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University Research Center

Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700


(For Undergraduate and Graduate School Students)

The Four-Chapter Format includes the following major chapters:



Writing Chapter I – INTRODUCTION

Chapter I consists of five sections namely: Rationale, Conceptual and Analytical Framework,
Paradigm of the Study, Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis.

1. Rationale

- This part contains the general orientation about the study; a mood setting for readers providing
them a bird’s eye view of the study;
- It conveys to the reader the importance of the research project and that is likely to make a
contribution to national development, or societal benefit, if not for the improvement of
condition, situation, etc.….
- The justification gradually connects it to the world of ideas (a conversation with
literature/theories), empirical data or observations (from previously conducted studies);
- The significance of the study is already discussed in this sub-section (application of the
essential characteristics of ethical research: beneficence, scientific validity, non-maleficence,
respect for person and justice); * This is discussed in detail under methodology
- This part also consists of statements on what led the investigator to launch the study. This is
bringing into focus the justification for the conduct of the study;
- Hence, the need to explore the problem and some other relevant conditions (like gap in
knowledge, new experiences and so on and so forth);
- It also discusses the circumstances in the locale that have brought about the study or personal
experiences of the author. This is to bring gradually the problem into focus.


o While there is no definitive approach in writing the INTRODUCTION, the suggested

approach in writing it is the deductive - analytic approach, sometimes referred to as
the inverted pyramid or the funnel type approach of writing; and
University Research Center
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700

o The discussion proceeds from general (global, national) to particular (local) so that the
last paragraph of the introduction will provide a link to the concepts (important study-
variables of the study) which are the building blocks of theories or ideas of authors
previously explicated.

2. Conceptual and Analytical Framework

- This part shows the set of explicated concepts, constructs, variables and propositions of
relationships between and among these concepts, constructs and variables (earlier
discussed in the INTRODUCTION);
- The conceptual and operational definitions can be integrated already in this sub-section;
- This part once again repeats the rationale for the investigation. It cites the concepts on
which the study is premised based on the ideas (theories) of authors to establish the
relationship among the variables of the study.
- This shows the central theme, focus and main thrusts of the study;
- It shows the researcher’s own position on the problem after his exposure to the various
theories and later on concepts that have bearing on the problem;
- It is the researcher’s new model which has its roots on previously explicated theories; and
- The deductive approach then gradually provides a link between the Analysis of the
Connection of Concepts (Analytical Framework) to the Statement of the Problem.

3. The Research Paradigm

- It is a diagrammatical representation of the conceptual framework, which has its origin on

certain theories previously explained and is now being applied, thus, it is a ready-made
map for the current study; and
- This part shows the processes to be undertaken or the flow of activities to be done;
including a visual representation about how the concepts (or variables) of the study are
expected to relate to each other.

4. The Statement of the Problem (Purpose of the Study)

- This part describes the general aim of the study, which is a relatively brief introductory
- A good main problem spells out expected sub-problems that will further clarify it. Sub-
questions could be in questions (Statement of the Problem) or statement form (Purpose of
the Study); and
- The specific problems or purposes show the descriptive dimension of the problems as well as
the relational-analysis dimension (for quantitative) and or simply analysis (for qualitative).

5. Statement of the Hypothesis (es)

- This part serves the same purpose as objectives.

- Stated in null or alternative hypothesis form, as they are either accepted or rejected.
University Research Center
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700

- Those studies with inferential questions are the ones placed in this part.
- A hypothesis is an educated guess that is formulated and provisionally adopted as answer to
the relational dimension problem.


Writing Chapter II – METHODOLOGY

- This part discusses in brief or concise manner the research approaches and methodologies
used by the researcher in the conduct of the study which has the following sections:
1. Research Design, a description of the design to be utilized, including the techniques to
gather data. It is important that the design truly reflects the purposes of the study (or
2. Research Locale, a description of the research environment;
3. Research Participants, a description of the participants of the study (including some
4. Instruments to be used, a description of research tool(s). This is the instrument to be
used to gather the needed data, also detailing validity and reliability requirements;
5. Data Gathering Procedure, a narration of how the researcher will go along the research
6. Treatment of Data, a description of statistical tools used in the study (for quantitative)
and or open coding, classifying, and thematic clustering of themes (for qualitative); and


o The researcher must describe in detail the application of the essential characteristics
of ethical research: beneficence, scientific validity, non-maleficence, respect for person
and justice;

o It is advisable that for complete presentation of this part, the researcher looks back at
the formulated problems and hypotheses.


