Critical Esay Rizal

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Our Lady of Fatima University

Antipolo City

Rizal Life and Works

Critical Essay on The Impact in Rizal's Education of the various events that happened in
his family and the country in general. Include both the positive and negative effects.

I chose to write on Rizal's conception of education because I'd like to believe that the
information, I'll be discussing is just historical information I've obtained to help me comprehend
the topic. Each individual should, in my opinion, interpret the topic in light of his orientation,
experiences, and knowledge of Rizal. Numerous things happened along the way of life to shape
who we are today. The lessons we learn from diverse events and the people we meet may be
what our parents implanted in us when we were young, or they may be things we learn for
ourselves. He was inspired by his family and life experiences to become our national hero, just
like Jose Rizal. Rizal's perspective on society under the Spanish colonialism was broadened by
his wealth of knowledge and experiences. His inner patriotic fervor for the freedom of his
motherland was stoked by his observations of racial discrimination, injustice, and oppression.

Rizal always believed that education may be a remedy for the issues facing the colonial
Philippines. He supported public education free from political and religious interference. He
claimed that without a suitable, liberal education available to Filipinos, reform could not be
achieved. Rizal discussed Placido Penetinte and how he chose not to pursue an education despite
the fact that others were aware of his great capacity for learning and that his community thought
he was the best student in Tanauan Batangas in one of the chapters of his book El Filibusterismo.
The fact that the town curate even regarded him as a filibustero—an honor reserved for those
with ground-breaking ideas like Filipospong tacio—is evidence of this. Similar circumstances
existed when Rizal left the UST before finishing his studies. Rizal was looking for other things
that would be more useful, and he could only find these things through the education that was
available abroad.
In accordance with the principles of Fr. he left the UST to continue his studies at the
Madrid Central University. One of the three priests executed in 1872 was Fr. Jose Burgos. Due
to the belief that studying abroad is a necessary first step in achieving reform, Burgos espoused
the need for Filipinos to do so. Moreover, Paciano Rizal, his only sibling, shared his way of
thought. Rizal discussed the topic in length in the same writing. The negative impact that he
experience are, He claimed that because of the exercise of being forced to pray for extended
periods of time in a foreign language, worship without comprehension, accept beliefs without
questioning them, and impose absurdities on themselves while rational objections are
suppressed, they have learned to act mechanically without understanding the purpose of their
actions since they were young. As a result of this circumstance, he added, Filipinos came to
accept the notion that they are a lower-class race. This claim was repeated to the youngster,
entrenched in his memory, and ultimately set the tone for all of his future deeds. Rizal noted that
the youngster who tries to be anything else is accused of as vain and pretentious, which is meant
to ensure that this orientation is preserved in the child's head. His relatives fear him, the priest
mocks him with vicious sarcasm, and strangers feel a profound sense of sympathy for him.
Following the faceless herd was the rule of the day; there was no chance to advance. It is in this
scenario that we can better appreciate why Rizal argued for a new approach to teaching the
Filipino youth. Rizal thought that even a simple education, no matter how elementary, if it were
the appropriate education for the people, would be sufficient to awaken their concepts of
excellence and advancement. This was the environment in which education was obtained at the
time. Therefore, Rizal's conception of education was the most progressive. His idea of schooling
began to take shape when he was just 16 years old. He focused on the superb idea of education as
a way of infusing captivating virtue and elevating the nation to the high degree of immortality
and dazzling splendor in one of his poems, Education brings luster to the Motherland.

Rizal was born into a distinguished family; his mother Teodora Alonzo was a
magnificent woman with impeccable manners, and his father Francisco Mercado was a farmer
and lieutenant governor. Because of Dona Teodora's influence, Rizal's family had a strong
academic bent, which notably aided in his development as a person. He decided to become a
doctor out of love for his mother in order to treat her eye condition. He worked as a doctor and a
writer at the same time. He produced a large body of literature, including his two most well-
known works, El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere. Because of the leadership qualities his
family instilled in him and who served as his mentors, Rizal was known for establishing a non-
violent society of reform.

