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Research METHODS 

Review of literature : previous infos

Styles : example APA/ Vancouver.

Objectives =Define the components

-Sampling= échantillonage

Research = based on me # Scientific research= systematic


*Research has various dimensions :

Deductive: the theory – something specific

Inductive: a lot of information – a certain information- the theory

Qualitative/ Quantitative:

*DEF: Research:

*Academic Research:

3 dimensions: - Integration of K from different disciplines

- To trigger change, improve Business issues

- Teaching by stimulating active learning & Measuring the results

*The subject should be:

- Specific ( to have a reference, to answer a question)

-Original (new subject, Added value for an unsolved problem, the top is create a theory)

-Achievable (Time frame, resources)

- Accessibility ( Access to DATA)



*Academic reading is about quality/

*3 PARTS to look for academic paper: 1/ABSTRACT (finding the meaning)

2/Introduction( Promising that at end u ll know..) 3/CLC to discuss the reasons confirming or
disconfirming) ((some books have comity de lecture))
*WHAT IS A GOOD ARTICLE: the conventional structure !!

before to search : MOTS CLES – <Title-< Recent articles

TITLE (Keys words, to words, attractive)

/ abstract ( attractive, research methods, the context, the problem (the originality)) /

Keys words/

intro ( What is the research question, the subject , the promise, the aim of the research ) /

background and the context /

Literature revue (previous inform and researches - to compare and to have a link or there are
contradictions between the authors or similarities )/

Research Design (approaches ,methods, Philosophies, sampling technics(Validity, relevant), Data

collection technics interview, DATA analysis, The limitations of the methods….., ) /

Findings and discussion (and if I confirm or no the theories of the beginning)/

CLC recommendations for next studies, and implications for managers/ The limitations of the

The reference

 VALIDITY: It hits the objective

 Reliability= Consistency

 Interview: The interviewee: We should mention their position, the seniority, ….

SQ3R technique for effective academic reading

SURVEY , scan the title , headings, figures, clc

Question; Research question in the intro first or last paragraph

Read: active reading

Record; make notes, highlight, write comments, use your own words,

Review: test yourself trying to recall the notes, compare with we already know.write a short
paragraph how it canhelp me, this aspect I missed it….

 PHILOSOPHIES: The way you will construct knowledge

3 reasons:

1-the type of evidence gathered and its origin, the way will be analyzed and interpreted,

2. to evaluate research methods / avoid inappropriate use nd unnecessary work

3. Help you to be creative & innovative by either choosing or adapting research methods


 POSITIVISM There is only one truth,(Objective interpretation) I have numbers, formulate

hypotheses ( based on review of the theory) = DEDUCTIVE -Questionnaires

Use a structured methodology (quantitative measurement; questionnaires and experiments )

Approach enables to control the research process, no flexibility ( I cannot say more than what
Numbers say).

 Phenomenology (interpretivism): methods Social behavior, we have to have participants in

the phenomena, Hypotheses ( pre conceptions but he has to have an experience before) , less
formal, less structured, = INDUCTIVE -NEW KNOWLEDGBLE



2- Hyp ---Test Hyp

3-Examine if u take or reject

4If necessary, u can change






Abductive: Incomplete observation so I Start with the theory , something wasn’ t mentioned so I go
with the theory and I add or change something.

 Research strategies:

General plan of action that give a direction to the research so as it conduct to a systematic manner

- CASE STUDY : all the available resources of YOUR COMPANY and it you who use
it !!! not of another company
- Grounded theory: You have plenty of information and u can explain it in one
- Ethnography: Ex: I am observing the culture the company (there is Participant or
not participant)
- Action research strategy: using my skills to implement something for example, all
the findings into actions
- Survey research: a quantitative study
- Experimentation : It should be well designed

I am in an interview : Case study, Action

 Sampling: Reasons: time, cost, small number, manageable, more accurate

Sampling error: alpha ex: 5%

 Sampling process:
1-population the group you want to generalize to
2- Sampling frame: the list
3-sample: the actual units

