Philosophy Reviewer-1

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Philosophy Reviewer wisdom but to use that knowledge and wisdom for

practical purposes (Ardales, 1998)

- Logic - Questions related to Reasonings
Philosophia - Philo(love) + Sophia(wisdom)
- Ethics - Questions related to Morality
Philosophy - The ancient Greeks used this term to
refer to “love of wisdom” and they soon applied it to - Axiology - Questions related to Values
the study or discipline that uses human reason to
- Aesthetics - Questions related to Beauty
investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and
and Taste
principles which govern all things.
- Semantics - Questions related to Meaning
Purpose of Studying Philosophy:
Speculative Philosophy - Made up of philosophical
1. Problem Solving
fields whose main concern is the acquisition of
- Scientific Method - Has technology of knowledge without any thought of applying it for any
providing definite/concrete answers. practical use (Ardales, 1998)

- Philosophical Method - Answers questions - Epistemology - Questions related to Truth

that science can't. Questions about and Knowledge
morality, spirituality, religion etc.
- Theodicy - Questions related to God
2. Sense of Direction
- Cosmology - Questions related to Universe
- Beliefs or isms are discussed and examined,
- Psychology - Questions related to Soul
for which among them is relevant on
everyday living and addresses pressing - Metaphysics - Questions related to Being
problems regarding existence. and Existence
3. Tolerance and Understanding Greek Philosophers
- The ability or willingness to tolerate Pythagoras
something, in particular the existence of
opinions or behavior that one does not - Believed that anything could be explained
necessarily agree with. through numbers.

As Academic Discipline - Invented the Pythagorean Theorem

- The study of the fundamental nature of Heraclitus

knowledge, reality and existence.
- The only permanent thing in this world is
As An Art change. (you never step at same river twice)

- Creative method of determining the - Everything that exists based on a higher

truth/answering problems. order or plan is called logos.

Branches of Philosophy Diogenes of Sinope

Practical Philosophy - Composed of philosophical - Advocate of living a simple and virtuous life.
fields which study not only to obtain knowledge and
Democritus - The system as a whole entity decides how
the individual parts behave
- 2 fundamental kinds of realities composing
the natural world - atoms and void. - The properties of can only fully understand
through the dynamics of the whole
- Created the theory of Atomism where all
material bodies are made up of indivisibly - HOLISM leans on the relationships between
small atoms. the parts

Epicurus Partial Point of View (Reductionism)

- famous for advocating the theory of - Understanding complex ideas by reducing

Hedonism, which holds that pleasure is the them to their parts or individual
only intrinsic value. constituents

Socrates - REDUCTIONISM focuses on the properties

of the parts
- The Socratic method means examining a
topic by devising a series of questions that - The partial view is an important component
let the learner examine and analyze his of analytical thinking, as an individual
knowledge and views regarding the topic. focuses on certain areas or aspects of a
problem in order to understand it.
Allegory of the Cave
- Known for the Theory of Forms where
everything that exists is based on an idea or Meaning
template that can only be perceived in the
mind. - It contrasts our interpretation of the world
to the reality where it promotes to view the
- Also known for his Dialectic, a method of world in a whole rather than looking at your
inquiry where two opposing ideas are own perspectives.
discussed in an attempt to arrive at new
knowledge. Symbols

Aristotle - Cave - The comfort zone

- Believes that all ideas and views are based - Chains - The things that is keeping you from
on perception and our reality is based on exploring and not just by staying on your
what we can sense and perceive. comfort zone
- Prisoners - Humans that are scared to go
- His studies in logic led to the formulation of beyond the norms
a formal process of analyzing reasoning - Fire - Limitation of Knowledge
which gave rise to deductive reasoning. - Shadows - Fake Realities
- Light - People who will help you to go
Holistic Perspective (Holism) beyond the norms

- Holism comes from the Greek “holos” which

means “all” or “total.”
Socratic Method Facts - propositions or statements which are
observed to be real or truthful.
Claim - a statement that is not evidently or
- Socrates himself wrote nothing, he is immediately known to be true. This means that any
depicted in conversation in compositions by claim can be proven by verification and
a small circle of his Admirers Plato and experimentation.
Xenophon first among them.
Opinion - It's a view formed in the mind of a person
- He is portrayed in these works as a man of about a particular issue.
great insight, integrity, self-mastery, and
argumentative skill.
- The impact of his life was all the greater
because of the way in which it ended: at age
70, he was brought to trial on a charge of
impiety and sentenced to death by
poisoning by a jury of his fellow citizens.

Socratic Method

- The Socratic method is a form of

cooperative dialogue whereby participants
make assertions about a particular topic,
investigate those assertions with questions
designed to uncover presuppositions and
stimulate critical thinking, and finally come
to mutual agreement and understanding
about the topic under discussion.

- Elenchus - refutation of an argument by

proving the contrary of its conclusion.
- Dialectic - a method of inquiry where two
opposing ideas are discussed to arrive at
new knowledge.

Thesis vs Antithesis → Synthesis, New Thesis

Fact vs Opinion

Propositions - statements about the world or reality.

Propositions may or may not carry truth.

Knowledge - the clear awareness and understanding

of something. It is the product of questions that
allow for clear answers provided by facts

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