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Tortoise formation

Contents Types of movement 33
Introduction 2 Movement by single companies 33
Central tenets of Fantastic Battles 2 Movement in line formation 33
Glossary of game terms 2 Movement in column formation 33
Unit basing and measuring distances 3 Interpenetration 33
Playing equipment 3 Charging 34
Company profiles 4 Legal melee contacts 35
Character/Company 4 Illegal melee contacts 35
Resolve 4 Charge responses 36
Move 4 Conforming 36

Melee 4 Disengaging from melee 37
Shooting 4 The Melee phase 38
Defence 4 Modifiers per attacking company 38
Traits 4 Supporting companies 39
Points 4

Example melees 40
Building an Army 5 Resolve loss from melee 40
Characters 5 Risk to attached characters 40
Warlord 5 Optional random events 41
Magic-user 6
Captain 7 Campaigns 42
Rogue 7 Campaign maps 42
Unattached and attached characters 8 The campaign year 43
Character companies 8 Diplomacy 43
Companies 8 Recruiting armies 43
Elite company
Formed company
Irregular company
Fantastic beast
Moving armies
Subduing regions
Fighting a battle
Post-battle considerations
Dragon 9 Maintaining armies in the field 44
Ordnance battery 9 Relics 45
Vehicle 9 Revolutions and rising states 45
Company traits and racial tropes 10 Completing a campaign 45
Example companies 16
Example army lists 46
Forming units – companies and groups 17
Empires of Men 46
Optional rules – Strategies and relics 17
Free Men 48

Pre-game procedures 19 Halflings 49

Determine attacker and defender 19 Dwarven Kingdoms 50
Setting up terrain 19 Ziggurat Dwarves 51
Deployment 22 Righteous Elves 52
Optional rules – Objectives 23 Night Elves 53
Mishaps 24 Wyld Elves 54
Optional rules – Flank marches 25 Goblin Tribes 55
The Vermintide 56

Turn order 25 Saurians 57

Ending the game 25 The Undead 58
The shooting phase 26 Example historical army lists 60
Modifiers per shooting company 26 Homeric Greeks 60
Determining eligible targets 26 Trojans 61
Shooting ranges 26 Classical Greeks 62
Line of sight 26 Achaemenid Persians 63
Resolve loss from shooting 27 Mid-Republican Romans 64
Risk to attached characters 27 Later Carthaginians 65
The Action phase 28 Early Byzantine 66
Impetuous actions 29 Sassanians 67
Optional actions 30 Anglo-Normans 68
Group formations 32 Hiberno-Norse 69
Line formation 32 Conquistadors 70
Column formation 32 Mesoamericans 71

Central tenets of Fantastic Battles
Introduction The following six principles are the central tenets
My first published rule set, Irregular Wars: Conflict behind the design of Fantastic Battles:
at the World’s End was released in February 2011. • Engaging rules. The rules need to keep
Originally inspired by the Elizabethan wars in

both players engaged at all times with
Ireland, the rules were written to be suitable for randomised initiative and play passing
all asymmetrical clashes around the fringes of quickly between players.
the European world in the 16th and Early 17th • Command friction and fog of war. The
centuries. A 2nd edition followed in 2014 which rules need to limit the omnipotent control
streamlined many of the rules to make the turns a warlord has over their army and the
flow more smoothly, and which earned fan-made battlefield conditions.
supplements to cover ancient, medieval and fantasy • Setting agnostic. The game must be
genres. Since then, I have written 10 further rule applicable to any fantasy (or even pseudo-
sets and expansions, all published through Ganesha

As the 10th anniversary of Irregular Wars

approached, it felt like the right time to return to
e historical) settings.
• Flexible army building. As a game of
fantasy battles, why accept restrictions
on your fantasy? A flexible army building
system allows players to create armies to
that system. Rather than releasing a 3rd edition of suit their own tastes.
Conflict at the World’s End – which still serves its • Scale agnostic using multi-based figures.
niche – I embarked on a more broadly applicable All measurements are expressed in base
set of rules for fantasy mass-battles, Fantastic widths (bw), where 1bw is equal to the
Battles. The title is a play on words do you see? width of one company base. Any size bases
Because the genre is fantasy, and the battles will are possible, as long as all companies are
be fantastic – as in ‘great’ or ‘enjoyable’, or at least based in the same way.

