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Davao Vision Colleges

Stone rock Village, Catalunan Grande, Davao City
Tel no. (082) 227-8337/ 09521649654

Module 4

Student’s Name: Vallarta, Marjorie

Course/Strand & Year Level: BSED – English III
Professor: Joy B. Caoile
Facebook: Joy Baltar Caoile
Mobile #09393405883: Email address:
Assessment in the Affective Domain

Lesson 1

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to think of a solution that will help you
as a teacher to understand your students and how will you improve
the situation if not totally solve the problem.

1. Carlos is an intelligent kid but never makes it to the top ten of

his class because of his attitude towards some of his teachers.

2. Because she found out that her teacher has a favorite student,
in which the teacher adjusts the grades of her favorite student
for her to become the top student, Maria became unmotivated
and became an average performing student.

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented above.

1. What are the factors you have There is certain diversity of
considered in the solutions you students. There are also many
have come up? things to consider. In the situation
1, his attitude should be corrected
as necessary, while in the situation
2, we should not implement
favoritism. We should grade
student according to their capacity
and achievement.
2. Why is it important to consider It is important because we cannot
{Analysis} the factors you have mentioned hold them to fit our standard, they
above? have their own way of life and
should be considered. We should
not implement favoritism so that
we will be called as a good
3. Do you think that the learner’s No, attitude will never affect
aptitude and attitude is related to student achievement academically,
his or her academic achievement? as a teacher, we correct their
Why or why not? uncertain behavior but cannot be a
tool to fail their academic

Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the taxonomy in

the affective domain, you are tasked to apply the concepts in the
given situation by crafting affective objectives correctly. The

(Application) affective objectives must be measurable. Use the template

provided for your answer.


The school, being sectarian, wants to ensure that their

graduates will embody the character traits that are expected of
their graduates. As such, the president gave an instruction that
religion must be integrated in all subjects and not just during
religion class.

As a teacher, what and how will you support this direction of

the school president so that it will be realized, focusing on the
affective domain of the students?
Category/Level Measurable Affective Objective
Individual reads a book passage about
civil rights
Individual answers questions about civil
rights books, reads another book by the
Responding same author, another book about civil
rights. Etc.
The individual demonstrates this by
Valuing voluntarily attending a lecture on civil
The individual arranges a civil rights rally.

The individual is firmly committed to the

Characterizing by a value, perhaps becoming a civil rights
Value leader.

Lesson 2

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to analyze and identify the

characteristics of classroom environment is/are present in the
situation. You need to propose what action/s must be done to
improve the situation. Discuss your answers and give your
comments and suggestions in our big group discussion.

Activity Classroom Characteristics of Action to

Situation Classroom Improve the

Environment Situation
The environment of There must be
VP for Linkages the class seems to be extreme rules of that
complained to the crowded and very particular section.
Office of Student unruly. The student They must be
Affairs that might be undisciplined corrected and
Section A was so and no more disciplined
noisy and unruly, character traits. accordingly and
that their office positively. The
operation was
adviser must observe
affected, as the
his student so that
Linkages Office is
adjacent to the the rules will be
classroom of implemented for the
Section A. As per student will behave.
complaint, a group
of students are
quarreling and
others are playing.
The complaint was
brought to the
attention of the
adviser of Section A.
But the adviser
dialed to extricate
what happened
since no one among
the class wants to
tell the true story.

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented above.

1. Why did you come up with I come up with that action plan
that action plan? because I believe that would be a
possible action that can be used to
extricate their behavior.
2. What are the factors you have The factor is that we must
considered in the decision you considered is the diversity of the
have made? student and we understand them
and implement a positive
3. What do you think is/are the Perhaps, the adviser failed to
reason/s why the adviser extricate because someone
of Section A failed to observed and witnessed the
unruly behavior of his students.

extricate what happened?

4. Do you think that the Maybe it affects their learning

environment and attitudes of the because they cannot focus on the
learners affect their learning? learning process because they
Why or why not? might be disturbing each other.
Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the affective learning
competencies, you are tasked to apply the concepts by giving a
learning competency objective in the affective domain for each of the
levels in the taxonomy of Krathwohl. Assume that you are teaching a
subject in your field of specialization. Use the template below in
crafting your affective learning competencies.

Topic: Addition of two digits’ number

Application Brief Description of the Topic:

Addition of numbers by 2 digits. The student is able to learn how to
add numbers by 2 digits.

Learning Competency Objective:


Develop the critical thinking and problem solving with regards to

addition of numbers.


Respond to the discussion


Defend their ideas in solving addition


Discriminate their own point of views in adding numbers by two


Characterization by Value:
Internalize the importance of addition
Lesson 3

Activity 1 Concept Mapping

To start off our discussion, you are tasked to construct a concept map
showing the use or purpose of using affective assessment tools.


Checklists Raing Scale

Likert Scale differentiaL

Let us now check how you constructed your concept map.

1. What is the purpose of Two major purposes for assessing
affective assessment tools? affective characteristics are: to gain
a better understanding of students
prior to instruction, and to examine
the extent to which students have
acquired the affective objectives of a
course or curriculum. In the first
situation, affective characteristics are
Analysis means to ends.

2. How did you come up with I come up with those ideas by

those ideas? following and reading the module
and also browsing.

3. What makes the affective Cognitive focus on the reality

assessment tools different from which means it focuses on action
the cognitive and psychomotor and values.
assessment tools?

4. How will the affective Whereas cognitive assessments

assessment tools help in the measure what students can do,
development of the learner? affective assessments measure what
students will do in the future. When
teachers measure children's attitudes
toward the democratic process, we
gain insights into how they will
likely act toward the democratic
system when they grow up.
Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the affective assessment
tools, it is not your turn to construct tools that would help teachers
assessing and measuring the affective domain of the learner. Your task
is to craft one affective assessment tool of each of the following:

a. Checklist
b. Rating Scale
c. Likert Scale
d. Semantic Differential Scale
e. Sentence Completion


1. Checklist

Name: Subject: Date:

Type of Assignment

Not Sometimes Frequently

Gets work done on time
Organizes work
Works well with others

Rating Scale

5 excellent 3 good 2 needs improvement

1. I am happy during Mathematics class.
2. I get tired doing board work and drills.
3. I enjoy solving word problems.

Likert Scale

Direction: Put a check on the column for each of the statement that applies to you.


Strongly Agree (SA)

Agree (A)
Undecided (U)
Disagree (D)
Strongly Disagree (SD)

(SA) 5 (A) (U) (D) (SD)

4 3 2 1
1. I am happy during Mathematics
2. I get tired doing board work and
Semantic Differential Scale

Traits/attitude toward Mathematics subject

Boring Interesting
Important Useless

Sentence Completion

1. I think Mathematics as a subject is


2. I like my Mathematics teacher the most because______________________.

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