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Davao Vision Colleges Inc.

Stone Rock Village, Catalunan Grande, Davao City

Tel no. (082) 227-8337/ 09521649654

Module 3

Student’s Name: Vallarta, Marjorie G.

Course/Strand & Year Level: BSED English - III
Email Add/Contact #:
Professor: Joy B. Caoile
Facebook: Joy Baltar Caoile
Mobile #09393405883: Email address:
Activity 1. In this activity, you are required to elaborate your answer on the
question below.
Enumerate and explain the strengths (3) and weaknesses (3) of product -
oriented assessment.


1. Students are given formative reviews.

(Activity) 2. 2.It emphasizes the learner’s success
3. 3.It focuses on a single aspect, the end result or product.


1. It does not require process which should being included in assessing

students learning

2. It doesn’t evaluate the process in making such achievement or product

3. More concern on product alone

Let’s Analyze

Activity 2. In this activity, I will require you to identify the nature of

product-oriented assessment and create a spider map organizer.

(Spider Map’s purpose is to define a main topic with specific descriptive


Product based alone

Only the final output or

Not on actual
outcome performance

Product –
Oriented Effectivenes
Result assessment s of the

Don’t need to Focuses on

worry on another Achievement

Final Product
Let’s Check

Activity 3. The first step in developing product-oriented assessment

involves determining which concepts, knowledge, and/or skills should be
assessed. With this, you need to know what type of decisions will be
made from the given assessment.

In the template below, identify a product-oriented performance and
formulate competencies in defining the purpose of the assessment.

Orientation Topic General Specific Expected

Competency competency performance


Product System Know the How the Students will

suspension suspension be able to label
mechanism works and its the parts and
function of define the
parts function of its
parts of a

Lesson 2
Activity 1

Identify different product-oriented assessment used in the classroom. Follow

the instruction below.

Make a list of product-oriented assessment used by your former/present

Describe how each task was implemented inside the classroom including your
personal observation

Product-oriented Description
1. Role Play 1. Perform the role
2. Poem Recital play according to
the rubric
2. Recite the poem in
front of the class

Share your answers in a big group during class discussion.

Let’s Think About It! Activity 2. Scan/recall some task/project/output given to you
by your teacher and answer each question below. You are
required once again to elaborate your answer.

1. What did the task/project/output require you to do?

Create video about pandemic.
2. In what ways did the task/project/output enable you to
show what you know and can do?
It is done through the rubric or the criteria and that’s
the basis what we want to do.
3. In what ways did the performance inhibit what you
know and can do?
The assessment tool sets the limit of what we can or do.
Activity 3.

Designing a Performance Task. In this activity, you are expected to create a task design
for product-oriented assessment for a learning competency of your choice. Do the
following steps:

a) Have a copy of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide of your specialization. For BEED-

Generalist students, you can choose any subject.
b) Select a learning competency that will serve as a basis in the creation of your task
design. For BEED- Generalist students, select competencies from Grades 1 to 6.
For BPE and BSED students, select competencies from Grades 7 to 12.
c) Write a sample task design.
d) Ask your course facilitator regarding the submission of your task design.

Subject: P.E
Learning competencies:
Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, challenge, social interaction and career
Category Warning 0 Needs Proficient 4 Advanced 5
improvement 3
Preparation Not prepared for Partially Is prepared for Is on time
the activity prepared for the activity and prepared
activity for activity
Effort Neglects to Demonstrates Willingly Maintains
participate in the inconsistent participates 100% efforts
activity effort and
Cooperation Interferes with the Works with Works with Works well
other participants others seldom others with others
Sportsmanship Exhibits Follows rule Follows rules Follows
unsportsmanlike under during rules even
conduct supervision activities without
Attitude Disrespectful Attitude is With minor Maintains
inconsistent lapses positive

Lesson 3

Activity 1. Interview. You are required to set an appointment with a

classroom teacher for an interview. You will ask the following questions:
1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics?
A rubric is a type of scoring guide that assesses and articulates
specific components and expectations for an assignment. Rubrics
can be used for a variety of assignments: research papers, group
projects, portfolios, and presentations.
(Activity) 2. What help have scoring rubrics given you?
Rubrics provide students with valuable information about the
degree of which a specific learning outcome has been achieved .
3. What difficulties have you met in using the rubric?
Rubrics may not fully convey all information instructor wants
students to know.
4. What type of rubric do you use - Holistic or analytic? What is the
Holistic Rubric
5. Analytic rubrics identify and assess components of a finished
Holistic rubrics assess student work as a whole.

6. Which is easier to use?

Holistic Rubric
Activity 2.
In this activity, you are required to elaborate your answer on the questions

1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching-

learning process?
Rubrics standardize grades and help students understand where
their writing grades come from. They also facilitate minimal
marking, since you've already established your priorities.
2. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be
observed in the making and use of scoring rubrics?
The criteria in a rubric should reflect observable and measurable
expectations relative to the task/assignment for which you are
developing a rubric. Each criterion should be different from the
other, and should be stated in a precise, unambiguous language
3. Which rubric is easier to use? To construct?
(Analysis) Holistic Rubric
Activity 3
Title: Art
Description: create Arts using line, movement, background, effort.

Dimension Advanced Proficient Basic Ability No Liability Score

/ scale 5 3 2 1
Element of art: All lines are Almost all Few lines are Very few
Art Line on the correct lines are on on the correct lines are on
angle the correct angle the correct
angle angle
Principle of No parts are Almost no Some parts Everything is
design flat part is flat are flat flat
Background Has illusion Has moderate Has simple No illusion
of illusion of illusion of of
background background background background
Effort and Class time Class time Class time Class time
craftsmanship was used was used was not was not used
wisely almost wisely always used

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