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THE WWII IN EUROPE IN A FEW Munich, where they agreed that Hitler

WORDS could annex certain parts of

Czechoslovakia, but he couldn’t invade
anything else.
With the signing of the Treaty of Versailles
Obviously, Hitler did not respect the
Germany was left in a critical situation
agreement, invading all of Czechoslovakia
losing much of its territory and paying a
which, for some reason, did not get an
large debt.
international reaction.
Also, Italy and Japan, countries of the
Subsequently, British politician Winston
victorious side, were “betrayed” since they
Churchill state: “We were given a choice
were not given any benefit despite having
between dishonor and war, we chose
helped in the war.
dishonor, now we will have dishonor and
That generated discontent in the war”.
population of these countries, which
In 1939, Germany and its biggest
allowed political figures with fascist and
ideological rival, the Soviet Union, reached
nationalist ideology such as Benito
a non-aggression agreement, surprising and
Mussolini, who came to power in 1922.
horrifying the entire world.
That served as an inspiration to a cunning,
Months later, the Nazis and Soviets jointly
frustrated, young Austrian painter who
invaded Poland, initiating the bloodiest
wanted to take his nation high again.
conflict in history, World War II.
His name was Adolf Hitler.
Germany and the Soviet Union invade
Poland. Germany uses a new war tactic
based on the violent, rapid, and intense
action that conquers Poland in a matter of
For this tactic, a fast, resistant, and
destructive tanks and planes were needed,
and a quick and surprise attack towards the
After a failed coup, he, and the National They called it lighting war or “Blitzkrieg”.
Socialist Party (NAZI) came to power in
The invasion of Austria by Germany put
the world on alert.
In order not to start a war, British Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain met Hitler in
1940: Despite the good British defense, the Nazis
managed to bomb important cities, but the
After invading Poland, Germany invaded
force of the British people and the great
France, which was defended by British
performance of the RAF (Royal Air Force),
expeditionary forces.
managed to stop the bombardments of the
Using Blitzkrieg and pervitin (a drug the Luftwaffe and protect England, without
Germans used to withstand fatigue) the major damage to their cities and without
Germans destroyed the Maginot line and great human losses.
took France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and
Subsequently, British Prime Minister
Netherlands in 46 days. Italy also
Winston Churchill said: “Never before in
supported by invading France from the
the history of human conflict, so many
Alps, entering the Second World War.
owed so much to so few” (referring to the
Another important event was the flight of RAF).
the British troops in Dunkirk, where thanks
to the help of British civilians who
supported the naval, it was possible to save
400,000 soldiers, even though the British
government believed that they could only
save 45,000. It was a miracle.
France surrendered, and the survivors of
the French army formed a government in
Vichy, although it would only be a puppet 1941:
state at the service of the axis. Germany and Italy invade Greece and the
Later, Germany invades Norway, Balkans.
Denmark, and North Africa. Meeting weak On June 22, Germany began Operation
resistance from those countries and the Barbarossa, in which they attacked the
British forces that went to help, occupying Soviet Union by surprise, opening the
them in a matter of months. eastern front and starting (In my opinion)
After, Germany started Operation Day of the Second World War.
the Eagle, a bombing campaign towards Germany invades the territory of the USSR,
England, which could not cause great initiating the battle of Moscow and the siege
damage due to the British defense based on of Leningrad, which lasted 2 years.
radar and a rapid deployment of the
beautiful, fast, efficient, modern British December 7, Japan unreasonably attacks
Supermarine Spitfire aircraft, which made the United States base at Pearl Harbor,
pieces of the Luftwaffe. Hawaii.
The United States enters in the WWII.
The Japanese admiral, Isoroku Yamamoto
after the attack said: “I fear that all we have
done is wake up a sleeping giant and fill it
with a terrible conviction”.
Four days later, Hitler declares war against although the city was an important enclave
America. of the Volga River and served to supply the
USSR, it was not such a priority since taking
control further south, they would control
The United Kingdom deals a severe blow the Caucasus. It was a personal battle
to the Axis in North Africa, yet they were against Stalin and only that), and bloody
stalled by the incredible, effective, battle in history.
destructive, resistant German strategy led
For 200 days Germany and the Soviet
by the smart, capable, veteran German
Union fought, destroying the city, and
general Erwin Rommel, the desert fox,
killing 2,279,152 people. It was an
commander of the Afrika Korps. (One of
exhausting and useless carnage.
my favorite historical characters and an idol
for me). Thanks to the resistance of the Soviet
people, and the incredible Russian war
machine, Germany was humiliated since
they lost the 6th army and the 4th Panzer

