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Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Module 2: SAM APA Project 1a

Generational Marketing

 Open the file SAM_WD19_APA_2a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as SAM_WD19_APA_2a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to

a “2”.

o If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it.
The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 With the file SAM_WD19_APA_2a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

o If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy
from the SAM website.

1. You are writing a research paper for your Marketing Principles class. The topic of the
paper is generational marketing. You must write the paper in the APA style and include
suggestions from your professor.

Start by changing the Citations & Bibliography Style of the document to APA

2. To conform to APA guidelines, modify the Normal style as follows:

a. Change the Normal style font to Times New Roman.

b. Change the Normal style font size to 12 point.

c. Change the Normal style line spacing to double with no blank space after

3. Apply the modified Normal style to the first four paragraphs in the document, from "Lee
Bao" to "8 September 2021".

4. Center the four paragraphs on the title page.

5. Center the title paragraph "Generational Marketing: Varying Online Content by

Generation" on page 3.
Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Module 2: SAM APA Project 1a

6. Insert headers to follow APA specifications as follows:

a. Insert a Blank (Three Columns) header.

b. Select the Different First Page option to remove the current header from the
first page.

c. Add a header back to the first page by inserting a Blank (Three Columns)

d. In the first page header, delete the center content control.


CONTENT BY GENERATION as the left content control text, and then press the
DELETE key twice to remove the middle TAB character.

f. Select the right content control, and then add a Plain Number page number from
the Current Position gallery.

g. In the header starting on the second page, delete the center content control.


GENERATION as the left content control text, and then press the DELETE key
twice to remove the middle TAB character.

i. Select the right content control, and then add a Plain Number page number from
the Current Position gallery.

j. Close Header & Footer Tools.

7. Create a First Line indent of 0.5" for the body paragraphs beginning with "When
providing online content…" and ending with "…ebooks and articles."

8. Respond to the comment from your professor, Nancy Tokai, in the first body paragraph
as follows:

a. Read the comment, and then delete it.

b. Before the period in the sentence "These groups include…(born from 2000 on).",
insert a citation to a new source using the information shown in Table 1. ((Hint:
The Check the Show All Bibliography box should be checked in order to see all

Table 1: Web Site Source

Type of Source Web site

Corporate Author check box Has checkmark
Corporate Author Pew Research Center
Name of Web Page Generation Study
Year 2020
Month May
Day 1
Year Accessed 2021
Month Accessed August
Day Accessed 30
Medium Website
Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Module 2: SAM APA Project 1a

9. Insert a citation to the existing Chastfield source before the period at the end of the
sentence, "Campaign designers segment…to suit specific generations."

10. In the same sentence, use the Thesaurus to replace the word "customize" with a less
formal synonym that starts with the letter "t".

11. In the fourth body paragraph ("The generations all…and whitepapers."), find the Risser
citation, and then edit the source to use 2 as the Day Accessed.

12. In the same paragraph, before the period at the end of the sentence, "Another
similarity…and whitepapers.", insert a citation to a new source using the information
shown in Table 2. ((Hint: The Check the Show All Bibliography box should be checked in
order to see all fields.).

Table 2: Article in a Periodical Source

Type of Source Article in a Periodical

Author Rivera, Pedro
Title Generation Gaps
Periodical Title Market Analysis
Year 2020
Month June
Day 5
Pages 20
Medium Print

13. Edit the Vance citation in the fifth paragraph ("Across the generations… ongoing
experience.") to add 14 as the page number.

14. To provide additional information at the end of the fifth paragraph, move the insertion
point immediately after the period in the sentence "The least favorite… consumer's
ongoing experience." and insert a footnote with the following text:
These ads include banner and display ads.

15. Modify the Footnote Text style by changing its font size to 12 point, the line spacing to
double, and the indentation to a 0.5" First line indent.

16. In the main body of the document, find all instances of the text "customers" and replace
it with consumers to use the more appropriate term for this paper. (Hint: You should
make two replacements.)

17. On page 4, read the remaining comment from Nancy Tokai, and then reply to it with the
following text:

18. Modify the "References" paragraph as follows to match the APA style:

a. Move the insertion point to the beginning of the "References" paragraph, and then
insert a manual page break.

b. Center the "References" paragraph on the new page.

19. Move the insertion point to the left-aligned blank paragraph at the end of the document,
and then use the Insert Bibliography command to insert a list of sources without a
built-in heading.
Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Module 2: SAM APA Project 1a

20. In the bibliography, the year is missing from the Schawbel source. Find the Schawbel
source in the body of the document and edit it to provide 2020 as the year.

21. Update the bibliography field so that the References list reflects the edit you made to the
Schawbel source.

22. Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling
errors. (Hint: Ignore names.)

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your changes, close
the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your
completed project.
Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Module 2: SAM APA Project 1a

Final Figure

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