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1.1 Background of the Study

Ahuja (2022) defined customers as the receiver or consumer of products

created or produced by the seller and pays any type of financial value. In some cases,

they receive that product, sell it again into a higher price or develop it and use it in other

means. Being a customer does not necessarily mean that you need to pay money to the

seller of the product or services, the payment could be monetary or non-monetary (it

depends on the agreement between the former and the latter). We tend to

synonymously relate the term customer and consumer when in fact, they do not have

the same meaning. To define, a customer is a person or a commerce that buys an

offering by means of a money related exchange or an trade of something of esteem. On

the other hand, a consumer is a person or a commerce who is the end-user of the

advertising acquired by the client (Ahuja, 2022). Why are customers important? Ahuja

answered this that, customers are the building pieces of any trade. In case a trade does

not have customers, at that point it might not as well exist. All businesses point at

expanding their benefits by pulling in increasingly clients since they are the sole source

of income to them. On the other hand, DJ Team (2020) put an emphasis about the

importance that customer buying behaviour give - it alludes to the activities taken (both

on and offline) by customers some time recently buying a item or benefit. This prepare

may incorporate counseling look motors, locks in with social media posts, or a

assortment of other activities. An assortment of components go into the buyer buyer

behavior handle, counting social, social, individual, and mental variables. Taken

independently, they may not result in a buy. When put together in any number of

combinations, the probability increments that somebody will interface with a brand and
make a buy. A few variables are the following: 1) social variables which isn't

continuously characterized by a person's nationality and can moreover be characterized

by their affiliations, their devout convictions or indeed their area; 2) social variables are

components in a person's environment that affect the way they see items; 3) individual

factors are stuffs which will incorporate someone's age, conjugal status, budget,

individual convictions, values, and ethics; 4) mental variables are person's state of

intellect when they are drawn closer with a item will frequently decide how they feel not

as it were almost the thing itself but the brand as a entirety (DJ Team, 2020).

When it comes to achieving a successful business, sellers must prioritize the

importance of the pricing. To put it basically, in case a client accepts investing their cash

on your product/service will give them sufficient esteem based on their needs, they’ll be

upbeat to form a buy. Typically why, for illustration, expanding the cost of drugs doesn’t

diminish request for them in a major way (Novkovic, 2021). As a seller, one should

recognize some things with regards to pricing their products. Novkovic (2021) listed

some of the important factors, 1) cost-based pricing means that a dealer base his/her

costs essentially on generation costs and wanted benefit edges. This approach is

exceptionally basic (and generally cheap), but can be exceptionally unsafe. 2) vital

estimating (competition based) is an approach meaning that a vendor have done a few

inquire about about his/her competitors’ costs which they are utilizing that information

to set their costs, 3) value-based pricing are the seen esteem of a seller’s item in

consumers’ eyes is the key concept of this approach.

In spite of all the news around financial globalization covering the planet with huge

box stores, open markets are experiencing a clearing renaissance as individuals around

the world endeavor to modify nearby economies and keep human associations

prospering (O’neil, 2005). Furthermore, O’neil said that Individuals adore markets for so
numerous reasons, however in all our overviews inquiring individuals why they utilize

markets, the one that continuously appears up on best is the involvement: seeing other

individuals, openings for off the cuff discussions, the startling tactile delights. Typically

what draws individuals back, once more and once more, to their favorite markets. But

these qualities of suddenness and friendliness do not fair happen; a awesome showcase

must be carefully arranged as a open gathering put and overseen inside a feasible

commerce structure.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study is all about the customer purchasing behaviour and satisfaction in the

Public Market of Naawan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. By that means, the following

questions will be answered:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

 age

 gender

2. What are the factors affecting customer behavior towards the price of fresh


3. What are the level of customer satisfaction towards the price of fresh vegetables in

Naawan Public Market?

1.3 Conceptual Framework


Demographic Customer’s
location satisfaction/

Quality of
Figure 1: shows the relationship between the customer’s satisfaction and some factors

affecting it.

Customer’s satisfaction or behaviour is based on some affecting prevalent inside the

market. There are a lot if things to consider with regards to it, however, the researchers

narrowed-down three factors that are the most vital for customer’s satisfaction and

behaviour - the price of the product, the demographic location of the market, and the

quality of services or the product itself.

