 377.382/
Wrnym.L2 W2 ( L2 Gtrujwj2 2:39/ E uwjqnrnsfw• RESEARCH
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Wjhy2F .27; ;(B87.<4:1/
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CPgPbafagn -aSdmdhgmpdnc Coendiea Hamnm( )g
Tx•qqtijf. Gthhnijf, kwtr ymj ijxjwyx fsi
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Xmtruxts. [2 V2 5=982 E hfyfqtlzj tk ymj
ufwfxnyjx fsi uwjifytwx tk nsxjhy ujxyx2 Wjh1
ynts 6. Ltxy ufwfxnyj hfyfqtlzj. TfwyMMM. Ltxyx VgsxxK/ Kyxglmrw-Oisr J/ Kmkpi£-Oevv£S/ Sihmks- erh
tk ymj L•rjstuyjwf +Gfqqnhjwfyni yt I{f1 Sixiv K/ Fepomrw
snni,. uu2 2:2.X3/ Gtrrts~2 Msxq2Fntqtl1
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mxlxll[Y vi{rZrv[Y +Imwmtws,ns Gfqnktwsnf

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+Mq•rjstuyjwf. Gmfqhnitnijf,2 TfwyM2Xf·t1 DEVWUDFWD pmrievtvskveqqmrk qship ypevp£xvyi jsv zipzixpiej gsrxvsp/ Imrepp£-
strnh xyzinjx2 qMsn{2
Gfqnk2Tzgq2.Xjhm2 Fzqq2 {ew hizipstih gsqfmrmrk £miphpswwhexe jyxyvi viwievgl riihw evi hmwgywwih- {mxl
4)3,; 334.3(62/ jvsq jmiph wxyhmiwsr qypxmtpi tiwxw sj iqtlewmw sr vspi sj vmwoqerekiqirx
Xwofunytns.Z2 E2 2:89/ Gjr2 Wnlsnumtwnifj
ws£fier- Tu)'lrwn vi^ +P2, Pivvmpp-erh {mxlmrmrxikvexih tiwx qerekiqirx/
+Xm•xfsnifj,. uu2 624.(627/ JJJK2 G2 Qji1
igsrsqmg gvmxivmejsv 2:95/ Emspskmgep
{jijc) bhi2d.Mqfsimtqqp tk ymj nsxjhyx tk ymj

