Hawkins 1986

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ON DEVICES, VOL. ED-33, NO. 4, APRIL 1986 477

Polycrystalline-Silicon Device Technologyfor

Large-Area Electronics

Abstract-The process sequence used to fabricate post-hydrogenated steps involved is a novel feature of polycrystalline-silicon
polycrystalline silicon thin-film devices has a dramatic impact on per- thin-film MOS devices. In addition to fundamental inter-
formance. A near-optimal process for devices that have hole mobilities
of up to 50 cmZ/V . s and electron mobilities of 70 cmZ/V s is dem-
est, knowledge of the performance achievable as a func-
onstrated. These observed mobilities are substantially higher than pre- tion of process temperature allows for assessment of trade-
vious literature reports. Implantation of boron or phosphorus into the offs between substrate cost and performance. In previous
polycrystalline-silicon device channel after the gate-oxidation step al- work, p-channel devices were fabricated anddegenerately
lows threshold-voltage tailoring for achievement of either enhance- doped polysilicon under the device was used as a gate.
ment- or depletion-mode operation of n- and p-channel devices. These
results indicate that CMOS or NMOS logic could be fabricated using
The present study explores fabrication routes to top-
polycrystalline-silicon devices. Devices with steam-grown gate oxides gated self-aligned structures that are suitable for large-
have reduced channel mobility in comparison with devices oxidized in areaelectronicsapplications.It was previously demon-
dry 0, at the same temperature. Possible mechanisms for the variation strated that polycrystalline-silicon thin-film devices can
in performance with oxidation conditions are discussed. be fabricated to achieve high channel mobility and low
leakage [6]. Here, deposition of the channel as an amor-
I. INTRODUCTION phous or polycrystalline layer,the effect of oxidation tem-
perature (900 to 1100°C) and ambient (steam or dry O,),
A MORPHOUS-SILICON device technology has
played adominant role inlarge-areaelectronics.
Amorphous silicon has advantages in large-area applica-
the effect of gate material, and the impact of hydrogena-
tion timeondevice performance areexplored. Device
performance was characterized by measurement of chan-
tions because devices can be fabricated on low-cost glass
nel mobility, device leakage, and threshold voltage for
substrates. Two undesirableconsequences of low-temper-
both n- and p-channel devices.
ature plasma-deposited devices are low channel mobility
(typically below 1 cm2/V s) [l] and electron traps in the 11. DEVICEFABRICATION
plasma-deposited insulator used as the gate dielectric [2].
The substrates used for fabrication of the devices were
The low carrier mobility of amorphous silicon results in
(100) 10-s2 cm p-type 75-mm wafers. After a cleaning
modest maximum operating frequencies [ l ] of logic cir-
procedure, 660 nm of Si02 was grown on the wafers in
cuits, while insulator carrier traps are responsible for noise
640 torr of pyrogenic steam. The silicon channel layer
inanalog circuitry [3], [4]. An alternativematerialfor
was then deposited in a commercial low-pressure chemi-
large-area electronics is polycrystalline silicon. Polycrys-
cal-vapor deposition (LPCVD) system. The temperature
talline-silicon deviceshave previously been fabricated
of the deposition tube was selected to produce either
with a channel mobility of 7 cm2/V * s [51 and are there-
amorphous or polycrystalline channel layers [7]. The de-
fore capable of higher frequency operation. Additionally,
vice channels were doped either priorto or after oxidation
it would be anticipated that a gate dielectric formed by
using ion implantation. Following patterning of the de-
themal oxidation of silicon would be largely devoid of
vice body, a gate oxide was grown to a thickness of 105
theinsulator trapping sites that areadisadvantagein
nm in either steam or dry oxygen at several temperatures.
amorphous-silicon device technology in analog applica-
The channel was then masked from the source-drain im-
tions [2].
plant using photoresist for Al-gate technology or 600 nm
To date, there has been no systematic published study
of LPCVD polysilicon for self-aligned polysilicon-gate
of how polycrystalline-silicon MOSFET device process-
technology. In most cases, the polysilicon was doped nf
ingimpactsonperformance. The study presented here
by solid-source diffusion at 880°C for 45 min. Following
demonstrates that mobility and threshold voltage can be
implantation of the source and drain with phosphorus or
varied by over a factor of twenty with changes in oxida-
boron,the wafers were cleaned and then annealed at
tion,channel-depositionconditions, and hydrogenation
1000°C for 30 min inN2. Vias were opened in the oxide
conditions. The sensitivity of performance to the process
over the source and drain. The wafers were cleaned and
1-pm Al/1-percent Si was deposited and delineated. The
Manuscript received July 3, 1985; revised December 4, 1985.
The author is with the Webster Research Center, Xerox Corporation,
wafers were then sintered at 400°C for 15 min in N2. Fol-
Webster, NY 14580. lowingsintering,
were post-hydrogenated at
IEEE Log Number 8607548. 300°C for various times. Hydrogenation was carried out
0018-9383/86/0400-0477$01.00 O 1986 IEEE

