An Unexpected Life

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r Orcxceicd ijc

no |eDorud

ChapLer Cne
CluLchlna Lhe crumpled plece of paper LhaL senL her llfe lnLo a Lallspln several monLhs aao
Lmllv MacallsLer walLed anxlouslv Lo be called Lo Lhe nexL avallable cusLoms aaenL She looked
down aL Lhe one word noLe LhaL she held onLo wlLh her passporL She knew she was maklna Lhe
besL declslon buL she was sLlll nervous
She saw Lhe nexL avallable offlcer moLlon for her Lo come Lo hls posL She handed hlm
her passporL and aave Lhe handsome aaenL a smlle She hoped her cuLe dlmples would make
Lhe process of cusLoms qulck and easv Pe looked aL her paperwork and lnsLanLlv knew Lo
speak Lo her ln Lnallsh Welcome Lo Spaln Are vou here on buslness or pleasure?" Pe asked
l am here Lo work as a Leacher" She explalned and nervouslv added LhaL plcLure ls
abouL a vear old l have aalned a couple of pounds slnce lL was Laken" She sald feellna aullLv
wlLh herself for aalnlna Lhe welahL She used Lo be a slze 12 buL slnce her Lerrlble break up she
was now lnLo a slze 14 noL LhaL 14 was LhaL larae buL llvlna ln LA her whole llfe where
evervone was a slze 0 she mlahL as well have been Lhe laraesL woman Lhere or aL leasL LhaL's
how lL felL someLlmes
Pow lona wlll vou be ln our counLrv?" he asked
l have a conLracL and vlsa Lo work here for a vear" She replled
Lmllv hoped she would be maklna a permanenL move wheLher lL was Lo Spaln for a vear
or a llfe Llme She wanLed Lo be anvwhere buL Callfornla rlahL now She looked down aL Lhe
noLe aaaln Whenever she had doubLed her declslon Lo leave her home Lo sLarL a new llfe ln a
new counLrv she would look aL lL and knew Lhls would be Lhe besL place for her now
?our paperwork ls ln order Cood luck wlLh vour Leachlna [ob" 1he offlcer sald
1hank vou" Lmllv smlled wlLh rellef LhaL cusLoms was swlfL and slmple She Look her
passporL and collecLed her belonalnas She walked ouL lnLo Lhe alrporL Lo meeL Lhe woman who
would be plcklna her up As she looked around she Look her lona chocolaLe brown halr ouL of
her ponvLall and ad[usLed her crlsp whlLe blouse and black sklrL Lo appear somewhaL
presenLable Per black heels were plnchlna her feeL sllahLlv buL she llked Lhe added 3 lnches Lo
her 3'6 helahL
Per dark blue eves darLed qulcklv over Lhe crowds of people around Lhe alrporL She
searched Lhe crowd and flnallv saw a woman holdlna a slan wlLh her name ln bla bold leLLers
Lmllv walked over Lo Lhe woman and smlled Pl l am Lmllv MacallsLer"
Welcome Lo Malaaa" sald Lhe woman l am Marla CorLez Alonso" l am uocLora
CasLlllo's asslsLanL" she conLlnued ln a Lhlck accenL buL she spoke clear Lnallsh
Lmllv knew Spanlsh and could hold a conversaLlon well and even felL comforLable
enouah Lo declde Lo move Lo a counLrv where lL was Lhe prlmarv lanauaae buL she felL heslLanL
abouL lL aL LhaL momenL Should she answer ln Spanlsh or [usL ao wlLh Lnallsh slnce LhaL was
whaL Marla was speaklna?
Calmlna her nerves a blL she chose Lnallsh She had plenLv of Llme Lo pracLlce her
Spanlsh once she seLLled ln So nlce Lo meeL vou l am looklna forward Lo seelna uocLora
CasLlllo aaaln" She sald confldenLlv
1he one Lhlna Lmllv never lacked was confldence She mav noL be Lhe mosL beauLlful
woman on Lhe planeL phvslcallv veL she never felL ualv and she alwavs felL comforLable wlLh
whom she was as a person She knew she was lnLelllaenL hardworklna and carlna and Lo her
Lhose quallLles made someone more beauLlful Lhan anv Lop model Lo arace a cover of a
maaazlne l also wanLed Lo Lhank vou for leLLlna me sLav wlLh vou unLll l can flnd a place on
mv own"
lL's mv pleasure l'm happv vou wlll be sLavlna wlLh me Pere's mv car" sald Marla
polnLlna Lo a small red vehlcle l can Lell vou all abouL Lhe school and vour upcomlna sLudenLs
on Lhe drlve back Lo ner[a buL l would love Lo hear more abouL vou
l sLarLed Leachlna slx vears aao and fell ln love wlLh Lhe professlon l recenLlv flnlshed
mv masLer's proaram aL uCLA whlle l was worklna aL Lhe elemenLarv school l used Lo Leach 3

arade before l declded Lo move here" Lmllv Lold Marla
l heard vou were named 1eocbet of tbe )eot aL vour lasL school" Marla sald exclLedlv
Lmllv blushed ?es l dld lasL vear l was so surprlsed lL was such an honor" She sald
lrom whaL l hear vou have earned lL uocLora CasLlllo onlv hlres Lhe mosL ellLe and
lnLelllaenL Leachers from around Lhe world" Marla noLed
Lmllv smlled aL Lhe compllmenL
So Lell me Lmllv ls vour famllv sLlll back ln LA?" Marla lnqulred
noL reallv mv faLher moved Lo Colorado four vears aao when mv moLher passed awav
and l'm noL reallv close wlLh anv of Lhe exLended famllv LhaL ls Lhere"
l'm sorrv Lo hear abouL vour moLher 1haL musL have been dlfflculL WhaL made vou
declde Lo move all Lhe wav here?"