- The results section of the research paper is where one reports the findings of the study
based upon the information gathered as a result of the methodology applied;
- This part logically follows the arrangement of the specific problems mentioned in the
introduction and are labelled by sections in this part;
- Foremost, one has to present the raw data by using tables and or graphs, analyze the
findings, then interpret the data by integrating similar findings conducted previously and
then explaining the implications; succinctly, it follows a logical step
a. Presentation. The researcher presents first the data. A one-line statement is provided
before the raw data presented on a table or graph;
University Research Center
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700

b. Analysis. On the strength of the results, the researcher analyzes, critics and infers.
Analyzing is bringing order, structure and meaning to the collected data; Critiquing is
identifying patterns or aspects that are similar or different; Inferring is the use of
reasoning to reach a conclusion based on the evidence;
c. Interpretation. This part is the researchers’ conversation to the world of ideas and
empirical data obtained from similar studies conducted to strengthen (corroborate)
and or refute the findings of the study.

- Thus, the discussion part usually involves three levels:

o (1)(Level 1) describing the data, usually giving emphasis on glaring mean scores
(highest and lowest – quantitative) or clusters of similar attributes or themes and
dissimilar (different/unique) attributes (qualitative);
o (2) (Level 2) analyzing the meaning of the data by critiquing and inferring; and
o (3) (Level 3) linking the results of one’s study with previously conducted studies
and drawing out implications. This is the most important part of the Discussion
Section because this is the part where the researcher is given the opportunity to
make sense of his / her findings.

- All of the work conceptualizing the research problems, setting up the proposal and
collecting data has been leading to the interpretation of one’s findings.
- The goal is to make the results and discussion section both succinct or concise and
quantitatively or qualitatively informative.
- At the end of each section, one should not forget to make a summary of the section’s
findings (compared to the five-chapter format where the findings are summarized in
Chapter 5, the four-chapter format directly proceeds to conclusions and recommendations
in Chapter 4).


- For both quantitative or qualitative studies, organize the results and discussions section
around the specific research questions;
- For quantitative, take note of the hypotheses. For qualitative studies, organize this
section around one’s themes or clusters;
- For each question or theme, go back to the literature review and look at the major
findings of previous studies;
- Relate one’s findings to the findings of those previous studies and indicate where one’s
findings aligned and where they did not align;
- Offer possible explanations as to why the findings corroborated or contradicted the
findings of previous studies; and
- Finally, it helps to think of the discussion not as the final hurdle to be cleared of the
assumptions made in the introductory part, but as an opportunity to make sense of
the findings and offer readers a final message about the meaning of one’s research.

University Research Center
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700


1. Conclusions.
- These are derived from the findings of the study;
- Good concluding statements do not repeat the data evidence from which they are
- They are briefly stated but reflective of the findings;
- It sums up the key points of the discussion, and the significant outcomes of the
investigation. Its function is to round off the story of the research findings, thus, it
a. be written to relate directly to the aims of the research as stated in the Introduction;
b. indicate the extent to which the aims have been achieved as reflected in the
c. make generalization of outcomes or information relative to the problem section;
d. acknowledge limitations of the study and highlight the significance or usefulness
of the problem section.


- Some schools integrate literature and related studies in the writing of the
- Some published journals also integrate literature and related studies in the writing
of the conclusions

2. Recommendations.
- These are derived from the findings and conclusions;
- They should be specifically and briefly stated;
- This part envisions how results could be used for the betterment of situations and life;
- They are recommendatory or suggestive not “imposing”, hence, one should be polite
in stating the recommendations.


Final Notes:

- The SMU writing format for preliminaries (title page, approval page, acknowledgement,
dedication, table of contents, list of tables, and list of figures), including format for annexes
(such as references, appendices and curriculum vitae) stays the same….

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