Significance of Study

This study would be greatly relevant and beneficial to the following:

 Students - the study would serve as a benchmark for students, especially the BSBA

students who are interested in the trading inside the Public Market of Naawan,

Misamis Oriental.

 Teachers - this will give the teachers especially those who are teaching subjects in

marketing and management some reference to teach their student in the future.

 Community - this will be beneficial to the municipality of Naawan, Misamis Oriental

as it will give them the idea on how to improve their socioeconomic status and

integrate some ways in improving their public market.

 Initao College - this will be a great achievement for the school that the researchers

are studying.

 Stakeholders - the stakeholders will have a greater view, whether the Naawan is

worth the investment and what are the possible ways they could help in improving

the municipality and the whole Naawan Public Market.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The respondents of this study are some selected respondents who are customers in

Naawan Public Market that buy fresh vegetables inside the establishment. It ill be
conducted in the Municipality of Naawan, province of Misamis Oriental, in the

Philippines. This is only limited to the customer’s satisfaction and behaviour when it

comes to buying the latter mentioned product in the market. However, this will not

involve topics not related to it and has specific limitations. The study won’t involve

sensitive and confidential topics about the respondents (e.g., sexual activity, health

records, statements of assets & liabilities, source of income, etc.)

Definition of Terms (Operational)

 Cost - an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain fresh vegetables in

Naawan Public Market

 Customer - a person who buys in Naawan Public Market

 Financial Value - the amount a willing buyer would pay a willing seller in Naawan

Public Market

 Money - a current medium of exchange in Naawan Public Market in the form of

coins, paper bills, etc.

 Payment- an amount paid or payable by a customer, towards the seller in Naawan

Public Market

 Products - fresh vegetables in Naawan Public Market that are for sale

 Purchase - an act of buying fresh vegetables in Naawan Public Market

 Seller - vendors in Naawan Public Market that sells fresh vegetables

 Services - the intangible act or use for which a consumer, firm, or government is

willing to pay.

 Trade - the action of buying and selling goods and services


2.1 Research Design

According to Patton of 2005, a qualitative research analyzes data from direct

fieldwork observations, in-depth, open-ended interviews, and written document. Patton

also emphasized that a qualitative research should be composed of naturalistic inquiry,

real-world settings and constructed case studies. On the other hand, analyzing data that

is based on numbers or that can be quickly "translated" into numbers without losing any

significance is known as quantitative data analysis (Jansen & Warren, 2020).

In this marketing study about the customer’s behaviour and satisfaction with

regards to the prices of fresh vegetables in the Public Market of Naawan, both the

qualitative and quantitative data approach is used. The researchers created a

standardized questionnaire with regards to the topic (customer satisfaction and

behaviour) using a likert-scale with some short commentary and recommendations by

the respondents.

2.2 Participants of the Study

This study will be conducted in the Municipality of Naawan in the province of

Misamis Oriental, Philippines. The respondents for this study will be the selected

customers buying in the latter-said market. Upon the selection of the research

respondents, random sampling is used.

2.3 Research Instrument

Standardized research questionnaire about customer’s satisfaction and behaviour in

purchasing vegetables in Naawan Public Market was created and the researchers had

face-to-face interview/intervention upon the data gathering procedure.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers allowed their crafted questionnaire to checked by their research

adviser first. After it was approve, they asked their college dean for permission to go

outside the school under his/her permission to conduct their survey. The researchers

also went to the Municipal Hall of Naawan and talked to the Mayor for permission to

conduct the study inside the community. People around the market who are buying

vegetables were then asked permission if they can or cannot join the research survey.

Data are recording through direct writings on the questionnaire, voice regarding and

video recording. Observation is also a must for the researchers to generate data and

focused on the primary goal of the study.

2.5 Data Analysis

The data collected will be interpreted, organized, and analyzed by the researchers in

a descriptive method. The data will be used to observe the customer’s satisfaction and

behaviour in purchasing fresh vegetables at the Naawan Public Market. Data,

recommendations, and questions acquired will be answered and then analyzed.


 Ahuja, Y. (2022, May 17). Freedough.












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