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Chapter 1 – Fundamentals of Computer

Lesson 1- Brief History of Computer

Ancient Time

People that Count Using Fingers and Toes

Computer Inventor

Ethical computer use

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 2 - Basic Elements of My Computer


Input Devices

Output Devices



Application Software

System Software


Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 3 – Components of Computer


Parts of Keyboard

Fingers and Key Positions


Mouse Operation

Parts of the Monitor

Central Processing Unit

Lesson Summary and Activities

Chapter 2 – Introduction to Windows

Lesson 1 – Brief History of Windows

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 2 – Starting and Shutting Down My Computer

Starting My Computer

Turning Off My Computer

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 3 – Starting Windows

Major Parts of Windows Screen

Desktop Icons

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 4 – Malware and Computer Virus

Chapter 3 – File Management

Lesson 1 – Working with Files and Folders

Using my computer

Creating a folder

Renaming folder

Deleting a folder

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 2 – Saving files

Storage Devices
Step in Saving Files

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 3 - Moving and Copying files

Moving Files

Cut and Paste

Drag and Drop

Keyboard Method

Copying files

Copy and Paste

Keyboard Method

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 4 – Windows 10 Environment

Parts of Windows

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 5 - Entering and Editing Text

Editing text

Keyboard Keys

Lesson Summary and Activities

Lesson 6 – Formatting Text


Changing the Font type

Changing the Font Size

Changing the Font Style

Lesson Summary and Activities

Chapter 4 – Microsoft Word

Lesson 1 - What can we do with MS word?

How to open MS word

Components of MS word

Typing the text





Lesson 2- Inserting Tables, pictures, shapes and chart

Lesson 3- Designing a document

Lesson 4 – Sending and printing a document

Output Presentation

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