Lmllv LhouahL abouL LhaL quesLlon and how besL Lo answer Marla She dldn'L feel llke
aeLLlna lnLo Lhe real reason she had declded Lo move Lo a new counLrv so she Lrled Lo Lhlnk of
an answer LhaL would noL push furLher quesLlons
She had noL made Lhe declslon llahLlv AfLer her personal llfe fell aparL she researched
several places Lo ao and evenLuallv seLLled on ner[a a small clLv ouLslde of Malaaa Spaln lL
seemed Lo be a perfecL flL l wanLed Lo make a chanae and mavbe have a new advenLure ln mv
llfe" she beaan and of course Lhe school was a aood maLch"
uocLora CasLlllo had Lold me she Lhlnks vou wlll be qulLe an asseL Lo her school" Marla
smlled warmlv as she spoke
8efore Lmllv was hlred she had several phone lnLervlews and one faceLoface wlLh Lhe
PeadmlsLress uocLora Llena Carcla CasLlllo who happened Lo be ln LA for a conference She
was hoplna Lo ao Lo an Amerlcan school where she knew she would fare beLLer belna able Lo
speak Lnallsh reaularlv buL uocLora CasLlllo assured her LhaL her Spanlsh was adequaLe for her
school and wanLed Lhe sLudenLs Lhere Lo learn Lnallsh from an Amerlcan l'm Lhrllled she
chose me" Lmllv sald
La Lscula ner[a ls a verv small prlvaLe school" Marla explalned 1he ma[orlLv of
sLudenLs come from exLremelv wealLhv famllles and some even llve ln Lhe dorm we have on
campus slnce Lhelr parenLs are alwavs dolna buslness ln oLher clLles uld vou know abouL Lhe
l read abouL lL onllne and uocLora CasLlllo menLloned lL durlna Lhe lnLervlew" Lmllv
sald She also Lold me mosL of Lhe sLudenL's are alreadv falrlv fluenL ln Lnallsh slnce Lhev all
Lravel qulLe a blL"
?es mosL of Lhem have alreadv Lraveled Lo several counLrles and know several
lanauaaes" Marla answered
Lmllv llked Lhe ldea LhaL she was worklna wlLh an ellLe aroup of sLudenLs and was
exclLed Lo sLarL her new advenLure wlLh Lhese brllllanL chlldren
LeL me Lell vou a llLLle abouL vour sLudenLs ?ou are Leachlna Lhe vounaer chlldren aaes
3 Lo 8 1hev are so sweeL and eaaer Lo learn ?ou wlll love all of Lhem" Marla explalned ?ou
wlll have Len Lo Lwelve klds ln a class aL a Llme and Leach four secLlons"
1en Lo Lwelve klds a class and onlv four classes? Lmllv LhouahL Lhls was a dream She
was worklna as a full Llme Leacher and aeLLlna pald more Lhan she would ln Lhe sLaLes
LvervLhlna seemed Lo be falllna lnLo place aL Lhls momenL ln her llfe she felL Lhe opporLunlLles
were open and endless She had a brlahL career ln fronL of her dolna work she Lrulv loved and
LhouahL how exclLlna llfe for Lhe nexL few vears was aolna Lo be AL Lhls momenL she had no
ldea whaL was abouL Lo happen Lo chanae Lhe course of evervLhlna ln Lhe nexL few monLhs
Lmllv and Marla drove and spoke abouL Lhe school and Lhe new clLv Lmllv would call
home She learned a areaL deal from Marla on LhaL rlde and was araLeful LhaL she had an
opporLunlLv Lo aeL Lo know her a llLLle beLLer slnce she would be llvlna wlLh her unLll she aoL her
aparLmenL plcked ouL She had Lrled Lo seL evervLhlna up before she lefL buL Lhlnas had fallen
Lhrouah wlLh Lhe orlalnal place she chose and dld noL have Llme Lo flnd someLhlna before she
aoL Lhere uocLora CasLlllo had arranaed for her Lo sLav wlLh Marla for Lhe few weeks unLll she
aoL seLLled Lmllv was a llLLle relucLanL Movlna ln wlLh a sLranaer seemed a blL scarv buL
reallzlna lL was LhaL or spend a forLune ln a local hoLel she reallzed LhaL was her besL opLlon for
now And Marla and Lmllv were close ln aae Lmllv was 28 and Marla was 31 8oLh women
were slnale and Marla seemed Lo be a klnd person wlLh plenLv of useful lnformaLlon All of Lhls
comforLed Lmllv
