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Workguide # 4 English Class (Guia de trabajo) 7th grade(Septimo grado)

Demostrative Pronouns (pronombres demostrativos)

Cosas cerca Cosas lejos

singular Esto, esta Aquel, aquello
plural Estos, estas Aquellos, (as)

This-(singular- cerca) that- (singular-lejos)

These-(plural-cerca) those-(plural-lejos)


I. Seleccione el pronombre demostrativo correcto y escríbalo sobre la línea.

1. ________________is my favorite book.

a. These b. this c. that
2. _______________students are happy.
a. Those b. that c. these
3. _______________ chairs are comfortable
a. That b. these c. this
4. ______________ is the school bus.
a. Those b. these c. that

II. Completar con el pronombre demostrativo this-that-these-those

III. Escribir las oraciones usando los pronombres demostrativos (this is- that is- these are- those are,
schoolbag (mochila) pencilcase (lapicera) eraser (borrador) sharpener (sacapunta)

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