Meanwhile on the eastern front came

winter, which, thanks to the scorched earth Although it was all thanks to the fact that
campaign (Destroy lands and supplies so Hitler did not want to retire to avoid the
that the enemy cannot use them), and the humiliation, and for that he promoted the
cold Russian climate, the Germans were army commander to field marshal since no
forced to go south to the Caspian Sea, to German marshal had surrendered in
resupply, and incidentally take control of history.
the oil and natural gas posts in the area. It is ironic that the humiliation of
Starting the Caucasus campaign. withdrawal was avoided at the cost of the
While the Nazis were looking at the map of humiliation of surrender.
Russia, they saw a city called Stalingrad. The Nazi army never recovered from that
Hitler knew that taking it would mean an blow and the rest of the campaign in the
insurmountable blow to the morale of the East consisted in the advance of the Soviet
USSR, but above all a direct blow to Stalin, troops towards the west.
so he decided to divide his army in two and While in the Pacific, the United States
invade Stalingrad. destroyed the Japanese army in the battle of
And so began the most violent, useless Midway.
(tactically and politically speaking since That was the turning point of the war.
The slogan: “Summer 1942: The axis is The allies invaded Italy forcing Benito to
invincible, Winter 1942: The axis is flee to Milan.
defeated. It became popular among allied
Despite the success of the invasion, the
Germans ha sent troops to support the
1943: Italians. That, together with the natural
obstacle that the Alps represented, made
The United States comes to Africa.
the allies look for another way to invade
They unite and together with the British Europe.
they fight against the German resistance.
Meanwhile on the eastern front the Battle
The Nazis manage to win some battles, but of the Kursk was fought, the biggest tank’s
Erwin Rommel falls sick and is forced to battle in history, in which the Soviets won
return to Germany. and continued their advance westward.

After a few weeks, the allies managed to 1944: (The good is coming)
expel the Germans, French and Italians
The allies prepare an invasion from
from Africa.
England to regain France with the support
Soon after, the Americans and British of the resistance.
attack Sicily, capturing it after a long battle.
While Germany prepares a defense to
Although a pleasant surprise was that the
prevent the allies from reaching France.
Sicilian civilians welcomed the allies to
applause as they were finally released from They called their defense “The Atlantic
the Benito regime. Wall” and it was led by the recovered
Grand Marshal Erwin Rommel.
An interesting chapter in this battle was
when General George Smith Patton, while To mislead the Germans, the Allies began
handing out medals to wounded soldiers in Operation Fortitude, in which they used
a field hospital, slapped a soldier suffering fake vehicles to mislead the Germans and
from post-traumatic stress syndrome calling invade from Normandy instead of Calais.
him a coward. Even though he was one of
German intelligence knew that the reports
the best generals in the United States at that
presented by the Luftwaffe were
time the leader of the troops was demoted
questionable, but the Allies used an
and punished.
intelligent strategy to dispel all doubts. They
put old Patton in command of the fake
army, which convinced Adolf that they
would try to invade there. And what did
their military do then? The same as in
Stalingrad, simply flattering her
“intelligence” for fear of ending up in
prison or worse.
June 5, Operation Overlord is launched.
June 6, the Allies arrive in Normandy.
D-Day starts.
They continued advancing towards
Germany until they reached Belgium,
where the Battle of the Ardennes began, the
last great German offensive of the war.

After an intense battle on the beaches, the

allies take the fortress and begin their
offensive to take France.
On July 20, a group of soldiers tries to
The allies led by the great General Patton
assassinate Hitler, they fail and are
won the battle and crossed the forest.
Why is this important?
From this point on, the western a allies
Erwin Rommel was in contact with one of
continued to take Germany, but reduced
the soldiers shortly before the attack, so he
their attack and on the one hand the USSR
was suspected of being part of the
were unstoppable in the east and on the
conspiracy (although there was no evidence
other hand they had to continue the war
of this since according to his wife, he said it
against Japan in the Pacific.
was pointless to kill him and turn him into
a martyr he had to be arrested and tried for The last Allied highlight was the bombing
his crimes). of Dresden, a war crime that killed 25,000
innocent civilians. The city did not have
He was given the option to go to trial and
important factories nor a great number of
lose his status, go down in history as a traitor
militaries in her and the few tactical targets
and have his family taken to a concentration
that were in the city were not bombed.
camp or commit suicide.
Although as expected, the Nazis multiplied
He chose the suicide and later he would
by 10 the number of deaths to make
receive a funeral for a hero and a day of
national mourning was declared in his
honor. This chapter shows us that there is no black
and white, only gray.
Weeks later the allies together with the
resistance liberated Paris.
The Soviets continued their advance until
they reached Berlin, initiating the siege of Made by the Captain
the city.
Shinji Hirako.

Meanwhile, Benito was captured in the

Alps, being assassinated by the partisans
and his corpse was desecrated by the
Italians who got their revenge for everything
that he and the fascists did for years.
This prompted Adolf, along with other
high-ranking officials to commit suicide so
as not to accept the consequences of their
crimes and so that the peoples they had
damaged so much would do justice.
Germany surrendered, the surviving
officers were captured and tried later in

The survivors of the concentration camps

were freed and with the defeat of Japan the
war ended, demonstrating that no matter
what the cost, justice and good will always
Thank you for reading this chronicle about
the second world war in Europe.

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