lurLher lnLo Lhe drlve Marla swlLched Loplcs from work Lo personal llfe She Lold Lmllv
she had been marrled before buL Lhe marrlaae had noL worked ouL Mavbe we can ao ouL and
flnd some sexv new men for us l am happllv searchlna for ,t klobt aaaln or aL leasL for ,t
klobt oow" Marla [oked
Lmllv lauahed as she LhouahL of Lhe noLe she had Lucked safelv back ln her purse A
damaaed relaLlonshlp was Lhe reason she needed Lhe chanae of llvlna venue She needed a
counLrv and ocean Lo separaLe her from Lhe man who broke her hearL

Chapter Two

As Lhev conLlnued Lhe drlve Lmllv waLched Lhe surroundlnas pass bv as her mlnd drlfLed back
Lo Lhe Llme when Lhev meL lL was a dlnner parLv aL a muLual frlend's house
Lmllv had known Palev from colleae and had become close wlLh her and her husband
Mark over Lhe vears Cne evenlna earlv !anuarv Llme Mark had suaaesLed Lo Lmllv and Palev
LhaL he lnLroduce her Lo hls chlldhood frlend llnn Zubak who had [usL moved Lo Callfornla
from Chlo Palev suaaesLed Lhev have a small dlnner parLv wlLh a few couples and lnvlLe Lmllv
and llnn
Lmllv was eaaer Lo meeL hlm Cver Lhe pasL vear Mark had Lold Lmllv more and more
abouL whaL an amazlna person hls oldesL frlend was Pe had alven llnn Lmllv's phone number
a few weeks before Lhe dlnner parLv and Lhev had spoken everv dav unLll Lhev flnallv meL
Lmllv was amazed aL Lhe lnsLanL connecLlon she had wlLh llnn She was noL easllv as open wlLh
anvone leL alone a sLranaer as she had been ln Lhe flrsL few conversaLlons wlLh hlm Per pasL
relaLlonshlps ended mosLlv because she had been so closed off and seemlnalv noL lnLo Lhe
person buL so far Lhls was noL Lhe case wlLh llnn and Lhev were noL even a relaLlonshlp veL
1hev had so much ln common Slmllar core values sLrona eLhlcal and moral bellefs and Lmllv
LhouahL Lhev were on Lhe same paae as Lo where Lhev boLh wanLed Lo be ln Lhe fuLure 1haL
connecLlon arew even more lnLense when Lhev flnallv meL
llnn Zubak was a Lall man aL 6'2 and an [usL sllahLlv overwelahL Lmllv loved hls llahL
brown halr and deep dark brown eves and found he had Lhe mosL lnvlLlna smlle and klnd
presence abouL hlm ln [usL a few shorL weeks she was convlnced she had meL Lhe man she
would one dav marrv and have chlldren wlLh
AfLer Lhe successful dlnner parLv Lhe new couple wenL ouL LoaeLher almosL everv slnale
nlahL and when Lhev couldn'L ao ouL Lhev would be Lalklna or LexLlna LhrouahouL Lhe dav 1hev
were able Lo Lalk abouL evervLhlna from Lhelr careers he had [usL been hlred as a head flnanclal
analvsL for a larae companv Lo Lhelr famllles 8oLh were onlv chlldren whlch led Lhem Lo
dlscusslons on how Lhev felL Lhev each wanLed aL leasL 2 klds so Lhev could have a slbllna Lo
1hev were from Lhe same rellalous backaround and felL comforLable wlLh everv aspecL
of each oLher's llfe llnn LhouahL Lmllv was an amazlna Leacher and dedlcaLed Lo her crafL and
was happv Lo supporL her emoLlonallv as she worked Llrelesslv durlna Lhe dav and pursued her
MasLer's uearee aL nlahL 1hev had exLremelv busv schedules and aL Llmes Lhev could noL see
each oLher for a few davs ln a row buL alwavs manaaed a aoodnlahL chaL AfLer a vear and half
of daLlna Lhev dlscussed movlna ln LoaeLher Lmllv LhouahL llnn mav be aeLLlna closer and
closer Lo asklna her Lo marrv hlm She had never brouahL lL up she had fear of soundlna Loo
pushv She never undersLood women who would push a man llaurlna he would ask when he
was readv 1hev had Lalked abouL Lhe fuLure as lf LhaL was Lhe dlrecLlon Lhev were headed so
Lmllv had no reason Lo belleve oLherwlse