 Sampling design:
1- Define my pop
2- Focus on a segment/grp
3- Define an accessible pop
4- Narrowing questions
5- Geographic cost
6- Inclusion/ exclusion criteria (frustrated people, limits (language)… We should
mention that and mention when we did this and why for example :

 Probability sampling: randomness: there is equal probability that each one will be selected.
 Problems: selection problems(over or under represented more men, more women , more or
less educated people
-systematic : select members of the population at a regular interval
-simple random prob
-stratified sampling: homogenous / mutually exclusive: 20-25 / 26-30 / 31- (fiche
signalitique à la fin), Age – then separate men and women—and use either the
systematic or the simple random one
-cluster: more if we have them in diff geographic places, either 1 stage or 2 stages.

 Non-probability sampling: MORE PHENOMENOLOGY we want to explore more and know

the how and the why , and we don’t want to generalize
- Convenience sampling: accidental sampling, convenient accessibility and of course
- Judgmental sampling: experts sampling ( subject to the researcher s preconception
and it can be biased) , when it is hard to locate
-Quota sampling: I should have before the X% of the population, so the quota has
to have X% then u filled the quota and u stopped = STRATIFIED
- Snowball/ Chain referral sampling: when it is hard to locate, the bias is that the 1 st
- Self-selection =volunteering: Like posts on social media; It ca be biased by the way
the volunteer is if he s really angry and he will say what he s feeling…..

*Response rate:
-Total response rate = completes (total sample-not qualified)

Non probability we don t search to generalize
*Theoretical sampling: the samples that are appropriate to the theory
 Data collection techniques:

1-interviews: pheno, quali, induc

Systematic collection of data through asking questions and recording..
- exp, situations, knowledge
- sensitive private behavior
- any location, time, formal or informal (it deepens)

Difficulties :

-to secure the interview (no time, confidential…), time consuming, several steps


*Interview guide or schedule,

*open questions,

* Probes to encourage (basic=repeating, explanatory=can u give an example,

focused=particular detail hat type Of?, drawing out, giving ideas or suggestions, mirroring
or reflecting.

Interview guide:

1-Introduction aim, use of recorder, questions informant background, main body…

-Specify the aim of each question

-avoid long and double barreled, leading questions , ask if he wants to add

-avoid complicated theoretical concepts, stick to the time (to get used and to observe the

*Unstructured interview: - nothing already set, flexible, communication and listening

it takes time,

*Structured interview: deductive (Close to the questionnaire but the person can give u this
only when you meet him)

*Semi structured interview: mix

*Focus group interview: many informants have expertise and background

Not interrupting let the most confident talk at the end.

*Observation: rich, detailed/ - participant (living it but u can miss seeing things), non-
participant- Based on the Literature guided framework, don t affect the natural flow,
separate your observations from interpretations, take notes briefly and use keys words.
*Questionnaire: very structured,- time, -cost, different data,…

8 stages:

1-information required: general top into specific (through he variables that I took from the

2-target informants

3-Method reaching informants: self-administered o researcher administered (so as he

cannot be mistaken)

4-Question content: specific, identify measurable variables,

5-questing wording and format: keep technical, (closed, open ended, open response answer,
rating/scale questions)

Likert scale: statement

6-length of the questionnaire: response rate and length (30/40questions)

7-Test with some people

8-appropriate order, number them, insert instructions bold and italic at the top.

Read the following questions and decide what is wrong with them. Think about how you
might overcome the problems you have identified.

1. how often Do you go swimming? Never.. Rarely ..Frequently .. Sometimes not Precise
(it should be once a day, a week….etc.)

2. What do you think about the Green Peace attempt to blackmail (He already was
subjective) the Government?

3. What is wrong (assumption) with the young people of today and what can we do about

4. How many books have you read in the last year? None 1 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 Over 30
(Prestige bias they can lie)

5. What is the profit of your company, to the nearest one hundred pounds? ( Confidential,
not accessible)

6. What do you think should be done about global warming? Not everyone believe / open

 Content analysis of doc: Complementary, less time,

Conceptual / Relational and semantic

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