a moderately good laugh…. Oh, never mind. By • No individual figure removal. All units
choosing not to employ certain fantastic traits have a footprint and are represented on the
(magic and flying for example), the rules can easily table as a complete unit. When a unit loses
accommodate historical engagements from the its resolve to fight, it is removed from the
ancient era through to the early-modern period. table in its entirety.
In Fantastic Battles, armies consist of a number of Glossary of game terms

characters and companies, custom built to suit the • #d6 – A number of six-sided dice, usually
player’s vision of their fantasy faction. For pick-up quantified by a preceding number, e.g.
games, we recommend 500-1000 points per player 1d6 (one die), 2d6 (two dice), or 3d6
which should allow for somewhere in the region of (three dice) which are always rolled
12-24 companies. The company forms the building simultaneously.
block of the army. Each company is built using • 1d3 – A roll of a normal six-sided die,
one of seven base profiles and can be allocated up treating rolls of 1-2 as a 1, rolls of 3-4 as a
to three distinguishing traits. Armies may also be 2, and rolls of 5-6 as a 3.
given an additional blanket trait known as a racial • 1d12 – A twelve-sided die used only to
trope which applies to all companies of the main determine random events and relics. If
race in the army. Each army must be led by a single players do not have a d12, they may roll
Warlord and may also include a number of other 1d6 to establish a base number, followed
individual characters serving as Captains, Magic- by a second 1d6; on a 1-3, use only the
users and Rogues. base number, on a 4-6, add 6 to the base

number, e.g. a roll of a 4 and a 3 would – players are free to base their units in the way that
equal 4 (4+0+4), but a roll of a 4 and a 4 suits their budget or the aesthetic of their army.
would equal 10 (4+6=10).
• Characters – Characters are influential We recommend square 40mm bases for companies
individuals who form the leadership of 6mm-15mm scale figures, or 60mm for larger
of armies. Most have the ability to act scales. However, the actual base size used is
independently or to attach to a unit. irrelevant to the game mechanics as long as the
• Company – A company represents a body same base widths are used across all companies on
of warriors numbering in their hundreds the table. While square bases are recommended,
or thousands, a small number of artillery rectangular bases are feasible with minimal
pieces, or perhaps a single large monster. adjustments to the melee rules as noted below

It is the smallest tactical unit in the game (p.35).
and is represented by one base. Companies
may be deployed singly, or be grouped into Characters may act as individuals or attach to
larger units. companies. A character’s base can be any shape and

• Group – A group represents the brigading size appropriate to the figure, but should be smaller
of two, three, or four companies of the than a company and easily identifiable.
same type into a single larger formation,
regardless of whether that formation In the game, all distances are given in generic units
represents a well-drilled regiment or a of measurement (bw) based on the width of a single
heaving horde. Groups are formed during company. Therefore, in a game using companies on
the Deployment Phase, and once formed 40mm bases, 2bw would equate to 8cm, while 3bw
act as a single unit throughout the course would equate to 12cm.
of the battle. e
• Unit – The term ‘unit’ is used throughout Table size
the game to refer to a body of warriors A standard engagement between two forces
irrespective of whether it is a single of between 750-1000 points each is 30x20bw
company or a group. (i.e. 1200x800mm if using 40mm bases, or
1800x1200mm if using 60mm bases). Smaller
Unit basing and measuring distances games could be played on 20x20bw tables, while
The basic unit in Fantastic Battles is the company; larger games would need to have the table size
companies may act independently or be grouped adjusted accordingly.
together into larger formations. Each company is
represented on the table by a number of figures Playing equipment
on a single base. Companies are an abstract In addition to a playing surface, miniatures and
representation of a large body of men (or orcs, battlefield terrain, each player will need a handful

or lizardmen, or elves etc ad nauseum), perhaps of six-sided dice, counters to indicate a unit’s loss of
numbering in the hundreds or thousands. There is resolve, and occasional other markers to indicate if a
no figure removal to represent casualties, the exact unit has to reload or has been cursed, empowered or
number of figures per company is unimportant entangled by a magic-user.

Ziggurat Dwarves (10mm miniatures from Cibo’s Little Dudes)


company profiles
Every company in an army will have a profile which dictates how it behaves on the battlefield. The
example below is for a company of goblin warriors. Guidelines for customising company profiles are
provided below (pp.8-16).

Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts

Goblin Warriors
3 3 3 2/1 4+ Shooting (mixed) 25
An Irregular company
Furious charge

Character/Company Shooting (SHT)
The ‘Character/company’ column gives the The Shooting column represents a company’s
company an identity. All companies start out as capacity for long range attacks, shown as two
one of seven generic base profiles (Elite, Formed numbers divided by a forward slash. The first

or Irregular companies, Fantastic beasts, Dragons, number represents how many attack dice are
Ordnance batteries or Vehicles, see p.9) which are rolled in the Shooting Phase against targets
customised using traits. within short range (2bw) – it may represent close
range shooting, thrown weapons or brave but ill-
Resolve (RES) disciplined warriors dashing out of formation to
A unit’s Resolve is perhaps its single most launch individual attacks on enemy units. The
important factor. It indicates a unit’s willingness to second number represents true long-range shooting
stand firm in the face of danger. During a battle, and indicates the attack dice rolled against targets
pre-game and in-game events such as being shot e within long range (5bw). Each company of goblin
at, taking damage in melee, or seeing friendly units warriors rolls two attack dice against targets within
flee, degrade a unit’s Resolve, sometimes sending a short range, or one die against targets within long
cascade of panic through a player’s battle line. The range.
retention, loss and restoration of a unit’s Resolve
is key and players will find that quick thinking Defence (DEF)
or clever Resolve management can often be the A company’s Defence factor abstracts the unit’s
deciding factor in snatching victory from the jaws armour, agility, and stubborn resilience to enemy
of defeat. attack. It gives the target number required by an
opponent’s attack dice to cause the company to
A single company of goblin warriors has 3 Resolve. lose Resolve. For example, goblin warriors have a
However, grouping multiple companies together Defence of 4+, so enemy attack dice against the
into a single larger unit stacks their Resolve factors. goblins would need to roll 4s, 5s, or 6s to reduce

A unit formed from two companies of goblin their Resolve. Any rolls of 1, 2, or 3 would be
warriors would therefore have 6 Resolve, while a ignored.
large group made up of four companies would have
12 Resolve. Traits
Traits represent the various features that
Move (MOV) differentiate units. Each unit may be customised
The Move column indicates the maximum distance with up to three traits, plus a possible fourth trait

a company may move in a single Action Phase. In representing a racial trope. For this example, we
this case, goblin warriors may move up to 3bw in a are saying that all goblins have unreliable as a racial
single turn. trope. Generic units of goblin warriors also have
the shooting (mixed) and furious charge traits.
Melee (MEL)
The Melee factor shows the company’s martial Points (PTS)
abilities and indicates how many attack dice are The Points column shows the cost to recruit the
rolled during the Melee Phase. Each company of company. A more expensive company is usually
goblin warriors may roll three attack dice under more reliable, is better equipped or trained, or has
normal circumstances. more Resolve than cheaper companies. Goblin
warriors cost a modest 25 points per company.

Building an Army
For games with multiple players per side, we
Building an army recommend limiting each player’s force to a
All armies are custom built to suit the player’s maximum of 750 points, with each player
vision of their fantasy race, nation or faction. controlling their own Warlord, but one player per
Armies consist of a number of companies and side being nominated as the warlord-in-chief who
characters built using the guidelines below. There rolls to determine attacker/defender as part of the
are a number of pre-generated army lists at the pre-game process.
end of this volume, but these should be seen as
suggestions rather than canon and players are
encouraged to create armies that suit their own Characters
collections. Each army must be led by a single Warlord and

may also include a number of other individual
For pick-up games, players should agree a nominal characters as outlined below. The character types
point limit within which to build armies. For are standardised to reflect the battlefield role of
games with one player per side, we recommend individual leaders and are not customisable except
500-1000 points per player. for the spell choices of magic users.

Warlord (1 per army)
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Warlord 2 4 2 -/- 6+ - 60
Mage-lord 2 4
e 1 -/- 6+ Three spell choices 75
Every army must be led by a single Warlord or Mage-lord. Warlords have a command range of 3bw and
roll 3d6 when attempting to rally units in the Action Phase. All rules applying to Warlords also apply to
Mage-lords. In addition, Mage-lords may choose up to three spells in the same way as Magic-users (see
pp.6-7 below); they are the only character type who may rally units with the mindless trait (p.13).