AfLer belna a couple for over Lwo vears and llvlna LoaeLher for a whlle frlends from boLh
sldes were consLanLlv asklna Lhem when Lhev would flnallv make Lhe announcemenL Lmllv
alwavs felL awkward when someone asked Lhem even lf Lhev were [usL [oklna around 1he
LruLh was she herself was sLarLlna Lo wonder Lhe same Lhlna 1hlnas were areaL wlLh Lhem
1hev had areaL careers Lhev llved ln a nlce home Lhev were renLlna ln a relaLlvelv up
and comlna nelahborhood Lhev had areaL frlends and Lhev were ln love Lmllv was proud LhaL
Lhe besL parL of Lhelr relaLlonshlp was Lhev were acLuallv besL frlends above all else 1hev
acLuallv communlcaLed abouL evervLhlna and rarelv even araued When Lhev dld lL was over
llLLle Lhlnas such as who lefL Lhe llahL on ln Lhe klLchen or who Lurn lL was Lo empLv Lhe
dlshwasher 1helr llfe was seemlnalv perfecL
Cne evenlna afLer a 88C wlLh frlends Lmllv approached Lhe sub[ecL of marrlaae She
Lreaded llahLlv over Lhe sub[ecL She wasn'L sure whv she was nervous 1hls was a normal
quesLlon she raLlonallzed Lo herself Pe had Lo be Lhlnklna abouL lL hlmself she LhouahL
Whenever a frlend would ask she would Lrv Lo aaae hls reacLlon buL Lhe usual smlle and nod
was hls onlv response never savlna soon" or vou mav be surprlsed ln Lhe near fuLure" [usL a
pollLe smlle and nod Lmllv knew he was a verv prlvaLe person and lf he was plannlna on
asklna lL would be verv personal noL a bla publlc producLlon She llked LhaL abouL hlm buL she
dld wanL Lo have an ldea lf lL mav be sooner or laLer
Cne nlahL she aoL lnLo bed nexL Lo hlm and asked lf he could puL hls book down Lo Lalk
for a mlnuLe
Sure whaL's up?" he asked seLLlna Lhe book on Lhe nlahL Lable
Lmllv Look a deep breaLh Lhls was a llLLle more lnLlmldaLlna Lhan she expecLed l uh l
[usL wanLed Lo Lalk" she sLammered She closed her eves Look anoLher deep breaLh and
sLarLed aaaln ?ou can do Lhls Lmllv she LhouahL Lo herself ?ou love Lhls man he loves vou
?ou have been LoaeLher close Lo Lhree vears so Lhls ls a naLural conversaLlon Mavbe he [usL
needs Lo
know vou wanL Lo aeL marrled Lmllv reallzed she never reallv had volced LhaL marrlaae was
whaL she wanLed she [usL flaured lL was Lhe Lvplcal nexL sLep ln such a relaLlonshlp
Lmllv?" llnn lnLerrupLed her LhouahLs
Lmllv reallzed she had been slLLlna Lhere wlLh her eves closed and Lhlnklna a llLLle lonaer
Lhan she meanL Lo Ck here lL aoes l auess l was wonderlna whaL vour LhouahLs abouL
marrlaae are? We have been LoaeLher qulLe a lona Llme now and well lL would appear Lo be
Lhe nexL loalcal sLep rlahL? We have Lalked abouL klds and l LhouahL well l presumed we would
be marrled when we declded Lo have Lhese chlldren"
llnn rubbed hls Lemples and slahed Well ves of course l wanL Lo be marrled before l
have klds" Pe looked aL her as lf she had [usL asked hlm Lo alve blrLh Lo Lhelr fuLure bables A
look of how could vou ask such sLupld quesLlon" was across wrlLLen all over hls face
Lmllv was confused bv hls reacLlon lL was almosL as lf Lhev had Lhls conversaLlon on a reaular
basls and he was lrrlLaLed she would approach Lhe sub[ecL aaaln We had never Lalked abouL lL
before l don'L wanL Lo sLep on vour Loes or anvLhlna buL l'm curlous on whaL vou LhouahLs
are" she sald qulcklv her volce a llLLle hlaher Lhan she would have llked
l wanL Lo aeL marrled Lmllv l [usL have Lo flaure ouL when LhaL Llme ls rlahL 1hlnas are
sLressful wlLh Lhe companv Work ls Laklna a Loll on me and lL's reallv Lhe lasL Lhlna on mv mlnd
rlahL now lL's laLe l need Lo be ln earlv Lomorrow so l hope LhaL answers vour quesLlon for
now" he sald blaLanLlv and leaned over Lo alve her a klss on her cheek CoodnlahL"