His earliest memories were filled with happy and sunny times at home. Rizal was raised
in a loving and devoted family. His mother never failed to teach him by reading him a work of
literature with moral values. His family is entirely responsible for his achievement as a person
and a hero because they were the ones who encouraged him to pursue his objectives. All of
Rizal's achievements were made possible with the support of his family, who he entrusted with
his works before he passed away. They helped him by influencing his academic pursuits, artistic
endeavors, and handicrafts. After all the ideals were established, Rizal became a great hero who
fought and died for his nation because of his education and the values he upheld in life.

The core of Rizal's educational philosophy is the provision of appropriate motivation in

order to reinforce the powerful social forces that support education, to instill in young people a
natural desire to develop their intelligence, and to grant them eternal life. In this ideology, I
discovered the importance of education as a first step toward achievement for both myself and
my nation. Since there is sufficient incentive to learn and explore via wisdom, I made this a
promise to myself that education will not only extend outside of the four walls of classrooms but
will also reach the four corners of the world. Every person should pause and reflect on Rizal's
view that awakening the intrinsic desire of every Filipino youth to improve his mind is such a
great thing. His educational accomplishments confirmed his perspective, giving it a strong
foundation and enabling him the authority to advocate for such a strategy for academic

Rizal's belief that education may be a catalyst for change hasn't changed in the slightest
since 1893.Rizal wrote: Life is a very important thing, and only those with intelligence and heart
go through it worthily in one of his letters to Alfredo Hidalgo, a nephew. He also stated in the
same letter to his nephew that a man's intelligence is his greatest asset when engaged in combat,
and that to live is to be among men, and to be a man is to battle them refusing to give in to the
injustice and corruption of the powerful. It's true that the lessons and experiences he gained while
wandering and traveling during his formative years helped Rizal succeed as a hero and a person.
All of these played a role in Rizal's upbringing, and they all contributed to the reason why he
grew up to be a strong and brave Filipino who battled the Spaniards with his pen. A person who
fights for his country's freedom using his intellect and words is genuinely deserving of the title
"national hero."
he managed to keep all of his
good grades and 'sobresaliente.'
He decided to return to
Calamba at
the end of the semester year,
although his mother was in jail
facility. He told his mum about
outstanding academic
performance throughout high
school. Doa Teodora informed
him that she is
also powerful and should not be
concerned about her. Jose
prepared better in his second
term to
recapture his absent student
statesmanship, and he had
already become a supreme
leader once
more. Jose Rizal got the highest
prize and great academic
accomplishment across all of
his courses
at the end of the year. He opted
to return to Calamba for his
school holidays, but he also got
to see
his mother again through
prison. He tried to tell her about
his academic achievements,
hoping to
make his family proud of his
outstanding performance at
Ateneo. It was also mentioned
that Jose
Rizal lived luxuriously while
studying abroad, but this ended
due to an increase in the rent of
land they were using for their
family company and the farm's
poor performance. These
however, did not discourage
him from seeking his job or
education, as he attempted to
methods to work things out. For
example, he may live frugally
and manage his time wisely.
Even though most of his
academic scores remained great
till the end of the year, he was
unhappy since he did not
receive the award in Spanish.
Father Francisco de Paula
Sanchez, a
university educator who
discovered Rizal's Divine
talent for composition, is now
one of his
teachers; he had already become
Rizal's biggest new favorite and
cherished instructor. Jose has
been inspired to continue his
studies with enthusiasm and
zest thanks to Padre Sanchez's
solid support. Rizal happily
returns to Calamba near the end
of the semester. Rizal has
returned to
Manila for the final semester of
his studies.
Most notably, this may have
benefited his parents and would
have been beneficial to other
unfortunate people. Rizal is a
selfless person who will do
whatever to make his parents
and family
happy. What really engraved
me was his capacity to excel
in such a comprehensive
range of
disciplines with ease. A great
leader is one of the people who
may serve as an ideal role
model for
youths, not only because of his
desire but also because his
attitude is genuinely
Overall, I believe the impact of
such incidents only caused him
to work more than before.
he passed his subject, it was
also reported that Jose Rizal did
not give his thesis on time due
to a
family situation and was not
awarded his doctorate. While
the evil influence is that he
what was crucial, such as his
education, as he did not earn a
diploma and did not pass his
thesis to
complete his medical studies.
As previously said, I believe
Rizal was also homesick. The

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