Wyld Elves (10mm miniatures from Excellent Miniatures under licence from Forest Dragon)

Building an Army
Magic-user (0-1 per 500 points)
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Magic-user 1 4 1 -/- 5+ Three spell choices 40
An army may include one Magic-user for every 500 points of the army budget or part thereof. Magic-users
may command a unit they are attached to. Each Magic-user is assigned spells from the list below for use
throughout the battle. Each spell can be taken as a level 1 spell, counting as one spell choice; a level 2 spell,
counting as two spell choices; or a level 3 spell consuming all spell choice slots. It is therefore possible for a
Magic-user to specialise with a single level 3 spell, or select a variety of less powerful spells.

Spell Affect Difficulty

Successfully casting bless restores lost Resolve to a single unit within 5bw.
At level 1 the Magic-user rolls 1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user rolls 2d6,
Bless and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls 3d6. For every roll of 3+, the chosen 3+
unit restores 1 Resolve. Bless may be used to restore lost Resolve to

mindless units.
The blink spell can be used to teleport a single friendly or enemy unit.
Indicate the direction of movement for a target unit within 5bw. If the
spell is cast successfully the unit is teleported 1d3+1bw in the indicated
direction, maintaining its current facing. If �������������������������������
the new location places the
blinked unit partially or fully off the table edge, in impassable terrain
Blink 4+
or on top of another unit, deploy it on the table as close to the location
as possible. Units blinked into combat count as charging. At ���������������
level 1 the
Magic-user rolls 1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the

cast the spell.

Magic-user rolls 3d6. Only a single roll of 4+ is required to successfully

Successfully casting confusion on a target unit within 5bw forces it to roll

for impetuous actions (with a -1 modifier) immediately - interupting the
turn if the caster is still able to give orders to one or more of their own
Confusion units. A confused unit may not activate again in the same turn unless they 3+
are the target of a successful haste spell. At level 1 the Magic-user rolls
1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls
3d6. Only a single roll of 3+ is required to successfully cast the spell.
Successfully casting curse reduces the fighting capacity of a single unit

within 5bw. At level 1 the Magic-user rolls 1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user
Curse 4+
rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls 3d6. For every roll of 4+,
each company in the target unit suffers a -1 Melee modifier this turn.
The empower spell is used to increase the fighting capacity of a chosen unit
within 5bw. At level 1 the Magic-user rolls 1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user
Empower 3+
rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls 3d6. The chosen unit gains
+1 Melee per company for the current turn for each roll of 3+.

The entangle spell restrains one target unit within 5bw, ensuring that it
cannot move in the current Action Phase. At level 1 the Magic-user rolls
Entangle 4+
1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls
3d6. Only a single roll of 4+ is required to successfully cast the spell.
Successfully casting haste allows one unit within 5bw (even impetuous
units) to conduct an additional optional action this turn. At level 1 the
Haste Magic-user rolls 1d6, at level 2 the Magic-user rolls 2d6, and at level 3 the 4+
Magic-user rolls 3d6. Only a single roll of 4+ is required to successfully
cast the spell.
The magic missiles spell gives the Magic-user the capacity to shoot during
the Shooting Phase. At level 1 the character gains a Shooting value of 1/1,
at level 2 the Shooting value becomes 2/2, and at level 3 the Shooting n/a
value becomes 3/3. Magic-users who use magic missiles in the Shooting
Phase may not cast a different spell in the Action Phase of the same turn.

Building an Army

Magic-users with the prophesy spell, roll a number of d6 prophecy dice

after rolling for Mishaps at the beginning of the game. The prophecy dice
should be kept to one side. At any point later in the game the player may
replace any die roll (by either player) with one of their prophecy dice.
Prophesy Each prophecy die may only be used once and may not be further altered. n/a
At level 1 the Magic-user rolls 1 prophesy die, at level 2 the Magic-user
rolls 2 prophecy dice, and at level 3 the Magic-user rolls 3 prophecy dice.
Prophecy dice may not be used if the Magic-user responsible is on a flank
march, has fled the table, or has been killed.

Successfully casting the summon spell adds 1 summoning point to the
Magic-user’s personal summoning pool. The summoning pool may
accrue over multiple turns. Once enough summoning points have been
generated to pay the cost of an entire unit (1-4 companies), the unit is
placed on the table within 2bw of the Magic-user. A summoned unit

Summon may not conduct an action in same turn it is summoned. However, if 3+
the freshly summoned unit is placed with its front base edge in contact
with an enemy, the summoned unit counts as charging. At level 1, each
point in the summoning pool is worth 10 points towards the cost of the
summoned unit; at level 2, each summoning point is worth 20 points;
and at level 3, each summoning point is worth 30 points.