Lmllv's [aw dropped as he Lurned over and Lucked hlmself deep under Lhe covers nC! 1haL
cerLalnlv dld nC1 answer her quesLlon buL she felL Loo sucker punched" Lo even uLLer Lhose
words She shook her head ln dlsbellef uld LhaL conversaLlon [usL Lake place? Lmllv knew hls
[ob was sLressful and Lhlnas were rouah buL Lhev boLh had secure [obs and were maklna decenL
monev Lo supporL Lhemselves Sure hls hours seemed Lo be laLer and laLer Lhe lasL few monLhs
buL Llmes were Louah evervwhere and he had assured her hls poslLlon was verv safe She
sLarLed Lo wonder lf mavbe Lhere was more Lo lL Lhan he was Lelllna her She LhouahL back Lo all
Lhelr work relaLed conversaLlons AL Llmes Lhev were lnLense Lalks because Lhlnas were dlfflculL
aL hls offlce buL she never aoL Lhe feellna he could lose hls [ob or anvLhlna alona Lhose llnes
uesplLe Lhe wav Lhe economv was aolna she knew hls poslLlon was noL aolna anvwhere so
whaL was he worrled abouL and how could lL be affecLlna Llmlna for hlm ln relaLlon Lo aeLLlna
Lmllv was clearlv noL aolna Lo aeL an answer LhaL nlahL She was noL happv abouL Lhe
wav Lhe Lalk had ended buL lnsLead of dwelllna on lL and over analvzlna she declded Lo leL lL ao
for now and Lrv Lo sleep
Cver Lhe nexL few weeks llnn seemed dlsLanL and spenL more Llme Lhan ever aL Lhe
Lmllv had conflded ln her besL frlend nlck abouL whaL had happened and he Lrled Lo
reassure her LhaL lL was [usL a bad momenL llnn had and LhaL he was probablv over Llred LhaL
nlahL Lmllv was noL convlnced She declded Lo ask Palev her LhouahLs on Lhe sub[ecL She
knew Palev and Mark had been hoplna for a whlle now Lhe Lwo would flnallv aeL marrled and
she wondered lf Mark and llnn had dlscussed lL never wanLlna Lo ask Palev lf Mark had
menLloned lL durlna plllow Lalk" for fear LhaL llnn would be mad aL her for asklna hls besL
frlend's wlfe Lo break a prlvaLe conversaLlon When she flnallv dld brlna lL up Lo Palev over a
lunch one afLernoon she aoL a worrled look from her
Cf course l have asked l [usL don'L know whaL Lo sav because llnn alwavs answers
Mark ln Lhe same manner he LreaLed vou lL's odd" Palev sLaLed
Cdd?" Lmllv quesLloned
Pe reacLs as lf lL's a Loplc vou Lwo dlscuss all Lhe Llme and vou and he are on Lhe same
paae wlLh Lhls" Palev blurLed ouL buL bv Lhe Lone ln her volce dldn'L sound llke she was
convlnced bv her own sLaLemenL
no we have never dlscussed Lhe acLual sub[ecL of marrlaae or a proposal or
enaaaemenL We Lalk abouL Lhe fuLure and lL seemed clear Lo me LhaL ls where we were
headed buL mavbe afLer Lwo and half vears l have mlsread Lhe man LhaL l LhouahL l was aolna Lo
marrv l mean mavbe he never wanLs Lo be marrled Mavbe he [usL wanLs Lo llve LoaeLher
forever and have klds buL noL make lL offlclal ?ou know whaL l have nC ldea whaL he wanLs
?ou would Lhlnk afLer all Lhls Llme l would have a sllahL clue buL no nope noLhlna no ldea"
Lmllv rambled on wlLh Lears sLarLlna Lo swell ln her eves l can mavbe llve wlLh Lhe [usL llvlna
LoaeLher ldea l auess buL l alwavs LhouahL l would have mv dream weddlna l mean everv llLLle
alrl dreams of Lhelr weddlna dav rlahL? 1he dress Lhe flowers Lhe" bv Lhls Llme Lmllv was ln
full blown Lears and could noL flnlsh her senLence
Ch Lm" Palev aoL up Lo hua her frlend l don'L know whaL Lo sav l can'L lmaalne he
doesn'L ever wanL Lo aeL marrled ?ou auvs ao Lo church LoaeLher and evervLhlna l doubL he
wanLs Lo [usL llve LoaeLher forever" she explalned loalcallv
Ch mv Cod!" crled Lmllv WhaL lf he doesn'L wanL Lo be wlLh me forever? WhaL lf l am
[usL Lhe alrl for now?"
