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Yakutsk, a remote city in eastern Siberia along the Lena River, is the coldest city in the world.
Located 1,840 km from Irkoustk and 5,000 km from Moscow, this city founded in 1632 by
the Cossacks imposes an extreme lifestyle on its inhabitants. And yet, despite the particularly
harsh conditions, Yakutsk has a population of 270,000, or a quarter of the total population of
Siberia. Yakutsk is located in the extreme east of Russia, about 450 kilometers south of the
Arctic Circle.
It holds the title of the coldest city in the world, with winter temperatures dropping below -
50°C. Yakutsk has a population of around 200,000, with a million people living in the rest of
the region. The buildings and houses of the city are built on stilts, about 2 meters above the
surface. During the Siberian summer temperatures can rise to 30° and more.
Yakutsk is six time zones from the capital, Moscow. The Yakutsk region came to Russia in
the 17th century. During the 20th century, the Soviets found gold, diamonds, and other
minerals in Yakutsk. They turned Yakutsk into a regional center.
Today Yakutsk is a modern city with hotels, cinemas, a university and even an opera house.
The climate is very dry so it is bearable despite arctic temperatures as low as -50°C


Winning is not everything. There are thousands of lottery winners in the US, few were happy
and only a small number were happily ever after.
One of those unlucky winners was Abraham Shakespeare. A few weeks before he was killed,
he told his mother that he wished he had never won. Shakespeare earned $30 million in 2005,
which resulted in him being hounded for money. He became friends with Dorice Moore, she
convinced him to transfer her assets to him before she disappeared in 2009. In 2012, a judge
sentenced her to life in prison for her murder.
Jack Whittaker won a $314 million Powerball jackpot in 2002. Whittaker used most of his
winnings for good. He also launched the Jack Whittaker Foundation to provide clothing and
food to low-income families before his life began to fall apart. Whittaker was arrested for
drunk driving and threatening a bartender after being successful. On two separate occasions,
thieves stole it. He and his wife divorced after he became an alcoholic. And Whittaker's
daughter later died of unknown causes. Both Whittaker and his wife said they wish they had
ripped up the ticket.
David Lee Edwards, a former drug addict and criminal, won a $27 million jackpot in 2001.
He bought a $1.6 million house in Palm Beach Gardens, three racehorses, a fiber optic
company, a Lear Jet, a limousine business, and a Lamborghini. Edwards and his wife returned
to using drugs and clashed with police over possession of crack, pills and heroin. He lost his
money in a few years. He eventually had a heart attack and died in a public restroom.

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