Tax= 1050°C
-25 pm-


fox = 105 nrn

0 6-

6 6 0 nm S i 0 2

0 -10 -20
vg (volts)
Fig. 1. Schematic cross-sectional view of the experimental device stmc - Fig. 2. Plot used toderive channel mobility and threshold voltage for
tures studied (W/L = 1.0). polycrystalline- and amorphous-deposited p-channel devices with A1

in a commercial parallel-plate plasma-deposition system. The level of boron channel doping did not affect the
The plasma was excited at 300 kHz. The hydrogenation device threshold voltage over theimplant range of lot2to
conditions were 300"C, 350 W, and 400 mtorr in 50-per- l O I 3 cm-, when implantation occurred prior to oxidation.
cent €3,
in N,. A diagram of itypical completed devics: Since control of threshold is important for many applica-
is shown in Fig. 1. tions, this problem will be addressed later in this paper.


Polycrystalline-deposited silicon was compared wit I A set of experiments was conducted toexamine a
amorphous-deposited silicon channels in the first experi- broader range of oxidation and hydrogenation conditions.
ment. The devices were fabricated with aluminum gates Both n- and p-channel devices with channel inplants of 3
and were post-hydrogenated for 30 min. Oxidation was X 10" boron for p-channel and 3 X loi2cm-2 phospho-
carried out following ion implantation of the channel with rus for n-channel devices were fabricated. In this case,
3 X 1012 cmP2boron. Fig. 2 illustrates that the mobility amorphous-deposited channels were oxidized at 1000,
of amorphous-deposited silicon p-channel devices is twice 1050 and 1100°C in dry O2 and 900 and 1000°C in pyr-
the mobility of devices that have polycrystalline-depm .- ogenic steam. Gates were fabricated from degenerately
ited channels. Comparison of channel mobilities in satu- doped (30 WCI) n+ polysilicon. Mobility and threshold
ration and at small source-drain voltage indicated a di-'- were measured as a function of hydrogen-plasma expo-
ference of lessthan 10 percent, so both methods o f sure time.
channel mobility measurement yield equivalent results Dry O2 and pyrogenic-steam-oxidized devices behave
A recent study of LPCVD silicon deposited as an amo7- very differently as shown in Fig. 3. Hydrogenation of dry-
phous layer and allowed to crystallize by solid-phase nu- oxidized devices improves mobility initially and then re-
cleation reveals that grain size is largein comparison wilh duces the channel mobility, while hydrogenation of steam-
LPCVD silicon deposited as a polycrystalline film [71. oxidized devices results in monotonic improvement with
The crystallization of the deposited amorphous films is time. Notice also in Fig. 3(a) that steam-oxidized devices
complete upon annealing at 900°C for 30 min in N2 with have substantially lower mobility for all hydrogenation,
0.5-percent 0,. The preferred orientation of amorphouj- improves "over-hydrogenated'' dry-oxidized devices,
deposited films after crystallization is (111>, while while steam-oxidized devicesare degraded by the an-
polycrystalline-deposited films have a predominately nealing. The results presented in Fig. 3(a) demonstrate
( 110) orientation under usual deposition conditions [E]. that hydrogenation of dry-oxidized polysilicon devices
Consequently, large grain size and/orpredominant ( 11:. ) occurs rapidly. Steam-oxidized polysilicon devices have
film orientation may play a role in the high channel mo- low mobility and annealing at 400°C causes the mobility
bility observed foramorphous-deposited channels. A fin a1 to revert toward unhydrogenated performance.
factor that may improve channel mobility of channels that In order to achieve the highest frequency operation, a
were deposited as amorphous material is the smoothness hydrogenation time is selected that yields the maximum
of oxides that can be formed on thesefilms. Oxidation of channel mobility. Fig. 3(a) indicates that control of mo-
polycrystalline-deposited silicon leads to a rough surface bility over large areas for the dry-oxide case should be
texture [7]. The smoothness of the silicon-SiO, interface achievable at the maximum mobility point since channel
affects channel mobility since rough surface texture i n - mobility is a weak function of exposure time. However,
creases carrier scattering from the interface. The results Fig. 3(b) illustrates that threshold voltage changes more
do not clearly indicate whether surface texture, grainshe, significantly with exposure time where devices oxidized
or preferred film crystalline orientation is responsible for in dry 0, have maximum channel mobility. The results in
the mobility improvement. Experiments that will provide Fig. 3(b) suggest that careful attention needs to be paid
more understanding are currently underway. tothe hydrogenation stepfor applications where close