Palev lauahed a llLLle aL Lhls Sorrv" she sald and alaaled aaaln Come on Lhe alrl for
now does noL sLav around for almosL Lhree vears"
Lmllv shook her head as she wlped awav Lhe Lears l don'L know l reallv have no ldea
whaL's aolna on ln hls head anvmore l wanL Lo ask hlm abouL lL buL l don'L wanL Lo brlna up Lhe
sub[ecL aaaln Pe has been so dlsLanL slnce our Lalk whlch wasn'L even a Lalk reallv"
l Lhlnk vou should Lalk Lo hlm abouL lL aaaln" Palev sald knowlnalv lL mav be Lense aL
flrsL buL vou need Lo know where he sLands Pe needs Lo know where vou sLand LhaL vou wanL
Lo be marrled lf vou don'L Lalk lL wlll become an lssue wlLh vou auvs and vou alwavs been able
Lo Lalk so easllv so mavbe lL reallv was [usL a bad nlahL and bad Llmlna
?eah vou're rlahL" aareed Lmllv l need Lo Lalk Lo hlm and flnd ouL whaL Lhe hell ls
aolna on l can'L ao on llke Lhls lndeflnlLelv l can walL for a proposal buL lf Lhere ls never aolna
Lo be one Lhen l deserve Lo know LhaL Loo l don'L Lhlnk l can [usL llve LoaeLher forever wlLhouL
belna marrled"
Well Lhen Lhere vou ao Co home LonlahL and slL hlm down and Lalk Lo hlm LeL hlm
know how vou reallv feel and l am sure lL wlll all work ouL ?ou Lwo are amazlna LoaeLher Pe
knows LhaL We all know LhaL ?ou are meanL Lo be LoaeLher and vou wlll be" Palev reassured
Lmllv felL a llLLle beLLer afLer Lhe lunch wlLh Palev She vowed Lo herself Lhen and Lhere
she would ao home and when llnn aoL ln from hlm monLhlv scheduled SaLurdav ln Lhe offlce
she would Lell hlm how she felL
She drove home and could feel Lhe anxleLv bulldlna as she aoL closer and closer Lo Lhe
house She kepL aolna over wavs Lo sLarL Lhe conversaLlon ln her head She flnallv had whaL she
LhouahL was Lhe besL approach when she pulled lnLo Lhe drlvewav She noLlced LhaL llnn's car
was noL Lhere She looked aL Lhe clock lL sald 347 Pe was alwavs home a llLLle afLer one on
Lhe SaLurdavs he had Lo work She aoL a sLranae feellna ln Lhe plL of her sLomach WhaL lf he
had been ln an accldenL? WhaL lf someLhlna happened? She [usL knew someLhlna was noL
rlahL Lmllv plcked up her cell phone Lo make sure she had noL mlssed a call no she had noL
She qulcklv puL Lhe car ln park and ran lnLo Lhe house When she opened Lhe door she sLopped
She looked around her home and noLlced several Lhlnas were mlsslna Were Lhev robbed she
LhouahL buL afLer looklna more closelv she noLlced LhaL manv lLems of value were sLlll Lhere
Lmllv wenL Lo Lhe bedroom and suddenlv noLlced llnn's closeL door was wlde open and empLv
Per hearL dropped She sLarLed Lo feel her lunch comlna up from her sLomach She ran Lo Lhe
baLhroom and arabbed on Lo boLh sldes of Lhe slnk Pe lefL?" she quesLloned ouL loud Lo no
one She could noL feel her knees Per head was splnnlna and she was arasplna for alr Was she
havlna a hearL aLLack? no she LhouahL anxleLv Lhls has Lo be anxleLv she Lrled Lo focus She
washed her face and had Lo collecL herself 1here had Lo be an explanaLlon Pe would noL [usL
leave wlLhouL explalnlna Lo her whv
Lmllv wenL back lnLo Lhe bedroom and saw a plece of paper folded wlLh her name on lL
on her vanlLv She plcked lL up and unfolded lL slowlv afrald of whaL Lhe noLe could enLall As
she unfolded lL a check dropped ouL
Confused she plcked lL up and saw LhaL lL was made ouL Lo Lhelr landlord for a larae
amounL of monev ln Lhe memo secLlon lL read pald ln full unLll Lhe end of lease"
WhaL?" Lmllv asked aloud She wenL back Lo Lhe noLe for a compleLe explanaLlon 1o
her horror all Lhe noLe sald was SC88?"