Greek hoplites and slingers (10mm miniatures from Magister Militum)

Captain (0-3 per 500 points)


Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts

Captain 1 4 1 -/- 5+ - 25
An army may include up to three Captains for every 500 points of the army budget or part thereof.
Captains have a command range of 2bw and roll 1d6 when attempting to rally units in the Action Phase.

Rogue (0-1 per army)

Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Rogue 1 4 1 -/- 6+ - 25
Any army may include a single Rogue. Rogues may command a unit they are attached to. Rogues cannot
be shot at if they are within 2bw of any terrain feature or unit. A Rogue fighting against any enemy
character in single combat always rolls three melee dice, choosing their preferred result. When attached
to a company which fights a melee against a unit with an attached Warlord, Captain or Magic-user, the
company gains a +3 modifier to their roll to kill the character.

Building an Army
Unattached and attached characters Character-companies
Characters may move freely around the battlefield Some players may choose to field armies which
as individuals. When moving as individuals, require characters to appear on the battlefield
they are referred to as ‘unattached’. Unattached in the guise of fully customised companies (see
characters are treated as very small units with below). Examples of such character-companies
no flanks or rear who may move and see in all might include a dragon matriarch, giant king,
directions. Unattached characters my pass through daemon lord or the avatar of a powerful god. In
(and be passed through by) unengaged friendly these instances, the player should customise an
companies. Unattached characters always ignore appropriate company and assign it the Character
movement and melee modifiers caused by terrain trait.
features and may never be targeted by shooting at

long range. Character-companies may function as the army’s
Warlord (or Mage-lord), or as Captains or Magic-
All characters may choose to attach to a unit users.
by moving into base contact with a company.

When attached to a company, the character adds A character-company cannot be a Rogue, nor
their Resolve and Melee factors to the company, should the rules be used to represent human-sized
effectively bolstering the unit’s capacity. An characters riding monsters or otherwise attached
attached character always moves at the rate of their to companies which could continue to function
unit – if they require a mount to keep up, it is independently following the death of the character
assumed they commandeer one from one of their - these would be better represented by a regular
warriors, or ride pillion. A Warlord or Captain’s character attaching to the company in question
command range extends from the edge of any with, or without, the passenger trait.
company to which they are attached, even if that e
company is part of a larger unit. Character-companies add the usual points cost
of the character to the cost of the company and
If a character is attached to a unit, they must either increase the company’s Resolve and Melee factors as
carry out the same action as the unit, or the unit though the character was attached (i.e. a character-
remains stationary and waits while the character company Warlord would add +2 Resolve and +2
carries out their action. The only exception to this Melee to its profile). There is no need to roll to
are characters attached to unengaged units with check whether the character has been killed after
the passenger trait who may rally or cast a spell suffering Resolve loss during the Shooting and
while their host unit carries out an action of their Melee Phases, the character-company can only
own (except when charging or reacting to being be killed by reducing its total Resolve to 0. For
charged). command range and action purposes it functions
like a company with an attached character.

A character may choose to leave a unit during

any Action Phase by moving away from it (or
remaining stationary while the unit moves away).
The building block of the army is the company.
Note that when a character leaves a unit, they Each company is recruited from one of seven
remove their Resolve bonus from the unit which base profiles and can be allocated up to three
may result in the unit becoming impetuous or even distinguishing traits. Armies may also be given an

additional blanket trait known as a racial trope (see

It is possible for a character to detach from one
company and attach to another in a single Action
Phase if they have enough movement to do so. Design note
However, as a character may only carry out a single When customising companies, players should
action, any unit they attach to will not be able to consider the names of companies as guidelines to
carry out further actions this turn. their use, but in reality, it is the game mechanisms
that matter more than terminology; i.e. rather than
Elite, Formed, or Irregular companies, they might
well be considered base profiles A, B, or C etc.

Building an Army
Elite company
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Elite company 5 2 4 -/- 5+ ≤3 + racial trope 36
Elite companies are well trained and/or disciplined and represent the best prepared warriors available to
any Warlord. Depending on their traits, they might represent anything from the armoured knights of a
king’s bodyguard, to doughty hearthguards, or half-orcs bred and trained with only war in mind.

