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Revision Worksheet – test 5 – 7th grade – March

→ Free Time – Look at the pictures and write the names of these sports and leisure activities.

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
8. ____________________________________
9. ____________________________________
10. ___________________________________
11. ___________________________________
12. ___________________________________
13. ___________________________________
14. ___________________________________
15. ___________________________________
16. ___________________________________
17. ___________________________________
18. ___________________________________
19. ___________________________________
20. ___________________________________
21. ___________________________________
22. ___________________________________
23. ___________________________________
24. ___________________________________
25. ___________________________________
26. ___________________________________

→ Means of transportation – Write the names of the following means of transportation.

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
8. ____________________________________
9. ____________________________________
10. ___________________________________
11. ___________________________________
12. ___________________________________
13. ___________________________________
14. ___________________________________
15. ___________________________________
16. ___________________________________
English Revision Worksheet – 7th grade – test 5 – May 2019
→ Means of transportation – Write sentences using the template.

→ Shops / Shopping – Look at the words in the list below and write them under the correct pictures.

bank florist's cinema chemist's petrol station

airport cafe butchers police station stadium
museum greengrocer's fire station book shop baker's
hospital hairdresser's hotel park library
theatre bus stop gym amusement park school
English Revision Worksheet – 7th grade – test 5 – May 2019
→ Read the directions and write the name of the places in the blanks.

1. Excuse me, how can I go to the _______________? Walk along Violet Street. Take the first turning on the right.
Go straight on. It's on your left between the restaurant and the hospital.

2. Sir, can you tell me the way to the ______________? Of course. Walk along Lily Street. Turn left into Daisy
Street. Go straight on. Take the second turning on the left. It’s on your left between the amusement park and the

3. Can you help me, please? I want to go to the _______________? Certainly. Walk along Violet Street. Take the
first turning on the left. It’s on your right opposite the park.

4. Excuse me; is there a _______________ near here? Yes. Walk along Lily Street. Take the first turning on the
left. It's on your right next to the bank.

5. Excuse me, how can I go to the _______________? Walk along Violet Street. Take the second turning on the
left. It's on your left.

6. Sir, can you tell me the way to the ______________? Of course. Walk along Lily Street. Turn left into Daisy
Street. Go straight on. Take the first turning on the left. It's on your left between the bookshop and cafe.

7. Can you help me, please? I want to go to the _______________? Certainly. Walk along Violet Street. Take the
first turning on the right. Walk along Rose Street. Turn left into Daisy Street. It's on your right opposite the
amusement park.

8. Excuse me; is there a _______________ near here? Yes. Walk along Violet Street. Take the first turning on the
right. It's on your left opposite the bookshop.
English Revision Worksheet – 7th grade – test 5 – May 2019
Reading Comprehension
 Read the text.

1. Complete the sentences according to the text.

a. Mrs Smith and her son Tom went to the ________________ store in high street.
b. She decided to go to the ________________ Department and to the ________________ Department.
c. Tom went to the ________________ Department.

2. Find in the text synonyms for these words.

a. lift _________________ d. money set aside for a purpose

b. not cheap _________________ _________________
c. to be able to pay _________________

3. Are these sentences True or False? Quote from the text to justify your answers.

a. Mrs Smith and Tom are looking for presents for Mr Smith. ______ _____________________________________
b. Mrs Smith takes the stairs to go the third floor. ______ _____________________________________________
c. She asked the sales assistant for help. ______ _____________________________________________________
d. Tom has got €10 to spend on his present. ______ __________________________________________________
English Revision Worksheet – 7th grade – test 5 – May 2019
e. Mrs Smith bought Mr Smith a nice camera. ______ _________________________________________________

4. Answer these questions on the text.

a. How did they go to the Department store in high street? ____________________________________________

b. Why did Mrs Smith ask for the sales assistant help? ________________________________________________
c. Where did they decide to go afterwards? _________________________________________________________
d. What did Mrs Smith buy for Mr Smith? ___________________________________________________________
e. Did Tom manage to buy his father anything? Justify. ________________________________________________

Grammar Practice
→ Past Simple – Cross out the wrong verb form.

a. Carol enjoyed/enjoied her stay in London. d. We didn’t wanted/didn’t want to come home
b. Last year I go/went to London too. again.
c. Was/were it cold there? e. They taked/took lots of photos.

→ Past Simple – Fill in the gaps with past simple forms.

a. Last month I ________________ (go) to a big shopping centre to buy some presents.
b. My two sisters ________________ (not buy)
c. Peter ________________ (study) a lot last weekend.
d. Ann ________________ (buy) me a present from her trip to Rome.
e. My best friend ________________ (not drive) home last night.
f. Last summer my family ________________ (eat) at a nice restaurant near the beach.
g. I ________________ (begin) to learn Chinese last month.
h. Last week, I ________________ (learn) how to swim.
i. ________________ she ________________ (buy) a new dress?

→ Past Simple – Build sentences using the correct form of the Past Simple.

a. she / win the game, but she / not / play / well. ____________________________________________________
b. What / you / do / yesterday / you / go / to /school? ________________________________________________
c. You / enjoy / the festival / it / be / interesting? ____________________________________________________
d. We / walk / to the park and then we/ play / tennis. _________________________________________________
e. The boys / be / at school / but / they / not / go / to classes. __________________________________________
English Revision Worksheet – 7th grade – test 5 – May 2019
f. My sister and I / to / shopping centre / the / go / last weekend. _______________________________________
g. When / this / skirt / you / wonderful / buy? _______________________________________________________
h. Your / parents / by / travel / plane? _____________________________________________________________
i. James / all / shops / not see / the. _______________________________________________________________
j. Where / have / she / lunch? ____________________________________________________________________

Written Practice
→ What about you? What did you do last summer? Where did you go? Write about 40 to 50 words.

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