It is well known that excess silicon self-interstitials are
also generated from high-concentration phosphorus dif-
fusion [ l l ] . When polysilicon is heavily diffused with
phosphorus, grain growth at high temperature occurs rap-
idly in comparison with undoped or lightly doped poly-
silicon [12]. It hasbeen proposed that excess silicon self-
interstitials are generated during high-concentration dif-
fusion of phosphorus through polysilicon [ 121, in analogy
with single-crystalsilicon.Silicon self-interstitials are
known to have avery short diffusion length in polysilicon,
presumably because they are captured at grain boundaries
H y d r o g e n a t iT
o inm
l me i n )
and defects. The above-mentioned facts suggest that the
rapid rate of grain growth in heavily phosphorus-doped
polysilicon is caused by the large excess of phosphorus-
diffusion-generated silicon self-interstitials.The self-in-
terstitials impart a high mobility to the silicon lattice,
which catalyzes the conversion of energetically unfavor-
able crystallites into grains with low-surface-energy ori-
entations. It is believed that self-interstitials generated
0- 0 - during oxidation play the same role as those generated as
a consequence of phosphorus diffusion. The use of oxi-
dationtoaccelerategrain growth is technically useful
Dry O2 m o b i l i t y mox since undoped films are produced.
-8 The wet-oxidation case would appear to contradict the
0 15 30 45 60 40O0C/3Omin ' self-interstitial model because the generation of self-in-
Time (min) terstitials increases with the oxide growth rate [9], while
(b) low mobility is seen for wet-oxidized devices in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 . Effect of hydrogen-plasma exposure on (a) mobility and (b) thresh-
old voltage for n-channel devices oxidized at a variety of temperatures The hydrogen that is liberated during oxide growth in
and ambients. steam might be expected to interact with grain boundaries
to impede bonding of self-interstitials onto unsatisfied
control of threshold voltage is important, such as forlogic bonds in the boundary, either by tying up the bonds, or
gates. by someother mechanism. Retardation of polysilicon
Previous work demonstrated that high-temperature in- grain growth under wet-oxidation conditions has been
ert annealing of oxidized devices had little impact on mo- previously observed 11 31.
bility or threshold voltage [6]. For example, inert anneal- The behavior of device performancewith varied hydro-
ingdid not improveperformance when oxidation was genation time provides data on how atomic hydrogen is
conducted at 1000°C and inert annealing took place at shielded from thechannellayer by various gatestruc-
1100°C.Deviceperformancebehavior differences be- tures. The optimum hydrogenation time for dry-oxidized
tween inert and oxidizing ambients are a key to undar- p-channel devices increases by a factor of three, if the
standing the role high-temperature processes play in chan- boron implant used to degenerately dope the source and
nel-mobility improvement. drain is used as the sole dopant of the polysilicon gate
A qualitativeunderstanding can beextracted by ap- instead of phosphorus diffusion. The difference in hydro-
pealing to the abundance of data available for the single- genation time can be seenby comparison of Fig. 3(a) with
crystal silicon case. A major difference in the behavior of [6, Fig. 21. Therefore, highly degenerate n+ polysilicon
point defects in single-crystal silicon occurs with inert an- gates allow hydrogen passivation of the channel layer to
nealing or oxidation at high temperature. Oxidizing am- occur rapidly, as was previously observed for aluminum-
bients generateexcess silicon self-interstitials[9].Self- gate material [6]. However, theuse of p+ polysilicon gates
interstitials originate at the silicon-silicon dioxide inter- reduces penetration of hydrogen. Consequently, 3 0 4 1 U
face and diffuse rapidly into the bulk of the wafer. The phosphorus-doped polysilicon 600 nm thick was used as
interstitials have a diffusion length that is dependent on a gate material for subsequent work.
crystal perfection and is about 100 p m under the best con-
ditions [ 101. Crystal-quality-dependent excess self-inter- V. THRESHOLD VOLTAGES
stitial diffusion length is a consequence of recombination A final set of experiments demonstrated control of
by multiple mechanisms.The mechanisms include va- threshold, voltages by using ion implantation into the
cancy-interstitial annihilation, addition to stacking faults, channel. For the case where the boron channel implanta-
and surface recombination at nonoxidizing Si-Si02 inter- tion was performed prior to channel oxidation, p-channel
faces. The longest diffusion length occurs when vacancy- threshold voltage could not be controlled. However, the
interstitial annihilation is the predominant mechanism. threshold voltage of n-channel devices could be con-