Izwtujfs ufs tk ymh Y2W2W2V2. {tq2 MMM2 L•1
gsijjmgmirxw{ivi fewih sr xli tlirsq. xivr
ix ep/ )2:(,:, jmvwx mrxvshygih
rjstuyjwf2 Wjhtsi Tfs2 att M2Msxynq2. Epfi2 irsr sj wyfwiuyirx tsxexs piejlsttiv xli xlisv£ sj xli mrxikvexih gsrxvsp
R>qzpWWWV. Pq>snslwfi +ns Vzxxnfs,2 (SvyxiYli oijin )Kevvmwx- zipzixpiej gsrgitx ew e qixlsh sj vihygmrk
Znjwjhp. L2 P2 5=5:2 Xmj L•rjstuyjwf. tw (Nj[Zruxw Zqnxyq{iYZr )Pihmg/x- erh tiwxmgmhimrtyxw{lmpi qemrxemrmrksv mr.
~fxu1qnpj nsxjhyxtk Gtssjhynhzy2 Gtss2 Wyfyj fvs{r wtsx (fnyZx{ri pu)'lr9unY Kiqqm, gviewmrk gvst £miph i~tigxexmsrw/ Wlivi.
Kjtq2 Rfy2 Lnxy2Wzw{2Fzqq266. TfwyMM M2 mrgmhirgi mrws£fier wxerhwmrmxmepp£ heq. jsvi- xli oi£wxsri sj xlimv tvstswep mr.
[fqpjw. J2 5<842 Hjxhwnuyntsx tk Fwnynxm Gmfq1 ekih f£ xli tvmqev£ sggyvvirgi sj wiih. zspziw xli wipigxmziqerekiqirx sj tiwxw
hninyjx2Ess2 Rfy2 qqnxy2 5)3.2,; 343.347/ gsvr qekksx )VFP,- Rnuri yuiZuu{i )Pim. fewih sr xlimv mrhmzmhyep heqeki tsxir.
5<;62 Rtyjx ts Gmfqhninfj2 Tfwy ZMM2I2 c)+32
kir,/ Hgsrsqmg gsijjmgmirxwmrgpyhih pe. xmep/Wli tviqmwi xlex gvst heqeki qywx
Nfsxts. Ptsits2
fsv erh getmxepviuymviqirxw jsv iegl sj iuy)pp sv i~giih xli gswx sj gsrxvsppmrk
]fxstxm. Z2 E2 5=<7e E wj{nj~ tk ymj fumjqnsni
e tssp sj ezempefpi gsrxvsp xegxmgw gsq. xli mrnyv£mw vitviwirxih f£ xli igsrsqmg
ljsjwf tk ymj ~twqi2 M2E pj• yt ymj ljsjwf2
Isytrtq2 Vjc)273; 2.2(6.26:/ qsrp£ iqtps£ih jsv iegl tiwx/ W{irx£. mrnyv£pizip/ Wlmwhigmwmsrgvmxivmsr-gsy.
]txmnrtyt. G2Q2 5=:92 Xmj Lf~fnnfs Xm•xfs1 jsyv wspyxmsrw{ivi gepgypexih- sri jsv tpih {mxl er igsrsqmg xlviwlsph- lew
nsfj2 Tfh2 Msxjhyx8).2,; 814.815/ iegl VFP0wyfwiuyirx tiwx gsqfmrexmsr/ fiir mr jsvqep ywi wmrgixli ievp£ 2:81(w
5=<82 Xmj kfrnqnjx fsi xzmkfrnqnjx tk Gfsf1 Qix vixyvrw tiv ligxevi jsv stxmqep gsr. )VORri ( Sihmks 2:83, erh gyvvirxp£
infs hmfchnitni ~fxux2 Xmj nsxjhyx fsi fw1 xvsp wxvexikmiw erh vixyvrw xs getmxepjsv jsvqw xli wxexisj xli evx jsv qerekmrk
fhmsnix tk Gfsfif. Tfwy23/ Tzgqnhfynts 2871- iegl VFP0wyfwiuyirx tiwx wmxyexmsr {ivi mrhmzmhyeptiwx wtigmiw )Sihmks ix ep/
ElwnhzqyzwjGfsfif. Syyf~f2 hixivqmrih/ Jirivep xvirhw jsv tivgirx. 2:97,/ Iyvxliv hizipstqirx sj xliwi
eki vixyvrwxs getmxepwykkiwxxlex- ewheq. fmsigsrsqmg gsrgitxw pih xs xli mrgpyw
bnlnru'nm ox{ y[qurliZrxuu 22 Nd{ru 2:96< il/ eki tsxirxmep sj xli tiwx)w, mrgviewiw-vip. wmsr sj rsrevxlvstsh wtigmiw mrxs xli
lnyZnm 3: X[u_ 2:96/ y exmzi mqtsvxergi sj tiwx qerekiqirx xs qerekiqirx tvskveq {mxl xli mhie xlex
sxliv ws£fier tvshygxmsr egxmzmxmiw mwmr. epp jsvqw sj i~xivrep wxviwwejjigx gvst
gviewih/ Lrgsqi tirepxmiw xs xli tvshygiv yxmpmx£erh xlex xliwi wxviwwsvw wlsyph fi
jsv glsswmrk wyfstxmqep gsrxvsp xegxmgw qerekih gsppigxmzip£)m/i/-mrxikvexih tiwx
Ljqu Kn{j evi tviwirxih erh hmwgywwih mrhixemp/Lr. qerekiqirx, /
Ljw f gsqi tirepxmiw jsv glsswmrk xli {vsrk Lrgsvtsvexmrk xli xlisvmiw sj mrxikvexih
gsrxvsp xegxmg evi- ewe kirivep vypi- qygl tiwx qerekiqirx )vSP, mrxsxli tvegxmgep
ktwj{jw piwwgswxp£xler xli tirepxmiw jsv glsswmrk viwxvmgxmsrw sj ekvmgypxyvi-ls{iziv- lew
rsx xs gsrxvsp exepp/Wlmwxvirh {ew tevxmg. tvszir xs fi piwwxler i~egx/ Pswx vi.
wievgl lew iqtlewm·ih xli hizipstqipK
sj gsrxvsp xegxmgw jsv mrhmzmhyepmrwigx-
flxZZ U1U[ZlqrwY- Znxw T1 Urpun)'-iwm {iih- erh hmwiewiwtigmiw-erh srp£ e ji{
Zi{{)' d1 dnmrpx i{n ]rZq Zqn Rny1 xo Sw/ wxyhmiwlezi gsrwmhivih qypxmtpi tiwxw
Zxvxuxp)'- iwm dnZn{ U1 PiutrwY rY ]rZq Zqn i~tpmgmxp£ )Kmkkmrwix ep/ 2:95,/ Ks{iziv-
Rny1 xo SlxwxvrlY iZ Wx]i fZiZn gwr\1 rw xli ksep sj xli higmwmsrqeoiv wlsyph fi
7eaj- xs glsswi gsrxvsp xegxmgw fewih sr gyvvirx


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