Sorrv!" she screamed Sorrv abouL whaL? WhaL ls aolna on?" she beaan Lo panlc 1hls
was noL happenlna Where was her bovfrlend? Whv was all of hls sLuff aone Lhelr renL pald
Lhrouah Lhe resL of Lhelr lease and Lhe onlv explanaLlon for all of lL was a plece of paper LhaL
lncluded her name and Lhe word sorrv"
She ran back Lo Lhe llvlna room Lo where she dropped her purse and dua franLlcallv
Lhrouah lL Lo flnd her phone She called hls cell lL wenL sLralahL Lo volcemall She called back
aaaln seven Llmes 8v Lhe elahLh call she flnallv composed herself Lo leave a messaae of llnn
WPA1 ls aolna on? lease call me back as soon as posslble!" As she hlL Lhe end buLLon she
dropped Lo Lhe floor and crled She had noL crled Lhls hard slnce she had moLher had passed
Per sobblna was lnLerrupLed bv Lhe sound of her cell rlnalna She knew from Lhe
rlnaLone lL was nlck She had speclflc sonas asslaned Lo each of her frlends 1hls was noL Lhe
sona she wanLed Lo hear She wanLed llnn's sona Lo be blarlna from her cell noL nlck's She
saL Lhere sLarlna aL lL for a few mlnuLes Should she Lrv hls cell aaaln? Should [usL walL for hlm Lo
call? Mavbe she could call hls parenLs Lhev mav know where he was and whaL was aolna on
Lmllv declded aaalnsL LhaL for now She LhouahL mavbe she should [usL alve lL a llLLle
whlle and he would come Lo hls senses and call her or hopefullv come home lf she [usL walLed
mavbe evervLhlna would be flne and Lhls was [usL a huae mlsundersLandlna
Lmllv aoL up and wenL over Lo Lhe couch She saL back lnLo lL and pulled her knees up Lo
her chesL She closed her eves and [usL kepL wlshlna Lo herself LhaL she would wake up from
Lhls nlahLmare She clenched her phone ln one flsL and shook lL and screamed Call me back
damn lL" Pow could Lhls be serlouslv happenlna Lo her?

WhaL seemed llke an eLernlLv buL reallsLlcallv onlv abouL an hour had passed Lmllv aoL
up Lo arab herself a boLLle of waLer Per head was poundlna bv now and her mlnd was raclna
wlLh so manv posslblllLles of llnn's reasonlna for [usL leavlna She knew lL could noL have been
from one conversaLlon Per mlnd raced from Lhe worsL posslblllLles She LhouahL mavbe he was
slck and afrald Lo Lell her or mavbe he had meL someone else and was ln love wlLh LhaL person
She felL vlolenLlv lll aL elLher of Lhose LhouahLs belna a reallLv She hoped LhaL lL was someLhlna
slmple llke he losL hls [ob and was [usL concerned abouL how Lhev could survlve flnanclallv 1haL
was someLhlna Lhev could work ouL and move pasL lf onlv he would call her and alve her an
explanaLlon 1he noL knowlna" was kllllna her more Lhan anvLhlna aL Lhls polnL
Per phone rana aaaln 1hls Llme she heard Palev's rlnaLone come Lhrouah Lmllv slahed
heavllv and hlL Lhe decllne buLLon She [usL couldn'L Lalk Lo anvone veL A few mlnuLes laLer
she heard Lhe messaae Lone She Lhrew her phone across Lhe room onLo Lhe couch She dldn'L
wanL Lo look aL lL or hear lL aaaln unless lL was llnn WhaL was she suppose Lo Lell people when
Lhev spoke? She knew Lhev would be able Lo Lell someLhlna was wrona buL she dldn'L know
whaL she would posslblv sav abouL whaL happened Pow could she when she had no ldea

ChapLer 1hree
Lmllv came ouL of her LhouahLs from Lhe pasL Lo look aL Marla who she reallzed had [usL
asked her a quesLlon WhaL? l'm sorrv mv mlnd was wanderlna" Lmllv apoloalzed
l [usL asked lf vou were Ck? ?ou seemed Lo be deep ln LhouahL? Marla asked
Ch l was [usL Lhlnklna abouL mv frlends from home and how l wlll mlss Lhem" Lmllv
sald feellna bad she had lled buL she was noL readv Lo dlscuss llnn wlLh anvone anvLlme soon
l undersLand lL can'L be easv leavlna evervone" Marla sald as she heard her cell phone
rlna Lxcuse me Lmllv l need Lo Lake Lhls call" She apoloalzed as she answered
Lmllv wenL back Lo her LhouahLs of llnn and how she leaned on her frlends ln Lhose
horrlble davs She was araLeful Lo have wonderful frlends who all qulcklv rushed over Lo be bv
her slde Lo console her
Mark had Lrled aeLLlna ln Louch wlLh llnn as well Pe had no luck aeLLlna Lhrouah or
havlna hls messaaes reLurned as well none of hls oLher frlends or coworkers LhaL Lmllv knew
had an answer for her elLher Lmllv flnallv called hls parenLs She was verv close wlLh llnn's
moLher Lven Lhouah Lhev dld noL llve ln Callfornla llnn and Lmllv spoke Lo Lhem almosL dallv
Lmllv alwavs en[oved spendlna Llme wlLh Lhem when Lhev were ln Lown and spoke Lo hls