-20 -10 0 IO 20 -12

G a tVeo l t a g e IO 0 -10
G a tV
Fig. 4. Variation in threshold voltage caused by channel implantation of
Fig. 5. Subthreshold and leakage behsvior ofn-channeldevices from
boron and phosphorus following gate oxidation. Depletion-and enhance-
Fig. 4.
ment-mode behavior was obtainable for both n- and p-channel devices.
r 7pd p-Channel
trolled by phosphorus doping above 3 X When
channel implantation occurs before gateoxidation, the
high diffusion rate exhibited by dopants in polysilicon [14)
and preferential segregation of boron into oxide, or phos-
phorus into silicon gives rise to acomplex time-dependent
segregation of dopant at the moving silicon-silicon diox-
ide interface, which cannot be numerically simulated re-
An alternative process is to carry out channel doping,
after oxidation. The final lot of devices was fabricate<[
with dry oxidation at 1050°C to 105 nm followed by iort
implantation of phosphorus or boron through the gate ox.
ide. Theprojected range of ions was selected to match thc
distance to the center of the channel. Degenerately phos-
phoms-doped polysilicon gates were used and hydrogen- Gale Voltage
ation time was 30 min, based on results presented in Fig. Fig. 6. Subthresholdandleakagebehaviorofp-channeldevicesfrom
3(a). Fig. 4 shows a plot of IsD(sat)1'2 versus V, for both Fig. 4.
p-channel and n-channel devices. Comparison of Fig. : 1
with Fig. 4 demonstrates that pre-oxidation implantatio.1 voItage at which the carrierconcentration exceeds the trap
of boron reduces p-channel mobility from 49 cm2/V s - density (and the channel becomes conductive due to mo-
to 34 crn2/V * s, while the observed threshold voltage c f bile carriers) and can be varied by doping the device chan-
undoped channels is comparable to threshold voltage c f nel. These results indicate that it should be possible to
channels doped with boron prior to oxidation. These ob- fabricate either CMOS or NMOS logic circuitry using the
servations support the contention that essentially all the fabrication sequence devised here.
boron placed in the channel prior to oxidation segregate 5 The leakage currents that are achieved from thedevices
into the oxide during growth. The reduced p-channel mo- described above are shown in Fig. 5 for n-channel and
bility of pre-implanted devices indicates that boron inte -- Fig. 6 for p-channel devices. The source-drain voltage
feres with grain growth or affects some other film properly was 10 V. The currents observed under reverse gate bias
that lowers mobility. In the case of phosphorus-doped 11- are relatively free of anomalous leakage [ 161. The hys-
channel devices, no change in threshold voltage is 011- teresis observed in the subthreshold region of the p-chan-