Formed company
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
4 2 3 -/- 5+ ≤3 + racial trope 30

Formed company
Formed companies are intended to epitomise all units of warriors who operated in a solid body, whether
they present in neat ranks or as an unruly mob, mounted or on foot, and irrespective of armament. They
could be used to represent ogre mercenaries, human halberdiers, elven archers, a dwarvern shieldwall or
halfling militia depending on the allocation of traits.

Irregular company
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Irregular company 3 3 3 1/- 4+ ≤3 + racial trope 22
Irregular companies represent groups of tribal, ill-disciplined or unruly warriors who sacrifice group
cohesion for speed. Their inherent short-range shooting capacity may indicate the use of throwing
weapons, a scattering of other missile weapons, or the willingness of individual warriors to break ranks
and dash forward to attack nearby enemy formations single-handedly. Irregular companies could represent
anything from scouts, wild beastmen, or goblins, to pirates or highlanders.

Fantastic beast
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Fantastic beast 5 3 4 -/- 4+ ≤3 + racial trope 31
Covering anything from a gryphon or cockatrice, to a giant or hulking automaton, Fantastic beasts usually
represent a single large creature.

Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
6 4 4 -/- 5+ ≤3 + racial trope 42

Dragons are among the largest creatures found across any land. They have high Resolve and the ability
to move swiftly, while protected by a thick or scaly hide. A Dragon might represent a flying fire-drake,
slithering lindwyrm or poison-belching wyvern.

Ordnance battery
Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts

Ordnance Battery 3 1 1 -/2 4+ ≤3 + racial trope 21

Ordnance represents one or more unwieldy long-range weapons, intended to be customised with traits
into different pieces of artillery ranging from ballistae and catapults, to cannons or multi-barrelled organ

Character/Company Res Mov Mel Sht Def Traits Pts
Vehicle 5 4 3 -/- 5+ ≤3 + racial trope 36
Vehicles are the basis for all manner of warlike contraptions from chariots and battle wagons, to steam-
powered tanks or air-ships.

Building an Army

Company Traits
and Racial Tropes
The army building process is designed to be
as flexible as possible to allow players to create
companies of troops to match any fantasy setting.
Each company may be given up to three unique
traits from the list below; a company may only take
each trait once; you cannot stack the same trait
multiple times on a single unit. Some traits may
not be combined, either because they contradict

each other (such as reliable and unreliable) or
because they duplicate elements of the same
mechanic (such as expendable and swarm). Where
conflicts exist, these are noted as incompatible


An army may also apply a racial trope. The racial

trope is a single trait which applies to all companies
(not characters) of that race in the army; i.e. ‘all
dwarves are doughty’, ‘goblins are notoriously
unreliable’, or ‘all undead are mindless’. The trope’s
point modifier still applies to the company cost,
but the racial trope is applied in addition to the Norse dwarves (28mm miniatures from Macrocosm)
0-3 traits normally permitted to modify a unit. In

companies must belong to the named race.

order to use racial tropes, at least 50% of an army’s

For example, if a player with a goblin army decides Design note

that all goblins are unreliable. Any goblin unit in As with the base company profiles, the names and
the army must apply the unreliable trait and may descriptions of traits are guidelines on how they
choose to allocate up to three further traits to might be modelled. If players find that a profile or
each unit. However, if the army is supported by rule mechanism is appropriate for an alternative
companies of a different race – trolls, for example, situation, they may apply it to their company so
could still be given up to three traits but would not long as they are able to explain their reasoning to
receive the unreliable trait in addition. their opponent.

Trait Description Adjustments

Amphibious units are at home in the water. They treat all water
features and watery rough terrain as open terrain for movement,

Amphibious Pts +2
melee and shooting purposes.
Incompatible traits: none
Units with the artillery trait extend the long range of their shooting
capacity to 10bw. It could be used for heavier weapons like
bombards, ballistae or torsion catapults with a low trajectory, whether
fixed in a static frame or mounted on a more mobile platform.
Artillery Artillery may choose to target any eligible target rather than always Pts +15
shooting the nearest unit. If a unit of artillery becomes impetuous,
they will remain stationary – defaulting to the ‘Let’s not be too
hasty…’ result rather than rolling for impetuous actions.
Incompatible traits: artillery (indirect), shieldwall


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