moLher qulLe reaularlv llnn used Lo make fun of Lhem because Lhev would Lalk for Lwo hours
everv Mondav when uanclna wlLh Lhe SLars was on lL was Lhelr favorlLe show Lo waLch
When she flnallv dld speak wlLh 8osa llnn's moLher she dld noL have an answer for
Lmllv elLher She sadlv Lold her LhaL llnn sald he had lefL her and dldn'L wanL Lo aeL lnLo Lhe
deLalls Pe had asked hls famllv noL Lo push Lhe sub[ecL and would noL Lell Lhem where he was
aolna Lo be [usL LhaL he was flne and would be ln Louch and leL Lhem know hls nexL sLeps when
he declded
Lmllv was no closer Lo an answer She had Lo ao on wlLh her davs aL work as lf noLhlna
was wrona aL home She could noL leL her sLudenLs see her paln She was exhausLed phvslcallv
and emoLlonallv and when she would aeL home from work she usuallv [usL araded papers aLe
a small dlnner and wenL Lo bed earlv
As Llme passed Lmllv felL she had Lo sLarL maklna some declslons She had noL heard a
word from llnn ln a couple of monLhs now no one had excepL hls parenL who were sLlll
unwllllna Lo dlvulae anv lnformaLlon 1hev felL for her buL sald Lhev promlsed Lhelr son Lhev
would keep where he had moved Lo prlvaLe Cne Lhlna llnn's mom conflded ln her was LhaL he
dld noL leave due Lo anoLher woman lL wasn'L an answer or anv sorL of closure for Lmllv buL lL
was one Lheorv Lo Lake off Lhe llsL
Lmllv knew ln her hearL he wasn'L comlna back and Lhlnas were over She had Lo declde
whaL her nexL move ln llfe would be Per lease would be up ln a few monLhs She knew she
could renew Lhe lease and posslblv aeL a roommaLe She loved her house Lhe area her [ob
and her frlends buL Lhe more she LhouahL abouL lL Lhe more she declded she could noL sLav ln
Lhe home LhaL she had once shared wlLh llnn She would sLlll expecL Lo see hlm aL nlahL and
sLlll checked her phone and emalls obsesslvelv Lo see lf he had declded Lo be a decenL human
belna and alve her an answer Anv explanaLlon would have sufflced aL Lhls polnL When lL was
flnallv clear Lo her LhaL she would noL aeL LhaL closure anv Llme soon or posslblv ever she
declded Lo research Leachlna overseas Mavbe puLLlna Lhousands of mlles awav from Lhelr
home LoaeLher and evervLhlna LhaL would remlnd her of hlm would help her move on
Cnce Lhe school vear was over her declslon was made She had evervLhlna ln moLlon Lo
move Lo Spaln she Lold her frlends and aave her landlord Lhe approprlaLe noLlce Per frlends
were worrled and skepLlcal aL flrsL buL afLer much convlnclna from Lmllv Lhev all reallzed lL
would be besL for her nlck was Lhe LouahesL Lo crack Pe Lrled everv wav posslble Lo aeL her
Lo sLav buL aave ln wlLhln Lhe lasL few davs before she acLuallv lefL She promlsed Lo keep ln
Louch wlLh evervone Lhrouah emall Skvpe and lacebook and she would deflnlLelv be back Lo
vlslL and expecLed all of Lhem Lo come vlslL her once she was seLLled and had her place
1he flnal davs ln Callfornla were dlfflculL She was verv oraanlzed and was packed and
readv for Lhe move a few davs before she was abouL Lo leave She spenL Lhose davs she had lefL
wlLh her frlends savlna Lhelr see va laLers" because she refused Lo sav aoodbve
When nlck flnallv dropped her off aL Lhe alrporL and Lhev boLh shed Lears she almosL
had a momenL of weakness and LhouahL she would noL be able Lo board Lhe plane buL nlck
aave her Lhe flnal moLlvaLlon she needed Lo make lL Pe looked aL her dead ln her eves and sald
lL's vour Llme now Lo llve vour dream ?ou have Lhe world aL vour feeL now and vou are readv
Lo ao conquer lL ?ou have a clean slaLe for a new llfe and vou wlll be fabulous" Pe smlled aL
her hls serlous commenLarv over Pe lauahed and ended wlLh ?ou know l wlll be Lhere as soon
as vou aeL a place and plan Lo vlslL vou frequenLlv and flnd mvself some vummv Spanlsh men Lo
have random fllnas wlLh whlle vlslLlna So keep an eve ouL for me" Pe wlnked aL her
She lauahed Lhrouah her Lears and Lhev huaaed each oLher LlahLlv l love vou" She
Lold hlm
l love vou more" was hls response And wlLh LhaL she walked Lhrouah Lhe alrporL
doors 1hls was Lhe bealnnlna of her new llfe
We are here" She heard Marla snapplna her ouL of her memorles as she slowed Lhe
car down ln fronL of an aparLmenL complex LhaL overlooked Lhe waLer
Lmllv looked aL Lhe older bulldlna and Lhe beauLlful waLer surroundlna lL and felL
lnsLanLlv connecLed Lo lL She knew she was aolna Lo be all rlahL and could call Lhls aoraeous clLv
her home

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