served until channel doping exceeds 3 X 1012cm-2. The ne1 devices (Fig. 6) is absent for n-channel devices (Fig.
preferential segregation of phosphorus to grain bound,r- 5 ) . The p-channel hysteresis is most likely associated with
ries is well-known [15], and is a possible cause for the a fairly high density of defect states below rnidgap in
insensitivity of threshold to implant dose at low conce-t- polysilicon [17]. Figs. 4, 5 , and 6 demonstrate that the
tration. Fig. 4 demonstrates that it is possible to achieve threshold voltage of n- and p-channel devices can be ad-
depletion- and enhancement-mode behavior from both p- justed without increasing device leakage.
channel and n-channel devices. The high resistivity of un-
doped and lightly doped polysilicon is a consequence of VI. CONCLUSION
trapping of carriers by deep levels. Implantation of dop-
ants into the film allows partial filling to complete filling Under optimal process conditions, polycrystalline-sili-
of deep levels, depending on the dose, Therefore, the gcte con thin-film deviceshavehole mobilities of 50 cm2/

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[15] J. M. Andrews, “Electrical conduction in implanted polycrystalline
The author is indebted to P. J . Hartman and C . Burke silicon,” J . Electron. Mat., vol. 8, pp. 227-246, 1979.
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[I] H. C.Tuan,“Amorphoussilicon thin film and its applications to

large-areaelectronics,” in Muter. Res. SOC.Symp. Proc., vol.33, William G . Hawkins was born in Albany, NY,
pp. 247-258, 1984. in 1954. He received the B.S. degree in chemistry
[2] M. J . Powell,“Material properties controlling the performance of from Union College, Schenectady, NY, in 1976,
amorphous silicon thin film transistors,” in Muter. Res. SOC. Symp. and the Ph.D. degree from Cornell University,
Proc., vol. 33, pp. 259-273, 1984. Ithaca, NY, in 1980.
[3] F. Okumura and S. Kaneko, “Amorphous Si: H linear sensor oper- He has been a member of the research staff at
ated by a-Si :H TFT array,’’ in Muter. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. the Xerox Webster Research Center since 1980.
33, pp. 275-280, 1984. He has contributed to the understanding of thin-
[4] J. Slowik, private communication. film crystal growth of silicon forSO1 applications
[ 5 ] S. D. S. Malhi, P. K. Chatterjee, R. F. Pinizzotto, H. W. Lam, C. and to the development of high-performance thin-
E. C. Chen, H. Shichijo, R. R.Shah, and D. W. Bellavance,“p- film silicon MOS devices. Other interests include
Channel MOSFET’s in LPCVD polysilicon,” IEEE Electron Device MOS applications in specialty electronics and orientation-dependent etch-
Lerf., vol. EDL-4, pp. 369-371, 1983. ing of semiconductor materials.

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