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Self-Study Guide # 5 for conversational English


Area: Conversational English Level: 11°

Teacher's name: Eric Garcia

Channel of communication: Teams, WhatsApp, in class


Do the preparation task first (task 1) Then listen to the audio and do the exercises?
TASK #1- Complete the sentences with the words suggested – Completa las
oraciones con las palabras sugeridas
Payment terms - to appreciate - cash flow - an invoice - an exception

a regulation - delivery confirmation

1. proof that a delivery has been made

2. a document which shows how much a customer has to pay, for what and by
3. the conditions of when a customer should make payment
4. when more time is allowed for something
5. the timing and amount of money coming in and going out of a company
6. an official or organizational rule

7. when something doesn't follow the usual rule ____________________

TASK # 2- Listen the phone call from the link and od the exercises. Escucha la
llamada del link y complete los ejercicios
Are the sentences true or false?
1.The delivery hasn't arrived yet____________________

2. Andrea is having cash flow issues and needs a payment extension__________

3. Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment term________________

4. Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one____________

5. Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days____________

6. Junko will send Andrea an email confirmation__________________________

TASK # 3. Put the sentences in the correct group. Poner las oraciones en el grupo


I´m not sure if I can do that

I´m happy to help you

Let me see what I can do

I think we can make an exception this time

You´d really be helping us

I appreciate your helping

I need a favour

I promise this won´t become the norm

The customer says: The supplier says:

TASK # 4

Say Tell Talk

To speak words to give To give information or To have a conversation
information orders to a person
Said Told Talked
The teacher said TO The teacher told ME. The teacher talked with
me. us

Some of these sentences are correct and some are incorrect. Find the mistakes and
correct them. Encuentra el error y corrige la oraciones
1. The police told with us that the situation was under control
2. I said to the designer that the new website was great.
3. What did the teacher say you when you failed the test?
4. She told that she was late.
5. When she arrived in the room, everyone wanted to talk with her.
6. He told to me that he had to go home.
7. “Nice to meet you,” Harry said me.
8. We need to talk at them.
9. I told him we could talk privately.
10. I will tell with you about this later.___________________________________

TASK – 5- Telephone Order Role Play Instructions: Read this dialogue: food delivery
Lee la conversacion y dila en clase o enviarla en un audio por whatsapp
Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?
Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch to deliver.
Waiter: What would you like to order?
Kim: Yes, I'd like a chicken with tortillas, please.
Waiter: And what else?
Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Kim: Yes, I'd like a litter of Coke, please.
Waiter: Can I have your full name and phone number, Please?
Kim: yes, I am Kim Luuze, my phone number is 29886- 9988
Waiter: Okay, and your adreess is Florida., Tacoma, Washington 99995
Kim: that is correct.
Waiter: Do you need something else? Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.
Waiter: Certainly.
Kim: How much is the lunch?
Waiter: That's $6.75 plus the delivery $2
Kim: Thank you very much.
Waiter: You're welcome. Your lunch will be there in 8 minutes the most. Have a good
TASK 6- Speaking- Choose one of the following the scenarios to make a phone call
conversation or choose your favorite scenario of a phone call conversation, you
have to be specific and deliver it in class orally or send a whatsapp audio-
Escoge un scenario y has una conversacion de una llamada Telefonica o esc0ge tu
scenario favorito.

Scenario 1- You are calling your classmate from math class because you have some

question about the GTAs.

Scenario 2- You are calling to make an appointment for a haircut. You can come

on Monday or Tuesday night.

Scenario 3. You are calling your best friend to invite it to your home for dinner, watch

movies or play video games.

Scenario 4. You are calling your best friend to tell it a very important thing

Scenario 5. You are calling a pizza place and your favorite food place to order some


Teacher´s evaluation
Performance Level
Indicators of
in this GTA

Escucha coversaciones
y pone atencion a cannot reach can achieve the can complete the
llamadas telefónicas the task. task with some task without any
difficulty and I need difficulty.
Dramatiza diferentes No ha logrado improvement and
tipos de llamadas realizar la more practice.
telefónicas actividad.
Ha logrado realizar Ha logrado
la actividad con realizar la
Distingue variedad de alguna dificultad y actividad sin
frases telefónicas necesito mejorar. ninguna
Reconoce el tema,
identifica las palabras
clave, encuentra los
puntos principales,
diferencia los detalles
de apoyo.

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