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My Learning Activities

Interview on a teacher on the specific roles he/she plays as a curricularist. Your

Activity1 interview must include a teacher in basic education and in tertiary level.
Level Role as Curricularist
Tertiary Level Knower- According to Mrs. Baracao, being a curricularist begins
with knowing. Being able to an efficient curricularist begins first
Name of Teacher: and foremost with mastery of the curriculum, the subject matter
Mrs. Elizabeth Baracao and content. Because of this she makes sure to master ad be
constantly updated with things that are included in the
School: curriculum, both from formal knowledge and
Currimao National High School
(Pias Gaang Campus) Writer- On the role of being a curriculum writer, Mrs. Baracao
constantly takes record of knowledge, concepts and subject
Signature: matters that she deems worthy to be preserved. She provides
modules, manuals, and reference materials for her students to aid
them in their studies.

Planner- She constantly plans activities for her students that are in
line with the curriculum. She plans activities ahead of time in
order to be well prepared.

Initiator- Being in service for more than 10 years, Mrs. Baracao

has had experienced many changes in the curriculum. Despite this
changes, however, she remained open minded and has initiated
the curriculum.

Innovator- She uses her creativity in order to shed new light to her
lessons in order to cope up with the changing needs of students
and dynamic curriculum.

Implementer- As a teacher, Mrs. Baracao understands that she

must implement the curriculum in her own classroom while
sticking to the plan that has taken so much time, careful planning
and effort to create. She understands that if she fails to properly
implement a strong curriculum, she risks not covering standards or
failing to implement effective practices into her students.

Evaluator- Mrs. Baracao constantly evaluates her students

employing various assessment tools in order to gauge how
effective the curriculum is and what, if any, is in need of
improvement or change.
After the interview, Get samples/pieces of evidence to show that the
Activity 2
teacher is a curricularist. Write or paste them here.

My Reflections/ Insights
Aware of the Roles of Teachers as curricularist,
How do you perceive your role as a curricularist?

It is evident that teachers are the people who know best what should be
included in the curriculum. However, administrators, curriculum specialists and
outside companies dealing with education are the ones who spent a lot of time to
accomplish this task. Teachers know best about curriculum development because
they are the ones who interact most with students, and are aware of their needs.
Therefore, for a curriculum to be effective, teachers have to play a significant role in
each step of curriculum development.

It is the role of the teacher to provide the state with the types of activities,
skills and materials that should be included in the curriculum. Though it is mostly the
state or federal body that dictates the skills that a curriculum should cover, the
teacher is the one who should identify skills that students need at a certain point in
the education process. This will ensure that the curriculum adequately prepares
students for the next class or grade. This reflects the curriculum theory in that the
needs of the students are brought into perspective.

 Teachers are the ones who should guide the creation of the curriculum
because they are the ones who use it. It is a teacher who will have the ability to
ascertain if a particular activity in the curriculum will engage students or if it will fit in
with the allocated time for a certain lesson. The teachers who use the curriculum
should be involved as much as possible in the creation of this curriculum. This will
enable teachers to feel a sense of ownership because the curriculum was created with
the needs of learners and concerns of teachers in mind.

It is the role of the teacher to implement curriculum in their classrooms, and

stick to the designed curriculum. A curriculum takes a lot of time, planning and efforts
to create. Therefore, a teacher should properly implement it, by ensuring that he or
she meets the standards of the curriculum by implementing efficient practices in the
classroom. Failure of a teacher to implement a curriculum that is strong means that
he or she risks failing in the implementation of effective classroom practices, or not
covering the set standards. A teacher, however, has the power to make minor
changes to the curriculum to suit the educational needs of a learner. This is because a
curriculum that is strong is designed in a way that allows a teacher to choose from
various activities or for him or her to insert several personalized components that the
teacher deems fit.

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